10 Things You Shouldn't Buy When You Are Struggling Financially (2024)

Are you struggling financially? We had! I know I had! Here are 10 things you shouldn't buy when struggling financially and getting your finances in the right direction.

One thing is for sure, 2020 has proven to us that things can change overnight. It hasn't been an easy year or experience for many.

Now, if you have been having issues managing your money before 2021 and continue to do so, you must first reduce your spending and avoid spending on things you don't need.

Be smart about how you spend your money, and make sure you find the best deals and save. For online shopping, we recommend Capital One Shopping.

10 Things You Shouldn't Buy When You Are Struggling Financially (1)

Often, when we struggle financially, the majority of the time is our fault, and the only way to tackle it is to make changes.

I speak from experience!

After learning and accepting the hard fact that I created the financial mess I was in, I had to step up my game and change the way I viewed money and wealth and change my mindset.

When I sat down and looked honestly at why I was struggling financially, even with a good-paying job, the truth was that it was me.

And even as I struggled financially, I continued to spend money on things I shouldn't have spent.

My reasons?

  • Habit.
  • Consumerism.
  • To show off.
  • Ignorance.
10 Things You Shouldn't Buy When You Are Struggling Financially (2)

If you are struggling financially, wasting money on the things below will affect you even more. So instead of making these purchases, find an alternative that will save you money rather.

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When struggling financially, avoid spending money on the items or services below.

New Books and Buying Magazines

Suppose you are spending money on new books. Of course, you don't have to spend money to enjoy a good book; if you do, there are many ways to get free or reduced books.

The solution to this problem was to visit your local library, find them free online as eBooks, buy them used, or ask to borrow the book if your friend or family has it.

Love magazines? Please don't buy them!

Do people still read magazines? Yes, people still read magazines.

Printed magazines are not as popular as they used to be, thanks to digital. A once $46 billion year industry is now down to $28 billion because people purchase physical magazines and digital.

Now, if you are paying for a magazine subscription, it's time to stop and save that money elsewhere.

In an era of the internet and information overload, you can get news and drama online for free most of the time.

Music & Movies

The same can be said for music and movies. Head to your local library and find a good selection of DVDs you can rent.

Pluto TV is a free app with movies and shows and doesn't ask for a credit card or bank information.

Why is Pluto TV free?

Pluto TV is free because it is supported by advertisers, which means it has commercials and ads.

Even YouTube has a large selection of free movies you can stream on their website. The same can be said for music; you can listen to music for free on the radio or free online.

Many streaming services online allow you to listen to music for free. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can stream music for free and watch movies and shows as well.

Bottled Water

Stop purchasing bottled water, as this is a massive waste of money and bad for the environment. Millions of plastic bottles are thrown away daily!

In the bottled water industry in 2020, sales exceeded $36 billion, up from $34.6 billion in 2019. (source). Billions of dollars are made from water; if you think that certain water is better than others, let me say that's consumerism at its best.

To save money and mother earth, stop buying bottled water and buy an excellent non-plastic reusable bottle.

Many bottles come with filters, and some with fantastic insulation keep the water nice and cool for hours.

Don’t buy K-cup

Besides buying bottled water, you should avoid spending your money on K-cups if you have financial problems.

When you buy K-cups for your particular coffee machine, you pay way more for coffee than when you purchase grounded coffee.

According to the NY Times, K-Cup coffee costs roughly $50 per pound! So instead of purchasing K-cups, use reusable k-cups and avoid wasting money on them.

Checking account

I have to say that I am not shy about closing a bank account when fees go insanely high. Some of these major bank institutions are out of their minds with their monthly fee to maintain your money.

Can you find banks that will give you an account for free? Yes! You have to look online. There are out there!

Many banks are now requiring minimum direct deposits a month and a certain amount of debit transactions. In addition, there are other restrictions you must follow, so please make sure you shop around for banks.

If you are looking for an entirely free fee bank, I use Capital One 360 and recommend it to anyone. I used this bank account for my Christmas savings. So far, I have never had any fees, and I am pleased with them.

Monthly Subscriptions

Regarding monthly subscriptions, you can find that just about anything now has monthly payments. These include subscription boxes, streaming services, memberships, and so much more.

