10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (2024)

The part of the website that the user can interact with is called the front end or client side of the website. Every website needs a backend or server side to store and manage its internal data. So is React.js frontend or backend?

React.js is a frontend library that is used with a backend. The end user of the website does not have direct access to the backend. But which backend for React should you choose? There are a lot of backend options available in the market. How would you know if your chosen backend is the right one?

In this article, you will learn how to choose the best backend for React websites in the easiest and cheapest way. Let us dive in! If you want the best way to build amazing React apps? Check out our detailed React.js course.

What is React?

React is one of the most popular frontend JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. React. was developed and used by Facebook developers to implement functionalities such as news feed. In 2013, the company decided to make React open-source so that everyone should be able to utilize the power of React. React is a client-side framework that utilizes a one-page user interface. React can also be rendered on the server using Node.js and run mobile apps using React Native.

Get to know more about React JS vs React Native.

List of 10 Best Backend for React JS

So, let’s start the collection of React.js backend frameworks:

  1. Node.js
  2. Express.js
  3. Firebase
  4. Prisma
  5. Heroku
  6. Strapi
  7. Gatsby
  8. Django
  9. Digital Ocean
  10. Ruby

1. Node.js

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (1)

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and runs JavaScript code outside of a web browser.


  • Scalable- NodeJS has several built-in features that make it a powerful tool to handle any number of users and queries.
  • Faster code execution- As Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript Runtime motor, the preparation of requests inside Node.js becomes fast, which makes the runtime motor faster.
  • Flexible- It has many built-in APIs that allow for a vast number of functionalities.
  • Cross-platform compatibility- Node.js is compatible with multiple platforms such as Unix, Linux, Windows, and mobile platforms.

2. Express.js

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (2)

Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust feature set for web and mobile applications.


  • APIs-With countless HTTP utility methods and middleware at your disposal, creating a robust API is quick and easy.
  • Performance- Express provides a thin layer of fundamental web application features without obscuring known Node.js features.
  • Frameworks- Many popular frameworks use Express.
  • Web Apps- Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust feature set for web and mobile applications.

3. Firebase

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (3)

Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world.


  • Real-time- The nature of Firebase is consistently updating. Firebase easily supports multiple users being on the application.
  • Cloud Messaging- This platform allows us to deliver and receive messages more effectively.
  • Hosting- Firebase provides the hosting of applications with speed and security. It can host Static or Dynamic websites and microservices. It has the capability of hosting an application with a single command.
  • Authentication- Firebase Authentication service provides easy-to-use UI libraries and SDKs to authenticate users to your app. It reduces the effort required to develop and maintain the user authentication service. It also handles tasks such as merging accounts, but it can be busy if done manually.

4. Prisma

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (4)

It's the next generation Node.js and Typescript ORM for Databases


  • Hassle-free migrations- Prisma Migrate automatically generates a fully customizable SQL database migration so you can make changes to your database without generating a migration file.
  • Make fewer errors with a type-safe client- The Prisma Client is a query builder that builds queries the way you want and is automatically generated from the type of Prisma schema that suits your application.
  • Scale your database connections- The Prisma Data Proxy provides database connection management and pooling. Set up a data proxy in minutes to grow your serverless application while maintaining predictable database performance.
  • Collaborate safely with your team- Invite your colleagues and collaborate with appropriate permissions. Manage and verify your application data in the cloud with the Data Browser. Then test and troubleshoot Prisma queries directly from your browser using the Query Console.

5. Heroku

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (5)

It is a cloud platform service that supports multiple programming languages. One of the first cloud platforms, it has been in development since June 2007, when it supported only the Ruby programming language, but now supports Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP, and Go.


  • Scale- Heroku scales instantly both vertically and horizontally. From small hobby projects to enterprise-level e-commerce to handle Black Friday spikes, you can do everything elegantly.
  • Heroku Runtime- The app runs in a smart container in a fully managed runtime environment. It covers everything important in a production environment, including configuration, orchestration, load balancing, failover, logging, and security.
  • Heroku Postgres (SQL)- Reliable and secure PostgreSQL as Service with easy setup, encryption on saving, easy scaling, database forks, continuous protection, and more.
  • Add-ons- Extend, extend, and manage your applications with pre-integrated services such as New Relic, MongoDB, SendGrid, Searchify, Fastly, Papertrail, Clear DB MySQL, and Treasure Data.

