103 Best Quotes from Netflix's Senior Year (2024)

Table of Contents
1. “When I moved to the US, I knew fitting in was gonna be hard. I just didn’t know how bloody hard it was going to be.” -Stephanie Conway 2. “Being there made me feel cool for the first time in my life.” -Stephanie Conway 3. “If they were this amazing in high school, imagine how perfect the rest of their lives would be.” -Stephanie Conway 4. “I wanted to be something more. And that’s when I decided, that’s it, I’m gonna become popular.” -Stephanie Conway 5. “You drive here every morning just so Stephie can drive you to school.” -Jim Conway 6. “You’re a catch, Mr. Conway. A sad woman would totally go out with you.” -Seth Novacelik 7. “They’re just like me and Blaine. I want it so bad I can practically taste them frenching.” -Stephanie Conway 8. “It’s called love, Marth. That’s what couples do. When you get a boyfriend, you’ll understand.” -Stephanie Conway 9. “Cause I’m MTV, and you’re VH1. I’m the real deal, and you’re a poser.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo 10. “This defies scientific explanation.” -Dr. Jean Johnson 11. “Stephanie, it’s 2022.” -Dr. Jean Johnson 12. “Are you sure I haven’t been Freaky Friday’d into some old lady’s body?” -Stephanie Conway 13. “Physically she’s aged, but mentally she’s still 17.” -Dr. Jean Johnson 14. “Marth, oh my god, what is that, a tiny TV?” -Stephanie Conway 15. “Wait, what does ‘viral’ mean?” -Stephanie Conway 16. “I’ve always felt terrible about what happened.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo 17. “Look, I know we never saw eye-to-eye back then, but you know, the beautiful thing about time is you move on.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo 18. “You know me, never very good at letting things go.” -Jim Conway 19. “Wait, Madonna’s now called Lady Gaga?” -Stephanie Conway 20. “You know, bodies change, and soon you’ll be going into menopause.” -Jim Conway 21. “I was so close to having my dream life.” -Stephanie Conway 22. “If anyone can do it, it’s you.” -Jim Conway 23. “I’m just tired of being made fun of.” -Stephanie Conway 24. “I just want to be like the populars.” -Stephanie Conway 25. “Well, I think that you are beautiful and smart and funny, and I think the accent makes you unique.” -Lydia Conway 26. “Mums have senses about things like this.” -Lydia Conway 27. “I want to go back to school.” -Stephanie Conway 28. “I cannot move on to the next chapter of my life if I’m still stuck in the old one for 20 years.” -Stephanie Conway 29. “High school was like yesterday for me. It will not be weird at all.” -Stephanie Conway 30. “Look, high school, it’s an intense but delicate ecosystem.” -Martha Reiser 31. “Oh, that is, like, fate. Like, Destiny’s Child.” -Stephanie Conway 32. “You look so cool and suave and adult.” -Stephanie Conway 33. “I don’t wanna be 20 years and 10 minutes late.” -Stephanie Conway 34. “This head still needs a crown.” -Stephanie Conway 35. “Competitions like that, they’re dangerous.” -Martha Reiser 36. “Winning things, it just, it doesn’t reflect our school values.” -Martha Reiser 37. “With no winners, there aren’t any losers.” -Martha Reiser 38. “Well when there’s just one table, we’re all the popular kids.” -Janet Singh 39. “There’s only, like, three ways to become popular: to be a cheerleader, to work at Abercrombie, or to let guys go in the back door.” -Stephanie Conway 40. “Bri Luvs. That’s just her name on social media.” -Janet Singh 41. “Okay, everyone’s friends with her, but she’s friends with no one.” -Janet Singh 42. “I’m just trying to build my most authentic, socially conscious, body-positive, environmentally aware, and economically compassionate brand that’s a home for inclusion, focused fashion, food, and fun-filled lifestyles.” -Britney Balbo 43. “Um, seeing as you’re my librarian now, you’re legally obligated to help me research something, yeah?” -Stephanie Conway 44. “Social platforms have become a vital tool for communication.” -Seth Novacelik 45. “So it’s just a popularity contest, but instead of just high school, it’s now the whole world, and the whole world is your phone.” -Stephanie Conway 48. “Just to be clear, this is a way for people to pretend their life and skin texture is better than it is.” -Seth Novacelik 49. “Phones are like the new Tamagotchis.” -Stephanie Conway 50. “I am not my mom. I’m nothing like her. So whatever happened between you two has nothing to do with me.” -Britney Balbo 51. “You don’t realize how many people don’t care about you until you see it as a number on your phone.” -Stephanie Conway 52. “Dad, I’m just still adjusting. I just found out there were eight more Fast and Furious movies.” -Stephanie Conway 53. “You’re smart, Steph, always have been. I don’t wanna see you using this second chance incorrectly.” -Martha