2 hrs for a half-marathon - in 8 weeks (2024)


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2 hrs for a half-marathon - in 8 weeks (3)

Experienced 8 weeks 3x/week

article rating 4.8/5 574

Running a half-marathon in 2 hours means that you have to be capable of maintaining a pace of 10.5 km/h (5 minutes 40 sec per km).

To follow this program, you need to be able to run 10 km in 50 to 53 minutes or have already completed a half marathon in 2 hours 10 minutes.

The plan is based around 3 sessions a week, over 8 weeks, with an gradual increase in length and intensity.

Ideally, the weekend should be devoted to training, running at a set pace on the Saturday and then a longer run on the Sunday. The third session should be arranged for Wednesday so training is staggered throughout the week.

2 hrs for a half-marathon - in 8 weeks (4)

Philippe Propage

International trainer

2 hrs for a half-marathon - in 8 weeks (5)

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - A gradual start

The purpose of this week, which is fairly light in terms of training, is to prepare the ground for the next phase of the program.

  • 01. 1 hr jogging

  • Session 1 : 1 hr jogging

    You will run for 1 hour breathing comfortably throughout. You should be able to talk as you run.
    It should be an enjoyable session.

    Before session advice

    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay at around 70% of your HRmax, without ever exceeding 75%.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hour jogging

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive.
    you can also do some stretching as soon as you have finished.

  • 02. 12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)

  • Session 2 : 12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)

    After a warm-up (20 minutes jogging, GPP and 3 sprints), you will do 30 seconds at almost maximum endurance and then jog very slowly for 30 seconds before restarting the intervals for 12 repetitions.

    You will finish the session with a 10-minute cool-down (not exceeding 65% of your HRmax) to relax your muscles and bring down your heart rate.

    Your recovery will take place more quickly and your body will be more ready at the next session.

    Before session advice

    For the split, try to find a pace that will allow you to complete the last rep as quickly as the first.

    if you are using a heart rate monitor, you should be working at 90-100% of your HRmax for the fast sections.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 bursts of gradual acceleration over 100 metres

    • 04

      12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)

    • 05

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session.
    A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks tearing the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively.

  • 03. 1 hr 20 min long run on the road

  • Session 3 : 1 hr 20 min long run on the road

    You will run for 1 hour and 20 minutes, breathing comfortably throughout. You should be able to talk while you're running.
    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 70% of HRmax, without ever exceeding 75%.

    During long runs, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Before session advice

    You will stay at around 70% of your HRmax, and never exceed 75%.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hr 20 min long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive; you can also do some stretching when you've changed.

Week 2 - Finding out about running speed

If possible, you should arrange your set pace training the day before a long run (Saturday - Sunday).
If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
During your set pace training you'll run at 11km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

  • 04. 12 x short vVO2max (45s-45s)

  • Session 4 : 12 x short vVO2max (45s-45s)

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 bursts of acceleration), You will run all-out for 45 seconds and then jog slowly for 45 seconds before starting again for a total of 12 reps.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down (without exceeding 65% HRmax) to relax your muscles and gradually reduce your heart rate.

    You'll recover more quickly and your body will be better able to cope with the next session.

    Before session advice

    For the split, try to find a pace that will allow you to complete the last rep as quickly as the first.

    if you are using a heart rate monitor, you should be working at 90-100% of your HRmax for the fast sections.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 bursts of gradual acceleration over 100 metres

    • 04

      12 x short vVO2max (45s-45s)

    • 05

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session.
    A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks tearing the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively.

  • 05. 3 x 2 km set pace

  • Session 5 : 3 x 2 km set pace

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 sprints), you'll run 3 x 2 km at a set pace (approximately 11 km/h) with 3 minutes recovery between each segment.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down.

    Before session advice

    If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
    During your set pace training you'll run at 11 km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 x 100 metre interval sprints

    • 04

      2 km at 11km/h

    • 05

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 06

      2 km at 11km/h

    • 07

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 08

      2 km at 11km/h

    • 09

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session. A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks pulling the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively

  • 06. 1 hour 30 min long run on the road

  • Session 6 : 1 hour 30 min long run on the road

    You will run for 1 hr 30 min breathing comfortably throughout.
    You should be able to talk as you run.
    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay at around 65% of your HRmax, without ever exceeding 70%.

    On long runs you must keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Use this session to test out your equipment (clothes, hydration) in preparation for the half-marathon.

    Before session advice

    This session may be a bit difficult because you already ran for 1 hour yesterday. it's quite normal and it's deliberate.
    remember to slow down if you need to.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hour 30 min long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive; you can also do some stretching when you've changed.

