15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (2024)

Try These Methods to Live a More Fulfilling Life.

You can get your life back together again.

Was there a time in your life that seemed more fun and satisfying than what you’re experiencing now?

It’s possible to experience more joy – and feelings of accomplishment – than you ever have before.

“What would your life be like if you were better organized?”

We like to live as though we have unlimited time and physical energy.

But we don’t have unlimited time and energy – and when we pretend that we do, we end up organizing our time and energy in unfortunate ways.

Your time and physical energy are limited resources; when you treat them as though they are precious, your daily life improves. The motivational video lower within this article can help you get started.

Everyone feels like their life is spinning out of control sometimes. When that happens, here are fifteen uncommonly effective ways to help you get your life back together.

1. Reduce Anxiety Naturally with Improved Productivity

Productivity systems are a healthy way to metabolize the anxiety that comes with contemporary life.

Let’s face it, a typical day in these times can be chaotic and anxiety-producing.

Even if you think you’re the calmest person in the world, modern living can sometimes grind you unexpectedly.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (1)

It’s the low-level stress you have to watch out for because it starts to feel like your normal baseline – so that after a while, you don’t even realize it’s there.

It’s an undercurrent of mild anxiety or tension in the body – too mild to be dramatic but too unhealthy to be experienced day-in and day-out.

Systems help your mind to focus and your heart rate to lower because they bring order to the chaos – the brain doesn’t have to keep reinventing the wheel every hour, accounting for every variable, storing every bit of data.

Too often, without realizing it, we “handle” the multitude of tiny stresses within our daily lives by self-medicating them.

We use television, sugar, wine – you name it – to help dial down the chatter of our brains and unwind a bit.

I encourage you to choose a productivity system instead.

A productivity system can give you a legitimate sense of calm and control so that you know you’ve handled what you can for today, and tomorrow, you’re poised to hit the ground running. Now, you can fully be in the moment – enjoying your novel or being emotionally present with your spouse, child, or best friend.

Reducing anxiety by improving productivity is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (2)

2. Don’t Just Ask“How.”Ask,“Why?”

Living a healthy lifestyle allows you to experience a robust and fulfilling life.

However, to become healthy and stay healthy, you need to create the time for additional self-care protocols andhabituatethem.

One way to accomplish this is to use checklists in a new way.

You need a productivity system you can stick with – a system that works for you, not a system you have to work for.

It will be helpful for you to determine – consciously – why you would write a to-do list in the first place.

Knowingwhyyou want to get organizedis an essential first step to figuring out how to tailor a checklist system that fits your unique needs.

Are you trying to:

  • develop your career?
  • maintain your household?
  • reduce stress?

Take a moment to reflect on what you want andwhy.

What sorts of things are you hoping toachieveby being better organized?

Asking the right questions is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

3. Identifying Your Everyday Rituals Can Help Get Your Life Back Together

Quotidian is one of my favorite words. The word means every day.

This word quotidian has a spiritual quality – like daily rituals of blessing.

Your quotidian lists are for daily tasks you will do every day (not the one-time tasks).

“Productivity systems are a healthier way to process the low-level stress of everyday living.”

You can have two quotidian lists. One for Professional and one for Personal (if you’re a state-of-the-art homemaker or stay-home parent, you can combine those lists if you find that easier).

Think of all the tasks you want to be done daily in your business and personal life, and lay them out in a list – order the tasks in a sequence that is as close to ideal as possible.

Identifying positive everyday rituals is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

4. Determine What You Would Do With More Free Time if You Had Your Life More Together

If you ask most people what they would do with their time if they were less busy, most will have answers such as:

“I’d finally start taking better care of myself — maybe take up biking, learn how to eat better…”


“There’s a new yoga studio in the neighborhood I’ve been meaning to check out,”


“I’d take my grandkids for long walks.”

You would probably have a similar answer, too.

The reason our answers to that question all sound similar is because, somewhere deep down inside, we all know that these two things are true:

  • when we have excellent health, we have everything;
  • the trick to taking better care of ourselves is to start using our time more effectively.

“Living well is the best revenge,” George Herbert once famously said, and – in a way – it is true.

