12 Vintage Quaker Oats Recipes – Folder « RecipeCurio.com (2024)

Here’s a great find, it’s a recipe folder from Quaker Oats featuring 12 different recipes, I believe this was published in 1938. One side of the sheet has a small section promoting two radio show characters, “Betty Lou” from The Quaker Party that was broadcast Saturday nights and “Girl Alone” that was broadcast 5 days a week. The sheet is too long for my scanner so I scanned it in sections. The folder is typed out below and each of the pictures are clickable if you’d like to view a larger size.

Nutty and Nice Eating!


1/2 cup shortening
1 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs (beaten)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
1/2 teaspoon soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)
3/4 cup sour milk or buttermilk
1/2 cup nut meats (cut fine)
1/2 cup citron (cut fine)
1 cup seedless raisins

Cream the butter and sugar thoroughly. Add eggs and vanilla. Sift together, 1 1/4 cups of the flour (reserving 1/4 cup), the soda, salt and spices. Combine with the Quaker or Mother’s Oats, and add to the creamed mixture, alternately with the sour milk. Flour the fruit and nuts with the 1/4 cup of flour which was reserved. Fold into the cake batter. Place in a well greased, small tube pan and bake 40-45 minutes in a moderate oven (350°).

Cookie Jar Specials–(Make 4 Dozen)


6 tablespoons shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 cups Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon soda
1/4 teaspoon clove
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 tablespoons milk
1 cup raisins
2 cups Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)

Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly. Add egg, beat well. Sift flour, salt, soda and spices together. Add to the creamed mixture. Stir in milk and vanilla. Put raisins and Quaker or Mother’s Oats through the medium blade of the food grinder and add to the dough. Let stand 10 or 15 minutes, then drop from a teaspoon onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake in a moderately hot oven (375°) for 12 minutes.


3/4 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup and 2 tablespoons Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup seedless raisins
3 cups Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)

Cream the shortening and sugar thoroughly. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Add to the creamed mixture alternately with the milk. Stir in the vanilla. Add raisins, nuts (chopped fine) and Quaker or Mother’s Oats. Drop from a teaspoon on greased cookie sheet and bake in a moderately hot oven (375°) for approximately 15 minutes.

A Delicious Morsel That Melts in Your Mouth!

1/2 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg (beaten)
1 1/2 cups Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
1 cup raisins
1 whole orange

Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly and add the egg. Sift together the flour, soda, baking powder, and salt, and combine with the Quaker or Mother’s Oats. Add to the creamed mixture, alternately with the milk. Put raisins and entire orange, including peel through the medium blade of the food chopper, and fold into the batter. Bake in a greased 9-inch square pan, in a moderate oven (350°), for 50-55 minutes. Frost while still warm with thin confectioners’ sugar icing, or serve with whipped cream.

To Serve with Soup or Salad!


1/2 cup milk (scalded)
3/4 cup Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)
1 cup Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons shortening
1/4 cup grated cheese

Pour the scalded milk over the Quaker or Mother’s Oats and let stand for 10 minutes. Sift flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together and cut in the shortening. Add cheese. Combine with the milk mixture. Turn out on a well floured board and knead lightly for about 30 seconds. Roll the dough into pencil thin sticks about 4 inches long. Bake on a greased cookie sheet in a hot oven (425°) for 12-15 minutes. Serve as accompaniment to soup or salad.


1 1/4 cups milk
3 cups Quaker or Mother’s Oats
(Quick or Regular, uncooked)
2 cups Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons shortening

Scald the milk and pour over the Quaker or Mother’s Oats. Cool slightly. Sift flour, sugar, soda and salt together. Add to the oatmeal mixture. Work shortening into the dough, using the fingertips. Turn onto a lightly floured board, roll very thin and cut with floured cookie cutter. Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake in a hot oven (400°) for 10-12 minutes.

Something New! Something Different!


2 cups boiling water
1 cup Quaker or Mother’s Oats
(Quick or Regular, uncooked)
1 cake compressed yeast
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup warm water
5 to 5 1/2 cups Quaker Flour (or other general purpose flour)
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons shortening (melted)
1/2 cup seedless raisins
1/2 cup nut meats (broken)

Pour boiling water over Quaker or Mother’s Oats, stir well and allow to cool. Crumble yeast into a bowl, add 1/4 cup of the sugar and the warm water; mix well. Sift and measure the flour and add 1/2 cup of it to the yeast mixture; when this batter is light and bubbly, add the Quaker or Mother’s Oats. Stir in the remaining sugar, the salt and the shortening. Combine raisins and nut meats with the flour and add to the first mixture. Brush top of dough with melted shortening, cover and allow to rise until light. Then knead down lightly, shape into loaves and place in greased bread tins. Brush tops with melted butter and let rise until double in bulk. Bake in a moderately hot oven (375°) for 50-55 minutes.

The Beginning and the End of a Perfect Meal!


