20 Best Weekend Jobs to Make Money (2024)

20 Best Weekend Jobs to Make Money (1)

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Most Americans are working 14-16 hours a day by taking on multiple full-time jobs – making them only available on the weekends.

Sure, you can sit on the couch and watch Netflix all day, but that’s not going to help pay for the groceries, put gas in the car, or get you closer to that family trip to Disney World.

I’m not saying you need to be a weekend warrior and work from morning to night.

But if you’re like me and you find yourself getting bored after a few hours of watching Netflix, why not utilize that time for something more effective and bring in some extra cash on the weekends?

You can spend your Saturdays and Sundays making money with jobs that are not only profitable but also enjoyable. Who knows, you might even come across jobs that are pleasurable and only require one day of work a week.

I’ll cover everything from freelance writing and dog walking to delivery services and tutoring to help you find the best weekend job that suits your lifestyle.

Life is all about experimenting and exploring. I can now say I’ve done things like:

  1. taking paid surveys for extra money (earning up to $50 per survey)
  2. flipping furniture after work (earning between $500 to $2,000 per month)
  3. selling my old clothing and shoes on apps (earning well over $5,000 within several months of decluttering my entire wardrobe)
  4. creating crafty items to sell (earning over $500 per month)
  5. pinning on Pinterest (earning over $10,000 per month)
  6. delivering food using DoorDash (earning up to $150 per day)

And then, later becoming a full-time blogger (earning over six figures per year) working from home and earning way more than my office job!

After trying many different things, I can honestly say that becoming a full-time blogger is one of the best ways to make money online — whether you do it part-time over the weekend or full-time as a hobby or career!

I started my blog as a fun weekend job, and I don’t regret it one single bit!

You never know what you can discover when you put yourself out there. So, further ado, let’s get started!

PIN THIS: I’ll be updating this post so make sure to pin this image and save it to your Pinterest board. That way you’ll be able to come back to this page and exlpore the best weekend jobs that make money!

20 Best Weekend Jobs to Make Money (2)

Best Weekend Work From Home Jobs

Oh, the joys of working from home! I’ve tried it and never wanted to go back to the office again.

Most work from home jobs don’t require you to wake up to an alarm. You could start working wherever and whenever you want!

As long as you submit your work before the deadline, whatever work schedule you impose on yourself can be done.

To start off small, I also recommend these one-day-a-week jobs or fun second jobs before you turn them into a full-time income stream.

1. Freelance Writer

Average Salary: $49,000 per year

The opportunities found in freelance writing are vast. And most importantly, it’s very lucrative.

Alexandra Fasulo is a freelance writer that’s making above $400,000 a year through writing!

So to say that writing is a niche where you can make decent money is an understatement.

Alexandra started off by creating a blog and writing content for her clients. You too can take this route as you start your freelance journey with no experience.

As a beginning freelance writer, you need to understand what makes a good article and how to write for different publications. For example, blogging is more casual, while writing for magazines is more formal and polished.

In the world of writing, you should also know how to craft engaging content for readers and know the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to be found on the web. And more importantly, you need to love writing and the topics you write about!

If you’re interested in fitness, you could write about topics like workouts, diet plans, or workout gear. As you write more articles and build a portfolio, you will attract more employers and can start charging more for your work.

A good writer that knows how to craft attention-grabbing content will always be hired. So, don’t shy away from freelance writing even if you feel like your skills aren’t up to par. Once you learn the ropes and put in enough practice, you’ll be able to earn a good living freelancing writing.

Pros: You get the freedom to work on your most creative hours. The work you do can be done in the morning or evening just as long as you submit your content prior to the deadline.

Cons: Freelance writing doesn’t give you the option to interact with others on a daily basis. You’re only focused on your work.

2. Virtual Assistant

Average Salary: $74,000 per year

As it becomes easier to start and build businesses online, the demand for virtual assistants (VA) has increased. The entire VA market is set to reach $47 billion in 2028. So don’t think twice if this field is worth trying.

Keep in mind that having excellent communication skills is one of the qualities of a superb virtual assistant. Keeping the lines of communication open with your employees is preferable to keep them in the dark.

If you run into issues with your daily activities, list them down, and at the end of the day include them in your end-of-day report. If you have questions or if something is unclear, ask away!

Be sure to stay organized by using task-tracking tools, such as Trello or Asana, to keep track of your progress. This will help you stay on top of tasks, so you can provide a more efficient service to your employers. And remember, having a good attitude and being proactive can go a long way in becoming a successful VA.