6. Strapi

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (6)

Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It's 100% JavaScript, fully customizable, and developer first.


  • Customizable- Easily customize the admin panel as well as the API. Extend your content management with custom plugins, in seconds.
  • RESTful- Consume the API from any client (React, Vue, Angular), mobile apps, or even IoT devices, using REST or GraphQL.
  • Open Source Forever- The entire codebase is available on GitHub and maintained by hundreds of contributors.
  • Self-hosted- Don't give up on your privacy or lock yourself in. Keep control of your data and your costs at all times.

7. Gatsby

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (7)

Gatsby is a React-based open source framework with performance, scalability, and built-in security.


  • Performance- Gatsby automates code splitting, image optimization, lazy-loading, prefetching resources, and more to ensure your site is fully optimized. No manual tuning is required.
  • Scalability- Gatsby sites do not require complex scaling operations or expensive hosting. They scale when needed, but when traffic drops, so do your usage and your cost. Host at scale for pennies.
  • Accessibility-Recognized by WebAIM as the most accessible web framework, we build in best practices like accessible routing, progressive page enhancement, and a built-in linting tool to find accessibility errors. Helps make the web work for everyone.
  • Secure- Gatsby's serverless rendering generates static HTML at build time. The lack of a server or accessible database means the absence of malicious requests, DDOS attacks, or accidental disclosures. There is no attack surface on the Gatsby site.

8. Django

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (8)

Django is an open-source, Python-based web framework that follows the model–template–views architectural pattern, maintained by the Django Software Foundation, an independent organization established in the US as a 501 non-profit.


  • Ridiculously fast- Django helps developers get their applications running from concept to completion as quickly as possible.
  • Secure- Django helps developers by avoiding many common security problems.
  • Exceedingly scalable- Some of the busiest websites on the web take advantage of Django's fast and flexible extensions.
  • Fully loaded- Django includes dozens of extras you can use to handle web development tasks. Django takes care of user authentication, content administration, site maps, RSS feeds, and more out-of-the-box tasks.

9. Digital Ocean

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (9)

Digital Ocean, Inc. is an American cloud infrastructure provider headquartered in New York City with a global data center. Digital Ocean provides a cloud infrastructure for developers, start-ups, and SMEs as a service platform.


  • Kubernetes- An easy-to-use managed Kubernetes service that provides uptime, scalability, and portability for cloud-native applications.
  • Droplets- On-demand Linux virtual machines. Choose from a variable amount of RAM, locally attached SSD storage, and a shared CPU and dedicated CPU plan with sufficient transfer quotas.
  • App Platform- Quickly build, deploy, and scale your apps with a simple, fully managed solution. It handles infrastructure, app runtime, and dependencies, so you can focus on your code.
  • On-Demand Functions- Digital Ocean Functions is a server less computing solution that runs on-demand, enabling you to focus on your code, scale instantly with confidence, and save costs by eliminating the need to maintain servers.

10. Ruby

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (10)

Ruby on Rails, or Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller framework, that provides default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.


  • Action Dispatch route URLs-Configure how URLs connect to the controllers using the routing domain language. The route exposes a bundle of actions that belong together as a resource: index, view, new, create, edit, update, destroy.
  • Action Views mix Ruby and HTML- Templates can use the versatility of Ruby, excessive code is extracted into helpers, and the domain model is used directly and interwoven with the HTML.
  • Action Controllers handle all requests- Controllers expose the domain model to the web, process incoming parameters, set caching headers, and render templates, responding with either HTML or JSON.
  • Active Records make modeling easy- Databases come to life with business logic encapsulated in rich objects. It models associations between tables, provides callbacks on save, seamlessly encrypts sensitive data, and beautifully represents SQL queries.

