10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (2024)

While nursing can be a time-consuming job, you might have a few extra hours in the week that you’d like to fill with supplemental income.

Depending on your specific line of work, you could have time for a part-time job or just a couple of hours here and there throughout your week.

If you’re trying to make more money and you’ve already triedasking for a raiseor moving up to a higher-paying position, then a side hustle might be on your radar.

Here are some of the top side hustles for nurses you might be interested in.

Side Hustle Ideasfor Nurses

Let’s dive a little deeper into each one. FYI we have an informative at the end of this blog post.

1. Start a Blog

No, you don’t need to be a website designer oreven that good of a writer to make money blogging.What you need to do is provide content thatother people on the Internet want to read.

Think about the topics that you’re mostpassionate about because odds are you can start a blog about them.

Maybe you want to create a blog about the lifeof a nurse, full of tips and advice on time management and self-care.Or, you could focus your blog on somethingunrelated to your nursing career.

You see, bloggers make money blogging aboutall sorts of different topics. For example:

  • Cars
  • Tech
  • Food & Lifestyle
  • Travel
  • Coffee
  • Yoga

Just to name a few, the possibilities are nearlyendless.

All that being said, don’t expect to start earning cash from your blog right off the bat.

It does take a lot of grit, and you will benefit from a bit of research and maybe even a small investment so you can have your own domain name.

Results don’t happen overnight, and most people fall off the blogging bandwagon before they can see actual earnings.

If you’ve got the drive and a passion for writing, then you just might be able to make this side hustle work.

What we like aboutit:

  • Relatively low barrier of entry.
  • Low cost to start.

What we don’t likeabout it:

  • Being a blogger can have a significant learning curve.
  • Blogging can take a while to see any returns.
  • Low cost of entry means competition can be high.

If you want tostart a blog, here are the quick steps you’ll need:

  1. Figure out what you want to blog about.
  2. Pick the name of your blog. Try something descriptive and make sure to avoid other company’s trademarks.
  3. Buy a domain name and set up your website through a host like BigScoots or Siteground.
  4. Customize your blog.
  5. Start creating content.
  6. Promote your blog.

That’s the simple version. Honestly, there’s more to it than that. If you want to learn more about blogging and being a nurse blogger check out this article.


10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (1)

On a related note, you might prefer to become a content writer.

There are many different clients out there, and you can find people who are looking for articles on nursing, health, and just about any other topic.

Content writing can be a great project to do on the side because it’s not as time-consuming as having your own blog.

Instead, you can help contribute to other blogs and websites on the Web.While it can be a bit challenging to get your foot in the door, once you secure some clients, you can count on a steady workflow.

As of yet, I’ve never written for another website, but I have hired freelance writers to write some articles for me on some other sites.

Typical pay for freelance writers can vary anywhere from $0.02 a word all the way up to $1.00 or $2.00 a word.

Pro Tip:
If you need some context, a 2,000-word article would cost $40 at $0.02 a word and $2,000 at $1 a word.

It all depends on:

  • The topic of the article.
  • The site you’re writing for.
  • Your experience.

What we like aboutit:

  • You set your own schedule.
  • You can decide what you want to write about.
  • You pick your rate.

What we don’t likeabout it:

  • Freelance writing can be a very low paying side-hustle, especially early on until you’ve proven yourself.
  • Work can be sporadic if you haven’t built up clients.
  • Not ideal for nurses who are not good writers or do not have a desire to learn to write for the internet.

If you would like to check out some siteswhere you can start writing as a freelancer here are some websites you can signup for freelance writing jobs:


Another fun side hustle is working as a transcriptionist.These people listen in on recordings of conversations, interviews, focus groups, and more.

Then they transcribe what everyone is saying (source).

It’s sort of like being a fly on the wall, andit’s a great way to make a pretty penny in your spare time, especially ifyou’re a fast typist.