2 lb. soup bone (1/2 bone 1/2 meat)
2 tablespoons fat
4 teaspoons salt
2 quarts water
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 cups tomatoes (canned)
1 cup carrots (cubed)
1/4 cup onion (chopped)
1/2 cup celery (chopped)
1/2 cup Quick or 1 cup Regular Quaker or Mother’s Oats (uncooked)

Remove part of meat from cracked soup bone, cube and brown lightly in hot fat. Place meat, soup bone, water, salt and pepper in soup kettle. Cover tightly, simmer approximately 2 hours. Cool, strain and chill–skim off excess fat. There should be 6 1/2 cups stock. Return stock to kettle and add vegetables. Bring to a boil, then add oatmeal slowly. Cover and simmer 1/2 hour, or until vegetables are tender. Soup meat used in making the stock may be cut in small pieces and added. Serve with finely chopped parsley if desired.

(SERVES 5-6)

1 1/2 cups cooked prunes (1-lb. dried)
1 cup cooked Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 1/2-3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg white
1/4 cup whipping cream

Remove pits from prunes and beat to a pulp with rotary egg beater or electric mixer. Add cooked and cooled Quaker or Mother’s Oats, the cinnamon, salt, and about half the sugar. Beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry, beating in the remaining sugar gradually. Fold into the prune mixture with the whipped cream. Chill well before serving. Serve plain, or garnished with whipped cream.

A Delicious Meal in Itself!
(SERVES 10-12)

1 lb. smoked ham (ground)
1 lb. veal (ground)
3 tablespoons green pepper (chopped)
3 tablespoons onion (chopped)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
2 eggs
1 cup tomato soup (canned)
1 cup Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)

Combine the meat, green pepper, onion, and seasonings. Add beaten eggs, tomato soup and Quaker or Mother’s Oats. Pack in a standard bread loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350°) for 1 hour and a half.

Presenting Two Fine Meat Dishes!


4 pounds pork shoulder or butt end of loin
2 tablespoons onion (minced)
2 quarts water
6 cups Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)
5 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons pepper

Cook the pork bone and onion in the water until the meat is tender. Remove meat from the bone, put through medium blade of the food chopper, and return to the stock. Bring the stock to a boil and gradually stir in the Quaker or Mother’s Oats. Add seasonings and cook over a low flame for about 30 minutes. Pour into bread pans and chill for several hours or over night. Cut into 1/2 inch slices and pan fry until well browned.


6 slices bacon
3/4 lb. beef (ground)
1/4 lb. pork (ground)
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon onion (chopped)
1 cup tomatoes (canned or fresh)
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup Quaker or Mother’s Oats (Quick or Regular, uncooked)
3/4 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper

Line 6 muffin tins with strips of bacon. Combine remaining ingredients and mix well. Put into the muffin tins. Bake in a moderate oven (350°) for approximately 1 hour.

Other Side
(The first scan at the top is part of this side)



If grand-tasting foods and new ways to make exciting dishes that will surprise your family and friends interests you–it’s time you learn about Oatmeal Cookery.

Many modern homemakers still think of Quaker and Mother’s Oats as only a fine breakfast cereal. Of course these delicious oatmeals are America’s most popular, thrifty and healthful breakfast. But they are more than that.

Quaker and Mother’s Oats are one of the finest cooking ingredients you can use. Fine, whole-grain oats like Quaker and Mother’s Oats will add new, thrilling flavor to favorite dishes. In fact, the addition of oatmeal to many recipes makes exciting new dishes, as one of America’s foremost women cooks has discovered.

On the other side of this folder we give you 12 of her favorite oatmeal cookery recipes, revealing culinary secrets never before available. All of these recipes have been laboratory-kitchen tested and home tested. So you can’t fail. Try them all. They make dishes that are as economical as they are good because Quaker and Mother’s Oats are always thrifty in price.

And here’s something you’ll more than welcome learning. Oatmeal is about the finest meat “extender” there is. By using economical Quaker or Mother’s Oats, you can use less meat and still make the most delicious Meat Patties or savory Ham Loaf you’ve ever tasted.

Give your family a Quaker Ham Loaf, a Quaker Orange Torte . . . or which ever recipe most appeals to you . . . before another day goes by. You’ll have fun making it. Your family will rave about it. So remember to ask your friendly grocer for a thrifty package of Quaker or Mother’s Oats today.


WHEN you make thrilling new dishes with Oatmeal Cookery, it’s good to know that at the same time you are promoting and safeguarding the health of your family by giving them additional Thiamin (Vitamin B1), vital health food element that is necessary for growth and perfect health because it nourishes nerves, affecting almost every bodily function . . . helps them to look, feel, think their best. And since Thiamin is not stored up in the body, everyone, young and old, should have a new supply daily.

Remember, too, that Quaker and Mother’s Oats are especially suited to Oatmeal Cookery because Quaker’s special roasting process steps up the fine whole-grain flavor, thus making your oatmeal recipe dishes taste doubly delicious.

Try Quaker’s Oatmeal Cookery now to give your family new, different delicious dishes . . . to give them additional healthful Thiamin which everybody should have daily for perfect health. Ask your grocer today for Quaker or Mother’s Oats.

Chicago, U. S. A.

12 Vintage Quaker Oats Recipes – Folder « RecipeCurio.com (6)

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12 Vintage Quaker Oats Recipes – Folder «  RecipeCurio.com (2024)
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