18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (2024)

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (1)

Written by Lee Kirwin

Last Updated On August 10, 2023

Did you know that the triceps muscle makes up two-thirds of your upper arm?

So if you want HUGE arms, you need to work your triceps.

To help you out, I've put together a list containing 18 of the best bodyweight tricep exercises you can perform in your home or garage gym.

  • Importance Of Triceps Strength In The Arms
  • Triceps Muscles Anatomy
  • 18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises For Bulging Arms
    • 1. Push-Ups
    • 2. Chaturanga Push-Up
    • 3. Diamond Push-Up
    • 4. Triceps Extension
    • 5. Iguana Push-Up
    • 6. Handstand Push-Up
    • 7. Side-Lying Push-Up
    • 8. Pike Push-Up
    • 9. L-Sit
    • 10. Weighted Push-Up
    • 11. Plank-To-Pushup
    • 12. Tricep Dip
    • 13. Triceps Bow
    • 14. Reverse Tricep Dip
    • 15. One-Armed Triceps Dip
    • 16. Bench Dip
    • 17. Tricep Floor Dips
    • 18. Dip Hold
  • Why Bodyweight Workouts Are A Great Choice
  • Common Questions About Bodyweight Tricep Workouts
  • Conclusion

Importance Of Triceps Strength In The Arms

The primary functions of this muscle are an extension of the forearm at the elbow and stabilization of the two joints between which it extends - elbow and shoulder.

This means that without triceps in everyday life, you would be unable to stretch out your arm and do most basic things where the triceps play a crucial role.

You would also be incapable of reaching out to the side, writing, pushing, pulling, or holding anything. If your triceps are weak, other muscles and joints will compensate, ultimately leading to damage and injuries.

Once I started paying the same or more attention to triceps workouts, I noticed a significant increase in upper arm circumference, and the shirts became tighter. And yours will too.

Triceps Muscles Anatomy

Triceps brachii in Latin means "three-headed muscle of the arm." The triceps is a large, thick muscle located on the back of the upper arm.

And it makes up around 70% of your upper arm mass. Which is pretty huge if you ask me. As the Latin name suggests, it has three heads - the medial, lateral, and long head.

The lateral head and medial head points of origin are on different parts of the humerus (arm bone), and the long head originates on the scapula (shoulder blade).

If we look in relation to the median plane of the body, the long head is closer to the body, the lateral head is farther, and both overlap the medial head.

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises For Bulging Arms

You don't need expensive equipment to do the following 18 triceps exercises. All you need is your body weight. Wave goodbye to expensive gym memberships and say hello to well defined triceps.

1. Push-Ups

Target: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, deltoids, triceps brachii, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, core, trapezius

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (2)

A regular push-up is an essential part of every bodyweight workout, especially when you want to focus on working your pecs and triceps.

While push-ups primarily work your chest and triceps, it's pretty much a full body movement, using your back, shoulders, core, and lower body.

I usually recommend that my clients use push-ups as a way of building a base strength when they begin resistance training.

I love push-ups as you can do them as part of a warm-up routine or as the final exercise to serve as a finisher, they're highly versatile.

If you're looking to improve your health, you're in luck. A ten year study showed people who regularly perform push-ups have a significantly lower chance of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.[1]


  • Suitable for all ability levels.
  • Minimal space required.
  • Works your entire body (with a chest and triceps focus).

How To Do It:

  1. Get down into a pushup position.
  2. Place your hands shoulder-width apart with your shoulders directly over your hands.
  3. Tighten your core and keep your bodystraight.
  4. Take a deep breath in.
  5. Begin to slowly lower your body by bending at your elbows.
  6. Keep elbows close to your body (for a triceps focus).
  7. Stop when your chest is around 1 inch from the floor. Then explosively return to the starting position as you exhale.
  8. Repeat and complete your set.

Tips From A Trainer!

If you want to make the movement easier place your knees on the floor. If you want to make the movement more challenging, elevate your feet.

Related Article -Push Ups Vs Bench Press

2. Chaturanga Push-Up

Target: Triceps brachii, biceps brachii, pectoralis major, core, deltoids

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (3)

The Chaturanga push-up is often called the yoga push-up since it's a body posture used in different types of modern yoga.