This side hustle doesn’t require any college degree and can turn into a six-figure business once you’ve been in the industry for years.

The best thing about working as a virtual assistant is its time flexibility. If you’re only looking for part-time or late-night work, a lot of companies would still gladly hire you.

To find both VA work, you can visit these websites:

  • Fiverr
  • Indeed
  • Upwork
  • LinkedIn
  • ZipRecruiter

Pros: There’s no hard skill to learn. Just being familiar with different software and platforms can be enough to land you a job.

Cons: Some jobs require you to work whenever your employer is online. This job scenario doesn’t give you much freedom to work whenever you want.

3. Social Media Manager

Average Salary: $57,000 per year

According to BLS, many social media managers tend to have a bachelor’s degree. But employers care more about experience and skill set rather than education. If you’re good at growing social media accounts, the absence of a college diploma will be overshadowed.

Companies would rather hire someone with real-life results than a fresh grad who’s going to commit a lot of mistakes as they start out.

Take note that if you don’t have prior experience, you might need to settle for lower-than-average pay because the employer hasn’t gauged your skills yet and you don’t have a portfolio to back up your skills.

Additionally, you can handle social media for nothing. In your community, look for a small business and see if they have a social media presence. Offer your services and explain that you’ll work for free if they don’t have one or don’t update frequently. In exchange, request a recommendation. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

When I started on Pinterest, I didn’t know anything about the platform except for the basics like making boards and saving Pins for future reference. That didn’t stop me from trying.

I took a few free and paid courses just to get an idea of what it’s all about, and then I started putting my knowledge into practice. Before I knew it, I was a content creator using Pinterest to bring traffic to my blog.

Pros: You don’t need to be a genius for this job. Your instinct, creativity, and willingness to learn will be enough to get you hired.

Cons: Constant iteration of strategies is needed. What worked last month might not bring the same results this month.

High-Paying Weekend Jobs

If you choose money over comfort, I suggest you pay extra attention to the next four jobs below.

It might not be the easiest out there but the pay can top your day job salary. The work here can also turn into five to six-figure businesses if you put the time and effort to grow them.

4. Blogging

Average Salary: $45,000 per year

It’s strange. Never in a million years did I think that blogging could allow me to quit my job and become a full-time blogger.

Sure, I’ve heard of people “blogging online,” but I always thought it was just a personal diary-type of thing. However, it’s so much more than that!

I learned that blogging is actually an art of storytelling, where you use written words to express your thoughts and feelings. It can also include the use of pictures, memes, and videos to further portray the message.

You don’t have to be an expert writer to become a successful blogger. I’m not a good writer, but with the help of various spell-check and grammar online tools, like Grammarly, I’m able to produce content that my readers enjoy.

How to make money blogging

There are various ways you can monetize your blog. You can choose to get paid to place ads on your blog with Adsense, produce sponsored content by partnering up with brands, or become an affiliate marketer to promote products you believe in and get a commission for each sale. Furthermore, you can also sell products such as e-books or digital courses or become a consultant or coach.

Regardless of what path you take to make money with your blog, you need to have a passion for the topic you’ll be blogging about and be willing to learn as you go.

My journey wasn’t easy. In fact, I struggled a lot in the beginning and earned absolutely nothing for many months before my first monthly income of $703.

However, it was my interest in the personal finance topic that kept me going, and I’m so glad that I didn’t throw in the towel. Fast-forward a few years, and I managed to make over $20,000 a month from my blog.

There are plenty of readers out there looking for helpful tips, advice, and stories they can relate to. If you’re passionate about a topic like:

  • Food
  • Parenting
  • Travel
  • Lifestyle
  • DIY
  • Health and Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Home Decor
  • Self-improvement

Or any other highly profitable blog niche you can think of, I suggest that you give blogging a shot. As long as you’re passionate about it and put your time and effort into it, there’s no telling how far you can go.

I walked in with an open mind, and a willingness to learn and grow with each obstacle I faced. Today, I’m a full-time blogger and content creator, which is a dream come true for me. I hope that my story will inspire you to pursue your dreams no matter how long it takes.

You can join my FREE 7-day email course on how to start a profitable blog from scratch if you want to learn more about it.

Pros: It’s easy and affordable to start. The return on blogging is asymmetric to the initial investment you’ve made.

Cons: It will take some time for you to make money in blogging. Dedication and commitment to creating quality content are essential.

