11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (2024)

Booty, booty, booty rocking everywhere is going to be your new theme song when you walk into a room after mastering these best glute isolation exercises. If you're looking to build a strong, firm backside, look no further. In this post, we cover everything about glutes, including; the anatomy and function, benefits of training them, plus 11of the best glute isolation exercises. Finally, we leave you with two glute isolation workouts that can be done at your home or the gym.

Table of Contents:

  • Anatomy of the glutes
  • Benefits of glute isolation exercises
  • Can you really isolate the glutes?
  • 11 best glute isolation exercises
  • Programming tips and suggestions
  • Glute isolation workout examples

11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (1)


The glutes, gluteal muscles, buttocks or butt consist of three main muscles; the gluteus maximus, gluteus, medius and gluteus minimus.

Let's have a look at these three different glute muscles:

11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (2)

Gluteus Maximus:

The gluteus maximus creates a round shape to the butt. It is the biggest muscle in the human body and one of the strongest as well. It starts at the pelvic bone and runs down to the femur. Aside from giving you the shape of your backside, the gluteus maximus is responsible for many vital functions of the human body. Overall, the gluteus maximus helps with stability, balance, and transference of explosive power from the lower body to the upper body.

The primary functions of the gluteus Maximus are:

  • Hip Extension: The gluteus maximus together with the hamstrings provide the action needed for hip extension. So, everyday movements like walking, running, getting up from a chair, and jumping require hip extension.
  • Stability: The gluteus maximus supports the stability and balance of the pelvis and the femoral heads so that we can stay in an upright position. Also, the gluteus maximus provides some stability to the hips and knees when lifting one leg off the ground in activities such as walking or running.
  • Hip External Rotation: It assists in moving the legs outward away from the body.
  • Hip Adduction/Abduction: The gluteus maximus also aids in abducting the hip thanks to positioning the upper muscle fibers while the lower fiber assists in hip adduction.

Gluteus Medius:

The gluteus medius is a thick muscle found on the upper outer side of the buttocks, 2/3 of it is covered by the gluteus maximus. It begins at the ilium (hip bone) the travels down the hip. The gluteus medius has three separate portions determined by the layout of the muscle fibers; all the muscle fibers come together towards the bottom in a tendon that inserts into the femur. The primary function of the gluteus medius is to control and stabilize the hips through the exertion of force on the femur.

Here are the main functions of the gluteus medius:

  • Hip Abduction: The gluteus medius is the primary mover in hip abduction, where you move your legs outwards away from your body.
  • Stabilizes Hips: Keeping your hips level during movement is also referred to as frontal plane control, mainly dependent on the gluteus medius.
  • Hip Flexion/Extension: It plays a supporting role in raising the thighs towards the torso in hip flexion and hip extension where the hips are opened up.
  • Internal/External Rotation of Hips: Helps with external rotation when the hips rotate outwards and internal rotation where the legs are brought inwards.

Gluteus Minimus:

As the name suggests, the gluteus minimus is the smallest gluteal muscles. It's a deep muscle under the other gluteal muscles and tensor fascia latae that starts at the ilium (hip bone) and travels to the femur. The gluteus minimus is similar to the gluteus medius in structure and function. The primary functions of the gluteus minimus are hip abduction and stabilization. It also helps with the movement of the thighs in concert with the gluteus medius.

Here's a look at the main functions of the gluteus minimus:

  • Maintain Hip Positioning: Along with the gluteus medius, it helps to keep the hips level during movements such as walking or running. This is why single-leg exercises are great for working the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. The tensor fascia latae also helps the gluteus minimus support and stabilize the body when standing on one leg.
  • Hip Abduction: It plays a part in moving the hips away from the body when you bring your legs out to your sides in movements like clamshells. On the flip side, the gluteus minimus also helps to restrict too much movement in the opposite direction; this is important in dynamic movements.
  • Flexion/Extension of Femur: the gluteus minimus aids in moving the leg forward and backward.


