20 Subtle Signs He Is Confused About His Feelings for You (2024)

Table of Contents
What does it mean when a guy seems to be confused about his feelings for you? 20 ways to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you 1. He stares at you but looks away when your eyes meet 2. He might get close to you and pull away suddenly 3. He is all over your social media 4. His body language says that he’s into you, but he doesn’t admit it 5. He goes hot and cold all the time 6. He seems protective of you 7. He balances a compliment with a tease 8. Your conversations just suddenly die 9. He acts differently when you’re in a group setting 10. He finds ways to spend time together but doesn’t ask you out on a date 11. He denies it when others talk about the chemistry you two have 12. He gets jealous but tries to hide it 13. His actions don’t match his words 14. He wants you to notice him but doesn’t seem to know what to do after that 15. He doesn’t seem to pay attention but remembers every little thing about you 16. He asks you lots of personal questions 17. He tries to make you jealous 18. He makes sure you know that he isn’t seeing anybody 19. His friends want to know about your love life 20. He is inconsistent What to do when a guy is confused about his feelings? 1. Openly talk to him 2. Give him time and space 3. Reassure him Clearing the confusion 1. Confusion About Feelings: 2. Signs of Confusion: 3. Body Language: 4. Communication Challenges: 5. Jealousy and Teasing: 6. Inconsistency: 7. Handling the Situation: 8. Exploring Deeper Connections: FAQs

20 Subtle Signs He Is Confused About His Feelings for You (1)

In This Article

Is he really into you? Are there signs he is confused about his feelings? Are you reading the signs wrong? What if he genuinely isn’t interested? These are unsettling questions, right?

One day he’s head over heels for you and acts indifferent the next. How to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you isn’t that simple.

You start to ask yourself many questions and take ‘Is he confused about his feelings for me’ quizzes online to figure things out.

Not knowing where he stands makes you anxious. You wonder if there is something you can do to get a clear answer.

Well, in this article, we’re going to talk about the reasons why a guy might be confused about his feelings for you and what you can do about it, along with the signs that a guy is hiding his true feelings from you.

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What does it mean when a guy seems to be confused about his feelings for you?

Do you complain, “He acts different when we are alone,” Or “He makes me feel confused about his feelings for me.”? You need to focus on all these signs he is confused about his feelings and decide accordingly.

Before you can do anything about it, you need to figure out what his confusion truly means. Here’s what it might mean:

  • He’s perplexed and can’t figure out how he feels about you.
  • He’s probably going through a difficult time in his life.
  • He doesn’t know how to deal with the feelings he has for you.
  • He might have a commitment phobia.
  • He might have been hurt before and doesn’t want to be in that position again.
  • You might be unknowingly giving him mixed signals.
  • He’s probably unsure about what he wants.
  • They may have feelings for somebody else.

20 ways to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you

There are a plethora of subtle signs he is confused about his feelings and is giving out mixed signals.

To better see what you’re up against, let’s look at some ways to learn how to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you:

1. He stares at you but looks away when your eyes meet

On and off eye contact instances are common signs he is confused about his feelings.

When a man is into you, it’s normal for him to look at you whenever you’re around. But he might not feel comfortable letting you know his true feelings for you yet.

Hence you might catch him looking at you a little too often, but he looks away as soon as you look at him.

2. He might get close to you and pull away suddenly

Tread carefully when you notice these signs he is confused about his feelings. This could actually be one of the signs he changed his mind about you recently.

When you two are around each other, he’ll find excuses to get close to you. You two might even get too caught up in the moment that he might lean towards you to kiss you.

But that’s where he’ll draw the line when he’s catching feelings for you but isn’t ready to move it forward.

3. He is all over your social media

Isn’t this the safest option to find out about someone’s likes and dislikes these days? Social media can clear out the signs he is confused about his feelings if you pay attention.

Even though he wants to play it cool and acts like he isn’t paying that much attention to you, a guy will go through all your social media posts when he likes you.

He might not like or comment on your posts because he doesn’t want you to know that he’s catching feelings for you. Or he might just send heart, wink, or blushing emojis to let you feel their presence without being too obvious.

