12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth (2024)

12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth (1)

Money is the most frequently mentioned subject in the bible. According to some counts, it’s mentioned over 800 times! And many of those verses talk about investing in one way or another. In fact, the bible lays out a great number of specifics about how to invest your money wisely according to godly wisdom. And when you do them correctly, these biblical investing principles not only increase your monetary wealth, they’ll bless you in every other part of your life as well!

In this article, I’ll cover 12 Christian principles of investing, along with verses to support each one. But first, let’s begin with why investing and wealth are important.

Contents hide

1 What Does the Bible Say About Investing and Building Wealth?

2 12 Biblical Investing Principles

3 First, Be Faithful with a Few

4 The Seed Principle

4.1 Seed Must Be Sown If You Want it to Multiply

4.2 Seed Must Be Sown into Good Ground

4.3 Don’t Consume All Your Seed

5 Only Invest in Things You Understand

6 Saving and Investing Honors God and Serves Others

6.1 Using Biblical Investing Principles is Good Stewardship

7 Always Have a Plan for Your Investments

9 Be Patient- Gain Wealth One Step at a Time

10 Seek Wise Counsel

11 Procrastination Is a Mistake

12 Diversify Your Investments

12.1 Why Should You Diversify Your Investments?

13 Don’t Hoard Your Wealth

13.1 Putting Money to Work

14 If an Investment Sounds too Good to Be True, it Probably Is

15 Be a Giver- Invest in the Kingdom

What Does the Bible Say About Investing and Building Wealth?

Throughout the bible, Investing and creating wealth are mentioned literally hundreds of times. You’ll find incredible wisdom about how to grow your money wisely while keeping your relationship with God in good standing. You’ll also find wisdom on how to avoid unwise investment tactics that aren’t sustainable and will ruin you spiritually.

I believe there is one verse that sums up godly investing principles really well:

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” Matthew 25:29 NLT

This is a concept mentioned more than once by Jesus and others in the bible. You can also find this idea in these verses, among others:

  • Matthew 13:12
  • John 15:2
  • Luke 8:18
  • Mark 4:25
  • Matthew 25:28
  • Matthew 21:41

When you are wise and use well the resources you are given, whether it’s a little or a lot, it’s a natural law that what you have will increase even more over time. However, if you use what you’re given unwisely, or not at all, you eventually lose it.

Like it or not, most people get rich because not because of an inheritance or some incredible stroke of luck. They find a way to earn it using their God given tendencies and talents. They figure out what it takes to make a lot of money, take action, and tend to it well, thus creating the conditions for even more weatlh and prosperity.

12 Biblical Investing Principles

God wants you to prosper in every way possible, including your finances. When you follow these timeless biblical investing principles, not only will you grow your wealth, your financial legacy, you will grow in every other area of your life.

First, Be Faithful with a Few

Luke 16:10-11- “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

If your desire is to build massive wealth, then you first need to be trustworthy and disciplined with what you already have. You will never become wealthy if you’re living paycheck to paycheck and spending more than you make. You must be the master of your money before the Master will trust you with more.

Finally get control of your money- The Divine Art of Money- 21 Days to Manage Your Money Like a Pro!

The Seed Principle

In Mark 4:3-9 the parable of the sower talks about the importance of sowing seed into good ground.

3“Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.4As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.5Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.6But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.7Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain.8Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”

There are several awesome biblical investing principles here worth looking at.

Seed Must Be Sown If You Want it to Multiply

2 Corinthians 9:6-8- “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

Just like real seeds, money can’t grow and produce more if you don’t put it to work. Stowing your money in a savings account or under the mattress doesn’t build wealth effectively.

Seed Must Be Sown into Good Ground

When you invest money wisely, it multiplies exponentially over time. This produces more seed that can be deployed for an even greater harvest in the future. Not all investments work out in your favor. But the better job you do at sowing your seed into good ground and tending to it well, your harvest will be much greater than your losses.

Don’t Consume All Your Seed

Unfortunately, too many of us live on more than we make. And when you spend more than you make, you have no seed to sow and multiply for a future harvest.

Then, when hard times come, you have no reserve to draw from, and you’re forced to make desperate financial decisions. Managing your finances so you can consistently sow financial seeds will cause you to have an exponential future harvest!

Only Invest in Things You Understand

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. – Proverbs 24:3-4

Anytime you invest, you should fully understand what you’re investing in. If you can’t explain it to someone else so they can completely understand it too, you don’t need to invest.

It’s extremely easy to be drawn in to complicated investments that sound great on the surface, but are rife with risks that cause you to lose most or all of your money.

