20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (2024)

Research Summary: Ever wonder how your average spending per month stacks up against other Americans? The fact is that most of our average monthly expenses are common and unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be surprised by how much you’re actually spending. To learn more about average household monthly expenses in the US, we’ve gathered all of the latest statistics. According to our extensive research:

  • Average monthly personal expenses in the US are $3,405.

  • Average monthly household expenses in the US are $5,577.

  • The number one category of spending for US households is housing, with the average cost being $1,885 or over 33% (one-third) of total spending.

  • Over 75% of American incomes are devoted to living expenses.

For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Average Spending | Monthly Spending | Income and Spending | Other Spending
20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (1)

Average Spending Statistics

Average monthly spending and average annual spending are intrinsically connected, with costs adding up over time. To find out more about typical spending, here are some key facts:

  1. The average annual spending for American households is $66,928.

    That’s a whopping 75.7% of the average yearly income of $87,432, meaning the average American household only keeps a meager $20,500 of their total income per year.

  2. The average monthly household expenses for a family of four are $7,749.

    Families of four have the highest average monthly household expenses, even higher than a family of five or more, which average out at $7,400.

    20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (2)

    Average Monthly Household Expenses By Family Size

    Family sizeAverage monthly expensesAverage annual expenses
    Single person$3,405$40,859
    Family of 2$5,782$69,382
    Family of 3$6,597$79,163
    Family of 4$7,749$92,989
    Family of 5$7,400$88,797
  3. Average monthly expenses in the US have increased by over 30% between 2012-2021.

    In 2012, average monthly expenses amounted to around $4,285 per month ($51,442 per year). As of 2021, this average has increased to $5,577 per month ($66,928 per year)

    Average Monthly Household Expenses Over Time

    YearAverage monthly expensesAverage annual expenses
  4. Average monthly spending increased by 6% between 2020-2021.

    Many Americans conserved money in 2020 due to the effects of the pandemic, leading to decreased spending between 2019-2020. However, since 2020, spending has once again started increasing year over year.

  5. The categories with the biggest overall gain in spending between 2020-2021 were Entertainment and Apparel and services (both +22%).

    Spending on these two categories increased by +22% year-over-year. Despite the fact that these both make up a smaller portion of monthly expenses and that they saw significant declines between 2019-2020, recent years have seen their cost increasing.

    20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (3)

    Year Over Year Spending Changes By Category

    CategoryYear-over-year change in spending (2020-2021)
    Apparel and services22%
    Insurance and pension9%

Monthly Spending by Category

Americans can spend a lot more or less of their income depending on the particular expenses they have. For example, someone with hefty student loans will have much greater expenses than someone without. For other examples of average monthly spending by category, here are some interesting statistics:

  • Housing eats up the largest share of monthly American earnings, at over 33%.

    Americans spend a large portion of their monthly income on housing, with even the second largest expense, transportation, approximating less than half that share.

    20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (4)

    Share Of Average Monthly Expenses By Category

    CategoryShare of monthly expensesAverage monthly expense
    Insurance and pension12%$656
    Cash contributions4%$201
    Apparel and services3%$146
    Personal care1%$64
    Alcoholic beverages<1%$46
    Tobacco/smoking products<1%$28
  • Per person, Americans spend an average of $1,233 on debt per month.

    Debt can be a huge contributor to monthly expenses for Americans, especially those who have a mortgage, auto loan, or student loan.

    Average Monthly Debt By Category

    Type of debtAverage monthly payment
    Mortgage Payments$1,105
    Car Payments$493
    Personal Loan Payments$458
    Student Loan Payment$300
    Credit Card Payments$244
    Other Debts$248

Income and Spending Statistics

Americans spend a large portion of their income on a variety of things each month, with each of those categories having deeper disparities among them. Here are some stats that show the relationship between income and spending in the US:

  • Of the 75% of income spent on expenses, 29% goes toward Housing.

    Meanwhile, 14% of it goes toward transportation, and another 11% goes toward food, making these the expenses with the largest impact on someone’s income.

    20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (5)

    Monthly Expenses By Average Share Of Income

    CategoryPercent of total income
    Insurance and pension10%
    Cash contributions3%
    Apparel and services2%
    Personal care1%
    Alcoholic beverages1%
    Tobacco/smoking products<1%
  • The average individual spends 55% of their monthly income on expenses.

    The average monthly personal income for Americans is $6,228, with the average personal expense being $3,405 per month. This means individuals often sacrifice less of their income in expenses when compared to families and households.

  • The average American household spends 82% of its income on expenses.

    Despite making more money on average, American households have far more expenses than the average individual. This often comes down to an increased likelihood of having a mortgage and other debts.

