17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (2024)

    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and itspublishingpartners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Overcome your childhood traumas, find true love, build a successful career, set goals, get rich and more! These extraordinary books will help you transform your twenties and your life.

    by Sharanya HaridasBuzzFeed Staff


    1. The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (2)


    The Defining Decade is THE definitive book for twenty-somethings today. The author, clinical psychologist Meg Jay, is an expert on this demographic. Contemporary culture sees the twenties as throwaway years where you're meant to be "exploring" and having vaguely defined "experiences." However, the things we do or don't do have consequences for the rest of our life. Jay offers a concrete guide to navigating this uncertain landscape, taking control and taking concrete action with what you know and have right now. I've recommended this book to all my twenty-something friends.

    Price: ₹458

    2. Supernormal by Meg Jay

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (3)


    Even if you had a "good enough" childhood, you've probably dealt with serious troubles and traumas by the time you enter adulthood — parental divorce or separation, alcoholism, poverty, mental health issues, abuse, bullying, etc. Narrated through intimate case studies of real people, this book helps us realise the impact these traumas have on us, how we coped with what we didn't understand, and how we can overcome today.

    Price: ₹219

    3. Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough by Lori Gottlieb

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (4)


    Although primarily aimed at cis-hetero women, people of all genders and sexual orientations who want a committed, long-term partnership someday would benefit from reading Marry Him. Don't let the funny and provocative title fool you. If you've based relationships on criteria that may not matter long-term, lost perspective or swiped left on the right partner for all the wrong reasons, you have to read this book. Psychologist Lori Gottleib is full of major truth bombs on getting out of your own way when it comes to finding true love and your own, authentic happily ever after.

    Price: ₹800

    4. Zero To One by Peter Thiel

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (5)


    "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?" This is the question at the heart of Zero To One, a short, powerful book about deliberate creation, believing in your own vision no matter how contrarian, and making something out of nothing. Although it's primarily about building startups, the lessons are quite universal. (PS - If you've never heard of Peter Thiel, he's a leading entrepreneur and investor who co-founded PayPal, invested early in Facebook, and more.)

    Price: ₹312

    5. Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (6)


    “You are growing into consciousness, and my wish for you is that you feel no need to constrict yourself to make other people comfortable."

    How do you live in a world that does not treat you as an equal human based on your identity? This is the question at the heart of Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between The World And Me. Written as a letter from a father to his son, it explores the specific realities of being black in the United States, but also contains insights on being "a conscious citizen of this terrible and beautiful world" that would universally resonate with anyone who lives in the world today.

    Price: ₹467

    6. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (7)


    Unlike the glamorous, consumerist image of the millionaire depicted in media, the majority of high net worth individuals tend to be self-made, have regular jobs, and live modest lives. This practical and engaging book explores how these people accumulate and grow their wealth, and offers key lessons in personal finance.

    Price: ₹849

    7. Goals! by Brian Tracy

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (8)


    If you know what you want, but struggle to get there, Goals! is #goals when it comes to goal-setting and goal-achieving. It simplifies the process down to a system that can be used by anyone to achieve any goal, no matter how small or big.

    Price: ₹218

    8. How Not To Die by Michael Greger

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (9)


    Eating is something we do everyday, and good nutrition can help us reverse disease, defy our genes and get healthy. This book offers scientifically-proven nutrition strategies to prevent the most common diseases (like heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes) and helps you make simple dietary shifts towards exponentially better health.

    Price: ₹284

    9. Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (10)


    First published in 1937, this bestselling book has principles that hold true to this day. For decades, Napolean Hill interviewed some of the wealthiest, most successful people about how they achieved their wealth and well-being. Based on this, he created actionable principles for self-improvement and success.

    Price: ₹99

    10. The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (11)


    This bestselling book (now a popular Netflix show) by Japanese organising consultant Marie Kondo is about picturing your ideal, uniquely personal lifestyle and then discarding everything that doesn't suit it. Although it's primarily about decluttering, keeping only that which "sparks joy" in your space using the KonMari method tends to have dramatic consequences for the rest of your life too. Taking control of their space has helped Marie Kondo's clients become more themselves in other ways like getting fit, ending toxic relationships, launching their own businesses, and more.

