21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (2024)

Sourdough starter problems can arise at any time when establishing a sourdough starter. Being able to troubleshoot sourdough starter issues is important to ensure you maintain the healthiest starter possible.

Here you'll find a list of the most 21 most frequently asked questions when creating a sourdough starter. I hope it helps you to develop a strong, active and bubbly sourdough starter that will bake you the most amazing bread.

Here are 21 of the most common sourdough starter problems with easy solutions. These questions have come from my Facebook Group of over 170,000 sourdough bakers, as well questions that have been emailed to me over the past few years.

If you're looking for the most common sourdough bread problems, you can find my sourdough bread troubleshooting guide here or perhaps you're interested in the weirdest sourdough questions ever asked!

21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (1)

If you're in a rush, you might like to check out some of these quick sourdough FAQ posts that will help you with your sourdough starter:

  • What is sourdough discard and is it the same as sourdough starter?
  • How to keep sourdough starter warm?
  • Why is my sourdough starter so runny?
  • Have I killed my sourdough starter?
  • Why is there liquid on top of my starter?
  • Is there mold growing on my sourdough starter?
  • Do I have to wash my sourdough starter jar?
  • How To Get Bigger Bubbles in Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Starter FAQ

My sourdough starter seems really dry when I first feed it - do I need to add more water?

No you don’t! A stiffer starter is actually really good! As your mixture ferments, it will thin out and increase in volume, making it appear lighter & airier almost like a sponge!

If you're concerned, try feeding it and letting it sit for about 30 minutes, then stir it up again really well. This helps to incorporate all the flour.

Let your little SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria & yeast) do the rest!

This is particularly pertinent if you're using whole wheat or rye rather than all purpose or bread flour for your starter.

Whole wheat flours absorb a lot more water, however you still need to use equal parts water and flour.

Why is there liquid on the top of my starter?

Sometimes you may get some dark liquid forming on top of or in the middle of your starter.

It’s called hooch and is perfectly normal. Just pour it off if you can – or mix it back in – and feed as per normal. You’ll find that your starter develops hooch when it is hungry.

Hooch will smell slightly alcoholic and is the result of the fermentation process.

Mixing your hooch back in on a regular basis will create a more sour tasting starter.

In a new starter, your hooch will more than likely be a cloudy type liquid - it may look like the water has separated from your flour, however this is not the case.

You'll find out how to prevent hooch in your starter here.

You can also read about what to do if your sourdough starter is too runny here.

Why does my starter smell like nail polish remover?

Sometimes your starter will develop an acetone or nail polish remover smell. It's perfectly normal, it’s just hungry, so feed, feed, feed.

You may find that your starter smells like this more in warmer environments.

If your starter is wanting to be fed more than twice a day, consider increasing your feeding ratio to 1:2:2 to give your starter more food or using some iced water to slow it down a bit.

It's normal for your starter to go through a period of smelling like this, but after a few feeds it should start smelling more yeast like.

My sourdough starter smells like old gym socks - why?

In the first few weeks, as the bacteria and yeast colonies are establishing themselves, your starter may smell really, really bad. And I'm not just talking a little whiffy.

You might find it smells anything from old gym socks, to vomit to pretty much anything in between.

This is completely normal in the first few weeks and it will settle down as the good bacteria take hold. Once established, your starter should smell good - a fruity, yeasty smell should prevail.

If your starter is well established and has developed a bad smell, you can feed it a few times to refresh it.

Why isn't my starter bubbling like the first few days?

Occasionally starters start out strong and then taper off a little between days 3-7.

It’s ok and may just be that the good bacteria is taking a little longer to win. Just keep feeding it consistently and you should see some action.

Don't give up after a few days - have some patience and you will be rewarded. Your starter is definitely not dead, it's just new and still becoming established.

If you are worried, try stirring your starter in between feedings to encourage the oxygen levels in your starter. This will help the good bacteria and yeast to develop and flourish more quickly. You'll find more tips for boosting your sourdough starter here.

Also, make sure you're using a quality water source as some types of water can inhibit sourdough starter growth.

Do I have to weigh the ingredients for my sourdough starter?

YES! Weighing is super important - and much more accurate than using cups and spoons. You'll find that your sourdough starter develops much faster if you weigh out your ingredients and feedings in grams. It will help you to avoid some of the most common sourdough starter problems later on.

You can read an in depth explanation of why weight is much more accurate than volume when it comes to sourdough here. You'll find a set of scales perfect for sourdough baking here.

Do I have to discard every time I feed - I don't want to waste flour?

The short answer is YES, you must discard before each feeding. If you don't, your starter will grow exponentially and won't be getting enough food. It will then start developing hooch.

Did you know that discarding is actually less wasteful than not discarding - you can read more about why here.

How do I keep my starter warm?

It’s not totally essential to keep it warm, it will still work – it will just take a lot longer in a colder environment.

You'll find 20 ways to keep your sourdough starter warm here.

Why is my sourdough starter forming a skin?

You'll find that your sourdough starter sometimes develops a crust or skin. It’s totally ok and just means that it’s getting a bit too dry on top.

Try using a jar lid (not screwed on) or even a piece of cling film. Just scrape the skin off and feed as per normal.

If it happens regularly, you may need to change where you're storing your starter.

What do I do if my starter goes moldy?

If your starter develops anything pink or orange or furry, it’s definitely time to ditch it and start again.

Make sure that your jar is super clean. If the mold happens a few times, consider using a different flour as sometimes the mold spores come from the flour and not the environment.

Some people believe that you can scrape some of the starter from underneath in order to "save" it, however, if there is mold on the surface or on the rim, the spores will be all the way through your starter.