5. Web Developer

Average Salary: $82,000 per year

Imagine a world devoid of websites—no Amazon, no Google, no Facebook! It’s like trying to picture a unicorn riding a unicycle on the moon. But fear not, for web development is here to save the day, and it’s more vital than ever!

Web developers are the magicians of the digital jungle, conjuring websites from thin air and ensuring they run like well-oiled machines. They code, they troubleshoot, they jazz up the design—basically, they’re the superheroes of the internet.

Now, you might think tech jobs are as mysterious as deciphering hieroglyphics, but fear not! If you’re up for a coding adventure, you too can join the ranks of web development wizards.

There are three web developer species to choose from:

  • Front-end developers: They’re the artists, crafting the visual wonders and user-friendly interfaces you see on websites. Think of them as the Michelangelos of the internet.
  • Back-end developers: These are the guardians of data, security, and the mysterious inner workings of servers. They keep the internet’s gears turning, even if you can’t see their handiwork.
  • Full-stack developers: The ultimate multitaskers, they do it all—front end, back end, and everything in between. They’re like the Swiss Army knives of web development.

The internet is chock-full of resources to help you embark on this coding odyssey. YouTube is your treasure trove of coding tutorials, and sites like Code Academy offer free courses. If you crave a more immersive experience, there are even coding boot camps where you can don your coding cape and learn the ropes in record time.

Pros: This field will surely give you a high salary compared to other jobs. The more complex a job is, the higher the employers will pay you to do it.

Cons: With higher pay comes much more difficult problems to solve. There’s also a need for constant learning in this industry as the coding language is always evolving.

6. Start Your Own Online Business

Average Salary: $68,000 per year

There has never been a better moment to launch a business. One may be made for practically with very little money.

Graham Cochrane, who was reliant on food stamps, now runs two websites and quietly earns six figures every month. This demonstrates the wealth of possibilities available in the internet world.

The best thing about Graham’s story is he only works 5 hours a day but still earns $120,000 monthly passive income. This proves that you don’t have to be on top of your business 24/7. If you work smart enough, you can let it run on its own.

The reason why I’m a big advocate of starting your own online business is that creating one doesn’t require a huge upfront investment, and there is huge potential for profit.

Most eCommerce store owners started their business by just paying for web hosting and a domain name. And that’s it – they’ve started a business in just hours.

That’s how I began with Finsavvy Panda. I spent less than $50 a year on hosting and domain fees to get my website up and running. The main investment you need is your time and effort to create content, market your business, and gain customers.

Believe me when I say this is the best time to revisit the entrepreneur in you. Remember all those fantastic business ideas that you’ve been putting on hold because it was too expensive to test them out? Now you can start it with almost no money and very little risk.

To help you begin this journey, some trending products you might start with are sneakers, smart home appliances, and peripheral devices.

You don’t have to limit yourself to selling products only. You can start an online business by selling a service. For example, you can create your own business coaching service. Low initial capital and you can leverage your expertise.

Pros: It’s extremely rewarding to start a business from scratch – especially when it’s online. You can build your empire sitting on the beach.

Cons: In the beginning, you’ll have to do everything by yourself. You’re not making money yet so you can’t hire a team to help you.

7. Photographer

Average Salary: $44,000 per year

Ah, memories! They’re like that one sock that always disappears in the laundry – elusive, but oh-so-precious. But fear not, my friend, for there’s a delightful way to snatch those memories from the jaws of forgetfulness and frame them forever. Yes, you guessed it – become a photographer!

Being a photographer is like having a backstage pass to the greatest show on Earth, starring you and your camera. It’s not just about snapping pics; it’s about capturing moments that’ll make people smile, cry, and potentially bribe you for copies.

Now, here’s the scoop: you can specialize in various photo niches. Weddings, family portraits, or professional headshots – take your pick! And guess what? Millennials are ditching their avocado toast to chase photography as a side hustle. Some are even trying to turn it into a full-blown career.

A gig might pay more than your entire week’s worth of slaving away at the office. But don’t quit your day job just yet; it takes time to develop your photography skills and clientele.

Start by taking your camera to events you attend – whether it’s your buddy’s birthday bash or a corporate shindig. Candid shots are the name of the game. Think of it as your undercover mission to become a photo ninja.

As you sharpen those photography ninja skills, you can start charging premium prices. According to the gurus at Expert Photography, you could be making between $100 and $300 per hour. Multiply that by a 4-hour event, and boom! You’ve just made over a grand in a single day. Cha-ching!

