201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (2024)

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Take hints from the ideas to charm and impress her with your words during your first meeting.

Reviewed by Roma Williams, LMFT 201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (1) Roma WilliamsLMFT 201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (2)201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (3)

Written by Sneha Tete, Beauty & Lifestyle Writer 201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (4) sneha teteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer 201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (5) Experience: 4 years

Edited by Shatabdi Bhattacharya, Associate Editor 201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (6) shatabdi bhattacharyaAssociate Editor Experience: 2.5 years

201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (7)

Image: Shutterstock

Cute pick up lines can help you get past the awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time. The initial impression you make is memorable, so make it count. If you are looking for the best pick up lines for girls, you are in luck. We have compiled a list of the best pickup lines that you can use at a moment’s notice to flirt with that special someone and get their attention.

Find a pick up line that will appeal to both you and your crush. Finally, don’t give up if your attempts fail. Perhaps, there is someone out there who would appreciate your sense of humor and be happy that you are interested in them. Here are a few ideas!

In This Article

201 Pick-Up Lines That Are Guaranteed To Work

In the world of dating, compliments can be powerful tools for igniting romance as they serve as effective icebreakers and seduction techniques. Here are some of the best pick-up lines:

A. Best Pick Up Lines

  1. If I had a choice between watching the Olympics and talking to you, I would rather talk to you. The Olympics happen once every four years, but the chance of meeting a person like you happens only once in a lifetime.
  2. I bet stoplights turn red every time you pass by. Even it would want to stare at you a bit longer.
  3. You have lonely lips – should I introduce them to mine?
  4. Are you the devil? You are definitely as hot as hell!
  5. Hershey’s creates millions of “kisses” every day – I am only asking for one from you.
  6. I need to run to the nearest bakery to order a sweet dish like you!
  7. Thief! You stole my heart, and you gotta give me yours if you want to keep mine.
  8. Excuse me, could you check if there is something wrong with my eyes? I just can’t take them off you!
  9. That show off! (Who?) God! He must have been showing off when he made you.
  10. If God made anything more gorgeous than you, he is not going to send him on earth.
  11. Are you Espresso coffee? Coz, damn, you are so fine!
  12. sh*t, there is something wrong with my phone! I can’t find your number on it.
  13. I am working on a presentation on the finer things in life, could I put your picture in?
  14. Are you at the wrong office? The modeling agency is on the next block.
  15. If you were a McDonald’s burger, you would be McHottie.
  16. If you were words on a page, people would need glasses – you are what they call FINE PRINT!
  17. Hi, I am The One, someone said you were looking for me? What can I do for you?
  18. Are you a vegetable? Because you look like a cute-cumber!
  19. Hey, are you Google? You’ve got everything I was searching for.
  20. Excuse me! Can I have a kiss? I promise I’ll return it.
  21. Please let me take a picture of you? I wanna show everyone that angels are real.
  22. You must be a chapstick. ‘Cause damn! You da balm!
  23. By any chance, do you have a map? I think I’m getting lost in your eyes.
  24. The way I am falling for you, I think I’ve become a snowflake!
  25. Hey, there! Do you have a pen? I want to write out our future together.
  26. May I walk behind you? My mom told me to follow my dreams.
  27. Are you a loan? You surely have my interest.
  28. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
  29. You sure you’re not the sun? ‘Cause you light up my life.
  30. You feel like autumn – a breath of fresh air in my life.
  31. You’re like a book, but better. I can hold your hand while you take me to a different world.
  32. Were you made by the bees? ‘Cause baby, you’re sweet as honey.
  33. You’re like the moon, lighting up my darkest nights.
  34. Do you believe in destiny? Because I think you’re mine.

Related: 59 Best Valentine’s Day Pick-Up Lines

201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (9) Quick Tip

Even the wittiest pick up line for girls won’t work if you do not look and sound confident. Keep a smile on your face, maintain eye contact, and have an overall positive attitude to appear genuine.