The benefits of building strong glutes can't be understated; glute isolation exercises target the gluteal muscles while reducing the engagement of other large muscles such as the quads or hamstrings.In workouts featuringour best buttocks lift exercises, you'll notice several isolation movesas they're crucial to targeting and growing your backside.

Here's a look at a few benefits of glute isolation exercises:

  1. Perform Better: Strong glutes will have you moving better, whether you're an athlete or not. The glutes are the cornerstone of a strong foundation that helps to support the upper body. Everyday activities such as walking, running, standing, sitting all require the healthy functioning of the glutes. Strong glutes also help produce explosive power that can enhance your athletic performance.
  2. Alleviate Back Pain: Apart from supporting the upper body, the glutes play a role in stabilizing the spine. Weak glute muscles can lead to back pain. This issue is exacerbated by the amount of time people spend sitting. Strengthening the glute muscles could help to relieve back pain.
  3. Counteract Sedentary Lifestyle: Mentioned above, many of us spend way too much time sitting on our rear ends. Some researchers go as far as to say that sitting is the new smoking. By performing glute isolation exercises, you can avoid experiencing weak the glutes and the problems that come with it.
  4. Help Stabilize Knees: Weak glutes can lead to some other problems. The glutes help to stabilize the pelvis and the knees. Various conditions like patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, or other potential knee and ankle injuries can directly result from weak glutes. Using glute isolation exercises to strengthen the glutes can save you possible pain in the future, don't wait until you suffer from one of these painful situations.
  5. Look Better: A driving force for many who want to build the glutes is for superior aesthetics, which is just a side perk of performing glute isolation exercises. While there's no way to spot-reduce fat, it is possible to specifically target muscles to make them stronger, thicker, and tighter. So, if you want to improve the appearance of your backside, these best glute isolation exercises are a great start.

11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (3)


You can target the glutes with precision, but it's not possible to isolate them completely. By performing exercises that highlight the gluteal muscles without placing too much tension on the legs or other lower body muscles, you can place the training bias on your glutes to stimulate muscle growth and strength gain. That said, you'll want to avoid doing regular squats and the variations. Also, hold off of single-leg squat exercises for ow including split squats, Bulgarian squats, etc. In addition, you'll want to stay away from bodybuilding exercises such as leg presses, Hack squats, deadlifts, leg curls and extensions, and the like. Lastly, don't focus on hip adduction exercises. All these exercises are fantastic, and while they might hit the glutes, they also target multiple other muscles.

Now you might be thinking, "if I shouldn't do all those exercises to isolate the glutes, what should I do?". Let's start with hip thrusts, they are one of the best exercises you can do to target the gluteus maximus, but they also work the quads and hip adductors. We listed hip thrust in the best glute isolation exercise list below, but for some people, this exercise may work the quads a bit more depending on body mechanics, setup, and execution. The best exercises that isolate the glutes are glute bridges and variations plus multiple hip abduction exercises.

Check out the list of the best glute isolation exercises below.


To select the best glute isolation exercises, we looked to the preeminent voice on the glutes, Bret Contreras, AKA "The Gute Guy." If there's one person that knows how to best isolate and train the glutes without working other muscles in the same proximity, then it's him. He's done countless studies using EMG to figure out which exercises work and activate the glutes the most.

The majority of the best glute isolation exercises can be done at home with minimal equipment, such as resistance bands or booty bands, so there's no excuse why you can't add these exercises to your standard training regimen.


Hip thrusts are a great exercise to activate the gluteus maximus. This hip extension exercise allows you to lift heavy loads without putting too much pressure on the lower back. Instead, the weight is loaded horizontally; with that, you'll be able to stimulate new muscle growth while increasing the strength and power of the glutes. Rotate your feet outwards slightly to maximize glute activation.

