16 profitable eBay selling tips (2024)

Looking to make a tidy income as an eBay seller? Here's how to sell on eBay and make the most money from listings.

Whether you're looking to set up your own online business or just want to shift some old belongings, selling on eBay can be a great way to make some extra cash.

But, whatever your intentions, it's best to learn the ropes on how to sell on eBay before getting started so you can be sure you're not missing any tricks, and know that you're on top of all the eBay fees.

We've crammed as much info as we can into this guide. When you're done reading it, you'll have all the advice you need to start making money on eBay.

  • Know the best things to sell on eBay

    Whether it's old textbooksor your Pokémon card collection, before putting something on eBay, you should take some time to decide whether what you're selling is in the right condition.

    You might be keen to start making money on whatever you can get your hands on. But, if you make the mistake of selling items that aren't in good condition or are missing crucial parts, you could get bad reviews which will make it harder to sell other things on eBay.

    If you're looking for the best things to sell on eBay, use Terapeak Product Researchto find the hottest items. This will give you an idea of what products sell.

    Try thinking seasonally, too – you're not likely to get many bids on a pair of sunglasses in the middle of winter, so put them somewhere safe until the time is right. Chances are you'll make a lot more money if you can wait until they're in more demand.

  • Buy cheap things to sell at higher prices

    As well as selling items you no longer use on eBay, it's also worth looking for low-priced things to sellat higher prices.

    Be it at your local charity shop, a car boot sale or even on eBay itself, there are loads of places to find great deals on products.

    There's a risk you could lose money doing this if you're unfamiliar with how much a particular product sells for on eBay, so it's best to do some research first. Our guide to upselling is a good place to start.

    But, if you're confident that a seller has underestimated an item's value, it's a good opportunity to buy it, sell it for the price you think it's worth and (hopefully!) earn a profit from it.

    For example, we interviewed a student who picked up items at a car boot sale and sold them on eBay for 10 times what she bought them for.

  • Improve your eBay profile

    16 profitable eBay selling tips (1)

    Credit: Ascannio – Shutterstock

    The best way to get started as a seller on eBay is to become a buyer first. This way, other users can see you have an eBay history and recognise you're trustworthy.

    Even if you purchase a couple of small items for a few quid each, paying for the items promptly and taking the time to give feedback (positive if possible!) can build up your eBay presence and get you a good buyer rating.

    Another important step is choosing your username. Remember that whatever you choose will effectively be the name of your mini business, so lewiscapaldifan103xx probably won't instil a huge amount of confidence in potential buyers.

    We'd recommend either going for something simple and professional, like a variant of your name, or a name that's relevant to the kind of things you plan to sell (this might make you easier to find in eBay searches too).

  • Research eBay's fees

    Before you start making money on eBay, you first need to work out how much an item is worth and how much it will cost to sell. Obviously, you want to make a decent profit, but there are some additional costs applied when selling on eBay that you need to be aware of.

    The eBay Fee Calculator is a nifty tool that works out how much you'll pay for each sale, based on what you list it for and how much it eventually sells for. Try running your item through this to see the profit you'll make.

    What are eBay's fees?

    • You're allowed to list 1,000 items per month free of charge – after that, you'll be charged a 35p fee per item.
    • There are extra charges for optional listing upgrades, like adding a subtitle or listing your item in multiple categories.
    • 12.8% of the first £2,500 of the total transaction (including postage) goes to eBay, plus £0.30 per order.
    • Depending on how much you sell on eBay, you might need to pay tax. Check out HMRC's badges of trade, and if you meet some or all of them, you may need to pay tax.

    These are some possible fees you may be charged for your eBay shop. eBay's private seller page has details on all their charges, which will vary depending on what you're selling.

    If the costs of selling on eBay seem a little steep to you, check out our guide to making money on Amazon to see how the fees compare.

  • Look out for eBay seller promotions

    From time to time, eBay runs promotional offers for private sellers. Look out for these as you'll likely be sent an email with a link to activate them. If you can wait until these offers come around to sell your higher-priced items, you could save a fair amount of money on seller fees.

    The offers can include paying reduced fees (sometimes as little as £1 per listing!).

    To use the offers, look on your seller account page on eBay and find the section containing current promotions. Next to each offer, it will either say 'Available', in which case it's been applied to your account, or you'll need to click a button to activate it.

    Or, keep an eye on our student deals section. If and when the offers are running, we'll feature them.

  • Charge the best price for your item

    16 profitable eBay selling tips (2)

    Credit: bbernard – Shutterstock

    When you've decided on an item to sell, use the eBay advanced search tool to discover how much similar items have been selling for lately. You can search for whatever you want to sell and tick the 'completed listings' box to see heaps of similar items and the prices they sold for.