These pick up lines for girls can get the conversation started on a flirty note. Starting off with a simple introduction and uninteresting talk may fail to create a spark. Keep a few flirty lines for girls at hand to use at the next party night to stand out in the crowd.

B. Funny Pick-Up Lines

  1. Without you, my life is like a broken pencil – pointless.
  2. I sneezed, and God blessed me with you!
  3. Oh my! I do hope you know CPR – because you take my breath away!
  4. Do you have a sunburn or something? Or, are you always this hot?
  5. Do you have a fever? (No!) Oh – you look so hot to me!
  6. You have to stop, drop, and roll right now! Coz darling, you are on fire.
  7. My friends just bet that I am too shy to start a conversation with the hottest guy in the bar. Want to buy some drinks with the money they will lose?
  8. You without me is like a nerd without braces, shoes without laces, and asentencewithoutspaces.
  9. I have heard nothing lasts forever. Want to be my nothing?
  10. (Start jingling your keys) These keys are useless! I need the one to your heart.
  11. Are you Prince Charming? Because I need to find him before my shoe disappears at midnight!
  12. Wow! Even if there was no gravity on the earth, I would still fall hard for you!
  13. I am not a photographer, but I sure can picture us together.
  14. I gotta show you the most handsome man I have ever seen. (Give him the phone with the front camera on)
  15. If a million artists painted for a million years, they would not be able to create a work of art as amazing as you.
  16. My name is (your name), but you can call ‘me’ whenever you want!
  17. Just let me tie your shoelaces; I don’t want you falling for anybody else.
  18. You might as well be a parking ticket because you’ve got FINE written all over you!
  19. I’m guessing you’re made of copper and tellurium, ‘cause you’re Cu-Te!
  20. You’re my favorite interior designer. You light up the room just by entering it.
  21. You remember the number Pi? Never-ending and irrational – that’s how my love is for you.
  22. Are you a cat person? ‘Cause you’re purr-fect!
  23. The delivery person must often confuse you with “the whole package.”
  24. If you were in the KFC menu, you’d be a Fiery Hot Wing!
  25. Excuse me, hello! I think you owe me a drink. I just dropped mine staring at you.
  26. You know? If I get to rearrange the English alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
  27. Should I call you “my crush” or do you have a name?
  28. Are you a painter? ‘Cause you are surely drawing me in!
  29. Damn! The colors in your eyes! No wonder the sky is dark.
  30. You wanna go to a doctor? I think you have a deficiency of vitamin ME!
  31. God, you’re pretty! You know what you’d look prettier in? My arms.
  32. So listen, I wanted to thank you. The smile you gave looks pretty good on me.
  33. I’m serious about following my dreams. Give me your Insta ID, please?
  34. Should we go to the ocean? ‘Cause I think we “mermaid” for each other.

Related: 101 Cute, Smooth, Funny, And Flirty Pick-Up Lines For Him

It is a winning moment to have the girl laugh over some funny pick up lines aimed at her. Corny pick up lines delivered with the right amount of humor and swag displays your confidence level. You can use these at a party, wedding, grocery store, or dating app.

