15 reasons not to start using PGP (2024)

Because of popular demand, here's the collection of reasons to prefermore advanced cryptographic communications tools and stop investing in the old PGP over e-mail architecture, the problem mostly being e-mail rather than PGP.

Pretty Good Privacy is better than no encryption at all,and being end-to-end it isalso better than relying on SMTP over TLS(that is, point-to-point between the mail servers while the messageis unencrypted in-between), but is it still a good choice for the future?Is it something we should recommend to people who are asking forbetter privacy today?

The text concludes mentioning some of the existing alternatives, so, again,this is not about not using encryption. It is about not falling into theintellectual trap of giving backwards compatibility the highest priority.


  • 1. Downgrade Attack: The risk of using it wrong.
  • 2. The OpenPGP Format: You might aswell run around the city naked.
  • 3. Transaction Data: Mallory knows who you are talking to.
  • 4. No Forward Secrecy: It makes sense to collect it all.
  • 5. Cryptogeddon: Time to upgrade cryptography itself?
  • 6. Federation: Get off the inter-server super-highway.
  • 7. Discovery: A Web of Trust you can't trust.
  • 8. PGP conflates non-repudiation and authentication.
  • 9. Statistical Analysis: Guessing on the size of messages.
  • 10. Workflow: Group messaging with PGP is impractical.
  • 11. Complexity: Storing a draft in clear text on the server
  • 12. Overhead: DNS and X.509 require so much work.
  • 13. Targeted attacks against PGP key ids are possible
  • 14. TL;DR: I don't care. I've got nothing to hide.
  • 15. The Bootstrap Fallacy: But my friends already have e-mail!
  • But what should I do then!??
      • There is no one magic bullet you can learn about.
    • Thank you, PGP.
  • Questions and Answers
      • What's the threat model here?
      • Is this about PGP or rather about e-mail?
      • What about S/MIME?
      • We need a new open standard first!
      • Why don't we fix all of these problems with PGP and e-mail?
  • 1. Downgrade Attack: The risk of using it wrong.

    With e-mail the risk always remains that somebody will send you sensitiveinformation in cleartext - simply because they can, because itis easier, because they don't have your public key yet and don'tbother to find out about it, or just by mistake.Maybe even because they know they can make you angrythat way – and excuse themselves pretending incompetence.Some people even manage to reply unencrypted to an encryptedmessage, although PGP software should keep them from doing so.

    The way you can simply not use encryption is also the numberone problem withOTR,the off-the-record cryptography method for instant messaging.

    This opens up for a great possibility for attack: It's enough to flip abit in the communication between sender and recipient and they willexperience decryption or verification errors. How high are the chancesthey will start to exchange the data in the clear rather than tryingto hunt down the man in the middle?

    The mere existence of an e-mail address in the process is a problem.Next generation cryptographic communication tools simply do not providemeans to exchange messages without encryption, so if something goeswrong at least there is no doubt it could be you doing it wrong --and giving up on privacy becomes at least a very conscious choice.

    Update: And it's not like it's a problem only for the less carefulor less tech-savvy. A notable cryptographer recently sent outconfidential mail unencrypted. People told him, but he didn'tbelieve it. He wrote himself encrypted mail and indeed, thereit was, the mail in the clear. Turned out that one specificversion of enigmail was in some strange way incompatible witha specific version of Thunderbird, sufficiently to pretend acompletely normal user experience, yet the mails would go outunencrypted, leaving just a remark somewhere in the messages log.There was no way even for the most experienced user to protecthimself from a software attack of this kind. This can happen toyou, too. Anytime you upgrade your operating system. But onlywith encryption-on-top systems like PGP.

    2. The OpenPGP Format: You might aswell run around the city naked.

    Thanks to its easily detectableOpenPGP Message Formatit is an easy exercise for any manufacturer ofDeep Packet Inspectionhardware to offer a detection capability for PGP-encrypted messagesanywhere in the flow of Internet communications, not only within SMTP.So by using PGP you are making yourself visible.Stf has been suggesting to use a non-detectable wrapping format.

    Update: Gregory mentions that by using the –hidden-recipientflag you can tell PGP to, at least, hide who you are talking to.Hardly anyone does that: "PGP easily undoes the privacy that ananonymity network like Tor can provide" (byincluding the recipient's public key in the message).

