15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? (2024)

Home Buying


Types of Mortgages

8 Min Read | Aug 12, 2024

15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? (1)

By Ramsey Solutions

15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? (2)

15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? (3)

By Ramsey Solutions

So, you’ve picked out the home of your dreams, made an offer, and are now wondering what mortgage to get when buying your new house. After you weed out all the junky options, it usually comes down to deciding between a 15-year versus a 30-year mortgage. But which one is better?

Here’s the truth—the 15-year mortgage is the better option for one simple reason: A 30-year mortgage will cost youwaymore in the long run.

Skeptical? Let’s look at the numbers!

15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: How Are They Different?

Okay, let’s get the most obvious difference out of the way first. You’ll pay off a 30-year mortgage in 30 years, while you’ll pay off a 15-year in 15 years. No surprises there, right? Here are a few more key differences.

30-year mortgage: Because a30-year mortgagehas a longer term, your monthly payments will be lower and your interest rate on the loan will be higher. So, over a 30-year term, you’ll pay less money each month, but you’ll also make payments for twice as long and give the bank thousands more in interest.

15-year mortgage: A15-year mortgagehas higher monthly payments, but because the interest rate on a 15-year mortgage is lower and you’re paying off the principal faster, you’ll pay a lot less in interest over the life of the loan. Plus, you’ll pay off your house twice as fast.

15- vs. 30-Year Mortgage Comparison

Let’s look at an example. Suppose you want to buy a $400,000 house and have a healthy 20% down payment ($80,000). That means you need a mortgage for $320,000.

Here’s what your expenses would look like on a $320,000 home loan—whether you chose a 15-year mortgage or a 30-year mortgage:

15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? (4)

Mortgage Term

15 years

30 years

Interest Rate



Monthly Payment



Total Interest



Total Payments



FYI: We calculated the numbers for both monthly payments on ourMortgage Calculatorusing principal and interest only. Then, we calculated the total interest and total mortgage amounts on ourMortgage Payoff Calculator.

As you can see, the 30-year mortgage would have you paying over $260,000 (that’s about 55%) more than you’d pay with a 15-year mortgage!

Sure, itfeelsnice on the front end to save over $600 a month by choosing the 30-year mortgage—but your interest rate will be higher, and you’ll spend twice as much time in debt!

Is a slightly cheaper mortgage payment on the front-end worth $260,000 more on the back end? No way!

Do You Pay More Interest on a 15- or 30-Year Mortgage?

The average interest rate for a 30-year mortgage has been around 0.5–1%higherthan a 15-year mortgage for the past several years.1,2

One percentage point may not seem like a huge difference—but keep in mind, a 30-year mortgage has you paying that difference fortwicethe amount of time compared to a 15-year mortgage. That’s why the 30-year mortgage ends up being so much more expensive.

What’s a Disadvantage of Getting a 15-Year Mortgage Instead of a 30-Year Mortgage?

The only downside to a 15-year mortgage compared to a 30-year mortgage is that it comes with a higher monthly payment. But really, that’s a good thing! With the higher monthly payment on a 15-year mortgage, more of your money goes toward paying off the principal amount of your loan—instead of getting thrown away on interest.

That’s how the 15-year mortgage allows you to pay off your loan in half the time compared to a 30-year mortgage—and avoid a mountain of interest payments.

Dave Ramsey recommends one mortgage company. This one!

Keep in mind, you never want a mortgage with a monthly payment that’s more than25% of your monthly take-home pay—otherwise, you’d be house poor! That 25% limit includes principal, interest, property taxes, home insurance, private mortgage insurance (PMI), and homeowners association (HOA) fees.

If a 15-year mortgage has you going over that 25% limit, you might be tempted to choose a 30-year mortgage to lower the monthly payment. But you’re really just trying to buy a house you can’t truly afford. A 30-year mortgage isn’t worth it!

Instead, try one of these ideas to keep the monthly payment on your 15-year mortgage within the 25% limit:

  • Work with a real estate agentwho’s skilled at finding houses for sale that actuallydofit your 25% limit. Fair warning: You may have to adjust your expectations on what you want in a house.
  • Save a bigger down paymentso the monthly mortgage payment on your ideal housedoesfit your 25% limit.

Is It Cheaper to Pay Off a 30-Year Mortgage in 15 Years?

Some people get a 30-year mortgage, thinking they’ll pay it off in 15 years. If you did that, you’d save yourself 15 years of interest payments.

