2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (2024)

This Page's Content Was Last Updated:

January 19, 2024

2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (1)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (2) WOWA Trusted and Transparent

What You Should Know

  • 2024 is expected to be the year when inflation returns to the Bank of Canada target of 2%.
  • BoC is expected to cut its policy rate and approach the neutral rate.
  • Mortgage rates are expected to decline through 2024.

What Will Mortgage Rates be in 2024?

See WOWA’s mortgage interest rate expectation/forecast in this table

Forecast of Lowest Mortgage Interest Rates as of May 13, 2024

DateBoC RatePrime Rate5-Year Variable1-Year Fixed2-Year Fixed3-Year Fixed5-Year Fixed
This table is populated based on the forward short-term lending rates on May 13, 2024. These forecasts change frequently as market prices change. In making these forecasts, we have assumed the risk premium and the term premium to stay constant and market expectation of the risk-free rate to be correct.

Lock these mortgage rates until

September 27, 2024

(130 days - Longest lock period among Big 5 Banks)

1-Year Fixed2-Year Fixed3-Year Fixed4-Year Fixed5-Year Fixed5-Year Variable
2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (3)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (4)6.63%6.09%5.31%

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2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (5)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (6)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (7)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (8)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (9)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (10)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (11)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (12)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (13)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (14)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (15)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (16)

5-Year Variable


*Terms and conditions apply

5-Year Fixed5-Year Variable
2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (17)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (18)5.09%

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5-Year Fixed5-Year Variable

2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (19)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (20)



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2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (21)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (22)



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Lock these mortgage rates until September 17, 2024 (120 days)

1-Year Fixed2-Year Fixed3-Year Fixed4-Year Fixed5-Year Fixed5-Year Variable

2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (23)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (24)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (25)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (26)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (27)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (28)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (29)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (30)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (31)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (32)


-Year Fixed


2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (33)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (34)

5-Year Variable


Changes in the Bank of Canada (BoC) policy rate and Canada’s prime rate as implied by the forward contracts on a one-month Canadian dollar offered rate as of May 18, 2024.

Fixed Announcement DateFixed Announce-ment DateLikelihood of BoC policy rate atisLikelihood of BoC policy rate atis

The Overnight Rate

The most important interest rate in the Canadian economy is the overnight interest rate. The overnight interest is the annualized rate of interest charged in the overnight market. Participants in the overnight market may include Canadian banks, Canada’s asset managers, Canada’s brokers, Canadian insurance companies, retirement funds and any financial institution. Overnight lending in Canada is typically against the security of government of Canada securities (bonds and treasury bills).

For some Canadian financial institutions, overnight rates are the cost of capital as they fund themselves through the overnight lending market. For other institutions, overnight rates determine their opportunity cost of Capital. Thus overnight rates affect most lending and borrowing rates in Canada.

The yield of risk-free bonds in Canada is often composed of an expected compounded overnight rate plus a term premium. The expected compounded overnight rate is the cost of capital, and the term premium is the premium a borrower pays to insure themselves against an unexpected rise in the rate of interest.

Forward Interest Rate Curve

As of June 28, 2023

Best 5-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates in Canada 2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (35)

Mortgage Term:



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Bank of Canada’s Role

Because of the importance of the overnight rate in the Canadian economy, the Bank of Canada (BoC) implements its monetary policy by setting a target for the overnight rate. In addition to the target for the overnight rate, BoC sets the deposit rate and the Bank Rate. The deposit rate is the rate of interest paid by the BoC to commercial banks, while the Bank Rate is the rate of interest charged by the BoC to commercial banks.

As of January 2024, the overnight and deposit rates are 5%, while the Bank Rate is 5.25%. Each year, BoC announces eight dates as fixed announcement dates (FAD). Normally, any change in monetary policy is announced in one of the FADs. The overnight rate cannot descend below the deposit rate as commercial banks can deposit their money with the BoC instead of lending it in the overnight market; they can even borrow in the overnight market and deposit it with BoC if the overnight rate is to fall below the deposit rate.

The overnight rate cannot ascend above the Bank Rate as chartered banks can borrow from the BoC instead of borrowing in the overnight market; they can even borrow from BoC and lend in the overnight market in the unlikely event that the overnight rate climbs above the Bank Rate.

BoC currently uses a floor system, which sets the target rate equal to the deposit rate. Suppose a liquidity shortage pushes the overnight rate higher than the target rate. In that case, BoC will intervene by lending into the overnight market and bringing the overnight rate back close to the target rate.

Bank of Canada has various roles to play in the economy and multiple targets to pursue. BoC’s highest priority is price stability, and its second highest priority is maximizing employment in the Canadian economy. The overnight target rate is the primary tool the BoC uses to achieve its inflation target.

