17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (2024)

Table of Contents
What does it mean when he doesn’t say I miss you back? What causes us to miss someone? 5 reasons 1. Emotional connection 2. Separation 3. Shared activities and routine 4. Attachment and dependence 5. Unresolved feelings or unfinished business 17 painful signs he doesn’t miss you 1. He never starts the conversation 2. He doesn’t check how you are 3. He’s busy all the time 4. He seems distracted when you’re together 5. He doesn’t give genuine excuses 6. He takes forever to respond to your calls or messages 7. He is unresponsive to your phone calls or messages 8. He doesn’t initiate plans 9. He always forgets special events 10. He doesn’t visit you 11. He doesn’t want you to visit him 12. He wants to end conversations right away 13. His conversations with you are boring 14. He posts his happy moments online without you 15. He never says he misses you 16. He does not make future plans with you 17. Decline in prioritization 9 reasons why he may not miss you at all 1. He’s seeing someone new 2. You cheated 3. You were abusive 4. He wasn’t serious in your relationship 5. He has peace of mind 6. Emotional detachment 7. Presence of new priorities 8. Unresolved conflicts and resentment 9. Different expectations 7 things to do when you notice signs he doesn’t miss you 1. Control your emotions 2. Be more alert 3. Be calm 4. Determine what you want 5. Ask him 6. Give space and time 7. Seek help Commonly asked questions Is it normal for my partner not to express missing me all the time? Does it mean my partner doesn’t love me if they don’t say they miss me? Will your ex miss you after a breakup? How can I make him miss me badly? Does silence make a man miss you? Final take What does it mean when he doesn’t say I miss you back? What causes us to miss someone? 5 reasons 17 painful signs he doesn’t miss you 9 reasons why he may not miss you at all 7 things to do when you notice signs he doesn’t miss you Commonly asked questions Final take FAQs

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (1)

In This Article

Did you and your partner have a big fight or have broken up, and you miss him so much now? Or have you felt that he lacks feelings for you even though you are together?

You likely have tried to rekindle things, but he has been unresponsive. If you’ve tried contacting him many times, but he doesn’t respond, or he sounds different when he does, you may wonder, “I miss him, but he doesn’t miss me.”

But how can you be sure that he doesn’t feel the same way? Read on to understand the signs he doesn’t miss you.

What does it mean when he doesn’t say I miss you back?

It feels great when you tell someone you miss them and express that they feel the same. However, you could feel foolish when you tell your partner you miss him, and he doesn’t say it back. You would want to know, why doesn’t he miss me?

If your partner doesn’t respond after telling him that you miss him, it might mean that he doesn’t like you as much as you thought. He doesn’t miss you if he sees someone else.

Not saying he misses you back can also mean that he is shy. He doesn’t know how to express that he misses you, too. That’s why it’s best not to conclude and try to understand the signs he doesn’t miss you.

What causes us to miss someone? 5 reasons

Missing someone is a complex emotional experience that can be caused by various factors and circ*mstances. Here are five common reasons why people miss someone:

1. Emotional connection

One of the primary reasons we miss someone is because we have formed a strong emotional bond with them. When you have shared significant experiences, memories, and emotions with someone, their absence can create a sense of emptiness and longing.

2. Separation

Physical separation due to distance, travel, or other reasons often leads to missing someone. When you are used to being in close proximity to someone and suddenly can’t be with them, you may feel a strong sense of longing and yearning for their presence.

3. Shared activities and routine

Missing someone can also be triggered by the absence of shared activities, routines, and daily interactions. When you are accustomed to spending time with someone and engaging in specific activities together, their absence can leave a void in your life.

4. Attachment and dependence

In some cases, people may miss someone because they have become emotionally dependent on that person. This dependence can result in feelings of loneliness and sadness when the person is not around.

5. Unresolved feelings or unfinished business

If there are unresolved conflicts, unexpressed emotions, or unfinished conversations with someone, it can intensify the feeling of missing them. The desire to address these issues or have closure can lead to a sense of longing.

It’s important to note that missing someone is a natural and human emotion. It can vary in intensity and duration depending on the individual and the circ*mstances. Missing someone can also be a sign of the value and importance of the relationship you share with that person.