You need to know the level of risk you’re taking on as well. Every investment, including keeping your cash in a savings account, involves risk. But when you fully understand what you’re investing in, and the risk level it represents, then you can make better investment decisions that cause you to prosper.

You can get a good start with understanding investments at The Motley Fool.

Saving and Investing Honors God and Serves Others

Saving and investing your money is good stewardship of what God has provided to you. It’s easy for some people to think of saving and investing as a purely selfish act. But, when you do it right, it’s a godly investing principle that changes your life, and the lives of others, for the better.

Think about it. God is a limitless being who is all about creativity and multiplication. And when He created us in His image, He gave us these attributes as well. When you use the creativity God freely gave you to multiply your money through investing, you are doing one of the many creative acts God created you to do.

Using Biblical Investing Principles is Good Stewardship

Multiplying the money God has provided you with properly honors the gift. When you live paycheck to paycheck because you don’t manage your money well, it means you’re using all your seed to just to live. You will never have any extra to multiply without understanding this biblical investing principle.

Multiplying your money through investing allows you to not only have more money to enjoy for yourself, but more for others as well. It allows you to have independent wealth you can share with others, fund the kingdom, and leave an inheritance to your children’s children to continue the blessing for generations to come!

Always Have a Plan for Your Investments

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:2-3

This biblical investing strategy doesn’t just mean doing a monthly budget, although that’s extremely important. Making a plan for your investments should be a priority too.

Some of the basic components of your investment plan should include:

  • Making consistent, automated contributions to your investment accounts.
  • Knowing which type of investment account you should contribute to.
  • Knowing how much you will need to save for retirement.
  • Deciding which investments are appropriate for you.
  • Knowing how much you will need to save every month to reach your goals.

Making a plan for your investments may take a little time and research on the front end, whether you do it yourself or decide to use a financial advisor. But it really pays off over the long term. Every time you consider making a major change in your investments, you’ll be able to refer back to your plan to make sure the changes align with your goals. The more focused you are with your plan, the more likely you are to do well.

Diligent Investing Makes You Rich

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” –Proverbs 21:5

“Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense.” –Proverbs 12:11

“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” –Proverbs 10:4

“Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth” –Proverbs 12:27

In Proverbs,King Solomon writes that a diligent person is one who is considered to be wise or righteous. Lack of diligence really means a lack of wisdom and righteousness.

Being diligent is also about being consistent when it comes to investing. Applying this biblical investment principle means you should continually invest money over the long term. The more consistent you are at putting money into investments, the more it pays off for you in the long run. Just putting in a little money here and there when you feel like it doesn’t result in great wealth.

Most people have no investment plan, and their lack of diligence shows. Those are the ones that end up hungry, poor, in debt, and forced to work because of a lack of diligence over their lifetime.

Be Patient- Gain Wealth One Step at a Time

Proverbs 13:11“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”

Learning to be patient is a good complement to being diligent.Building lasting wealth takes time. Think of it like you’re growing a mighty oak tree vs. planting tomatoes. When you plant tomatoes, you expect a relatively quick harvest that provides for a season. But an oak tree takes decades to become large and strong, and will be around for generations to come.

Seek Wise Counsel

“Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence.” –Proverbs 15:32

“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” –Proverbs 15:22

Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is honored.” –Proverbs 3:18

You can’t be a successful investor by going it alone. You need the help and advice of others if you want to truly succeed. Whether you seek out a qualified, licensed investment advisor, or you read a lot of books on investing, seeking wise counsel always pays off.

The best way to know someone’s ability to give wise investing advice is to look at their life. What is their success level when it comes to investing? Taking investment advice from a multi-millionaire investor is probably a good idea. Getting hot stock tips from Uncle Joe who has a mountain of debt and lives paycheck to paycheck is not.

Procrastination Is a Mistake

Ecclesiastes 11:4- “Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.”

Hebrews 12:11- “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest…”

Proverbs 20:4- “Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing.”

Let’s face it, it’s easy to procrastinate when it comes to investing for the future. Most people believe investing is important, but they put it off because:

  • They believe they can’t afford it because they live paycheck to paycheck.
  • They expect to have more disposable income later, so they’ll wait and invest then.
  • Some are intimidated by investing.
  • The economic conditions aren’t right- they’ll invest when the economy is better.
  • Retirement seems so far away.
  • And tons of other excuses.

The earlier you start contributing to your investment accounts, the better. Even though your excuses may seem legit, the longer you wait, the more money you lose. Procrastination can literally cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost growth over your lifetime. Here are a couple of examples to demonstrate:

12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth (2)

As you can see, if you start with nothing, and invest $2,000 a year for 30 years, you’ll end up with $328,988. But if you wait 10 years to start investing the same amount, you end up with only $114,550.