Subscription boxes are trendy, and chances are you have seen them promoted all over the place, even from your favorite star to YouTube influencers to social media ads. Still, the truth is that they are the first thing you need to stop when struggling financially.

Subscription boxes are not a need, and even if you are purchasing food items or pets, when you calculate how much you spend on them an entire year, chances are you would not spend that amount of money at all.

Since the pandemic, there has been a higher increase in subscription boxes that deliver fresh food, most of which are organic. So again, make sure you do the math and find out if this is worth investing your money in when struggling financially.

The same thing can be said about streaming services. It seems like every other month. There is a new streaming service popping up with a monthly fee.

Here's the thing to keep in perspective these services cost between $5-$14 a month with a guaranteed price increase. In addition, depending on your mobile plan, you will require internet, and that's another expense to add to this.

Do you know how cable and satellite have way too many channels we can't all watch? The same can be said about these streaming services. Do you need all of them? When you add them up, you might be surprised you are paying for cable services and satellite.

Therefore, subscription boxes are not a need and should be avoided when struggling financially.

Attack major home improvements when not needed

This sometimes makes no sense, but it happens. When in debt, let's take a loan and remodel the kitchen, the bathroom, or anything that needs to be renovated in the house. First, why are you accumulating more debt?

It is understandable if your sink broke and you need one. If your tub has a hole and it causes water damage.

Emergencies are understandable, but completely changing a room when you are having a hard time managing your money makes no sense.

If you don't have the money, a remodel is not at the top. However, you will be able to do any remodeling you want after taking care of your finances.

A new cell phone

Instead of buying a new phone, there is nothing shameful about buying a used one. No law states that you need to upgrade your phone every two years.

Cell phones are expensive, and most of the time, cell phone companies are now making you pay for your phone via installment payments.

You don't need a new cell phone if you don't have money. You will be OK without a new cell phone.

If your old phone can still make phone calls, send texts, and do the basics, then you don't need a new one.

Save the money and pay your debt.

If you are ready to switch from your expensive phone contract, I recommend you check out

We recommend:

A new car

If you have debt and are struggling financially, please don't buy a new car. Can you afford it? Why would you do that yourself?

Buying a new car is a terrible mistake when you are struggling financially. Your credit might not be the best. You are struggling financially and are now adding monthly payments.

Avoid buying a new car until you are financially available to do so. Then, when you do finish, you will realize that buying a new car might have been a terrible move after all.

Get your hair colored professionally

Box hair color will be your friend when you pay your debt and try to take care of your finances.

If you are struggling with finances, paying for your hair professionally is not intelligent. Avoid getting your hair done, and get a pedicurein a great chairlike this. More about the pedicure next, but you know what I'm talking about.

I had to quit going to the hair salon because I couldn't afford it when paying off my debt.

I learned to trim and color my hair on my own. That saved me money that I used to pay my debt. Once I was done, I budgeted to have my hair color done professionally, but not always. I kind of like to use my money for something else.

I know I said ten things not to buy, but I had to add this one below last minute!

Get a manicure or pedicure

Pedicure and manicures are not needs but want; if you are struggling financially, you can avoid them until you can add them to your budget.

There are affordable ways to have your manicure and pedicure at home, and it will save you money and give you time to focus on other essential things to help you get out of your financial struggles.

When it comes to financial struggle, not one size fits all. But, of course, there are many other things you can skip that will help you keep your money and place it where it is needed.

The road to managing your money and living the life you want is not easy at all. It starts with us and analyzing why we buy the things we do and make changes. Consumerism is high in this country.

We spend because society wants us to spend money. You will be OK with the items mentioned above, and you will be alive. They are not needed.

What things did you stop buying during your financial struggles to help you financially?

10 Things You Shouldn't Buy When You Are Struggling Financially (2024)


What not to do when you have money? ›

Over-relying on credit cards and financing depreciating assets can worsen financial woes.
  1. Unnecessary Spending. ...
  2. Never-Ending Payments. ...
  3. Living Large on Credit Cards. ...
  4. Buying a New Vehicle. ...
  5. Spending Too Much on Your Home. ...
  6. Misusing Home Equity. ...
  7. Not Saving. ...
  8. Not Investing in Retirement.

