10 Things To Give Up If You Want Financial Peace (2024)

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We all want a little financial peace. Okay, maybe a lot of it, okay?

There’s no need in acting like we don’t. You want peace of mind when it comes to your bills. No more worrying in the middle of the night whether or not your groceries will last until your next paycheck.

Yet, with a desire so strong, why are there so many people out there who are dealing with financial stress? Why is financial peace elusive to so many of us?

Well, you might not have heard the reason before but I’m pretty darn certain it’s because of our mindset. I don’t care how you spin it, your mindset can hold you back in so many ways. That’s why I’m dedicating more time to my money mindset than I even dedicate to budgeting. It’s just that serious to me.

I’ve tried many budgets, but none of them worked for me until I dealt with my beliefs about money. I’m talking about those deep, icky, long forgotten about beliefs that were planted in your mind when you were only 2 or 3 feet tall.

I was perusing Instagram the other day and saw a meme about things you should give up if you wanted to get rich. I decided to switch it up a bit and discuss some things you might want to give up if you want financial peace.

Let’s get into it…

10 Things To Give Up If You Want Financial Peace (1)

10 Things To Give Up If You Want Financial Peace

1. Complaining

Complaining doesn’t change anything. Unless of course, you’re complaining to a manager at a restaurant that you found a piece of hair in your food or your server left you with an undesirable experience.

Basically, complaining has its place in life and serves its purposes. Sometimes. However, when it comes to your finances…nah. It’s not going to change anything.

Complaining about how rich folks don’t care about poor people problems isn’t going to give you financial peace. Focusing on how the rich always seem to be getting richer and nothing is popping off for you is not going to give you peace either.

The only thing complaining about your finances is going to do is frustrate you. And maybe even make you miserable. I’ve seen it. I personally know people like this and honestly, it’s a chore being around them. So, I know it has to be a chore to complain and not get anywhere doing so.

Replace the complaining with gratitude and you’ll feel a million times better. That’s financial peace right there.

You may not have all of your money problems solved, but if you’re grateful for the things you do have — like how you live in a country that actually provides you with so many freedoms. Yeah, that’s something to be grateful for because you can’t side hustle, stack coins, and get rich in some countries. Imagine that.

Also, check out:

4 Ways to Be Happier About Your Finances

How to Plan for The Future While Enjoying Life Now

2. Comparison

It’s so easy to compare your progress to someone else. That friend you graduated college with just got promoted to vice president at their company. Meanwhile, you’re still in the same position you were in after graduating ten years ago.

Trust me, I know it feels some kind of way because I’ve been there. Instead of focusing on Bonita’s promotion what we should be doing is making sure we are improving our skills so we could get a big promotion.

Do not compare your finances or your life to someone else because these people have probably done A LOT of things you might not even be willing to do in order to get there.

When you get ready to compare yourself to someone, think of yourself as a pineapple and the other person as an apple. There’s no comparison. You’re two different fruits and both are quite delicious! So focus on what you have to offer and don’t worry about anyone else.

Related Reading:

Get Out of Debt Tips You Absolutely Need to Know (From Folks Who’ve Done It!)

7 Reasons You’re Living Paycheck to Paycheck (And How to Fix It!)

3. Negative self-talk

Be conscious of the things you say to and about yourself. You might jokingly say you’re an idiot who’s incapable of saving money, but your subconscious is taking you at your word. Repeating thoughts like that, there’s no wonder why you’re unable to save money!

Use the right language when you’re talking to yourself. Motivate yourself like no one else can. You’ve got goals and dreams, we all do. Never forget about them.

If you use affirmations, make sure you feel them. When you feel good about the affirmations you’re telling yourself, you are in alignment. Being in alignment with whatever you’re telling yourself is the quickest way to manifest your desires.

Related Reading:

5 Inspirational Money Books That Will Transform Your Finances

50 Ways to Better Yourself This Year

Why An Emergency Fund Won’t Give You Peace of Mind

4. Jealousy

Jealousy will not get you what you want. Period.

If you find yourself jealous because of something someone else has or the way they are living their life, this is a great time to evaluate what you want in life. Then figure out how to get it for yourself.

Being envious of someone else’s life will not make you feel better. In fact, the negative energy can push you further away from the thing you’re actually jealous about.