Reiser 54. “Guys, what kind of psycho world is this where the cheerleaders don’t get invited to a party?” -Stephanie Conway 55. “I can’t have a video record of my partying. The media’s gonna use it to try and discredit me when I run for office like they did with AOC.” -Janet Singh 56. “We need to dance because we need to show everybody that we’re the cool ones.” -Stephanie Conway 57. “Now, don’t worry, I’ve spoken with the school nurse. And with less than three weeks until graduation, we are prepared for an epidemic of senioritis.” -Martha Reiser 58. “Okay, guys, the energy in this place is sucking wiens.” -Stephanie Conway 59. “Thank you for the computer tampon. Shove that where that goes.” -Stephanie Conway 60. “Really, guys, you’re the bomb diggity.” -Stephanie Conway 61. “Are you ready for the remix?” -Stephanie Conway 62. “Well, even though I was pretty much brain-dead, you were the one that kept my heart beating.” -Stephanie Conway 63. “But if you’re the man that I think you are, I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.” -Stephanie Conway 64. “You turned the cafeteria into a Hogwarts without the magic.” -Stephanie Conway 65. “I had more fun in a coma.” -Stephanie Conway 66. “Freshman year, you bailed on Seth and I to go be some popular girl.” -Martha Reiser 67. “Stephanie, I wouldn’t understand because I’m gay.” -Martha Reiser 68. “And it, it made high school a living hell for me.” -Martha Reiser 69. “Back then, I felt very alone, and angry and so threatened that if I showed one iota of my real self then I would be ripped to shreds, by Tiffany or Blaine or you.” -Martha Reiser 70. “Because, Steph, sometimes I didn’t know who you were. Or, are.” -Martha Reiser 71. “Two decades later, and I still love watching Tiff lose her mind.” -Stephanie Conway 72. “You’d use our attention to make the popular kids crave yours.” -Seth Novacelik 73. “We always wondered if those kids ever got to really meet you. Like, the real you.” -Seth Novacelik 74. “You said it rewards archaic gender roles.” -Britney Balbo 75. “Mom, I’m not doing this. And don’t say ‘woke’ or ‘supes’.” -Britney Balbo 76. “Well, what I remember about prom is that it was overhyped, you weren’t there, and it sucked.” -Seth Novacelik 77. “It’s more than just a crown to me.” -Stephanie Conway 78. “I was so miserable.” -Stephanie Conway 79. “And I was getting there and then all of a sudden… boom, coma, lights out.” -Stephanie Conway 80. “Mom chose great.” -Stephanie Conway 81. “Vote for Bri. Is it spelled like the cheese?” -Stephanie Conway 82. “Please just try and remember this is my prom, not yours.” -Britney Balbo 83. “You teenage-tricked me, Steph.” -Seth Novacelik 84. “The 2022 prom queen will go to…Stephanie Conway!” -Martha Reiser 85. “Oh my god, they’re gonna make a Netflix documentary about me.” -Martha Reiser 86. “You need to grow up. You’re not a teenager!” -Martha Reiser 87. “You had me, and you had Seth.” -Martha Reiser 88. “Everybody else just got to go on and live their lives. And what, I’m supposed to just jump forward?” -Stephanie Conway 89. “Making mistakes is different than willfully screwing over the people who care about you.” -Martha Reiser 90. “They were not your friends. We were your friends.” -Martha Reiser 91. “I want you to have the perfect life, like me.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo 92. “The perfect life online means nothing when you’re miserable in real life.” -Britney Balbo 93. “My advice, throw that crown away now. You know what prom queen got me? An even spray tan and the ability to dodge bleach poisoning every time I get my hair done.” -Deanna Russo 94. “And for the first time in my life, I’m excited about the future instead of holding on to the past.” -Deanna Russo 95. “One of the last things that she said to me was to make sure that you knew how to receive love.” -Jim Conway 96. “So let me be clear: don’t waste your time telling the people who love you the most that they don’t count. They are the only ones who count.” -Jim Conway 97. “Yeah, like, f*ck being popular. f*ck being cool.” -Stephanie Conway 98. “I never planned on taking two decades to graduate, obvi, but the class of 2022 has shown me something that I could never have learned back when I was in high school the first time.” -Stephanie Conway 99. “Why fit in when you can stand out?” -Stephanie Conway 100. “And yeah, I’m still afraid that if I show everyone my real self, the wrong people will make fun of me. But it’s the only way for the right people to see me.” -Stephanie Conway 101. “Stop competing with her. There’s enough room for both of you. There’s enough room for all of us.” -Stephanie Conway 102. “It is hot as hell, and this ceremony is way too long.” -Janet Singh 103. “Who you are in high school doesn’t define you.” -Janet Singh FAQs

