12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (2024)

You may notice your hip muscles when the tissue that sits atop your hip bones (the creases where your legs meet your torso) become sore after a grueling run or a long day of sitting. That tissue does in fact make up part of your hip muscles, but in actuality, there’s much more than that to the movement and function of your hips.

Learn about the muscles that move your hips and the best exercises to strengthen weak hip muscles and increase range of motion.

Best Hip-Strengthening Exercises

If you sit a lot you may want to incorporate these exercises into your routine. When your hip muscles are stronger and more flexible, they are less prone to soreness and injury.

  • Deadlift
  • Hip thrust
  • Power clean
  • Bridge
  • Straight leg raise
  • Bulgarian split squat
  • Standing quad stretch
  • Standing lunge stretch
  • Low lunge twist stretch
  • 90/90 (reclined hip flexor stretch)
  • Pigeon pose
  • Butterfly stretch

How to Become More Flexible

Muscles That Move Your Hips

You might be surprised to learn how many different muscles are needed to move your hips. They’re categorized into four groups based on the way they move your hips: flex (bend), extend (stand), abduct (move outward), and adduct (move inward).

Most often, weak hips are the result of a sedentary lifestyle with too much sitting and not enough exercise. If you have pain, tightness, cramping, or other unpleasant symptoms in your hips, you could be dealing with weakness or immobility in any of these muscles.

Hip Flexors

Hip flexors include all muscles that are responsible for bending at the hips. Every time you bring your knee upward or forward, such as when you’re walking or going up stairs, you’re using your hip flexor muscles. These include:

  • Rectus femoris, part of your quadriceps
  • Psoas major, which connects your spine to your hips
  • Iliacus, which attaches to your hips and thigh bone
  • Pectineus, your groin muscle
  • Sartorius, which connects your hip and knee joints in each leg

Hip Extensors

These muscles do the opposite of what hip flexors do. Hip flexors bend the hips; hip extensors extend the hips. These muscles include:

  • Biceps femoris, commonly known as hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus, the largest butt muscle

Hip Abductors

Your hip abductors are responsible for moving your leg outward, or away from your body. These include:

  • Gluteus medius, which makes up the sides of your glutes
  • Gluteus minimus, a small muscle that lies beneath the gluteus maximus and medius
  • Tensor fasciae latae (TFL), which attaches to your iliotibial band and stabilizes your hip and knee

Hip Adductors

Hip adductors perform the opposite motion of hip abductors. They bring your legs inward, or toward your body, such as when you squeeze your legs together. Your adductors are a group of five small muscles that run along the inside of your thighs. They include:

  • Gracilis
  • Obturator externus
  • Adductor brevis
  • Adductor longus
  • Adductor magnus

6 Hip Exercises for Strength

"It’s extremely common for people to struggle with weak hips," says Theresa Marko, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, a physical therapist and owner of Marko Physical Therapy in New York City.

Much of this is due to sitting for long periods of time. This “causes the hip flexors in the front of the hip to get tight and the glute muscles in the back of the hip to become compressed, overstretched, and weak,” Dr. Marko explains. This explains why dead butt syndrome is a real thing,

Proactively performing exercises to strengthen hips is important to avoid injury. These are some of the best exercises for strengthening weak hips.

1. Deadlift

It seems so simple: Grab a weight and stand up. Despite their simplicity, deadlifts are one of the very best exercises for increasing strength in the hips.

Deadlifts use a hip hinge—one of the most important functional movement patterns—to pull weight off of the ground using strength primarily from the hamstrings and glutes (not the back, like many people think). Deadlifts strengthen your hip abductors and extensors.

2. Hip Thrust

Hip thrusts target all of the gluteus muscles, hip abductors, and adductors, as well as your hamstrings. Your quads get worked, too, but they aren’t a primary mover. This barbell-loaded movement is good practice for improving your hip extension.If you aren't yet ready for a hip thrust with a barbell, start with bridges (#4, below).