Week 3 - Increase in training load

If possible, you should arrange your set pace training the day before a long run (Saturday - Sunday).
If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
During your set pace training you'll run at 11km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

  • 07. vVO2max 12 x (1min - 1 min)

  • Session 7 : vVO2max 12 x (1min - 1 min)

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 bursts of acceleration), You will run all-out for 60 seconds and then jog slowly for 60 seconds before starting again for a total of 12 reps.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down (without exceeding 65% HRmax) to relax your muscles and gradually reduce heart rate.

    You'll recover more quickly and your body will be better able to cope with the next session.

    Before session advice

    For the split, try to find a pace that will allow you to complete the last rep as quickly as the first.

    if you are using a heart rate monitor, you should be working at 90-100% of your HRmax for the fast sections.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 bursts of gradual acceleration over 100 metres

    • 04

      vVO2max 12 x (1 min - 1 min)

    • 05

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session. A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks tearing the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively.

  • 08. 2 x 3 km set pace

  • Session 8 : 2 x 3 km set pace

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 sprints), you'll run 2 x 3 km at a set pace (approximately 11 km/h) with 3 minutes recovery between each segment.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down.

    Before session advice

    If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
    During your set pace training you'll run at 11 km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 x 100 metre interval sprints

    • 04

      3 km at 11km/h

    • 05

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 06

      3 km at 11km/h

    • 07

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session. A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks tearing the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively

  • 09. 1 hour 40-min long run on the road

  • Session 9 : 1 hour 40-min long run on the road

    You will run for 1 hour 40 min, breathing comfortably throughout.
    You should be able to talk while you're running. If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 65% of HRmax, without every exceeding 70%.

    During long runs, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Use this session to test your equipment (outfit and hydration) in preparation for the half-marathon.

    Before session advice

    This session might be a bit difficult as you will have already run for 1 hour the day before. This is normal and the targeted objective.
    Slow down if you need to.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hour 40-min long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive; you can also do some stretching when you've changed.

Week 4 - Increase in training load

The training sessions, and effort you put in, mean that you may start to get tired.

Look after yourself, put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, monitor your lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 10. vVO2max 10 x (1min30 - 1 min)

  • Session 10 : vVO2max 10 x (1min30 - 1 min)

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 bursts of acceleration), You will run all-out for 1 minute 30 seconds and then jog slowly for 1 minute before starting again for a total of 10 reps.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down (without exceeding 65% HRmax) to relax your muscles and gradually reduce your heart rate.

    You'll recover more quickly and your body will be better able to cope with the next session.

    Before session advice

    For the split, try to find a pace that will allow you to complete the last rep as quickly as the first.

    if you are using a heart rate monitor, you should be working at 90-100% of your HRmax for the fast sections.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 bursts of gradual acceleration over 100 metres

    • 04

      vVO2max 10 x (1min 30 - 1 min)

    • 05

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session.
    A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks tearing the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively.

  • 11. 2 x 4 km set pace

  • Session 11 : 2 x 4 km set pace

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 sprints), you'll run 2 x 4 km at a set pace (approximately 11 km/h) with 3 minutes recovery between each segment.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down.

    Before session advice

    If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
    During your set pace training you'll run at 11 km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 x 100 metre interval sprints

    • 04

      4 km at 11km/h

    • 05

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 06

      4 km at 11km/h

    • 07

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate properly once the session has ended.
    After you've changed, you can do some gentle stretching but without forcing too much as you may tear the muscle fibres that you've already worked very hard during your intensive exercise

  • 12. 1 hour 50-min long run on the road

  • Session 12 : 1 hour 50-min long run on the road

    You will run for 1 hour and 50 minutes, breathing comfortably throughout. You should be able to talk while you're running.
    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 65% of HRmax, without ever exceeding 70%.

    During long runs, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Use this session to test your equipment (outfit and hydration) in preparation for the half-marathon.

    Before session advice

    This session may be a bit difficult because you already ran for 1 hour yesterday. It's quite normal and it's deliberate.
    Remember to slow down if you need to.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hour 50-min long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive; you can also do some stretching as soon as you have finished.

Week 5 - Maximum training load

This is the busiest week in your training schedule. The training sessions, and effort you put in, mean that you may start to get tired.

Look after yourself, put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, monitor your lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 13. 12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)

  • Session 13 : 12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)

    After warming-up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 bursts of acceleration), You will run all-out for 30 seconds and then jog slowly for 30 seconds before starting again for a total of 12 reps.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down (without exceeding 65% HRmax) to relax your muscles and gradually reduce your heart rate.