Featuring the beloved Rebel Wilson in its lead role, Netflix’s Senior Year is a must-watch comedy of the year. Charming and popular, high school senior Stephanie Conway (Angourie Rice) is destined for success— until cheerleading accidentally leaves her in a coma for twenty years. Waking up in 2022, she must navigate the exciting but complex milieu of a new millennium. New flames are kindled, while old friendships and dreams are tested.

Senior Year is a feel-good blast from the past, backed with the tunes of Nelly and Avril Lavigne, Y2K outfits, and witty references to the Aughts. On the other hand, it’s a hopeful nod to the future, and a heartfelt celebration of today’s youth as well.

Here is the scoop on quotes from Netflix’s Senior Year!

1. “When I moved to the US, I knew fitting in was gonna be hard. I just didn’t know how bloody hard it was going to be.” -Stephanie Conway

The movie begins with Stephanie’s recount of her early teenage days. Freshly moved to America from Australia, she struggles with the judgment and harsh treatment of her peers.

2. “Being there made me feel cool for the first time in my life.” -Stephanie Conway

A place for teenagers to gather, Rock ‘N’ Bowl is described by Stephanie as “basically a VMAs after-party.” Wanting to boost her confidence, she decides to host her birthday party at the bowling joint.

3. “If they were this amazing in high school, imagine how perfect the rest of their lives would be.” -Stephanie Conway

At her party, Stephanie spots a few of the popular kids from her school. She longs to be a part of them, to feel beautiful and seen by others. To her, they represent success, fame, and love— ingredients for the perfect life.

4. “I wanted to be something more. And that’s when I decided, that’s it, I’m gonna become popular.” -Stephanie Conway

Determined to elevate her status at school, Steph decides to undergo a rigorous makeover. She learns to put on makeup, becomes the cheer captain, and gets together with Blaine Balbo, the school stud.

5. “You drive here every morning just so Stephie can drive you to school.” -Jim Conway

Seth is Steph’s old friend from her first days of living in the States. Sweet and sincere, he harbors a secret crush on Steph but is unable to act on his feelings due to her and Blaine being together.

6. “You’re a catch, Mr. Conway. A sad woman would totally go out with you.” -Seth Novacelik

7. “They’re just like me and Blaine. I want it so bad I can practically taste them frenching.” -Stephanie Conway

On her way to school every day, Steph drives past the house of Deanna Russo, a former cheer captain and prom queen of her school. Impressed by Deanna’s seemingly idyllic life and marriage, Steph aspires to be like her in every way.