    Update 2015: Several new crypto systems for e-mail such as opmsghave surfaced since writing of this document. They address justthis and a few other problems with PGP but still suffer from all other problems given by SMTP.

    3. Transaction Data: Mallory knows who you are talking to.

    Should Mallory notpossess the private keysto your mail provider's TLS connection yet, he can simplyintercept the communication by means of aman-in-the-middle attack, using a valid fakecertificate that he can make for himself on the fly.It's a bull run, you know?

    Side note: Did you ever see a mail returned to you because of aninvalid TLS certificate? And you can bet the net isfull of invalid certificates.In most cases the mail will be delivered anyway, so Mallorydoesn't even have to fake a valid certificate.He can use an invalid one, too.

    Even if you employ PGP, Mallory can trace who you are talking to,when and how long. He can guess at what you are talkingabout, especially since some of you will put something meaningfulin the unencrypted Subject header. PGP offers a means to encrypt the Subject line by now, but have you seen anyone use it?

    Should Mallory have been distracted, he can still recover yourmails by visiting your provider's server. Something to dowith a PRISM, I heard.On top of that, TLS itself is being recklesslydeployed without forward secrecy most of the time.

    Update: This so-called metadata about who is talking to whomis of constitutional importance. It is a founding requirement ofdemocracy to be able to share critical thinking and organize asa political group outside the view of government and not giveanyone the power to influence, manipulate or keep a new democraticmovement from growing and developing its potential. See theupdate below for more on this kind of reasoning.

    4. No Forward Secrecy: It makes sense to collect it all.

    As Eddie has told us, Mallory is keeping a complete collection of allPGP mails being sent over the Internet, just in case the necessary privatekeys may one day fall into his hands. This makes sense because PGP lacksforward secrecy. Thecharacteristic by which encryption keys are frequently refreshed, thusthe private key matching the message is soon destroyed. Technically PGPis capable of refreshing subkeys, but it is so tedious, it is not beingpracticed – let alone being practiced the way it should be: at least daily.

    Update 2015: At least two new crypto schemes over SMTP have been inventedthat implement forward secrecy but aren't PGP-compatible.One is called opmsg. The other one I forgot. They don't address most otherproblems mentioned here.

    5. Cryptogeddon: Time to upgrade cryptography itself?

    Mallory may also be awaiting the day when RSA cryptography will be crackedand all encrypted messages will be retroactively readable. Anyone whor*corded as much PGP traffic as possible will one day gain strategicadvantages out of that. According to Mr Alex Stamos that day may becloser than PGP advocates think asRSA cryptography may soon be cracked.

    This might be true, or it may be counter-intelligence toscare people away from RSA into the arms of elleptic curve cryptography (ECC).A motivation to do so would have been to get people to use thecurves recommended by the NIST, as they were created using magicnumbers chosen without explanation by the NSA.No surprise they are suspectedto be corrupted.

    With both of these developments in mind, the alertcryptography activist scene seems now to converge on Curve25519, a variant of ECCwhose parameters where elaborated mathematically."They are the smallest numbers that satisfyall mathematical criteria that were set forth"explains Christian Grothoff of GNUnet.

    ECC also happens to be a faster and more compact encryptiontechnique, which you should take as an incentive to increasethe size of your encryption keys.

    Unfortunately, thanks toRFC 6637GnuPG now supportsECC with both Curve25519 and the suspicious NIST curves, but you canonly activate those in ultra expert mode.

    Nadia Heninger tells us some more on the topic, and concludes that there is no proof that mathematical discoveries cannot cause a cryptographic meltdown anytime: "Just because nothing has happened for two decades doesn't mean that something cannot happen." It is up to you to worry if it's more likely that RSA or ECC could be cracked in future. Should a mathematical breakthrough drop from the sky, probably both would be affected.

    As a side note, OpenPGP requires the use of SHA1 for its fingerprinting. That means the waymost people are authenticated in PGP may someday fall apart.

    6. Federation: Get off the inter-server super-highway.

    NSA officials have been reported saying that NSA does not keeptrack of all the peer-to-peer traffic as it is just large amountsof mostly irrelevant copyright infringement. It is thus a verygood idea to develop a communications tool that embeds its ECC-encrypted information into plenty of P2P cover traffic.

