100 Passive Income Quotes To Help Newbies Build Wealth - My Worthy Penny (2024)

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Positive and motivational passive income quotes to help you build wealth.

100 Passive Income Quotes To Help Newbies Build Wealth - My Worthy Penny (1)

Everyone wants to make passive income, but it can be hard to stay motivated on the journey. That’s why passive income quotes are so important – they remind us of our end goal and inspire us to keep going when times get tough.

If you’re just starting out or have been in the passive income game for a while, these passive income quotes will help you stay focused and inspired as you work to obtain financial freedom.

From inspirational advice from some of the world’s top entrepreneurs and investors to wise words from everyday people who have achieved success with passive income strategies, these quotes will give you an extra boost of motivation when you need it most.

100 Inspiring Quotes About Passive Income

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1. “The best passive income is the one you make from your own efforts.” – Robert Kiyosaki

2. “Successful passive income comes when hard work and dedication meet opportunity.” – Jeff Rose

3. “Passive income doesn’t have to be passive, but it should be effortless in terms of time required to manage it on a day-to-day basis.” – Ramit Sethi

4. “Achieve financial freedom by creating passive income streams that give you residual cash flow every month.” – Grant Sabatier

5. “Creating passive income gives me choices I wouldn’t have if all my money was earned through active effort alone.” – J Money

6. “I want to create passive income so that I can choose how much I work and when I work because life’s too short for anything else!” – Pat Flynn

7. “With passive income, once the upfront investment has been made, the revenue flows reliably over time!” – Pauline Paquin

8. “Get rid of debt as soon as possible, then start building up your passive incomes so you can become financially independent faster.” – Steve Scott

9 . “The key to passive income is taking action and being consistent.” – John Lee Dumas

10. “Passive income is the ultimate form of financial freedom.” – Robert Kiyosaki

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11. “Focus on passive income so that your money can work for you instead of the other way around.” – Yaro Starak

12. “If passive income isn’t part of your long-term plan, you’re missing out on major opportunities to grow your wealth over time.” – Suze Orman

13. “You don’t have a job or business; you have passive incomes – sources of money that require little input from you but generate a lot of cash flow in return.” – Kiley Roache

14. “If you want passive income, then you must think passive income first.” – David Bach

15. “The key to passive income is finding the right balance between effort and reward.” – Chris Guillebeau

16. “Passive income isn’t just about money – it’s also about life satisfaction and taking control of your time.” – Derek Sivers

17. “Creating passive incomes requires creativity, resilience, discipline, and a great deal of hard work.” – Jay Shetty

18. “Focus on passive incomes now so that when you retire or become disabled, you have something to fall back on financially.”- Jonathan Fields

19. “Passive income isn’t about getting rich quickly – it’s about working smarter and building up passive streams of income over time.” – Ramit Sethi

20. “The biggest benefit of passive incomes is that you don’t have to trade your time for money, giving you more freedom to do what you love.” – Tony Robbins

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21. “Don’t wait until retirement to enjoy passive income; start now and reap the rewards sooner.” – Natalie MacNeil

22. “It takes active effort to create passive income, but it’s worth it if you want financial freedom.” – John Lee Dumas

23. “Start small and invest wisely in passive incomes that provide passive income streams that offer a high return on investment.” – Tim Ferriss

24. “Passive income isn’t just about passive activities; it’s also about passive thinking and passive action.” – Suze Orman

25. “The power of passive income is the ability to generate cash flow without having to constantly be involved in managing it day-to-day.” – Grant Sabatier

26. “Don’t wait for passive incomes to come, take action and start creating them now.”– J Money

27. “When it comes to passive income, don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do – only you know what’s best for your financial future.”– Pat Flynn

28. “Passive income isn’t passive, it takes work to create and maintain passive streams of revenue.” – Pauline Paquin

29. “The best passive incomes are ones that you can set up now and reap the rewards for years down the road.” – Steve Scott

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30. “Don’t be afraid to start small when creating passive income; even a little bit today is better than nothing in the future.” – John Lee Dumas

31. “Focus on building passive income sources that will increase your wealth over time rather than short-term gains.” – Yaro Starak

32. “If you want passive income, forget about passive activities and start actively investing in passive income sources.” – Suze Orman

33. “The best way to build passive income is by consistently putting in the effort over time, no matter how small it may seem.” – Kiley Roache

34. “Passive income isn’t just about money; it’s also about having control over your life and freeing up your time.” – David Bach

35. “If you want true passive income, start with a plan and then put that plan into action every day.” – Chris Guillebeau

36. “Creating passive incomes takes more than just hard work; it requires creativity, resilience, discipline, and dedication to see it through.” – Derek Sivers