8. “It’s called love, Marth. That’s what couples do. When you get a boyfriend, you’ll understand.” -Stephanie Conway

Martha is another old friend of Steph’s — loyal and down-to-earth, she disapproves of Blaine’s vulgar personality. To no avail, she tries to warn the infatuated Steph of his behavior.

9. “Cause I’m MTV, and you’re VH1. I’m the real deal, and you’re a poser.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo

Another popular figure at school and Blaine’s ex-girlfriend, Tiffany sees Steph as her nemesis. Jealous of Steph’s success, she seeks to sabotage her plans to throw a prom after-party.

10. “This defies scientific explanation.” -Dr. Jean Johnson

During a pep rally, Tiff schemes to humiliate Steph. When performing a flip, Steph falls onto the ground and ends up in a coma. Twenty years later, she miraculously wakes up.

11. “Stephanie, it’s 2022.” -Dr. Jean Johnson

12. “Are you sure I haven’t been Freaky Friday’d into some old lady’s body?” -Stephanie Conway

13. “Physically she’s aged, but mentally she’s still 17.” -Dr. Jean Johnson

Upon waking up, Steph is immediately greeted by her dad and Martha. They’re elated to see her conscious, but Steph is in shock over her now matured body.

14. “Marth, oh my god, what is that, a tiny TV?” -Stephanie Conway

Now grown up, Martha has become the principal of her and Steph’s high school. When she whips out a cellphone in the car, Steph is left in awe of the new technology.

15. “Wait, what does ‘viral’ mean?” -Stephanie Conway

Seeing her friend’s curiosity, Marth shows Steph her phone. Steph then discovers that, since her awakening, a video of her accident twenty years ago has gone viral.

16. “I’ve always felt terrible about what happened.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo

17. “Look, I know we never saw eye-to-eye back then, but you know, the beautiful thing about time is you move on.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo

On the car ride back home, Steph passes Deanna Russo’s former house. She discovers that Tiffany now resides there and has married Blaine. Steph feels robbed of the perfect life that she dreams of incessantly.

18. “You know me, never very good at letting things go.” -Jim Conway

19. “Wait, Madonna’s now called Lady Gaga?” -Stephanie Conway

20. “You know, bodies change, and soon you’ll be going into menopause.” -Jim Conway

21. “I was so close to having my dream life.” -Stephanie Conway

Still coping with the aftermath of her coma, Stephanie feels dejected that her perfect life has slipped out of her grasp. She thinks her previous efforts have all gone to waste.

22. “If anyone can do it, it’s you.” -Jim Conway

Seeing her disappointment, Steph’s dad encourages her to keep moving forward and rediscover her path. He believes in her strength and tenacity.

23. “I’m just tired of being made fun of.” -Stephanie Conway

24. “I just want to be like the populars.” -Stephanie Conway

25. “Well, I think that you are beautiful and smart and funny, and I think the accent makes you unique.” -Lydia Conway

In a flashback to Steph before her makeover, we see her anxieties and insecurities about herself being pronounced. Her mother, however, assures Steph that she is great just the way she is.

26. “Mums have senses about things like this.” -Lydia Conway

27. “I want to go back to school.” -Stephanie Conway

In the present, Steph is determined to regain her previous success and popularity. As such, she decides to return to high school and complete her senior year.

28. “I cannot move on to the next chapter of my life if I’m still stuck in the old one for 20 years.” -Stephanie Conway

29. “High school was like yesterday for me. It will not be weird at all.” -Stephanie Conway

30. “Look, high school, it’s an intense but delicate ecosystem.” -Martha Reiser

Fearful that Steph’s (re)transition into high school would be strenuous, Martha attempts to persuade her friend otherwise. She points out to Steph the intricate mechanisms of 21st-century American teenage life.

31. “Oh, that is, like, fate. Like, Destiny’s Child.” -Stephanie Conway

32. “You look so cool and suave and adult.” -Stephanie Conway

On her first day back at school, Steph is reunited with adult Seth. He welcomes her warmly and reveals that he has become the school librarian.