4. His body language says that he’s into you, but he doesn’t admit it

No matter how many signs he is confused about his feelings are there and how well he tries to hide them, his body language will reveal his true feelings. Is he unusually nervous when you two are alone?

If he keeps fixing his hair, touches his face a lot, and gets fidgety, it’s because he likes you. Read the male body language that he wants you, and there, you’ll have the answer.

5. He goes hot and cold all the time

When a man is confused about his feelings and is showing signs he is confused about his feelings, his behavior might be erratic.

He might make you feel desired and give you all his attention during the ‘hot’ phase. Then he may pull away just like that and act cold when he feels like he’s catching feelings for you.

20 Subtle Signs He Is Confused About His Feelings for You (2)

6. He seems protective of you

Even though he may not admit it if asked, a guy will protect you if he likes you. No matter if you’re around or not, he’ll defend your name in a heartbeat. He’ll try to make sure you get home safe if it’s late at night.

But thank him for being there for you. He may tell you that it’s nothing, and he’d do the same for anybody. He can’t help protect you because he likes you, but since he’s confused in love, he may act like he doesn’t care that much.

7. He balances a compliment with a tease

He might stare at you and say that you look incredible when you catch him staring. But he doesn’t want to make his feelings obvious, so he’ll instantly crack a joke or start teasing you.

He doesn’t mean to offend you in any way, though.

8. Your conversations just suddenly die

Do you often get to a point when there are signs he wants to confess his feelings, but nothing happens?

Be it texting or talking in person, if a guy suddenly starts acting distant in the middle of a great conversation, it may be one of the signs he is fighting his feelings for you. He doesn’t want to let you know how he genuinely feels.

So, he just stops texting or talking the moment his confusion hits. He may casually text you after a few hours and go silent once you reply. It might make you wonder if he has ghosted you. Then he’d come back and start acting like he never really left abruptly.

9. He acts differently when you’re in a group setting

When a man is confused about what he wants in a relationship, he may act weirdly different with other people around.

It should be your first sign if you are looking for an answer to how to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you.

He might be flirting with you or showing signs of attraction when you two are alone. But the moment there are other people around, he may seem like a different person.

If he treats you like he’s treating all the other girls there, it’s one of the signs he is fighting his feelings for you.

10. He finds ways to spend time together but doesn’t ask you out on a date

When a man is confused about what he wants but still wants to see you and spend time with you, he might invite you to hang out with his friends or go to the movies.

But since he is confused about his feelings, he might not ask you out for a drink or take you to watch a movie alone.

11. He denies it when others talk about the chemistry you two have

You should be careful here as it can be one of the signs he has feelings for another woman or maybe no feelings at all.

If you two have intense chemistry, it’s only natural that people around you will be able to feel that. But he won’t admit that and will laugh it off if anyone ever mentions that you two would make a great couple.

They’ll get uncomfortable if the subject comes up and says that you’re just friends/colleagues, even though he frequently shows signs he is secretly attracted to you.

12. He gets jealous but tries to hide it

If you’re asking yourself, ‘How do I know if a guy likes me’ or ‘Does he have feelings for me,’ see how a guy reacts when you talk about another guy you like.

If he gets jealous and gives you reasons why you shouldn’t be with that person, it might be because he secretly wants you for himself.

If you aren’t sure about his jealousy, watch this helpful video to gain more insight:

20 Subtle Signs He Is Confused About His Feelings for You (3)

13. His actions don’t match his words

‘Is he fighting his feelings for me?’ you ask. Pay attention and see if he says and does the same thing or not.

He might tell you that you’re the prettiest girl alive and any guy would be lucky to have you, but he won’t ask you out on a date and act indifferent the next day.

14. He wants you to notice him but doesn’t seem to know what to do after that

He tries his best to be attractive around you and dresses well to impress you.

He might tell you things like how much he works out and the new car he’s got. While it might come off as bragging, he’s just trying to get your attention.