If you're not a dedicated yogi, you might know this movement as the four-limbed staff pose or low plank.

Some yoga experts would disagree that this is a push-up at all, but that doesn't matter. What's important is the Chaturanga push-up places a lot of force through your triceps and should be part of your bodyweight triceps workout routine.

Like a plank, itworks the whole body while improving stability, mobility, and strength.

Yoga push-ups will prepare your body for exercises that require inversion and arm balance too. As this movement is quite complex, I only recommend more advanced lifters attempt it.


  • Places a lot of force through your triceps.
  • Great for more advanced lifters.
  • Minimal space required.

How To Do It:

  1. Start in a forearm plank position.
  2. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and spread your fingers for stability.
  3. Engage your core muscles.
  4. Shift the weight to the tip of the toes.
  5. Lower chest close to the floor and keep elbows pointing straight back.
  6. Move your hips to look like you are floating above the floor.
  7. Straighten your arms to return to the plank position.

Tips From A Trainer!

Remove some of the stress from your shoulders, wrists, and elbow joints by placing your knees on the floor. This will make the movement more user-friendly.

3. Diamond Push-Up

Target: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, forearms

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (4)

Let's make one thing perfectly clear - a diamond push-up is an advanced push-up variation.

If you can't do at least 15-20 regular push-ups, I recommend you work on developing your strength before moving on to this variation.

Even though it's a difficult push-up variation, there are few bodyweight exercises that'll help you build defined triceps like a diamond push-up.

Although, I must add that this variation places a lot of stress on your joints, so if you've got wrist or elbow issues, it's not the movement for you.


  • More challenging than regular push-ups.
  • Doesn't require a lot of space.

How To Do It:

  1. Put your hands under your chest (hands position is crucial for triceps activation)
  2. Index fingers and thumbs should touch in a diamond shape.
  3. Brace your core and straighten your arms to elevate your body.
  4. Lower your chest until they are 1 inch above your hands.
  5. Keep your spine straight.
  6. Pause for a moment.
  7. Push back up to the starting position.

Tips From A Trainer!

Start on your knees to make this movement easier, and slowly progress to regular diamond push-ups. OR, you can make them more challenging by elevating your feet on a step or exercise ball.

Related Article -Benefits of Diamond Push Ups

4. Triceps Extension

Target: Triceps brachii, biceps brachii, pectoralis major, core, deltoids

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (5)

The cable, dumbbell, and barbell triceps extension are among the most popular tricep exercises...And for good reason. If you're lacking equipment, you'll be pleased to know you can perform this movement without needing equipment.

Pretty cool, huh?

You can pretty much perform this movement anywhere. You can take advantage of the kitchen table, park benches, the back of your sofa, hotel bed, your work desk, or even the floor.

The last time I performed the bodyweight tricep extension, my triceps were on fire. So you can expect delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), especially the first few times.[2]


  • You can do them anywhere.
  • Suitable for intermediate to advanced lifters.
  • Places A LOT of force through your triceps.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand an arm's length away (or further) from the object.
  2. Grab it with a shoulder width overhand grip.
  3. Brace your core.
  4. Keep your toes on the ground.
  5. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  6. Lean forward and bend your elbows while keeping your legs straight.
  7. Prevent your elbows from spreading on the outside.
  8. Straighten your arms to return to the start.

Related Article -Best Lateral Head Tricep Exercises

5. Iguana Push-Up

Target: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, deltoids, triceps brachii, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, core

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (6)

"Iguana push-up?" - I hear you say. Let me explain... It's a brilliant body weight tricep exercise.

The Iguana push-up resembles a cross between the Spider-man push-up and the grasshopper push-up. However it makes use of dip bars.

Don't be fooled by the name, it's a challenging exercise that requires HUGE amounts triceps and core strength.

During the movement, you'll work your triceps, and core while strengthening your wrists and grip strength.


  • Works your core muscles.
  • Strengthens your grip and wrist strength.
  • Suitable for more advanced lifters.

How To Do It:

  1. Climb on a straight bar.
  2. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes.
  3. Put one of your hands in front of the other.
  4. Keep one leg on the bar (toes) and raise the other in the air.
  5. Perform a push-up.
  6. Swap legs and arms, then repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

If you're struggling to get the form right, give this movement a miss. I'd rather you perform another triceps exercise from this list and work your triceps effectively.