    Although this information is only given by hearsay, it is a reasonableconsideration to make. By travelling the well-established andsurveilled paths of e-mail, PGP is unnecessarily superexposed.Would be much better, if the same PGP was being handed fromcomputer to computer directly. Maybe even embedded into a picture,movie or piece of music using steganography.

    Also, there are several issues about Federation itself…if all the people run their own servers instead of developingdistributed serverless solutions, this is a guarantee that the cloud industry will always be several steps ahead.

    7. Discovery: A Web of Trust you can't trust.

    Mike Perry has made a nice collection of reasons why thePGP Web of Trust is suboptimal.It is in many ways specific to the PGP approach and notapplicable to other social graphs like secushare's.Let's summarize: The PGP WoT

    1. is publicly available for data mining,
    2. has many single points of failure (social hubs with compromised keys) and
    3. doesn't scale well to global use.

    So these are actually three more reasons not to use PGP,but since you can use PGP without WoT we'll count them as one.

    Update: Just found out that when you look up a key your amazingPGP client will by default do a cleartext HTTP request to thekey server, so anyone can see who your conversation partnersare.

    8. PGP conflates non-repudiation and authentication.

    "I send Bob an encrypted message that we should meet to discuss thesuppression of free speech in our country. Bob obviously wants to besure that the message is coming from me, but maybe Bob is a spy …and with PGP the only way the message can easily be authenticated asbeing from me is if I cryptographically sign the message, creatingpersistent evidence of my words not just to Bob but to Everyone!"(Thanks, Gregory, for providing this one ;-)).

    OTR has introduceddeniable authenticationto address this problem and many next generation tools have adopted that concept.OTR cryptographically allows two people to be sure who they aretalking to, yet they cannot prove it to anybody else.

    9. Statistical Analysis: Guessing on the size of messages.

    Especially for chats and remote computer administration it is knownthat the size and frequency of small encrypted snippets can be observedlong enough to guess the contents. This is a problem with SSH and OTRmore than with PGP, but also PGP would be smarter if the messages werepadded to certain standard sizes, making them look all uniform.

    10. Workflow: Group messaging with PGP is impractical.

    Have you tried making a mailing list with people sharing privatemessages? It's a cumbersome configuration procedure and inefficientsince each copy is re-encrypted. You can alternatively all sharethe same key, but that's a different cumbersome configurationprocedure.

    Next generation communication tools automate the creation anddistribution of group session keys so you don't need to worry.You just open up a working group and invite the people to work with.It's so simple, people worry it may not be happening.

    11. Complexity: Storing a draft in clear text on the server

    Update: These days mail tools are too complicated. Here comeenigmail that is in charge of encrypting mails before they leaveThunderbird. But wait, didn't Thunderbird just store a draft?Yes, and since I happen to have IMAP configured it stored thedraft to my server. Did it bother that I had checked the flagthat I intend to encrypt the mail? No, the draft is on theserver in the clear. I look around and find out thatClaws has been having the same bug.I'm not surprised, after all it's the most natural way of doingthings. One person implements IMAP, another implements PGPsupport, and they never bump into each other and realise thatthe default behaviour of a mail agent that supports both isto do what it should in no way ever do: send the unencryptedmail to the server. This makes the entire effort to use PGP useless.I looked around for warnings, but even thebest manualsfor doing PGP correctlyare aware of a lot of problems, but not this one.I am only on day three of really using PGP, and Ialready discovered a security flaw that no-one has talkedabout much ever before. Is this normal?I have Thunderbird 17.0.8 and you?

    P.S. I recommend you to turn off saving mail drafts to the server.

    12. Overhead: DNS and X.509 require so much work.

    This may seem unrelated, but PGP builds upon e-mail, and e-mailunnecessarily enforces a dependency on DNS andX.509 on us (the TLS and HTTPScertification standard that makes us need certificates, signedby an authority, and then can be fooled and broken anyway).Both cost money to participate in and have to be meticulouslyadministered. Anyone who tried to do it, knows: Mail (and alsoJabber) server administration is annoying and expensive.

    Next generation alternatives are either based on DHTtechnology, social graph discovery,byzantine consensus (aka blockchain)or opportunistic broadcast.All of them are powered by the mere fact that you are usingthe software. Frequently there will be sponsored serversproviding for faster service, as it has become the standard forTor, but the administration of such servers is trivial: Justunpack the software and run it (exit nodes are a special casewhich are only relevant if you care to access thelegacy broken Internet).

