10 Practical Tips to Clear Credit Card Debt Quickly (2024)


10 Practical Tips to Clear Credit Card Debt Quickly (1)

Are you ready to ditch your credit card debt? Are your credit card balances are sitting beyond your comfort level? Here are some practical tips to making some headway to clearing your credit card debt quickly.

1. Set a goal

This the easiest step in the process but it’s extremely important. Your goal may simply be to ‘clear your credit card debt’. However, it is important to quantify your financial goal with a figure.

Make a list of the credit cards you have and the debt on each one. Then add them up for the total balance. This is your overall goal. Some of you may be facing large amounts of debt over multiple cards.

The figure may scare the crap out of you; that’s a good thing. If it did, you probably just got the reality check you needed.

Now you can deal with your situation.

Regardless of whether you are facing a debt mountain or a molehill, it’s often easier to break a goal into manageable chunks. Focus on the smaller steps rather than the entire journey. There’s only one way to eat an elephant and that’s piece by piece!

But first, you’re going to make a commitment to putting your cards somewhere where you won’t use them.

2. Put your cards away

If you want to clear your credit card debt fast you’re going to have to stop using your cards. I know it’s pretty easy to turn to your credit card when you’re in a shop with no money. If you don’t take your card out you can’t use it. Leaving it at home intentionally places time and energy between you and a purchasing decision when you consider going home to get it. This should give you a much-needed cool off period to remind yourself of your situation.

Some of these situations will be easier than others.

For example, if you’re at work and you forgot to bring a lunch with you from home (a fantastic way to save money). In the norm, if you didn’t have enough cash to buy lunch you’d turn to your card, wouldn’t you? Since you left your card at home you probably won’t go to the effort of a journey all the way home. And if you did, you may as well grab lunch there.

Bigger purchases may require more determined thinking. If you aren’t disciplined enough then make your credit cards harder to get too.

Let’s say you’re a spendaholic and have a weakness for shoes. You may buckle at a quick drive home from the shop to grab your card to secure that $500 pair of shoes that came on sale.

Storing your credit card in a more difficult place will buy you that time. Ideas for putting your credit card in a difficult place could be:

  • a tub full of ice in your freezer
  • a locked box buried in a secure location (requiring a half hour of digging to get to it)
  • a trusted friend or relatives house

You need the card in a place where you are less likely to go to the effort to get it, but would in an emergency.

Attaching a short letter to the card can serve as a reminder of your resolve to get out of debt. You need to force enough time for the emotional purchase behaviour to subside and remind yourself of the reasons why you are doing this.

The ultimate resolve would be to cut your cards up. If you think you can do this, do it. If you believe you don’t have the discipline to keep away from your credit cards, then do it!

However, it’s always good to keep a card or two to hand for definite emergencies. For example, to cover a medical bill.

3. Prioritize your debt

Remember that list of credit card debt you made in step 1? You’re now going to prioritize that list. You can approach it in the way the debt snowball method works or in the way that debt stacking works.

To show you an example of how each method works. Let’s say you have a list of credit card debt that looks like this:

  • ABC Credit Card $100 11%
  • Vampire Debt Credit Card $2000 24%
  • Scary Credit Card $400 19%
  • XYZ Credit Card $11,000 19%

The debt stack method would have you placing a list of all your debts in order of interest rates. So, you itemise what your interest rate is and you put them in order of highest interest rate to lowest. Your list will end up looking like this:

  • Vampire Debt Credit Card $2000 24%
  • Scary Credit Card $400 19%
  • XYZ Credit Card $11,000 19%
  • ABC Credit Card $100 11%

The technique will see you paying off the credit card debt that is costing you the most each month. The debt stack method helps save you on interest paid each month, reducing the amount credit card interest you’ll pay in total. You can read more about the debt snowball here.

The debt snowball method works a little differently. This will see you placing your credit card debt in order of highest debt first, irrespective of the interest rate. Here is what your list would look like:

  • ABC Credit Card $100 11%
  • Scary Credit Card $400 19%
  • Vampire Debt Credit Card $2000 24%
  • XYZ Credit Card $11,000 19%

The debt snowball technique hinges on psychology. It doesn’t attend to the most costly debt first. It clears the smaller debts first. This reduces the number of credit card companies you hold a debt with faster. Seeing debts get knocked off the list faster is incredibly motivating to some and instills the impetus to keep at it.

If you can pay off debt by $500 a month you’ll instantly pay off two credit cards in your first month. It’s a great feeling to do that. Debt can feel like less of a mountain and is more manageable when it’s with fewer companies. This is also one of the benefits of a debt consolidation loan.

4. Reduce your expenses

The fastest way to find extra money to pay off credit card debt is to reduce your expenses. To do this effectively you’ll want to create a budget. Setting up a budget is a lot easier than you think. I even give you a free budget spreadsheet template if you sign up to my mailing list.

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A budget helps you track your spending. As you see where your money is going, you’ll be able to make decisions about where you can cut your expenses. This will free up some extra cash to get that credit card debt paid off quicker.