Then, in a particularly comical moment, Steph promises to call Seth and catch up— but proceeds to mistake her calculator for a phone.

33. “I don’t wanna be 20 years and 10 minutes late.” -Stephanie Conway

34. “This head still needs a crown.” -Stephanie Conway

Winning prom queen is on the top of Steph’s priority list, as she believes that it will take her one step closer to the perfect life. To the senior’s chagrin, however, Martha reveals that the prom king and queen at the school have become relics of the past.

35. “Competitions like that, they’re dangerous.” -Martha Reiser

36. “Winning things, it just, it doesn’t reflect our school values.” -Martha Reiser

To console a visibly distressed Steph, Martha explains her decision to discontinue the prom king and queen tradition. She thinks the contest promotes unhealthy comparisons amongst the students.

37. “With no winners, there aren’t any losers.” -Martha Reiser

38. “Well when there’s just one table, we’re all the popular kids.” -Janet Singh

During lunch, Steph befriends students Janet, Yaz, and Neil in the cafeteria. To her surprise, however, the high school popularity landscape is no longer familiar. Kids do not sit at separate tables according to cliques, but rather at a long table all together.

39. “There’s only, like, three ways to become popular: to be a cheerleader, to work at Abercrombie, or to let guys go in the back door.” -Stephanie Conway

40. “Bri Luvs. That’s just her name on social media.” -Janet Singh

High school in the present might work a bit differently from Steph’s time, but the popular character remains a staple. Janet introduces Bri, the most favored student who also has a huge following on social media.

41. “Okay, everyone’s friends with her, but she’s friends with no one.” -Janet Singh

42. “I’m just trying to build my most authentic, socially conscious, body-positive, environmentally aware, and economically compassionate brand that’s a home for inclusion, focused fashion, food, and fun-filled lifestyles.” -Britney Balbo

Unlike Janet and the others, Steph meets Bri in an aloof greeting. In a shocking turn of events, the social media star is revealed to be Tiffany’s daughter. The cycle of enmity seems to continue.

43. “Um, seeing as you’re my librarian now, you’re legally obligated to help me research something, yeah?” -Stephanie Conway

44. “Social platforms have become a vital tool for communication.” -Seth Novacelik

To better adjust to school life and expand her influence, Steph employs the help of Seth in setting up her first social media account. Now initiated into the world of “likes,” “comments,” and “followers,” Steph is determined to utilize it the most.

45. “So it’s just a popularity contest, but instead of just high school, it’s now the whole world, and the whole world is your phone.” -Stephanie Conway

48. “Just to be clear, this is a way for people to pretend their life and skin texture is better than it is.” -Seth Novacelik

49. “Phones are like the new Tamagotchis.” -Stephanie Conway

50. “I am not my mom. I’m nothing like her. So whatever happened between you two has nothing to do with me.” -Britney Balbo

51. “You don’t realize how many people don’t care about you until you see it as a number on your phone.” -Stephanie Conway

52. “Dad, I’m just still adjusting. I just found out there were eight more Fast and Furious movies.” -Stephanie Conway

Too occupied with her social life, Steph begins to fall back on her studies. Concerned, Martha and Mr. Conway plan an intervention— they decide to confiscate Steph’s phone until she catches up with her school work.

53. “You’re smart, Steph, always have been. I don’t wanna see you using this second chance incorrectly.” -Martha Reiser

54. “Guys, what kind of psycho world is this where the cheerleaders don’t get invited to a party?” -Stephanie Conway

55. “I can’t have a video record of my partying. The media’s gonna use it to try and discredit me when I run for office like they did with AOC.” -Janet Singh

56. “We need to dance because we need to show everybody that we’re the cool ones.” -Stephanie Conway

Realizing that the cheer squad is no longer being taken seriously at the school, Steph vows to restore the cheerleaders’ former glory. They begin making changes to the previously dull dance routine without Martha’s knowledge.

