10k in 3 weeks | Mumsnet (2024)

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14 replies

User543211 · 18/04/2024 11:09

I really really want to run a local 10k in 3 weeks, I just don't know if mad for trying it?
Only ever ran one proper race, a half marathon in 2018 under 2 hours which I obviously trained for. Was pretty fit at the time, loads of gym and hockey too. Since then I've hardly run, had a baby in 2021 and in 2022. For the past 9 months I've been doing body pump 3 X a week and since the evenings have been lighter I've been going for a slow jog of around 3k a couple times a week.
Last night I decided to try a 5k and did it in just under 30 mins. I feel like I could do the 10k at this level if I up my training in the next 3 weeks?
I live rurally, there's no park runs or anything round here. This 10k is the only one in my county anytime soon and with 2 small kids I just don't have time to be going to far away locations just to run one.
Any tips for training between now and then or shall I just bin the idea?
Feel like I'm finally getting myself back after years of pregnancy and breastfeeding - I'd be so proud of myself if I can do it.

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TheTripThatWasnt · 18/04/2024 11:13

If you went out and did 5k in under 30 mins you are clearly a decent runner. You'd definitely be able to 'do' 10k in a few weeks' time based on that, but you may find it hard.

I'd say between now and then you can't 'train' for it, but you can 'prepare' - do a 7k run and an 8k run between now and then, and a few other shorter runs and you'll get round. Just don't set off too fast (ie at your 5k pace) and expect it to hurt a bit (and have sore-ish legs the next day if you go too fast).


BogRollBOGOF · 18/04/2024 12:20

TheTripThatWasnt · 18/04/2024 11:13

If you went out and did 5k in under 30 mins you are clearly a decent runner. You'd definitely be able to 'do' 10k in a few weeks' time based on that, but you may find it hard.

I'd say between now and then you can't 'train' for it, but you can 'prepare' - do a 7k run and an 8k run between now and then, and a few other shorter runs and you'll get round. Just don't set off too fast (ie at your 5k pace) and expect it to hurt a bit (and have sore-ish legs the next day if you go too fast).

I agree with this. Generally I'd say no, but sub 30 5k is a good base level. Take it gently the last 5 days before, and go easy on the pace. Don't aim for sub 60 on race day.
If stamina isn't quite there, "Jeffing" with short, frequent run/ walk intervals will help stretch the stamina out .

You've got a few weeks to stretch a longer run out, and it's not essential to run the full distance in training if aiming to complete.

Listen to your body though. You don't want to go in to it tired and injured, and make sure your shoes are in good condition.


User543211 · 18/04/2024 17:04

Thanks both. Good advice re not training as such but preparing. I don't consider myself much of a runner and it's never come naturally to me. I really surprised myself last night and didn't find it too bad (presume running around after toddlers has kept me fitter than I realised).
I think I'll give it another week or 10 days before signing up and see how I go between now and then, perhaps trying a 7 or 8k in the meantime and some shorter runs as well.

OP posts:


TheTripThatWasnt · 18/04/2024 17:40

I think you're probably a better runner than you give yourself credit for if you ran a sub-30 min 5k without really thinking about it!

In your OP you said you 'really really' want to run the 10K - I'd harness that excitement and enter now. If you think about it too long, you might talk yourself out of it (or entries might close/sell out). That will probably give you the incentive to get the longer runs done. Go on - you know you want to!


Chocolateteabag · 18/04/2024 19:26

See if you can find the results for last years race - if there are lots of finishers in the 1hr 10mins + end then you'll be fine

If the last few finishers are still under an hour - you might want to consider if coming last will be ok

I mean someone has to come last

I have been doing a few fell races where I know I will be one of the last to finish - but when most people wait about at the finish for the results - I'm usually good to finish while they are doing them

You sound like you'll manage 10k in an hour or maybe 1.05-10 if you need to walk a bit at the end stage - which for many races will be absolutely fine

My town 10k and the next one over have plenty finishing after 1.10


TheTripThatWasnt · 18/04/2024 19:50

Every 10k I've done has had plenty of finishers well over 90 mins! At OP's pace she is in no danger of coming last (unless it's a small field of club runners).