37. “The key to passive income is to invest in passive sources of income that are reliable and require minimal effort on your part.” – Jay Shetty

38. “Find ways to turn your passive incomes into passive streams of revenue that generate cash flow even when you’re not actively working.” – Jonathan Fields

39. “Focus on making passive income regardless of the amount, because one stream today can easily become two tomorrow.” — Ramit Sethi

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40. “Don’t let anyone tell you passive incomes aren’t possible; with the right tools and knowledge, anything is possible!” – Tony Robbins

41. “Don’t be afraid to invest in passive incomes, because it’s the passive cash flow that will make you financially free.” – Natalie MacNeil

42. “Passive income can provide financial stability and peace of mind; start small now so that you reap the benefits in the future.” – John Lee Dumas

43. “Start creating passive incomes today that are low-risk but have high potential rewards over time.” – Tim Ferriss

44. “When it comes to passive income, don’t forget about passive behavior – what you do now has a big impact on your passive streams later on.”– Suze Orman

45. “The real benefit of passive income is that it can provide passive growth and passive cash flow with minimal effort on your part.” – Grant Sabatier

46. “Successful passive incomes come from consistent effort; break down tasks into small, achievable steps to get there.”– J Money

47. “The power of passive income lies in its ability to generate passive streams of revenue even when you’re not actively investing in it.” – Pat Flynn

48. “Consistently build passive incomes today so that you reap the rewards tomorrow – passive income won’t just happen on its own!” – Pauline Paquin

49. “Passive incomes take time and effort to build, but they can be incredibly rewarding once they start bringing in money.” – Steve Scott

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50. “Use passive income to create multiple streams of income; this way, no single stream can ever bring your finances down.” — John Lee Dumas

51. “Start investing in passive income streams now and watch your passive wealth grow as you reap the rewards for years to come.” – Yaro Starak

52. “Be prepared to invest money, time, and energy into passive incomes; this is what will ensure passive cash flow in the future.” – Suze Orman

53. “Your passive incomes need nurturing; put in the effort today so that you can enjoy passive revenue tomorrow.” – Kiley Roache

54. “Passive income isn’t just about making money; it’s about creating freedom and control over your life.” — David Bach

55. “Create passive incomes now that will continue to generate passive cash flow even when you are no longer actively investing in them.” – Chris Guillebeau

56. “Commitment and hard work are essential for passive income success; don’t give up – the rewards are worth it!” – Derek Sivers

57. “Find passive income opportunities that fit your lifestyle and goals, so that you can enjoy passive streams of revenue without having to sacrifice too much time or effort.” – Jay Shetty

58. “Passive income doesn’t have to be complicated; start by finding simple ways to bring more passive money into your life with minimal effort on your part.” – Jonathan Fields

59. “Investing in passive income is one of the smartest decisions you can make; it’s a key to financial freedom.” — Ramit Sethi

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60. “Income doesn’t have to be earned through labor; passive incomes provide an alternative way to create wealth.” – Tony Robbins

61. “Don’t underestimate the power of passive income – with passive cash flow, anything is possible!” – Natalie MacNeil

62. “If you want financial security, invest in passive incomes that will generate passive revenue even when you’re not actively working.” — John Lee Dumas

63. “Start investing in passive incomes today and watch your wealth grow over time; don’t wait until tomorrow!” – Tim Ferriss

64. “Your passive income is only as strong as the effort you put into creating it; start now and reap the rewards later.” – Suze Orman

65. “Generate passive incomes now to enjoy financial freedom in the future; passive income can be your key to a worry-free life.” – Grant Sabatier

66. “The power of passive income lies in its ability to generate passive streams of revenue that require minimal work on your part.” — J Money

67. “Don’t forget that passive income requires investment, so make sure you’re investing wisely for maximum returns!” – Pat Flynn

68. “Put in the effort today and passive incomes will bring in passive cash flow tomorrow; passive income is worth the wait!” – Pauline Paquin

69. “Making passive money doesn’t have to be difficult; start by identifying small, achievable steps that can lead to passive cash flow over time.” – Steve Scott

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70. “Focus on creating multiple passive income streams so you always have a fallback plan if one fails.” — John Lee Dumas

71. “Start investing wisely now so that you reap the rewards of passive incomes later – it’s never too late to start building your wealth!” – Yaro Starak

72. “Passive incomes are hard work, but they are ultimately one of the most rewarding investments you can make in yourself.” – Suze Orman

73. “Take passive income seriously and invest time and money into creating passive streams of revenue; this is what will pave your way to financial freedom.” – Kiley Roache

74. “Passive incomes are an important part of any successful wealth-building strategy; start investing now for a secure financial future.” — David Bach

75. “Successful passive income strategies often require creative thinking, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box!” – Chris Guillebeau

