15 Super-effective Insurance Sales Script Samples (2024)

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  • 15 Super-effective Insurance Sales Script Samples

Cold calling may look old-school, but69%of the buyers have accepted calls from salespersons in the last 12 months. In the life insurance sector, phone calls are the most effective way of initiating conversations with prospective customers.

Thus, phone calls for prospecting still work, and people also like to talk to a human to address their queries.

In this article, we will disclose 15 super-effectiveinsurance sales scriptsthat seasoned professionals use.

15 Super-effective Insurance Sales Script Samples (4)

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15 Engaging insurance sales script samples

Case 1: When you have only a few seconds to explain your product.

You:Hello, Mary. My name is Jack Black. I fromXYZinsurance company/agency. We are expanding our insurance coverage to your area. Do you have a few seconds for me to tell you about our services? Because I think we can save you money on insurance premiums.
Mary:I have some work to rush to, but I can give you 15 seconds.

Here you can include either of the two elevator sales pitches.

Script 1:

You:Thanks, Mary. On average, we have saved our customers $100 per year on insurance, and we have many five-star reviews from our customers. If you want, I can send you the custom quote over email.

Script 2:

You:Thanks, Mary. Our insurance program lets you combine your XYZ insurance with yourPQRinsurance renewal. By combining these insurance policies, we can lower your policy costs and provide a quicker turn around for your claims. You know, we are the only insurance provider in Minnesota that currently offers this policy combination and savings.
If I could have your email address, I can send you all the details.
Also, I would love to set up a 10-minute call to discuss our insurance policies and how our firm can save you money. How about tomorrow?
Mary:Sure, you can give me a call tomorrow.

Touch the pain point of your insurance prospect for a successful cold call. In insurance, it is usually about saving money!

A successful elevator pitch has four parts:

  1. Hook your prospect with a strong opening sentence: It should address the needs of customers and why do they need insurance.
  2. Address their pain points: Most insurance customers tend to have common questions, and these are usually their concerns. It may include the premium amount, coverage, and even claims.
  3. Illustrate the benefits of your insurance policy: It may include pricing, special offer, buying process, and claims settlement.
  4. USP: Highlight what differentiates you from your competitors.

Case 2: Cold calling insurance sales script to offer a free quote

Script 3:

You: Hi, am I speaking to Mary?
Mary: Yes.
You: Hi Mary, my name is Jack Black, and I am fromXYZinsurance company. I am calling to let you know that our company is offering free custom quotes on many policies.
Of course, there is no obligation to buy. It is just so that you can see what insurance options are available to you and your family.

We have already saved our customers over $100 each per year on insurance. Would this be of any interest to you?

If the prospect says yes but does not have the time to discuss, you can offer to send an email and set an appointment for a later day. If the prospect is willing to continue the call, continue with your sales proposition.

You can alsodownload the pdfto share with friends or refer to the script later.

Case 3: Insurance call script for cross-selling

If you useCRM software, then based on some triggers, the system will notify you about an opportunity to cross-sell to an existing customer. For example, if your customer is searching for car insurance, updating his social media status about his plan to buy a new car, then you can call the customer and pitch your product.

Script 4:

You:Hi, Mary. My name is Jack Black, and I am calling to thank you for being a valued client. Do you have a couple of minutes to talk?
Mary:I have some work to get to, so not right now, please.
You:I understand. Shall I give you a call tomorrow, or what time suits you?
Mary:Okay, tomorrow works.

If the answer is yes, then you can continue with the pitch.

You:Do you currently have car insurance?

If the customer already has an insurance policy, ask him when the expiry date is and follow up accordingly. However, you can use the following pitch to hook them on for a future purchase.

If the customer does not have the other insurance policy, it is the best time to pitch your product immediately.

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Case 4: value pitch

Script 5:

You: Hello Mary. My name is Jack Black, and I am fromXYZinsurance company. You may have heard that we cannot beatABCinsurance company’s rates, but in fact, we do not want to.

XYZ Insurance customers value our ability and quick measures to take care of everything from the moment you call us with a claim.

Plus, we will take care of:
>>Getting you a loaner car
>>Scheduling an adjustor immediately
>>Dealing directly with a qualified auto repair service station on your behalf
>>Returning your vehicle as soon as possible.
>>We strongly believe in the value of our service. To prove it, we offer a 30-days money-back guarantee.

