10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (2024)

10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (1)

Start an Airbnb

What’s really worth investing in? How do I know if starting an Airbnb is worth the risk? How can I manage it if I’m working full time? You’re about to find out.

The truth is, starting an Airbnb is hard. It’s scary, time-consuming, risky, and filled with uncertainty. But anything worth doing doesn’t come easy! If you’re thinking about becoming an Airbnb host (or are already knee-deep in getting started!) then your head is probably swirling with tons of questions like…

What’s really worth investing in? How do I know if starting an Airbnb is worth the risk? How do I know what to price my Airbnb? How can I maintain it if I’m working full-time? Do I need to promote it on social media to be successful?

Read on to get the answers to 10 of the most commonly asked questions new Airbnb hosts (just like you!) have. When you’re done, be sure to drop any additional questions you have in the comments.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m not affiliated with Airbnb in any way (other than being an Airbnb host, of course). Read my full disclosure policy here.

10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (2)


  • 10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts
    • 1. Is starting an Airbnb worth the risk? How do I run the numbers?
    • 2. Should I go with an individual housekeeper or use a bigger company?
    • 3. Is investing in major amenities (like a pool) worth it?
    • 4. How do I promote my listing? Is social media the best way to get bookings?
    • 5. How will I maintain my Airbnb while working full-time?
    • 6. How do I price my Airbnb? I don’t want to underprice and leave money on the table or overprice and struggle to maintain occupancy. I compare my Airbnb to other local listings and find pricing is all over the board.
    • 7. During high season I’m fully booked but during low season I struggle to get bookings. Should I list on another platform to fill in the gaps?
    • 8. Since starting my Airbnb business, my anxiety has increased a lot. How can I reduce my anxiety and fears to successfully run my Airbnb long-term?
    • 9. Do I need to keep upping the ante to keep my Airbnb new and exciting?
    • 10. Should I reach out to guests who have had successful stays to offer them incentives to stay again? Discounts? Ability to book directly through me for savings?
    • BONUS: How do I do my taxes?
  • Takeaway

10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts

1. Is starting an Airbnb worth the risk? How do I run the numbers?

When deciding whether or not to start an Airbnb, the best first step is to find the right potential location. Thankfully,AirDNAmakes finding the right location for your Airbnb super easy.AirDNAinstantly calculates the expected short-term rental revenue, nightly rate, and occupancy rate of any location or property you type in. If you want to minimize your risk, this data is crucial before starting your Airbnb. The best part? This data is totally free.

That said, before investing in any property, you’ve got to know the market on a much deeper level. WithAirDNA’s monthly subscription, you can dive deep into market data like monthly revenue breakdowns, seasonality, and your competitors’ performance.AirDNA’s low-cost monthly subscriptionis well worth it for the confidence you’ll get before spending even a dollar (make that hundreds of thousands of dollars) on starting an Airbnb.

However, just understanding the market isn’t enough to make a sound real estate investment. Before making an offer on any specific property, you need to run the numbers to know if it would actually be profitable as an Airbnb. Myfree Airbnb profitability calculatorwill help you do just that.

Thisprofitability calculatorisexactlywhat I use to determine whether or not a potential investment property would be profitable as an Airbnb. Based on specific inputs you’ll plug in, thisfree downloadableinstantly calculates three crucial financial metrics you need to make an informed investment decision.

TL;DR With myAirbnb calculator, you can quickly assess whether or not a property would be profitable before you even spend time touring it.

Pro tip: One of the best ways to maximize your revenue is to optimize your listing.

2. Should I go with an individual housekeeper or use a bigger company?

If possible, I would actually recommend a small-sized cleaning company that can, hopefully, give you the best of both worlds. Ideally, they’d be small enoughto really care about each individual home (you don’t want to be “just a number”) but big enough and established enough to be experienced with Short-term rental turnovers, really take their businessseriously, and have enough cleaners to have a backup if your typical cleaner can’t make it from time to time.

3. Is investing in major amenities (like a pool) worth it?

When it comes to building major amenities like a pool, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on yourexact situation. Here are a few things to consider before deciding:

  • How much would this amenity increase your property value when you sell?
  • How much would it increase your Airbnb’s nightlyrate and/or occupancy rate? I know this is hard to predict; I would start by looking at comparable properties and using the data within AirDNA. I would also consider who your target guest is and if this is somethingthey’re lookingfor in an Airbnb. Here’s my step-by-step guide to help you identifyyour target guest, if you haven’t already.
  • Are both of those “rewards” worth the “risk”? Meaning, is the amount you expect to earn from this amenity worth it compared to the cost and time it will take to set up and maintain. In the case of a pool, I would also consider liability risk.
  • Are there any otherreasons you would/wouldn’twant this amenity? (e.g. you want a pool and would use it yourself)

4. How do I promote my listing? Is social media the best way to get bookings?

When it comes to promoting your listing, I think there are two crucial things to do before promoting your listing off-platform (i.e. on social media).