Once you build your portfolio and make your clients grin from ear to ear, your business practically markets itself through good old word-of-mouth.

Now, don’t just wing it like a seagull photobombing a wedding. Photography, like any other gig, requires skill and passion to turn a hobby into a money-making machine. If you’re a newbie, there’s no shortage of photography schools out there. Just Google it! Or if you prefer the virtual route, platforms like Udemy, Expert Photography, and Tutsplus are your golden tickets to photography stardom.

So, there you have it, my future lens-wielding legend. Grab your camera, start clicking, and let the memories roll in, along with the sweet, sweet moolah!

Pros: You will get the chance to meet new and interesting people, from models to wedding guests.

Cons: Professional cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment are expensive.

Easy Weekend Jobs

Easy weekend-only jobs aren’t stressful and can typically work on your preferred schedule. These are jobs that allow you to work alone and jam to your music.

Even if you just perform these on the weekends, they can still be quite profitable for you despite being perceived as “simple.”

8. DoorDash

Average Salary: $40,000 per year

One of the most sought-after side occupations nowadays is becoming a Dasher.

I am a Dasher myself and have written a separate post detailing my personal experience, illustrating how much you can earn in a day on DoorDash.

You get to keep all those tasty tips, the hours are flexible, and the pay is fair.

Drivers known as Dashers deliver food for DoorDash. Since the app has hundreds to millions of daily active users, there won’t be a lack of orders, making it an excellent approach to help boost your income.

If you’re only doing this second job on the weekends, it’s best to work during peak hours. This is because you can get consecutive orders – allowing you to earn money from the time you work to when you decide to stop.

According to DoorDash, the peak time at lunch is from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM and for dinner, it’s 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Those are the best schedules to get the most out of your time with the app.

Payment is made weekly every Monday for each order you deliver in the past week. Should you choose to get paid daily, you will be charged a fee of $1.99 per day, so you might want to stick with the weekly payment option.

You can see how much I earned on DoorDash when I took it up as a part-time side hustle, primarily working on weekends:

20 Best Weekend Jobs to Make Money (3)

Pros: You’re able to accept, drop, and decline an order as a Dasher. This gives you more freedom with your deliveries.

Cons: Income is irregular. You might have a good shift today where orders were just flowing in and out of the app but tomorrow can be a different story.

9. Translator

Average Salary: $55,000 per year

Even with the development of AI, organizations and individuals continue to need translators. Some machine translation programs are still very literal in the sense that it can’t pick up on the right context or cultural implications. Because of our capacity for contextual thinking, humans are still irreplaceable in this field.

You could go to platforms like LinkedIn and Upwork to look for translating jobs. If you want a platform that’s specific to translating only, you can check out Gengo, Blend, and RushTranslate.

Aside from language knowledge, what exactly are the other skills needed to be a translator?

Here are three skills you need to keep in mind:

  • Writing – You must master where to put commas, hyphens, and other punctuation as you will be writing your translations regularly.
  • Attention-to-detail – You could be translating medical documents and legal papers in this work. You don’t want to miss out on important details in your translated document.
  • Time Management – Most translation jobs have deadlines. You need to be quick and organized with your daily schedule.

Pros: Low-stress working environment and no physical labor required.

Cons: AI is getting smarter. Eventually, their translations will become more accurate which can lead to fewer job opportunities in the future.

10. Landscaping

Average Salary: $32,000 per year

Landscaping is a wonderful activity that’s ignored by many people. It’s one of those jobs that allow you to spend some time outdoors and be with nature.

The majority of people believe that landscapers only work in backyards. When in reality, they can do their job in parks, nurseries, playgrounds, and greenhouses. They contribute to the attractiveness of their city or area.

Landscaping is more than just trimming bushes and planting flowers. Other activities include:

  • Designing and planning outdoor spaces
  • Gardening and weed control
  • Creating paths, patios, and walkways
  • Installing lighting, water features, and other decorative items

It is possible to learn how to be a landscaper. To get a job, you just need to learn the subject matter better. You’ll need to know how to take care of plants, maintain a lawn, regulate irrigation of the soil, and much more.

You may study technical landscaping skills online thanks to the internet. You can take some classes on Udemy, Coursera, and from universities like UCLA and Oregon State University.

Pros: You’re working outdoors and getting your daily physical exercise in.

Cons: There are days when you need to work out in the snow, in broad daylight or in heavy rain.