User543211 · 18/04/2024 21:18

@Chocolateteabag great advice, I've just checked and out of 7 pages of results the last 3 pages are over an hour. It advertises itself as an 'easy' course suitable for beginners without too many hills.
I forgot to mention that I'm taking my 2 kids to Peppa pig world (5 hours away!) the Friday before and staying the night (2 days at the park) and back Saturday night before the run on the Sunday morning 🙈 Maybe I'll just be to knackered. But I really want to do it. I love a challenge!

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User543211 · 18/04/2024 21:21

@TheTripThatWasnt you are right! Best get on and book it 🤞

OP posts:


Chocolateteabag · 18/04/2024 22:55

Definitely book it - you know you can get round and if it's slower than you had hoped - well now you have a target to beat next time

Because OP, there will be a next time....

Once you start them they get addictive 10k in 3 weeks | Mumsnet (1)


User543211 · 06/05/2024 21:09

An update (if anyone cares haha) the race is next weekend and I planned to do 5 miles today (longest since the start of this idea). Anyway I miscalculated the route and ended up doing 10k by accident! I did it in 1 hour and 2 seconds and actually can't believe it as I've had a weekend of too much cake and wine and didn't run as planned last week. So it's a huge confidence boost and I'm going to try to get under the hour next weekend.
All I can think is the body pump must have really helped over the last few months (I used to do hiit when I ran previously which I now despise).
Think I'll just do a 5k on weds and that's probably all I've have time for 🤞

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Chocolateteabag · 06/05/2024 23:35

That's brilliant OP!!

Yes don't go crazy this week and make sure you get there on Sunday with enough time for a good warm up! A good 5-10 mins of active warm up 20-25 mins before the start will really help


User543211 · 12/05/2024 21:00

I did it! Time of 56:30 which I am absolutely chuffed with considering. Of course it has me wondering what I could achieve if I train consistently. On to the next one!

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HappyFitnessQueen · 13/05/2024 11:09

OMG - that's amazing! Well done! I only just found your OP today and I was thinking 'she can SO do this and SO should do this'! I'm the same as you, a regular BP'er and dabble with a little running. I've just entered my first 5k this weekend but should have entered the 10k...I'm aiming for a 10k this summer. I thought I needed a bit of race experience first then go on to a 10k...if I'd seen your post before I would have entered the 10k. So encouraging!

By the way, if you haven't found it yet then Runna is a fantastic training app. You can add in strength to the schedule too and it's usually 2 full body workouts a week so I count my BPs as those two. Then I lay off a little on the legs and have an upper body day.

Good luck with the next steps and thank you for posting :)


User543211 · 13/05/2024 21:41

@HappyFitnessQueen thanks for that lovely post. I've never heard of runna so thanks for that and that is the kind of plan I've been doing except one been doing one core day.
Enjoy the 5k - at the race I went to people were switching races at the registration point on the day so you might be able to do that?!
I loved it so much, can't wait to do more.
My legs aren't even too bad today!

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10k in 3 weeks | Mumsnet (2024)


Can you get ready for a 10K in 3 weeks? ›

If you signed up for a 10K race (6.2 miles) and haven't started training yet, you can still get into racing shape if you put your mind to it. By establishing a roster of rotating programs—with regular training and rest days—it is possible to be race-ready in as little as 4 weeks.

Can you train for a 10K in 1 month? ›

Some people could be 10K-ready in a little as six weeks, others might take three months. If you've been running consistently, you should be able to get race-ready in eight weeks, says Andrew Simmons, USATF-certified running coach, TrainingPeaks ambassador, and co-founder of Lifelong Endurance.

Can I train for a 10K in 4 weeks? ›

If you've ever trained for a longer distance race you might be forgiven for thinking signing up to a 10k with a goal to PB will require a long period of training. Well think again! Four weeks is enough time to give a good boost to your fitness and put some speed into your legs.