76. “Focus on passive income opportunities that are right for you; passive cash flow requires dedication, but the rewards are worth it.” – Derek Sivers

77. “Look for passive income strategies that will provide long-term returns, so you can create passive wealth over time.” – Jay Shetty

78. “Don’t limit your passive income streams; passive revenue can come from a variety of sources if you’re willing to put in the work.” – Jonathan Fields

79. “Don’t forget that passive income takes time and effort; it’s not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, but it can be incredibly rewarding.” – Ramit Sethi

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80. “Focused passive income strategies will help you build wealth over time without having to sacrifice too much time or energy.” – Tony Robbins

81. “Passive income requires patience and effort, but it can be one of the most meaningful investments you make in yourself.” – Natalie MacNeil

82. “Don’t forget that passive incomes are a great way to grow your wealth; focus on passive streams of revenue that will provide long-term returns.” — John Lee Dumas

83. “Remember to reinvest your passive income so it can generate more passive cash flow even when you’re not actively working on it.” – Tim Ferriss

84. “You’re never too late to start investing in passive incomes; start small and build up as you become more familiar with passive cash flow strategies.” – Suze Orman

85. “Passive income can be your key to financial freedom; focus on passive wealth-building strategies for a secure future.” – Grant Sabatier

86. “Creating passive income streams requires thought and creativity; don’t let yourself get stuck in the same rut when it comes to passive cash flow.” — J Money

87. “The best passive incomes are those that require minimal effort but yield maximum returns; invest in passive wealth building today!” – Pat Flynn

88. “Start small and scale up: passive incomes can start as simple side hustles before turning into full-time passive cash flows over time.” – Pauline Paquin

89. “Passive income is all about working smarter, not harder; use passive investments to create passive cash flows over time.” – Steve Scott

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90. “Invest in passive incomes that you know and understand; this will help ensure long-term success with passive wealth building.” — John Lee Dumas

91. “Focus on passive income streams that require minimal upkeep; passive investments can provide long-term passive cash flow without much effort from you.” – Yaro Starak

92. “Passive incomes are an excellent way to build wealth quickly; start investing now for a secure financial future!” – Suze Orman

93. “Take the time to research passive incomes so you can find passive cash flows that are right for you and your financial goals.” – Ramit Sethi

94. “Don’t limit yourself to one passive income stream; look for multiple passive revenue sources so you can generate more passive wealth over time.” – Chris Guillebeau

95. “The key to passive income success is diversification; invest in a variety of passive streams of revenue so you can spread the risk and reap bigger rewards.” – Tony Robbins

96. “Look for passive income opportunities that will provide consistent returns, so you can build up your passive wealth over time.” — David Bach

97. “Remember that creating passive incomes takes effort; it’s not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, but it can have incredible rewards.” – Jonathan Fields

98. “Look for passive income opportunities that align with your passions and interests; passive cash flows are more fun when you’re passionate about them!” – Natalie MacNeil

99. “If you’re looking to create passive incomes, start by researching passive investments that require minimal effort and resources from you.” – J Money

100. “Generating passive income is all about working smarter, not harder; research passive cash flow strategies so you can get started today!” – Tim Ferriss

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Final Thoughts On Passive Income Quotes And Sayings

Whether you’re a passive income veteran or just starting out, these passive income quotes should provide useful insight into how to create abundant wealth.

From Tony Robbins and Natalie MacNeil to Tim Ferriss and Suze Orman, there are plenty of experts offering advice on passive incomes that can help you get started investing in yourself and begin generating passive income.

Remember, creating passive income takes personal effort, it can make you work extremely hard but it can also have incredible rewards if done correctly.

Investing in passive cash flow strategies is an excellent way to build your financial future without having to sacrifice too much time or energy.

100 Passive Income Quotes To Help Newbies Build Wealth - My Worthy Penny (13)

So, start researching some passive income ideas today and increase your portfolio income!

If you enjoyed these quotes, check out these quotes on paying off debt to keep you motivated on your journey.

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100 Passive Income Quotes To Help Newbies Build Wealth - My Worthy Penny (14)

100 Passive Income Quotes To Help Newbies Build Wealth


100 Passive Income Quotes To Help Newbies Build Wealth - My Worthy Penny (2024)


What is a famous quote about passive income? ›

Financial Freedom Quotes about Creating Passive Income
  • “To get rich, you have to be making money while you're asleep.” – ...
  • “Never depend on a single income. ...
  • “Your economic security does not lie in your job; it lies in your own power to produce – to think, to learn, to create, to adapt.
Apr 3, 2024

How can I make $2000 a month in passive income? ›

Wrapping up ways to make $2,000/month in passive income
  1. Try out affiliate marketing.
  2. Sell an online course.
  3. Monetize a blog with Google Adsense.
  4. Become an influencer.
  5. Write and sell e-books.
  6. Freelance on websites like Upwork.
  7. Start an e-commerce store.
  8. Get paid to complete surveys.