Mary: Okay, send me the details.
You: Thank you, Mary. I will email you the details asap.

Case 5: objection handling sales script for insurance agents

Overcoming objections is a vital skill for sales success. Successful sellers also concentrate on objection prevention apart from cutting down the number of objections. The following are some of the common objections from customers during the call.

  • I don’t think I need insurance right now.
  • I have already shortlisted another insurance firm.
  • I am extremely busy this week.
  • I am unable to decide which insurance policy is best for me.
  • I do not think I can really afford insurance.
  • Money is a little tight right now for an insurance policy.
  • I do not know if my budget can accommodate an insurance plan.

The following insurance sales scripts can prepare you for handling such objections.

Script 6:

You: Hi, Mary there?
Mary: Yes, speaking.
You: Mary, I am Jack Black from XYZ Insurance. This call is with regards to your query on our website.
Mary: Yes, but I am not interested right now.
You: Sure, but let me tell you – there is no application fee, and you can get a 20% discount on insurance premium today. I only need some information to offer the best deal. So, you said you live in California with your husband and two children. Am I right?

By offering a benefit, you can cut the objection and continue the discussion with the prospect.

Script 7:

You:Out of these three insurance policies, which one fits your needs the best?
Mary:3rd one.
You:I agree with you. That was my pick as well. Your neighbor Alicia also bought the same policy and is happy with it. I just need some information to process the application for you. So, you spell your name as MARY?

Other types of objections that insurance salespeople often face are:

  • I have to run this through my wife/husband/partner.
  • I need to recheck with my manager (seeking advice from someone they trust).

Script 8:

You: Absolutely, no problem. So, I will send you the details by email so that your friend will have all the information he needs. Meanwhile, if you can help me with some basic information, I can also arrange a personalized quote as well. So, your date of birth is?

Case 6: Call script for business insurance

Script 9:

You: Hello, am I speaking to Mary?
Mary: Yes.
You: Hi Mary, my name is Jack Black, and I am fromXYZinsurance company. How have you been?
Mary: Good.
You: That’s great, Mary. The reason I am calling today is to talk about your business insurance. Can you tell me a bit about your current business insurance cover?
Mary: I am happy with my current plan.
You: That’s awesome. Would you consider a total insurance policy review and audit? We will be able to tell you where you are covered right now if anything goes wrong, and what better options our insurance company can offer in the same price range. We can also provide a competitive quote on your business/commercial insurance, even for when it renews.

If the prospect seems even slightly interested, continue your pitch. If the time is a constraint, book a follow-up appointment, and never forget to send an email with all the details.

However, keeping a track of all these activities, making notes, and revisiting them from time to time can be a daunting task. It is very common to miss follow-ups with leads and prospects. Therefore, you must consider a solution that automates these tasks. Take for instance, LeadSquared Insurance CRM software. Using this, you can automate task reminders, schedule emails, and more. It also integrates withRingCentral,CallTrackingMetrics, and other telephony/cloud calling solutions to enable one-touch calls from the CRM portal itself.


Case 8: Call script for mortgage protection insurance

Script 10:

You: Hello, am I speaking to Mary?
Mary: Yes.
You: Hi Mary, my name is Jack Black, and I am from XYZ insurance company. How have you been?
Mary: Good.
You: That’s great. I am calling you because I saw that you have recently purchased a property. Congratulations! I was interested to know if you have already taken out a mortgage protection insurance.

Wait for the response from the prospect. If the prospective customer says no, then go ahead with the sale closure. However, if they reply that they already have mortgage protection insurance with another carrier, continue with the below script.

You: It is great to know that you already have insurance in place. Could I ask how long your mortgage is? Depending on the term, I can check what type of insurance policy would benefit you the most and where you could save some money.

If the prospect wants to continue the conversation, then you can follow this script.

You: Nice. Well, it is always great to explore more options for informed and better decisions, especially when you are a new property owner. I do know that paying the mortgage is your main priority right now. So, based on the information, the XYZ policy can help you better.

And you can elaborate on the policy benefits, savings for customers, and ask for closure.

Case 9: Calling a lead generated from the website

Script 11:

You: Hello, am I speaking to Mary?
Mary: Yes.
You: Hi Mary, my name is Jack Black, and I am from XYZ insurance company. How have you been?
Mary: Good.
You: That’s great. I am calling with regards to the health insurance information you recently requested online. I am looking at the information you submitted here, and it seems that you are considering a [x] policy with [x] number of years and an [x] amount of benefit. Is that correct?
Mary: That’s correct.