How To Do Pause Barbell Hip Thrusts:

  1. Set up a barbell parallel to a bench with weight plates wide enough that gives you enough clearance to roll over your legs (unless you have a partner to place the bar for you). Use a towel or pad on the bar for extra comfort.
  2. Sit perpendicular to the bench with your upper back against it, then roll the bar over your legs to the crease in your hips.
  3. Plant your feet on the ground by bending your knees then turn your toes outwards slightly at 10-15 degrees.
  4. Grab the bar on the outside of your knees to keep the bar stable as you lift up.
  5. Lean back into the bench then squeeze your glutes to lift your butt off the floor.
  6. Contract the glutes, lifting the bar up until your hips are fully extended with knees bent at 90 degrees.
  7. Briefly hold at the top while squeezing the glutes.
  8. Slowly lower the bar until your butt is a few inches off the ground before initiating the next reps.
  9. Repeat for desired reps.

Note: Try to play with your foot placement until you feel the glutes working the most. You might have to move your feet either closer or further away from your butt.

Related:Best Barbell Hip Thrust Alternatives


The barbell glute bridge is similar to the barbell hip thrust apart from the body positioning. In a hip thrust, your upper back is elevated, whereas the glute bridge your upper back will be on the ground. This change in body position reduces the engagement of the quads. Therefore, the glute bridge will work the glutes directly while the hamstrings play a supporting role.

How To Barbell Glute Bridges:

  1. Set up the barbell with weight plates wide enough so you can roll the bar over your legs.
  2. Sit down, then roll the bar over your legs to the crease in your hips.
  3. Lie down, then bend at the knees and plant your feet close to your glutes.
  4. Grab the bar on the outside of your legs to help with stability the brace your core.
  5. Flex and squeeze your glutes to lift your butt off the floor until you've locked out at the top with full hip extension.
  6. Hold briefly at the top while you focus on squeezing your glutes.
  7. Slowly lower to starting position.
  8. Repeat for desired reps.

Note: You may need to reset feet until you find a placement that emphasizes the glutes while reducing the use of the hamstrings to lift the weight. You can also do this exercise by elevating your feet on a platform to increase the range of motion.


The seated hip abduction machine can effectively help you hit the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. If your gym doesn't have this machine, you can use resistance bands looped around the outside of your legs to provide added tension. Seated hip abductions help to strengthen the glutes, thus improving stability and mobility at the hips. This movement can also help to reduce knee valgus, a condition where the knees are skewed inwards.

How To Do Seated Banded Hip Abduction:

  1. Get into a seated positionwith a fabric resistance band around yourthighs, just above your knees.
  2. Keeping your back straight, push your legs out to the sides as far as you can, focus on squeezing your glutes to execute this movement.
  3. Repeat for desired reps.

Note: Lean forward to hit more of the gluteus maximus or lean back to shift more tension to the gluteus medius.


We mentioned above that deadlifts aren't the best exercise to isolate the glutes, but here is the one exception. Many people might not know the American deadlift and how it differs from the Romanian deadlift or RDL. Although both exercises may look similar, there's one significant difference in execution. The American deadlift requires more pelvic movement at the top of the exercise, where your hips are driven forward with a bigger range of motion than an RDL. This slight change in movement shifts more stress to the glutes away from the hamstrings.

How To Do American Deadlifts:

  1. Setup barbell, then stand with feet hip-width apart with toes pointing slightly outwards; the bar should be over your midfoot.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, then hinge at the hips to reach down and grab the bar with both hands using an overhand grip just outside your legs.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades down and back, then lift the bar off the floor while contracting your hamstrings and glutes. Keep your core braced and back straight throughout the movement.
  4. Towards the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes to create a slight posterior pelvic tilt.
  5. Slowly lower the bar to starting position where the weight is just off the floor while in a slight anterior pelvic tilt.
  6. Repeat for desired reps.


The kickback can be performed with a cable machine or resistance bands. The glute kickback hits all three gluteal muscles. An added benefit of performing glute kickbacks is that it's a unilateral exercise where you're focusing on one side at a time. This allows you to devote more concentration to establishing the mind-muscle connection. Plus, standing on one leg will activate your gluteus minimus and gluteus medius more to keep your hips level.

