111 Journal Prompts for Money Mindset | Money Mindset Shifts 111 Journal Prompts for Money Mindset | Money Mindset Shifts (2024)

If you’ve wanted to improve your personal finances, you’ve probably tried lots of things to fix your outward reality. Things like budgets, self-help books, saving tools, financial plans…

But, what if I told you that your internal reality might hold the key to all of your financial goals?

Healthy money habits are important, but your money mindset is equally as important!

Your mindset influences the way you think and how you behave in your everyday life. It plays a big role in determining your results.

When you begin improving your money mindset, you can begin to change your results.

That means to achieve your money goals, start by addressing your money mindset.

(Want a deep-dive on money mindset and limiting beliefs that might be impacting your abundance? Click here to explore our in-depth “The Law of Money” post.)

Why Journaling is a Great Money Mindset Exercise

Journaling is a powerful practice for shifting beliefs, improving outcomes, and attracting positive opportunities in one’s life.

It serves as a tool for self-reflection and self-discovery and helps us gain clarity on our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By putting thoughts and beliefs on paper, we can identify limiting beliefs or patterns that may be hindering success.

This self-awareness is the first step in the process of transformation.

Journaling also helps us harness the Law of Attraction to attract positive opportunities. When we focus on what we want, express gratitude, and visualize our goals, we send out powerful signals to the universe. This positive energy attracts like-minded opportunities and individuals, facilitating personal growth and enhancing the likelihood of realizing our dreams.

Journaling is a simple yet highly effective practice that can lead to profound money mindset shifts. And it’s free and easy to start!

To help you do exactly that, use the following money mindset journal prompts to help you explore and shift your money mindset…

And, in turn, your financial reality!

Money Mindset Exercises: Journal Prompts to Shift Your Money Mindset

Journal Prompts About Your Money Story

  • Explore your childhood experiences related to money. How did your parents or family talk about money when you were growing up? How could that have shaped your beliefs about money?
  • Write about a time when you felt limited by your money beliefs. What changes would you make if you could go back to that moment with a transformed mindset?
  • Are there cultural or societal beliefs about money that have influenced you?
  • Write a letter to your past self, offering advice on changing your money mindset earlier in life. What guidance would you provide?
  • Reflect on your family, parents, or caretakers in childhood. What did they believe about money? How do you know? How are their beliefs influencing your adult financial decisions?
  • Reflect on your journey toward financial freedom. How have your past experiences prepared you for this moment? What lessons have you learned or challenges have you overcome that can support your next steps?
  • Reflect on your current financial situation. What money mindset do you believe you have?
  • Explore your money story. What experiences, beliefs, or family influences have shaped your current money mindset?

Journal Prompts About Money & Your Identity

  • How has your self-worth impacted your financial decisions?
  • Describe your ideal financial legacy. How do you want to be remembered in terms of your financial impact on others?
  • What beliefs do you hold about money that have informed your identity? For example, “I’m bad with money”; “I’m a spender, not a saver”; “People in my family just aren’t good with money”; etc. What true statements could free you from a mistaken money-identity?

Journal Prompts About Financial Goals

  • Identify one specific money goal you want to achieve in the near future. Brainstorm steps you can take to make that goal feel more possible.
  • List the financial challenges you currently face. If everything worked out for the best, how could these challenges be resolved? What would it look like or feel like to experience those resolutions?
  • Reflect on your relationship with debt. How can a transformed money mindset help you think about or approach debt differently?
  • Explore your perception of financial independence. How would more financial independence support your overall well-being and happiness? Be specific!
  • If there were no limits to what you could achieve, what specific financial goals would you set for yourself?
  • Reflect on your financial role models and their impact on your money mindset. How have they influenced your beliefs and actions related to money? What can you learn from them now?
  • Explore the idea of financial resilience and how it relates to your money mindset. How can you bounce back from financial setbacks with a positive mindset? What truths can you remind yourself of in these moments?
  • Make a resource list for your financial journey. Include money mindset books, workshops, and tools you can explore on an on-going basis as you move toward your goals.