Best Part-Time Weekend Jobs

What are the benefits of part-time weekend employment? You don’t have to make a long-term commitment. You’re free to begin and end whenever you wanted. If you come across work that pays more money, you have the option to change your position practically immediately.

11. Transcriptionist

Average Salary: $58,000 per year

Although a lot of software companies have built AI to do transcription services, nothing is still as accurate as a focused human being. YouTube’s automatic captioning often makes mistakes when it comes to slang or colloquial words leaving viewers confused and annoyed.

In the future, AI will get better at it but for now, this is still an opportunity for you to jump on.

Transcribers take audio and video files and turn them into text format. A lot of businesses do this so they can publish more content for their audience.

Take podcast shows for example. It’s an audio-first kind of platform but the people behind them leverage written content to use as a blog post or other marketing material.

Transcriptionists can work for video creators too. You can create captions for video content or provide subtitles for them.

Course creators benefit from the work of transcriptionists as well. Their video courses can be converted into organized written texts which can act as additional educational material for their students.

Online job postings are another option. There are many transcriptionist jobs available on Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelance marketplaces.

You don’t have to get a certification to be a transcriptionist but it’s recommended to get some kind of training to understand the basics of the job. Transcription Certificate Institute provides online courses for you to get started.

Pros: It’s a relaxed type of work. You’re completely independent and don’t have to wait for others to finish your tasks.

Cons: Extra expense for purchasing quality equipment like headphones, a foot pedal, and transcription software.

12. Delivery Driver

Average Salary: $41,000 per year

Delivering meals is only one aspect of being a delivery driver. Deliveries of goods and packages are now possible as well. And drivers of the Amazon Flex do just that.

Amazon Flex is a program by Amazon where you can use your own vehicle to deliver online orders to its owners.

This is an enticing temporary job to pick up on the weekends because it pays an average of $20 per hour and doesn’t punish you for taking the rest of the week off.

Amazon cares for its drivers by providing perks and developing initiatives to assist them. Their “Alexa, Thank My Driver” program is an example of this. The driver will receive $5 from Amazon for the first million “Thank You”!

If you want to explore other options, there are also other delivery driving gigs that are similar to Amazon Flex. Companies like Instacart, Shipt, and Saucey are companies that let you earn money shopping for clients or delivering alcohol to customers.

Pros: Drivers can choose from a variety of tasks, including delivering groceries, restaurant orders, and Amazon packages. This makes the job more interesting than the typical delivery job.

Cons: You often have to work in unsafe conditions, such as in the middle of the night or in bad weather.

13. Barista

Average Salary: $34,000 per year

Local employers like coffee shops and cafes are constantly hiring part-time baristas to serve coffee, tea, and other beverages.

Aside from having flexible hours, serving as a barista is the ideal side job for meeting new people and taking advantage of coffee discounts. You’ll develop your conversational skills while you make beverages in the hospitality industry. It’s an excellent chance to develop your social skills.

But the best advantage you’ll get is learning how to make good coffee. That’s a skill you can use for the rest of your life!

At a highlight level, a barista’s duties involve taking customer orders, preparing and serving drinks, handling payments, cleaning, and stocking inventory.

It’s vital to have strong customer service abilities, a positive attitude, and the capacity to perform under pressure when choosing to work as a barista. Understanding the coffee industry, including various coffee varieties, brewing techniques, and specialty beverages, is also beneficial.

Pros: You work indoors and get to meet different people. The flexible hours make it easier to balance work, school, and other commitments.

Cons: You may need to work on weekends and holidays. It can be physically demanding as you have to stand for long periods of time.

Best Evening Weekend Job

When you need to make additional money for the month, evening and weekend work are convenient. The weekend mornings might be used as a time of rest if you had a hectic week. And you’re completely energized and prepared to go when nightfall comes!

14. Proofreader

Average Salary: $53,000 per year

Every writer uses grammar and spell-checks software, which can assist with certain issues, but a proofreader is necessary for spotting typos, and grammatical, and stylistic errors that spell-checkers could overlook.

A skilled specialist known as a proofreader goes above and above to check a document for accuracy, clarity, and consistency. They read for content, style, and punctuation while also looking for typographical, grammatical, and spelling problems. On top of that, they’re making sure that the writer’s content is in line with the voice of the brand.

You might think that being a proofreader is just looking for mistakes although that has some truth to it, proofreaders do a lot more than that.

In this field, you will spend a lot of time reading the pieces of content submitted to you. Another factor that’s rarely talked about is comprehension. You’ll need to understand what the writer is trying to explain for you to give your suggestions to make it better.

