20 Unique Ways to Attract More Landlords & Leads (2024)

Are you looking for more effective ways on how to find landlords, buyers and sellers to your agency? If so, then read on. In this guide you will learn new strategies on how to get more landlords as a letting agent by looking at numerous channels you can explore in order to start achieving better results and boost your reputation.

Being able to attract landlords, buyers and sellers can mean the difference between getting the outcome you require and seeing your business fail.

You may have a great deal of competition against you when it comes to attracting landlords and getting landlord leads, but there are many steps you can take to get yourself noticed and draw property owners away from the competition.

Agencies tend to find it harder to attract landlords than tenants. There are not a lot and competition is tough. Marketing to landlords takes a lot of planning and effort. The key to attracting landlords involves working out where to find them and making sure you can be seen when they are looking for services like yours.

Let’s take a look at some of the main ways to attract landlords, buyers and sellers to your estate agency.

1. Use Online Advertising Portals

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Landlords, buyers, sellers and tenants spend a great deal of time on the main advertising portals likeZoopla,rightmove,OnTheMarket,Primelocationetc. It’s vital that you have a presence on the most high-profile areas such as these sites, so if you’re not already on these, rectify this as soon as you can.

Take advantage of online resources, they are free. Put more focus on these sites and do more research if you can. This is a very effective way on how to target landlords and how to get landlord leads.

2. Look for Homes To Let in Your Target Area

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How to find landlords for letting aganecy might be easier than it may seen. It can be wise to drive around local areas to see which homes have ‘to let’ or ‘for sale’ outsides outside of them.

Drop your business cards or other printed marketing materials through the letterbox as chances are landlords will be entering and existing these properties on a regular basis and won’t be able to miss your leaflets, brochures or other printed marketing resources.

Even if landlords are already working with agencies, you may be able to offer them a better deal than the one they are currently receiving, so don’t give up hope just because they’re currently using someone else’s services.

You could be able to offer them a better deal to the one they are currently receiving, even if they’re not quite yet free to take their business elsewhere.

3. Attend Auctions to Meet Landlords

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Why not hand out leaflets at local property auctions? These events attract scores of landlords and are an obvious channel to take advantage of.

The more properties a landlord has, the more challenging things may be for them, so you could come to rescue and manage a whole string of homes on their behalf.

4. Use Leaflet Distribution

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It’s vital that we don’t undervalue printed materials like leaflets. Business cards are incredibly useful, but leaflets will allow you to communicate more information including large colourful pictures due to their size.

Scour the market for quality marketing companies in your local area so you can obtain the right printed materials for your needs.

Have you been impressed by any other printed marketing materials you’ve seen recently? If so, why not get in touch with the companies that produced them if you can?They can help you in how to market to landlords.

It’s a good idea to speak to three or four different companies to see what they have to offer so you can come to an informed decision.

You can work with us too! We can help improve how to get landlords for letting agency. At Leaflet Distribution Team, we work with letting agents and estate agents to find new landlords everyday. We provide targeted leafleting campaigns that help our clients gain a foothold in their market area and beat off the competition.

If we do not cover your area, find another reliable distribution company that can help you get your brand out there so when someone needs to sell or rent their property, they think of you first.

5. Post Classified Ads Consistently

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Many landlords head to property classifieds sections on local websites and in regional newspapers when they require certain services, so make sure you have a presence there.

Look at supermarket noticeboards too as you can obtain a great deal of information about local landlords and the properties they are trying to market there.

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Very few of today’s companies don’t have a presence on social media. Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms allow you to boost your audience and client base without spending a great deal of money.

The more interesting your posts are, the more likely it is they will be shared. Interesting content can encourage would-be clients and customers to follow you on social media, so you’re regularly in their thoughts.

Why not look for relevant community pages on Facebook and post there? Keep an eye on the comments so you can step in if you feel you could provide a solution to a problem.

7. Setup A Referral Scheme

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These schemes can play a pivotal role when it comes to getting your existing customers and clients to tell other people about you.

You can use discounts and prizes to encourage current renters, buyers, sellers and landlords to put people in need of your services in touch with you.

Asking people to tell their friends and family members can be an excellent move.