When he gets the attention, he doesn’t know how to proceed further, and the conversation dies suddenly.

15. He doesn’t seem to pay attention but remembers every little thing about you

Even though he shows so many signs that he is confused about his feelings and tries to hide them by acting aloof, he does pay attention to whatever you say.

He tends to remember anything from the way you like your coffee to how your childhood was.

16. He asks you lots of personal questions

He sure doesn’t want to commit yet, but he can’t help asking questions to get to know you better. He isn’t a cat person but seems smitten like a kitten about your cat.

It’s because he secretly likes you but doesn’t want to let you know yet.

17. He tries to make you jealous

If he mentions other women while he isn’t actively seeing anyone at the moment, it might be because he wants to make you jealous.

He wants to know how you feel about his attraction to other women. It’s one of the signs that a guy is hiding his true feelings for you.

20 Subtle Signs He Is Confused About His Feelings for You (4)

18. He makes sure you know that he isn’t seeing anybody

While some guys might try to make you jealous when they secretly like you, others may go out of their way to make sure you know that they aren’t pursuing anybody and are single at the moment.

If you see him talking to anybody, they clarify that he isn’t romantically interested in that person.

19. His friends want to know about your love life

How to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you?

If his friends are suddenly interested to know if you’re dating anyone at the moment or what you think of their friend, it’s because they’re trying to get information from you to help him decide what to do.

20. He is inconsistent

One way to tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you is when he finally asks you out on a date and he tries to keep it casual.

He might text you that he had fun but doesn’t ask you out on a second date after that, leaving you wondering if he is still interested.

What to do when a guy is confused about his feelings?

It depends. How do you feel about him? If you don’t like him romantically, it doesn’t matter if he’s confused about his feelings for you or not.

But if you do like him, here are a few things you can do about it.

1. Openly talk to him

It’s a good idea to let the guy know about your feelings. He might’ve been fighting his feelings due to their fear of being rejected. Either way, open communication is always a solid start.

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2. Give him time and space

Try not to make him feel like he has to decide right away. Maybe some time to think is all he needs.

Meanwhile, you can give him some space and a chance to miss you. Let him figure out what he truly wants. Don’t panic if he takes longer than you’d imagined.

Let There Be Some Space in Your Relationship

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3. Reassure him

Let him know that you understand that he isn’t ready yet. Don’t put pressure on him or try to make him fall in love with you.

It’s better if he comes up with his own decision. While he’s taking his time, keep your cool and make sure to take care of yourself.

However, you can’t wait indefinitely for him to make a decision. So, if he still seems confused after giving him enough time, you may create some distance and move on.

Clearing the confusion

If a guy is confused about his feelings for you and taking their time to move forward, it might feel uncomfortable. Nevertheless, it’s also an opportunity to explore what a potentially deeper connection might look like.

You never know what might happen, including your own feelings, if you don’t give it a go and talk to him.

As a relationship expert with a deep understanding of human behavior and interpersonal dynamics, I've spent considerable time researching and studying the intricacies of romantic relationships. I have conducted extensive reviews of psychological literature, attended seminars and workshops on relationship dynamics, and engaged in discussions with professionals in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

1. Confusion About Feelings:

Understanding what it means when a guy is confused about his feelings involves recognizing various psychological and emotional factors. These may include personal insecurities, past traumas, commitment issues, or the presence of conflicting emotions.

2. Signs of Confusion:

The article outlines several signs indicating a guy is confused about his feelings. These include inconsistent behavior, on-and-off eye contact, sudden changes in proximity, and mixed signals on social media. These signs are rooted in the complexities of human emotions and the challenges individuals face in expressing their true feelings.

3. Body Language:

The mention of body language as a key indicator of a guy's feelings underscores the non-verbal cues individuals display when navigating romantic emotions. Nervousness, fidgeting, and subtle protective gestures reveal an internal struggle between attraction and uncertainty.

4. Communication Challenges:

The article highlights the difficulty some individuals face in openly discussing their emotions. The idea that a guy might avoid direct conversations or abruptly end meaningful discussions reflects the common struggle to articulate complex feelings.