For over two decades, the BoC has been targeting inflation such that the consumer price index (CPI), as defined and measured by Statistics Canada, increases by 2% per annum. If CPI rises slower than the 2% target, the BoC will lower its policy rate to lower interest rates throughout the economy. Lower interest rates facilitate borrowing and spending by Canadian consumers.

Higher levels of spending would increase the aggregate demand in the economy. More demand in the economy raises firms' pricing power and labour demand. Higher pricing power for firms translates into higher prices and inflation.

If CPI rises faster than the 2% target, the BoC would increase the overnight rate and thus increase various interest rates throughout the economy. Higher interest rates encourage saving and discourage borrowing. Higher savings and less borrowing result in a reduction of aggregate demand. Decreased demand for goods and services would reduce firm's pricing power and thus reduce inflation.

1 Month CDOR Forward Curve

As of May 29, 2023

To see how much change in the policy rate is priced by the fixed-income markets, we consider the 1-month CDOR forward curve. CDOR stands for Canadian dollars offered rate. CDOR is the rate charged by Canadian Banks to companies on short-term loans. CDOR is a benchmark compiled by Refinitiv Benchmarks Services (UK) Limited. It is determined from a survey of major banks. Forward CDOR prices are supplied by Chatham Financial.

Inflation and Interest Rates

As we see, forecasting interest rates hinges on predicting the path of inflation. To form an opinion about inflation, we may start by looking at the composition of the basket of goods and services, which is used to measure Canada’s CPI. CPI reflects changes in the price of a basket of goods and services which is representative of consumption by Canadian households.

Composition of Consumption in Canada: Goods vs. Services

The CPI basket comprises 51.1% services and 48.9% goods. CPI basket composition includes 14.4% durable goods, 7.1% semidurable goods and 27.4% nondurable goods.

Looking at CPI categories, we see that it mainly comprises 29.8% shelter, 15.9% food, 16.9% transportation (gasoline alone accounts for 4.3%), Household operations 14.5%, and Recreation and Education 9.3%. These five major categories comprise 86.4% of the CPI basket. The remaining 13.6% is mainly composed of 4.6% for Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, 4.6% for health and 4.3% for clothing.

Main Categories of the CPI Basket

Household Operations14.5%
Recreation, education and reading9.3%
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and recreational cannabis4.6%
Health and personal care4.6%
Clothing and footwear4.3%

When the pandemic started initially, uncertainty caused most economic actors to postpone their investment and purchase decisions. Subsequently, central banks brought interest rates close to their lower bound of zero, and governments began to hand out money generously. At the same time, people were told to avoid contacting each other. So consumers allocated large amounts of money to purchase goods. This would have limited consequences before the pandemic as factories had a sizeable spare capacity worldwide. But supply chains became clogged during the pandemic, and production was disrupted.

Thus in 2021, goods inflation picked up and caused CPI inflation to overtake the central banks' target. Unfortunately, central banks called inflation transitory and continued stimulating demand until early 2022, when the war started in Europe. War in Europe caused a jump in hydrocarbon prices and accelerated inflation.

Consequently, in spring 2022 Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve began to raise their policy rate to dampen inflation. The BoC’s rate rises immediately raises the Prime Rate of Canada’s banks. As most lines of credit and HELOCs charge variable interest rates, changes to the BoC policy rate immediately increase interest payments by the borrowers. Also, interest and payment on adjustable-rate mortgages and variable-interest car loans immediately change after a change in the prime rate.

2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (36)2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (37)

Long and Variable Lags

The effect of monetary policy famously has long and variable lags. The lag in the impact of monetary policy is, in large part, due to the nature of household debt. The amount of household debt in Canada has surpassed gross domestic product (GDP), but ¾ of household debt in Canada is mortgage debt. Most mortgages are either fixed or variable-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate mortgages are immune from the effect of changes in interest rates during their term, and variable-rate mortgage payments would not change unless their trigger rate is reached.

As rates rose and supply chains were declogging, inflation peaked in June 2022 at 8.1%. But in the meantime, all covid constraints were removed, and people who could not use many services during the pandemic tried to compensate by consuming more services. As goods inflation abated, service inflation accelerated, and service inflation was not transitory.

Will Mortgage Rates Go Down in 2024?

Yes, we have reason to believe that mortgage rates will decrease in 2024.

Over 2024, higher interest rates would reduce household spending and thus bring down the aggregate demand in the Canadian economy. Consequently, firms would lose part of their pricing power. This development is also likely to decrease job creation and consequently increase the unemployment rate.