    Why are you accepting being enslaved by e-mail?

    13. Targeted attacks against PGP key ids are possible

    PGP has a bad habit of using truncated fingerprints askey ids, organizing keys in its database by short key id anddealing keys with the same short key id as probably being the same,although it isn't so hard to make a new key pair thatresolves to the same key id as an existing one.This seems to be a problem even withlong key ids.Now people say you should use the full fingerprint, but I remember a timewhen it was said that the purpose of fingerprints is just for simplifyingthe comparison of keys among human beings.Computers should always ensure the identity of a public key bycomparing nothing less than the complete public key.By using short ids for maintaining keys the PGP software implementationsare doing it wrong.

    One possible consequence of this is that users could betricked into accepting a false replacement key from a key server orin some other way confuse their key management to the point of corruptinga communication path that used to be safe and allowing a man in the middleinto the game. People who have just their short key id printed on their businesscard could suffer targeted man in the middle attacks: The MITM just needsto intercept the keyserver look-up, which as we know is unencrypted by default,and produce the false recipient data. The MITM must then also interceptin- and outgoing SMTP traffic in order to re-encrypt the mail conversation onthe fly to the actual key the recipient expects and vice versa. This can infact be automated to undermine the PGP infrastructure on a large scale, butit would not go unnoticed whereas a targeted attack most likely would.

    You can make the attack slightly more difficult by using encrypted keyserver look-ups (= learn to configure gpg to use sane defaults), butsince the key servers do not use PGP to authenticate themselves you canstill suffer a MITM attack on the TLS certification level (see X.509 above).And of course there is also the possibility of the key server itself beingused in a targeted operation against you.In practice the only currently secure way to communicate a key on a businesscard is to print its entire fingerprint along with the look-up id – andnot forget to actually check it (happened to me, so I bet it happens to you).

    Update: Apparently this problem has been addressed in GnuPG 2.1. Users that refuse to publish their keys to a keyserver in a desperate attempt to protect their metadata may however still be subject to confusion by an imposter that posts a key with the same long id.

    14. TL;DR: I don't care. I've got nothing to hide.

    So you think PGP is enough for you since you aren't sayinganything reeaally confidential? Nobody actually careshow much you like to lie to yourself statingyou have nothing to hide. If that was the case, why don'tyou do it on the street, as John Lennon used to ask?

    It's not about you, it's about your civic duty not tobe a member of a predictable populace. If somebody isable to know all your preferences, habits and politicalviews, you are causing damage to democratic society.That's why it is not enough that you are covering naughtyparts of yourself with a bit of PGP, if all the rest of itis still in the nude. Start feeling guilty. Now.

    It's also about your entire social environment. Your friends,your family deserves better than to end up in XKEYSCORE. Youhave no right to waive away their privacy. Each time youlog in into Facebook or Whatsapp you are committing a felonyagainst them.

    Update: Read about the fallacy of transparency.

    15. The Bootstrap Fallacy: But my friends already have e-mail!

    But everyone I know already has e-mail, so it is mucheasier to teach them to use PGP. Why would I want to teachthem a new software!?

    That's a fallacy. Truth is, all people that want to startimproving their privacy have to install new software. Be iton top of super-surveilled e-mail or safely independent from it.In any case you will have to make asafe exchange of the public keys,and e-mail won't be very helpful at that. In fact you makeit easy for Mallory to connect your identity to your public keyfor all future times.

    So installing a brand new software that only provides for safeencrypted communications is actually a less complicated change ofhabits than trying to fix the e-mail system, then learning how to use PGP without messing it up.

    If you really think your e-mail consumption set-up isso amazing and you absolutely don't want to start all overwith a completely different kind of software, look out fortools that let you use mail clients on top - not the otherway around. Bitmessage has an IMAP emulation for example.

    But what should I do then!??

    So now that we know n reasons not to use e-mail and PGP,let's first acknowledge that there is no obvious alternative.Electronic privacy is a crime zone with blood freshlyspilled all over. None of the existing tools are fullygood enough. We have to get used to the fact that relevantnew tools will come out all the time, and you will wantto switch to a new software twice a year.Mallory has an interest in making us believe encryptionisn't going to work anyway – but internal data leaked byMr Snowden confirms that encryption actually works. Weshould just care to use it the best way.

    There is no one magic bullet you can learn about.

