11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (2024)

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Dan DeFrancesco


11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (1)

Samantha Lee/Business Insider
  • Business Insider reached out to 11 fintech investors to find out what type of advice they were giving founders in their portfolio.
  • Participants included those from Bain Capital Ventures, Index Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs, among others.
  • They laid out how fintechs should be looking to conserve capital, weighing opportunities against risks, and keeping the human toll of the coronavirus crisis in mind when making decisions.
  • Overall, the message was this: hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (2)


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11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (3)

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11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (4)


As volatility continues to plague the markets, young fintechs are facing unprecedented challenges — and another funding round likely isn't just around the corner.

While fintechs have been around for decades, the latest crop all mostly rose following the 2008 financial crisis. As a result, many have only known a financial market in which stock prices continue to climb and investors are eager to fund new companies.

But the impact of the novel coronavirus has brought new circ*mstances foreign to many founders.

A research brief published by CB Insights on Thursday showed the number of fintech deals between December 2019 and March 2020 is roughly 40% lower compared to the number of deals done during the same period. The brief also noted that total funding for the first quarter of this year, around $6 billion, was the lowest since 2017.


11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (5)

CB Insights

Business Insider surveyed 11 investors whose portfolios consist of at least some fintechs to get a sense of the type of advice they were giving.

They laid out how fintechs should be looking to conserve capital, weighing opportunities against risks, and keeping the human toll of the coronavirus crisis in mind when making decisions. Overall, the message was this: hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

Here's the advice investors are giving their portfolio companies:


Merritt Hummer, partner at Bain Capital Ventures

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (6)


Notable investments: Ribbon, Finix, SmartRent

Advice: Fintechs should ask themselves two questions: how sensitive are you to macroeconomic swings, and how much cash runway do you have?

Lucky companies are in the "not sensitive, long runway" box. The bad box to be in right now is "highly sensitive, short runway."

Fintechs that are resilient through downturns should view this moment as an opportunity to focus on product, invest in new customer segments, and take some calculated risks. The coronavirus crisis gives all companies some air cover for a missed quarter or two, and rarely will fintechs have a chance to experiment with limited repercussions as they do right now.

On the other hand, fintechs that are vulnerable in this environment should do the opposite – prioritize self-preservation, extend cash runway, double down on the core business. The fundraising environment will probably be weak for at least a quarter or two, if not significantly longer. Fintechs should plan for minimum 12-months runway.

I predict the coronavirus pandemic will trigger an identity crisis in many companies, forcing them to ask themselves — Who are we? What pain point are we solving? Who is our target customer? If you don't have crystal clear answers to these questions right now, you might be in trouble because it will be hard to allocate resources efficiently.


Ben Savage, partner at Clocktower Technology Ventures

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (7)

Clocktower Ventures

Notable investments: Chime, Sentieo, Tala

Advice: The most likely case in our view is that you'll see a significant retrenchment in liquidity for primary capital from new sources. The most notable impact of that will be this fairly extraordinary bifurcation that we expect to happen where perceived high-quality assets, high-quality companies, will have a relatively easy fundraising environment and essentially everyone else will have a very challenging fundraising environment.

The VCs who are already on your cap table are now the most important investors in the world for you. That, I think, is going to prove true over the next nine months.

Unless you're already profitable, breakeven or can get there very easily, which there's just not that many venture-backed startups at Series B and under that qualify for that (that's most of where we're investing), you're 100% reliant on continued capital infusions for the business to survive. It's a very abrupt change from the environment that we had for a long time.

Make sure you really understand what your existing investors think about your business, about you and about the decisions you're making. And that you have as much clarity as you can get about their reaction function for providing you capital.

Frankly, inside partnerships, inside venture firms, those people are not all equal. You can see some strange dynamics where if it's a junior person who pushed a transaction inside a fund and maybe that company is not a meaningful percentage of that fund that's a risk for you as a founder to have to think through.

Because you're really not just dealing with one person, you're dealing with an institution. And yet your relationship with that institution may actually be confined to one person. So we're advising founders, do you really understand these dynamics?

We think in this environment it's important to just go even faster because the operating environment has changed so much so quickly for businesses that in order to survive you're going to have to find ways to make good decisions as quickly as possible. ... This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut. Whatever you're trying to do, do it.