What is the biggest financial problem? ›

Forty-one percent of U.S. adults in 2024 name inflation as the most important financial problem facing their family, up from 35% a year ago and the highest in Gallup's trend to date. Prior to 2021, the highest percentage mentioning inflation was 18% in 2008, with most readings under 10%.

What are financial mistakes? ›

Mismanagement of Credit and Debt

Know what the interest rate is on the debt you owe. Pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first. Avoid common financial mistakes made by mismanaging debt by following these three rules: Pay bills on time. Keep credit utilization low.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is money dysmorphia? ›

Therefore, money dysmorphia means being very unhappy with regard to one's financial situation. “It's rooted in the gap between one's financial reality and their perception of their finances,” Dintyala says.

What is the nastiest hardest problem in finance? ›

“It was Nobel Prize winning economist William F. Sharpe who said that decumulation is the nastiest, hardest problem in finance,” Monteiro says.

Why am I financially struggling? ›

It may be that you have too much credit card debt, not enough income, or you overspend on unnecessary purchases when you feel stressed or anxious. Or perhaps, it's a combination of problems. Make a separate plan for each one.

Are Americans struggling financially right now? ›

After inflation, high interest rates, unattainable housing prices and other economic factors, 50 percent of U.S. adults say their overall personal financial situation is worse than it was in November 2020, according to October 2023 Bankrate polling.

What's your biggest financial regret? ›

The top regrets included not having a big enough emergency fund (mentioned by 28% of respondents), not investing aggressively enough (25%) and not buying a house when they were younger (22%).

What is financial shaming? ›

Money judgment can be self-judgment or others' judgment of us, aka what we went over earlier with money shaming. Money judgment often takes the form of beating yourself up, "should-ing" yourself, or somehow believing you deserved a negative financial outcome.

How can I get money if I'm struggling? ›

Facing financial hardship
  • Food assistance. ...
  • Unemployment benefits. ...
  • Welfare benefits or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) ...
  • Emergency housing assistance. ...
  • Rental assistance. ...
  • Help with utility bills. ...
  • Government home repair assistance programs.

How to get out of debt when you are broke? ›

  1. Step 1: Stop taking on new debt.
  2. Step 2: Determine how much you owe.
  3. Step 3: Create a budget.
  4. Step 4: Pay off the smallest debts first.
  5. Step 5: Start tackling larger debts.
  6. Step 6: Look for ways to earn extra money.
  7. Step 7: Boost your credit scores.
  8. Step 8: Explore debt consolidation and debt relief options.
Dec 5, 2023

How do I stop being financially broke? ›

Listed below are some ideas:
  1. Create a budget. Budget your income for essential expenses, debt repayment, and savings.
  2. Reduce expenses. Shopping around lets you find cheaper alternatives to groceries, subscriptions, and entertainment.
  3. Cook more at home. Eating out is expensive. ...
  4. Shop around. ...
  5. Boost your income.
Mar 15, 2024

When money should not be given? ›

Try to avoid lending money to people with large amounts of interest and/or large outstanding credit card debts. These types of debt do not always come with a lower interest rate, so there is no reason to lend them money when they are not making enough money to cover what they owe.

What to do when you have too much money? ›

Invest the funds in alignment with those goals." He said that for long-term goals like retirement, you can invest funds more aggressively, like stocks and real estate, that are expected to reliably outpace inflation over time. For mid-term goals, the funds can still be invested in things like bonds.

How not to spend money at all? ›

How to Stop Spending Money
  1. Know what you're spending money on. ...
  2. Make your budget work for you. ...
  3. Shop with a goal in mind. ...
  4. Stop spending money at restaurants. ...
  5. Resist sales. ...
  6. Swear off debt. ...
  7. Delay gratification. ...
  8. Challenge yourself to reach your new goals.
May 31, 2024

What is the safest thing to do with money? ›

You have several options for keeping your money secure. You can keep your money in a checking account, savings account, money market account, money market account, or bond, among many other low-risk investment choices. That way, you money will be secure and can potentially earn interest.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.