8. Offer to Give Free Advice

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Providing free advice to landlords, buyers, sellers and tenants can lead to them paying for your services, so never be afraid to offer useful tips to those who need them as they could become a valuable part of your customer network.

Even if those concerned don’t need your services right now, they may well require them later.

9. Go to Networking Events

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You’re always like to see a number of landlords and investors at local business events. These events can be worth their weight in gold when it comes to meeting new clients.

You may even wish to start putting on your own events as well as attending those run by other people. Keep an eye out for local property investor meet-ups.

10. Make Use of Your Business Cards

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Never underestimate the value of business cards, and make sure you have a presence in local shops and on noticeboards.

Think about places where landlords, tenants, buyers and sellers go and make sure you have a presence there.

Consider placing posters, business cards and suchlike in students’ unions, blocks of flats, takeaways, key-cutting shops, banks, DIY stores and more.

11. Collaborate and Team Up With Other Local Businesses

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Working with cleaning companies to give just one example can be a very good move.

You can build up mutually-beneficial relationships of real value with cleaning companies, so why not agree to recommend each other’s’ services to clients?

Why not build up a relationship with local mortgage advisors and other financial experts? Locksmiths are also great for entering into business relationships with.

12. Build A Quality Website for Your Business

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Your website should act as your online shop window. The more professional it looks, the more people will should want to do business with you.

Building a high-quality website can take time, but there are many companies on the market able to do this for you without charging you the earth.

Always feel free to give the company as much information about your initial ideas as you like, and ask as many questions as you feel you need to.

Take a look at competitor websites for ideas.

13. Optimise Your Website for Search Engines

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You need to feature high in search engine ranking pages when landlords type in relevant terms.

For instance, if you’re based in Manchester, you need to rank well for phrases like “Manchester letting agency” as well as “London homes to rent” and other relevant terms.

If you don’t have your own-in house team, it’s wise to outsource SEO tasks to a digital agency. There are things you can do for yourself without relying on an external team.

These include making sure you appear on Google Places and other key online areas. Make sure your agency features on online business directories.

14. Use Blogging to Drive Traffic to Your Website

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The search engines treat regular fresh content, so it’s wise to update your site the latest news and opinion pieces on a regular basis.

Fresh content will also help you establish yourself as a leading player in your field. Make sure you post your new content to your social media feeds to attract as many people to your website as possible.

Post content aimed at industry professionals, landlords, buyers, sellers and tenants. Make sure your posts are optimised for SEO and have relevant keywords in them potential clients and customers are likely to search for.

As an estate agent, creating compelling content can be a great way to attract potential buyers or renters and showcase your properties. However, with so much information available online, it can be challenging to make your content stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips for creating engaging content that will capture the attention of your target audience:

  1. Use storytelling: People are naturally drawn to stories, so use this to your advantage by weaving narratives into your property descriptions. For example, instead of simply listing the features of a property, tell a story about how a family could enjoy the spacious garden or entertain guests in the open-plan living area.
  2. Be informative: Providing useful information about the local area, such as the best schools, parks, and amenities, can help potential buyers or renters feel more confident about their decision to move. Include details about the history of the neighbourhood or upcoming events that showcase the area’s character and vibrancy.
  3. Include high-quality visuals: Humans are visual creatures, and great visuals can make all the difference in attracting potential buyers or renters. Use high-quality photos and videos to showcase the property’s best features and create a sense of ambiance.
  4. Be authentic: Avoid using generic stock photos or recycled content, as this can make your brand appear impersonal and untrustworthy. Instead, create authentic content that reflects your unique brand voice and values. Personalize your descriptions by highlighting unique features and details that make each property stand out.
  5. Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to content creation. Develop a content calendar and stick to it, creating a steady stream of fresh and informative content that resonates with your audience.

By using storytelling, being informative, including high-quality visuals, being authentic, and maintaining consistency, you can create content that captures the attention of potential buyers and renters and sets your estate agency apart from the rest.

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There are many video production companies that can produce exciting and compelling clips about your agency on your behalf.

There are many ways you can use video to attract would be buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants.

‘Meet the team’ videos help you give your brand a human face, whilst videos focusing on issues relevant to your audience can also help you win the right people over and encourage them to choose you over your rivals.