How quickly can you learn to run 10K? ›

Beginner runners should build up to that 10k distance over 8 to 10 weeks. So, your first and second week might have a long run of three to four miles. Your third and fourth week can go up to five, and then the rest of the weeks should go up to six or seven miles each to get you comfortable with that 10k distance.

How long does it take to go from couch to 10k? ›

Each new runner is different. However, you can expect training for your first 10k to take anywhere from 12 weeks upwards.

How many days should you take off after a 10k? ›

For example, if you were racing a 10k you should take 6 days' recovery but if your run effort wasn't all-out such as if you were running at marathon pace or moderately as a fun run then taking between 2 and 6 days is fine.

Will I lose weight if I train for a 10k? ›

One of the most common misperceptions about running is that you will lose weight while training for a race. For most runners, that just isn't the case.

Can you learn to run 10k in 2 weeks? ›

You won't make any significant physiological gains in two weeks, but it's better to do something rather than nothing. It is still a good idea to run a few workouts at your goal race pace to develop an idea of what type of shape you're in, so you don't have to find out the hard way… on the course.

Will I lose weight running 3 times a week? ›

While the exact number varies depending on your weight and speed, you can expect to burn around 280-520 calories for 30 minutes of running. If you are running 2-3 times a week, this can help to increase your calorie deficit without having to eat even fewer calories.

When should I stop training before a 10k? ›

One week before its time to run just 60 minutes easy and enjoy the Sunday papers! Your last key harder session should be about 10 days before race day. For example; o 45-60 minutes with 6 x 5 mins @ threshold off a 60s jog recovery.

How to eat while training for a 10k? ›

Your 10K nutrition plan should still focus on eating the healthiest options—whole bread and pasta, steamed vegetables instead of fried, low-fat options for spreads and yogurts, and chicken and fish instead of red meat.

What is a good 10k time for a woman? ›

Female 10k Running Times

A good 10k time for a woman is 54:13. This is the average 10k time across women of all ages. The fastest 10k time ran by a woman is 29:43.

How quickly should I be able to run 10km? ›

Most runners who are reasonably fit and clock 15–30 miles per week can expect to finish a 10K race in 50–70 minutes. More advanced runners will usually finish in 43–50 minutes. Exceptionally fit runners can average a mile every 7 minutes, whereas more casual runners can expect to run a mile every 10–14 minutes.

Can you run 10km without training? ›

If you run fairly regularly, even 2–3 miles a few times a week, competing in and completing a 10K shouldn't be that difficult. If you're not a runner at all, and you're only looking to get from the start to the finish, most people could do it.

What is an elite 10k time? ›

Local elite runners, like the ones you're likely to see breaking the tape at your community race, may complete a 10k race in a finish time of 31 to 33 minutes (or even faster) for men, or 37 to 40 minutes for women. Experienced runners may even go faster than that.

How long do you need to prepare for a 10k? ›

A 12-week training plan will prepare you for a 10K race if you have been running for a few months. More experienced runners who can cover the distance and want to run a faster 10K should spend six to ten weeks preparing for their 10K race.

Can you train for a 10k in 2 weeks? ›

Depending on your current level of fitness, following a 2 week 10k training plan won't necessarily be the most effective avenue towards nailing a big PR, but as long as you are currently able to run at least 3 to 4 miles without stopping, you should be able to train to finish a 10k in two weeks.

Can I get ready for a 5K in 3 weeks? ›

Usually, you can prepare for a 5K within 4 weeks as long as you're reasonably fit when you begin training. It's possible to train in as little as 2 weeks if you've been running regularly for a few months.

How many miles should I prepare for 10k a week? ›

10K is heavily aerobic, 90%. Still has a small anaerobic element to it, so you certainly need some high quality aerobic training. Now, again, your running days is going to depend on your mileage. Our essential guidelines is about 15 to 20 miles a week.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.