Journal Prompts to Visualize Your Abundant Future

  • How could your most-abundant future empower you to secure the well-being of your family? How would you love to provide for them? What would you love to do for them?
  • Imagine the most confident future version of yourself. What decisions would that version of you make if he/she was facing the same circ*mstances or challenges you are right now?
  • What could you learn from your current experience with money and abundance? What might it be teaching you that will prepare you for a more abundant future?
  • Share your vision for an abundant life and how it aligns with your financial goals. What specific changes do you want to see in your life?
  • How can money be a tool to bring more ease, comfort, and positive experiences into your life and the lives of your loved ones?
  • Imagine your life with a transformed, abundance-focused money mindset. What positive changes can you envision in your financial future?
  • Write a letter to your future self, describing the financial abundance and ease you will achieve through your transformed money mindset.
  • Write about your feelings regarding the relationship between money and happiness. How can a positive money mindset enhance your happiness? How could you bring more happiness into your life now, even in your current financial reality?
  • Consider the idea of building wealth. What would you love your financial life to look like in 10 years? Be specific!
  • What would financial abundance allow you to stop doing that you currently have to do?
  • What would financial abundance allow you to do that you aren’t currently able to do?

Journal Prompts About Money and Positive Feelings & Experiences

  • Write down a positive experience or memory you have about money. What would feel different about the topic of money if this memory represented your primary beliefs?
  • Share a personal story about a financial challenge you’ve overcome through a positive money mindset. What did you learn from this experience?
  • Reflect on a time when you achieved a financial milestone. What mindset shifts contributed to your success in that instance?
  • Write about a specific financial goal you’ve achieved or are working toward. How does this goal align with your vision for an abundant life?
  • What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them? How can these experiences help build your confidence in overcoming money challenges?
  • Reflect on any positive changes you’ve observed in your financial reality since you began working on your money mindset.
  • Share your experiences with applying positive thoughts and affirmations in daily life. What results have you noticed? How does it make you feel?
  • Write about the moments when you’ve felt most empowered in your financial journey. What factors contributed to this sense of empowerment? What do these moments have in common?

Journal Prompts to Uncover Limiting Beliefs About Money

  • Imagine all of your financial goals came true today. What negative consequences might you experience as a result? Consider things you might lose, difficult decisions you might have to make, or fears you might have about your new reality.
  • Reflect on the importance of self-worth in your money mindset. What do your current sense of self worth and your current financial state have in common?
  • List the most common limiting beliefs about money that you’ve encountered in your life. How do these beliefs impact your financial decisions?
  • Explore the concept of self-sabotage in your financial journey. How have you held yourself back to stay safe or be accepted?
  • Describe your emotional relationship with money. How does money make you feel? How do your emotions impact your financial decisions and behaviors?
  • Write about a time when your fear of loyalty and abandonment affected your financial choices. How can you free yourself from this fear in the future?
  • Reflect on the fear of the burden of success and how it has held you back. What parts of “success” feel like they might be challenging, difficult, or painful? What truth can help you overcome those beliefs?
  • Describe your experiences with the fear of outshining and how it has impacted your financial decisions. How have your financial decisions kept you small? What could you have done differently?
  • Think of the belief about money you’d like to change the most. When is the first or most significant time you can remember learning that this belief was true (even if you know it isn’t now)?
  • Say the statement, “I deserve financial abundance. My most abundant life is 100% possible.” Look for any negative feelings, anxieties, fears, or “yes, but…” statements that come up in response. Write these down and explore.
  • Reflect on your current “results” in the area of money, abundance, and prosperity. What limiting beliefs might these results stem from?
  • Are there any constrictive money paradigms you can identify in your life? Which of the four categories (fundamentally flawed, loyalty and abandonment, burden of success, outshining) do they fall into? (Read descriptions of the four categories of paradigms here.)
  • Consider your beliefs about wealth and success. Are there any negative beliefs or stereotypes you hold about rich people? How might these beliefs be impacting your money mindset?
  • Reflect on your personal experiences with money in your family while growing up. What is the earliest memory you have that involved money or resources? How could this experience have influenced your money beliefs?
  • Is it possible to have too much money? If so, how do you know how much is too much? What does this reveal about your money mindset?
  • Write down as many reasons as you can think of that you deserve money and financial success. Pay attention to how difficult this prompt feels, and explore why.