Though revenge is perhaps not the best use of your limited time on earth, it is true that when you have excellent health, you have everything.

Excellent health is pure potentiality because great health forms the foundation upon which nearly everything worthwhile is built in your life.

No matter how bleak things may seem to you on any given day or at any given moment if you have great physical health, your life is prosperous and hope-filled, and your dreams are realizable.

Determining what free time means to you is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

5. Figure Out Where Your Time Goes

About three times a year, I track how I spend my time. I do this for a few days to get an accurate sense of where my time goes.

I think of it as a “time tune-up.”

Today, I’m encouraging you to pay close attention to how your time is spent.

When we track how we spend time during an average day, we often discover that where we thought our time was going is different than where it goes.

When you look at your time objectively in this way, you can better re-prioritize your activities – organizing your time around your core competencies (those activities that bring you the largest return) and health protocols, and deleting (or delegating) those activities that offer the least return.

Figuring out where your time is going is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

6. Declutter Your Daily Life to Feel Like You’ve Got It Together

Clutter is a culprit!

A cluttered life soaks up free time like a dry, thirsty sponge.

By clutter, I don’t just mean a messy garage (although that is clutter). “Clutter” means modern life’s noise, distractions, and chaos.

There can be so much reactivity in modern life. We spend our days reacting to distractions without even realizing it. But you can declutter your daily lifestyle and experience more joy and serenity than ever.

Here’s how it works: to live longer and better, you’ve got to live smarter.

The reason that smart and healthy people often seem to be working toward some self-care goal is that they understand that some of their lifestyle habits could always be fine-tuned.

Living smarter means organizing your life so that you are filled with joy, energy, and excellent health. One essential aspect of this is to optimize your time for maximum efficiency.

Finding the right productivity system can help you live smarter so you can direct more time and energy to what matters most in your life.

De-cluttering your typical day is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

7. Recognize the Connection between Longevity, Healthspan, and Being Organized

In today’s modern world, most of us feel drained – like we’re being pulled from all sides. This is the ultimate energy-zapper, leaving us overwhelmed, blurring our priorities, and making us resistant to change …even when that change could be greatly beneficial.

I feel passionate about helping others understand that living longer and more joyfully helps to be organized.

Good organizing creates more free time to spend with friends and loved ones.

More Free Time Means Better Self-Care

Look, the bottom line is this: happiness requires self-care.

And self-care requires time and energy.

Efficiency systems and productivity tools are keys to freeing up the time and energy necessary for improved self-care.

When something is sufficiently fulfilling, there’s no need to conceive it as something that will be judged or graded.

You weren’t graded on your first kiss – that wasn’t the motivation! The same holds for improving your personal productivity.

I’m not promising you the magic of a first kiss, but I am promising you something that is rewarding and shouldn’t feel like work.

Society is becoming more complex, and so are our responsibilities. The only thing that stays the same is the number of hours each day.

While many of us might be interested in developing new strategies for self-improvement and personal growth, we often feel so time-constrained that we don’t believe we have an hour to sit down to read a new book or attend a new workshop.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (4)

Resist the temptation to complicate success.

Stay focused. Keep it simple.

Remember that prosperity begins with internal shifts.

Honoring the connection between healthspan and organizing is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

8. Want to Get Your Life Together? See Time Differently

Become accurately and tenaciously aware of how you spend your day.

When we feel time-constrained, it can negatively impact all areas of our lives. There are solutions! You can trick Father Time into helping you accomplish more.

The peculiar thing about time is that if we talk about“not having enough” time or “feeling harried,” we can manifest more of the same – a frazzled lifestyle that seems too short on free time.

This is one aspect of the natural law of attraction at play in the universe:

“that which we give our attention to, we create more of.”

Have you ever noticed that people who focus on the negatives in their lives seem to perpetuate bad “luck?” In contrast, people celebrating their successes seem to manifest a snowball effect of sometimes unbelievable triumphs.

Instead of focusing on lack of free time, we can focus on the free time we have – to observe it – either when it occurs on its own or when we schedule it into our day.

We must give ourselves a break. Being hard on ourselves for not being more organized – or for not using our time more effectively – only creates more guilt and shame, which adds to our chaos and clutter.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (5)

It’s exciting to think about!