I strongly recommend you read the following articles:

  • What is a budget plan?
  • How to make a budget planner
  • 7 steps to budgeting like a rockstar

5. Create a spending plan

Creating a spending plan will help you live within your means. One of the benefits of creating a budget is that you will see whether you are spending more than you earn.

If you sign up to my mailing list the budget spreadsheet template I share contains a budget sheet and cash flow budget spreadsheet.

Most people run a budget on a monthly basis and therefore keep a monthly spending plan.

My budget sheet contains weekly, fortnight and monthly amounts. I break my budget cash flow spreadsheet into weekly columns. This makes it easier to track expenses. I spend a short amount of time each week entering in my expenses. That said, it’s great to have a fortnightly and monthly overview of your expenses, and yes, my budget spreadsheet does that for you.

6. Start paying off your credit card debt

I showed you to approaches to paying off credit card debt in step 3. Now is a good time to pick the best approach for you.

In both methods, you’ll end up paying the minimum balance on all the credit cards. You can’t ignore that. Both approaches require you to pay every bit of available funds to the debt at the top of the list.

If you are looking for a different approach to paying off a credit card you can check out my counter-intuitive method. I only recommend this when you get down to one card, though.

Whether you choose the debt snowball or debt stacking method is entirely up to you. If you find one isn’t working then feel free to switch. It’s really important to find a method that works for you and one that you are going to stick too.

7. Using savings to pay off credit card debt

If you have a savings account you should seriously consider using this to pay off your credit card debt.

It’s advisable if you don’t have one already, to keep an emergency fund available. Any savings over and above an emergency fund would be better put to use on high-interest debt. You can read my post discussing this subject here.

The interest you will be paying on a credit card will likely be substantially higher than what you will be earning on a savings account. You will save yourself a lot of money on interest payments by using those funds.

You may also be able to opt out of government incentivised savings schemes for a period of time to help you pay off a debt. Consider also using any income tax savings or refunds to pay off your credit card debt too.

Once you’ve paid off your credit card debt you should maintain your resolve to pay back the money you used from your savings account.

8. Consider a debt consolidation loan

Debt consolidation loans or bank transfers can be an excellent way to get out of debt. A low-interest credit card balance transfer can be one of the best options too.

Make enquiries with your credit card provider to arrange a no interest, or low-interest balance transfer. I have often shopped around in this way and have found I can get 12 months on 0% easily. Make sure you do the math carefully, though. Some companies charge you a transfer fee.

If you have a balance on a card you want to transfer to ensure you pay it off first. If you don’t payments you make to the balance may service the 0% balance first. Check the terms and conditions carefully to see how your credit card provider handles this.

A debt consolidation loan charges you a fair amount of interest in most cases. They have the advantage of accumulating your debts into one place and working out a repayment plan you can cope with.

If you choose either of these options you would be wise to cut up or cancel any credit cards you pay off with the loan so you aren’t tempted to keep using them.

It’s often the case that people don’t change their behaviour when consolidating a debt. When you experience “the journey” of paying down a debt you build better financial habits that prevent you from going down the same road again.

It’s not the achievement of the goal that’s important, it’s the journey and how it changes you.

9. Refinancing a mortgage

Taking a balance off your mortgage is often the best way to find low-interest funds if you have enough equity in your property.

You should budget your money to pay off amounts used from your mortgage to navigate back to a good financial position as soon as possible.

Be careful though! Using your home as a cash machine is a road to financial destruction.

10. Find alternate sources of income

Looking for additional ways to make money is a good option for helping to pay off a credit card debt. The most logical option is to find a second job but this is not an option for some people. There are a number of ways to boost your income examples include babysitting, pet sitting or house sitting. You could advertise a room in your home on Airbnb. You simply need to think outside of the box.

Many people are also turning to blogging as a way to earn extra income online. Since this blog started in January I have pulled in about $1000 of extra income.

There are many bloggers out there that are earning far more than that. Some are earning upwards of 6 figures a month!

I’m documenting my journey through this blog as I attempt to hit the same figures. There’s another reason for you to sign up to my mailing list and follow along! If you follow along you can take the tips and tricks I share with you in my monthly income and traffic reports to replicate on your own blog.

It’s really easy to set up your own blog, and a lot cheaper than you think. You can get started from as little as $3.95 a month. Here’s a post that’ll explain how to get started.


10 Practical Tips to Clear Credit Card Debt Quickly (2024)


10 Practical Tips to Clear Credit Card Debt Quickly? ›

The debt snowball approach is an accelerated payoff strategy that can save you both time and money. To get started, make the minimum payment on all of your credit cards. Then, if you can put additional money toward your debt each month, apply it to the card with the lowest balance.

How to get rid of $30k in credit card debt? ›

How to Get Rid of $30k in Credit Card Debt
  1. Make a list of all your credit card debts.
  2. Make a budget.
  3. Create a strategy to pay down debt.
  4. Pay more than your minimum payment whenever possible.
  5. Set goals and timeline for repayment.
  6. Consolidate your debt.
  7. Implement a debt management plan.
Aug 4, 2023

What is the quickest way to pay off credit card debt? ›

Strategies to help pay off credit card debt fast
  1. Review and revise your budget. ...
  2. Make more than the minimum payment each month. ...
  3. Target one debt at a time. ...
  4. Consolidate credit card debt. ...
  5. Contact your credit card provider.