Prompts About Abundance

  • Reflect on the concept of “abundance.” What does abundance mean to you, and how can you practice feeling more abundant in your daily life?
  • Explore the concept of abundance in other aspects of your life, such as relationships or health. What would whole-life abundance look like for you, beyond your finances?
  • Consider your vision for an abundant life. Describe a regular Tuesday from this life in as much detail as possible.
  • Write about the moments when you felt most aligned with your abundance mindset. What did these moments have in common? (consider experiences, environments, feelings, and actions)
  • Who are your greatest inspirations when it comes to living an abundant life? What do you admire most about them? What can you learn from them?

Journal Prompts to Help You Form a New Money Mindset

  • Share your thoughts on the idea that money is a neutral tool. How would this perspective impact your relationship with money? What would you do differently if you truly believed that?
  • Reflect on a time when you made a financial decision based on fear. What might you have done differently with a more positive money mindset?
  • Think about your current financial struggles. How could shifting your money mindset help you overcome these challenges?
  • Share your thoughts on the statement, “Money is a symbol of our freedom.” What would you be free to do, feel, or create if you had all the money you desired?
  • Share your thoughts on the idea that facts can change, but truth remains constant. What facts are you facing right now, and what is the truth you can choose to focus on?
  • Share your thoughts on the idea that external circ*mstances do not have power over your spirit. How can this understanding empower your financial journey?
  • Share your experiences with overcoming the fear of being fundamentally flawed. How have you challenged the feeling of not being good enough in other areas of your life?
  • Share personal examples of how your thoughts have shifted from constrictive to expansive in any other areas of your life. How could this experience help you shift your money mindset too?
  • Make a list of the limiting beliefs you’ve noticed about money in your life. Write an alternative, more empowering statement of belief that could replace each.
  • Write about the specific financial choices you’ve made as a result of your old money mindset. What would you have chosen if you had an abundance mindset then? (If you don’t know, just guess!)
  • Reflect on your evolving perception of money. How has your view of money changed already? What new truths are you considering and embracing?
  • Consider the truth that money is inherently neutral- not good or bad. How would this perspective affect your financial choices? What beliefs do you have that this might challenge?
  • Imagine what it would feel like to remove any judgment or morality you apply to money. How might this change your perspective? How would it change your financial decisions?
  • Consider the impact of your money mindset on your overall well-being. How can shifting your beliefs about money improve your overall quality of life?
  • Describe your ideal financial legacy. How do you want to be remembered in terms of your financial impact on others?
  • Explore your personal beliefs about the connection between hard work and financial success. How can your perspective on this relationship influence your money mindset?
  • Write about the moments when you’ve noticed a shift from a scarcity mindset to abundance in your money mindset. What triggered this shift, and how did it affect your financial choices?
  • Imagine you won $10,000 with the stipulation that you couldn’t spend it on yourself. What would you do with the money?
  • Write a letter to money as if it were a person. Tell it how you feel about it. Describe your current relationship to it and how you would love that relationship to look moving forward.
  • If you could give your past self three pieces of advice about money or abundance, what would those be?

Journal Prompts About Money & Your Values

  • Reflect on your core values and how they align with your financial goals. Are there any values that you need to adjust to support your abundance mindset?
  • Consider your role as a financial role model for others, such as children or friends. What do you want the people you care about to learn from you about money and abundance? What beliefs can you shift to help you accomplish that?
  • Consider your circle of influence and how it relates to your money mindset. Do the people around you support or challenge your financial goals? Do the people you talk to and spend time with feel expansive or constrictive for your goals?
  • Reflect on the power of community and accountability in changing your money mindset. How can you surround yourself with support on your journey?
  • Explore the concept of patience and persistence in transforming your money beliefs. How can you stay committed to your mindset shift?
  • Explore the idea that money is a reflection of your values and priorities. How do your spending habits align with your core values? How do they not align?
  • Share your thoughts on the concept of “spending with intention” and how it can positively affect your relationship with money. What values would you love to guide the way you spend money?