    You'll recover more quickly and your body will be better able to cope with the next session.

    Before session advice

    For the split, try to find a pace that will allow you to complete the last rep as quickly as the first.

    If you are using a heart rate monitor, you should be working at 90-100% of your HRmax for the fast sections.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 bursts of gradual acceleration over 100 metres

    • 04

      12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)

    • 05

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate properly once the session has ended.
    After you've changed, you can do some gentle stretching but without forcing too much as you may tear the muscle fibres that you've already worked very hard during your intensive exercise.

  • 14. 3 x 3 km set pace

  • Session 14 : 3 x 3 km set pace

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 sprints), you'll run 3 x 3 km at a set pace (approximately 11 km/h) with 3 minutes recovery between each segment.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down.

    Before session advice

    If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
    During your set pace training you'll run at 11 km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 x 100 metre interval sprints

    • 04

      3 km at 11km/h

    • 05

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 06

      3 km at 11km/h

    • 07

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 08

      3 km at 11km/h

    • 09

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate properly once the session has ended.
    After you've changed, you can do some gentle stretching but without forcing too much as you may tear the muscle fibres that you've already worked very hard during your intensive exercise

  • 15. 2 hrs long run on the road

  • Session 15 : 2 hrs long run on the road

    You will run for 2 hours, breathing comfortably throughout.
    Be careful: although this is a long session, don't make it into a half-marathon before the event.
    You need to be able to talk while you're running.
    If you're using a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 65% of HRmax without ever exceeding 70%.

    During long runs, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Use this session to test your equipment (outfit and hydration) in preparation for the half-marathon.

    Before session advice

    This session may be a bit difficult because it's the longest in the program and you already ran for 1 hour yesterday.
    it's quite normal and it's deliberate.
    remember to slow down if you need to.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      2 hrs long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive.
    You can also do some stretching as soon as you have finished.

Week 6 - Gradual reduction in training load

This week may be difficult and you may feel tired because of your exertions last week. Be strong; your goal is close at hand.

  • 16. 10 x short vVO2max (45s-30s)

  • Session 16 : 10 x short vVO2max (45s-30s)

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 bursts of acceleration), You will run all-out for 45 seconds and then jog slowly for 30 seconds before starting again for a total of 10 reps.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down (without exceeding 65% HRmax) to relax your muscles and gradually reduce your heart rate.

    You'll recover more quickly and your body will be better able to cope with the next session.

    Before session advice

    For the split, try to find a pace that will allow you to complete the last rep as quickly as the first.

    if you are using a heart rate monitor, you should be working at 90-100% of your HRmax for the fast sections.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 bursts of gradual acceleration over 100 metres

    • 04

      10 x short vVO2max (45s-30s)

    • 05

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session.
    A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks tearing the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively.

  • 17. 3 x 2 km set pace

  • Session 17 : 3 x 2 km set pace

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 sprints), you'll run 3 x 2 km at a set pace (11 km/h) with 3 minutes recovery between each segment.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down.

    Before session advice

    If you're aiming to finish a half-marathon in 2 hours, you need to keep a 10.5 km/h pace, i.e. an average of 5 min 40 sec per km.
    During your set pace training you'll run at 11 km/h (between 5 min 20 sec and 5 min 30 sec per km) which is a little faster than your race pace.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 x 100 metre interval sprints

    • 04

      2 km at 11km/h

    • 05

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 06

      2 km at 11km/h

    • 07

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 08

      2 km at 11km/h

    • 09

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session. A short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks pulling the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively

  • 18. 1 hour 45 min long run on the road

  • Session 18 : 1 hour 45 min long run on the road

    You will run for 1 hour and 45 minutes, breathing comfortably throughout.
    You should be able to talk while you're running.
    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 65% of HRmax, without ever exceeding 70%.

    During long runs, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Use this session to test your equipment (outfit and hydration) in preparation for the half-marathon.

    Before session advice

    This session may be a bit difficult because you already ran for 1 hour yesterday.
    It's quite normal and it's deliberate.
    Remember to slow down if you need to.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hour 45 min long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive.
    You can also do some stretching as soon as you have finished.

Week 7 - Significant reduction in training load

During the penultimate week of training, You will keep the fast session but reduce the length of the other sessions so that you don't become tired.

  • 19. 1 hr jogging

  • Session 19 : 1 hr jogging

    You will run for 1 hour, breathing comfortably throughout.
    You need to be able to talk while running.