What is the best strategy for paying off credit card debt questions? ›

The debt snowball approach is an accelerated payoff strategy that can save you both time and money. To get started, make the minimum payment on all of your credit cards. Then, if you can put additional money toward your debt each month, apply it to the card with the lowest balance.

What is the best way to wipe out credit card debt? ›

Here are six ways to get out of credit card debt.
  1. Create a Payment Strategy. Developing a credit card strategy can give you more control over repaying your debt. ...
  2. Pay More Than the Minimum Payment. ...
  3. Debt Consolidation.
  4. Negotiate With Your Creditors. ...
  5. Review Your Spending and Have a Household Budget. ...
  6. Seek Debt Relief Assistance.
Nov 20, 2023

How to pay off $18,000 fast? ›

  1. Make a List of All Your Credit Card Debts. You can't get where you're going if you don't know where you are. ...
  2. Make a Budget. ...
  3. Create a Strategy to Pay off the Debt. ...
  4. Pay More Than Your Minimum Payment. ...
  5. Set Achievable Goals. ...
  6. Consider Debt Consolidation. ...
  7. Seek Credit Counseling.
Sep 14, 2023

How long will it take to pay off $20,000 in credit card debt? ›

It will take 47 months to pay off $20,000 with payments of $600 per month, assuming the average credit card APR of around 18%. The time it takes to repay a balance depends on how often you make payments, how big your payments are and what the interest rate charged by the lender is.

How to get out of debt with no money and bad credit? ›

How to get out of debt when you have no money
  1. Step 1: Stop taking on new debt. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine how much you owe. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a budget. ...
  4. Step 4: Pay off the smallest debts first. ...
  5. Step 5: Start tackling larger debts. ...
  6. Step 6: Look for ways to earn extra money. ...
  7. Step 7: Boost your credit scores.
Dec 5, 2023

How do I pay off my credit card ASAP? ›

Try the snowball method

With the snowball method, you pay off the card with the smallest balance first. Once you've repaid the balance in full, you take the money you were paying for that debt and use it to help pay down the next smallest balance.

What is the debt avalanche method? ›

The debt avalanche is a systematic way of paying down debt to save money on interest. Individuals who use the debt avalanche strategy make the minimum payment on each debt, then use any remaining available funds to pay the debt with the highest interest rates.

What is the best debt elimination method? ›

In terms of saving money, a debt avalanche is better because it saves you money in interest by targeting your highest interest debt first. However, some people find the debt snowball method better because it can be more motivating to see a smaller debt paid off more quickly.

How to aggressively pay off debt? ›

Make debt payments beyond the minimum.

Making more than your required minimum payment can help you pay off debts more quickly and save money in interest charges. Earmark unanticipated funds, such as your tax return or a bonus, for debt payments.

What habit lowers your credit score? ›

Making late payments, even a single day late, can significantly affect your credit. This becomes especially true if you make a habit of paying late. Some lenders or credit card companies will charge you a fee for being a single day late and could cut you off from making further purchases on the account.

What is the trick to paying off credit cards? ›

How to pay off credit cards in 7 steps
  1. Stop using your credit cards. ...
  2. Get a realistic fix on your debt. ...
  3. Begin the month with a budget. ...
  4. Make timely payments. ...
  5. Make more than minimum payments. ...
  6. Focus on cards with low balances or higher interest rates first. ...
  7. Request rate reductions.

How can I legally get rid of my credit card debt? ›

Chapter 7 bankruptcy: This fairly quick legal process can wipe out your unsecured debts through what's called a “discharge.” Chapter 13 bankruptcy: Chapter 13 can also result in a discharge, but typically only after you complete a 3-5 year repayment plan.

How can the elderly stop paying credit cards debts? ›

Option Two: File a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The “upside” of proceeding in this fashion is that your Chapter 7 Trustee will not be able to reach your assets either, and the stress associated with harassing phone calls and other collection activities will stop immediately upon the filing of your bankruptcy petition.

How to clear 30K of debt? ›

Ways to clear your debt
  1. Informally negotiated arrangement.
  2. Free debt management plan (DMP )
  3. Individual voluntary arrangement (IVA)
  4. Bankruptcy.
  5. Debt relief order (DRO)
  6. Administration order.
  7. Debt consolidation and credit.
  8. Full and final settlement offer.

Is 30K in debt a lot? ›

The average amount is almost $30K. Some have more, while others have less, but it's a sobering number. There are actions you can take if you're a Millennial and you're carrying this much debt.

How to pay off $20k in debt fast? ›

Use a debt consolidation loan

With a debt consolidation loan, you borrow money from a lender and roll all of those debts into one loan with a single interest rate. This allows you to make one monthly payment rather than paying multiple creditors.

What is considered excessive credit card debt? ›

The general rule of thumb is that you shouldn't spend more than 10 percent of your take-home income on credit card debt.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.