There are lots of companies online that will hire you as a transcriptionist, even if you don’t have any experience in the field.

When you apply, they may have you submit a trial transcription to gauge your skills.The cool thing is that you will get better at the role as time goes on.

Transcription work can take place on yourschedule, too. Many companies offer a pool of recordings for transcriptioniststo choose from at their leisure.

You can work in the early mornings, late atnight, or on the weekends.As long as you’re a good listener and have decent Englishskills, you should be good to go.

What we like aboutit:

  • You get to choose your own hours.
  • Opportunity to work from home.
  • Schedule flexibility.

What we don’t likeabout it:

  • Being a transcriptionist can be a low paying job compared to what most nurses are used to making.

➡️ If being a transcriptionist piqued your interest you can take a look at the transcriptionist job openings available in your area.

4.SeasonalFlu Clinic Aide

10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (2)

Not all side hustles need to take place athome, though.You might want toconsider helping out at a community health center or public clinic during thecold and flu season.

Over 131,000,000 people in the United States get a flu shot every year, which means that clinics are going to be busy come wintertime (source).

This is especially true for public clinics and health centers that offer discounted or free vaccinations.

You could make some extra money (just in time for the holidays, too!)by working part-time at one of these centers or offices.

As a nurse, you will already have theexpertise necessary for educating patients and administering vaccinations, plusyou’ll be making a positive contribution to your community.

What we like aboutit:

  • Pay can be competitive with what nurses are used to making.

What we don’t likeabout:

  • Seasonal work, demand is high primarily during flu season.
  • Work can be sporadic.

➡️ See the available nurse flu clinic jobs in your area.

5.CPR Teacher

Your nursing background can give you anotheradvantage in terms of finding a side hustle.Consider working as a CPR instructor at yourlocal YMCA, Red Cross, or community health clinic.

Administering CPR is one of the most fundamentalduties of any nursing professional, so it’s not like it will require extraschooling or research on your part.

On average, a CPR instructor makes anywhere between $10 and $20 an hour.

This might not be much, but it’s just supplemental income in addition toyour full-time nursing job.Considering that it’s a low-stress side hustle, that’s not a bad compensation.

Besides CPR, you may be able to teach classesin nutrition, fire safety, diabetes, or any other number of health-relatedareas.

It will depend on your exact background, degrees, and certifications, but organizations such as theYMCAandRed Crossare always looking for healthcare professionals who are willing to instruct simple classes for the public.

It can be a rewarding way to spend your time while also making some extra money.

What we like aboutit:

  • A very flexible side hustle for nurses.

What we don’t likeabout it:

  • The pay might not be as high as you would think.
  • It will require a special class to be certified to teach.

➡️ Check out available CPR training positions near you.


10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (3)

Proofreading is when you review written content such as articles, books, blog posts etc. for others.

When you do that you’re looking for spelling and grammatical errors.

You’re typically also reading to make sure it reads and flows well.

The rise of digital marketing has definitely increased the demand of people who have the skillset for this.

What we like about it:

  • A very flexible side hustle for nurses.
  • You can set your own hours, you just have to meet deadlines.
  • Pay can be very competitive to what nurses are accustomed to making per hour.

What we don’t like about it:

  • It can be hard getting started.
  • You have to build your client base.
  • Deadlines can be very tight at times.

How to get started:

If you think you already have the skillset for this you can start looking for proofreading jobs on our job board.

But what I would recommend is to take a course that will show you what you need to do to get into this side hustle.

You can sign up for this FREE webinar for Proofread Anywhere.

Proofread Anywhere is one of the leading courses that will teach you what you need to know to start proofreading. Get started TODAY.

7. Tutor

10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (4)

Along the same lines, you could also thinkabout becoming a tutor.There are all kinds of subjects that people are willing to pay atutor for.

Given that nursing isn’t always the easiestdegree to obtain (I don’t think it’s ever), you could make some extra cashhelping out student nurses.