How To Do Kickbacks with Cable Machine:

  1. Set up the cable machine at the lowest point with the cuff attachment.
  2. Strap the ankle cuff to your leg while standing in front of the machine.
  3. Lean forward and grab a safe place on the machine to help support your body.
  4. Hinge at the hips while keeping a neutral spine.
  5. Kick your active leg back until it's parallel with your torso (or as high as you can comfortably).
  6. Squeeze your glutes at the top for 1-2 seconds.
  7. Slowly lower to starting position.
  8. Repeat for desired reps then switch legs.

Note: This exercise can be performed with resistance bands as well by anchoring the band to something sturdy that won’t budge.


Back extensions are great for strengthening the lower back and spinal erectors, but they're also good for hitting the glutes if you make a minor adjustment. By flaring your feet outwards, you'll transfer more stress onto the glutes so that they're activated more as you lift your body. Back extensions train the posterior chain without added pressure on the spine. Try starting with no resistance as you focus on using the glutes to perform the movement. You can add resistance as you progress with either weights or bands.

How To Do Glute Focused Back Extensions:

  1. Set up the hyperextension bench to the proper height, so the pads are at the crease in your hips.
  2. Get into position with your feet locked into place with them pointing outwards, cross arms in front or behind the head.
  3. Lower your body at the hips while keeping your back straight as far as you can go until you feel a deep stretch.
  4. Raise yourself up in a controlled motion by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings.
  5. Repeat for desired reps.

Note: Make sure you keep your feet flared out!


This exercise is sometimes referred to as the glute pull through for a good reason; it hits those glutes hard if done correctly. The cable pull-through can also be done with resistance bands making it an excellent glute isolation exercise for the gym or at home. In this movement, you will work the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and core. This hip hinge exercise will let you add continuous tension on the glutes while you can finish off the movement with a long isometric hold to activate those muscle fibers and stimulate growth.

How To Do Cable Pull Throughs:

  1. Set up a rope or handle on the cable machine at a low point.
  2. Stand facing away from the machine, then grab the handle/rope so that the cable runs through your legs.
  3. Take a step away from the machine, so there's tension on the cable.
  4. Get in a shoulder-width stance then hip forward at the hips while keeping a neutral spine so that your torso is almost parallel to the floor.
  5. Drive your hips forward while squeezing your glutes until hips are fully extended and you're standing upright.
  6. Squeeze and hold at the top for 1-3 seconds.
  7. Slowly reverse motion to starting position without removing the tension from the cable.
  8. Repeat for desired reps.


This is an excellent exercise to work the glutes. Reverse frog hyperextensions are perfect for activating the glutes while improving lower back strength. Removing the vertical load on the spine during this hyperextension exercise allows similar movements to deadlifts without the added tension, making it a safe and effective exercise to hit the glutes and lower back. Many powerlifters and athletes will use exercises like this to improve their strength and overall explosiveness.

How To Do Reverse Frog Hyperextensions:

  1. Lie down on a flat bench face first with the edge of it at the crease in your hips, hug the bench with your arms.
  2. Start with your knees spread and feet together while your legs dangling off the bench.
  3. Lift your knees up and back while squeezing your glutes.
  4. Slowly return to starting position.
  5. Repeat for desired reps.

Note: You can use a resistance band looped just above your knees if you want to make the exercise harder while working your gluteus minimus and gluteus medius.



This is a fantastic exercise to work the glutes that can be done with just your bodyweight or with the added resistance using bands. Lateral walks increase the time under tension on your glutes as you'll perform this exercise in a partial squat the whole time. Hit the side glutes and add some definition while toning up the muscles as you work out at home or the gym.

How To Do Banded Lateral Walks:

  1. Loop band around ankles or just above your knees.
  2. Get into an athletic partial squat stance with your knees bent and your butt down and back with feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Take a step to your left while keeping your core, glutes, and legs engaged, then bring your other foot over so that you're back in starting position of feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. Take the desired number of steps to one side, then complete the equal number in the other direction.