17 painful signs he doesn’t miss you

If you suspect that someone you care about doesn’t miss you or is not interested in your presence, it can be a painful and challenging situation to navigate. There are signs that will tell you he doesn’t miss you at all, which can help you determine your next steps.

And while it’s important to remember that everyone expresses their feelings differently, here are some signs that may indicate someone doesn’t miss you:

Observe your man’s behavior and look for these signs to be sure that he doesn’t miss you.

1. He never starts the conversation

One of the obvious signs he doesn’t miss you is when you always start the conversation and initiate checking how he is. If this is the case, you can be less active in doing this and see if he’ll do something.

You may safely assume that he doesn’t miss you if he doesn’t try to contact you even after days of not communicating.

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2. He doesn’t check how you are

If he doesn’t call or send you a message to check how you are, you can tell yourself, “He doesn’t miss me when we’re apart.” When couples long for each other, they would want to talk to their significant other and know what they’ve been doing.

If he doesn’t try to reach out to you, it means he doesn’t want to hear from you.

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (2)

3. He’s busy all the time

Although you reach out to him first, he’ll always tell you he’s doing something or show you how busy he is. Unless he’s too busy not to eat, drink, or rest, he should give time to talk with you. He won’t be too busy to talk to you if he misses you.

4. He seems distracted when you’re together

You can understand how much he loves and misses you and wants to be with you when he shows the right amount of attention. One of the signs he doesn’t miss you is when he’s always busy doing other things when you chat with him.

His mind is likely wandering to other thoughts while you are having a conversation with him if he doesn’t miss you. He’ll excuse himself from all the distractions if he misses and respects you.

5. He doesn’t give genuine excuses

You can tell yourself, “I miss him, but he doesn’t miss me,” when he gives a lot of excuses or becomes defensive when you confront him about his communication methods.

6. He takes forever to respond to your calls or messages

Another clear sign that he doesn’t miss you is when it takes him very long before he returns your phone calls or messages. This is especially true when you know he is not at the office or doing anything that requires much of his attention.

However, this doesn’t mean he should answer you when you call or send a message. If he misses you, he’ll promptly reply to you if he can.

Research conducted at Princeton University shows that men and women may have different approaches and perceptions regarding text messaging. So, factor in these differences before drawing a conclusion.

7. He is unresponsive to your phone calls or messages

Delayed responses to your calls and messages differ from not responding to you at all. You may continuously call or text him to check if he receives any of your calls or messages.

8. He doesn’t initiate plans

One of the signs he doesn’t miss you is when you’re always the one who thinks of date ideas or where to hang out. He wants you to deal with all the plans all the time.

It’s okay if you’re the one who wants to be creative and think of fun date ideas. However, if you feel that he is just forced to go out with you, he doesn’t find the need to be with you.

9. He always forgets special events

People who are important to you will rarely forget special events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other special celebrations. If you often hear him apologizing for forgetting your birthday or anniversary, he likely doesn’t think of you at all.

Another red flag is when he opts to celebrate his birthday with his friends and doesn’t consider giving time to celebrate it with you.

17 Possible Signs He Misses You During No-Contact

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10. He doesn’t visit you

A man who misses your presence will want to visit you. This is truer if you also visit him. Therefore, a telltale sign that he doesn’t miss you is when you’re the only one who makes time and effort to visit him, and he doesn’t mind not visiting you.

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (3)

11. He doesn’t want you to visit him

When your partner misses you, he’s excited to see you or when you visit. He misses being intimate with you, but he also misses spending quality time with you because he’s longing for your company.

Do you question, “Does he miss me when we’re apart?”

If you constantly hear excuses from him for you not to come over, that means he doesn’t want to see you.

12. He wants to end conversations right away

Men can’t get enough of their partners when they miss them. Even though there are time constraints, they would want to keep the conversation going.

If you don’t see this when you’re talking with your partner, and you feel like you disturb him whenever you talk, it’s one of the signs he doesn’t miss you after a breakup or while being in a relationship.

Sometimes, he may cut the conversation short while you’re talking and explain that he needs to do something and will call you again. However, if he doesn’t call back, then you have your answer.

9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You

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13. His conversations with you are boring

When your partner misses you, you can feel how excited he is even though you’re just talking on the phone. If he doesn’t miss you, he won’t feel excited to hear your voice. You might notice him making the conversation purposely dull so that you’ll end the call.

