15 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental - Investadisor (2024)

15 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental - Investadisor (1)

15 Things to Do Before Moving Out of a Place

Moving out of a house is never a pleasant experience for anybody. Even though you are relocating for a better one, it is the most stressful experience you can encounter in life. Whether you move frequently or for the first time, the list of things to do before moving out of a rental can be intimidating.

If you seek counsel from your real estate agent, they can significantly assist you. They’ve undoubtedly handled a lot of closings similar to yours and can recommend companies and people that can make your relocation go more smoothly.

An experienced agent will most likely anticipate future difficulties and prevent them from occurring in the first place. We’ve compiled a list of things you need to know before moving out.

Moving into a New House? Here are 15 Things to Do Before Moving Out?

1. Give your landlord a move-out notice.

Table of Contents

The landlord has a right to know when you’re going to leave. You are required to submit your move-out notice to the landlord a month before the day you are anticipating moving out of the house.

Your move-out notice must be in written form describing the property, anticipated move-out date, and request for your deposit to be given back. Giving the notice on time helps the tenant look for another person to rent the house and plan their move within the timelines.

When you choose to move out before the leasing period expires, you must resolve the issue through two criteria; subleasing or subletting. Subleasing will allow someone to rent the house and pay it as if it’s you.

In subletting, the new renter pays the landlord’s rent. If neither of these options works out, you will be responsible for the entire lease term.

2. Inspect the property and fix the damage

The majority of the belongings on a rental home are not yours. As a result, just take the items that are yours. Leave the unit in the same condition as when you first entered. If there is any damage to the features, inspect them.

You are liable for all costs associated with repairing materials damaged due to your actions. If the damage was caused by chance events such as earthquakes or hurricanes, it is permissible.

3. Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental – Pay off your bills

15 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental - Investadisor (2)

Before moving into a new location, settling all of your bills, taxes, service providers, and other services is preferable. However, some outstanding costs can be settled online; therefore, you can also plan to settle them once you have moved. After you’ve moved out, reach out to the service providers to have all of your services terminated.

Ensure you have utility readings before you move, maybe in the form of a photo for verification purposes. The landlord has the authority to take the money from your deposit to cover the delinquent charges. As a result, it is vital to check any bills to ensure they are not outstanding.

4. Research your move- Do a Cost Estimator.

It’s critical to conduct a proper study before relocating to a new house or city, especially if you don’t have prior experience living in that particular region. Some of the key things you would like to be aware of include crime rates, access to social amenities, and restaurants.

The cost for these services will be key to note before you decide to move to a particular place. You will also need to know the cost of moving to your job area from where you will be staying. It is also critical to understand the cost of moving to that place in terms of rental charges, leasing charges, and the cost of moving your items.

5. Finalize lease contracts for the new place

A leasing contract is a binding agreement between the tenant and the house owner; it specifies the conditions and terms of staying in such a property for a leasing fee. Therefore, before you move into a new house, the two parties involved must sign the leasing contract.

The contract helps you understand your rights as a tenant and the boundaries under which the property manager operates.

When finalizing the leasing agreement, examine the clauses that determine the length of time you are allowed to stay and the time after which your landlord may request a rent rise. If you disagree with any clauses, speak up and have them altered right away.

6. Update your address and get organized – Forward Mail

Make sure your mail address is updated. You can make the updates via the USPS website or plan a visit to a post office to fill all relevant documents. Post office takes 60 days to forward the mail to your service providers, so ensure you notify any service you have subscribed to that you are moving to a new address.

You can ensure that you leave your forwarding address with the new buyers in case there is any box delivered to the house you have left. Give the buyer the mailbox key and the number and location of the mailbox.

7. Arrange a date to Disconnect Utilities

Notify your utility company, such as gas, sewer, water, and waste, of your relocation. Give them the day you’ll be terminating service and the address where your final bill will be sent. Mainly the termination of the service should be the last day you will be in that house.

If you have a subscription with any newspaper company, ensure you terminate the supply agreement and unplug your security alarm service. Setting everything up in advance will ensure that the new occupants have no problems—and that you are not charged for their service consumption.

8. Arrange a date to Cancel Homeowners Insurance

Getting a new homeowner insurance policy for your new home does not automatically terminate the already existing policy with the insurance.

Therefore, before moving out of your current house, ensure you notify your insurance agent to terminate the already existing homeowner insurance policy to avoid being charged the policy fee.

9. Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental – Organize Moving Boxes

15 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental - Investadisor (3)
It is better to organize your packing boxes before you start loading the lorry or the hired movers arrive to initiate the process. You need to be aware that the box that gets into the truck first will be the last to offload. Therefore, ensure the boxes are arranged based on rooms.

The rooms in your house should be labelled either by number or colour. The labelling process makes it easier for the movers to identify the location of every box in your new home.

10. Get ready to move home-clean the place.

While you’re busy packing boxes and moving things about, ignoring a house cleaning is easy. Ensure that you clean the floors, surfaces, shelves, and walls throughout the premises by dusting, vacuuming, and wiping them down.

Be thoughtful towards others. New people are shifting in, and their expectations are likely similar to yours when you first bought the house. Also, visit the place you are to move into and ensure that the house is properly cleaned before your items are moved into the house.

11. Prepare to leave your old house- Pack smart.

Starting early is the best method to pack for a move. Be very keen so that you don’t leave some of your essentials behind.

Instead of hauling your stuff to your new house, organize them and dump, recycle, or donate what you don’t need. You may easily hire movers to help you pack and relocate your belongings.

12. Do a walkthrough with the owner – Check Each Room.

The walkthrough gives the owner the chance to inspect the house room by room before moving out. The owner might use the walkthrough to ensure that everything is in the same state as initially.

They can make sure the tenant hasn’t removed anything from the house that they shouldn’t have. The owner can also examine if the tenant has completed the repair of damaged assets.

13. Get your damage deposit cheque back.

When it’s time to leave, inspect the house with the owner or property manager, utilizing your initial checklist and photos to examine any damage that transpired while you were there.

Ensure that all damages are fixed and that everything on the premises is in working condition. When everything is in order, the landlord is required to return the money you paid as a deposit when you initially moved in.

14. Lock up and move out

15 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental - Investadisor (4)When everything is settled with the house owner or the property manager and your deposit cheque is paid back, you can actualize your move out. Ensure nothing belonging to you is left behind. Lock the house and move out.

15. Move to the new property.

Ensure that everything about your new home is in order, from the lease contract to the utilities set up. Then transport your belongings to the new residence and make sure they are nicely organized. Take pleasure in your new surroundings.


Moving out of a rented home can be a traumatic experience. To avoid more serious conflicts when you move out, understand what to do before moving out of a house.

Of all, no one wants to start a new life and be concerned about what is behind. To truly appreciate your new house, observe the 15 things to do when moving house.

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Pachalo Mkandawire

My name is Pachalo and I’m the author/owner of Investadisor.
I’m an extreme personal finance enthusiast and have been working in the financial industry for over a decade. An MBA student. The blog was started to further explore, learn, improve and share personal finance knowledge with the world.

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15 Essential Things To Do Before Moving Out Of A Rental - Investadisor (2024)


What to prepare before moving out? ›

10 tips for moving out on your own
  1. Set a date and stick to it. ...
  2. Nail down your finances. ...
  3. Lock down a steady income. ...
  4. Practice budgeting while you still live at home. ...
  5. Find a roommate to help pay rent. ...
  6. Find a place to live. ...
  7. Plan your move and hire a professional moving company. ...
  8. Gather the basics to furnish your new space.

How do I prepare my apartment for moving out? ›

The Essential To-Do List Before Moving Out of an Apartment
  1. Give Proper Notice. ...
  2. Know Your Payments. ...
  3. Contact Your Renters Insurance Carrier. ...
  4. Call Your Utility Providers. ...
  5. Fix Everything. ...
  6. Start Cleaning. ...
  7. Take Pictures. ...
  8. Ask About the Community's Moving Policy.
Apr 30, 2020

How much rent should I have saved before moving out? ›

A general rule of thumb is to have three to six months' worth of living expenses saved up in case of an emergency. As movers with 30 years of experience, we can say for sure that sticking to your budget is crucial when living on your own for the first time. We've seen many people overspend and struggle financially.

How to prepare to move to another state? ›

We're not just talking about your furniture being in place but other aspects of your life being in place:
  1. Find somewhere to live. ...
  2. Transfer utilities. ...
  3. Be aware of moving policies. ...
  4. Request a job transfer. ...
  5. Research the professional license transferring process. ...
  6. Find a new job. ...
  7. Register for school before you move. ...
  8. Cost of living.