Celebrating your previous accomplishments will do more to create free time and help you feel less overwhelmed.

I assure you this is true, as fanciful as it might sound to you right now. I encourage you to try it out.

Changing your perception of time is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

9. Develop a New System

With that increased awareness, determine where you can habituate – either your revenue-producing activities or, in some cases, your “future business activities” (providing value to others with whom you’re not in a current business transaction).

“…understand that relationship-building is not a temporary campaign, it’s a lifestyle choice”

What tools are your favorites for staying organized and getting things done throughout your busy day?

For example, even though I’m a high-tech guy who loves gadgets – my favorite productivity tool is a good old-fashioned clipboard. I have several that I use for my various checklists.

By having my lists – each on their designated clipboard – I am far less likely to misplace a list or start using a list as “scratch paper,” etc. Having clipboards keeps me reverent about my process and assists me greatly in getting things done.

But that’s what works for me. What works for you is probably something completely different.

Many people find keeping a big spiral notebook with them – a sort of log within which they write everything, like their shopping lists, to-dos, phone numbers, etc. – the easiest solution.

Me? I can’t stand that method!

I don’t have time to start flipping through earlier pages to locate something I know I jotted down a few days earlier. Blech!

That’s my point: everyone’s different, and whatever tool works for you, no matter what it is, is the right tool.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (6)

I work almost exclusively from the home office. I don’t travel often and don’t spend much time in my car. For this reason, clipboards work great to help me track how I’m getting things done.

However, one of my lists is digital: the work-related list of tasks that I want to be able to share with my business partners and staff – and they share their lists with me.

Good project management requires collaboration tools (we use a simple app called Asana, although Basecamp is also highly regarded).

Here are a few simple questions that can help you to decide which tools might help you get more done:

Do you work in one place mostly, or are you on the go?

Generally, if you’re at a central desk most of the workday, you can use low-tech tools if you prefer them. But if you work in the field and spend a lot of time in your car, you might need to go digital.

Are you a parent of young children or a free-and-easy single?

If you’re a parent of young children, you can hold yourself to different standards. Sometimes, just getting through the day with everyone in the family happy, healthy, and fed is a huge accomplishment!

Do you like technology (or do you find it irksome and a waste of time)?

If you’re easily frustrated by gadgetry, that’s okay; low-tech tools can be just as effective. Go with your natural strengths.

Developing a new productivity system is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

10. Reframe Your Endeavor as Noble

If we’re being brutally honest, the fact is that for many people, their physical and emotional health gradually deteriorate as they earn more money.

Most people figure they can get healthy “one day” once they reach some imaginary future point, then they’ll get themselves into shape and start paying attention to deepening the relationships in their lives.

But, of course, the only moment we have for certain is now.

Hopefully, you desire a healthier kind of success.

Choose to believe that your healthier habits will enrich your life if you are consistent and persevere.

Understand that relationship-building is not a temporary campaign, it’s a lifestyle choice.

Reframing your endeavor as noble is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

11. Fantasize Vividly

What things will you accomplish in the remainder of your life?

Visualize what you want perfectly in your mind – close your eyes, breathe, and see yourself having what you want, so clearly and deeply that you can feel it.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (7)

12. Get Your Language Together

Attract what you want into your life by using positive vibrations and feelings, choosing to observe the best of your life, and eliminating the words “don’t,” “not,” and “no” from your habitual language.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (8)

Level-Up Your Life

When you are proactive and conscious with your self-improvement goals, life can become even more joyful and meaningful. Here are 15 ways to get your life back together and make it your best year yet.


  1. ask strategic questions
  2. reduce anxiety with improved productivity
  3. identify positive everyday rituals
  4. determine what free time means to you
  5. figure out where your time is really going
  6. de-clutter your typical day
  7. honor the connection between health-span and organizing
  8. change your perception of time
  9. develop a new productivity system
  10. reframe your endeavor as noble
  11. fantasize vividly
  12. modify language choices
  13. look objectively at your typical weekday and fine-tune
  14. find joyful outlets
  15. equate healthy relationships with prosperity


  • Peak Experiences help you to remember who you really are at your core.
  • Approach your personal development goals as though they are adventures to embark upon.
  • Set a clear intention that one year from today you will be even healthier and happier than you are today.