Clamshells and fire hydrants are two excellent glute isolation exercises that can be done with bodyweight or with added resistance. We recommend adding a band to these exercises to work the muscles more to build strength and muscle. We grouped these exercises together as they focus on external hip rotation and are great for isolating the glutes. The main difference in these exercises is body positioning. Clamshells are done lying down while fire hydrants require a bit more stability in the core, arms in shoulders to brace you in position.

How to do Side Lying Clamshells:

  1. Place booty band around your legs above your knees.
  2. Lay down on your side with your head on your arm and your other arm's hand on the floor in front of your chest.
  3. Bring your feet back towards your butt, so there's a 90-degree angle at the knees.
  4. Keeping your feet together, lift your top leg up as far as you can while you contract your glutes, hold at the top briefly.
  5. Slowly lower to starting position.
  6. Repeat for desired reps, then switch sides.

How To Do Banded Fire Hydrants:

  1. Loop booty band around your legs just above your knees.
  2. Get onto the floor with your hands stacked under your shoulders and knees below your hips.
  3. Lift one leg up to the side by contracting the glutes as far as you can or parallel with the floor.
  4. Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to starting position.
  5. Repeat for desired reps, then switch sides.


To effectively use the best glute isolation exercises, you'll need to follow a few key points to maximize your chances of achieving your goals.

Here's a look at the variables involved in programming the best glute isolation exercises:

Training Frequency: You should perform these glute isolation exercises 2-3 times a week for optimal results. Ensure you have adequate of at least 24 hours between your training sessions. If you want to build muscle and strength, you should shoot for 10-20 sets per week while using added resistance. However, if you wish to tighten and tone your glutes, you can use a higher volume of more sets and reps throughout the week without adding too much extra resistance.

Rep Ranges: Ideally, you'll use a mixture of rep ranges because the glute muscles have a mixture of both type I and type II muscle fibers. Here's a look at some rough guidelines for rep range used and desired outcome:

  • 1-5 reps @ 80-100% 1RM: Power & Strength
  • 6-15 reps @65-85% 1RM: Strength & Hypertrophy (Muscle Gain)
  • 15+ reps @30-65% 1RM: Hypertrophy & Endurance

Progressive Overload: Assuming you want to build muscle and increase strength, you'll have to employ the method of progressive overload. With this, over time, you'll need to increase the amount of weight you're lifting, the number of reps you're doing, or a combination of both to get stronger.

Mind-Muscle Connection: You're reading this post because you want to isolate and train the glutes. This means you need to give the utmost attention to establishing the mind-muscle connection while performing the exercises. Start with a light enough weight to entirely focus on contracting the glutes to execute the movement then work your way up by adding resistance over time.

11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (4)


Perform this glute isolation workout 2-3 times a week at the gym for best results. Remember to focus on squeezing the glutes in each rep of each set.

Rest time between sets is 45-90 seconds:

  1. Barbell Glute Bridge: 3 sets x 6-8 reps
  2. Seated Hip Abduction Machine: 3 sets x 10-12 reps
  3. American Deadlift: 3 sets x 10 reps
  4. Cable Pull Throughs: 2 sets x 15 reps
  5. Cable Kickbacks: 3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)


You can perform this glute isolation workout at home 2-3 times a week by performing these exercises with your bodyweight or using resistance bands.

Rest between sets is 45-90 seconds.

  1. Clamshells w/ Bands: 3 sets x 12 reps (each side)
  2. Kickbacks w/ Bands: 3 sets x 10-12 reps (each leg)
  3. Lateral Walks: 4 sets x 10-15 strides (each direction)
  4. Glute Bridges w/ Bands: 3 sets x 8-10 reps (hold at top for 1-3 seconds)
  5. Reverse Frog Hypers w/ Bands: 3 sets x 10 reps


Now you know 11 of the best glute isolation exercises, how the muscles function, and why you should focus on training them. Remember that you'll need to train hard with consistency, plus eat a healthy diet with enough protein to get those glutes you've always wanted.