You can ask for further details, the process to buy insurance, verification/eKYC process, and other details that you need to close the sale.

Many insurance firms also use CRM for capturing leads from websites, ads, marketplaces, and other network sites. These systems automatically distribute the leads with complete information about the prospect. Thus, you don’t have to ask for the details again. All you need is to verify the details.

Case 10: Promotional sales script for insurance agents

Script 12:

There are times when insurance carriers suddenly release new rates with discounts up to 50% on new sign-ups. These are simple to handle, and the objections are also less. It is because everyone would want to save on their premiums.

You:Hi, I am Jack Black from XYZ Insurance. I am calling to let you know that the XYZ insurance company has just released new rates that can save you up to 50% on your health insurance premiums. Can I explain further?
Prospect: Sure.

Go ahead, provide the information, and try for a closure. If the prospect is busy at the moment, then ask for an email address.

You: No problem, can we send you the information via email?
Prospect: Sure.

You: Great, please help me with your email address. Also, can I call you tomorrow to go over all the insurance plans and the new prices?

Case 11: Raising curiosity

Script 13:

You: Hi Mary. Jack Black this side from XYZ insurance. Mary, I know you are busy. So I will be quick. Last month we saved PQR company $10000 on their group insurance policy for employees. I thought you would also be interested in saving on premiums.

With your permission, can we talk for a few minutes to understand your requirements, coverage from existing policies, and what we can do to save you dollars annually?

If the prospect chose to talk, then you can continue your pitch. Or else you can ask for an appointment someday soon to continue the discussion.

Case 12: Call script for auto insurance

Script 14:

You: Hi there, is this Mary? Jack Black this side from XYZ insurance.
Mary: Hi Jack. I am busy right now; can you call later?
You: I understand. The reason I am calling is to let you know that we are offering very competitive quotes that could save you lots of money. Do you have a quick 30 seconds to hear about our service?
Mary: Okay.
You: Thanks, Mary. With the new rates we’re offering, we have saved our customers about $325 per year on auto insurance. We have hundreds of five-star reviews on Google. You can see what others have to say. I know you’re in a hurry, but if I could have your email address, I could send you more details. Would you be open to that?

After receiving the email address, you can ask to schedule a call over the weekend or some other convenient time to stay in the mind of the customer for faster closure.

Case 13: script for selling income protection insurance

Script 15:

You: Hi there, is this Mary? Jack Black this side from XYZ insurance.
Mary: Hi Jack. Tell me.
You: Mary, the reason for my call is to talk about how you can protect yourself and your family if something happened that stopped you from working. We all know that life can be unpredictable. Sometimes an unexpected injury or illness can keep you from working for weeks or maybe even months.

Income protection insurance can ensure that you still receive your income during such times. It lets you and your family focus on your recovery without worrying about finances. Would you be open to learning more about this insurance?
Mary: I need time to think about it.
You: Sure, Mary. I understand. Our consultation calls only take a few minutes. In this, we walk you through all your options and rates. There is no commitment for you to sign up. If you’re free sometime in the evening tomorrow, can I schedule a call?

You can alsodownload the pdfto share with friends or refer to the script later.

Insurance sales calling best practices

I hope these insurance sales scripts gave you an idea about how the calls should be. Remember, people do not appreciate sales-y, elaborate calls. You will have hardly two minutes to win or lose the customer. Therefore, you need to sound confident and make the best first impression.

  • Make your intro to-the-point. Briefly introduce yourself, your company, and the reason for your call.
  • Tell the benefits of your insurance policy to the customer and their peers who have bought your insurance policy.
  • Know when to call. Usually, the best times for insurance calls are during lunch hours.
  • Practice your script. Record your call to check how you sound. Are you using too many stop-words like so, that is, etc.? Do you need to work on pronunciation? Do you need to speak faster or slower? Rehearsing your script will make you sound more confident.
  • Be flexible with the script. Go with the flow and show empathy to the prospect.

Keeping these points in mind, you can always win customers and build a healthy, long-lasting relationship with them.

More in this series:

15 Highly Effective Customer Service Scripts to Practice


How to personalize scripts with respect to specific insurance products or target audience?