To start your proofreading career, organizations like the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading has training courses to get you up to date with editorial standards. There are also several courses on proofreading posted on SkillShare.

Pros: Proofreading can be done anywhere and anytime.

Cons: Reading and giving out suggestions can be draining if it’s all that you do. Burnout is common since the tasks can be a bit repetitive.

15. Restaurant Server

Average Salary: $45,000 per year

Wander the streets of the city, and you’ll undoubtedly come across window signs that read “Hiring.” Restaurant servers are often in high demand during the weekend and holiday season when more customers visit restaurants.

Extroverts thrive in this position, as they must be able to interact with customers and make them feel comfortable. However, this doesn’t mean introverts can’t be successful. Every table is different and requires a different approach.

Regardless of your personality type, be sure to pay attention to details and offer excellent customer service because that’s what diners expect. You need to be friendly, efficient, and organized. It goes without saying that you must also take orders accurately, deliver food in a timely manner and answer questions about the menu. If you can anticipate customer needs before they even ask, all the better.

Tips are generally included as part of a server’s wages, so you should make sure to be as helpful as possible to customers in order to get high tips. It’s not uncommon for servers to make $300 in a single day! Engage with your customers, provide helpful recommendations, and always serve with a smile.

Pros: Great opportunity to make money (especially during the weekend and holiday season).

Cons: Shifts during the evening time on the weekends can be very busy. It can be physically tiring work.

16. Security Guard

Average Salary: $37,000 per year

Being a security guard pairs well with another job. This is why I’ve included it in the best evening weekend jobs.

Truth be told, it’s hard to financially sustain yourself by only being a security guard. There are career advancements in this but it might take a few years to achieve. From being a security guard, you can be a security consultant, correctional officer, or security manager.

Security guards are well respected. We often see them as “protectors” in malls and other establishments. It’s in demand since security guards are always needed in factories and company buildings.

If you like a job where you want to work alone, this one’s perfect for you. You’re independent and won’t need to interact with others.

Pros: Evening shifts are a relaxing time for security guards especially if the establishments are closed. Night jobs like this are a good weekend side hustle.

Cons: It’s one of those jobs that can’t be scaled. Being a security guard should only be done part-time if you have other choices.

Best Weekend Jobs For Students

The least demanding weekend jobs for students are those that allow them to balance their studies. You can work these positions to earn as much money as you can while you’re a student.

Rather than spending time working in fast food chains, the jobs below have higher pay which can make your time more worthwhile.

17. Tutoring

Average Salary: $53,000 per year

Tutoring is a known side hustle for students. It’s one way to leverage your smarts and make money off it.

Although my family’s finances were tight, my dad didn’t hold back from hiring math tutors to help me with my math classes when I was still in school. There are plenty of parents like my dad that is willing to shell out money to help their kids with their education. So if you’re good at math, science, coding, or any other field, you can offer your tutoring services and get paid for it.

You can do in-person tutoring where you’re physically beside your student and teaching them the subject. This is more of a traditional way of doing things but it’s still effective in helping students learn better.

With the help of the internet, tutoring can now be done virtually. With platforms like Zoom and Skype calls, you can now teach someone who’s even halfway across the globe.

You can advertise yourself on Facebook, or join online tutoring websites like Wyzant or Tutor.com where you’ll be connected with students that need help with their studies.

Working online makes it easier for your schedule as well. You can work whenever you’re free to balance your time for exams and classes.

Pros: You can make a significant impact on your students’ lives. Helping them learn and improve their grades is always a satisfactory feeling.

Cons: Most online platforms you use will take a cut of your pay.

18. Dog Walker

Average Salary: $78,000 per year

Nothing is more enjoyable than working beside dogs! Most need to spend some time outside since they are so active. Some of their parents, however, are unable to spend time with them because of their busy job schedules.

And don’t worry, almost anyone can be a dog walker. It is one of the easier occupations on this list because the business doesn’t focus on educational background but rather on a person’s dog-care abilities.

Ryan Stewart is living proof that there’s money to be made in dog walking as he’s making over $100,000 per year with no college degree!

To start your journey, you first need to be comfortable walking dogs and taking care of them. If you’re considering this, chances are you’re a fur parent too. Next, consume content all about dog walking. The best places to start are Rover and Wag!, which you may use to locate pet owners who need pet care services in your area.

For certifications, Canine Club Academy can train and certify you to be a dog walker. DogTec will do the same and they’ll help you with starting a dog-walking business if you decide to go that route.