12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth (3)

By procrastinating, you forfeited $214,450 in returns! You missed out on the most powerful financial force there is- compound interest. Albert Einstein even called compound interest “the eighth wonder of the world”.

No matter what your excuse is for not investing right now, find a way to overcome it. Each year you delay is literally costing you tens of thousands of dollars.

Start investing NOW!

Diversify Your Investments

Ecclesiastes 11:2- “Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.”

Investing your money in several different types of assets helps to protect your money. It smooths out your returns and minimizes risk vs. keeping all your investments in one asset. I’m sure you’ve heard the old phrase, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This is an excellent example of great biblical investing principle at work.

Why Should You Diversify Your Investments?

Spreading your investments over different types of assets keeps you from being overly dependent on the performance of one type of asset. If the value of one type of asset tanks for a while, other assets may do better. For instance, at least once a decade or so, my stock market investments drop 20-40% due to economic conditions. But when that happens, my rental property is still going up in value and generating income every month!

Here’s a short list of assets you can use to diversify your portfolio:

  • Single stocks
  • Mutual funds
  • ETF’s
  • Real estate
  • Gold
  • Bonds
  • Money lending
  • Business ventures
  • And hundreds more…

Don’t Hoard Your Wealth

Ecclesiastes5:13-14- “I have seen a grievous evil under the sun: wealth hoarded to the harm of its owners, or wealth lost through some misfortune, so that when they have children there is nothing left for them to inherit.”

Luke 16:9- “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.”

I once heard a saying that “money is like manure, it’s only good if you spread it around.”

It’s a great thing to invest money and build huge amounts of wealth, but you should never keep it all to yourself. Hoarded money is a sign of a stagnant soul.

Putting Money to Work

Money doesn’t do anyone any good if you don’t put it to work. Of course, it’s wise to keep a reserve on hand for an emergency, and have some to provide for your future. But beyond that, money should never be stagnant.

Investing it for an exponential return is one of the best things you can do with money. The more you grow it, the more you can put it to work. But how else do you put money to work other than investing? Here are some things you should do:

  • Leave an inheritance
  • Take care of the needs of others
  • Enjoy some for yourself
  • Grow the kingdom
  • Fund community projects
  • Fund church projects
  • and anything else that shows God's love to the world…

If an Investment Sounds too Good to Be True, it Probably Is

“Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.”(1 Timothy 6:9)

This biblical investing principle reveals that anytime someone tries to sell you an investment that promises incredible returns, you should seriously beware. It’s easy to get greedy if you’re not careful. Greed will not only mess with you spiritually, it will cause you financial harm as well.

Huge returns never come without a ton of risk. And where there is high risk, you’re extremely likely to lose your money.

Get rich quick schemes sound really great on the surface. But when you dig deeper, they are usually promoted by people who are less than honest, whether they realize it or not. Just because someone promises massive returns and they back it up with testimonials from others doesn’t mean you will have the same experience.

Always do your research to find out:

  • Every detail of how the investment works.
  • How does the investment generate a return on your money?
  • Are there any complaints about the people/company selling the investment?
  • How many people have made money with it?
  • How many people have lost money?
  • Do you understand it?

Of course, when doing research, don’t rely on materials that salespeople give you. Do your own independent research using the internet. You can also talk to people who have put money into the investment and find out what their experience was. Just make sure they have no vested interest in getting you to invest too.

Be a Giver- Invest in the Kingdom

Hebrews 13:16– “And do not forget to do good and to share with others,for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Matthew 10:8- “… Freely you have received; freely give.”

When you boil down these biblical investing principles to their essence, there is one overarching reason God wants to provide you with material wealth. It’s so you can be a giver.

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but when you give a portion of your wealth away, it’s a natural law that it will come back to you multiplied.

This biblical investing principle is not about you and your bank account, it’s about how you can use material wealth to help others and fund projects that further God’s kingdom and influence here on Earth.

The more money you have, the more you can give. And the more you give using godly principles of giving, the more likely you are to achieve true wealth in every part of your life, including finances. It’s good for your bank account, it’s good for your soul, and it’s good for those on the receiving end of your giving too.

Everybody wins!

12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth (2024)


12 Biblical Investing Principles to Build Massive Wealth? ›

These are the ten biblical financial principles: God is the source; give first; live on a margin; save money; keep out of debt; be content with what you have; keep records; don't cosign; work hard and seek godly counsel.

What are the principles of wealth in the Bible? ›

These are the ten biblical financial principles: God is the source; give first; live on a margin; save money; keep out of debt; be content with what you have; keep records; don't cosign; work hard and seek godly counsel.