6. Handstand Push-Up

Target: Triceps brachii, deltoids, obliques, core, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (7)

If you're a beginner, you might want to give this one a miss... trust me. Getting into the handstand position is challenging, not to mention doing push-ups at the same time.

Comparing the handstand push-up (also called the vertical push-up) and the regular push-up, the load on the triceps is almost 30% higher.

That should tell you how effective this exercise is at working the triceps, and how difficult it is.

However, if you have a background in gymnastics or sports like CrossFit, you may be familiar with the handstand position, and you might want to add this movement to your workout routine.


  • Places more stress on the triceps than regular push-ups.
  • You can do them anywhere.
  • Suitable for CrossFit style workouts.

How To Do It:

  1. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Palms should face forward or slightly outward.
  3. Get into a handstand position.
  4. Engage your core and glutes to prevent arching of the back.
  5. Bend your elbows to lower yourself until the top of your head touches the floor.
  6. Press back up to straighten your arms.

Tips From A Trainer!

Struggling with balance? Have someone assist you by holding your legs, or use a wall to place your legs against (this is my preferred method).

Related Article -Best Bodyweight CrossFit Workouts

7. Side-Lying Push-Up

Target: Triceps brachii, deltoids, obliques, pectoralis major, biceps brachii

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (8)

The side-lying push-up, isn't the most comfortable exercise on this list, but that's no reason to skip it. It hits all three heads of the triceps.

So you can rest assured that your triceps will be getting a great workout, even if it does look like you're lying down.

During this tricep exercise you'll work your anterior deltoid, upper pec, and your obliques.


  • Works all three tricep heads.
  • Suitable for all abilities.

How To Do It:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Wrap your arm on which you are lying around your waist.
  4. Place your other hand on the ground close to your body (fingers spread)
  5. Push your hand into the ground to raise your upper body while pressing your heels.
  6. When you straighten your arm totally, return to the floor.

Tips From A Trainer!

Super-set this exercise with bench dips for a killer tricep pump.

8. Pike Push-Up

Target: Deltoids, triceps brachii, pectoralis major, core

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (9)

The starting position of the pike pushup is very similar to the Downward Dog position, but it gives you an awesome tricep pump.

The pike push-up is one of the push-up variations where the pecs aren't the primary muscles, but the shoulders and triceps are. - Which is exactly what you want, right?

The more upright your body is during this movement, the more your shoulders have to work, while reducing the work your chest needs to do.

However, I must warn you, this movement places a lot of pressure on your joints (shoulders, wrists, and elbows), so if you suffer from injuries you might want to skip this one.


  • Places more stress on your shoulders and less on the chest.
  • Doesn't require much room.
  • Suitable for more advanced lifters.

How To Do It:

  1. Get in a standard pushup position.
  2. Walk your feet toward your hands until your body becomes an inverted V.
  3. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  4. Slowly lower the top of your head towards the ground by bending your elbows.
  5. Before your head touches the ground, push back up to return to an inverted V shape.

Tips From A Trainer!

If you have low blood pressure, avoid the pike push-up, or you will experience dizziness. Choose another movement from this list like the tricep push-up.

Related Article -Best Push Up Bar Exercises

9. L-Sit

Target: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, deltoids, triceps brachii, biceps brachii, core, obliques, hip flexors, latissimus dorsi

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (10)

L-sit is a core and triceps exercise that's simple to perform and doesn't require much room, so you can do them pretty much anywhere.

Along with the core, the L-sit strengthens the triceps and the rest of the body, which translates to improved performance in many exercises.

If you can't immediately perform the L-sit properly, dips and hanging knee raises are some of the supplemental exercises you should start doing.

For the L-sit,you can use a dip station or EQualizers, but the floor is also sufficient.


  • You can do them anywhere.
  • Great for intermediate or advanced gym-goers.

How To Do It:

  1. Place your palms flat on the floor next to your hips or set dip bars shoulder-width apart.
  2. Straighten your arms to lift your body and lock your elbows.
  3. Keep your legs straight out in front of you.
  4. Engage your core and squeeze your quads.
  5. Retract your shoulder blades for shoulder stability.
  6. Hold for as long as you can without compromising proper form.