13. Look Closely at Your Day, Again

Remember in Strategy #5 above, when you tried to see your day through a different lens?

Now, do it again, only this time, be pickier.

Look at the evidence of where your time is going.

Move into action by looking consciously at how you spend your time each day and establishing a productivity system This site is loaded with many tips on getting the most bang from your average day, so I invite you to explore a bit until you find systems that work uniquely well for you.

14. Together with Your Friends, Find Outlets

Humans are not always proactive in finding habitual ways of releasing tension from our minds and bodies.

If we look back closely at the mistakes we’ve made in our lives until this point, we’ll see that we often made them when we were feeling anxious or off-center.

Identify your three favorite ways to release tension from your mind and body. Then ask yourself how to do those activities more often during a typical week.

I’m grateful I’ve learned a few important lessons in my 57 years. I’ve made so many mistakes, yes, but I choose to see my experiences as positive because those mistakes have led to improvements in how I live.

I’ve always been uniquely interested in patterns, and during my life’s journey, I’ve been able to look around the world and identify certain cause-and-effect patterns.

What I’ve been able to recognize repeatedly is this simple truth: prosperity is magnetized by enthusiastic relationships.

Finding joyful outlets is one effective strategy for getting your life back together.

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (9)

15. Equate Healthy Relationships with Prosperity

The more people you know – and the more positive and excited you are about knowing them – the more readily you will manifest increased wealth.

If you’re an introvert like me (introverts get their energy from solitude – that’s how they recharge their emotional batteries), then knowing many people may not come as breezily to you.

Like me, you’ll have to make a concerted effort each day to extend yourself and grow your sphere of influence.

Fortunately, we introverts genuinely like people (even though we enjoy our alone time, too), so once we set good relationship-building habits, it does start to get easier.

The Energy Loop of Reciprocity and Being Together

The plain fact is that we all answer to somebody.

  • if you’re a landlord, you answer to your tenants.
  • if you’re a teacher, you answer to your students, parents, and principal.
  • if you’re a bishop, you answer to your diocese.
  • if you’re a nurse, you answer to your patients.
  • if you’re a small or micro-business, you answer to your clients.
  • and if you work at a corporation, you answer to your customers and manager.

We all answer to somebody, and we all need relationships – they are the glue that holds modern life together.

One of the activities I invite my colleagues and clients to participate in is creating a Relationship List. A Relationship List is a roster of your favorite people in the world. It is a list of the “givers” in your life. It may be relatives, past clients, old college buddies – just people you like.

Together We Win

I like to imagine my Relationship List as a garden. It needs tending. It needs water, fresh air, nourishment, weeding, and love.

And when you tend to your relationship garden, your garden will bear abundant fruit each harvest season. Simply put: you will enjoy your life more.

Learn to garden the relationships in your life and partake in the abundant harvest.

Many people treat the relationships in their lives as an afterthought – a wild orchard that they just “happen upon.”

They snatch a few pieces of fruit from a tree and keep walking.

I prefer to be more aware – more conscious – about the relationships in my life.

I like to reflect on my relationships, and I like to reach out to my relationships. I like to give to my relationships.

The analog era was about broadcasting. The digital era is about reciprocity. So I suggest that you don’t waste your time trying to garden with people who are “takers.”

No amount of energy that you invest will ever be enough, and come harvest time, your crop will be slim pickings!

Instead, give your time and energy to the people in your life who are givers.

They already understand true reciprocity and so will appreciate your efforts.

Together, you will help each other win.

Relationships require work. Period. Even if you’re a people-person like me, it still requires time and energy to create healthy, equitable relationships with fellow human beings in your life.

Get Your Life Back by Succeeding Together

Imagine for a moment that you are part of a field of energy, and within that field, there are two dynamics to which prosperity is attracted:

  • enthusiasm
  • a person who connects well with others

If you want to be a magnet to money, get to know more people, and the people you already know, better.

How do you converse with your tribe? And, most importantly, how do you give to the people you like?