Journal Prompts About Gratitude & Abundance

  • Consider the connection between gratitude and abundance. What can you be grateful for right now that would help you feel more abundant right now?
  • Consider giving back and making a positive impact on the world. How can money be a tool for greater good in your life?
  • Pretend to be yourself from your best-case-scenario future. Write a gratitude journal entry specifically related to your financial blessings and abundance.
  • Practice gratitude for the money you do have right now. What aspects of your current financial experience can you be grateful for, even as you expand into more?
  • How can giving back to others be a source of abundance in your life? How can you start giving back now, from where you are and with what you have?
  • How has money enhanced your well-being, provided opportunities, or supported your goals and dreams? Express gratitude for these specific instances.

Journal Prompts to Inspire Abundant Action

  • If you could wake up tomorrow with one new belief about money, what would you choose? What would you do differently in your life if you had this new belief?
  • Imagine how your life would be 3 years from today, having achieved all of your financial goals. What would you do, feel, think, or create in that state of abundance?
  • Imagine the best-case scenario for your financial future. What does this version of reality allow you to feel? How can you bring more of those feelings into your life now?
  • Visualization is a powerful tool to manifest financial abundance. Create one, short, powerful vision you can use quickly and easily to support your new money mindset each day.
  • Describe your ideal relationship with money. How can you take small steps toward this ideal in your daily life?
  • Consider any and all resources, support, and opportunities you have access to in your current life. What could you be taking advantage of to support your financial goals that you are not? What has stopped you?
  • Explore the concept of money as a tool for creating more meaningful life experiences. How can you use money to enhance the quality of your life?
  • Reflect on the idea that your internal reality holds the key to your financial goals. How could a new money mindset empower you to take action to affect your outward reality?
  • Share your insights into the idea that your spiritual makeup is perfect. How can this awareness boost your confidence in financial matters?
  • How would you love to invest in yourself and your wellbeing? How would that make you feel? What small steps can you take today to begin caring for yourself better?
  • Explore the role of financial education in your money mindset transformation. What financial knowledge would you love to support your journey to abundance? How can you start learning from where you are now?
  • Create a financial vision board or a digital, visual representation of your financial goals (like a pinterest board). What did you include? What themes do you notice?
  • Imagine you’re a magnet for financial abundance. How would you act, think, and feel if you were already attracting wealth?
  • If you knew money was already on its way to you, what would you do or create today?

Journal Prompts About Positive Affirmations for Abundance

  • Consider the impact of negative self-talk on your money beliefs. What affirmations could you use to replace the negative self-talk you often fall victim to?
  • Write 10, short “I am” affirmations that support your ideal money mindset. These should reflect the life of abundance you’re creating, even if you don’t believe them yet.
  • What parts of your current financial reality trigger feelings of guilt, shame, or blame? How can you reframe these to show yourself more compassion and grace?
  • How can you incorporate more self-affirmation and positive self-talk into your daily life? When it comes to money, what positive self-talk statements could serve you best?
  • Practice writing new, positive affirmations that support your vision for a financially abundant life. How can you use these affirmations in your daily routine?

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Money Mindset

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your money mindset and pave the way to financial abundance and freedom?

The journey to a prosperous and fulfilling life begins with transforming your beliefs about money. Take the next step towards your financial goals with our FREE Magnetic Money Mindset workbook!

This workbook is your key to deepening your understanding of your money mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, and attracting more abundance into your life. It’s time to leave behind scarcity and embrace a mindset of abundance.

Click here to grab your FREE Magnetic Money Mindset workbook, and start your transformative journey towards greater wealth and freedom today.

Your prosperous future awaits – start now!

111 Journal Prompts for Money Mindset | Money Mindset Shifts 111 Journal Prompts for Money Mindset | Money Mindset Shifts (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.