10 calisthenics exercises that melt fat - EcoPortal.net (2024)

Calisthenics uses your own body weight to develop muscle strength and fitness. Each exercise in this training system is designed to work multiple muscles and strengthen the entire body. These exercises don't need any equipment or weights, you can do them anywhere in just a few minutes. Although they are short on time, the intensity of the challenge is not compromised.

Contrary to popular belief, full-body resistance exercises were not invented recently. The ancient Greeks were actually the first to experiment with these physical activities, naming them calisthenics to denote strength and beauty that they considered important values ​​of their society. To prepare for battle, the Spartans employed bodyweight exercises, martial arts, and wrestling in their training regimen.

Although bodyweight exercises remain a common form of training for soldiers, the techniques are now more typical and up-to-date. Soldiers can use these exercises to not only build strength but also increase their endurance. More and more people, from coaches to teachers, do these practices to strengthen their physical resistance and skill. This trend is catching up quickly!

Even if you are already in good physical shape, you should consider doing basic calisthenics exercises. Doing so will help you reduce body fat, develop muscles and also improve your physical capabilities.

An explanation of calisthenics

Calisthenics exercises are an effective way to get in shape and improve your overall physique. Since these rely solely on the body's own resistance, they make strength training much more accessible. Not only do they build muscle and burn fat, but they also increase functional fitness and endurance.

Bodyweight exercises like squatting, bending, twisting, kicking, pushing, and throwing are a great way to connect with your primal nature. These moves mimic real-world situations and can help you stay fit.

10 calisthenics exercises to melt fat

All of these exercises are full body workouts that you can do in the comfort of your home. There are numerous exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home that really work your entire body. These exercises do not require any additional weight and are easy to follow; Therefore, they can be a great way to stay in shape. For best results, try performing ten repetitions of each exercise for three rounds total.

NOTE: If you prefer to watch them, this YouTube video can guide you through the ten exercises:

1 – Jumps

The classic 'marching in place' exercise is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise that can help you build your endurance. Depending on where you are fitness-wise, you can choose to do the original version or change it up and march back and forth.

2 – Pike walks

If you want to do calisthenics, it is best to use a sofa or chair with thick armrests. That said, you can still practice the exercise on the floor and increase the intensity by gradually increasing the height of your foot.

3 – Push-ups (a classic calisthenics move!)

Push-ups form an integral part of any bodyweight routine. They engage all major muscle groups and develop overall strength. To maximize your fat-burning workout, you can perform these exercises on many different surfaces, such as a couch, wall, or the floor. Alternatively, you can even kneel down to do an adapted version of the same.

4 – Side Plank Raises

This move works the obliques, abdominals, hip adductors, hip abductors, back and shoulder muscles, and is great for stabilizing and strengthening the spine. Before trying the intermediate versions, try it on your knees while resting your forearm first.

5 – Knee raises

For this exercise, two chairs can be used to give you enough leg room. This move combines abdominal exercises with supportive routines for an intensive full-body workout.

6 – Rows

To make your exercise easier, you should get some furniture such as two chairs or the edge of a table. It would also be wise to add back exercises targeting the arms to your exercise routine for a well-rounded workout.

7 – Swimmers

Doing cardio exercises that focus on your back, glutes, and hamstrings gives you a total body workout. Additionally, it can also help improve your posture by stretching and opening the muscles in your spine.

8 – Easy Bridge

This simple exercise can make your shoulder more flexible by stretching your biceps, chest, and front deltoids. For those with wrist problems, it's a great way to get these muscles moving without doing the full traditional movement. Simply lift your body halfway up instead.

9 – Squats

Fat-burning exercises, like squats, focus on the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Squats are a great full-body exercise as they help increase mobility in your spine, ankles, and hips. For an added challenge, try doing single-leg squats or jump squats.

10 – Lunges

Squats and lunges target the same key muscle groups, including the quads, hips, and glutes. Plus, by focusing on one leg at a time, they help improve balance, coordination, and stability.

The benefits of calisthenics exercises

Bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and sit-ups are very beneficial for fitness and muscle development. Regularly performing these movements helps improve health and develop strength.Research has revealed that these particular forms of training not only cause fat burning but also improve cardiovascular health. Because it involves compound workouts that target multiple muscle groups at once, it maximizes the number of calories burned. Other scientific investigation indicates that exercising with whole-body movements improves posture, fitness, and flexibility. Additionally, these activities can help boost your mood, improve mental health, and overall well-being.

How to Incorporate These Calisthenics Exercises into Your Workout Routine

When designing your workout routine, it's a great idea to include calisthenics exercises in your plan, as they are great for bodyweight training and can help beginners get fit. The suggestions described above can form the basis of an effective program. Additionally, you can research other popular resistance workouts online if you want more options.

Instead of doing repetitive sets of each exercise, try calisthenics circuits. They are more intense and can speed up your heart rate. Start by doing the circuit three times, resting 30 seconds between each movement. You should rest at least three minutes between rounds as well.

To get the most out of your training, you can use progressive resistance training. This involves slowly increasing the amount of weight, frequency, and repetitions to strengthen your body over time, avoiding plateaus. Making progress in your exercise routine is essential to keeping things attractive and forcing your body to continually adapt. By always raising the bar, you can ensure that you stay motivated and get the best results.

It is important to keep in mind to always go at a pace at which you feel comfortable. Pushing yourself too hard too quickly can lead to physical injury or muscle strain. So, listen to your body and take it easy. If certain exercises are challenging for you, there's no need to worry, just adjust them or try a different exercise that's more appropriate for your fitness level.

Set Specific Goals

Your fitness regimen should be built around tangible goals that you set for yourself. This way, you can stay focused and motivated to achieve them. Setting realistic goals helps maintain momentum and makes your fitness journey enjoyable.

For example, if you want to focus on strength training, practice progressive overload by increasing the weight every few weeks. Bodybuilding and weight loss become easier when the resistance level is increased. This forces your body to work hard and build muscle, resulting in an increase in your metabolism which leads to burning more fat.

It's not just about setting a big long-term goal for yourself. You should also break this down into smaller goals that are just as important. For example, running an extra mile each week or doing more sets at the gym will help you stay on track and reach your end goal.

It is essential to constantly challenge yourself and never get comfortable. Introducing new goals into the mix will motivate you to improve your health and fitness levels. To achieve optimal results, continue to push yourself beyond your current limits.

Final Thoughts on Trying These Calisthenics Routines to Burn Fat and Get Fit

Bodyweight exercises can be an effective way to lose fat and gain strength, muscle, and improve your overall fitness. Although it may seem daunting at first, calisthenics exercises like those described above can help you with this. Still, even beginners can perform them reasonably efficiently.

You don't need to invest in a gym subscription or expensive equipment to get fit. All you need is your body and a little perseverance. We suggest you try these ten calisthenics exercises so you can improve your physical condition and burn fat more easily.

Based on the Article English en by Kristen Lawrence.

10 calisthenics exercises that melt fat - EcoPortal.net (2024)
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