When we use the word abundance, we often mean different things.

For me, abundance is, above and beyond all else, enjoying excellent health. Having reciprocal, enjoyable relationships in your life is an essential part of abundant health.

The above 15 methods can help you get your life back together.

  • Which of the above have you not yet tried?
  • What would happen if you combined all 15?
  • What one person do you know who might find this article helpful or inspiring?
15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (11)

Now You Have the Steps to Getting Your Life Together

You now possess the steps to getting your life together. I encourage you to set specific, achievable goals. Identify what you want to accomplish and create a plan for how to achieve it. Make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

It will help to get organized. Declutter your space and create systems for managing your tasks, appointments, and responsibilities. This will help you stay focused and reduce stress.

It’s crucial to manage your time effectively. Prioritize your tasks and allocate your time accordingly. Use time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, to stay focused and avoid procrastination.

Take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and practice self-care. Engage in activities that nourish your mind and body, such as meditation, yoga, or hobbies.

Remember to build a support system. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who can help you stay motivated and accountable. Consider joining a support group or seeking the help of a therapist or coach.

Perhaps the most important of all the steps is to stay positive and be patient. Building a better life takes time and effort. Stay focused on your goals and remember that setbacks are a normal part of the process. Celebrate your progress and keep a positive attitude.

Additional Sources about the Process of Getting Your Life Back Together:

Spreadsheet for Time-Tracking and Help Getting Your Life Together – http://lauravanderkam.com/books/168-hours/manage-your-time/

The Science Behind Change – http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5587977_stages-change-motivational-interviewing.html

Networking Together – http://www.bookyourselfsolid.com/small-business-marketing-advice/free-template-4-simple-steps-to-build-your-network/

On Forming Life-Long Friendships – http://longevity.about.com/od/lifelongrelationships/Lifelong_Relationships.htm

15 Uncommonly Effective Ways to Get Your Life Back Together (2024)


How to get your life back together checklist? ›

How to get your life together: A 10-step checklist
  1. Be honest with yourself. ...
  2. Set mid- and long-term goals. ...
  3. Identify toxic people in your life. ...
  4. Make a plan. ...
  5. Get into a routine. ...
  6. Avoid procrastination. ...
  7. Adopt a positive mindset. ...
  8. Stop people-pleasing.
Jan 20, 2024

How to get your life together in one day? ›

Getting Your Life Together In One Day + FREE Checklist
  1. Stop Comparing Your Life to Others. ...
  2. Shift Your Mindset. ...
  3. Make a to-do List. ...
  4. Clean and Organize your space. ...
  5. Do The Laundry. ...
  6. Plan The Week. ...
  7. Get Your Body Moving. ...
  8. Journal.
Feb 6, 2023

How does one get their life together? ›

Quick Steps

Be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your actions. Identify stressors and toxic people in your life, then work on minimizing them. Set goals that align with your core values and what makes you happy. Build a positive thinking mindset and make a realistic plan to achieve your goals.

How to get your life together as a man? ›

12 Simple Ways to Help You Get Your Life Together
  1. Assess your current situation. ...
  2. Prioritize your goals. ...
  3. Declutter your life. ...
  4. Keep yourself organized. ...
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. ...
  6. Improve your time management skills. ...
  7. Set up a support system. ...
  8. Get your finances in order.

How do I start loving my life again? ›

How to Fall in Love With Life Again
  1. Enrol in a class. Learning something new can be enough to elevate and enrich our lives. ...
  2. Read. ...
  3. Slow down and notice. ...
  4. Savour simple routines. ...
  5. Change something up in your home. ...
  6. Give your appearance some time and care. ...
  7. Disconnect and connect. ...
  8. Discover work you enjoy.
Mar 7, 2020

How do I fix my life together? ›

13 Simple Ways to Get Your Life Together
  1. Make your health a priority.
  2. Create a realistic financial plan.
  3. Declutter your space.
  4. Set goals, the realistic kind.
  5. Establish a regular, morning routine.
  6. Cultivate healthy and positive relationships.
  7. Practice gratitude.
  8. Learn to say no.
Jun 16, 2024

How do you get your life together when it's falling apart? ›

My Life is Falling Apart. Here's 11 Ways to Pull It All Back Together.
  1. Read a Great Book. ...
  2. Get Professional Help. ...
  3. Take Care of Your Mental Health. ...
  4. Let Go of Things You Can't Control. ...
  5. Do What You Don't Want to Do. ...
  6. Take Care of Your Physical Health. ...
  7. Meditate. ...
  8. Pay Attention to Everyone's Needs.