What is a quote about owning your worth? ›

10 Empowering 'You Are Enough' Quotes to Boost Your Self-Worth
  • “You alone are enough. ...
  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are. ...
  • “You don't need anyone's permission to be yourself.” ...
  • “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do.” ...
  • “You alone are enough.
Jul 28, 2023

What is a quote for hustle? ›

48. “Hustle isn't just working on the things you like. It means doing the things you don't enjoy so you can do the things you love.” – Unknown. Instead of procrastinating on your least favorite tasks, see them as stepping stones to the future you want.

How to make $2500 a month in passive income? ›

One of the easiest passive income strategies is dividend investing. By purchasing stocks that pay regular dividends, you can earn $2,500 per month in dividend income. Here's a realistic example: Invest $300,000 into a diversified portfolio of dividend stocks.

How can I make $200 a day passive income? ›

How To Make $200 A Day
  1. Online Freelancing.
  2. Deliver Food.
  3. Make Money Blogging.
  4. Use Microtask & Survey Websites.
  5. Start An Ecommerce Business.
  6. Invest.
  7. Become A Pet Sitter.
  8. Find Cash Gigs With Steady.
Jul 22, 2024

How can I make $30 a day passively? ›

An Easy $30 Per Day Idea for Beginners
  1. Cashback Websites. One of the easiest and most passive ways to make $30 per day is by utilizing cashback websites. ...
  2. Paid Surveys. ...
  3. Brand Ambassadorships. ...
  4. Online Panels. ...
  5. Playing Video Games. ...
  6. Food Delivery. ...
  7. Delivering Goods. ...
  8. Flipping Goods.
Nov 4, 2023

How are people making passive income in 2024? ›

For ideas on what high-paying passive income side hustles might work for you, you could consider any of the following as falling into the "passive income" category: Real estate investing. Buying dividend stocks. Airbnb rentals and experiences.

How to earn 10k a month passively? ›

Surya Prakash
  1. The Top 11 Ways to Earn $10,000 in Passive Income Each Month : Make Money Online. ...
  2. Dropshipping: The Gateway to E-Commerce. ...
  3. Using Endorsem*nts to Earn Through Affiliate Marketing. ...
  4. Etsy Print on Demand: Innovation Meets Business. ...
  5. Real estate crowdfunding. ...
  6. Creating and selling digital products.
Feb 10, 2024

What is the simplest way to make passive income? ›

Passive income ideas:
  1. Create a course.
  2. Write an e-book.
  3. Rental income.
  4. Affiliate marketing.
  5. Flip retail products.
  6. Sell photography online.
  7. Buy crowdfunded real estate.
  8. Peer-to-peer lending.
May 1, 2024

What passive income makes the most money? ›

A guide to growing your passive income
  • Invest in dividend-paying stocks.
  • Invest in fixed index annuities.
  • Invest in bonds or bond funds.
  • Invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Invest in robo-advisor portfolios.
  • Create digital content.
  • Operate an e-commerce store.
  • Perform affiliate marketing via social media.
Jun 17, 2024

How to realistically make $1,000 a month? ›

Let's dig in!
  1. Start Freelance Writing. If you love to write, picking up freelance writing may be your ticket to an extra $1,000 a month. ...
  2. Begin Blogging. ...
  3. Practice Graphic Design. ...
  4. Assist with Bookkeeping. ...
  5. Become a Virtual Assistant. ...
  6. Sell Something on Etsy. ...
  7. Manage Social Media Accounts. ...
  8. Complete Online Surveys.
Jul 15, 2024

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Residual income is often referred to as passive income. Sources of residual income include real estate investing, stocks, bonds, and royalties. Corporate residual income is leftover profit after paying all costs of capital.

What does Robert Kiyosaki mean by passive income? ›

Kiyosaki stresses the importance of building assets that generate passive income, such as rental properties or stocks, rather than relying solely on earned income from a job. He explains that by doing so, you can create a stream of income that works for you, rather than having to work for income.

What is the second income quote? ›

Warren Buffett's statement, "Never depend on a single income, make an investment to create a second source," emphasizes the importance of diversification and financial security. Here's a breakdown of what he means: Diversification: Buffett is a proponent of diversifying your sources of income and investments.

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Key takeaways. Passive income is a regular cash flow that doesn't require much time or effort to maintain. Think: selling courses online or renting out a room in your house. You can potentially make passive income through investing in funds or stocks that pay dividends, as well as bonds, bond funds, and real estate.

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