Kim Trautmann, head of DRW Venture Capital

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (8)


Notable investments: Digital Asset, ErisX, OpenFin

Advice: Retail trading platforms and trading tools (e.g, charts, data and analytics) that provide transparency to the markets will benefit in this period of uncertainty as consumers look for answers.

These platforms will likely see record volumes and record account sign ups, and successfully navigating their busiest days will be their greatest challenge.

Conversely, fintech companies offering a 'nice to have' product in this environment are likely to struggle as consumers and businesses make decisions about where to curtail their spending. For companies with strong balance sheets, this will create some opportunities for M&A, and I expect we'll see consolidation in the space.


Jennifer Lee, principal at Edison Partners

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (9)

Edison Partners

Notable investments: MoneyLion, Yieldstreet, Clearpool

Advice: Stay informed. And by informed, I mean do read up on data. Follow and understand the different things that are evolving every day.

But at the same time, I don't think you can be stressed enough, to be really honest, because all of us are human and can get sideways, distracted with an overload of information.

Maintain perspective and just focus on what you can control.

Because at the end of the day, this has happened before in terms of various different downturns, panic, crashes, whatever. But I think the most important thing is to maintain that perspective and just focusing on what actually can I do and what we can control as a company versus worrying about all the other things that are outside of our control.

I think it's also paramount for the leaders of the fintech companies to remember their core values, which fundamentally haven't changed.


Darren Cohen, global head of growth equity in Goldman Sachs' merchant banking division

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (10)

Goldman Sachs

Notable investments: Symphony, GitLab, Pensando

Advice: There are four things we're telling our portfolio company CEOs, four clear priorities we believe they should set that we also follow ourselves:

First, the clear number one is the safety and well-being of employees around the world. We tell our portfolio companies: if you or your teams encounter significant health related challenges, please reach out and we will do what we can to help.

Second priority is to do scenario and funding planning that represents a wide divergence of outcomes. Particularly given the uncertainty underlying everything, you need to be constantly recalibrating and hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. Once you have your scenarios defined, you can back into funding amount and timing.

Third priority is communication, we highly encourage our CEOs to communicate frequently, proactively, and honestly with employees, investors, and customers given the rapidly changing landscape.

Fourth, during this stressful time, it's critical that CEOs and their leadership teams pace themselves over the next several months. Navigating the impact of SARS-CoV-2 will be a marathon not a sprint, but we are confident it is possible to emerge stronger.

Most importantly, we all need to continue to play defense and take care of our people and ourselves during this period of uncertainty.


Mark Goldberg, partner at Index Ventures

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (11)

Index Ventures

Notable investments: Plaid, Pilot, Built

Advice: Act deliberately but not hastily, and consider not only the economic implications of your actions you take but also the human ones.

The virus will come and go but customers, partners and employees are all humans with long memories.


Ana Capella, head of strategic investments at JPMorgan Chase

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (12)

JPMorgan Chase

Notable investments:Access Fintech, Cloud9 Technologies, Roostify

Advice: It goes without saying that it's important for all companies to have sufficient dry powder to weather this storm. On the bright side, we're continuing to make strategic investments as planned and see the pipeline remaining strong, and would encourage continued innovation.


Peter Johnson, principal and head of fintech investing at Jump Capital

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (13)

Jump Capital

Notable investments: M1 Finance, Personal Capital, TradingView

Advice: Hope for the best, but plan for the worst, particularly around the speed of revenue bouncing back. This is particularly true for retail and SMB-exposed payments and lending companies.

Conserve cash, extend runway, and have a bias for quickly and aggressively making cost adjustments.

Particularly in the trading and investing space — continue to bolster technology, systems, and processes to handle high volumes and volatility. We expect high volume/volatile markets will be the norm in the near-term. Ensure no uptime issues, which can erode customer trust.

Be transparent and build confidence by over communicating with customers about how the company is managing the situation.

Look for opportunities to play offense by proactively addressing customer pain points caused by the situation and opportunistically look at M&A opportunities.

Recognize that it is out of these types of environments that great companies emerge — look for ways to strengthen customer relationships and market positioning.


