101 Super Frugal Money Saving Tips (2024)

Super Frugal Tips

Home is where you raise your family. Where you gather with friends. It is also the main source of your expenses. Running a household be it on a single income or a dual income can be hard in any economy. Discover 101 Super Frugal living tips designed to help you save money.

What Is Super Frugal Living?

Frugal living is the simple act of living well on less. Living below your means and not spending all of your paycheck. Making smart choices with your money and planning for your future.

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Super Frugal Living & Save Money

Living below your means and making smart money choices will help you spend less which means you save more. A common frugal living choice is to meal plan and make homemade meals. This is a huge money saver versus the cost of take out or dining out at a restaurant.

The Importance Of Being Super Frugal

Being frugal is important if you are looking to save any amount of money, pay down debt, save for a vacation or retire. Simple smart money choices now can make a world of difference later.

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Money Saving Tips

One tip may save you several dollars. Two or three tips may save you up to $100 dollars a week. Try five or six super frugal tips and you could be on your way to saving for a holiday or helping yourself get out of debt.

Saving Money & Frugal Living

Think about how much you could save this week if you packed your lunch and coffee to go? You could save up to, if not more that $75 a week.

Super Frugal Life Hacks

What if you turned the heat down a bit how much would you save? What if you carpooled to work or planned all your errands together how much would you save?

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Super Frugal Household Tips

What if you downsized to a smaller house how much would you save in mortgage/rent or utilities payments?

Think about all the money you could save by making just a few small changes.