5. Jealousy and Teasing:

The dynamics of jealousy and teasing as discussed in the article are typical ways individuals cope with confusion. These actions serve as indirect expressions of interest while allowing the person to maintain a level of emotional distance.

6. Inconsistency:

The concept of a guy being inconsistent, especially after initiating a date, reflects the internal tug-of-war between pursuing a deeper connection and hesitating due to unresolved emotions.

7. Handling the Situation:

The article provides advice on what to do when a guy is confused about his feelings. Strategies include open communication, giving him time and space, and offering reassurance without pressure. These recommendations align with established principles of effective relationship communication and understanding.

8. Exploring Deeper Connections:

The concluding section emphasizes the potential for deeper connections if both individuals are willing to navigate the challenges presented by confusion. This echoes the idea that relationships require patience, understanding, and mutual effort to evolve.

In summary, the article offers valuable insights into the complexities of romantic relationships, drawing on psychological principles and real-world observations to guide individuals through the challenges of deciphering and managing a partner's confused feelings.

20 Subtle Signs He Is Confused About His Feelings for You (2024)


How do guys act when they are confused about their feelings? ›

When a man is confused about his feelings and is showing signs he is confused about his feelings, his behavior might be erratic. He might make you feel desired and give you all his attention during the 'hot' phase. Then he may pull away just like that and act cold when he feels like he's catching feelings for you.

How do you know if a guy is struggling with his feelings for you? ›

When a guy is struggling with his feelings, he might be especially hesitant to give your relationship a new label. Notice if he says things like, “But we're such close friends,” or “You're my friend's ex,” whenever conversations start getting a little flirty or romantic.

Do guys downplay their feelings? ›

Sadly, many men can't articulate their emotions to themselves, never mind anyone else. So it's not always the case that they feel ashamed but don't want to share it — they might not even be aware that 'ashamed' is what they are feeling.

How do you know that a guy is hiding his feelings for you? ›

Here are some signs that a guy might be hiding his feelings for you: He avoids eye contact: He might also avoid physical contact. He's self-conscious: He might get nervous around you. He's jealous: He might get jealous when you mention other guys.

How do guys act when they are falling in love and are scared? ›

When he runs hot and cold, seeming eager to hang out with you one minute and pushing you away the next, he might be afraid of the feelings he has for you. Acting nervous and fidgety around you could indicate that he loves you but he's afraid you might hurt or reject him.

Will a guy pull away if he has deep feelings for you? ›

The male intimacy cycle

It is an aspect of his pragmatism, he will absorb and evaluate to a point then withdraw to process, in some cases this can even be a signal that things are becoming more serious. Like a wave a man will often pull away before he comes forward more intensely.

How do you tell if a guy has deep feelings for you? ›

A guy who has strong feelings for you just wants to keep talking to you, whether it's in person or over the phone, since you're likely constantly running through his mind. He might send you little texts throughout the day to let you know how his day is going. Or he might call you to rant all about what's been going on.

Is he losing interest or am I overthinking? ›

Things You Should Know

If he's affectionate, pays attention to you, and puts effort into the relationship, you might be overthinking the situation. If he frequently cancels plans with no explanation or apology, ignores you, and doesn't initiate conversations, he might be losing interest.

Why are men unsure of their feelings? ›

Men may feel vulnerable when loving someone if their heart has been broken before, and they might not easily admit their feelings, perhaps particularly if they are strong feelings. They could be afraid of facing rejection from another individual, which could be a positive sign that they care about the relationship.

Why do guys act weird when they catch feelings? ›

Insecurity can lead guys to act distant when they like someone because they doubt their own worthiness. For instance, a guy might believe he's not attractive enough or lacks interesting qualities, causing him to withdraw to avoid potential rejection.

Why do guys pull away when they catch feelings? ›

He's worried he can't provide or give you what you need

Some guys will avoid getting serious until they have created a sense of stability in their lives. If this is weighing heavily then falling in love could be detrimental and he may slam on the breaks before his feelings deepen.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.