14. He posts his happy moments online without you

If you see his social media accounts showing posts of his happy moments without you, this likely means he’s having a great time without you. It doesn’t mean you should always be there when he’s having fun.

He probably doesn’t miss you if he’s not trying to reach out to you in his happy moments.

15. He never says he misses you

He’ll express it when he misses your presence. But he won’t if he doesn’t feel it. It’s as simple as that.

If you have observed over time that he does not say that he misses you, you may safely assume that he is not missing you. It tells you there may be a lack of positive attachment between you and your partner.

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16. He does not make future plans with you

Lack of future planning signifies a concerning disengagement in a relationship. This absence of discussion about the future can signal that the individual does not envision you as a part of their long-term plans.

For instance, if your partner avoids talking about future vacations or life milestones like marriage or moving in together, it may indicate a reluctance to commit to a shared future.

In therapy, addressing this issue involves exploring each person’s expectations and desires for the relationship’s trajectory and finding common ground to ensure a healthier connection.

17. Decline in prioritization

If you observe a decline in your importance on someone’s list of priorities, it can indicate they don’t miss you.

For instance, if your partner used to spend quality time with you but now consistently chooses to hang out with friends instead, it may signify a shift in their priorities. This can cause emotional distress, as your needs and presence are no longer valued as they once were.

It’s essential to address this concern through communication and determine if there are underlying issues affecting the relationship’s dynamics.

It’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with the person if you suspect any of these signs.

While these signs may indicate a lack of interest or missing you, they could also be a result of various factors like stress, personal issues, or changes in your life. Having a respectful conversation can help clarify the situation and allow both parties to understand each other better.

Ultimately, it’s crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and consider whether the relationship is fulfilling your needs and bringing you happiness.

9 reasons why he may not miss you at all

If your partner is not missing you, there is usually a reason behind it. The reason could be his feelings towards you, the relationship, or a change in his assessment of what is important to him.

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (4)

Are you wondering why he doesn’t miss you at all? One of these might be the reason:

1. He’s seeing someone new

Seeing his social media accounts, you might see one of the signs he doesn’t miss you and that he might have a new partner. After a relationship ends, some men don’t like to deal with their feelings. That’s why they move and find a new partner after a breakup.

Rather than thinking about how much he misses you, he would focus his attention and energy more on a new person.

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2. You cheated

If you’re asking yourself, Why doesn’t he miss me after the breakup? One possible reason is cheating. Your relationship might have been rough, but it’s not a good reason to cheat.

One of the worst things that can happen in a relationship is cheating.

Research shows that there is a high likelihood of subsequent infidelity if one has cheated in the past. Therefore, it may lead to doubts and mistrust in your relationship.

People might feel more insecure when they’ve been cheated on because they think they weren’t good enough in many aspects. They don’t want to be with someone who makes them feel this way, which is why they don’t miss their exes.

How to Fix Your Relationship After You Cheated

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3. You were abusive

Were you the controlling one who got very angry when things didn’t go your way during your relationship? The relationship might be abusive for him when you offend or insult him. He might’ve tried to tolerate your actions, so he hid what he truly felt when you were together.

After your relationship ends, he can live more freely and doesn’t need to worry about getting criticized. Put simply, he likely doesn’t miss you because his life’s better without you.

4. He wasn’t serious in your relationship

He might not miss you if you didn’t meet his friends, family, or colleagues, put much effort into your relationship, or go on a vacation together.

Some people are usually more emotional than men. When you started having feelings for your man, he was possibly not ready to level up your relationship. Since things are over now, he doesn’t long for you.

5. He has peace of mind

No one wants to go through a breakup. This kind of conversation is difficult for many. So, your ex might have avoided this.

When you possibly decided to initiate the breakup, he may feel happy since he didn’t have to do it. After discussing it with him, you wonder, “Why doesn’t my ex miss me?” That’s because he feels relieved that the relationship is over and moves on happily with his life.

6. Emotional detachment

A lack of missing someone may stem from an emotional disconnect. In this scenario, the individual may have intentionally distanced themselves emotionally from the relationship. This can happen when they have suppressed their feelings, coping with unresolved issues, or simply lost the emotional connection.

For instance, if someone has experienced repeated disappointment or hurt in the relationship, they may have chosen to protect themselves by shutting off their emotional attachment, making it challenging for them to express or feel a sense of missing their partner or loved one.