Tips From A Trainer!

Looking for a challenge? Put your favorite song on and hold this position for as long as you can. Make a note of the time and try to beat it next time.

10. Weighted Push-Up

Target: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, deltoids, triceps brachii, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, core, trapezius

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (11)

You may wonder why I include weighted push-ups among bodyweight triceps exercises when technically, it is not.[3]

But let's overlook that as it's a FANTASTIC movement for your tricep development. It's one of my favorite tricep exercises on this list and I believe you should include it in your upper body workout.

Even if you are a seasoned calisthenics athlete, when you first add a weight plate to your back, you'll feel the difference.

WARNING: Be ready for the DOMS, they'll be around for a few days.

I also recommend having a partner with you to place the weight on your back... Although I have placed it in my own back a few times, it's not the easiest task to do and can feel like a workout on its own.


  • Overloads your triceps.
  • Adds triceps thickness.

How To Do It:

  1. Start in a standard push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Your gym partner should load a weight plate onto your back.
  3. Lower your body straight to the ground in a controlled manner.
  4. Explosively push back up.
  5. The partner can remove the weight plate at the end, or you can throw it off yourself, but make sure it doesn't fall on your hand.

Tips From A Trainer!

If you don't have somebody to place the weight on your back, you can use a resistance band. Place the band across your upper back and under each hand. Doing so adds more resistance to the push-up.

Read Also -Calisthenics Body Vs Gym Body

11. Plank-To-Pushup

Target: Triceps brachi, pectoralis major, biceps brachii, deltoids, core, obliques, glutes

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (12)

The plank-to-push-up, plank-up, up-and-down plank, or whatever you call it... is a full-body exercise that helps you take the push-up and plank to the next level.

During the exercise your triceps, deltoids, chest, and core have to work incredibly hard. Along with working these muscles, you'll activate the deep muscles running along your vertebral column, which are the key to a healthy spine and proper posture.


  • Easy to perform anywhere.
  • Strengthens your spinal muscles.

How To Do It:

  1. Begin in a standard plank position on your elbows.
  2. Engage your core to avoid arching your back.
  3. Rest your weight on your forearms and let your entire body form a straight line.
  4. Put one hand on the floor, followed by the other to reach the top position.
  5. Pause and return to plank.

Tips From A Trainer!

Elevate your feet to make the movement more challenging. OR, you can do what I do and place your feet on a Swiss ball (exercise ball).

12. Tricep Dip

Target: Triceps brachii, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, forearms, anterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (13)

Few tricep bodyweight exercises are as effective as dips for gaining muscle mass and strength. This pressing exercise improves shoulder mobility as well.

It's long been a favorite of bodybuilders as it allows you to work your entire triceps through a large range of motion.

It's one of the best tricep exercises on this list (and one of my favorites). I've found this movement has added a lot of thickness to my triceps, filling out my T-shirts in the process.

And to top it off, my upper body strength has increased significantly. If you are wondering why I wrote "triceps dips," there is adifference between triceps and chest dips.

When you want to emphasize your triceps muscles, you should position more upright, while for targeting pecs, you need to lean forward.

If you don't have dip bars, you can use two chairs, but they must be sturdy (and of the same height!). Otherwise, they can collapse under you.


  • Develops tricep thickness.
  • Works your triceps through a large range of motion.
  • You can add weight if needed.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand between the bars and hold them firmly with both hands.
  2. Press into bars to lift your entire body.
  3. When your arms are straight, brace your core and keep your torso upright.
  4. Slowly lower your body by bending your elbows ensuring they don't flare out.
  5. Push yourself back up until your arms are almost straight, but don't lock your elbows.
  6. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

You can change the difficulty of the movement by using a dip belt with weighted plates (to increase difficulty) or a resistance band (to make it easier).

13. Triceps Bow

Target: Triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, pectoralis major

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (14)

The triceps bow may remind you of the plank-up because the starting position is the same, but the triceps bow is much more challenging and focuses on the triceps.

ALERT: This exercise is not for beginners. It's best suited for intermediate and advanced gym-goers.

