2024 Student Loan Debt by Race | BestColleges (2024)

Student loan debt varies drastically by race. Black adults carry the highest levels of student loan debt and are most likely to face repayment barriers.


Lyss WeldingRead Full Bio

Higher Education Research Analyst

Lyss Welding is a higher education analyst and senior editor for BestColleges who specializes in translating massive data sets and finding statistics that matter to students. Lyss has worked in academic research, curriculum design, and program evalua...

Updated on June 14, 2024

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Jordan Stewart-Rozema, Ph.D.Read Full Bio

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Jordan Stewart-Rozema writes data-driven education content focusing on higher education trends, student finances, and alternative education pathways such as coding bootcamps. She previously worked to promote online learning and media literacy educati...

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Lyss WeldingRead Full Bio

Higher Education Research Analyst

Lyss Welding is a higher education analyst and senior editor for BestColleges who specializes in translating massive data sets and finding statistics that matter to students. Lyss has worked in academic research, curriculum design, and program evalua...

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Jordan Stewart-Rozema, Ph.D.Read Full Bio

Editor & Writer

Jordan Stewart-Rozema writes data-driven education content focusing on higher education trends, student finances, and alternative education pathways such as coding bootcamps. She previously worked to promote online learning and media literacy educati...

Fact-checked by Marley Rose

Updated on June 14, 2024

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2024 Student Loan Debt by Race | BestColleges (7)

Image Credit: Ivan Pantic / E+ / Getty Images

Data Summary

  • In 2022, 36% of Black adults carried student loan debt. One in five white adults (20%), 15% of Hispanic adults, and about 24% of adults of other races carried student loan debt.Note Reference [1]
  • The median Black student loan debt is $26,000. It's $25,000 for white borrowers, $13,000 for Hispanic borrowers, and $25,000 for borrowers of other races.Note Reference [1]
  • By 2022, the median Black student loan debt had quadrupled from thirty years ago.Note Reference [1]
  • Black adults are more likely to carry student loan debt than white adults at every level of educational attainment.Note Reference [2]
  • Hispanic or Latino/a private student loan borrowers face repayment difficulties at rates more than double that of white borrowers.Note Reference [3]
  • Black private student loan borrowers face repayment barriers at rates almost four times that of white borrowers.Note Reference [3]
  • While most bachelor's degree-holders' debts shrink after earning their degree, Black degree-holders' debts grow after graduation, on average.Note Reference [4]

In the U.S., one in three adults who attended college took on student loan debt. The median debt in 2023, was between $20,000-$25,000.Note Reference [5] However, average student loan debt varies dramatically by race.

Black adults in particular tend to bear the highest burdens across indicators, from student loan borrowing rates to default rates to average debt. These debt disparities are symptoms of — and reinforce — a racial wealth gap in and beyond the college years.

Keep reading to find student debt by race statistics, debt by race and gender, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Student Loan Debt by Race

Black adults are more than twice as likely than white adults to have student loan debt.Note Reference [1]

The following graph includes federal and private student loan debt among all adults.

On average, Black adults in the U.S. also hold higher student loan debt balances than borrowers of other races.Note Reference [1] The graph below shows the median debt held per borrower by race. The median, versus the average or mean, may be more indicative of what's typical, since outliers more easily skew averages.

Black borrowers are also more likely to have higher debt balances. Over half of Black student loan borrowers have at least $25,000 in student loan debt from their own education, versus 41% of white borrowers and 37% of Hispanic borrowers.

This debt imbalance begins early on. Black bachelor's completers have higher levels of debt at graduation compared to peers of other races.

Student Loan Debt Owed vs. Amount Borrowed by Race

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported how much debt bachelor's degree-completers owe four years after graduation compared to the amount they borrowed. Below, find this figure represented as a ratio: 100% means that 12 months later, borrowers still owed the full amount of borrowed debt. More than 100% indicates that they owe more than the original loan amount due to accumulated interest.

Black bachelor's degree recipients are the only racial group to owe more on average than they initially borrowed four years after graduating.

Brookings' analysis found the debt gap between Black and white student borrowers more than triples by four years after graduation.Note Reference [7] After four years, Black college graduates owe 6% more than their initial loan amount while white college grads owe 10% less than what they borrowed.

Student Loan Debt by Race Over Time

Until 2022, the median Black student loan debt increased faster than median student debt levels across other racial groups.

Student Loan Debt by Race and Gender

When looking at race and gender combined, Black women borrow the highest amount of student loan debt on average — over $20,000 more than white men, who borrow the least amount of student loan debt, on average.