3. Power Clean

Power cleans involve deadlifting a bar off of the ground and using a speedy hip extension to propel the bar upward. With a quick flip of the elbows, you’ll catch the barbell on your shoulders in the front rack position.

Power cleans develop explosiveness and strength in the hips. This movement teaches you to use your hips, not your back, when you need the power to move a heavy object.

4. Bridges

12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (1)

The basic bridge exercise is a simpler and easier variation of the hip thrust. For this one, you’ll lie on your back on the floor and press your hips up without any weights. Even though the bridge is a bodyweight movement, it’s still effective for strengthening the hips.

5. Straight Leg Raise

12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (2)

This exercise strengthens your hip flexors, also known as the front of your hips and your quadriceps muscles. The straight leg raise is a bodyweight exercise, but make no mistake: You’ll feel the burn in your hip flexors in no time.

6. Bulgarian Split Squat

A unilateral (one-sided) movement, Bulgarian split squats force you to stabilize your hips—otherwise, you’ll topple over.

With this version of single-leg squats, you’ll prop one foot up on a bench or box behind you, plant your other foot firmly on the ground, and lower your body down using only your front leg. Once you reach parallel, press up and squeeze your glutes at the top to fully extend your hips.

6 Hip Exercises for Mobility

Strength isn’t the only important factor when it comes to fitness. According to Dr. Marko, it’s not uncommon for people to think they’re weak when really they’re just inflexible. It makes sense: Squats feel super hard if you can’t reach parallel without pain. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your legs are weak—they could just be tight!

Start working toward flexible hips with these hip mobility exercises.

Stretching Exercises for Tight Leg Muscles

1. Standing Quad Stretch

12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (3)

You probably know this simple quad stretch from middle school gym class. To do it, hold onto something sturdy, grab your foot, and press your heel toward your butt. You should feel a stretch in the front of your leg and through the front of your hips. This is a great, do-anywhere stretch for the hip flexors.

2. Standing Lunge Stretch

12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (4)

A classic for loosening the hip flexors, abductors, and adductors, the standing lunge stretch is a beginner-friendly stretch for the hips.

3. Low Lunge Twist Stretch

For an additional element of flexibility, try a low lunge twist stretch. Drop into the lunge position a little deeper and twist your torso toward your front leg. This variation adds more tension to your hip flexors on the back leg and opens up your spine, too.

4. 90/90 (Reclined Hip Flexor Stretch)

The reclined hip flexor stretch is great because you can fully control the intensity. It targets the hip abductors, gluteal muscles, and groin muscles.

5. Pigeon Pose

A popular yoga pose, pigeon is a deep stretch for the gluteal muscles and hip adductors. It’s an advanced stretch, so it may take some practice and time for beginners to learn.

6. Butterfly Stretch

12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (5)

If you have tight hip adductors (the small muscles on the inside of your thighs), you’ll want to add the butterfly stretch to your routine. This stretch loosens up the muscles in your groin.

How to Improve Tight or Weak Hips

In addition to practicing the 12 hip exercises covered above, Dr. Marko recommends implementing some simple lifestyle changes to improve the health of your hips. Taking more frequent breaks from the computer and going for walks helps, for sure, but that’s not realistic for everyone, every day.

“If you don't have time to leave your desk, simply doing a hip flexor stretch a few times throughout the day would help,” Dr. Marko says. "Performing quick bodyweight exercise, like hip bridges, a couple of times a day would help fight muscle imbalances that come from sitting," she says.

It doesn’t have to take long: Next time you’re feeling tight in the hips, try a 20-second hip flexor stretch on each leg, followed by 10 glute bridges. This will only take about two minutes, and can make a world of difference in how you feel.