More and more people are watching videos on the move, so you don’t even need to wait until they are at their laptops to gain their attention.

16. Network in Your Own Time

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Never miss an opportunity to tell others about your service, even out of business hours. Talking to new people in pubs, clubs, shops and other public places about your business is a great way to get exposure.

Even if the people you’re talking to don’t currently need your services, there’s every chance they’ll know someone that does.

A great deal of estate agency custom can stem from informal chats, and you may well be surprised to see just how much interest they can generate.

Always listen to as much feedback from your clients and other property experts as you can so you can continue to boost your knowledge of market matters.

Keep up with the latest property developments so you can carry on offering in-depth advice to your clients and make changes to your service whenever they are needed.

There are many ways you can start attracting the clients and customers you need for your business to thrive without spending more than you can afford.

It’s wise to explore every avenue available to you so you can get as many landlords as possible on board, whilst doing everything in your power to attract as many buyers and sellers as you can.

The best stage agencies always take on board what their clients have to say and go the extra mile to create as much exposure for their brand as they realistically can.

It’s wise to employ as series of online and offline marketing techniques to enhance your chances of reaching your goals.

17. Competitions and Prizes

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Offering competitions and prizes can seem expensive but they can represent a remarkable return-on-investment. Remember, whilst you’re giving a service away, you’re also creating exposure for your brand.

Why not get involved in a local charity event and give one of your services away as part of it?

18. Find Quality Sing Makers That Help You Stand out

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There are many high-quality companies offering eye-catching signs for properties for sale and to let.

You’ll need to build up a robust relationship with a sign-making company as this is a service you’ll constantly need, so it is wise to spend time looking for the right organisation rather than simply agreeing to work with the first company you speak to.

Daylight Signs is a reputable sign maker based in London with a growing client base and a strong media presence.

19. Get in Touch With Old Clients

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Don’t be afraid to get in touch with people who have used your services in the past. Even if your relationship seemed to have come to an end some time ago, they may well require your services again.

You could decide to contact old clients and customers around 10 months since you last heard from them.

Many rental contracts last for 12 months, so tenants may be looking for somewhere new to live once three-quarters of the year have passed, whilst landlords may need to fill their property with someone new.

20. Give Cold Calling A Go

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Another route you can explore to get the attention of landlords is to cold-call them. This may seem daunting but it can also be incredibly effective.

Many leading agencies have built up sizeable databases of landlords by doing this, growing their client base significantly.

Some landlords advertise to would-be tenants directly in the classified ads, so don’t hesitate to call them up to see if your services could be of value to them.

They may have struggled to find the right tenants for their properties – tell them you could use your vast expertise to help them find suitable people.

If you are still asking how to attract landlords to my letting agency, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss your options.

How to find landlords for a letting agency

When it comes to growing a letting agency or if you at the beginning of your journey and starting a letting agency, finding new landlords to work with is a crucial step. Building a strong network of landlords can help you fill your rental vacancies more quickly, increase your revenue, and establish a good reputation in the market.

So, how do you find landlords for your letting agency? Here are a few tips:

Referral Program: Word-of-mouth referrals are powerful marketing tools. Encourage your current landlords to refer friends or colleagues who may have properties to let. Offer them a referral incentive, such as a discount on management fees, to sweeten the deal.

Advertising: Advertise your services through local newspapers, flyers, and online platforms like social media and classified ads websites.
Networking: Attend meetings of local property investment clubs, real estate conferences, and landlord associations to meet possible landlords. You can also connect with landlords who are looking for letting agents by joining online property networks or forums.

Property Portals: Search for properties posted by private landlords on online property portals such as Rightmove, Zoopla, and OnTheMarket. You may also use these platforms to market your services to potential landlords.

Send personalised letters to local property owners describing your renting agency and the services you provide. Include a call to action, such as a free consultation or a property listing.

Collaboration with Other Professionals: Collaborate with mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and property lawyers whose clients may be seeking for letting agents. Working together increases your chances of finding new landlords and establishing vital industry ties.

Remember that creating a solid rental portfolio requires time and effort, so be persistent and patient in your efforts. You can locate new landlords and build a reputation as a reliable rental agency in your region if you take the appropriate approach.

20 Unique Ways to Attract More Landlords & Leads (2024)
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