Black Student Loan Debt

Across student loan debt by race statistics, Black borrowers consistently see the highest debt levels at the highest rates. Recent reports reveal:

  • The Black-white student loan debt gap is greater than other debt gaps. It outweighs the gap correlated with household income level and the debt differences between first-generation students and students whose parents have college degrees.Note Reference [7], Note Reference [8]
  • Income inequality may hamper Black borrowers' ability to readily pay off student loan debt. Black graduates with a bachelor's degree or higher earned lower median incomes than white peers with similar educational attainment. Among 25-34-year-olds, Black bachelor's graduates earned annual median wages of $56,030 in 2022. That's roughly $14,000 less per year than white bachelor's grads.Note Reference [9]
  • The impact of generational wealth may deepen the Black-white student loan debt gap after graduation. White college graduates are more likely to receive financial support from their parents (e.g., toward their education or for a home purchase). In contrast, Black college graduates are more likely to financially support their parents.Note Reference [10]
  • Black parents who take out loans for their child's education are disproportionately impacted by debt. Parent PLUS loans offer fewer loan repayment and forgiveness options. Additionally, parents don't reap the rewards of the college degree they go into debt for.

Student Loan Payments by Race

Average Monthly Student Loan Payments by Race

To estimate monthly student loan payments by race, we used the average federal loan amount by race for bachelor's completers in 2019-2020, as reported by the NCES. We assumed a 10-year loan term at a student loan interest rate of 4.53% annually. Ten-year terms are standard for federal loans, and 4.53% was the set interest rate for federal undergraduate student loans when the data was collected.Note Reference [11], Note Reference [12]

Keep in mind that monthly payment amounts look different for students with private loans, which can have higher interest rates and longer terms than federal loans. Payments could also be lower for borrowers who qualify for income-driven repayment plans, where borrowers only pay up to a certain percentage of what they earn.

Monthly Federal Student Loan Payments for Bachelor's Completers, by Race (2020)
Race/EthnicityMonthly Payment
All Bachelor's Degree Completers$260
Two or More Races$280

Borrowers Behind on Loan Payments

In 2023, Black and Hispanic adults with student loan debt were more likely to be behind on student loan payments compared to white adults with debt.Note Reference [5]

Defaulted Student Loans and Race

If you cannot pay your student loan, you may have options. For federal loans, you can apply for forbearance (a pause) or income-driven repayment. After not paying for an extended period, you go into default.

Defaulting on a loan can cause debt to snowball. It hurts your credit score, and lenders may even garnish wages from your paycheck.

An analysis of student loan default rates found that Black and Hispanic former students defaulted on student loans more than their Asian, Pacific Islander, and white peers.Note Reference [7] Black college entrants defaulted on student loans at more than double the average rate.

Frequently Asked Questions About Student Loan Debt by Race

Who has the most student loan debt by race?

Black adults are more likely to have student loan debt than those in other racial or ethnic groups. They are more likely than white adults to hold student debt at every level of educational attainment.Note Reference [2]

The disparity between Black and white student loan debt is greater than that between first-generation students and students whose parents went to college. It's also greater than the debt difference correlated with household income.Note Reference [7], Note Reference [8]

In 2022, the median debt held by Black student loan borrowers was $26,000.Note Reference [1] That's $1,000 more than the median debt held by white borrowers.

Be wary of colleges that promise student loan forgiveness or use aggressive recruitment tactics. While student debt forgiveness exists in some forms, like the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, this program can be difficult to qualify for and still requires borrowers to make 120 on-time payments.

In 2023, the government agreed to erase the debt of 200,000 student borrowers who said they were defrauded by mostly for-profit colleges. If you think you have been defrauded, you can apply for borrower defense to loan repayment through the Department of Education.

  1. Survey of Consumer Finances, 1989-2022. The Federal Reserve. November 2023. (back to footnote 1 in content ⤶)
  2. King, M.D. et al. COVID-19 Adds to Economic Hardship of Those Most Likely to Have Student Loans. August 2021. (back to footnote 2 in content ⤶)
  3. National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 2016 data (PDF), analysis by the Student Borrower Protection Center. April 2020. (back to footnote 3 in content ⤶)
  4. Federal Loan Debt Four Years After Completion, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). June 2023. (back to footnote 4 in content ⤶)
  5. Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2023, The Federal Reserve. May 2024. (back to footnote 5 in content ⤶)
  6. Table 331.95 Percentage of undergraduate degree/certificate completers who ever received federal loans and parent PLUS loans and average cumulative loan amount, by degree level, selected student characteristics, and institution control: 2019-20. NCES. December 2023. (back to footnote 6 in content ⤶)
  7. Scott-Clayton, Judith and Li, Jing. Black-white disparity in student loan debt more than triples after graduation. Brookings. October 2016. (back to footnote 7 in content ⤶)
  8. Table: Cumulative amount of federal loans, 12 months after BA completion (median) with zeros by Race/ethnicity (with multiple) and gender. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Baccalaureate and Beyond: 2016/2020 (B&B). Accessed June 2024. (back to footnote 8 in content ⤶)
  9. Table 502.30. Median annual earnings of full-time year-round workers 25 to 34 years old and full-time year-round workers as a percentage of the labor force, by sex, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment: Selected years, 2005-2022. NCES. October 2023. (back to footnote 9 in content ⤶)
  10. Meschede, Tatjana, et al. "Family Achievements?": How a College Degree Accumulates Wealth for Whites and Not for Blacks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. February 2017. (back to footnote 10 in content ⤶)
  11. Standard Plan. Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Department of Education. Accessed June 2024. (back to footnote 11 in content ⤶)
  12. Federal Interest Rates and Fees, Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Department of Education. Accessed June 2024. (back to footnote 12 in content ⤶)
  13. Scott-Clayton, Judith. The Looming Student Loan Default Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought. Brookings. January 2018. (back to footnote 13 in content ⤶)