The 10 Best Stretches for Office Workers

12 Hip Exercises to Increase Strength and Mobility (2024)


How can I make my hips more flexible and stronger? ›

With that said, here are some strength exercises that will primarily work the hip flexor muscles:
  1. Bridges.
  2. Split Squat.
  3. Lateral Squat.
  4. 4-Way Mini Band.
  5. X Band Walk.
  6. 4-Way Cable Hip.
  7. Lateral Lunges.
  8. Rotational Lunges.
Jul 18, 2018

How long does it take to strengthen weak hips? ›

Developing greater strength and endurance of the hip stability muscles tends to occur between three and six weeks. I often give runners a two-week challenge to improve their hip stability when they have sub-par scores on testing.

Does walking strengthen the hips? ›

Walking is an underrated exercise when it comes to improving hip strength. Whilst we are walking, the muscles around the hips have to work very hard to support and stabilise the pelvis.

What causes lack of hip flexibility? ›

Here are some of the most common reasons you may experience limited hip mobility: Sitting for too long. A sedentary lifestyle can tighten your hip flexors. This causes your muscles to lose the elasticity they need for full range of motion, says Dr.

Why are my hips so tight and weak? ›

The most common cause of hip tightness – your desk job.

“Sitting is a flexed position for the hip, so is side sleeping or sleeping in a fetal position, This constant state of flexed will really put strain on these muscles, leading to tightness and eventually a weakened state,” she says.

What are the symptoms of weak hips? ›

Weak hip flexors may make climbing stairs, running or even walking on a flat surface difficult or painful. It can also can cause other muscles in the area to work hard to compensate. This changes your gait (the way you walk). Tight hip flexors can make walking and standing difficult because they pull your spine down.

How can I strengthen my hips after 60? ›

What seniors can do to strengthen their hips
  1. Bridges. Lie on your back with your feet flat and your knees bent. ...
  2. Chair sit to stand. Sit in a chair (a firm one, like a dining room chair). ...
  3. Standing hip abduction. Stand in front of a table, counter or chair for support. ...
  4. Hip marches. ...
  5. Fire hydrant.
May 22, 2023

Does walking loosen hip flexors? ›

Walking helps keep your hip flexors loose. In fact, one of the best things you can do to keep them from tightening up is to get up and walk around every 30-45 minutes during the day. This is especially helpful if you spend a lot of time sitting down.

Is too much walking bad for your hips? ›

Repetitive motion, particularly from running or cycling (or even walking) can strain the muscles, tendons and ligaments that support the hips. Strained hips can cause pain and prevent the hip from working normally.

Does walking uphill strengthen hips? ›

Strengthens lower body: Walking on an incline requires more hip and knee extension and will strengthen your quads and glutes more than walking or running on a flat surface would.

Is walking or running better for your hips? ›

But a study of 74,752 runners and 14,625 walkers found that the runners had a lower risk of hip replacement and osteoarthritis than the walkers. Researchers said that this may be because, on average, the runners had lower body mass indices (BMI) than the walkers. Less body weight means less stress on your bones.

How do you fix inflexible hips? ›

Stretches for tight hip flexors

Glute bridges, planks, crunches and clamshells can help keep your glutes, core and piriformis strong, which will help improve strength and mobility in the hips. To keep your hip flexors supple, make sure to get up and move more throughout the day.

How long does it take for hips to become flexible? ›

With consistent practice, including targeted exercises and stretches, you can typically start to notice improvements in hip mobility within a few weeks to a couple of months.

How to open up hips for splits? ›

Stretching Techniques for Splits

Pigeon Pose: This yoga pose is excellent for opening the hip flexors and stretching the glutes. Start in a tabletop position, slide one knee forward towards your hand, and extend the other leg back. Try to square your hips to the ground and hold for 30 seconds to a minute on each side.

Do squats improve hip flexibility? ›

How do squats increase hip mobility? The bottom of a squat exercise (also called the squat position) has the knees brought up towards the chest and your knees bent fully. This position of full hip flexion generally stretches the glutes, hip rotators, and also the hip adductors if your knees are pushed out to the side.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.