    For some items, like CDs and DVDs, you can find out how much they're worth by getting quotes from other second-hand selling websites like musicMagpie.

    If you can scan your item's barcode, you should get a pretty accurate valuation. You can then add a bit onto this amount as your selling price on eBay (unless you're offered a really good price for it, in which case you could sell directly to that site instead).

    Also, make sure you correctly price the postage, or you could end up out of pocket.Royal Mail's price finder will tell you how much postage will cost, so you can add this to the listing. But remember that you do have to pay an eBay fee on the total transaction, including postage!

    Note that high postage fees can put some sellers off, so we'd recommend adding the cost to the price of the product itself so you can offer free postage. This will give your items a "Free Postage" tag in the search results. And since buyers can filter out items that don't offer free postage, your products will be seen by way more users.

  • Start bids low to catch the attention of buyers

    It might be tempting to give your listings a high initial price, but starting your bids at 99p (or similar) could get you a better sale in the long run.

    A low starting bid willcatch the attention of more potential buyers andencourage a competitive bidding war as the item reaches its last day of bidding.

    However, please note that this tip doesn't apply to niche products. If you're selling something that only an avid collector would be searching for, don't set the initial bid too low as you're less likely to get a lot of bids on these items.

    You can always add a minimumprice(the reserve) if you're worried about getting a rough deal, which means the item won't be sold unless it reaches this minimum required amount.

  • Take good photos of the items you're selling

    A photograph of the item you're selling adds maximum credibility. An eBay user is much more likely to continue bidding if they're confident they can see an accurate representation of what's on offer.

    If there are extra components to the item you're listing, include them in the photo. We're talking boxes, instruction manuals, batteries and whatever else you've mentioned in the description.

    You don't need an amazing camera, but use the macro mode (if you have one) and autofocus, both of which will work wonders for close-up shots.

    Natural daylight is key to getting clear, high-quality photos. But, if you're in a dimly lit room, adding a little extra lighting (like a desk lamp) can make a big difference. Just make sure you avoid any shadows.

    Also, remember that you can upload 24photos to a listing for free.

  • Launch auctions during eBay's peak times

    16 profitable eBay selling tips (3)

    Credit: samritk – Shutterstock

    Before you jump straight in and post your listing, take some time to think aboutwhen you should open the bidding.

    Generally, the best time to end any auction is on aSunday evening. This has been proven to be when most casual buyers go for a browse, so it's the time that auctions start to heat up.

    If you're going for the maximum 10-day auction (which is always the best option as it increases the chances of getting more bids), list it on a Thursday evening to increase your exposure to potential buyers.

    As mentioned earlier, if you're selling a themed or seasonal product, think about what time of year would be best for it to go on eBay.

    For example, the start of October would be the perfect time to start listing any fancy dress items you have as people start searching for their Halloween party outfits online.

  • Write convincing product descriptions

    Now for the hard part: writing the descriptions that will sell your product. Take your time to do this, as a good description can make or break a deal.

    eBay allows you to use up to 80 characters in your title, so make the most of it. Make it clear and concise, and use plenty of keywords to help make your item as easy tofind as possible.

    How to write eBay product descriptions

    1. Avoid spelling errors – typos can limit how easy it is to find your listing on eBay searches.
    2. Make the descriptionconcise, informative and accurate, highlighting the key features and selling points.
    3. Use popular eBay acronyms like VGC (very good condition), BN (brand new), BNIB (brand new in box) and BNWT (brand new with tags).
    4. Be honest about all issues and defects. Buyers can leave bad reviews and ask for their money back if the item isn't in the condition you described.
    5. If relevant, mention how often the product's been used or why you're selling it.
    6. Your items will command a much higher price if you've got all the packaging, tags and instruction books.
    7. Invite potential buyers to contact you if they have queries.
    8. List all of your terms and conditions, including the payment situation, postage and packing, and refunds.
    9. Try using the HTML function to make your description look more snazzy (there are free online courses to teach you). But if you're still struggling, you can use simple eye-catching fonts and colours instead (while still keeping it professional, of course).
    10. Make sure you list your item in the right category. If it's not immediately obvious, search for what you're selling and see where similar products are generally listed.
    11. If you're selling a lot of similar items at once, link to your other sales in your description.
    12. For ideas on how to wordyour descriptions, look at how top sellers describe their items that sell for high prices.
  • Never do shill bidding on eBay

    'Shill bidding' is when you bid on an item with the intention of increasing its price/search ranking or making it look more desirable, rather than because you actually want to buy it. This is prohibited, so neither you nor your friends or family members should ever bid on your auctions.

    There are systems in place to spot this and prevent it from happening on the site. For more details, read eBay's policy on shill bidding. They've got super clear guidelines on it, so if you're unsure about it, the info on their site can put your mind at ease.