But doing that is really no different than choosing a 15-year mortgage in the first place. Besides that, choosing to make those extra payments would be up to you. Not to mention that, as we talked about earlier, the interest rate for a 30-year mortgage is higher than a 15-year mortgage.

Good intentions aside, this rarely happens. Why? Because life happens instead. You might decide to keep that extra payment and take a vacation. Or maybe it’s time to upgrade your kitchen. What about a new wardrobe? Whatever it is, there’s always a reason to spend that money somewhere else.

When you have a 15-year mortgage from the beginning, you won’t be tempted to use that money for something else. You’ve got built-in accountability to get your house paid off fast!

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Why Choose a 15-Year Mortgage Over a 30-Year Mortgage?

Here are the main reasons we teach home buyers to choose a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage:

You’ll save tens of thousands of dollars.

Remember our example from earlier? That 30-year mortgage would cost over $260,000 (55%) more than a 15-year mortgage. Imagine what you could do with hundreds of thousands of extra dollars in your pocket by choosing a 15-year mortgage!

You’ll build equity in your home faster.

One way to buildequity(the value of your home minus what you owe on it) is to pay back the principal balance of your loan, rather than just the interest.

Since you’re making bigger monthly payments on a 15-year mortgage, you’ll pay down the interest a lot faster, which means more of your payment will go to the principal every month.

On the flip side, the smaller monthly payments of a 30-year mortgage will have you paying down the interest a lot slower. So less of your monthly payment will go to the principal.

You’ll pay off your house in half the time.

Guess what? If you get a 15-year mortgage, it’ll be paid off in 15 years. Why would you choose to be in debt for 30 years if you could knock it out in only 15 years?

Just imagine what you could do with that extra money every month when your mortgage is paid off. That’s when the real fun begins! With no debt standing in your way, you can live and give like no one else.

Does Ramsey Recommend a 15-Year Mortgage?

For decades, we’ve been telling the millions of listeners who tune in toThe Ramsey Showthe best way to buy a house is with cash. But for those who are going to take out a loan, the only one we ever recommend is a 15-year conventional mortgage with a fixed interest rate and payments that are no more than 25% of their take-home pay.

The shortest path to wealth is to avoid debt. And the best way to do that is to either buy a house with cash or go with a 15-year mortgage, which has the overall lowest total cost—and keeps borrowers on track to pay off their house fast.

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Fast

Remember, the goal with any mortgage is to pay it off fast. You don’t want that thing weighing down your budget for the rest of your life. Knock it out in 15 years or less so you can move on to building extraordinary wealth and living and giving like nobody else.

Here are some tips onhow to pay off your mortgage early:

  • Make extra house payments:When you find extra money in your budget at the end of the month, it’s too easy to spend it on something you don’t really need. Instead, what if you committed that surplus to paying off more of your mortgage each month?
  • Trim your budget:Imagine how much more money you could throw at your mortgage (and how much faster you’d pay it off) if you eat out less and trim down other unnecessary spending.
  • Refinance:If you already made the mistake of getting a 30-year mortgage, you couldrefinanceto a 15-year term (at a lower rate) and pay off your mortgage inhalfthe time!
  • Downsize:If you bought a house you feel like you’ll never pay off, an extreme way to crush that mortgage is to sell the house and downsize to something more affordable.

Get Help Choosing the Right Mortgage

It’s simple: Don’t settle for a 30-year mortgage. You can make the right mortgage decision by choosing a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage from the beginning. It’s a smart financial decision that will bless your family for years to come.

Talk to the RamseyTrusted® home loan specialists at Churchill Mortgage about getting a 15-year mortgage that fits your budget so you can pay off your home fast.

Next Steps

  • Talk to a mortgage lender you can trust.
  • Steer clear of 50-year loans—they’re way too expensive in the long run.
  • Get a 15-year fixed rate conventional loan.

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Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? (2024)


15-Year vs. 30-Year Mortgage: What's the Difference? ›

A 15-year mortgage means larger monthly payments, but a lower interest rate. A 30-year mortgage offers a more affordable monthly payment, but also means paying more in interest. Over time, a 30-year mortgage is substantially more expensive than a 15-year loan.

Is it better to do a 15-year or 30-year mortgage? ›

You'll Save Thousands Of Dollars

Another advantage of a 15-year mortgage is all the money you'll save on interest. Lenders charge a lower interest rate for 15-year loans because it's easier to make predictions about repayment over a 15-year horizon than a 30-year horizon.

Why is it better to take out a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage quizlet? ›

It is likely that you won't like the prospect of paying more money each month, but if you do take out a 15-year mortgage, you will make far fewer payments and will pay a lot less in interest.