    Price: ₹966

    11. Adulting by Kelly Williams Brown

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (12)


    This is a hilarious how-to-be-an-adult guide for people who still feel, well, not-grown-up-enough. From setting up a comfortable home to breaking up with frenemies to avoiding common, stupid mistakes, this book covers it all in a relatable tone.

    Price: ₹806

    12. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (13)


    Most people operate with only three degrees of action — no action, retreat, or normal action. But to attain big goals quickly you need to take the fourth degree of action — "massive action" also known as the 10x rule. Narrated in a very no-bullsh*t tone, The 10x Rule will help you break out of apathy, take risks, gain momentum, and crush your goals.

    Price: ₹1,306

    13. Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (14)


    One third to half of people are introverts — they prefer less stimulating environments, enjoy quiet concentration, listen more than they talk, and think before they speak. However, culture today idealises and rewards extroverts, which has led to many introverts giving into the culture of personality and masking as extroverts to fit in. They lose touch with who they really are, along with their unique powers, like focus, imagination, and depth. Cain argues that big ideas and great leadership can come from introverts too, and advocates for individual awareness of the strengths of introversion as well as societal understanding and inclusion of people of various temperaments. If you've been described as sensitive, serious, shy or quiet, this book is a must-read.

    Price: ₹516

    14. The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (15)


    This amoral best-selling book for those who "want power, watch power, or want to arm themselves against power" educates you on the nature of power through the successful and not-so-successful strategies of historical figures of the past. Perfect for twenty-somethings or anyone who feels they need to break out of their naïveté.

    Price: ₹449

    15. Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (16)


    Lean In is Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's bestseller about work-life balance and the gender leadership gap. It examines structural issues that pressurise women into leaving successful careers to be homemakers, "imposter syndrome" and how female ambition is perceived differently (ambitious women are less liked; women face more scrutiny and are promoted basis their proven track record, while men are promoted based on their "potential"). Backed with statistics as well as personal anecdotes, Lean In also offers practical advice for individuals, organisations, and society to create better opportunities for women to thrive in the workplace.

    Price: ₹274

    16. WomanCode by Alissa Vitti

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (17)


    There's little research or funding devoted to women's health, so it's unsurprising that most women don't even know their own biology. WomanCode fills this gap, helping educate and empower you about your hormones, menstrual cycle, fertility, and health. You learn to manage your period and any period-related issues (including PCOS, endometriosis and more), hormones and endocrine function. Vitti provides guidance on minimising environmental toxins and improving your diet to be in harmony with your feminine energy and your body's natural rhythm. (Fun fact, actress Frieda Pinto counts this book as a must-read. In an interview with New York magazine, she said: "It’s no longer, 'Oh, I’m PMSing.' I don’t even use that term anymore. I just say, 'I’m in the luteal phase.'")

    Price: ₹938

    17. Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (18)


    In this book, psychiatrist Viktor E Frankl shares his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. He shares his idea of "meaning", purpose (every patient has unique, deeply personal reasons to be alive that are connected to their life purpose), having a positive outlook on life, and his theory and method of psychoanalysis. Although written in 1946, it contains lessons on grit, survival, and purpose that hold true across place and time.

    Price: ₹224

    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings (2024)


    17 Excellent And Life Changing Books For Twenty-Somethings? ›

    The Defining Decade

    By Meg Jay - This book offers practical advice for navigating adulthood's challenges and making the most of your twenties.

    Which book should I read in my 20s? ›

    The Defining Decade

    By Meg Jay - This book offers practical advice for navigating adulthood's challenges and making the most of your twenties.

    What books does Iman Gadzhi recommend to read? ›

    12 books recommended by Iman Gadzhi
    • Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand.
    • Meditations. Marcus Aurelius.
    • The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho.
    • Atomic Habits. James Clear.
    • The Fountainhead. Ayn Rand.
    • The 48 Laws of Power. Robert Greene.
    • The Power of Now. Eckhart Tolle.
    • Mastery. Robert Greene.