101 Super Frugal Living Tips To Save MoneyOn Household Expenses:

1. Assess where all your hard earned money is going. (see message below)

2. Enjoy the benefits of a budget

3. Use the cash only envelope system

4.Learning how to pay down your debt

5. Contact your bank for a cheaper rate on your checking account

6. Contact your mortgage broker about a cheaper rate

7. Become a one car family

8. Ride your bike, walk or use public transport

9. Make your own laundry soap

10. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when full

11. Run your washing machine on the cold water cycle

12. Invest in good money books

13. Turn off lights that aren’t being used

14. Cut the cable

15. Cancel your landline telephone

16. Stop using the pay as you go apps on your phones

17. Unplug appliances that aren’t being used

18. Turn the heat down and save on electricity

19.Fix leaky faucets

20. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth

21. Hang your clothes to dry. Use a clothes line in the summer and a drying rack in the winter

22. Check the sales flyers

23.Use coupons when you grocery shop

24.Make a grocery list and budget and stick to it

25. Buy bulk, divide and freeze

26. Cook from scratch

27.Meal plan

28. Eat your leftovers

29. Pack a bag lunch (For a warm lunch on the go try this.)

30. Ditch your single use paper and plastic items

31. Grow a garden

32. Preserve the bounty of your garden by canning, dehydrating

33. Turn the lawn into a garden and grow your own food, no more mowing the lawn

34.Switch to cloth napkins

35. Save your coins in a jar

36. Learn to do your own repairs

37. Swap tools and skills with friends

38. Downsize your home if you can

39.Stop buying these things and save money

40. Sell stuff you don’t use

41. Don’t buy stuff to impress people

42. Make your own cleaning solutions using vinegar, water and baking soda

43. Use it, mend it, re-purpose it, recycle it

44. Cut up old shirts and use them for cleaning rags

45. Trade your goods and skills with others to save money

46.Workout at home, skip the gym

47. Buy used clothing instead of new

48. Purchased used, vintage furniture instead of new furniture

49. Try Youtube, if something breaks or you need to learn something.

50. Stay home and enjoy what you have

51. Plan a no spend weekend

52. Opt to buy generic goods to save money

53. Plan a meal swap

54. Weatherstrip the windows and doors

55. Ensure your furnace and hot water tank are maintained

56. Keep emergency cash handy

57. Be prepared for all seasons

58.Learn what you can freeze to save money

59. Don’t wait till the last minute with anything, repairs, groceries, planning and etc

60. Cut back on entertainment expenses

61. Taking in free kids classes at your local craft stores, hardware stores and library

62. Do your own housework, baking, landscaping and maintenance work

63.Purchase quality items that will last

64. Learn to say no

65. Learn to take shorter cooler showers

66. Only fill the bath 1/2 full for bath time

67.Learn to knit, crochet and sew

68. Learn to use household tools

69. Do your own painting and redecorating

70. Compost your food waste

71.Use money saving apps

72. Plant fruit trees and berry bushes

73. Shop local

74.Use reusable bags, re-purpose your plastic bags

75. Buy energy efficient appliances

76. Install low flow toilets and shower heads

77. Maintain all gas and wood burning fireplaces and heaters

78. Learn how to make money online

79. Opt for slippers, sweaters and blankets before turning up the heat

80. Replace all your light bulbs with LED bulbs

81. Start living with less

82. If you don’t have a tool or appliance borrow it, or rent it instead of buying it

83. DIY your gifts

84. Plan staycation holidays

85. Plan your errand to save time and gas

86. Invest in a good slow cooker

87. Buy cheaper cuts of meat or opt for meatless meals

88. Buy larger portions of meat and portion them off in different cuts

89. Drink more water and less pop and juice

90. Plan cheap but amazing dates

91. Use reusable soap dispensers

92. Freeze your leftover vegetables to use in soups and bone broths

93. Invest in a good coffee maker or tea pot and bring your own coffee or tea with you

94. Have open communication with your spouse regarding money, goals and life

95. Plan potluck dinner parties with friends instead of eating out

96.Learn to cook something new, variety is the spice of life

97. Eat more beans and rice dishes

98. Eat more vegetarian meals

99. Cut down on the electronic use, unplug and enjoy family time

100. Start saving for retirement

101. Learn to live without

Saving Money

Assess where all your hard earned money is going. One of the keys to saving money is knowing where all your money is going. It maybe going to rent or to utilities or to coffee and a treat.

Frugal Budgeting Tips

Gather up a weeks worth of receipts, a month would be better. Calculate where all your funds are going. Take a quick calculation of what you spent on groceries, housing, utilities, entertainment and so on.

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Saving Money On Household Expenses

Once you have figured out where all your money is going figure out if you can cut any of these items out to help you save on your household expenses.

Cutting Expenses In A Super Frugal Home

For example do you eat out a lot? Could you cut back a start cooking more homemade meals? Or maybe you pay huge daycare fees.

How To Cut Costs In A Frugal Home

Is there a way you can cut those costs down? Such as work from home one day a week or swap babysitting with a friend? Where can you cut back and start saving?

Frugal Money Saving Must Haves

How To Stop Spending Money And Start Saving

Once you have assessed your spending habits you can determine what you need to stop spending money on. You can learn about all the stuff we stopped buying to save over $1000 a month.

Stopping even the smallest of purchases will make a difference over time. For example your daily coffee run if you opted to bring coffee from home could save you approximately $25 per week or more.

Ways To Save Money In A Frugal Home

Saving money is simpler than you think. Take the coffee example above. By making coffee at home Monday thru Friday you save money. You can also cut your household expenses by washing your laundry in cold water and hanging them to dry.

Above there are over 100 different frugal ways to save money. Another great way to save money is learning to budget.

Learning To Budget Frugally

Yes, I know it sounds boring and complicated but in fact it’s real easy and it’s the best way to save money. If you would like to learn more about budgeting checkout our 21 Days of Saving Challenge.

♥ More About Saving & Simplicity

Welcome! I am so glad you are here I am Cynthia, primary frugal mom blogger at Saving & Simplicity.

Where you will find frugal, money saving posts and articles along with DIY projects, cheap & easy recipes and so much more.


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Updated June 25, 2022

101 Super Frugal Money Saving Tips (9)

101 Super Frugal Money Saving Tips

101 Super Frugal Money Saving Tips (2024)


How can I be super frugal with money? ›

Consider which of these frugal habits work for you and your financial goals.
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to be frugal but not cheap? ›

15 Tips for Living Frugally Without Looking Cheap
  1. Eliminate monthly subscriptions.
  2. Shop for new insurance.
  3. Reduce prescription costs.
  4. Buy used items.
  5. Rent, don't own.
  6. Purchase at the right time.
  7. Buy high-quality products.
  8. Enlist your friends.

How to live a cheaper life? ›

15 Frugal Living Tips
  1. Tip 1: Differentiate between Luxury Spending vs Necessary Expenses. ‍ ...
  2. Tip 2: Make Cuts in Your Spending. ...
  3. Tip 3: Cap Your Spending. ...
  4. Tip 4: Keep Receipts and Track Spending. ...
  5. Tip 5: Think Twice Before You Buy. ...
  6. Tip 6: Learn How to Bargain. ...
  7. Tip 7: Reuse and Recycle. ...
  8. Tip 8: Find Thrifted Furniture.
Jul 25, 2024

How to be thrifty and save money? ›

Ten Frugal Habits to Save Money
  1. Track Spending.
  2. Automate Your Savings.
  3. Save Loose Change.
  4. Compare Prices & Comparison Shop.
  5. Avoid Spending Triggers.
  6. Shop Second Hand.
  7. Save Windfall Income & Use a Spending Rule of Thumb.
  8. Institute a Waiting Period.

How to be frugal like a millionaire? ›

Here are six things frugal self-made millionaires never waste money on.
  1. Sports Equipment. Many might assume that the wealthy would splurge on the best sporting equipment for their hobbies or fitness routines. ...
  2. Financial Advisor Fees. ...
  3. Gym Memberships. ...
  4. Hair Services. ...
  5. Luxury Handbags and Shoes. ...
  6. Streaming Services.
Jul 1, 2024

How can I be less greedy with money? ›

9 ways to overcome the power of greed
  1. 1) Recognize your triggers. We all have our own unique triggers that can ignite the spark of greed. ...
  2. 2) Practice gratitude. ...
  3. 3) Create a buffer zone. ...
  4. 4) Set clear goals. ...
  5. 5) Cultivate contentment. ...
  6. 6) Understand the impact of greed. ...
  7. 7) Practice generosity. ...
  8. 8) Seek balance.
Dec 30, 2023

What is the hidden luxury of living frugally? ›

Sure, the world tells you to spend, spend, spend. But I'm here to tell you, there's a hidden luxury in living frugally, an unexplored path that leads to contentment. True luxury isn't owning more, but the freedom to enjoy life fully, unburdened by debt – that's the less-traveled path of frugal living.