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2024 Student Loan Debt by Race | BestColleges (2024)


Which race/ethnicity has the highest student loan debt? ›

Black adults are more than twice as likely than white adults to have student loan debt. The following graph includes federal and private student loan debt among all adults. On average, Black adults in the U.S. also hold higher student loan debt balances than borrowers of other races.

What group owes the most in student loans? ›

Student debt by age

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most people with student debt — about two-thirds of them — are between the ages of 25 and 50. This group also owes the most, federal statistics show. That said, the fastest growing group of borrowers in the past several years has actually been older adults.

What is the average student loan debt in 2024? ›

The total average student loan debt (including private loan debt) may be as high as $40,681. The average federal student loan debt is $37,853 per borrower. Outstanding private student loan debt totals $128.8 billion. The average student borrows over $30,000 to pursue a bachelor's degree.

Which race has the most debt? ›

Approximately three-quarters of Black- and White-headed families have debt, but the median debt-to-asset ratio is 50% higher among Black than White families (Copeland, 2020), with Black borrowers less likely to fully repay loans (Brevoort et al., 2021).

What demographic is most affected by student loan debt? ›

Student loan debt disproportionately impacts Black student borrowers, affecting monthly budgets and financial milestones alike. Though there are racial disparities in student debt burdens, borrowers of color may also be eligible for scholarships or other financial aid that is race-specific.

Which race gets the most financial aid? ›

Asian students received a higher average annual amount of grant aid ($13,840) than did students who were of Two or more races ($11,940), White ($11,420), Black ($11,390), Hispanic ($11,090), American Indian/Alaska Native ($10,750), and Pacific Islander ($10,280).

At what age do student loans get written off? ›

There is no specific age when students get their loans written off in the United States, but federal undergraduate loans are forgiven after 20 years, and federal graduate school loans are forgiven after 25 years.

Which group is the most behind on repayment of their student loans? ›

16% of Americans with student loans are behind on their payments
Race/ethnicityPercent behind on payments
1 more row
Sep 3, 2024

What percent of student loan borrowers are white? ›

Over half (56 percent) of the students who attend public two- and four-year institutions in California come from families that earn under $40,000 annually. Subsequently, 90 percent of Black and 72 percent of Latino students take out student loans, compared to 66 percent of white borrowers.

How long it takes an average graduate to repay $100000 in student loans? ›

While the standard repayment term for federal loans is 10 years, it takes anywhere between 13 and 20 years on average to repay $100k in student loans. Here are some different scenarios to consider, depending on your financial situation and goals.

What is the average age people pay off student loans? ›

A 2019 study from New York Life found that the average age when people finally pay off their student loans for good is 45.

What is the average student debt for a master's degree? ›

The average inflation-adjusted graduate student loan debt balance of the class of 2019-2020 was $94,141 among federal borrowers. The average student loan debt balance in 2024 is $38,005. The average inflation-adjusted debt among 2020 master's graduates is $64,668. The average debt among PhD holders is $89,526.

What ethnicity has the lowest credit score? ›

The White and Hispanic communities had the highest median scores, while the Black and Native American communities had the lowest. The study didn't include majority-Asian communities but did have a category for all communities.

What race owns the most money? ›

In 2021, households with a White householder made up 65.3% of all U.S. households and held 80.0% of all wealth. Those with a Black householder made up 13.6% of all U.S. households but held only 4.7% of all wealth.

Who holds the majority of student loan debt? ›

Total federal student loan debt

Most student loans — about 92.5% — are owned by the government. Total federal student loan borrowers: 43.2 million. Total outstanding federal student loan debt: $1.60 trillion.

Which generation has the most student debt? ›

Young people are more likely to have student loan balances: 24.3% of millennials and 20.2% of Gen Z are in student debt, compared to 14.9% of Gen X, 6.1% of boomers and only 1.4% of the silent generation. But among those who have student loan debt, Gen X owes the most, on average.

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