Sure, someone in college or grad schoolprobably won’t be able to pay you big bucks, but you would be surprised at whatindividuals are actually willing to pay for a tutor.

A tutor could make anywhere from $10 to $40 anhour, which can pay off if you stick with it.Plus, you will feel good knowing that you arehelping out some up and coming nursing students.Talk about paying it forward!

What we like aboutit:

  • Schedule flexibility.
  • You set your rates.
  • Rates can be very competitive to the salary of a floor nurse.

What we don’t likeabout it:

  • If you are not a good teacher or lack patience, this is not the career for you.
  • Work can be sporadic.

➡️ If you decide that tutoring might be something you want to try, check out Wyzant.

Wyzant is an online tutoring network. They connect students online to tutors that have been vetted. Oh, and yes, there are nursing tutors there.

8.Uber or Lyft Driver

Here is a side hustle that doesn’t even require any physical exertion.

The process for becoming an Uber or Lyft driver is straightforward, and the training process is brief, so you won’t need to commit to learning a new skill or line or work.

As long as you have a valid driver’s licenseand a good driving record, you should be good to go.

Best of all, Uber and Lyft allow you to makeyour own schedule, so you work when you want to.Using the Uber or Lyft app is simple, and thecompanies take plenty of precautions to make sure that their drivers remainsafe.

Working as anUberorLyftdrivercan be especially nice for a nurse because they can find work at all hours ofthe day and night.

Early morning rides are great for peoplecommuting to work, while late-night drivers pick up lots of individuals who areon their way to parties or bars.

No matter when you work, you’re bound to findpassengers to transport around town.You get to choose how far you’re willing totravel, and you almost always get a tip from your rider.

What we like aboutbeing an Uber or Lyft driver:

  • You set your own schedule. If you’re a night person or a morning person, this gig works for either one.

What we don’t like about this side hustle:

  • You’re adding a lot of wear and tear (mileage) to your car.
  • There is a safety risk when you’re driving around complete strangers.

You can find out more about being an Uber driver or a Lyft driver here.

9. Nurse Clinical Adjunct Instructor

10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (5)

A clinical adjunct instructor is a nurse that works for a university or community college school of nursing. As a clinical adjunct, you’re employed by the school on a part-time or contract basis.

As a clinical adjunct, your job duties couldvary. While you could end up teaching in a classroom, one of the primary responsibilitiesadjuncts are used for is to be clinical site instructors.

As a clinical site instructor, you’ll be withstudents during their clinicals and assisting them in their learning andjourney through nursing school.

What we like aboutit:

  • Pay is competitive.
  • You get most of the upsides of being a teacher with few of the downsides.
  • Teaching forces you stay up to date on the latest evidence-based practice.

What we don’t like about this side hustle:

  • If you’re not a good teacher, this is not the job for you.
  • Depending on what your duties are, there could be grading and prep work involved.

➡️ If any of this sounds interesting, check out some of the Clinical adjunct positions available in your area.

10. Nurse Health Coach

The institute of integrative nutrition defines health coach as being a mentor who helps their clients make informed decisions about food and life changes. The goal of the changes is so clients can feel better about themselves (source).

Who is better qualified to guide patientsthrough their health journey than a nurse.

What we like aboutthis side hustle:

  • You get to help others meet their personal health and wellness goals.
  • Every day and every client is different, so it never gets dull.

What we don’t like about this side hustle:

  • Ideally, you need to be a certified wellness coach.
  • It can be challenging to find work without prior experience.

To find out more about being a health coach here.

11. Set-up an Etsy Shop

10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (6)

If you don’t know what Etsy.com is, it’s an online marketplace of goods and services. Similar to Amazon.com, except Etsy is more for handmade products and services.

So for example, if you need a nursing resume or a nurse CV you can get that service through Etsy. What about a personalized badge reel? That’s also on Etsy.