If you suffer from golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, or had Tommy John surgery (ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction), you need be extra careful because the triceps bow is taxing for your ligaments and tendons.

But, if you've not had any of these injuries, there's no reason why you can't add this triceps exercise to your workout routine.


  • Excellent for more advanced gym-goers.
  • Strengthens your triceps and core muscles.

How To Do It:

  1. Start in a standard plank position on your elbows.
  2. Keep your feet together and your butt slightly raised for stability.
  3. Press through your palms to straighten your elbows.
  4. Slowly return to the ground and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

Want to make this movement a little easier? I don't blame you. Place your hands on an elevated platform to remove some of your body weight from your triceps.

14. Reverse Tricep Dip

Target: Triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, pectoralis major

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (15)

If you want a body weight isolation exercise for your triceps, reverse triceps dips are an excellent choice for you.

The range of movement during this exercise is excellent and focuses on your triceps, with the front delts and pecs acting as secondary muscles.

Doing a reverse triceps dip in a high-rep range would be best. I recommend performing sets of at least 15 repetitions, and even better, 20+ to overload the muscle.

When I perform this movement, I'll add it to the end of my workout to give my triceps the burnout they need.


  • Can be used to overload your triceps.
  • Suitable for all ability ranges.
  • Isolates the triceps.

How To Do It:

  1. Lie on your stomach and extend your legs.
  2. Position your hands wider than shoulder-width apart, and let the tops of your feet lie on the ground.
  3. Bend your elbows.
  4. Slowly push your upper body up - when in the top position, your chest will be upright, your spine extended, and your elbows tucked in, while your legs should not change the position.
  5. Return to the starting position where your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Tips From A Trainer!

Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them flare out to the sides. This ensures your triceps perform all of the work and not your shoulder joints.

15. One-Armed Triceps Dip

Target: Triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, core, levator scapulae, quadriceps

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (16)

One-armed triceps dip is an advanced progression of the triceps dip exercise. You must have above-average upper body strength to be able to perform this exercise correctly.

But, if you're strong enough, I believe it's an incredible movement for your tricep development.

For this movement you'll work your triceps, chest, shoulders, lats, and even glutes and quads because the lower body is involved in the movement.

I'm a big fan of this movement as it works each arm separately. By doing so you can iron out any muscular imbalances that may have occurred during your training.


  • Works each arm separtely.
  • Develops a lot of arm strength.

How To Do It:

  1. Grab a bench or chair and sit on it.
  2. Place your palms either side of your hips with your fingers pointing outwards.
  3. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, feet on the ground.
  4. Remove your left arm and right leg in front of you.
  5. Slowly lower your body, and the upper arm should remain parallel to the floor.
  6. Pause for a moment.
  7. Straighten your arm to get back to the starting position.
  8. After you finish the set, switch arms.

Tips From A Trainer!

The closer your legs are to your body, the easier the movement will be. Use this knowledge to adjust the difficulty of the movement to suit your ability.

16. Bench Dip

Target: Triceps brachii, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, forearms, anterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (17)

A bench dip is a greatalternative for doing chest dips at home.

For starters, you don't have to buy a dip station, which will save you some money. All you need is a bench for this body weight exercise.

And when I say bench, I mean any bench... even park or garden benches. It's pretty straightforward to perform and is suitable for most abilities.

Feet-elevated bench dip is a way to increase the load. Elevated legs will help expose your triceps, chest, and shoulders to most of your body weight. You'll also find the range of motion is greater with your feet elevated.


  • Excellent for developing thick triceps.
  • Suitable for all abilities.
  • You can do them almost anywhere.

How To Do It:

  1. Place your hands on the bench and your heels on the floor.
  2. Legs should be straight.
  3. Extend your arms straight and keep only your palms on the bench.
  4. Lower your body until your elbows reach 90 degrees.
  5. Push through your palms to raise your body back to the starting position and do as many reps as possible.

Tips From A Trainer!

Similar to weighted push-ups, have someone help you and place weight plates on the quads once regular bench dips become too easy.

17. Tricep Floor Dips

Target: Triceps brachii, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, anterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi

This body weight tricep exercise is fairly similar to the bench dip, but minus the bench. As you don't need any equipment, you can do them anywhere. Whether you're in your office, a park, hotel, garden, or home gym, you won't have an issue performing this movement.