C. Cute Pick-Up Lines

  1. Are you a thief? I can totally see the diamonds you stole and hid in your eyes.
  2. Here’s an idea for the perfect crime: I will steal your heart, and you can steal mine back.
  3. No wonder the sky is all cloudy and gray today, all the blue is hiding in your eyes.
  4. According to Dr. Phil’s theory, I am afraid of intimacy. Want to prove him wrong?
  5. What are you doing after this? Asking because I want to spend my life with you.
  6. You gotta be a kidnapper – you just abducted my heart!
  7. I don’t know which is more mesmerizing – your smile or your eyes!
  8. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but you are the one I would like to catch.
  9. If you were meant to be a triangle, you would be ‘acute’ one.
  10. Was that an earthquake? (no!) Well, maybe you just rocked my world!
  11. Were you in Boy Scouts as a kid? Coz you have tied my heart into a knot I can’t untie.
  12. I wish I was cross-eyed, so you wouldn’t know I was staring at you.
  13. Why is it so dark in here? Oh! It is because all of the light is within you.
  14. Hey, I know you! You are the guy with the gorgeous smile.
  15. It is not my fault that I am falling for you, you literally tripped me!
  16. I am learning about important dates in history. Do you want to be one of them?
  17. Hey, you dropped something! (Placing your hand in hers) My hand… That’s better!
  18. You know, they say that love makes your reality better than dreams. Now I know why I don’t feel sleepy.
  19. Let’s get you a foot massage, shall we? Your feet must be hurting from you running through my mind all night.
  20. By the way, do you like my shirt? It’s made of boyfriend material.
  21. Hey, what are you doing here? They are searching for you at the museum! They’re missing a piece of art!
  22. Hey! Remember me from last night? Oh right, sorry. That was in my dreams.
  23. I’m sorry, were you saying something to me? (No). Well then, please do.
  24. Hey! (Stretch out your hand) Would you pinch me? You’re so pretty! I wanna make sure I’m not dreaming.
  25. I’m gonna need your name and number for insurance purposes. I was blinded by your beauty.
  26. Do you like dry fruits? (Yes/No) How about a date then?
  27. Wanna go outside and help me catch a breath? You actually took it away.
  28. Do you think I am cute or should I buy you another drink?
  29. My life is great. I asked God if it would get even better? And here you are.
  30. Pretty, I get. But how on earth do you look so delicious?
  31. Those are some pretty hands you have. You know, they’d look better in mine.
  32. I was sure ‘happiness’ started with the letter H until I met U.


Sometimes you realize that the girl may not like flirting lines as such, you should then take a tactical approach with some funny jokes to get the conversation started. Drop these cute pick up lines for girls within the conversation. They will make sure that you don’t go overboard while trying to impress the girl.

D. Stupid Pick-Up Lines

  1. Goodness! I think just located the treasure I have been searching for!
  2. You give new meaning to the word “delicious”.
  3. Is your dad an art thief? Because, honey, you are a masterpiece.
  4. You must be an alien! You have just abducted my heart!
  5. Hey, my name’s Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?
  6. Do you have an extra heart? Mine appears to have been stolen.
  7. Every single time I see you, my heart gets all worked up.
  8. If gorgeousness was time, you would be eternity.
  9. Excuse me, are you a magician? I am asking you because whenever I glance at you, everyone else disappears.
  10. Someone vacuum this guy’s lap, I think I need a clean place to sit.
  11. Is the air-conditioning not working here, or is it you heating up the room?
  12. Looks like you made me drop something – my jaw!
  13. (Ask if you can take a photo of him.) Sorry, I just wanted to show my mom what my dream guy looks like.
  14. Are you a keyboard? Well, you sure are my type.
  15. Is your dad an alien? ‘Cause you look out of this world!
  16. Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I can feel a connection.
  17. My attraction towards you is an inversed square law.
  18. Your eyes are as blue as the ocean. And I think I am drowning in them.
  19. Hey, is it just me or do you too feel that we are destined to be married?
  20. My tooth feels really sensitive. I shouldn’t talk to you – you are toooo sweet!
  21. You are so sweet, you can put Dairy Milk out of business.
  22. Are you a football player? ‘Cause you look like a keeper.
  23. Did you fall? Angels should be in heaven, right?
  24. Well, I found my way to you. Tell me your other two wishes?
  25. Are you from Paris? ‘Cause Eiffel for you!
  26. Do your parents own a bakery? ‘Cause you’re sweeter than eclairs.
  27. Oh my goodness, did a storm roll in? Oh no… You just blew me away!
  28. Ah, it’s just you! I thought the sun came out.
  29. I’m not an electrician, but I could surely light up your day.
  30. You must be an assassin… ‘Cause I’d pay anything to have you take me out.
  31. I’m hot. You’re hot. We’re not safe inside. Let me take you out?
  32. Are you a 90-degree angle? ‘Cause darling, you look so right!
  33. I bet you $100 that you are going to reject me.
  34. Kissing burns 5-26 calories per minute. How much do you wanna lose?
  35. Let’s have a toss. Heads, I take you out. Tails, you take me out.
  36. I heard you have got a crush on me. No? Well, try.
  37. Excuse me, hey! So, I think I’m a bit lost. Would you mind helping me find the right direction to…your heart?
  38. Hey, step aside. I may be falling for you a bit too hard.
  39. Liquor, I can hold. But you, my darling, are a different type of intoxication.
  40. Dancing isn’t where I shine, but I’m ready to embarrass myself for a chance to hold you.
  41. I think you should buy me a dictionary. You have left me speechless!
  42. If I had to assign a flower to you, it’d be a damnnn-delion!
  43. I think I’m gonna call the cops. It has to be illegal to look that gorgeous.