    You have to get used to learning new software frequently.You have to teach the basics of encryption independentlyfrom any software.

    In the comparison we have listed a few currentlyexisting technologies that provide a safer messagingexperience than PGP. The problem with those frequently is,that they haven't been peer reviewed. Youmay want to invest time or money in getting projectsreviewed for safety.

    Thank you, PGP.

    Thank you Mr Zimmermann for bringing encryption technologyto the simple people, back in 1991. It has been an invaluabletool for twenty years, we will never forget. But it isoverdue to move on.

    Questions and Answers

    Some questions were posed on libtech which deserve an answer:

    What's the threat model here?

    What if Mallory isn't a well-funded governmental organization but is the admin who runs your employer's email servers?

    That's a good point. The reason why I don't pay attention to lesserthreat models is that the loss in quality of democracy we are currentlyexperiencing is large enough that I don't see much use for a distinctionof threat models - especially since alternatives that work better thanPGP exist, so they are obviously also better for lesser threat models.

    For example, I don't think that a dissident in Irya (ficticious country)is better off if no-one but Google Mail knows that they are a dissident.Should at any later time in their life someone with access to that datafind it useful to use it against them, they will.And who knows what the world looks like in twenty years from now?

    Not saying give up and die. Saying if you can opt for better security,don't postpone learning about it. If you can invest money in makingit a safe option, don't waste time with yet another PGP GUI project orthe crowdfunding hype of the day.

    If employers, schools, parents, skiddies can find out whoyou are exchanging encrypted messages with, that can be a very realthreat to you. Using a tool that looks like it does somethingtotally different.. on your screen, over the network and even onyour hard disk.. can save your physical integrity.

    Is this about PGP or rather about e-mail?

    It's more about SMTP, but I don't think it makes much difference forthe end user whether SMTP federation or actual PGP is failingthem.

    What about S/MIME?

    "S/MIME unfortunately suffers from many of the same issues as OpenPGP, and then some more."I don't find S/MIME worth mentioning anymore.It is based on X.509 which has so failed us.

    We need a new open standard first!

    Open standards are part of the problem, not the solution.It is a very bad development that it hasbecome en vogue to require standardization from projects that haven'teven started functioning. It has been detrimental to the social toolscene: None of them work well enough to actually scale and replaceFacebook, but the scalability problems are already being cemented into"open standards," ensuring that they never will function.Same thing happened with Jabber as it turned into XMPP.

    You must always have a working pioneer tool first, then dissect theway it works and derive a standard out of it. Bittorrent is a goodexample for that. It's one of the few things that actually works.Imagine if Napster and Soulseek had developed an open standard. Itwould only have delayed the introduction of Bittorrent, promotingan inferior technology by standardization. Another good example isTor – it was able to improve each time somebody figured out a wayto attack it, because it didn't have a long-term legacy compatibilityrequirement like SMTP, DNS or XMPP.

    Why don't we fix all of these problems with PGP and e-mail?

    Even if all the effort is done that a project likeLEAP is striving for, you will still bereceiving SPAM and unencrypted mail, just becauseyou have a mail address.You will still have a multitude of hosts that are still"unfixed" because they don't care to upgrade. You will stillcarry a dependency on DNS and X.509around your neck just to be able to be backwards compatibleto an e-mail system of which you hope you won't have to sendor receive any messages since they will damage your privacy.And I still don't see by which criteria a dissident shouldpick a trustworthy server.I know I can rent one, but even if I have a root shell on my"own" server, it doesn't mean it is safe.It's better not to need any!

    So what is this terrific effort to stay backwardcompatible good for? I don't see it being a worthwhile goal.There is so much broken about it while a fresh start, whereevery participant is safe by definition, is so much more useful.Especially you don't have that usability challenge of havingto explain to your users that some addresses are superduper safewhile other addresses are lacking solid degree of privacy.

    One major problem with the new generation of privacy tools is,they are so simple, people have a hard time believing theyare actually working.

    15 reasons not to start using PGP (2024)


    Why don't people use PGP? ›

    PGP has a bad habit of using truncated fingerprints as key ids, organizing keys in its database by short key id and dealing keys with the same short key id as probably being the same, although it isn't so hard to make a new key pair that resolves to the same key id as an existing one.