More GluteExercise Content:

  • Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises
  • Best Gluteus Medius Exercises
  • Best Gluteus Minimus Exercises
  • Best Hip Abduction Exercises
  • Best Hip Adductor Exercises

11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (5)

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    11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (6)

    11 Best Glute Isolation Exercises (2024)


    What is the best exercise to isolate the glutes? ›

    10 Best Glute Isolation Exercises
    • Glute bridge.
    • Hip thrust.
    • Lateral band walk.
    • Side leg lift.
    • Donkey kick.
    • Fire hydrant.
    • Clamshell.
    5 days ago

    What are the top 3 glute exercises? ›

    The Six Best Glute Exercises:

    Back Squat. Front Squat. Bulgarian Split Squat. Deadlift.

    What is the single best exercise for glutes? ›

    Exercise #1: Hip Thrust

    So when it comes to growing the glutes, typically there's 2 exercises that people say you must include in your glute workout. Hip thrusts and back squats.

    How do you activate all 3 glutes? ›

    Some of the best exercises for glute activation include the following:
    1. Full Extension Step-Up.
    2. Resistance Band Kickbacks.
    3. Wall Single-Leg Glute Bridges.
    4. Hip Drop and Lift.
    5. Toe Stab Hip Raises.
    6. Toe Up Hip Raises.
    7. Toe Down Hip Swings.
    8. Toe Up Hip Swings.
    Jun 29, 2023

    Which exercise targets the glutes most directly? ›

    If you want to build stronger and more performance-driven glutes, I'd recommend the following for a well-rounded routine:
    • Barbell Hip Thrust.
    • Step Up.
    • Reverse Hyper.
    • Romanian Deadlift.
    • Curtsy Lunge.
    • Sprinter Position Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.
    • Single-Leg Hip Thrust.
    • Dumbbell Frog Press.

    How do you tone saggy glutes? ›

    One of the most effective treatments is exercise, specifically targeting the glutes. Exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts can help build muscle in your buttocks area, which can lift and tighten the skin and is regarded as the best treatment for sagging buttocks.

    What is the number one glute workout? ›

    1. Barbell Hip Thrusts. Why this is one of the best exercises for your glutes: Hip thrusts aggressively target the gluteus maximus (upper glute muscles) and gluteus medius (lower glute muscle) and recruit the hamstrings as secondary movers, making this one of the most effective exercises for your backside.

    Is 2 exercises for glutes enough? ›

    Within a training session, we recommend including between 1 and 2 different glute exercises, but no more than that in most cases, as doing more than 2 glute movements in one session is likely just a needless burning of potential exercise variations you can save for later mesocycles.

    Does walking build glutes? ›

    The shape of the buttocks is defined by muscles known as the glutes. That's the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus, as well as the fat that lies over them. Walking, running, and climbing all work the glutes. Strength training that targets these muscles can help give you a tighter, more rounded look.

    What exercise has the highest glute activation? ›

    In general, the step-up exercise and its variations present the highest levels of GMax activation (>100% of MVIC) followed by several loaded exercises and its variations, such as deadlifts, hip thrusts, lunges, and squats, that presented a very high level of GMax activation (>60% of 1RM).

    Do isolation exercises grow glutes? ›

    Yes, but it works for specific goals. These glute isolation exercises can help you meet certain physique goals and address specific muscle weaknesses after injury. However, if building overall muscle and strength is your primary goal, you'll want to prioritize compound exercises.

    What is the best exercise for strengthening your buttocks? ›

    Squats: Squats are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the glutes. They target all three glute muscles—the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.

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    Back Squat

    Its primary use in glute training for powerlifting is to challenge hip extension, driving the lower body up from the bottom position and placing a high amount of tension on the glutes. The back squat leads to strength and muscle gain and reinforces other exercises like the deadlift, split squat, and lunge.

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