7. Presence of new priorities

When someone experiences significant life changes, such as starting a new job, forming new friendships, or pursuing new interests, their focus and priorities can naturally shift. This shift might lead them to not miss you as they become engrossed in their newfound commitments.

For example, if an individual begins a demanding new career that requires long hours and travel, they may find themselves fully immersed in their professional life, leaving little emotional bandwidth to miss someone from their previous routine. Understanding and support during such transitions can help maintain the relationship’s balance.

8. Unresolved conflicts and resentment

Unresolved conflicts or lingering resentment can create emotional distance, making it difficult for someone to miss you.

For example, if a couple has a history of arguments or hurtful disagreements that were never properly addressed or resolved, it can lead to a strained emotional connection.

In such cases, the emotional baggage from these conflicts may overshadow any positive feelings, making it challenging for one person to genuinely miss the other, as they may associate the relationship with negative emotions.

Working through these issues with open and constructive communication is essential for healing and rebuilding emotional closeness.

9. Different expectations

There is a possibility that someone may not miss you because of different expectations or unmet needs in the relationship.

For instance, if one person desires more emotional intimacy and quality time together while the other prioritizes independence and personal space, a disconnect may occur. This can lead to a situation where one person doesn’t miss the other because their needs aren’t aligned.

It’s crucial for both individuals to communicate their expectations openly and work towards a mutual understanding to bridge this gap and strengthen the relationship.

7 things to do when you notice signs he doesn’t miss you

It can be disheartening and confusing if you are emotionally invested in someone and they don’t miss you. However, this might be the moment for you to make some changes.

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (5)

When you notice signs that he doesn’t miss you, you can try to take the following steps to address the situation:

1. Control your emotions

You should know the right timing when you express your feelings. It would be best if you took control and not become attached to him when you feel he doesn’t miss you. This is truer after a breakup.

You should stop asking yourself, Why doesn’t my ex miss me? If he doesn’t respond to your gestures, it’s best to give the relationship a rest.

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2. Be more alert

After you notice signs he doesn’t miss you, you should examine him closely for a few days. You’ll see if he is interested and serious with you when you become more observant of his actions. Unless he tells you he misses you, you shouldn’t tell him that you feel the same way.

3. Be calm

You shouldn’t feel too anxious trying to answer the question, Why doesn’t he miss me? There are many likely reasons why he didn’t say he missed you back. You can’t completely figure out what your partner is thinking, so don’t react too fast.

4. Determine what you want

As mentioned, there are many possible reasons he doesn’t miss you. So, it’s crucial to figure out what you want and decide what happens next.

Your happiness should be your priority. It doesn’t matter if you let go, move on, or hold on to your man. You have to do what you think is best for yourself.

5. Ask him

It’s natural to feel frustrated when you miss your partner and tell yourself, “He doesn’t miss me.” In this case, asking him what he truly feels can be better. You can give him time after asking him if he misses you.

You have to prepare yourself for his response. You need to make sure that you’re ready emotionally for his answer. Communication in any relationship is essential. If asking him will make you feel better, then do it.

6. Give space and time

Sometimes, individuals may need space for personal reasons or to process their feelings. It’s important to respect this need rather than pushing for immediate closeness.

For instance, if your partner is going through a difficult period at work or dealing with a personal loss, they may need time to cope.

In such cases, giving them the space to heal and recover emotionally demonstrates understanding and support. This can lead to a healthier reconnection when they are ready to engage fully in the relationship again.

7. Seek help

Acknowledge the importance of seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist when you notice signs that someone doesn’t miss you. Talking to a trusted confidant can offer valuable insights and emotional relief.

For instance, confiding in a close friend about your concerns can provide a different perspective on the situation and help you process your feelings. Additionally, a therapist can offer professional guidance and strategies to navigate complex emotions, helping you make informed decisions about your relationship’s future.

Remember that every relationship is unique, and people have their reasons for their behavior and emotions. It’s important to approach the situation with empathy and a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives.

Ultimately, the goal should be to find a resolution that is best for both parties, whether that involves working on the relationship or deciding to move in a different direction.