How to get your life back on track? ›

Here are 10 steps you can take to get back on track after a slip up:
  1. Practice Self-Compassion. ...
  2. Set Realistic Goals. ...
  3. Redirect Self-Talk. ...
  4. Bounce Back. ...
  5. Remember That Baby Steps Are Wins. ...
  6. Work It Out. ...
  7. Start a Buddy System. ...
  8. Drink Plenty of Water.

How do I put my life in order? ›

The Organize Your Life Framework
  1. Develop habits and build a routine. ...
  2. Plan ahead. ...
  3. Embrace your natural inclinations. ...
  4. Consistency over perfection. ...
  5. Find balance. ...
  6. Prioritize appropriately. ...
  7. Declutter and simplify. ...
  8. Measure your progress.

How do you know if you have your life together? ›

8 little signs you have your life together — even if you think...
  1. You make the time to vote. ...
  2. You lean into your guilty pleasures. ...
  3. You know approximately how much money is in your bank account. ...
  4. You have a plant – and it is probably alive. ...
  5. You cancel social engagements when you need to.
Jan 9, 2018

How to start taking life seriously? ›

Your April Action Plan: 10 Ways to Get Serious About Your Future
  1. Toughen up to be more serious. ...
  2. Swap the sweets. ...
  3. Be more serious about your future by taking responsibility. ...
  4. Picture the end when setting goals. ...
  5. See gratitude. ...
  6. Be more serious about the future by never giving up. ...
  7. Reach out.
Apr 1, 2023

How do you make a man fall in love with you again and again? ›

Show genuine interest in him to put him at ease.

If you told someone you weren't interested in them and then you start to like them, start up a conversation and ask questions about how he's been. That way, he'll feel like you really care, which may make him start thinking about you again.

What does get my life back together mean? ›

idiomatic phrase

: to begin living in a normal way after suffering loss, hardship, etc.

How do I get my life partner? ›

Our experts offered these 12 tips to boost your chances:
  1. The 'You'll find love when you're not looking' approach may be wrong. ...
  2. Go where people like the same things you like. ...
  3. Look up from your phone. ...
  4. Don't seek romance, seek partnership. ...
  5. Happy people attract people. ...
  6. Take time to be by yourself.
Feb 13, 2023

How do you put the pieces of your life back together? ›

However, here are a few steps you can take to evaluate your current life state and get yourself unstuck:
  1. Take stock of your life. ...
  2. Write down your goals. ...
  3. Evaluate what's necessary. ...
  4. Adjust your path accordingly. ...
  5. Commit to positive energy. ...
  6. Refresh regularly. ...
  7. Consider professional help.
Apr 27, 2022

How do I pick my life back up? ›

Feeling Down? 7 Ways to Pick Yourself Back Up!
  1. Make a list. ...
  2. Take action. ...
  3. Exercise. ...
  4. Shower and groom yourself. ...
  5. Get out of the house and do something. ...
  6. Play some lively music. ...
  7. Talk about it.

How do you initiate getting back together? ›

Steps for Getting Back With an Ex
  1. Take your time before reaching out.
  2. Think about what could have happened differently.
  3. Reach out to your ex.
  4. Discuss getting back together.
  5. Have a trial period.
  6. Ease back into the relationship.
May 13, 2024

How do I get the spark back in my life? ›

7 Ways to Put the Spark Back in Your (Ho-Hum) Life
  1. Live a little (or a lot) right now. ...
  2. Stop settling for less than you deserve. ...
  3. 3.Be willing to shake things up a bit. ...
  4. Don't forget to dream again. ...
  5. Release & let go of the things that no longer serve you. ...
  6. 6.Be willing to take risks.
Jul 11, 2015

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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

Last Updated:

Views: 6409

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.