15 Obvious Signs of True Love after Breakup (2024)

15 Obvious Signs of True Love after Breakup (1)

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What are the signs of true love after a breakup? How do you know when someone likes you after a breakup? Before you accept your ex, learn about the obvious signs of true love in this relationship guide.

One of the most complex decisions is breaking up with the love of your life or breaking up when you are still in love. It leaves you confused and sad. How do you know if you still love someone after letting them go? Should you pursue your ex? Below are some of the signs of true love after a breakup.

15 obvious signs of true love after a breakup

When do you realize you still love someone, or how do you know you still love someone? The following are the signs of true love after break up;

1. You can’t see yourself with another person

When do you realize you love someone? You know you still love your ex if you can’t picture yourself dating another person. You have tried to connect with others many times, but the chemistry isn’t strong enough. Instead, you only see your ex in the future.

15 Obvious Signs of True Love after Breakup (3)

2. You are single and not ready to mingle

How to know if you still love someone? After breaking up, you aren’t ready to date someone else. It’s one thing to attempt dating someone; it’s another when you don’t want to. Not being willing to mingle or enter the dating pool is an obvious sign that you miss your ex.

Related Reading: 9 Ways to Know If You Are Ready for a Relationship or Not

3. The thought of your ex with another crushes you

One of the signs of true love after a breakup is when you can’t stomach your ex in the arms of another. We all have felt this way at some point in our relationship lives.

You are not with your ex anymore, but you can’t let go of them mentally. The thought that your former lover is probably kissing another makes your heart beat faster. If you feel this way, you may still be in love.

According toPsychologist Mert Şeker:

We can think of making sacrifices and worrying about the person we love as transcendental units of measurement. If the thought of the person you broke up with being with someone else devastates you, it can mean that your underlying anxiety is predominant. This shows that you might be in love with the person you broke up with.

4. You see your ex in a whole new light

There is a saying that you don’t appreciate what you have until you lose it. When you still love your ex, you might begin to see all of their weaknesses as strengths.

You see the way she walked out on you during an argument, her supposed “rudeness,” the way he criticized you, or the way he flirted with people from another perspective. Maybe you were the one at fault? Perhaps you didn’t understand them well enough? You begin to have these thoughts because you still love them.

5. Nobody comes close to their personality

Do you want to know how to tell if you still love someone? You are in love if you still compare your new partner with your ex. You have gone out on one or two dates or even dated someone for some weeks. However, you can’t find the connection.

The conversation appears dull, and nothing your new partner does is satisfying. Your ex’s face, smile, laughter, and behavior keep replaying in your head whenever you are with another. Once you feel this way, you may still be in love with your ex.

6. You can’t dispose of items belonging to your ex

When some people break up with their ex, they ensure that they rid themselves of any properties belonging to their ex. You may have thrown some items away or returned some.

However, there are still some stuff or gifts that you unconsciously kept, with the excuse that you will dispose of them soon. That means you haven’t forgotten them. If this is your situation, your ex still has a hold on you.

Learn about the reasons people leave their loved ones:

15 Obvious Signs of True Love after Breakup (4)

7. You remember your relationship milestones

Great memories are hard to forget. Relationship milestones often mean you and your partners are going strong and crossing hurdles together. When the relationship ends, it’s normal to ignore them or only reference them casually in conversations.

On the other hand, if these milestones keep replaying in your head or you can’t stop talking about them to your friends, you may still want your ex back. For example, reminiscing on your anniversary with your ex means you want the relationship back.

8. You can’t stop dreaming about them

We all dream, don’t we? Dreaming about someone who used to take an important position in your life is normal. After all, you share a lot of things tomorrow. It is worrisome if you have recurring dreams about your ex after years of departing. It shows that you can’t get them off your mind and memory.

As Psychologist Mert Şeker explains:

Dreaming means creating plans for the future that you want to come true. If you are dreaming about your ex-partner with whom you broke up, it can mean that you still have the idea of building a future with him, which shows that your love exists or is not over yet.

Related Reading: 30 Reasons You’re Dreaming About Your Ex and What It Means

9. You can’t stop listening to their favorite songs

You may have been forced to listen to your ex-partner’s song while dating. When you break up, it’s normal not to break this habit. But if you play their favorite songs repeatedly, you still long for your ex.