If you have a skill, a trade, or talent, openingup an Etsy shop is something to consider.

Some examples of goods and services you couldmarket on Etsy:

  • Handmade items like clothes and jewelry.
  • Crafty type items.
  • Nurse resume or other writing services.
  • Proofreading service.

Honestly, this is only scratching the surface ofwhat you can sell after opening up an Etsy shop.

What we like aboutopening an Etsy shop as a nursing side hustle:

  • You set the price.
  • Schedule flexibility.
  • You get to market your goods to millions of people.
  • Easy to set up the online store and maintain it.

What we don’t likeabout this side hustle:

  • You pay a listing fee.
  • Primarily caters to handmade goods and services.
  • Competition from other sellers.

➡️ Learn more about opening up an Etsy shop on Etsy.com.

12. Delivering for Postmates

This side hustle is very similar to the drivingfor Uber and Lyft side gig. Except instead of moving people, you’re movingfood.

What we like aboutthis gig:

  • You set your own schedules and hours.
  • Unlike driving for Uber or Lyft, you don’t have strangers in your car.

What we don’t likeabout this gig:

  • Earning potential is low.
  • Still adding a lot of mileage to your car.
  • You might not be driving strangers, but instead, you’re knocking on stranger’s doors.

➡️ Find out more about driving for Postmates.

13. Rent Your Extra Room on Airbnb

I know several people who have rented rooms onAirbnb, and they love it. You might also be one of those who have used Airbnband have had a great experience.

If you have the extra room, house, orapartment why not list it. If it’s sitting there anyway, then it might as wellbe sitting there making you some money.

What we like aboutthis side gig:

  • Potential to make a lot of money.
  • Utilizing space or property you already own.

What we don’t likeabout it:

  • Uncertainty of having renters.
  • You could get bad renters.
  • Damage to property from renters (this is a risk with having renters in general).

➡️ Learn more about listing homes on Airbnb.com.

14. Pick-up a Part-time Hobby Job

What hobby do you have?

  1. Do you like tofish?
  2. Do you like to work oncars?
  3. Do you likemake-up?
  4. Do you like to tinkerwith things?
  5. What about arts andcrafts?

If any of that describes you, why not get apart-time job at a retailer that does those things. So for example here’s alist of retailers that would fit in with the hobbies we mentioned above:

  1. Bass Pro
  2. Auto Zone
  3. Ulta Beauty
  4. Home Depot
  5. Hobby Lobby

What we like aboutthis:

  • You get to be working in an environment where you’re talking about hobbies you like.
  • Less stress than your full-time job.
  • You get an opportunity to learn more about your hobby.

What we don’t likeabout this:

  • The wage is far less than some of the other options mentioned (sometimes it’s not always about the money).

➡️ Check out available job positions on the Nurse Money Talk job board.


Scroll down (⬇️) past the table for the full detail of each nursing side-hustle. If you’re on mobile scroll right (➡️) on the table to see the rest of the table.