When BoC is confident that inflation is approaching its target, it can focus on achieving maximum employment. At that time, BoC will start cutting its policy rate in stages to change its currently restrictive monetary policy to neutral. A neutral policy rate is a policy interest rate which does not slow down the economy, while it also would not cause economic activity to accelerate. A lower policy rate would directly lower variable rates by the same amount, but fixed rates will decrease to a lesser extent.

The calculators and content on this page are provided for general information purposes only. WOWA does not guarantee the accuracy of information shown and is not responsible for any consequences of the use of the calculator.

2024 Mortgage Rates Forecast (Updated June 27, 2023) | WOWA.ca (2024)


Are mortgage interest rates expected to go down in 2024? ›

30-year mortgage rates are currently expected to fall to between 6.5% and 7% in 2024. Homebuyers might consider buying now and refinancing later to avoid increased competition when rates drop.

Will mortgage rates ever go down to 3 again? ›

In summary, it is unlikely that mortgage rates in the US will ever reach 3% again, at least not in the foreseeable future. This is due to a combination of factors, including: Higher Inflation: Inflation is currently at a 40-year high in the US, and the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates to combat it.

What is the prime rate today in 2024? ›

As of May 20, 2024, the current prime rate is 8.50%, according to The Wall Street Journal's Money Rates table.

What will interest rates look like in 5 years? ›

ING's interest rate predictions indicate 2024 rates starting at 4%, with subsequent cuts to 3.75% in the second quarter. Then, 3.5% in the third, and 3.25% in the final quarter of 2024. In 2025, ING predicts a further decline to 3%.

How high could mortgage rates go by 2025? ›

By the final quarter of 2025, Fannie Mae expects that to slide to 6.0%. Meanwhile, Wells Fargo's model expects 5.8%, and the Mortgage Bankers Association estimates 5.5%.

Should I lock my mortgage rate today? ›

Once you find a rate that is an ideal fit for your budget, lock in the rate as soon as possible. There is no way to predict with certainty whether a rate will go up or down in the weeks or even months it sometimes takes to close your loan.

What is the interest prediction for 2024? ›

Also, mortgage rates are still much higher than we've been used to in recent years. On 30 May 2024, the average 2 year fixed mortgage rate is 5.80%. While this is a significant drop from its July 2023 peak of 6.86%, it's still much higher than December 2021 when was 2.34%.

What year was the highest prime rate? ›

What was the highest prime rate? The highest prime rate was 21.5%, reached on December 19, 1980.

What is prime rate vs mortgage rate? ›

The prime rate is derived from the federal funds rate, usually using fed funds + 3 as the formula. The rates for many other loans including mortgages, small business loans, and personal loans are based on the prime rate but can fluctuate due to other factors such as loan demand.

What is the mortgage rate forecast for 2026? ›

The 10-year treasury constant maturity rate in the U.S. is forecast to decline by 0.8 percent by 2026, while the 30-year fixed mortgage rate is expected to fall by 1.6 percent. From seven percent in the third quarter of 2023, the average 30-year mortgage rate is projected to reach 5.4 percent in 2026.

Should I fix my interest rate for 5 years? ›

5 year fixes offer the certainty of knowing your monthly payments will not change for 5 years, regardless of what happens to the base rate or the economy. This can help you budget and plan, and protect you from any interest rate shocks.

Are mortgage rates creeping higher? ›

Current mortgage interest rate trends

The average 30-year fixed rate grew from 6.94% on May 23 to 7.03% on May 30. The average 15-year fixed mortgage rate similarly rose, going from 6.24% to 6.36%. After hitting record-low territory in 2020 and 2021, mortgage rates climbed to a 23-year high in 2023.

Will personal loan rates go down in 2024? ›

While there isn't a direct relationship between personal loan rates and the Fed's actions, they certainly tend to move in the same direction. If the federal funds rate falls in 2024, we may see lower rates on personal loans.

Will interest rates go down in 2024 for cars? ›

Auto loan rates for new and used vehicle purchases fell in the first quarter of 2024 to 6.73% and 11.91%, respectively, down slightly from the 15-year highs we saw at the end of 2023, according to Experian.

Will mortgage rates go down in 2027? ›

However, increases should slow between 2024 and 2026, and rates may even decline in 2027. Among the factors that could impact mortgage rates in the next 5 years are inflation, Federal Reserve policy, and economic growth. Homebuyers should consider locking in a low mortgage rate now, as rates are expected to rise soon.”

Will CD rates go down in 2024? ›

"CD rates will most likely drop and drop substantially in 2024," says Robert Johnson, professor of finance at Heider College of Business at Creighton University. "The biggest reason is the likelihood of Federal Reserve rate cuts later this year."

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.