First, optimizing your listing to convince as many potential guests as possible who land on your listing to excitedly hit “book!” is crucial because, ultimately, it doesn’t matter how many people you drive to your listing if you don’t successfully convince those people to book with you.

Second, optimizing your listing to show up higher in Airbnb search results will help you leverage the awesome search engine built into Airbnb to effortlessly drive potential guests to your listing right when they’re ready to book.

I would highly recommend doing both of those things before investing in promoting your listing on social media. My listing optimization guide, Listing Optimization Secrets, walks you throughhow to do both step-by-step so you can start earning more Airbnb revenue today.

10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (3)

5. How will I maintain my Airbnb while working full-time?

To answer this, you first need to decide if you want to manage your Airbnb yourself.

Whether or not you choose to manage your Airbnb yourself totally depends on your personal situation. Some hosts enjoy the day-to-day guest interaction, love being hands-on, and have no problem fitting it into their busy schedules.

However, many hosts choose to hire someone else to manage the day-to-day operations of running an Airbnb. This can be an especially good option if you work full-time and don’t have the flexibility to respond to guests right away or resolve problems at the drop of a hat. It can also be especially helpful if you manage your Airbnb remotely and can’t frequently visit the property in person.

If you think hiring someone to help manage your Airbnb might be right for you, check out this blog post. In it, I’m breaking down what exactly Airbnb co-hosts do and how to know if hiring a co-host is right for you.

6. How do I price my Airbnb? I don’t want to underprice and leave money on the table or overprice and struggle to maintain occupancy. I compare my Airbnb to other local listings and find pricing is all over the board.

First off, pricing is super hard! It’s one of the biggest things I struggled with my first year hosting because there’s just so much uncertainty when it comes to finding the sweet spot that maximizes your revenue.

That said, I think a pricing tool like AirDNA is superhelpful because rather than manually looking at a few other properties when you have the time, AirDNA makes pricing suggestions and gives you tons of competitive data based on daily analysis of all your comparable properties. So, I’d highly recommend using AirDNA toinform your pricing decisions.

7. During high season I’m fully booked but during low season I struggle to get bookings. Should I list on another platform to fill in the gaps?

This is very common! Practically every location has a low season (or off-season) when few, if any travelers, come to the area largely due to the weather not being ideal for travel that time of year.

To counteract low season, listing on an additional platform might help. Vrbo is the second most popular platform after Airbnb and many hosts have had great success with it. If you think Vrbo might work for you, I think it’s definitely worth a try! That said, I personally find that the Vrbo platform is very cumbersome and doesn’t bring in many bookings at all. To help you decide if it’s worth it for you, check out this blog post where I walk you through everything you need to know before listing on Vrbo.

However, I think a much better use of your time is to start by improving your Airbnb listing. Improving your listing (the right way!) is something you do once that helps increase your bookings forever and can have a huge impact during low season when you really need to stand out to get bookings. My listing optimization guide, Listing Optimization Secrets, walks you throughevery single step of improving your listing to start getting more bookings today. This guide is so comprehensive and filled with examples that many hosts are able to completely optimize their listing it in just one day!

8. Since starting my Airbnb business, my anxiety has increased a lot. How can I reduce my anxiety and fears to successfully run my Airbnb long-term?

When you start your Airbnb, you might find that all of the uncertainty and unknowns are super anxiety-inducing. What if something breaks while I have a guest? What if my guests are unhappy and leave a bad review? What if the cleaning doesn’t get done between stays?

I have absolutely felt this. All of the “what-ifs” of running an Airbnb can be terrifying.

The biggest thing that’s helpedme, personally, is realizing that “perfect” is impossible. When I first startedhosting, I definitely tried to make my Airbnb perfect but over time, I’ve realized that my Airbnb will never be perfect. For one thing, guests’ preferences are so subjective that even if you make everything “perfect”, some guests will inevitably dislike theverything everyother guestloved. Plus, no matter how much you prepare, unexpected things will inevitably go wrong. Instead, focus on just doing your best and not worrying about the rest. If you want some real examples of things that recently went wrong at my Airbnb and how I successfully handled them, check out this blog post.

The other thing I would consider is outsourcing the day-to-day management of owning an Airbnb. Since hiring my co-host, my stress level is a fraction of what it used to be because they now handle any issues that come up and all guest communication. Here’s how to know if hiring a co-host is right for you.