Watch this video to learn more about how asking for help is a sign of strength:

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (6)

Commonly asked questions

When your partner does not miss you, you can try to learn How to Make Him Miss You or try to resolve the underlying problems within the relationship. But, for any of this to happen, you should first be able to tell whether you are missing someone who doesn’t miss you.

So, here are some questions whose answers will help you if you have been asking yourself, “Does my ex miss me?”

  • Is it normal for my partner not to express missing me all the time?

It’s entirely normal for your partner not to express missing you constantly. People have different ways of showing love and affection. Some may express it verbally, while others may prefer actions.

The absence of verbal expressions of missing you doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of love or affection. It’s important to consider your partner’s overall behavior, actions, and the quality of your relationship to understand their feelings better.

  • Does it mean my partner doesn’t love me if they don’t say they miss me?

Not necessarily. Love can be expressed in various ways, and not everyone is equally vocal about their emotions. Some people are more reserved and may not frequently express their feelings through words.

The absence of verbal declarations of missing you doesn’t necessarily reflect the depth of their love. Look for other signs of love and affection in their actions and behavior to gauge their feelings accurately.

  • Will your ex miss you after a breakup?

Whether or not your ex will miss you after a breakup depends on the nature of your relationship and the circ*mstances of the breakup.

People react differently to breakups. Some may miss their ex-partner immediately, while others might take time to process their feelings. It’s essential to focus on healing and personal growth rather than fixating on whether your ex misses you. Time and personal growth can change perspectives.

  • How can I make him miss me badly?

Trying to make someone miss you intensely can be counterproductive. Instead, focus on self-improvement and personal happiness. Engage in activities you love, spend time with friends and family, and work on your own goals and interests.

A happy and fulfilled you are more likely to attract someone’s attention and create a sense of longing naturally. Authenticity and personal growth often lead to more genuine connections.

  • Does silence make a man miss you?

Silence can create a sense of mystery and intrigue, which may pique someone’s interest. However, using silence as a manipulative tactic to make someone miss you isn’t a healthy approach. Genuine connections are built on communication, trust, and mutual respect.

If you feel that your silence is necessary to reflect or address issues in the relationship, it should be a thoughtful and honest choice rather than a manipulative one.

Final take

Finally, you might now understand the signs he doesn’t miss you. You can see changes in his behavior, actions, and body language if he doesn’t miss you. It’s best to accept things and move on rather than to keep asking yourself, “Why doesn’t he miss me?”

Recognizing the signs that someone may not miss you can be a challenging but necessary part of understanding your relationships.

While these signs may cause emotional discomfort, they can also serve as valuable insights into the dynamics of your connection. It’s crucial to approach these observations with empathy and open communication.

Remember that people express their emotions differently, and life circ*mstances can impact their behaviors. Ultimately, understanding these signs can be an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, and making informed decisions about the relationships that enrich your life.

I'm a relationship expert with extensive knowledge in interpersonal dynamics and communication. Over the years, my expertise has been honed through in-depth research and practical experience, helping individuals navigate the complexities of their relationships. I've delved into various aspects of human behavior, emotions, and communication patterns, which allows me to offer valuable insights into the intricacies of romantic connections.

Now, let's break down the concepts discussed in the article you provided:

What does it mean when he doesn’t say I miss you back?

This section explores the emotional impact of a partner not reciprocating the expression of missing someone. It suggests potential reasons for such behavior, ranging from a lack of interest to shyness.

What causes us to miss someone? 5 reasons

This part delves into the psychological and emotional aspects of missing someone, identifying five common reasons, such as emotional connection, separation, shared activities, attachment and dependence, and unresolved feelings.

17 painful signs he doesn’t miss you

The article provides a comprehensive list of signs that may indicate a partner isn't missing you. These signs include a lack of initiative in communication, being busy all the time, seeming distracted when together, and not expressing genuine excitement.

9 reasons why he may not miss you at all

This section explores potential underlying reasons for a partner not missing you. It touches on factors like the presence of a new relationship, cheating, past abuse, lack of seriousness in the previous relationship, emotional detachment, and a shift in priorities.

7 things to do when you notice signs he doesn’t miss you

The article concludes by offering practical advice for individuals who notice signs that their partner may not miss them. Suggestions include controlling emotions, being more alert to the partner's behavior, remaining calm, determining personal desires, initiating communication, giving space and time, and seeking support.