With the best pick up line, used at the right moment, you could be on your way to the first date night. Using pick up lines to impress a girl can break the awkwardness. The above simple, flirty lines used in online conversation can level up your one-liner game and get them from the phone to your first date.

E. Weird Pick-Up Lines

  1. Let’s just share a bottle of wine, and I will make you mine.
  2. The government just collapsed. Quick, have your way with me!
  3. Are you a light bulb? Because this room lit up the moment you entered.
  4. Do you mind if I check you out – I like the finer things in life.
  5. I heard a plane – is there an airport nearby? Oh, never mind, it is just my heart taking off.
  6. Is your father a jewel thief? Because you look like a rare gem to me.
  7. What do I want for my birthday? You!
  8. If you would be a steak, you are definitely well done.
  9. Are you busy tonight at 2:00 AM?
  10. I am (your name), nice to meet you, Mr. Hot.
  11. If your eyes were the sea, I would swim in them forever.
  12. If you were a teardrop in my eyes, I would never cry because I would be too afraid of losing you.
  13. You want to know what’s double and inviting? (Surprised look) My bed!
  14. Sorry, I can’t hold on anymore! sh*t, now I have fallen for you.
  15. Hey, sexy! You make my knees weak, palms sweaty, and arms spaghetti!
  16. Thereeee you are! Do you know how long I have been looking for you? Yes, you, the man of my dreams!
  17. Do you happen to know karate? Because sweetheart, your body is really kicking!
  18. Besides being sexy, what else do you do for a living?
  19. You realize how lucky you are? (Why?) I’m still single.
  20. I understand we are not sneakers, but we still make a great pair!
  21. Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on a date with me?
  22. I don’t understand one-night stands. And who would, looking at you?
  23. Hey, is there anything else worth seeing around here besides you?
  24. I have no idea who you are. But the important thing is, I’d like to know.
  25. Having a weakness is totally normal. However, I didn’t know you’d become mine.
  26. Don’t you think we’d look great as sugar marzipan figurines on a cake?
  27. Hey, I was looking across the room and just thought sitting beside you will give me a better view of what I want to see.
  28. Damn, your looks! You make the hottest supermodels fall short!
  29. Hey, clear your dates. You need to be at my wedding. Wouldn’t it be weird without the bride?
  30. Your eyes speak volumes, but I still can’t figure out your name.
  31. So, what do you do apart from being absolutely irresistible?
  32. I’m a magician. I just need your number and you’ll have a date tomorrow.
  33. I’m a mover. I can help you move on from your current man…
  34. I think I lost my keys. I’ll let you take me home with you.
  35. You know, they say kissing is the language of love. And I’d really like a conversation with you.
  36. (In a bookstore or library) All these bestsellers out there and, yet, you’re my favorite one!

Related: 164 Best Pick-Up Lines For Her To Up Your Flirting Game

201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (11) Quick Tip

Have a strategy before throwing a pick-up line. You can’t expect a positive reaction and a genuine connection unless you know how to build off and continue the conversation.