How to live on very little money? ›

Tips to help you live below your means
  1. Create a plan for your money. The act of assigning a job for every dollar can be empowering. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Pay yourself. ...
  4. Live off one income if possible. ...
  5. Look for ways to lower your discretionary expenses. ...
  6. Reflect on your financial habits. ...
  7. Drive used. ...
  8. Pay less interest.
Jul 10, 2024

How to live frugally on one income? ›

Living on a one-income budget
  1. Assess your financial situation. Start by understanding your current financial status. ...
  2. List fixed expenses. ...
  3. Track changing expenses. ...
  4. Differentiate needs vs. ...
  5. Set financial goals. ...
  6. Create an emergency savings fund. ...
  7. Allocate for savings. ...
  8. Start a debt repayment plan.

What is the least expensive way to live? ›

13 Cheap Housing Alternatives
  • Renting a Guest House. ...
  • Living in a Mobile Home. ...
  • Moving into a Tiny Home. ...
  • Living in a Shipping Container Home. ...
  • Living as a Live-In Caretaker. ...
  • Being an On-Site Property Manager. ...
  • Renting Out a Room in Your Home. ...
  • Move in with Friends or Family.
Nov 10, 2022

How can drastically reduce cost of living? ›

By optimizing your monthly budget, slashing utility bills, minimizing grocery costs, reducing transportation expenses, cutting down on dining out, reevaluating your housing situation, consolidating and negotiating debt, cancelling unused subscriptions, embracing second-hand shopping, and DIYing whenever possible, you ...

How do you survive a lower income? ›

Here are a few other tips and tricks for surviving on a low income:
  1. Look for free and low-cost activities. ...
  2. Ask for a raise. ...
  3. Start a side hustle. ...
  4. Replace costly habits with inexpensive ones. ...
  5. Plan sequenced reward opportunities. ...
  6. Create accountability. ...
  7. Seek out low-cost alternatives to your hobbies.
Sep 14, 2022

How to be insanely frugal? ›

Frugal Living – Extremely Frugal Tips and Tricks
  1. Freeze the credit cards. ...
  2. Write Down Every Expense. ...
  3. Turn Your Water Heater Down to 120F or Lower. ...
  4. Start a Winter Garden. ...
  5. Start running the dishwasher on the short cycle. ...
  6. Use rags instead of paper towels. ...
  7. Make one freezer meal per week.

What are the disadvantages of being frugal? ›

For those who choose to live a frugal life, Lynda Moore points out some downsides, especially the ones counterproductive to building wealth
  • Cutting costs a little too far. ...
  • Endless price comparing. ...
  • Skipping the fun stuff. ...
  • Investing in yourself. ...
  • Build some flexibility into your budget.
Apr 30, 2024

How can I save money if I am poor? ›

11 Foolproof Ways to Save Money On a Low Income
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Open a Savings Account or Savings Pod. ...
  3. Drop Unneeded Monthly Memberships. ...
  4. Take a Hard Look at Your 'Unavoidable' Expenses. ...
  5. Save Money on Food. ...
  6. Save Money on Utilities. ...
  7. Commit to Buying Nothing New. ...
  8. Change Where You Keep Your Money.
Jan 4, 2023

Can you be rich and frugal? ›

There is a misconception that being frugal means being cheap. However, that's not really true. Rather, a frugal person keeps an eye on their spending and does not take on more debt than is necessary. In fact, this is a trait many millionaires possess.

How can I be super tight with money? ›

Try a no-spend challenge

This is sometimes referred to as a spending freeze, a spending fast or a zero spend challenge. Whatever you call it, the idea is the same: a commitment to not spend money on anything that's not a necessity. You can do a no spend challenge for a week, a month or even a whole year!

How can I trick myself into spending less money? ›

'Avoid the 1-click option 100% of the time': 5 ways to trick yourself into saving money
  1. Automate your savings. ...
  2. Think of purchases in hours worked, not dollars spent. ...
  3. Do your spending with cash. ...
  4. Do a spending cleanse. ...
  5. Wait 24 hours before making big purchases.
Apr 20, 2023

How can I become financially stable with little money? ›

Here are 7-step instructions.
  1. Invest in yourself. Having further education, more knowledge, and required skills for work can support your career advancement. ...
  2. Make money from what you like. ...
  3. Set saving and expense budgets. ...
  4. Spend wisely. ...
  5. Set emergency fund. ...
  6. Pay off debts. ...
  7. Plan for retirement.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.