9. Do I need to keep upping the ante to keep my Airbnb new and exciting?

Probably not! Major changes to your property tend to add significant complexity. The more complex your property is, the more that can go wrong. (Think: broken hot tubs, missing game pieces, broken decor, etc.) Keeping it simple ensures your property meets your guests’ expectations and you have fewer mishaps to deal with.

If, however, your Airbnb is lacking in major amenities that are likely causing you to lose out on bookings, it may be worth investing in adding those amenities. Or if your furniture is getting worn down and creating a less-than-5-star experience for your guests, that also may be worth investing in.

All that aside, here’s what’s always worth investing in–thorough deep cleans and regular property maintenance. As a short-term rental host, the importance ofregular property maintenancecan’t be overlooked. Taking the time to visit your rental propertyat leastevery six monthswill ensure that you’re addressing small issues before they become disasters that impact your business. Getevery step of a thorough property maintenance check here. Followingthese stepswill ensure your rental stays in 5-star shape.

10. Should I reach out to guests who have had successful stays to offer them incentives to stay again? Discounts? Ability to book directly through me for savings?

Maybe! Reaching back out to previous guests to let them know how much you appreciate them staying with you and that you’d love to host them again (with or without offering a discount) might help you get another booking or two, but I wouldn’t count on it to significantly move the needle.

I don’t allow guests to book directly through me because I love the liability and damage protection Airbnb provides (“AirCover”) as well as the platform itself for getting and managing bookings. That said, many other hosts love getting direct bookings so if it’s something you’re interested in, give it a shot! Just make sure not to talk about it on the Airbnb platform—that’s a great way to get kicked off.

BONUS: How do I do my taxes?

First off, it’s important to note that I can’t advise on tax-related issues (none of the below is tax or financial advice); I would definitely recommend talking to a tax professional who can advise on your exact situation.

That said, when I first started Airbnb hosting, I asked my accountanttons of questions, which was super helpful bothfor my personalunderstanding and to ensure they knew all the important information about my exact situation. If possible, I would look for a tax professional with rental experience. One thing you could ask them about is if your rental income is considered passive income, whichmay reduce your tax burden. If you spent any money to start your Airbnb, you can also ask them if those expenses are considered “start-up costs” which may also reduce your tax burden.


Whew! We just covered a lot! You now know how to invest in the right Airbnb, set it up for success with the right cleaning company, maximize your profitability, successfully navigate the day-to-day operations and much more—great work!! What remaining questions do you have? Drop them in the comments so I can help you out.

If after reading this post you’re thinking, ‘Heck yes! Let’s do this whole Airbnb thing!’ then you’ve got to check out these other posts:

  • The Best Room-By-Room Airbnb Checklist: 100+ Essential Items
  • 9 Surprising Lessons Learned in My First 9 Months as an Airbnb Host
  • How to Start an Airbnb: 7 Key Steps to Set Up Your Rental

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10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (4)
10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (5)

Do you have any questions about how to become an Airbnb host? Let’s chat in the comments.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. You are taking all provided information at your own risk. We are not financial, real estate, legal, investment or other professionals. Nothing on this website should be construed as professional advice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature. For more information, read our disclaimer.

10 Most Commonly Asked Questions From New Airbnb Hosts (2024)


What are good questions to ask an Airbnb host? ›

Top Ten Questions to Ask Your Airbnb Host
  • Are there additional costs? Usually, the Airbnb listing will tell you, but it's not a bad idea to ask. ...
  • On what floor is the unit? Is there a lift/elevator? ...
  • Is there public transportation close by? ...
  • Are guests permitted? ...
  • How noisy is the neighbourhood? ...
  • Can we receive mail?
Jan 30, 2024

What do Airbnb guests want most? ›

Essential Airbnb amenities to include
  • Towels. ...
  • Pillows. ...
  • Bed linen. ...
  • Toiletries. ...
  • Clothes hangers. ...
  • Cleaning supplies. ...
  • Iron and ironing board. ...
  • Bin liners and garbage can. Ensure you are providing bin liners and bins so that guests can appropriately throw their waste away.
May 4, 2023

What are the problems with Airbnb hosts? ›

1. What are the disadvantages of Airbnb host?
  • Guest-related problems. Some guests may damage property, steal items, or cause disturbances. ...
  • Additional costs. As an Airbnb host, you are responsible for maintaining your property and providing amenities to your guests. ...
  • Legal obligations. ...
  • Time commitment. ...
  • Uncertainty.