How to build wealth according to the Bible? ›

Here are some Biblical principles, contained in the sacred Bible, that you can follow so as to get rid of financial ordeals.
  1. God is everything. The eternal and the omnipresent God is the source of everything. ...
  2. Giving to others. ...
  3. Stop incurring debts. ...
  4. Save for the good. ...
  5. Get rid of debt. ...
  6. Plan a budget. ...
  7. Invest wisely. ...
  8. Work hard.
Apr 4, 2016

Which is a Biblical principle for investing? ›

The book of Proverbs teaches us, "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." (Proverbs 21:5). This highlights the value of patience and a long-term investment horizon. Biblical principles encourage us to think beyond quick gains and focus on sustainable growth over time.

What is God's way of making money? ›

God's way of making money is to go out and earn it. It's to invest and save. It's to be diligent about this because diligence is wise. God doesn't want us to be dependent upon our children at some later date.

What are the keys to God's system of wealth? ›

There are four key principles to Biblical financial blessing: believing, giving, stewardship, and work. To have lasting wealth, all of these need to be observed. The first principle is that of what we believe. The scriptures clearly state God's desire for His people in the physical and financial blessing realm.

What are the 8 pillars of wealth? ›

Walking alongside our Client's throughout their…
  • Risk management.
  • Asset management.
  • Tax planning.
  • Estate management.
  • Cash management.
  • Income distribution.
  • Philanthropy.
  • Concierge services.
Jan 20, 2021

What is the secret of wealth in Bible? ›

Finally, 1 Timothy 6:17-18 offers divine instructions for the wealthy among us. The passage reads: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

What does God say about investing your money? ›

The Bible doesn't specifically state that we should invest, but also does not forbid it. Investing is mentioned in Proverbs 31:16 and used in Jesus's parables (ex. Parable of the Ten Minas found in Luke 19:11-27), implying that it is expected and normal.

How does God give you power to get wealth in Bible verse? ›

Deuteronomy 8:17-18 New International Version (NIV)

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

What is the holy grail of investing Principles? ›

He referred to diversification as the “Holy Grail of Investing” in his book, Principles. Traditional diversification involves adding more assets at relatively high correlations. Wiser diversification is adding uncorrelated and low-correlation assets.

What is true wealth according to the Bible? ›

True riches are not comprised of material things. The Scripture calls these “uncertain riches” and warns us not to trust in them (ITim. 6:17). True riches is “to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge” and so to be “filled with all the fulness of God” (Eph.

What are godly investments? ›

Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI), or Faith-Driven Investing, is a biblical approach to investing where Christians align their investment decisions with their Christian values. BRI considers the investor's financial return while seeking to glorify God through the investment process.

How to obtain wealth biblically? ›

God's blessing of wealth is usually obtained by great wisdom and responsibility and through discipline, hard work, saving, investing, and seeking God's will. Occasional, Biblical wealth is obtained suddenly by a great blessing such as an inheritance, oil and gas discovery or great invention.

How to attract wealth from God? ›

6 Keys to Biblical Wealth and Prosperity in Every Part of Your Life
  1. Diligence.
  2. Seek God in Everything.
  3. Seek Righteousness.
  4. Keep His Commandments (Walk in His Ways)
  5. Honor God With Your Wealth.
  6. Develop Your Faith (Trust) in God.

How do you build your wealth with God? ›

God declares, “The reward of humility and the fear of the Lord is wealth, honor, and life.” (Prov. 22:4 CEB) Yes, be humble and live modestly, but believe God for more than enough for your family and your ministry assignment. When God releases His blessings, don't forget who brings them!

What were the main principles of the Gospel of Wealth? ›

"The Gospel of Wealth" Analysis

Andrew Carnegie's principles are dictated by the "law of competition," which states that the fittest will survive, and "social Darwinism," which states that wealth in the hands of a few was good for all of society and they would make the best out of it.

What is wealth according to the Bible? ›

Wealth includes adequate physical possessions to live and flourish as a human being created in the image of God, and it also requires a specific heart attitude toward the purpose of possessions.”[

What does Jesus teach about wealth? ›

He told the people, “Be careful to guard yourselves from every kind of greed. Life is not about having a lot of material possessions.” “Sell your material possessions, and give the money to the poor. Make yourselves wallets that don't wear out!

What is the biblical source of wealth? ›

God's blessing of wealth is usually obtained by great wisdom and responsibility and through discipline, hard work, saving, investing, and seeking God's will. Occasional, Biblical wealth is obtained suddenly by a great blessing such as an inheritance, oil and gas discovery or great invention.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.