15 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You (2024)

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When it comes to romantic relationships, one of the unspoken fears is your partner not remembering you anymore. It means that what the both of you have struggled to build no longer counts.

To allay your fears, it is important to know the signs he will never forget you so that you will know where you stand. In this post, you will learn the signs that men show when they are not likely to forget you.

When a man keeps coming to you, what does it mean?

Have you ever conversed with a man to the point where he said I will never forget you? You might take his words with a pinch of salt. However, some of them are sincere with that statement.

When you notice that a man keeps coming to you, he finds it hard to detach himself from you.

Can a man forget a woman he loves? If he is in love with you, it is one of the signs he will never forget you.

15 clear signs that he can’t forget you

When people are in a relationship, one of the things they hope for is not to get abandoned by their partner. No one wants to be forgotten by someone who means so much to them.

If you are in a relationship or not, and you want to be sure that he cannot forget you, there are some signs you can check.

1. He communicates regularly with you

When it comes to keeping someone you love in mind, one of the ways to achieve this is to keep communicating with them. If you need any strong signs he will never forget you; observe how frequently he calls or texts you.

15 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You (3)

Again, when you observe that he has been calling or texting you regularly, he thinks about you. You are always on his mind, and he wants to know what is going on in your life.

2. He answers your calls and texts instantly

If you are looking for the signs he will never forget you; one of the things to look out for is how fast he responds to your calls and texts. When a man replies to your messages almost immediately, it most likely means that he is thinking of you.

Therefore, he sees it as a beautiful coincidence when your calls or texts come in. Similarly, since he wants to hear from you all the time, he would not hesitate to pick up your calls or reply to your messages no matter how busy he is.

Also Try: Is He Thinking About You?

3. His friends are giving you clues

If you are not together with him and you want to know the signs he will never forget you, start by listening to the subtle hints his friends are giving. Some of his friends will give you clues to tell you that he is still thinking about you.

They might even go to the point of defending him so that you can reconsider granting him a place in your life. On the other hand, if you are still together with him but in a different physical location, his friends will constantly remind you of how much he misses you.

4. He likes all your social media posts

One of the signs he will never forget you is when you notice his activity on your social media platforms. You will observe that he keeps liking or commenting on your social media uploads. He is probably doing this because he wants to remain visible to you.

Additionally, he wants you to know that you’re on his mind. Therefore, getting active all over your social media is one of the ways to let you know that he is thinking about you.

5. He asks for your pictures

Have you observed that he keeps asking for your pictures without any reason? This might be one of the signs he will never forget you. He might be missing you, and he needs your pictures to remind him of how you look and the memories you share.

Additionally, he wants to remain close to you even when the long distance is a significant factor.

6. He likes your favorite songs/movies

When he says he will never forget you, you can be sure when you notice that you share similar interests in songs and movies.

If you happen to be physically close to him, you will discover that he has a playlist of all your favorite songs. When you are absent, he uses those songs to remind him of you.

7. He loves talking to you about his day

If you are looking for one of the signs he will never forget you, one thing to look out for is how he tells you about his day. He might have a busy schedule, but he is missing you if he makes time to tell you how his day went.

15 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You (4)

When a man feels comfortable discussing with you about his day, it means that he trusts you enough and misses you constantly.

8. He loves making plans to meet up with you

When a guy says don’t forget about me, you can be sure that he will make conscious efforts to always see you. Hence, even when you live several miles apart, he will make plans to see you. You will observe his willingness to meet you because he finds it difficult to cope without you.

If he is always interested in traveling over a distance to meet you, it is one of the signs he will never forget you.

9. There are no signs that he is seeing someone else

When a man tells you he will never forget you, there are chances that he might be telling the truth, but you have to confirm for yourself. You can know if he is lying or not when he starts seeing another potential partner.

If a man doesn’t want to forget about you, he will not get a replacement for you because his heart remains with you.

Related Reading: 8 Clear Signs He is Really Serious about You

10. He communicates regularly with your friends and family

If a man says he can never forget you, you can give him the benefit of the doubt if he constantly keeps in touch with your loved ones.