Factors to Consider While Choosing Best Backend for React JS

  • Scalability: Ensure that the backend architecture can scale seamlessly to accommodate increasing user loads and data volumes without compromising performance.
  • Performance:Choose a backend technology stack that offers fast response times and low latency to provide a smooth user experience.
  • Security:Implement robust security measures, such as authentication, authorization, and data encryption, to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Reliability:Select a backend solution that provides high availability and fault tolerance to minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted service.
  • Database Management: Consider the database requirements of your application and choose a backend system that supports efficient data storage, retrieval, and management.
  • API Design: Design a well-structured and RESTful API that follows best practices for communication between the frontend and backend layers of your application.
  • Integration: Ensure seamless integration between the frontend and backend components of your application, allowing them to communicate effectively and exchange data efficiently.
  • Scalability:The backend should be able to scale horizontally and vertically to handle increased traffic and data processing demands.
  • Flexibility: Choose a backend framework that allows for flexibility in development, enabling you to adapt to changing business requirements and technological advancements.
  • Documentation:Use clear and comprehensive documentation for the backend APIs and services tofacilitatedevelopment, debugging, and maintenance processes.
  • Community Support:Opt for a backend technology with a large and active community of developers and contributors, providing access to resources, support, and updates.

What Is the Need for the Backend for React Applications?

Backend development contains behind-the-scenes activities that occur during user interaction. It focuses on the server-side of the website (databases, scripting, website architecture). The backend developers write programs that communicate the database information to the browser. For example, You go on Amazon and search for a new shirt. A Back End dev uses server-side language to pull all the information about shirts from a database. This information is processed in an application and returned to the user through the Front End language.

In every React project, we manage data on the client through state and user interactions. However, many apps require data that comes from a database. The backend is responsible for getting and updating data behind the scenes. Let’s see some major use cases where the best backend for React is required:

  • For server-side rendering, to prevent the crawling of the search engine.
  • When your app requires open socket communication to support real-time events.
  • When you need a database that meets the exact needs of your requirements and services.

There are several reasons why you need the best backend for React applications. Creating an IT solution for business is a complex process and choosing the right tech stack is crucial for assuring the success of your IT undertaking. As there are many options, you should carefully consider your needs and expectations and define your project requirements. If you need help in understanding how to connect React with the backend, check out the best Web Development training institute.

Looking to enhance your coding skills? Join our Python training course and unlock endless possibilities in the world of programming. Start your journey today!


We have covered the best backend for React in this blog. Each comes with some pros and cons. To select the backend, first, prioritize your requirements and then choose accordingly.

React is one of the leading front-end frameworks for developing React applications. However, if you're looking for an app that meets your specific needs, you need a back end with React. You can add tons of desired functionality to your application with the backend. Using these backend frameworks with React, you can develop responsive web apps. If you are looking for the complete guide to building your own production-ready React projects, check out React JS course at KnowledgeHut.

10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features] (2024)


10 Best Backend for React in 2024 [With Key Features]? ›

Overview: MUI, formerly known as Material-UI, is one of the most widely used React UI frameworks. It provides a comprehensive set of pre-built components that follow Google's Material Design guidelines. Key Features: Extensive component library with customization options.

Which backend is best with React? ›

Best Backend for React in 2024
  • Top Reasons Why Node.js is the Best Backend for React.
  • Django – Best Backend for React.
  • Express JS – Best Backend for React.
  • Ruby on Rails – Best Backend for React.
  • ASP.net Core – Best Backend for React.
  • Firebase – Best Backend for React.
  • Heroku – Best Backend for React.
  • Image Source.
Aug 9, 2024

Which React framework to use in 2024? ›

Overview: MUI, formerly known as Material-UI, is one of the most widely used React UI frameworks. It provides a comprehensive set of pre-built components that follow Google's Material Design guidelines. Key Features: Extensive component library with customization options.

Which backend technology should I learn in 2024? ›

Node. js is the most popular web backend technology, with 42.7% of developers using it. Express is also in demand in the JavaScript tech stack, with a 19.51% share. According to the May 2024 benchmark, C# is the fastest backend technology based on average response time (ms) and requests/s.