    What are the disadvantages of PGP encryption? ›

    Lack of anonymity: PGP will encrypt messages that users send, but it does not anonymize them. As a result, senders and recipients of emails sent through a PGP solution can be traced. The subject line of the message is also not encrypted, so avoid including sensitive data or information.

    Should you use PGP? ›

    In short, it is essentially impossible for anyone – be they a hacker or even the NSA – to break PGP encryption. Though there have been some news stories that point out security flaws in some implementations of PGP, such as the Efail vulnerability, it's important to recognize that PGP itself is still very secure.

    What are the 5 principles of PGP? ›

    PGP was designed to provide all four aspects of security, i.e., privacy, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation in the sending of email. PGP uses a digital signature (a combination of hashing and public key encryption) to provide integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation.

    Why is PGP outdated? ›

    With the advancement of cryptography, parts of PGP and OpenPGP have been criticized for being dated: The long length of PGP public keys, caused by the use of RSA and additional data other than the actual cryptographic key. Lack of forward secrecy. Use of outdated algorithms by default in several implementations.

    What's better than PGP? ›

    Virtru End-to-End Encryption –Better than Pretty Good

    Virtru overcomes inherent weaknesses in PGP and S/MIME and represents the next generation of end-to-end encryption. “Virtru offers encryption as secure as PGP but makes it easy enough that our end users, customers and partners can use it regularly.”

    What are the vulnerabilities of PGP? ›

    PGP: Holes, Weaknesses, and Flaws
    • The ADK Problem.
    • Private Key Vulnerability.
    • The ASCII Armored Parser Vulnerability.
    • Key Validity Vulnerability.
    • Buffer Overflow in Outlook Plug-In for PGP.
    • Chosen-Ciphertext Vulnerability.
    • Buffer Overflow in PGP.
    • Self-Decrypting Archives Are Vulnerable.
    Jan 29, 2022

    Has PGP been broken? ›

    Is PGP Encryption Secure? PGP encryption is almost impossible to hack. That's why it's still used by entities that send and receive sensitive information, such as journalists and hacktivists. Though PGP encryption cannot be hacked, OpenPGP does have a vulnerability that disrupts PGP encrypted messages when exploited.

    What are the pros and cons encryption? ›

    While it provides robust data security, encryption can often introduce complexity and lack data resilience, two major sticking points for today's modern, agile business. Fortunately, there are new, innovative approaches to encryption that can avoid some of these disadvantages.

    Is it possible to crack PGP encryption? ›

    In cryptography, the one-time pad (OTP) is an encryption technique that cannot be cracked, but requires the use of a single-use pre-shared key that is larger than or equal to the size of the message being sent.

    Is PGP deprecated? ›

    In July 2022 the public npm registry migrated away from the existing PGP signatures to a new ECDSA signatures for signature verification. PGP based registry signatures will be deprecated on April 25th 2023.

    Is PGP better than AES? ›

    When you are considering which encryption to use for your sensitive information, choose whichever will suit your needs best: AES is fast and works best in closed systems and large databases. PGP should be used when sharing information across an open network, but it can be slower and works better for individual files.

    What are 3 types of PGP? ›

    PGP makes use of four types of keys: one-time session symmetric keys, public keys, private keys, and passphrase-based symmetric keys. Three separate requirements can be identified with respect to these keys: 1. a means of generating unpredictable session keys is needed.

    Is PGP asymmetric? ›

    PGP stands for 'Pretty Good Privacy'. It is an asymmetric encryption, which means it uses public and private keys to encrypt and then decrypt cipher text. It requires more work than symmetric encryption, which uses a shared key, but is generally considered better security.

    How to communicate with PGP? ›

    To use PGP encryption, the sender creates a message and then uses the recipient's public key to encrypt it. The encrypted message can only be decrypted by the recipient using their private key. This ensures that even if someone else intercepts the message, they will not be able to understand it without the private key.

    Is PGP encryption illegal? ›

    It is probable (not certain, but probable) that PGP falls under the ITAR restrictions, which control the export of munitions and cryptographic technology from the US and Canada. If this is the case, it is illegal to export PGP from the USA or Canada to any other country.

    Is PGP better than TLS? ›

    TLS needs a stronger handshake

    TLS is the most common encryption protocol used today, but it still has limitations. To ensure your company's email is secure and encrypted from the start, use STARTTLS with encryption algorithms such as PGP or S/MIME.

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    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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    Author information

    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.