Suppose you and your man have not been together physically in a long time, and he still keeps communicating with your parents, siblings, and friends, then he can not forget you.

Such a man uses this kind of communication to let you know that it would be impossible for him to forget you.

Therefore, if you have doubts about him, you can rest assured that he will stay by your side no matter the situation.

11. He is concerned about your plans

Another clear sign that shows that he cannot forget you is when he is much concerned about your plans. If he currently asks you about your short- and long-term plans, it means he still considers you very close to him.

Usually, one of the reasons he wants to know about your plans is that he wants to be sure that your plans align with his. Therefore, he will keep checking in concerning your plans to see if you both are compatible or not.

12. He plainly expresses his feelings

Not all men find it easy to tell you some things directly without beating about the bush. However, some men will own up to their feelings because they feel that you are deserving of that knowledge.

15 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You (5)

Hence, if a man tells you plainly that he misses you, he is most likely telling the truth because it is difficult for him to open up. It also shows that he has been thinking about you for a long time, and telling you directly was his best option.

Related Reading: 26 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You

13. He surprises you

Some men belong to the school of thought that surprising their partner or ex is one of the ways to show that they still remember them. If the man is observant, he will surprise you with your love language to leave you wowed.

Also, if some of them know that you have been longing for a particular item, they could get it for you as a surprise. Irrespective of what he gets for you, he is using this medium to show you that it is one of the signs he will never forget you.

14. He bumps into you at the same events

Have you noticed that he keeps bumping into you at different events, which looks like a strange coincidence?

He might have been monitoring your movements for some time because he wants to be around you at the slightest opportunity. Also, he might be communicating with your friends and acquaintances because he wants them to know that he can never forget you.

15. He gets nostalgic about shared memories

One of the glaring signs he will never forget you is when he keeps reminding you of the good old days. His primary reason for doing this is to remind you of what you once shared.

He wants to evoke those memories so that you will realize that those moments were the best times of his life. Additionally, he is subtly nudging you to take any action that would probably favor both of you.

Apart from these signs, there are other ones that assure you that he can never forget you. Research shows that couples have a shared and transactive memory system that helps them elevate relationship satisfaction and form a stronger bond.

Watch this video to learn more about why we feel nostalgia:

15 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You (6)

How can you ensure a guy never forgets you

When a guy finds it hard to forget you, he misses you.

Licensed Therapist and Coach Silvana Mici points out,

Keep in mind that a lasting impression stems from genuine connections and shared experiences. To be unforgettable, focus on being authentic, cultivating meaningful moments, and fostering emotional resonance in your interactions, creating a positive and lasting impact on his memory.

If you are finding it hard to make a guy confess that they can’t forget about you, here are a few strategies on how to make a man never forget you:

1. Don’t be present every time

If you are always available, he might forget you in no time. When a guy realizes that you are not always available, he will begin to miss you more. He will wonder what your present engagements are so that he can fit his daily schedule into yours.

2. Don’t play easy to get

Some people make the mistake of being too easy to woo or find. Since you’re pretending to be quite busy for him, ensure he stresses himself a bit before getting across to you. For instance, if he wants to go on a date with you, you can turn down his request a few times.

Research shows that playing hard to get really works. This usually gives the impression that you have other things on your mind. Therefore, he would view you as a new challenge that must be surmounted.

Related Reading: Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More?

3. Make him feel good

While you play hard to get, ensure it doesn’t get to the extreme where he would give up on you. During the few times when you are available to hang out with him, ensure he feels good about himself.

This would make him look forward to spending more time with him because you are probably one of the few people who make him feel like a hero.

Related Reading: 15 Ways on How to Make a Man Feel Needed

Final thoughts

It is crucial to mention that not all men exhibit all the signs he will never forget you. Hence, when you have studied him to a good extent, you can predict the signs he is likely to show.

Nonetheless, if you are unsure of where you stand in his life, you can seek help by reaching out to a relationship counselor or enrolling in a dating course.