  • Increase your eBay selling limits

    When you first start selling on eBay, you can usually only list 10 items up to a value of £650. Before you're allowed to add more items to your eBay store, you have to prove that you're a good seller by sending your items quickly, communicating with the buyers and collecting positive feedback.

    To increase your limits, you can hit "request selling limit increase" on your profile. eBay will then decide if they want to give you a few more listings. But you can only do this once a month, so it can take a while to build up your to a decent number of listings. Especially if you're selling high-value items, you could reach your limit pretty quickly...

    If you want to speed up the process, you can email the support team. They're often happy to increase your account's limits sooner if you have good feedback and sell your items at a reasonable price. We've tried this ourselves and increased our limit to over 1,000 items per month in just a couple of weeks!

  • Maintain contact with buyers on eBay

    Once your sale has gone through, be sure to send a confirmation email to your buyer as soon as possible and invoice them for the full amount, including the postage charge.

    You should then send them another emailonce you'vereceivedtheir payment and when you've dispatched the item. We know this sounds like a lot of emails, but buyers appreciate being kept in the loop and if you're too quiet there's a chance they'll get suspicious and report you.

    Make sure you also dispatch the item as promptly as possible and be careful not to be too ambitious with your 'handling time' declaration. If you estimate that you'll take two days to dispatch the item but end up missing that self-imposed deadline, you could receive a negative review and the buyer may ask eBay for a refund.

    When your customer has received your product, remember to give them some lovely feedback. It's how the eBay world works, and as the saying goes: what goes around, comes around.

  • Package items in a large envelope to save money

    If the items you're selling can fit in envelopes, this can save you money on getting the goods to the winning bidder.

    As long as the envelope's within the Post Office's guidelines of a large-letter size (35.3cm x 25cm x 2.5cm), you can avoid the added costs of selling parcels. Keep in mind that there are weight limits for large letters, so always check with your local Post Office if you're paying the correct postage.

    Of course, not all items will fit in envelopes. But if you're selling something small like CDs, jewellery or thin items of clothing, it can cut the cost of post and packaging (which will make your listing look even more appealing to buyers).

  • Always get proof of postage when selling on eBay

    16 profitable eBay selling tips (4)

    Credit: Ascannio – Shutterstock

    Send every item you sell by recorded delivery – or at least get proof of postage. Particularly because, unfortunately, there are eBay buyer scammers out there who cause trouble by telling eBay that items haven't been received, even when they actually have been delivered.

    Make sure you're armed with proof in case you need to fight your corner.

  • Send items with a hand-written note

    Adding a personal touch to your deliveries makes a massive difference. If you write a little note to say thank you to the buyer for their purchase, it gives them an insight into the person behind the sale, which will mean a lot more to them than an anonymous eBay username.

    If you're selling something like vintage clothes, you could give a little info about the back story of the item in the note with details like when you first bought it, where it was from and your reasons for selling it.

    It only needs to be a couple of sentences (a whole letter would be a bit over the top), and it might even be repeating things from the product description. But, make an effort to present it nicely, and you can be confident that your eBay customers will appreciate it.

    It could even lead buyers to feel more inclined to leave you a positive rating on eBay and buy from you again.

  • Hopefully, you should now be equipped with the skills and know-how you'll need to succeed as an eBay seller. Good luck!

    16 profitable eBay selling tips (2024)


    16 profitable eBay selling tips? ›

    Cost of goods generally runs about 10%. Add in your ebay store fees, shipping and supplies, you are basically at 50%. This means that you need to sell $66.66/ day to make $2,000 a month in gross sales/ $1,000 a month in gross profit.

    What is the most profitable thing to sell on eBay? ›

    Here are some of the best-selling things on eBay that you can sell online on eBay marketplace.
    • Wall art.
    • Calendars.
    • Clothing.
    • Children's clothing.
    • Phone cases.
    • Drinkware & mugs.
    • Tote bags.
    • Photo books.
    Sep 26, 2023

    Can I make $1000 a month on eBay? ›

    Cost of goods generally runs about 10%. Add in your ebay store fees, shipping and supplies, you are basically at 50%. This means that you need to sell $66.66/ day to make $2,000 a month in gross sales/ $1,000 a month in gross profit.

    How much can you realistically make selling on eBay? ›

    The average eBay seller earns about $35,000 per year. Many low-volume sellers earn just a few thousand dollars per year; however, some top earners make as much as $70,000 per year selling items on eBay. The amount of money you make all depends on how much inventory you can sell and at what price.