    What is the best book to read about making money? ›

    Happy Reading!
    1. Rich Dad Poor Dad. ...
    2. Think and Grow Rich. ...
    3. The Millionaire Next Door. ...
    4. The Total Money Makeover. ...
    5. Secret's of the Millionaire Mind. ...
    6. The Science of Getting Rich. ...
    7. I Will Teach You To Be Rich. ...
    8. Money Master The Game.

    How to thrive in your 20s? ›

    1. Spend Time with Yourself: Spend time alone, discover your interests, and who you are and who you want to be. ...
    2. Slow Down: Life in your 20s can feel like a frenzied race. ...
    3. Pursue Individual Passions: Remember, you're not a clone. ...
    4. Set Goals and Trust the Universe: Your life is like a choose-your-own-adventure book.
    Oct 4, 2023

    Is 25 too late to start reading? ›

    Never say never

    It's really, truly, never too late. In my book “Whole Child Reading,” I devote an entire chapter to older non-readers.

    Which one is the book everyone should read? ›

    Pride and Prejudice (1813) – Jane Austen

    Pride and Prejudice is so much more than a love story: it's a family comedy, a satire on Regency society and a moral tale which teaches us not to judge others too hastily.

    What is a book to will change your mindset and make you powerful? ›

    Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

    It will help you change your mindsets around how you look and the fear of getting hurt. To be successful you have to have the mindsets that will allow you to step into the arena. Her other books are: The Gifts of Imperfection, Rising Strong, and Braving the Wilderness.

    What is considered to be the best book ever? ›

    To Kill a MockingbirdHarper Lee1960
    To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf1927
    UlyssesJames Joyce1922
    Under the NetIris Murdoch1954
    38 more rows

    At what age did Iman Gadzhi drop out? ›

    After dropping out of high school at the age of 17, Iman has dedicated his life to reforming the education system.

    Is there a book for spirituality? ›

    The most translated book in the world after the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, or “Book of the Tao,” is a guide to cultivating a life of peace, serenity, and compassion. This new translation seeks to understand the Tao Te Ching as a guide to everyday living and encourages a slow, meditative reading experience.

    What company will pay you $200 for every book you read? ›

    Really! In good news for—likely every reader on this website, a company called WordsRated is looking for “Bibliofile-at-large” (i.e. contractors) to… read books for them. For every book you read, they'll pay you $200.

    Which billionaire reads the most? ›

    Warren Buffet

    It is said that Buffet read the book many times before he made his investment in the stock market. Even today, Buffet still recommends the book to other investors. Warren Buffet spends around 80% of his time reading. And he also recommends books to read in his annual shareholder letters.

    How many books do rich people read a month? ›

    On average, a millionaire reads 4 books a month which totals to an average of 52 books a year, helping them grow and build their empire. Another thing to note is that they don't just read fiction novels - they read non-fiction self-help books because one good idea could be worth millions of dollars.

    Is 27 mid-Twenties? ›

    24 to 26 is mid 20s. 27 to 29 is late 23, 20. 24 is early 25 to 20. No, because that's, like, too much of it. You have to have an.

    Is 22 too late to start reading? ›

    It's never too late to pick up a book and dive into the world of literature. Whether it's for leisure, self-improvement, or career development, reading can be immensely rewarding at any age.

    Is 26 mid or late 20s? ›

    No, it's mid twenties.

    Why you should read in your 20s? ›

    Your 20s are a time of self-discovery and exploring your goals and ambitions. It's a decade that defines and paves the way for your future, so it's important to have mentors and positive influences that help you along the way. Books are some of the best ways to get timeless advice.

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    Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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    Views: 6350

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    Author information

    Name: Kareem Mueller DO

    Birthday: 1997-01-04

    Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

    Phone: +16704982844747

    Job: Corporate Administration Planner

    Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

    Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.