15 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You (2024)


How do you know a guy will never forget you? ›

He communicates regularly with you

If you need any strong signs he will never forget you; observe how frequently he calls or texts you. Again, when you observe that he has been calling or texting you regularly, he thinks about you. You are always on his mind, and he wants to know what is going on in your life.

How do you know if a guy will never leave you? ›

He expresses his appreciation for you

He shares his appreciation for you often through words and actions. He thanks you for the things you do, whether big or small. Your efforts don't go unnoticed.

How do you know if he's just keeping you around? ›

14 subtle signs he's just leading you on
  • He's a little too nice. ...
  • He's inconsistent with texting. ...
  • He says he wants to make plans, but … ...
  • He won't say the word “girlfriend” ...
  • You always text first. ...
  • He always needs something. ...
  • He won't introduce you to anyone. ...
  • You always hang out in big groups.
Aug 1, 2017

Does a man ever get over a girl he loved deeply? ›

On a deep level where love starts feeling spiritual? Well then no, most guys would struggle to forget. They may let go, get over enough to start a new relationship, emotionally heal but never forget! However brilliant the new partner is, those memories will always be cherished.

How do you know he never really loved you? ›

They didn't put in any effort.

They never went out of their way to meet your friends, or they may have not been interested in making you feel better when you're down. They made you feel like you were the only one in the relationship that was putting in any effort at all.

What kind of woman a man never forgets? ›

In fact, the woman that men never forget is often a woman who is beautiful both inside and outside. She not only has an attractive “external beauty”, but also has an “inner beauty” that makes men admire her.

How do you know if he's your forever? ›

You can look for these signs:
  • You bring the best out in each other.
  • You care about each other's opinions.
  • You're both comfortable being vulnerable and letting your walls down.
  • You love being together but encourage each other to have your own interests.
  • You don't feel the need to be perfect around them 24/7.

How do you know he'll never come back? ›

How to Recognize When Your Ex Won't Come Back, and How to Move On
  • 1 They found someone else.
  • 2 They're enjoying their life.
  • 3 They're reinventing themselves.
  • 4 They don't want to be friends.
  • 5 They block you.
  • 6 They deleted all your photos together.
  • 7 They physically avoid you.
  • 8 They act cold toward you.

How do I know if he still cares? ›

They might hug you, kiss your check or display other types of physical affection to show that they care. If they are still very emotional about the breakup, they might also look down, avoid eye contact or even cry. Their feelings may show in their actions.

How do you tell if he's really done with you? ›

Signs your relationship may be ending or over
  • Communication breakdown. ...
  • Lack of physical intimacy. ...
  • Aggressive or confrontational communication style. ...
  • You or your partner are spending extended periods of time with other people, like family and friends, at the expense of time you might usually spend together.

How do you test if he is really into you? ›

Watch whether he finds excuses to touch you.

If a guy is always ready with a hug, he frequently touches you on your arm or shoulder, or he looks for reasons he can by physically close to you, he might like you. However, he might just be a touchy person, so pay attention to whether he acts like that with other people.

How do you know if he isn't over you? ›

They're in regular contact with their ex.

Texting, calling, and spending in-person time with a former partner is a very strong sign someone isn't yet over that relationship. Don't be fooled by a new date's claims that they're still friends with someone they had a strong emotional and romantic attachment to in the past.

How do you know if he remembers you? ›

No Need to Guess! 11 Signs to Know if a Guy Is Thinking About You
  • He texts you good morning and good night.
  • He sends you random messages all day long.
  • He asks you lots of questions.
  • He double-texts you.
  • He likes and comments on your social media posts.
  • He messages you when he's with his friends.

Does a man ever forget a woman he loved? ›

The simple answer is, if it is truly love she will not be forgotten. My wife passed away 5 years ago and I thought of her as my whole world. To this day I miss every single thing about her from her smile to her scent. What I miss most is how she made me feel.

How long does it take for a guy to forget? ›

There is no certain time. It could take you one month, three months, a year, 6 years, or a lifetime to truly get over someone. You could possibly even always have feelings for the person. BUT you must remember WHY it didn't work out.

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.