57. “Now, don’t worry, I’ve spoken with the school nurse. And with less than three weeks until graduation, we are prepared for an epidemic of senioritis.” -Martha Reiser

58. “Okay, guys, the energy in this place is sucking wiens.” -Stephanie Conway

59. “Thank you for the computer tampon. Shove that where that goes.” -Stephanie Conway

Another funny instance arises at the pep rally when Steph is handed a thumb drive to play music for the cheer team’s dance routine. Unfamiliar with the device, she proceeds to call it a “computer tampon” for its shape.

60. “Really, guys, you’re the bomb diggity.” -Stephanie Conway

61. “Are you ready for the remix?” -Stephanie Conway

During the pep rally, Steph leads the cheer team in a particularly bawdy performance. Some of the audience, including Martha and Tiffany, are appalled— but the rest find it refreshingly entertaining.

62. “Well, even though I was pretty much brain-dead, you were the one that kept my heart beating.” -Stephanie Conway

63. “But if you’re the man that I think you are, I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.” -Stephanie Conway

After the performance, Blaine seeks Steph out in the parking lot. Though charmed, she refuses to get back together with him, as Blaine is now a married man.

64. “You turned the cafeteria into a Hogwarts without the magic.” -Stephanie Conway

65. “I had more fun in a coma.” -Stephanie Conway

Steph and Martha argue with each other over the performance, revealing buried feelings of resentment in the process. While Steph accuses Marth of “sanitizing” student life, Marth believes her acts of attracting attention to be rash and inappropriate.

66. “Freshman year, you bailed on Seth and I to go be some popular girl.” -Martha Reiser

67. “Stephanie, I wouldn’t understand because I’m gay.” -Martha Reiser

68. “And it, it made high school a living hell for me.” -Martha Reiser

A frustrated Martha reveals to Steph her loneliness and pain during high school. Forced to hide her sexuality due to the hostile treatment of her peers, Martha’s anguish is compounded by Steph’s fickle attitude towards their friendship.

69. “Back then, I felt very alone, and angry and so threatened that if I showed one iota of my real self then I would be ripped to shreds, by Tiffany or Blaine or you.” -Martha Reiser

70. “Because, Steph, sometimes I didn’t know who you were. Or, are.” -Martha Reiser

71. “Two decades later, and I still love watching Tiff lose her mind.” -Stephanie Conway

72. “You’d use our attention to make the popular kids crave yours.” -Seth Novacelik

Wanting to make Blaine jealous, Steph agrees to go on a movie date with Seth at the Natural History Museum. The two also discuss Seth’s crush on Steph, and where their relationship seems to be heading.

73. “We always wondered if those kids ever got to really meet you. Like, the real you.” -Seth Novacelik

74. “You said it rewards archaic gender roles.” -Britney Balbo

75. “Mom, I’m not doing this. And don’t say ‘woke’ or ‘supes’.” -Britney Balbo

76. “Well, what I remember about prom is that it was overhyped, you weren’t there, and it sucked.” -Seth Novacelik

77. “It’s more than just a crown to me.” -Stephanie Conway

Caught in a vulnerable and nostalgic moment, Steph opens up about her fixation on winning prom queen. They distract her from the pain of her mother’s death, as well as the burden of judgment and exclusion at school.

78. “I was so miserable.” -Stephanie Conway

79. “And I was getting there and then all of a sudden… boom, coma, lights out.” -Stephanie Conway

80. “Mom chose great.” -Stephanie Conway

Prom night finally arrives, and Steph dons a beautiful pink dress gifted by her mother. Seth also accompanies her as her date.

81. “Vote for Bri. Is it spelled like the cheese?” -Stephanie Conway

82. “Please just try and remember this is my prom, not yours.” -Britney Balbo

Increasingly annoyed with Tiffany’s scheming, Bri warns her to be respectful of her prom night. She does not want her mother to control every facet of her life, nor does she wish to win prom queen through cheating.

83. “You teenage-tricked me, Steph.” -Seth Novacelik

84. “The 2022 prom queen will go to…Stephanie Conway!” -Martha Reiser

With Bri withdrawing from the contest, Steph wins prom queen. She and Lance perform a dramatic dance to Celine Dion’s “Power of Love” as the crowd cheers them on.