That means the music helps you remember some things about them, and these images are too soothing to stop the music.

10. You hope they are happy wherever they are

One of the top signs of true love after a breakup is wishing your ex well. If you think about your ex and want them to be happy wherever they are, it shows you genuinely love them. There are bad breakups and bitter exes around.

Partners in committed relationships in the past always wanted the best for their exes. For these people, it does not matter if they date them back or not. But as long as they are happy and content, these people are okay.

11. You are proud of their progress

When some people break up in a relationship, they care less about what happens in each other’s life. That doesn’t mean they are wicked; life goes on for everybody.

On the other hand, you are proud when your ex succeeds in one activity or another. It feels like their success is yours, and you can’t hide it.

12. You check up on them

If you are constantly worried about the welfare of your ex after breaking up with the love of your life, you may still be in love. You have accepted that nothing will work between the two of you.

Nonetheless, you can’t go a day without checking on their health. You convince yourself that it’s nothing more than a good gesture. But deep inside you, you care about them.

13. You are still in love with them

Breaking up when you are still in love is one of the weird signs of true love. There are many reasons for leaving someone you love. These include religious, cultural, or moral issues. This situation can be disheartening because you are letting go for peace of mind. The consequence is that you love them even after separating.

Related Reading: 15 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

14. You help them when they reach out

How do you know you still love someone? Regardless of how messy your breakup was, you want to be sure they are well taken care of. You have a soft spot for your ex if you can’t reject them when they ask you for help.

Also, you can’t stand them stressing when you can help out. Even when they don’t reach want, you want to ensure they can contact you anytime they need help.

15. You will grab any chance to be with your ex

Are you eager to see your ex? Do you imagine meeting them in the mall or on the road? If you constantly have these thoughts, you miss them and want to have them back in your life. Even if your ex-spouse is away in another country, you may find yourself making plans to visit them.

15 Obvious Signs of True Love after Breakup (5)

How do you know if he still loves you after a breakup?

Sometimes your ex may act confusingly after breaking up. For example, you still see them around, or they still call to check up on you as if nothing happened. These signals may prompt you to ask, “What are the signs of true love after a breakup?” “How do you know if he genuinely loves you after a breakup? “

To know if your ex still loves you, all you need is to pay attention to his attitudes and behavior around you. For example, a man who still wants you will try to maintain contact or follow you on your social media accounts.

Also, he may want to be affectionate with you physically – trying to hug you or hold your hands. Also, he may get you gifts constantly. If he gets angry when you ignore him, your ex is still in love with you.

Admitting that you love someone after breaking up is challenging. So, instead of speaking up, a man who still loves you will show you through actions.

Does accurate love return after a breakup

According to a 2013 study, several couples who lived together experienced separation and got back together. Of course, this doesn’t mean we can be sure that true love brought them back. However, there are some things people do to reestablish their love life.

While you can have a basic affection for someone, you must do extra work if you want true love after breaking up. Remember, you both have been apart for a while. Therefore, things might feel a little awkward.

To ensure true love returns to your relationship, ensure you and your partner are on the same page. Have a deep and healthy discussion on what initially caused your separation and how to improve it.

In addition, you should both highlight the lessons you learned from the fight and acknowledge your hurt. Ensure you don’t sweep anything under the carpet. Finally, get to know each other better and create time to build healthy connections together.

Related Reading: 10 Stages of Getting Back Together With an Ex


It’s normal to seek the signs of true love after a breakup. This often happens when you aren’t sure of your emotions or don’t understand your ex’s behavior.

Notably, someone who still loves you will show the signs of true love in this article. Also, they will offer genuine love and care in different ways. If you are still confused, you should see a relationship counselor.

15 Obvious Signs of True Love after Breakup (2024)


How do you know if someone really loves you after a breakup? ›

To know if your ex still loves you, all you need is to pay attention to his attitudes and behavior around you. For example, a man who still wants you will try to maintain contact or follow you on your social media accounts. Also, he may want to be affectionate with you physically – trying to hug you or hold your hands.