The exercise is suitable for most gym-goers, but it does place stress on your shoulders and wrists, so if you suffer from joint issues, you might want to choose another movement such as push-ups or bench dips.

If you can perform this movement, this exercise is very good for preventing injuries in the gym or in sports that include swinging movements, such as tennis or baseball.


  • You can do them anywhere.
  • Can help lower injury risk.

How To Do It:

  1. Put your hands directly under the shoulders (shoulder-width apart).
  2. Arms should be straight, but do not lock your elbows completely.
  3. Extend your legs and keep your knees bent.
  4. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your upper body.
  5. Pause and push back up.

Tips From A Trainer!

Raise your butt as high as possible off the ground to increase the range of motion that your triceps need to work through.

18. Dip Hold

Target: Triceps brachii, pectoralis major, anterior deltoids

18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (19)

I always implement isometric exercises into the workout routines of my clients because they strengthen connective tissue, reduce the risk of injuries, while improving coordination, balance, flexibility, and bone density, among other things.

The dip hold is an isometric exercise that should be part of any bodyweight triceps training.

Static holds, negative dips, and band-assisted dips are the ideal way for beginners to overcome a lack of strength and reach their first dip.


  • Reduces your risk of injury.
  • Strengthens your connective tissue.
  • Improves your coordination and balance.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand between the dip station and hold the bars firmly with both hands.
  2. Lift your body upwards until your arms are straight.
  3. Keep your elbows minimally bent to avoid locking them.
  4. Stay in that position until you start to swing.

Tips From A Trainer!

If you want to increase the difficulty of this movement, add resistance to the exercise. You can do this by using a dipping belt with weighted plates, adding a dumbbell between your feet, or using a resistance band.

Why Bodyweight Workouts Are A Great Choice

Bodyweight workouts are a fantastic choice for most people and should be part of training even for gym-goers. And I'm not just talking about your body weight triceps workouts.

One of the main benefits of using just your own body weight is less risk of elbow joint and shoulder injury compared to barbells, dumbbells or kettlebells.

Since you will hit many other muscles (almost the entire body) during training and not just the triceps, body weight exercises help kill two birds with one stone.

You can develop the core, shoulders, pecs, and back simultaneously, which is impossible when doing EZ bar skull crushers, for example.

Another benefit I have to mention is accessibility. You can do a complete workout at home without spending time and money on going to the gym.

Plus, most of these movements require no equipment except for maybe an exercise mat.

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  • Related Article -Best Bodyweight Chest Workouts
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Common Questions About Bodyweight Tricep Workouts

How do you hit all the tricep muscles?

To hit all of the tricep msucles, you must change the position of your upper arms and hands, as well as using a mix of bodyweight exercises. If you fail to do so, progress will still be noticeable, but you won't reach your peak.

What exercise hits the outer tricep the best?

The best exercise for hitting the outer tricep head is dips. However, the diamond push-ups, and body weight tricep extensions are effective alternatives.

How do you target your triceps long head muscles?

To target the triceps long head muscles you can perform most triceps exercises. Since it's located in the middle of your arm, it's worked by exercises that target the lateral and medial head of the tricep muscle.

How long does it take to tone flabby triceps?

If your triceps are flabby, there's a good chance that you need to lower your body fat %. To do this you need to exercises regularly and adhere to a calorie deficit. Doing so will help you burn fat and look (and feel) leaner.


Bodyweight triceps exercises are a powerful tool for building a strong tricep muscles and other upper body muscle groups.

Bodyweight exercises also help to improve cardiovascular fitness, core resilience, and strengthen the muscles around the spine.

Read through the triceps bodyweight exercises mentioned above and choose a handful to add to your workout.

You'll have stronger (and better looking) triceps in no time.


  1. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2724778
  2. https://www.acsm.org/docs/default-source/files-for-resource-library/delayed-onset-muscle-soreness-(doms).pdf?sfvrsn=8f430e18_2
  3. https://blog.nasm.org/nasm-guide-to-push-ups/form-and-technique
  4. https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a19526514/mind-muscle-connection/
18 Best Bodyweight Tricep Exercises (Make Them Pop Out) (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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