    How to be a successful seller on eBay? ›

    How to Sell on eBay: 10 Tips to Get You Started
    1. Use eBay's Templates for Your Listing. ...
    2. Price Your Item by Reviewing Similar Listings. ...
    3. Sell on eBay for Free. ...
    4. Weigh Your Item in Its Shipping Package. ...
    5. Try Different Options on Items That Don't Sell. ...
    6. Allow for Counteroffers. ...
    7. Lower the Starting Bid Before an Auction Ends.
    Dec 29, 2022

    What is hot on eBay right now? ›

    Which Items Sell Best on eBay Right Now
    • Sporting Goods. Continuing a years-long trend that started in 2021, the popularity of the sporting goods category is—when you think about it—not surprising in the least. ...
    • Home & Garden. ...
    • Jewelry & Watches. ...
    • Health and Beauty.
    Apr 25, 2024

    What sells a lot on eBay? ›

    eBay best sellers: top products & categories
    • Mobile Phone & Accessories. ...
    • Video Games. ...
    • Health and Beauty. ...
    • Home and Garden. ...
    • Computers and Tablets. ...
    • Fashion. ...
    • Crafts.
    Jan 12, 2024

    Is eBay flipping a good side hustle? ›

    Flipping on eBay is easy to start up and requires little to no initial cost. All you have to do is make sure you target the right categories and buy for less than you can sell. If you can put in the time, flipping on eBay can bring in a steady income to supplement your day job.

    Is eBay hobby income? ›

    If your eBay sales are classified as a hobby, you have to report the income on Form 1040, but you won't be able to offset your profits by deducting expenses.

    How to make 5k a month on eBay? ›

    How to Make $5000 a Month on eBay?
    1. Secrets to Make $5000 a Month on eBay.
    2. Choose the Top Selling Items on eBay.
    3. Add HD Images. Quality. Quantity:
    4. Detailed Product Description. Completeness. Search Engine.
    5. Carefully Schedule Your Listing. Shorter Duration: Longer Duration:
    6. Avoid Reserve Prices.
    7. Summary.

    How to make the most money on eBay? ›

    Here's six ways to set yourself up for success.
    1. Write a standout title. We'll recommend search terms that buyers often use, so be sure to add these in the title. ...
    2. Take high-quality photos. ...
    3. Pick a purchase format. ...
    4. Set the right price. ...
    5. Stand out from the crowd. ...
    6. Ship with ease.

    How much can I sell on eBay without paying tax? ›

    To put it in simple terms...after $600. made...you will get a 1099K form to add to pay taxes on that at end of year from whoever or wherever you made the money or got the money.

    What is the trick to selling on eBay? ›

    Adding marketing on top and maintaining profit margin on that is key. eBay Promoted Listings is one way to go for sellers. Avoid these for slow-moving products as they will eat up your spend, but if you have popular items that sell well or you want to boost new products, this might be a good option.

    What is the best day to sell on eBay? ›

    Pick the right time

    According to eBay, the most popular time on the site is Sunday evening, so make sure your listing finishes then. Avoid times when most people will be busy, such as weekday mornings, or during big events like football matches or TV finales.

    How do beginners make money on eBay? ›

    15 tips for making money on eBay
    1. Choose the right products. ...
    2. Optimize your eBay listings. ...
    3. Master eBay's search algorithm. ...
    4. Provide excellent customer service. ...
    5. Leverage eBay promotions. ...
    6. Manage your inventory efficiently. ...
    7. Shipping and packaging. ...
    8. Utilize eBay's global market (selling internationally)
    Jan 15, 2024

    What is the most profitable thing to resell? ›

    The 15 Best Items to Flip
    1. Apparel. Whether you're simply looking to clean out your closet or want to turn reselling into a part-time gig, apparel of all kinds is perfect for flipping. ...
    2. Cameras. ...
    3. Smartphones, Tablets and Tech Accessories. ...
    4. Exercise Equipment. ...
    5. Household Appliances. ...
    6. Used Books. ...
    7. Designer Bags. ...
    8. Vintage Jewelry.

    How to sell more than $1,000 on eBay? ›

    To request a limit increase:
    1. In My eBay: Go to My eBay Selling Overview. Scroll down and find the Monthly selling limits. ...
    2. In Seller Hub: Go to the Overview tab. ...
    3. Use the quick link here or from the message eBay will send you to let you know when you get close to your monthly limit.

    How do you make the most money on eBay? ›

    Here's six ways to set yourself up for success.
    1. Write a standout title. We'll recommend search terms that buyers often use, so be sure to add these in the title. ...
    2. Take high-quality photos. ...
    3. Pick a purchase format. ...
    4. Set the right price. ...
    5. Stand out from the crowd. ...
    6. Ship with ease.

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    Author: Terrell Hackett

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    Author information

    Name: Terrell Hackett

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

    Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

    Phone: +21811810803470

    Job: Chief Representative

    Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

    Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.