  • The average household spends 17% of their income on mortgage payments.

    Mortgage payments alone cost the average person $1,105, making it the largest contributor to why housing is so expensive. Other housing-related expenses include:

    Average Monthly Housing Expenses

    ExpensePercent of total incomeAverage monthly expense
    Mortgage payment17%$1,105
    Utilities/fuels/public services5%$352
    Household operations2%$137
    Housekeeping supplies/laundry1%$67
  • The average household spends 6% of their income on vehicle purchases.

    Once again, debt is the largest contributing factor to monthly expenses. In this context, that debt is typically auto payments. However, there are other transportation costs to consider as well:

    Average Monthly Transportation Expenses

    ExpensePercent of total incomeAverage monthly expense
    Vehicle purchases6%$402
    Gas and oil3%$179
    Public transportation1$38
    Vehicle finance charges<1%$23
  • The average household spends 5% of their income on health insurance.

    Though healthcare is a free or negligible expense in many other developed countries, the US stands out as one with exorbitant healthcare costs. Regardless of the ethics, it’s important to budget for these costs:

    Average Monthly Healthcare Expenses

    ExpensePercent of total incomeAverage monthly expense
    Health insurance5%$309
    Medical services1%$89
    Prescription drugs1%$42
    Medical supplies<1%$15
  • The average American spends 9.58% of their income on debt.

    You might think this number would be higher, but the fact is that Americans across the country are in a variety of different situations, making it difficult to access just how much debt can burden some.

Other Spending Categories

As Americans, we spend a lot of money per month. Some of these expenses are unavoidable, while others are for our own entertainment and recreation. Here are some additional and interesting facts about where our money goes:

  • Americans spend an average of $46 per month on alcoholic beverages.

    Between that and the $28 spent on tobacco and smoking products, Americans spend more money (on average) on these products over personal care ($64).

  • Americans spend a whopping average of $531 per month on home and vehicle fuels.

    More specifically, utilities and fuel for housing cost an average of $352 per month, while filling the tank of your car costs an average of $179 per month.

  • Americans spend $64 dollars per month on their pets.

    As it turns out, cat foods might cost upwards of $770 per year, even without professional grooming for the cat show.

  • Clothing and associated costs lead to an average of $146 in expenses per month.

    And considering the fact that the cost of clothing has increased significantly since 2020, spending on clothing can easily harm your budget in 2023.

Monthly Expenses FAQ

  1. How much are monthly living expenses for a single person?

    Monthly expenses for a single person in the US are around $3,405. This equates to approximately $40,859, which is considerably less than households with two or more people.

    Individuals also sacrifice less of their income, on average, to expenses than larger households. The average individual only spends 55% of their total income on expenses, while the average household can spend up to 82%.

  2. What is a reasonable monthly budget?

    A reasonable monthly budget should follow the 50-30-20 rule. This rule is a budgeting plan where 50% of your income is spent on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% goes into your savings.

    This plan would put you well above the pack when it comes to savings, as only 16% of Americans save more than 15% of their annual income. For example, if you made $50,000 per year, this plan would allow you to save $10,000 in that same year.

    It also helps you manage your expenses, so you can determine whether or not you’re spending too much and if you need to trim down what you’re spending.

  3. What are the average monthly expenses for a family of four in the US?

    The average monthly expense for a family of four in the US is $7,749. This is equal to $92,989 and more than any other size family’s expenses. In fact, those with over five children actually spend an average of $7,400 per month, or 4.5% less than a family of four. Likewise, a family of three spends 14.9% less per month than a family of four.

  4. What do Americans spend the most money on?

    Americans spend the most money on housing. Housing constitutes 33% of all expenses and 29% of all household income spent on monthly expenses.

    The total cost of housing spending averages out at $1,885, with $1,105 of that going to mortgage payments. Between debt, utilities, and maintenance, the cost of housing is more than double that of the next runner-up: Transportation.

    Additionally, these costs will likely continue to increase as housing prices and interest rates remain above average.


American households spend an average of $5,577 per month on everyday expenses. This equates to an incredible 75% or more of their average income.

While income is spent on a variety of expenses, the top three are Housing, Transportation, and Food, which make up 29%, 14%, and 11% of household income, respectively. Mortgage payments alone cost Americans an average of $1,105 per month.

And Mortgage payments highlight just how much debt impacts expenses. Americans spend most of their income on home, auto, and student loan payments.

When in doubt, if you’re concerned about your expenses, it’s important to analyze them. Afterward, you can utilize the information you uncovered to develop an effective budgeting plan.