Monica Desai Weiss, investor at Kleiner Perkins

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (14)

Kleiner Perkins

Notable investments: Pillar, Propel, Loom

Advice: We're now in an even lower-rate environment with no clear push higher in sight, consumers and business owners face great uncertainty around wages and income/revenue, yet both parties face incredibly high pre-existing debt levels. Fintech companies can step in to help.

Consumers will likely flock to sources of capital — I expect solutions around liquidity smoothing and cash management to thrive.

There is an opportunity for brands to emerge as longer-term leaders if they can nail the customer experience when folks will value it most. My only consideration there is around adequate risk adjustments as underwriting criteria are also changing in real time as well.


Atit Amin, fintech investor at Pivot Investment Partners

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (15)

Atit Amin

Notable investments: Gusto, Earnest, dv01

Advice: Figure out your cash position and financial situation. ... Obviously having a buffer is only going to provide you with greater degree of freedom, particularly in times like this.

There are going to be tremendous buying opportunities. So being able to use that for potential strategic M&A is going to be even more useful when the world returns to some normalcy.

We don't necessarily want to guide our companies to freeze hiring, unless they're in a defensive position. ... So similar to how they're going to be ripe M&A opportunities, there are going to be ripe hiring opportunities as well.

If you have to lay off people, we want them to speak to us because there are open roles in other companies that are playing offense, and we want to transition those people throughout our portfolio. That's a Plan Z.

None of our companies have gotten to that point, nor do we forecast them to get to that point. But I would say more globally, if that's something that arises, we would advise them to move forward in that manner.


Pete Casella, head of investments at Point72 Ventures

11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (16)

Point72 Ventures

Notable investments: Uala, Acorns, DriveWealth

Advice: The advice we're giving our portfolio companies is to be prepared and ready to adapt during this period of great uncertainty.

Much of the world is trying to figure out how to work from home while staying productive, keep their families safe and understand the impact on their businesses.

We're asking our founders to stay vigilant — be prepared for a range of scenarios and stay informed by keeping a close watch on the market and their businesses, so that when decisions need to be made they're in a position to do so quickly and effectively.

At the same time, we're cautioning that they should be patient to ensure they have enough data on how this new world order could impact their business before making hasty decisions or acting out of panic.

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Fintech JPMorgan Chase Goldman Sachs



11 fintech investors share advice they are giving startups to help them get through a market downturn and funding drought. 'This isn't measure 10 times and cut once. This is just make the cut.' (2024)


How do I get funding for my Fintech startup? ›

Here are some of the most common ways to get funded as a fintech startup:
  1. Venture capital. Venture capitalists are investors who provide capital to companies with high growth potential. ...
  2. Private equity. ...
  3. Angel investors. ...
  4. Crowdfunding. ...
  5. Government grants. ...
  6. Loans. ...
  7. initial public offering (IPO) ...
  8. Strategic partnerships.
Jun 1, 2024

How do I get funding for my tech startup? ›

9 Realistic Ways To Fund Your Startup
  1. Friends and Family. Borrowing money from friends and family is a classic way to start a business. ...
  2. Small Business Loans. ...
  3. Trade Equity or Services. ...
  4. Bootstrapping. ...
  5. Incubator or Accelerator. ...
  6. Crowdfunding. ...
  7. Small Business Grants. ...
  8. Local Contests.

How much money does fintech give you? ›

Fintech Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$184,500$15,375
75th Percentile$151,000$12,583
25th Percentile$88,000$7,333

How do startups receive funding? ›

Startup funding can involve self-funding, investors and loans and may be sourced from banks, online lenders, people close to you or your own savings account.

How do fintechs fund themselves? ›

Interest. A classic financial business model, interest rates are also a common way fintechs make money. While it's not always the main revenue driver, fintech companies that draw customers in for other services can offer loans that generate interest as an add-on product.

How do I set up a fintech startup? ›

How to Start a FinTech Company: The Process
  1. Develop an idea.
  2. Validate your idea.
  3. Have a clear understanding of both the finance industry and technology regulations.
  4. Determine the FinTech services you'll provide.
  5. Get to know your audience.
  6. Research your competitors.
  7. Choose a web and app development company.
  8. Prioritize security.
May 14, 2024

How to raise capital for a fintech? ›

This is where they look to raise venture capital or seek strategic financing to start a fintech company. Venture capital for fintech business is a popular option, as venture investors are usually willing to take more risk in exchange for potentially high returns on investment.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.