85. “Oh my god, they’re gonna make a Netflix documentary about me.” -Martha Reiser

86. “You need to grow up. You’re not a teenager!” -Martha Reiser

Steph throws an after-party at Martha’s lakehouse without her permission, which is then shut down by the police. An angry Martha arrives to confront Steph about her callous behavior both in the past and present.

87. “You had me, and you had Seth.” -Martha Reiser

88. “Everybody else just got to go on and live their lives. And what, I’m supposed to just jump forward?” -Stephanie Conway

89. “Making mistakes is different than willfully screwing over the people who care about you.” -Martha Reiser

90. “They were not your friends. We were your friends.” -Martha Reiser

91. “I want you to have the perfect life, like me.” -Tiffany Blanchette-Balbo

92. “The perfect life online means nothing when you’re miserable in real life.” -Britney Balbo

93. “My advice, throw that crown away now. You know what prom queen got me? An even spray tan and the ability to dodge bleach poisoning every time I get my hair done.” -Deanna Russo

On the car ride back home, Steph realizes that her Lyft driver is Deanna Russo, her idol. Divorced and struggling to make ends meet, Deanna dissuades Steph from obsessing over popularity. She encourages Steph to pursue other passions.

94. “And for the first time in my life, I’m excited about the future instead of holding on to the past.” -Deanna Russo

95. “One of the last things that she said to me was to make sure that you knew how to receive love.” -Jim Conway

96. “So let me be clear: don’t waste your time telling the people who love you the most that they don’t count. They are the only ones who count.” -Jim Conway

97. “Yeah, like, f*ck being popular. f*ck being cool.” -Stephanie Conway

98. “I never planned on taking two decades to graduate, obvi, but the class of 2022 has shown me something that I could never have learned back when I was in high school the first time.” -Stephanie Conway

99. “Why fit in when you can stand out?” -Stephanie Conway

Trying to make amends with Seth and Marth, Steph starts an Instagram live to make a heartfelt statement about her mistakes. Disillusioned with fame and the idea of a perfect life, she proclaims that no opinion matters except that from people who care about her.

100. “And yeah, I’m still afraid that if I show everyone my real self, the wrong people will make fun of me. But it’s the only way for the right people to see me.” -Stephanie Conway

101. “Stop competing with her. There’s enough room for both of you. There’s enough room for all of us.” -Stephanie Conway

Under Bri’s prompting, Tiffany and Steph finally reconcile and place their differences aside. In the end, family and forgiveness are what prevail.

102. “It is hot as hell, and this ceremony is way too long.” -Janet Singh

103. “Who you are in high school doesn’t define you.” -Janet Singh

At the graduation ceremony, Janet makes an uplifting speech to remind her peers that the future is bright. High school is an important time for many, but it should not define one’s character. There is always room to grow and reflect.

Hope you enjoyed these quotes from Netflix’s Senior Year! Comment down below if you have a favorite Senior Year quote as well.

Watch Senior Year on Netflix!

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Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” “Yesterday is what brought you to today.” “Graduation is the first step of the next chapter of your life.” “Dear future self, 'Always remember who got you where you are today.'”

What is the best movie quote ever? ›

A jury consisting of 1,500 film artists, critics, and historians selected "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn", spoken by Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in the 1939 American Civil War epic Gone with the Wind, as the most memorable American movie quotation of all time.

What famous quote has 8 words? ›

Braveheart (1995) "Every man dies, not every man really lives."

How do I find the best senior quote? ›

Make sure that the person you are quoting is someone that you truly look up to or think is funny. Someone whose words resonate with you. You can also quote someone that doesn't have much of an online presence or none at all, like a researcher or an author. Read their books and find some quotable language in there.

What is a super senior in high school? ›

A super senior is a student in a four-year educational institution (such as a high school or undergraduate school) who has more than four years in attendance or a surplus of credits required for a diploma and has not yet graduated. In certain cases these students are also known as postgraduates.

What is the everything is connected TV show quote? ›

“The distinction between past, present and future is nothing but an illusion. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected.”

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.