Which statement best describes a 15-year mortgage compared to a 30-year mortgage? ›

A 15-year mortgage allows you to pay off your mortgage in half the time of a 30-year mortgage. It typically comes with a lower interest rate, and you'll pay much less interest over the life of the loan.

Why do most people take out a 30-year loan? ›

If you plan to stay in your home for a short period of time—say eight years or less—a 30-year loan might make the most sense. You'll benefit from lower monthly payments, and you won't have to pay as much interest because you'll be selling your home long before your loan's pay-off date.

What is the disadvantage of a 15-year mortgage? ›

The 15-year mortgage has some advantages when compared to the 30-year, such as less overall interest paid, a lower interest rate, lower fees, and forced savings. There are, however, some disadvantages, such as higher monthly payments, less affordability, and less money going toward savings.

What happens if I pay an extra $200 a month on my mortgage? ›

If you pay $200 extra a month towards principal, you can cut your loan term by more than 8 years and reduce the interest paid by more than $44,000. Another way to pay down your mortgage in less time is to make half-monthly payments every 2 weeks, instead of 1 full monthly payment.

Can I change my 15-year mortgage to a 30-year? ›

For instance, if you have a high interest rate and rates are much lower than what you have, you could refinance to get the lower rate. This process also allows you to adjust the term of your loan, potentially converting from a 15-year to a 30-year.

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Cons of a 30-Year Fixed Mortgage

Higher interest rate: The longer a lender's risk of being repaid is stretched out (and the longer the lender's money is tied up), the higher the interest rate tends to be; customarily, the difference between 15- and 30-year loans is about a half-point.

Why would someone choose a 30-year mortgage? ›

30-Year Term Mortgage Overview

A 30-year mortgage is a mortgage that you pay off over the span of 30 years. Since the same amount takes twice as long to pay on a 30-year mortgage than a 15-year, your monthly payment to the lender will be less.

Why is a 15-year mortgage cheaper? ›

With a 15-year mortgage, borrowers pay off their loan in a decade and a half. As a result, each monthly loan payment will be larger. But the overall cost of the loan will be less, since you're paying interest for a shorter amount of time.

Which mortgage term is best? ›

If you can score a good interest rate—which was entirely doable up until early 2022—you'll get to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a guaranteed low rate for a whole five years. Three-year fixed mortgage rates are typically slightly lower—that's because the five-year term locks you in for a longer period.

How to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years without refinancing? ›

Make Extra Principal Payments

Putting just $200 more per month toward principal, you'd save $80,837 in interest and pay off the mortgage six years and four months earlier. To pay off this same mortgage in 15 years, however, you would need to put an extra $787 per month from the outset of the mortgage.

How many years fixed-rate mortgage is best? ›

If you value certainty and peace of mind, a 5-year fixed-rate mortgage might be the right choice. A longer fixed term offers predictable repayments over an extended period, protecting you against potential interest rate increases.

Why does it take 30 years to pay off $150,000 loan even though you pay $1000 a month? ›

The interest rate on a loan directly affects the duration of a loan. Note: The interest rate is calculated using the hit and trial method. Therefore, it takes 30 years to complete the loan of $150,000 with $1,000 per monthly installment at a 0.585% monthly interest rate.

Why is a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage better than a 30-year Quizlet? ›

15-year refers to the term, or length in years, of the mortgage. With a 30-year mortgage, you'll end up paying almost twice the price of the house. Your monthly payments will be slightly higher with a 15-year mortgage, but it's worth it in the long term—and it helps you build equity faster.

Why are 15-year mortgages looked upon as being less risky? ›

Benefits of a 15-year fixed mortgage

The difference reflects their shorter lifespan: Because the lender assumes fewer years of risk, it offers a better rate. Faster accumulation of home equity: By paying back the loan's principal faster, you'll build equity sooner in your home.

Should I refinance to a 15-year mortgage or pay extra? ›

Key takeaways. Refinancing from a 30-year mortgage to a 15-year mortgage can help you save a significant amount of money in interest and pay off your mortgage sooner. While a 15-year mortgage comes with a higher monthly payment, it also leads to building equity and being free of mortgage debt faster.

Is it smart to pay extra principal on mortgage? ›

Is it better to pay the principal or interest on a mortgage? Paying more toward your principal can reduce the interest you'll pay over time. Because every payment that goes toward the principal builds equity in your home, you can build equity faster with additional principal-only payments.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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