What is an example of a great Airbnb review as a host? ›

5 Positive Airbnb Review Examples

They communicated well, followed the house rules, and even checked out early. I'd be happy to host them again. We had a great experience hosting [guest name]. They were so easy to communicate with and left the place clean and tidy.

What to talk to an Airbnb host? ›

Say Hi how are you or something. Compliment the place if you like it. Not something like "eat food, sight see". We're humans too, not just a house.

How do I get more attention on Airbnb? ›

Fill your place faster
  1. Let your listing description sparkle with high-quality photos.
  2. Show you've got what guests want.
  3. Maximize your time with hosting tools and by troubleshooting.
  4. Make booking easier with Instant Book, pre-approvals, or special offers.
  5. Use guest reviews to improve your listing.
  6. Get tips for the off-season.

What makes my Airbnb stand out? ›

Make your title and description attractive, informative and detailed. You need to include unique propositions about your property. Other information like amenities included, guest rules should also be mentioned. Guests need to know exactly what they are signing up for.

How do I make my Airbnb more popular? ›

How do I rank higher on Airbnb?
  1. Offering competitive prices.
  2. Receiving more 5-star reviews.
  3. Providing high-quality pictures of their accommodations.
  4. Maintaining a high response rate.
  5. Having a flexible cancellation policy.
  6. Taking advantage of the listing description section.
  7. Achieving superhost status.

How do I get the most out of Airbnb as a host? ›

How Do I Increase My Bookings on Airbnb?
  1. Turn on Instant Book. ...
  2. Price your rental competitively. ...
  3. Avoid canceling bookings. ...
  4. Respond to guests as soon as possible. ...
  5. Choose a flexible cancellation policy. ...
  6. Reduce your minimum stay and increase your maximum stay. ...
  7. Boost your reviews. ...
  8. Keep your calendar up-to-date.
Nov 26, 2023

What is the most common complaints of Airbnb? ›

In this guide, we'll delve into the five most common complaints faced by Airbnb hosts and provide expert strategies for handling them with finesse.
  • Complaint #1: Issues With Cleanliness and Maintenance.
  • Complaint #2: Inaccurate or Misleading Property Descriptions.
  • Complaint #3: Problems With Check-In and Accessibility.
Mar 18, 2024

What is the biggest issue with Airbnb? ›

A 2021 study of more than 125,000 Airbnb complaints on Twitter found that 72% of the issues were related to poor customer service and 22% were related to scams.

What is the downside of hosting an Airbnb? ›

You'll have to communicate with guests, quickly respond to their inquiries, immediately address problems when they arise and keep your place clean. In rare cases, you might need to deal with unpleasant guests or face Airbnb complaints. It takes a lot of work and can be physically and emotionally draining.

What is an example of a bad Airbnb guest review? ›

I regret having to leave a negative review, but I do not recommend hosting this guest at all. (Guest name) was polite in the beginning but did not comply with any of our house rules, such as house parties, locking the door when leaving, and our no pets policy.

Do Airbnb hosts look at your reviews? ›

Your detailed ratings for past stays, as well as your overall category and averaged ratings across stays, can only be read by Hosts when you request or book a stay with them in the future. Categories with positive ratings (4-5) will be displayed with a check mark and negative ratings (1-3) with a warning icon.

How do I make a good Airbnb description? ›

Write your listing description
  1. Keep it brief. Guests often scan listing descriptions for key features. ...
  2. Tell the story of your space. Be specific about the experience you're offering guests. ...
  3. Focus on special features. Explain what sets your place apart, highlighting the top amenities guests want. ...
  4. Be realistic.
Nov 18, 2020

What should I message my Airbnb host? ›

When it's a good idea to reach out. Before sending a trip request: You could send a pre-emptive hello or double-check that their place is available. If you have a question: You should be clear about what to expect. Just check the listing description to make sure the answer isn't already there.

What do you say when requesting an Airbnb? ›

Here's a cheat sheet for how to write a good Airbnb message: Introduce yourself, clarify what dates you are looking to travel, give the purpose of your visit (Is it to visit family?

How do I prepare for Airbnb guest? ›

Before you welcome your first guest make sure you:
  1. Lock away valuables.
  2. Create a guest handbook.
  3. Review Airbnb's processes and policies.
  4. Thoroughly clean and declutter the space.
  5. Repair any damage that could make the space unsafe (frayed wires, broken steps, etc)
  6. Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

How do I trust an Airbnb host? ›

Read the ratings and reviews

You'll find ratings on subcategories like cleanliness and accuracy, as well as detailed reviews from fellow travelers. Guests can only leave a review after their trip, so you can feel confident that the feedback in a review is from someone who actually stayed there.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.