F. Amazing Pick-Up Lines

  1. May I have the honor of flirting with you?
  2. Oh, so you are the reason women fall in love!
  3. You know, hottie, my lips can’t just kiss themselves…
  4. I am not drunk, I am just intoxicated by your presence.
  5. Who needs the sun when your eyes can light up the whole world?
  6. My bed is a little uncomfortable. Would you like to help me fix it?
  7. How many girlfriends have you had? (He says ‘4’) Could I make that 5?
  8. People often confuse me with a tic-tac. Want to freshen your breath?
  9. People often confuse me with a Tic-Tac. (They give you a questioning look or ask why.) I can help you freshen your breath.
  10. Quick, somebody needs to call the bomb squad. Can’t you see, you are a bomb?!
  11. Could you please call an ambulance? Your sexiness is killing me!
  12. Boy, if I were a fly, I would be all over you, you are too sweet!
  13. Boy, if I were an ant, I would be all over you, you are too sweet!
  14. I have a good memory, but you made me forget my pickup line.
  15. Hey, God bless you! Oh, wait. He already did.
  16. Oh my God! You look exactly like my next girlfriend.
  17. I’m not religious, but you still look like the answer to my prayers.
  18. I just noticed you noticing me, noticing you. So, hi, I’m (your name).
  19. There, finally! Where were you? I’ve been looking all over for the woman of my dreams.
  20. So, do you have more time or are you supposed to return to heaven soon?
  21. Are you autocorrect? Because you make everything make sense.
  22. If I were an octopus and you broke my heart, I’d give you the other two as well.

Infographic: Cheeky Movie Pick-up Lines

Good pick up lines are great conversation starters and can help break the ice when you have met someone you want to impress. But, if you do it, you must do it well and confidently. Check out this infographic for some of the sassiest pick-up lines used in movies for inspiration.

201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (13)


Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Get the high-quality PDF version of this infographic.

201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (14)

Now that we have it all sorted for you, go ahead and make the best use of the examples that fit your purpose perfectly. Of course, you can get creative and tweak the flirty lines given above to make them more relatable. After all, your intent should be to convey your message the right way to the girl of your dreams. Just remember that your pick-up lines should not offend anyone. Yes, they can be corny, funny, and romantic, but your purpose will only fail if they are offensive. So, be wise while framing your pick up lines for your girlfriend.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to ask a girl for her phone number through good pickup lines?

You can try pick-up lines like “There seems to be a devastating problem. I do not have your number.” You can try witty or funny pickup lines to make her laugh, and then respond with, “I’m only one call away.”

Which pick-up line can impress your girl/crush?

If you want to impress your crush, opt for witty and intelligent lines for girls(but don’t be Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, unless she likes that). You can try something snarky and sarcastic, but don’t offend anyone.

What are some pick-up lines to make her trust you?

Honest pick-up lines about how she makes you feel are the best to make her trust you.

Are pickup lines for girls more effective in person or online?

Two aspects come into play here. First, it depends on the woman’s communication preferences. Some introverted women prefer to communicate online, while extroverted women prefer in person interactions. Second, it can be hard to decipher the intent and tone of an online pick-up line, which is why most people prefer in person ones.

How do you know if a pick-up line for girls is too cheesy or too forward?

Cheesy pick up lines for her can be cute, corny, and straight-up obvious. With the right words, they are sure to make anyone smile. A good rule of thumb is to keep it light, respectful, and avoid being too forward.

Are cheesy lines for girls still effective?

Cheesy pick-up lines may get a reaction, but they are not necessarily effective in creating a genuine connection or establishing a romantic relationship.

What are some signs that a woman is not interested in a pick-up line?

Disinterest, avoiding eye contact, and not responding or giving short answers are all signs that a woman is not interested in a pick-up line. Observe the person for a while before you use sexy pickup lines as you do not want to offend the person.

Key Takeaways

  • Show your playful side by using these quirky and funny pick-up lines to break the ice and make a memorable impression on girls.
  • While some pick-up lines may work universally, it’s essential to consider the context and personality of the girl you are approaching to ensure your line lands successfully.
  • Opt for light-hearted and witty pick-up lines rather than overly cheesy or offensive ones to avoid making her uncomfortable.

Check out the video below for the best pickup lines to help you impress a girl! Get ready to make a lasting impression and sweep her off her feet!

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201 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.