Side HustlesDescriptionProsConsPossible Salary
1. Start a BlogStarting your own blog.Very little money needed to start.Significant learning curve.≥ $0
(there are bloggers making thousands of dollars a month)
2. Content Writer Do freelance writing work for other blogs or companies. Set your own schedule.
You decide what you want to write.
Work can be sporadic.
Low pay until established.
$0.02 per word – $2.00 per word
3. Content WriterListen to and transcribe recordings. Very flexible schedule.Lower paying job.$15-$30 per hour.
4. Transcriptionist Listen to and transcribe recordings. Very flexible schedule. Lower paying job. $15-$30 per hour.
5. Seasonal Flu Clinic Nurse Give flu vaccines. Competitive nursing pay.
It’s seasonal work.
$25-$35 per hour.
6. CPR Teacher Teach a class on CPR, first aid, ACLS, etc. Flexible schedule. Requires special certification to become a teacher. $20-$30 per hour.
7. Tutor Tutor students on subjects they’re struggling in. Flexible schedule. Sporadic work. $10-$40 per hour.
8. Uber or Lyft Driver Transport passengers from one destination to another. Flexible schedule. Adding mileage to your personal car. ≈ $19.35 per hour (before expenses)
9. Nurse Clinical Adjunct Part-time or contract teacher for a nursing school.Competitive pay.Might have to grade papers/care-plans or prep for class.≈ $33 per hour.
10. Health Coach Help people achieve their health and wellness goals. Every day and every client is different. Most employers require certification. ≈ $17.85 per hour.
11. Set-up an Etsy ShopSell goods or services on Etsy.com.Easy to set-up and run the Etsy store.Fee to list items.> $0
12. Deliver for Postmates Deliver food to customers. You set your own schedule. Earning potential is low. ≈ $19 per hour.
(during peak times)
13. Rent Extra Room on Airbnb Rent an extra room you have on Airbnb.com.Making money from property space that’s un-utilized.You have to deal with renters. > $0
14. Get a Part-time Hobby Job Get a part-time gig you have at a hobby store.Some have discounts to products you’re already going to buy.Low earning potential.≈ $13-$18 per hour.

Frequently AskedQuestions

Do I have to GetPaid More Money in my Side Hustle?

10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (7)

No, you don’t necessarily need to. It reallydepends on you. As you’ve seen from our list some of these jobs will pay lessthan working as a nurse.

But honestly, if it’s about making the mostamount of money possible and quickly than your best bet is to pick up over timeand critical shifts at your current nursing job.

But if you’re like many of the other nurses Iknow and you want to make more money by doing something other than nursing, thanI’m confident something on this list will probably interest you.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, one of these hustles piqued your interest!If you’re looking for more ways to make some extra cash, we wrote an article onmaking more money as a nurseyou should check out.

Let us know what you think below. Are thereany side hustles we missed but should have included?

Related Articles toSide Hustles for Nurses

  • Is it possible to be a Millionaire and Be a Nurse?
  • Can a Nurse Afford to Buy a House?
  • Business Ideas For Nurses
  • Ways to Make 6-Figures as a Nurse
10 Best Side Hustles for Nurses (in 2024) - Nurse Money Talk (2024)


What is the best side hustle to make money in 2024? ›

Things like freelancing, social media marketing, answering surveys, and proofreading for other small businesses are pretty easy side jobs from home that can still turn a nice profit.

What is the demand for nurses in 2024? ›

Registered nurses – 10% shortage, equivalent to 350,540 unoccupied positions. Licensed practical nurses – 7% shortage, equivalent to 46,920 unoccupied positions.

What side hustle can nurses do? ›

You're in luck — nursing skills are in high demand. You can pursue side work as a telenurse, freelance nurse writer, or nursing tutor. Or you can shake up your routine and become a camp nurse or nurse influencer. Learn about the best side hustles for nurses so you can explore other interests while boosting your income.

How can RNs make money from home? ›

How To Earn Extra Money Online as a Nurse
  1. Freelance Telehealth Consultations. ...
  2. Online Nursing Education and Tutoring. ...
  3. Health and Wellness Blogging. ...
  4. Remote Case Management. ...
  5. Medical Writing and Content Creation. ...
  6. Virtual Nursing Assistant. ...
  7. Online Medical Surveys. ...
  8. Online Healthcare Podcast.

How can I make $300 a day side hustle? ›

With effort and planning, you can realistically make $300 extra income in a 24 hour period.
  1. Driving for a Rideshare Service.
  2. Doing Food Delivery. ...
  3. Monetizing a Skill on Fiverr.
  4. Flipping Items. ...
  5. Doing Handyman Tasks. ...
  6. Participating in Focus Groups. ...
  7. Moving Help. ...
  8. Other Options.
Jan 22, 2024

What is the #1 side hustle? ›

1. Freelancing. Freelancing is a tried-and-true way to earn extra money and deserves a top spot on any list of easy side hustle ideas. Freelancers deliver work on a per-project basis for one or more clients and you can schedule it in your spare time.