Pros: Working with animals can help reduce stress and you get to close your daily activity rings.

Cons: You need to be ready to walk the dogs out regardless of the weather. You can’t use the hot weather as a reason not to fulfill your service.

19. Babysitting

Average Salary: $50,000 per year

Babysitting has been around since the beginning of time. You’ve even probably experienced being under the care of a babysitter before.

Although the industry is old, more and more parents are increasingly paying for child care. CNBC reported that babysitting and daycare costs have increased by 5 to 15% since 2020. Without access to caregivers, parents would need to take days off to look after their children, which could end up costing them more than hiring a babysitter.

So how do you start as a babysitter? Well, you can first contact your family and friends. Ask relatives with babies or younger ones to see if they need help with taking care of kids while they’re at work.

This is a good first experience since you’re working with a distant family that knows you and vice versa. This experience can be added to your resume as you pitch your service to other parents.

Although certifications and training are not required, it’s beneficial to have them. The American Red Cross offers affordable babysitter courses and certifications that you can enroll in. They will teach you first aid and CPR as well.

Pros: It’s a lucrative side hustle, especially for a student. You can also review your subjects as you look over the children. You’re able to study and get paid at the same time.

Cons: You have a lot of responsibilities in your hand. You’d want to make sure nothing bad happens to the children under your supervision.

20. Sports Referee

Average Salary: $50,000 per year

Probably the most often overlooked side gig is being a sports referee. It’s one of the most fun things to do in this list since you’ll get to officiate a sport you love.

You can’t be a sports referee if you don’t love what you’re doing. It will be such a chore to read all the rules and regulations. And reading those things is a very crucial factor since you need to make as few mistakes as possible while on the job.

The first step in this work is to decide what sport you’re going to referee. Second, you’ll have to know the rules of the game by the book. Third, acquire training and certifications. And fourth, gain experience by volunteering to officiate community and small league competitions.

For referee certifications, you can search your state and check if there’s a referee training session soon.

Out of all the steps above, the second process is what you should double down on. Referees have so much power that they can change the outcome of the game with their calls so every decision you make in the game is important and it needs to be near perfect.

Pros: As you officiate the game, you’ll also be entertained. Depending on the sport, referees also get good exercise especially when the game requires them to run both sides of the field.

Cons: Your calls will be contested by coaches and players if it’s not right. You’d have to be firm and professional while under pressure.


What weekend job pays the most?

Web development would be one of the best-paying weekend online careers. As I’ve already said, anything in the computer and IT industry will undoubtedly pay well. The reason for this is that there are many open positions but not enough competent candidates to fill them.

Employers are particularly interested in web developers since websites are crucial in today’s corporate environment. They are essentially leaving cash on the table if they don’t have it. There won’t be any customers if they can’t find their products online.

How can I make the most money on the weekends?

First, you need to determine your time horizon. Are you looking to make money within the next few weeks? If you are, then being a delivery driver and working as a Dasher are excellent choices. The application process, which can take 3 to 7 days, is much faster compared to other jobs. Once you’re approved, you can start immediately and start earning money.

Now if you want to make money on the weekends for the long term, starting a profitable blog and your own online business are the best options.

These activities could make you money every single day. I’m talking about $200, $300, $500, or even as high as $1,000 a day; and not just on the weekends. Plus, there comes a point that you can be hands-off and it will earn passively.

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20 Best Weekend Jobs to Make Money (4)

20 Best Weekend Jobs to Make Money (2024)


How to make an extra $500 a weekend? ›

Here are some of the best side hustles:
  1. Become a Personal Grocery Shopper. If you're 18+ and want to make an extra $500 fast, then consider becoming a personal grocery shopper. ...
  2. Walk Dogs or Pet Sit. ...
  3. Make Money Through Social Media. ...
  4. Rent Out Your Space. ...
  5. Deliver Food. ...
  6. Start a Ridesharing Gig. ...
  7. Rent Out Your RV. ...
  8. Rent Out Your Car.

How to make $1,000 a week working for yourself? ›

  1. How to Make $1000 a Week: 20+ Fast & Easy Ideas.
  2. Become a Food Delivery Driver. On-demand food delivery services are incredibly popular right now. ...
  3. Take Online Surveys. ...
  4. Bookkeeping. ...
  5. Proofreading. ...
  6. Run Facebook and Instagram Ads. ...
  7. Earn Cash Back Shopping. ...
  8. Drive With Uber.