  1. BLS – Consumer expenditures in 2020

  2. BLS – Consumer Expenditure Surveys

  3. First Republic Bank – A Look at the Average American’s Monthly Expenses

  4. Bankrate – What Americans spend: A look at the cost of housing, food, transportation and more

  5. Lendingtree – Average Monthly Debt Payments Throughout the U.S.

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20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (6)


Jack Flynn20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (7)

Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications.Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia (2024)


20+ Average Monthly Expense Statistics [2023]: Average Household Spending In America - Zippia? ›

According to the same 2022 BLS study, the average American's monthly expenses are $6,080, 1 which is about 77% of the average monthly income before taxes. This list of expenses covers everything from housing, health insurance and food to entertainment, personal care products and books.

What is the average monthly expenses for American households? ›

According to the same 2022 BLS study, the average American's monthly expenses are $6,080, 1 which is about 77% of the average monthly income before taxes. This list of expenses covers everything from housing, health insurance and food to entertainment, personal care products and books.

What is the average expenses per month in the US? ›

The average monthly expenses for one person in 2022 were $3,693, up 8.5% from 2021. That translates into an increase of $287.75 per month. The 2022 average for annual expenses was $44,312. That is less than half of the average expenses for a family of four, which was over $100,000.

How much does the average American spend on personal care per month? ›

The average monthly cost for personal care products and services ranges by individual, but haircuts, soap, toothpaste and other essential items all add up and should be included in your monthly expense budget. The average person spends $72 per month on personal grooming expenditures.

What are the 3 areas that the average American household spends the most money on? ›

Many Americans spend a sizable amount of their income to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table and a means of transportation.

How much is normal to spend per month? ›

A single person household spends an average of $4,337 on monthly expenses. Married couples without kids spend an average of $7,111 on monthly expenses. A family of four spends an average of $7,875–9,168 on monthly expenses (depending on kids' ages).

What is the average monthly grocery bill? ›

For a single person, the average grocery bill can range, depending on age and gender, between $238.46 to $434.33. For a household with two people, the average grocery bill is $5,635 per year, or $469.58 per month. For a household of three people, the average grocery bill is $6,862 a year, or 571.83 per month.

What is the average monthly expenses for a retired couple? ›

Average Retirement Spending

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average income of someone 65 and older in 2021 was $55,335, and the average expenses were $52,141, or $4,345 per month.

What is the largest household expense? ›

Housing is by far the largest expense for Americans. Monthly housing expenses in 2022 averaged $2,025, a 7% increase from 2021.

What is the average monthly payment in the US? ›

As of February 2024, the average amount consumers needed to repay all of their monthly debt obligations climbed to $1,225. For each major type of loan—credit cards, auto loans and mortgages—payments have increased by at least 8% since 2022.

What is a good monthly budget? ›

The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

How much should you have after all bills are paid? ›

The 50-30-20 rule is intended to help individuals manage their after-tax income, primarily so they have funds on hand for emergencies and savings for retirement. Every household should prioritize creating an emergency fund in case of job loss, unexpected medical expenses, or any other unforeseen monetary cost.

How much does it cost to live alone? ›

The average monthly expenses for a single person will depend quite a bit on where you live, and if you're living alone for the first time, you might be surprised that most things cost more, not just your rent. The national average expenses for a single person living alone are around $3,500 per month.

What is the average monthly expenses in the US? ›

The average cost of living in US is estimated between $2,500 and $3,500 per month. This includes food, housing, transportation, health care, taxes, and other expenses.

What food do Americans spend the most money on? ›

Prices for fats and oils rose the fastest in 2023 (9.0 percent), followed by sugar and sweets (8.7 percent), and cereals and bakery products (8.4 percent).

What does the average American spend on groceries per year? ›

The average American household spends an average of $475.25 a month on groceries, according to the most recently available dataset from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2022. That's a total of $5,703 spent on groceries in a year.

How much does the average American spend on housing each month? ›

Housing is by far the largest expense for Americans. Monthly housing expenses in 2022 averaged $2,025, a 7% increase from 2021. Over the course of 2022, Americans spent $24,298 on housing on average.

What is the average monthly expense for a family of 4? ›

Average Expenses for a Family of Four

According to the most recent data, U.S. households that consist of four people spent an average of $8,640 per month in 2022. In 2021, the average four-person household spent $7749 per month. This works out to average annual expenditures of $101,514 in 2022, up from $92,989 in 2021.

How much does the average American spend on house maintenance per month? ›

In fact, average costs to maintain a single-family home are now at an all-time high, according to a recent Thumbtack Home Care report. Earlier this year, Zillow and Thumbtack data revealed that on average, homeowners can expect to pay $14,155 a year, or $1,180 a month, in hidden costs related to owning a home.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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