Is being a nurse worth it in 2024? ›

Nurses enjoy robust job security due to the enduring demand for healthcare services. With an aging population and a growing focus on preventive care, the need for nursing professionals remains high across various settings, including hospitals, clinics and home care.

Where will nursing be in 10 years? ›

Looking to the future, the size of the FTE RN workforce is projected to grow substantially, from 3.35 million in 2018 to 4.54 million in 2030, enough to replace all the baby boom RNs who will retire over the decade.

What state needs RN the most? ›

Which States Need Nurses the Most?
  • California – 44,500 FTEs.
  • Texas – 15,900 FTEs.
  • New Jersey – 11,400 FTEs.
  • South Carolina – 10,400 FTEs.
  • Alaska – 5,400 FTEs.

Where can I make the most money as an RN? ›

The state with the highest annual wage is California, which has an average wage of $133,340 per year. Following behind California are Hawaii, with an average salary wage of $113,220, and Oregon at $106,610. The states with the lowest average wage are Alabama, Arkansas and South Dakota.

Which side hustle makes the most money? ›

These side hustles include:
  1. Marketing Strategy. This side hustle stands as the highest-paid side hustle of 2024, commanding rates of $178 on average. ...
  2. Mobile App Development. ...
  3. Presentation Design. ...
  4. Web Design. ...
  5. 3D Industrial Design. ...
  6. Brand Style Design. ...
  7. Packaging and Label Design.
Feb 28, 2024

What nurse quit her job to do only fans? ›

A mother-of-three ditched a 15-year long nursing career after her colleagues outed her OnlyFans side-hustle - and is now making more than $1 million a year. But Allie Rae, 38, from Boston, says healthcare workers have since reached out to dub her a 'hero' who escaped the notoriously underpaid and grueling career.

How to make $100 rn? ›

Use your skills to your advantage, such as offering tutoring classes or taking freelance assignments.
  1. Return unused items. ...
  2. Drive for Uber or Lyft. ...
  3. Sell your unused gift cards. ...
  4. Do food delivery. ...
  5. Rent out your parking space. ...
  6. Tutor. ...
  7. Sell your stuff online. ...
  8. Find freelance gigs online.
Jun 25, 2024

Who makes the most money in a nursing home? ›

High Paying Skilled Nursing Facility Jobs
  • Licensed Nursing Home Administrator. ...
  • Nursing Home Administrator. ...
  • Skilled Nursing Case Manager. ...
  • Skilled Nursing Facility Physical Therapist. ...
  • Skilled Nursing Facility Occupational Therapist. ...
  • Speech Language Pathologist Travel. ...
  • Skilled Nursing Facility Speech Language Pathologist.

What can an RN do on their own? ›

Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs

There are several options open to nurses such as consulting, coaching, and education. These business ideas for nurses are for those who want to explore their entrepreneurial spirit.

Which side hustle pays the most? ›

These side hustles include:
  1. Marketing Strategy. This side hustle stands as the highest-paid side hustle of 2024, commanding rates of $178 on average. ...
  2. Mobile App Development. ...
  3. Presentation Design. ...
  4. Web Design. ...
  5. 3D Industrial Design. ...
  6. Brand Style Design. ...
  7. Packaging and Label Design.
Feb 28, 2024

How can I make an extra $1000 a month? ›

Here are some realistic options!
  1. Freelance writing. Becoming a freelance writer is a lucrative way to produce extra income. ...
  2. Virtual assistant. If you're an organized person, then you could excel as a virtual assistant. ...
  3. Online English tutor. ...
  4. Data entry. ...
  5. Proofreading. ...
  6. Blogging. ...
  7. Social media manager. ...
  8. Resume writer.
Mar 19, 2024

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.