Is working a weekend job worth it? ›

Conclusion. Weekend jobs offer a multitude of benefits for individuals looking to grow their earnings and enhance their professional development. From boosting your income to gaining valuable experience and skills, a part time weekend job can be a game-changer for your career and financial well-being.

How to make a little extra money fast? ›

How to make money fast
  1. Find out if you have unclaimed property. $200.
  2. Sell unused gift cards. $200.
  3. Trade in old electronics. $200.
  4. Take surveys. $40.
  5. Sell clothes and accessories online. $200.
  6. Become a rideshare driver. $600.
  7. Make deliveries. $1,000.
  8. Perform handy tasks. $1,600.

How can I make an extra $300 a day? ›

With effort and planning, you can realistically make $300 extra income in a 24 hour period.
  1. Driving for a Rideshare Service.
  2. Doing Food Delivery. ...
  3. Monetizing a Skill on Fiverr.
  4. Flipping Items. ...
  5. Doing Handyman Tasks. ...
  6. Participating in Focus Groups. ...
  7. Moving Help. ...
  8. Other Options.
Jan 22, 2024

How to make $1,000 weekly online? ›

  1. 10 Proven Ways to Make $1,000 a Week Online. Creative Freedom. ...
  2. Freelancing. Freelancing offers a flexible way to earn money online using your existing skills. ...
  3. Online Tutoring. ...
  4. Affiliate Marketing. ...
  5. Selling Digital Products. ...
  6. Dropshipping. ...
  7. Remote Work. ...
  8. Online Surveys and Market Research.
May 18, 2024

Does working weekends pay more? ›

There is nothing in state law that mandates an employer pay an employee a special premium for work performed on holidays, Saturdays, or Sundays, other than the overtime premium required for work in excess of eight hours in a workday or 40 hours in a workweek.

Is working on weekends healthy? ›

Despite the short-term benefits, consistently working weekends can have negative long-term consequences, such as: Burnout: Over time, the lack of downtime can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, ultimately affecting overall productivity and well-being.

What are the disadvantages of working on weekends? ›

Elevated stress levels and its impact:

Working on weekends contributes to heightened stress levels, potentially leading to various physical and mental health problems like anxiety, depression, and even heart disease.

How can I make $200 a day everyday? ›

  1. Online Freelancing. In my opinion, selling your skills online as a freelancer is one of the most realistic ways to make $200 a day. ...
  2. Deliver Food. ...
  3. Make Money Blogging. ...
  4. Use Microtask & Survey Websites. ...
  5. Start An Ecommerce Business. ...
  6. Invest. ...
  7. Become A Pet Sitter. ...
  8. Find Cash Gigs With Steady.
Jul 22, 2024

How can I make $10000 a month fast? ›

In this guide, we'll share the 10 best ways to make $10,000 per month, including:
  1. Sell Private Label Rights (PLR) products 📝
  2. Start a dropshipping online business 📦
  3. Start a blog and leverage ad income 💻
  4. Freelance your skills 🎨
  5. Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) 📚
  6. Flip vintage apparel, furniture, and decor 🛋
Feb 23, 2024

How can I make $50 a day fast? ›

How To Make $50 A Day
  1. Freelance Writing.
  2. Play Games For Money.
  3. Use Paid Survey Websites.
  4. Blogging.
  5. Work As A Food Delivery Courier.
  6. Rent Out Assets.
  7. Start An Online Business.
  8. Walk Dogs For Money.
Jul 25, 2024

How can I get $500 right now? ›

What To Do When You Need $500 By Tomorrow
  • Sell Stuff You Own.
  • Use The EarnIn App.
  • Use Cash Survey Sites.
  • Pawn Stuff For Cash.
  • Borrow The Money.
  • Flip Stuff For Cash.
  • Try Gig Economy Jobs.
  • Sell Your Vehicle.
5 days ago

How to make $600 over the weekend? ›

You can find freelance gigs in writing, editing, graphic design, virtual assistance, handyman work, and errands on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and TaskRabbit. But that's not all. You can also deliver food, groceries, clothes, books, and more with money-making apps like Instacart, DoorDash, and GrubHub.

How can I make $500 a week realistically? ›

The Best Ways To Make $500 A Week
  1. Freelance Online. Freelancing online is one of the most effective ways you can boost your weekly income. ...
  2. Deliver Food. People are always hungry, and this means there's ample opportunity to make money with various food delivery services. ...
  3. Answer Online Surveys.
Jun 26, 2024

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.