How do I know if I'm still in love with my ex? ›

Reasons you might still feel like you love your ex include:
  • You have fond memories of your time together.
  • You tend to remember the good times (and forget about the bad)
  • You're focused on your ex's good qualities, but you ignore their negative traits.
  • You are still attracted to them.
Dec 6, 2023

How do you know if an ex still has feelings for you? ›

Pay attention to how often your ex contacts you or likes your posts on social media. If your ex keeps calling and texting you or starts showing up at your favorite places, they may still like you. When you see your ex, take note of any open body language like touching your arm while talking.

What is the power of silence after a break up? ›

In this context, silence refers to refraining from any form of communication or contact with an ex-partner. While it may seem counterintuitive at first, embracing silence can profoundly impact your healing journey. Silence gives you the space and time you need to process your emotions and move on with your life.

How to know if he still loves you? ›

Many times, the true signs are in the little things like his body language, the way he prioritizes you, or when he goes out of his way to try to make you happy. Other signs he loves you are that he asks for your opinion on things and he says nice things about you.

How do you know your ex isn't coming back? ›

How to Recognize When Your Ex Won't Come Back, and How to Move On
  • 1 They found someone else.
  • 2 They're enjoying their life.
  • 3 They're reinventing themselves.
  • 4 They don't want to be friends.
  • 5 They block you.
  • 6 They deleted all your photos together.
  • 7 They physically avoid you.
  • 8 They act cold toward you.

How do you test if your ex still loves you? ›

  • They still reach out to you from time to time.
  • They still get jealous when they see you with someone else.
  • They still remember important dates and occasions.
  • They still get defensive when you bring up the past.
  • They still engage in friendly conversations with you.
  • They still try to make you laugh or smile.
Feb 12, 2023

How to know if a breakup is permanent? ›

You're not pining for them and are not bitter over your breakup. You're at peace with your past and have accepted that it's over. There's nothing left to rekindle or reminisce about because you know it's already a closed book, and you're preoccupied with your new life.

How do you know if your ex is thinking about you? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

What are signs that your ex misses you? ›

List of Signs Your Ex Misses You
  • Your Ex Can't Stop Communication With You. ...
  • They Keep Pictures of You Two Together On Social Media. ...
  • Your Ex Reminisces With Friends About Experiences You Two Shared. ...
  • If Your Ex Asks People If You Mention Him or Her. ...
  • Your Ex Makes Excuses To See You.
Dec 16, 2020

How do you know if your ex is manifesting you? ›

How to Tell If Your Ex Is Manifesting You: 15 Powerful Signs
  • 1 You can't stop thinking about them.
  • 2 They keep popping up in your dreams.
  • 3 You run into them unexpectedly.
  • 4 You're seeing angel numbers.
  • 5 You feel their presence when they're not around.
  • 6 You start thinking of them as your soulmate.

How to know he's hurting after a breakup? ›

One of the telltale signs that he's hurting is expressing feelings of anger, guilt, or regret towards you openly. He might vent by blaming you for the relationship ending, criticizing your actions, or getting frustrated over specific incidents.

Does silence increase love? ›

Silence provides the space to truly listen and understand your partner's needs, enabling deeper emotional connection and support. By taking time to reflect before responding, you can offer more thoughtful and considerate reactions in your relationship.

Can silence bring him back? ›

When you walk away and make him miss you, it's typical for a man to return to you. The power of silence after a breakup is highly effective in making your partner come back. To start with, going silent after a breakup is a sign of confidence and self-esteem. The silent treatment puts a man in heightened anticipation.

Does true love come back after a breakup? ›

Yes true love takes time to come back. Yes , let him or her realise that you both are incomplete without each other . Love is not about just everything to be perfect from the starting till the end just because you feel the person is your true love. Sometimes the situations separate you…

How do you know it's really over after a breakup? ›

There's no emotional connection

One of the key signs that your relationship is over is that the spark has gone. A foundation of a healthy relationship is that both partners feel comfortable being truly open with each other in sharing thoughts and opinions.

How do you know if he doesn't love you anymore after a breakup? ›

You can tell he doesn't have feelings anymore if he becomes emotionally distant, avoids physical and emotional intimacy, and displays indifference or hostility towards your needs and emotions.

Can someone fall back in love with you after a breakup? ›

You can fall back in love again—it just may take a bit of effort. “It is absolutely possible to fall back in love with your partner,” says Patrice Le Goy, LMFT, PhD, an international psychologist, therapist, and adjunct professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

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