What to Organise before moving out? ›

Think about decluttering before you move, it can help streamline the process and your life!
  • Research movers. Start investigating moving company options. ...
  • Create a moving binder. ...
  • Organize school records. ...
  • Use it or lose it. ...
  • Check in with friends and family. ...
  • Take measurements. ...
  • Choose your mover and confirm the arrangements. ...
  • Label.

How do I budget before moving out? ›

One rule of thumb is to follow the 50/30/20 rule—plan to spend 50% of your income on fixed expenses such as housing, utilities, transportation and insurance, and 30% on variable expenses such as groceries, entertainment, and miscellaneous. This will leave 20% for savings and emergencies.

How do I declutter my apartment before moving? ›

Start by going through your belongings room by room, sorting items into “keep,” “donate,” “recycle,” and “throw away” piles. You can also make a “give away” pile if you plan to give your stuff to family or friends, and a “sell” pile. Box any keepers that you won't need till after the move.

How to pass a housekeeping inspection? ›

Don't Forget to Clean Up

Clear any remaining clutter. Your inspector will need easy access to appliances, attic and crawl spaces, toilets, faucets, fixtures, and heating and cooling intakes. Clean your oven, empty the dishwasher. Don't leave laundry in the washer or dryer.

What is it called when you move out of an apartment? ›

Vacating an apartment or house brings with it a number of issues that every tenant should consider. To avoid a sticky landlord/tenant dispute, tenants are encouraged to fully understand their rights and responsibilities before moving out of, or “vacating,” an apartment or house.

Is $4000 enough to move out? ›

In general, you should have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up as emergency funds just in case something unexpected happens during your move. For example, if you're planning on renting an apartment for $1,200 per month, then you'll need about $4,000 in savings before moving out.

How much should you have in your bank account before moving out? ›

Experts agree that, ideally, your emergency fund should be able to cover your living expenses for three to six months should you ever find yourself without a steady source of income. “That would include rent, food, and any other bills you have to pay, like a car payment,” Cook says.

What is the minimum amount of money you need to move out? ›

Experts advise having three to six months' worth of basic living expenses stashed away (a high-yield savings account can work well). Figure out what that amount would be with the housing costs you expect to pay, and begin saving. Even $25 or $100 a month is a good start to get that layer of protection going.

How do I financially prepare to move out of state? ›

If you're planning to move to another state, it's essential to consider how the cost of living will affect your budget. The first step is to look at overall housing costs, such as rent or mortgage payments, property taxes and homeowner's insurance. This research will help ensure they align with your budget.

What is the right way to move out of state? ›

14 Things To Do Before Moving Out of State
  1. Make a Moving Budget. ...
  2. Check Out Your New Digs. ...
  3. Get To Know Your New Community. ...
  4. Book Those Final Appointments. ...
  5. Research the Best Out-of-State Moving Companies. ...
  6. Cut the Clutter. ...
  7. Rent a Storage Unit. ...
  8. Pack Early and Often.
May 7, 2024

How to prepare to move out? ›

Steps to moving out for the first time
  1. Review your finances & create a budget. ...
  2. Check your credit. ...
  3. Discuss your plans to move out with your parents. ...
  4. Practice paying living expenses while still at home. ...
  5. Build an emergency fund. ...
  6. Find a place to live. ...
  7. Set up utilities. ...
  8. Investigate renters insurance.
Oct 12, 2022

What age should you start moving out? ›

We get it. The deal is pretty sweet with free food, room and board. Sometimes the price to pay for living under their roof is just not worth it anymore. The average age when people move out of their parent's home is between 24 and 27.

How far in advance should you prepare to move? ›

We recommend planning your move at least eight weeks before the big day.

How do I mentally prepare to move out? ›

How to emotionally prepare for a move
  1. Recognize you're going through a major life change. ...
  2. Remember you're leaving property behind, but you'll carry memories with you. ...
  3. Have a stress management plan in place. ...
  4. Take comfort in the fact that you've done this before. ...
  5. Talk about it.
Jun 23, 2022

How to move out at 19 with no money? ›

Here are seven tips on how to move out with no money:
  1. Create a Budget.
  2. Downsize and Declutter.
  3. Secure a Place to Stay.
  4. Look for Free or Low-Cost Moving Supplies.
  5. Seek Financial Assistance.
  6. Utilize Public Transportation or Ridesharing.
  7. Find Side Gigs.
Nov 14, 2023

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.