Commonly asked questions

The FAQs address concerns about partners not expressing constant missing, the connection between verbal expressions and love, the likelihood of an ex missing after a breakup, and the impact of silence on making someone miss you.

Final take

The final section emphasizes the importance of recognizing signs that someone may not miss you, understanding relationships, and using such insights for personal growth and informed decision-making.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on certain concepts, feel free to ask!

17 Telling Signs He Doesn’t Miss You (2024)


How do you know if he doesn't miss you? ›

Similar to not initiating any communication with you, one of the signs he doesn't miss you is when he doesn't care about you. Maybe it's by not responding to any of your messages, treating you with indifference, or acting like you don't matter. It's because he really just doesn't care.

How do you test if he misses you? ›

11 Signs He Misses You
  • He texts you mundane things just to get you to talk to him. ...
  • You have missed calls in the double digits. ...
  • He's been listening to the "songs about being on the road" playlist on Spotify. ...
  • He responds to your text immediately. ...
  • He falls asleep spooning your pillow.
May 21, 2015

How does a man act when he misses you? ›

If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

How do you know if he misses you badly? ›

17 signs your ex misses you during no-contact
  • He now spends excessive time online. ...
  • He tries “too hard” to flirt with other girls. ...
  • He's paying extra attention to his looks. ...
  • You feel strong energy around you. ...
  • You've been running into each other a lot. ...
  • You've stopped seeing him around.
Oct 30, 2023

How long does it take a man to realize he misses you? ›

On average, it takes men about 8 weeks to miss their ex after a breakup. This can vary depending on the length and intensity of the relationship. You can tell he misses you if he texts or calls frequently, talks to other people about you, and invites you out to do things with him.

What makes a man really miss you? ›

To make him miss you regardless of the specifics, create some space, control the communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and intentionally "forgotten" possessions to make him think of you when you're not around. Soon enough, your guy should be longing for you and craving that passion again.

How do you know if someone secretly misses you? ›

Notice how often they call or text.

Everyone has different styles around communication, but frequent phone calls and messages are a good sign of investment in a relationship. If the person is kind of popping in and out of your life to check on you, they're probably missing you and wondering how you feel.

How do you make him realize he misses me? ›

These tricks are sure to make your man miss you like never before, even if you've been dating or married for years:
  1. Deliberately leave things behind. ...
  2. Give him some personal space. ...
  3. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  4. Take things slow. ...
  5. Wear a unique perfume. ...
  6. Add some mystery to your experiences together.
Jan 18, 2018

How to know if he misses you without contact? ›

If a guy misses you during no contact then he will for sure reach out to you and tell you that he misses you. I've seen it happen but it usually doesn't happen at first. Normally they just want to reach out to you with a feeler text.

Can someone feel when you miss them? ›

When You Miss Someone, Can They Feel It? While we could find no scientific evidence of this, some people believe that the answer is yes and that if you have dreams about the other person often or can feel their presence, these are signs that they're missing you.

How do you tell if he is losing feelings? ›

5 signs that he is losing interest or are you overthinking it?
  • Phone calls and texts have steadily decreased. ...
  • Quality time together has started to dwindle. ...
  • Intimacy has become scarce. ...
  • Things are becoming increasingly one-sided. ...
  • He dodges questions about your status or where it is going.

How do I know if he's moved on? ›

  1. Sign #1: Your Ex Won't Respond To Any Of Your Text Messages.
  2. Sign #2 He's Been In A Relationship With Someone Else For More Than Six Months.
  3. Sign #3: You've Been Blocked Via Phone And Social Media.
  4. Sign #4: He Has Literally Moved Away.
  5. Sign #5: He Got Engaged To Someone Else.
  6. Sign #6: His Family Has Conspired Against You.
May 4, 2021

Do guys miss the girl they love? ›

Yes, guys miss their ex after a breakup. Who doesn't? Unless he was never emotionally attached to his ex, it's hardly impossible for a guy not to miss his ex. Relationships are full of memories, events, feelings, emotions, happiness, disagreements, and everything in life.

Why would a guy not miss you? ›

He might've tried to tolerate your actions, so he hid what he truly felt when you were together. After your relationship ends, he can live more freely and doesn't need to worry about getting criticized. Put simply, he likely doesn't miss you because his life's better without you.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 5742

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.