I know it’s completely normal to be envious of something occasionally. But as I said, you’re only jealous of something you want deep down inside. Consider it as if you’re taking a peek in the mirror. Whatever it is you’re jealous about is simply a reflection of your innermost desires.

5. Inconsistency

Have you ever created a goal, stuck with it for about two weeks and fell completely off the wagon? I’m talking about six months later off the wagon. Before you even realize that you totally neglected whatever you set out to do, life has taken you on a different journey.

But yet, you still have this feeling that you haven’t done what you needed to do. You are inconsistent with your efforts on achieving your goals. I’ve struggled with this myself and I’ve found out that sometimes you have to put in more than a little effort. You need to find some accountability.

6. Inaction

Inaction and inconsistency go together like peanut butter and jelly. Not taking action on something or doing something inconsistently is basically the same thing.

You might set a goal to get your finances together but if you don’t create a budget — ummm….yeah, that’s going to be pretty difficult to do.

Another goal could be to go on a family vacation without using credit. Well, you need to set up anautomatic savings plan. If not, you greatly increase the chances of being inconsistent and failing to follow through on your goals.

Related Reading:

The Top 13 Ways to Get FREE Gift Cards

3 Month Money Challenge – Save $1,000 (Free Money Challenge Printable)

7. Unwillingness to invest in yourself

Now this one is probably my favorite one because it’s often the most overlooked. I recently did a quick money mindset survey on some individuals for a project I’m working on.

The most intriguing question was, “If you had an extra $100 what would you do with it?” The answer choices provided were as follows: save, pay offdebt, go out for the weekend, or invest in self-improvement.

Only one person indicated they would invest in self-improvement. The majority indicated they would pay down debt or go out for the weekend.

I think it’s important to invest in yourself because the payoff can be tremendous! Think about it, you spend money on things every month that isn’t of any value.

The cable company takes their money and you’ll never see it again. The only thing you get out of it is a few hours a day of television. Basically, the money spent is not paying any dividends.

However, let’s say you love to write and you are a freelance writer. Investing money instarting a blogcould pay huge dividends in the long-run. You could land additional writing gigs and diversify your income through blog monetization.

Another good investment would be on a course that teaches you some type of skill. Maybe you’re not a freelance writer yet, but you love writing. Investing in a good freelance writing course that teaches you how to land clients and deliver quality work could pay off!

8. Doubt

Doubt is a tricky little sucker. You will be in the middle of creating an awesome plan to pay off your debt or save $10,000 and then that little voice will say, “Nah, homegirl. You can’t do that.”

Don’t you just hate that? Like who does she think she is to tell you what you can and can’t do? Let me give you a little tip. Tell her to shut up and just do it anyway.

9. Bad money beliefs

I can seriously write an entire book on money beliefs. Mindset issuesare your biggest personal finance issue, not your debt or your lack of savings.


Well, because your beliefs about money are what got you into debt and living without savings in the first place.

I want you to do a little exercise if you don’t believe me. Grab a pen and paper and write down everything you believe about money. Once you’re finished take a look at what you wrote down and read it out loud.

When you read your beliefs, take note of how those beliefs make you feel. If you feel disappointment, fear, resentment, or any other yucky feeling I’m overlooking — you probably have some negative beliefs about money.

10. Any place, person, or thing that doesn’t value you.

Look, if there is anyone in your life who is telling you that you’re not worth the trouble, effort, money, love, etc…they don’t need to be in your life.

This includes people who don’t value your opinions, respect your ideas, and spur you on to be the best version of yourself.

Of course, you can’t get rid of everybody (in some cases), but you can limit your exposure to their negativity. You’ll be amazed at the financial peace that comes from not dealing with other people’s money issues too.

Go get your financial peace

Financial peace is attainable. You just have to be prepared to do whatever needs to be done to achieve it.

Many think they are ready, and they very well may be. However, you have to deal with the financial work and the inner work involved.

Don’t dismiss financial peace as something only reserved for a select few. With a good strategy and the willingness to give up the things you’re used to doing — you can definitely reach a place where you rest easy when it comes to your finances.