    Before session advice

    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 70% of HRmax, without ever exceeding 75%.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hour jogging

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive.
    you can also do some stretching as soon as you have finished.

  • 20. 8 x 1km set pace

  • Session 20 : 8 x 1km set pace

    After warming up (20 minutes jogging, GPP exercises and 3 sprints), you'll run 8 x 1 km at a set pace with 3 minutes recovery between each segment.

    You'll end the session with a 10-minute cool-down.

    Before session advice

    Monitor your pace properly!

    Session exercises

    • 01

      20-minute warm-up

    • 02

      GPP (General Physical Preparedness)

    • 03

      3 x 100 metre interval sprints

    • 04

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 05

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 06

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 07

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 08

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 09

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 10

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 11

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 12

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 13

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 14

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 15

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 16

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 17

      3-minute recovery jog

    • 18

      1 km at 11km/h

    • 19

      10-minute cool-down

    After session advice

    Make sure you drink plenty of water at the end of the session.
    a short while afterwards, you can do some gentle stretching, but don't overdo this as it risks pulling the muscle fibres that have already worked very intensively.

  • 21. 1 hr 15 min long run on the road

  • Session 21 : 1 hr 15 min long run on the road

    You will run for 1 hour and 15 minutes, breathing comfortably throughout.
    You should be able to talk while you're running.
    If you have a heart rate monitor, you should stay in a zone around 65% of HRmax, without ever exceeding 75%.

    During long runs, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes.

    Use this session to test your equipment (outfit and hydration) in preparation for the half-marathon.

    Before session advice

    Don't go faster than necessary; the end goal is near; you need to start to ease off!

    Session exercises

    • 01

      1 hr 15 min long run on the road

    After session advice

    Remember to rehydrate at the end of your session, even if it wasn't very intensive.
    You can also do some stretching as soon as you have finished.

Week 8 - Regeneration and competition

The training will ease off so you'll be refreshed for the start of the race.

You'll have to make do with just one short run, preferably on Wednesday, so that you're in good shape at the start of the half-marathon.

  • 22. 1 hour with 5 minutes faster running

  • Session 22 : 1 hour with 5 minutes faster running

    After 50 minutes running at a comfortable pace, you'll then run at a set pace (11 km/h) for 5 minutes followed by 5 minutes slow running.

    If you're using a heart rate monitor, during the 50 minutes you should be working at around 65-70% HRmax and at roughly 60% during the 5 minutes slow running.

    Before session advice

    Don't do more than required. This is counter-productive so close to the end goal.
    If you're tired, you can even cut down on this session.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      50 minutes jogging

    • 02

      5 minutes at 11 km/h

    • 03

      5 minutes slow running

    After session advice

    It’s very important to rehydrate abundantly after the session, as well as in the following hours, as water loss is significant and it should quickly be replenished
    You can also do some light stretching after your workout.

  • 23. Rest

  • Session 23 : Rest

    No running in this slot.
    Stay at home and rest
    The goal of this rest is to help your body to assimilate the work undertaken during the previous weeks.

    Before session advice

    Stay at home and rest. Use this time to read our advice!

    Session exercises

    • 01


    After session advice

    Stay at home and rest. Use this time to read our advice!

  • 24. warm-up for day of race

  • Session 24 : warm-up for day of race

    Start with 10 min fast walking as a warm-up. And finish with 5 min gentle running.
    You can use the first few km of the race as the final part of your warm-up.

    To make sure you achieve your desired time, start the "classic" session on your app, at the very beginning.

    Don't set out too quickly otherwise you'll find the last few kilometres difficult. Try to stick to the required pace, 10.6 km/h.

    Try to enjoy yourself even if you have to push yourself a little in order to finish.

    Before session advice

    Take your place on the start line 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled race start time.
    Avoid joining the first few rows so that you don't have to set off too quickly but make sure you're not at the back of the main pack either.

    Session exercises

    • 01

      10 minutes power walking

    • 02

      5 minutes running

    After session advice

    When the going gets tough, remember the sense of pride and joy you'll feel when you cross the finish line. You haven't done all this preparation just to stop at the very last minute.

Coach advice

"You want to run a half-marathon within two hours. It's a fine goal that requires thorough preparation and a significant investment on your part. With effort, determination and regular exercise, this training plan will help you achieve success."

2 hrs for a half-marathon - in 8 weeks (6)

Philippe Propage

International trainer

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2 hrs for a half-marathon - in 8 weeks (2024)
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Article information

Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.