What is the most used backend for React? ›

We use the most with a noun to mean 'more/less than all of the others': Ian earns the most money in our family.

Which server is best for React? ›

10 Best React. js Hosting Providers in 2024
  1. Vercel. Vercel is a front-end development platform that allows developers to get high-quality hosting for React applications. ...
  2. Netlify. A really hot platform nowadays among React. ...
  3. AWS Amplify. ...
  4. Firebase Hosting. ...
  5. Heroku. ...
  6. GitHub Pages. ...
  7. Surge. ...
  8. Render.
Jun 15, 2024

Is React in demand 2024? ›

Data from a Statista study shows that React JS is the most in-demand web framework in 2024, with 40.41% of software developers globally indicating they use it to develop web applications.

What is React 2025? ›

React 2025 is a journey from zero to production for a real SaaS app. You'll learn how to build a modern web application straight from the future.

Will Vue.js overtake React? ›

js is still a favorite among developers after a decade since its launch. The framework's large library and easy-to-use interface make it easy to build apps when compared to other JS frameworks. Vue. js offers higher performance speed, and many programmers claim it's faster and easier to use than React.

Which framework is in demand in 2024? ›

Most used web frameworks among developers worldwide, as of 2024
CharacteristicShare of respondents
9 more rows
Aug 7, 2024

Which backend language is best 2025? ›

Top 10 Future Programming Languages for 2025
  • Python: The Versatile Vanguard. ...
  • C++: The High-Performance Heavyweight. ...
  • Java: The Enterprise Backbone. ...
  • C#: The Microsoft Ecosystem VIP. ...
  • JavaScript: The Evolving Giant. ...
  • Go (Golang): The Rising Star of Cloud Infrastructure. ...
  • Rust: The Future of Systems Programming.

Which backend framework is best for future? ›

Top 10 Backend Frameworks in 2024
  1. Django. Performance and Speed. Django is quick and efficient, here's why: ...
  2. Express. js. ...
  3. Spring Boot. Performance and Speed. ...
  4. Laravel. Performance and Speed. ...
  5. Ruby on Rails. Performance and Speed. ...
  6. ASP.NET Core. Performance and Speed. ...
  7. Flask. Performance and Speed. ...
  8. NestJS. Performance and Speed.
Feb 27, 2024

Which database is best for React JS? ›

Here are some of the best local databases for React Native applications:
  1. Realm. The Realm is an object-oriented and open-source database that operates 10 times quicker than that of the relational database. ...
  2. Firebase. ...
  3. SQLite. ...
  4. PouchDB. ...
  5. Async Storage. ...
  6. Couchbase Lite. ...
  7. Watermelon DB. ...
  8. Vasern.

What is the most popular backend? ›

Top 10 Most Popular Backend Frameworks for Modern Web Development
  1. ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core is a versatile and robust framework for building web applications. ...
  2. Node. JS. ...
  3. Ruby on Rail. One of the most used backend frameworks is Ruby on Rails (RoR), also known as Rails. ...
  4. Laravel. ...
  5. Express. ...
  6. Django. ...
  7. Spring Boot. ...
  8. Flask.
Sep 5, 2024

Which database is best for ReactJS? ›

Here are some of the best local databases for React Native applications:
  1. Realm. The Realm is an object-oriented and open-source database that operates 10 times quicker than that of the relational database. ...
  2. Firebase. ...
  3. SQLite. ...
  4. PouchDB. ...
  5. Async Storage. ...
  6. Couchbase Lite. ...
  7. Watermelon DB. ...
  8. Vasern.

Is Python a good backend for React? ›

Yes, React. js can be used alongside Python. In many web applications, Python (through frameworks like Django or Flask) is used for backend development, while React. js is used for the front-end.

Is PHP a good backend for React? ›

In conclusion, integrating PHP as a backend with React as a frontend offers a robust and versatile solution for modern web application development.

Which backend is best for React reddit? ›

NodeJS is the 'best' backend for a React frontend because you can use 1-1 copies of types, classes, and functions on both the frontend and backend. This saves a significant amount of time during development and makes the entire stack more understandable.

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