10 Things To Give Up If You Want Financial Peace (2)

10 Things To Give Up If You Want Financial Peace (2024)


What are the 7 baby steps of Dave Ramsey? ›

You can too!
  • Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund.
  • Pay Off All Debt (Except the House) Using the Debt Snowball.
  • Save 3–6 Months of Expenses in a Fully Funded Emergency Fund.
  • Invest 15% of Your Household Income in Retirement.
  • Save for Your Children's College Fund.
  • Pay Off Your Home Early.
  • Build Wealth and Give.

How much does the Dave Ramsey program cost? ›

Ramsey+ has three different pricing options so you can do what's best for your budget: Three months for $59.99. Six months for $99.99. 12 months for $129.99.

How to have financial peace? ›

Financial Zen: How to Get Financial Peace of Mind
  1. Get out of debt. This is often the first necessary step. ...
  2. Pay your bills as soon as they come in. ...
  3. Make your payments automatic. ...
  4. Develop a financial security net. ...
  5. Review your finances at least weekly. ...
  6. Talk about money with your partner.

What does Dave Ramsey say about giving? ›

No one has ever become poor by giving. Give away at least some of your money, whether through a tithe, charitable contribution, or gift to a friend in need. Not only does it generate good, but it generates contentment. Giving liberates the soul of the giver.

How can I save $1000 fast? ›

Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a lot of ideas on the subject, and here are some of the most practical ways to save your first $1,000 quickly.
  1. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  2. Bring Your Own Lunch. ...
  3. Avoid Coffee Out. ...
  4. Re-Sell Old Items. ...
  5. Shop at Cheaper Grocery Stores With Rewards Programs. ...
  6. Buy Generic. ...
  7. Join a Carpool.
Dec 28, 2023

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

How much does Dave Ramsey recommend for house payment? ›

We recommend keeping your mortgage payment to 25% or less of your monthly take-home pay. For example, if you bring home $5,000 a month, your monthly mortgage payment should be no more than $1,250.

Are Dave Ramsey courses free? ›

There is free unlimited access to nine different group coaching topics. You have a free year to use Every Dollar, the Ramsey budgeting program.

How to budget $5000 a month? ›

Example of a 50-30-20 budget

Here's an example of budgeting using the 50-30-20 rule. If you bring home $5,000 after-tax each month, according to the rule you'd split your income as follows: $2,500: 50% of your income, is allocated towards necessities — rent, utilities and groceries.

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How to Live Without Money
  1. Making Your Plans.
  2. Arranging Accommodation.
  3. Finding and Growing Food.
  4. Supplying Other Needs.
  5. Planning Transportation.

How do I stop being struggling financially? ›

How We Make Money
  1. Prioritize what you can control on discretionary spending.
  2. Find ways to earn more money.
  3. Pay essential bills.
  4. Save money during trying times.
  5. Track your money-saving progress.
  6. Talk to your lenders.
  7. Consult with an expert financial advisor.
May 21, 2024

How do I stop being financially broke? ›

Listed below are some ideas:
  1. Create a budget. Budget your income for essential expenses, debt repayment, and savings.
  2. Reduce expenses. Shopping around lets you find cheaper alternatives to groceries, subscriptions, and entertainment.
  3. Cook more at home. Eating out is expensive. ...
  4. Shop around. ...
  5. Boost your income.
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Should I tithe if I am in debt? ›

If you're in debt, tithing should still be a priority. Listen, I know it's tempting to throw that money at your debt, but the discipline and faith that tithing brings are so worth it. Even while you're paying down debt, you can still have an attitude of generosity.

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Remember, tithing was an Old Testament obligation that was incumbent on the Jews under the Law of Moses. Christians are dispensed from the obligation of tithing ten percent of their incomes, but not from the obligation to help the Church.

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For example, let's say you want to retire early at age 55. That means you need to have enough money in your bridge account to last about 4 1/2 years. So if you expect to live off of $50,000 each year in retirement, your goal should be to have at least $225,000 in your bridge account by the time you turn 55 years old.

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One core element of Ramsey's teachings is his "Baby Steps" process for building wealth, which lays out a seven-step sequence for everyone to follow: 1) build a $1,000 starter emergency fund; 2) pay off all (non-mortgage debt); 3) save a 3- to 6-month emergency fund; 4) save 15% of income for retirement; 5) save for ...

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.