1. Understand your product offerings:Before using the scripts, thoroughly understand the features and benefits of the specific insurance products you’re selling. This allows you to tailor your pitch to highlight the most relevant advantages for each customer.
2. Research your target audience:Identify your ideal customer profile and their pain points. Adapt the scripts to address their specific needs and concerns with your insurance products.
3. Practice active listening:Don’t just recite a script. Pay close attention to what the customer is saying and adapt your responses accordingly to build rapport and demonstrate genuine interest in their situation.

How to handle difficult customer questions or resistance in the insurance industry?

1. Anticipate common objections:Prepare for common reasons why customers might hesitate, such as cost concerns, lack of perceived need, or negative experiences with insurance in the past.
2. Respond with empathy and knowledge:Acknowledge the customer’s concerns and address them with empathy and clear explanations. Use your product knowledge to address their specific objections and demonstrate the value your insurance offers.
3. Focus on building trust:Let the customer know you’re there to help them make informed decisions. Avoid being pushy or overly sales-oriented.

How to stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices in insurance sales?

1. Industry publications and online resources:Subscribe to insurance industry publications or online resources to stay informed about market trends, product updates, and new sales techniques.
2. Sales training and workshops:Invest in ongoing sales training to refine your communication skills, learn from industry experts, and stay ahead of the curve.
3. Mentorship programs:Seek mentorship from experienced insurance salespeople to gain valuable insights and guidance.

15 Super-effective Insurance Sales Script Samples (6)

Nidhi Agarwal

Nidhi is a content writer/editor at LeadSquared. She works closely with sales professionals and senior management to bring their outlook into her write-ups. Connect with her on LinkedIn or write to her at nidhi.agrawal@leadsquared.com.

15 Super-effective Insurance Sales Script Samples (2024)


What is an example of a sale script? ›

"Hey, [prospects name], this is [your name] from [your company.] I'm calling companies in [industry] to discuss [insert benefit your solution provides.] Please give me a call back at [your phone number.] I'll follow up with an email on [a day or two later].

What is the most profitable insurance sales? ›

While there are many kinds of insurance (ranging from auto insurance to health insurance), the most lucrative career in the insurance field is for those selling life insurance.

How do you start a conversation when selling insurance? ›

Make your intro to-the-point. Briefly introduce yourself, your company, and the reason for your call. Tell the benefits of your insurance policy to the customer and their peers who have bought your insurance policy. Know when to call.

What is a script example? ›

Original scripts include those that you create from your own ideas. For example, if you create a story about a magical wizard who turns into an airplane, you can turn that idea into an original script for a stage play.

What is the hardest insurance to sell? ›

Life insurance is a very difficult product to sell. Simply getting your prospect to acknowledge and discuss the fact they are going to die is a hard first step. When and if you clear that hurdle, your next task is creating urgency so they buy right away.

What is the best line of insurance to sell? ›

Life Insurance Policies

Financial Rewards: Selling life insurance can be highly lucrative, often offering substantial commissions. Emotional Fulfillment: Life insurance agents provide crucial support during clients' major life events, building meaningful relationships.

Which is the easiest insurance to sell? ›

Term Life Insurance

The siren call for most newbie salespeople tends towards term life policies. They're simpler than universal or whole-life options but still carry potential for good earnings if sold effectively.

What is an example of sales dialogue? ›

“Hello, [prospect's name] This is [ your name] from [your organization's name]. I'm calling to talk about our product [name] and how it can help you with your current problem [the challenge they're facing/ likely to be facing]. I wanted to schedule a phone call with you to discuss this further.”

What are some good sales pitch examples? ›

It's [your name] from [your company]. Last time we spoke, you mentioned [problem that the prospect experienced]. I've given it some thought, and I think I know how I might be able to help you [insert the benefit of your product, as it relates to their problem].” From there, you can move the conversation forward.

What is an example of a selling statement? ›

The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” This is an example of how even a quirky USP can attract customer interest. Who would think of making a selling point out of the fact that your product doesn't melt when you hold it? M&Ms did, and it worked very well for them.

What is an example of a calling script? ›

“Hi, Mr./Mrs./Miss [client's surname]. My name is [agent's name], and I am calling from [company's name]. I am reaching out to you because I might have a great solution to your current business needs and I'd love to talk through it with you. Please call me back when it's a good time for you.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.