Just ditch it and start again. This is non negotiable!

For a full guide to dealing with mold - how to prevent it and what it can look like - check out my guide to moldy sourdough starters.

21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (3)

Why Is There White Stuff Growing On My Starter?

Sometimes you will find a white film or white clusters that appear to be mold growing on your starter.

As long as they aren't fluffy (mold) they are more than likely to be Kahm Yeast.

Kahm Yeast is not desirable - but it's not dangerous either. It might make your starter taste a bit funky too.

To remedy the problem, take some starter from the middle of the jar (well underneath the Kahm layer) and transfer to a clean jar. Feed this as per normal.

Wash everything thoroughly to get rid of the Kahm yeast.

You'll find more information on Kahm Yeast here.

Should I transfer my starter to a clean jar every day?

No - it's better not to use a clean jar every single day. If your jar is particularly built up around the rim then pop your starter into a new jar when you feed it.

So you'd put 50g of starter starter into a clean jar and feed as normal (1:1:1).

But I believe that the old build up around your sourdough starter jar help to boost your sourdough starter microbiome. It gets stronger as it gets older. You'll find an old sourdough starter jar won't go moldy because the crusty build up keeps it safe. Try it!

To keep the jar clean, use a clean silicone spatula to scrape down the edges after a feed. You can read more about whether you should clean your sourdough starter jar here.

Can I feed my starter with different flour?

If you run out of the type of flour you started with, it’s ok to feed your starter with a different flour. If you just feed it once and then go back to the type you started with you shouldn’t have any issues.

If you are swapping the type of flour for all subsequent feeds then your starter may go through an adjustment stage as the levels of bacteria and yeast get used to their new food.

It will be fine, it just needs time to get used to it's new food. Don't throw it away. Just keep feeding.

I missed a feed - now what?

While it is important to feed your starter every 12 hours when you're trying to get it going, it's ok if you miss a feed. Life gets in the way sometimes, right?

Don't stress - and definitely don't start again. Just discard like normal - and then feed as you normally would. Your starter will be just fine!

Will whole wheat or rye flour make my starter bubble faster?

Yes - but you don't necessarily have to use them.

You can create a strong starter from bread or all purpose flour (unbleached). It may just take longer.

Generally whole wheat and rye flour will bubble within a few hours because they have a lot of natural yeast in them. They will also help your sourdough starter to produce bigger bubbles.

If you think your starter is a little sluggish, you can feed them with whole wheat or rye to get them going, but you can also just wait a few more days for yours to bubble.

21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (5)

Can I cook with my discard straight way?

The short answer is no - you need to wait until your starter is at least 7 days old. It will smell pretty bad in that first week anyway, so you more than likely won't want to use it!

You’ll find that it’s better once your starter is actually active. You'll find lots of ideas to use your sourdough discard here.

If I store my discard in the fridge, do I need to feed it?

Short answer, no you don't (because then it would be an active starter, right?).

If you're storing your discard in the fridge, just remember that it's unfed so eventually it will go bad if you don't use it.

If you keep it for a while before you use it, you may find that it develops hooch (see above).

My starter got baked in the oven - is it dead?

Many people keep their starter in the oven to keep it warm and make it develop faster. This is a great idea - until someone else turns the oven on to preheat it without checking what's inside first.

Baked sourdough starter is probably a more common sourdough starter problem than you think.

If your starter is baked - depending on the severity - you can probably bring it back to life. As long as it wasn't completely baked through, try to resurrect it before you ditch it.

You'll find a guide to resurrecting your oven baked starter here.

Can I add commercial yeast to my starter to make it start bubbling faster?

Short answer - yes. However if you do this, you will not have a true sourdough starter, it's called a "poolish starter".

It is far more rewarding to be patient and wait for those wild yeast strains to populate your starter. I promise it's worth it!

If you're feeling particularly impatient, you could make this sourdough discard bread which uses both starter and commercial yeast.

When will my starter be ready to bake bread with?

An super active, ready to bake with starter will have some, if not all, of the following qualities:

  • Is at least 14 days old.
  • Bubbles breaking on the surface
  • Visible bubbles on the side of the jar that peak 3-4 hrs after feeding.
  • Doubled within a few hours after feeding.
  • Honeycomb bubble network when you tip the jar and let the starter pour out.
  • A slight dome shape on top signalling lots of rise.
21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (6)

One of the best ways to ensure your starter is successful is time. You just have to have a little patience.

You can read a more in depth article about starter readiness here.

My Sourdough Starter Doesn't Float - Now What?

The float test is not the best way to test for sourdough starter bake readiness (you should use the points above).

The test can create false positives and negatives if not done correctly.

You can read all about the float test here.

How Do I Scale My Starter Up or Down?

Many people ask how you can increase (or decrease) the amount of starter in you jar. It's actually really easy to increase or decrease your starter once it's ready to bake with. You can go from just 50g of starter to 250g of starter with a simple calculation.

You can find instructions for scaling your sourdough starter and increasing the amount of starter in your jar here.

There Are Fruit Flies In My Sourdough Starter - HELP!

Having a sourdough starter in your kitchen can attract fruit flies. They may even get into your starter and be flying around in the jar.

Don't stress, it's not all bad and you can resurrect your starter. You'll find all the info on dealing with fruit flies here.

I hope this list of the most common sourdough starter problems helps you to navigate life with your sourdough starter.

21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (7)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed this on sourdough starter problems, you might be interested in these:

  • Looking for ways to strengthen your sourdough starter? You'll find all the best tips here.
  • Want to understand all the sourdough specific terminology - this sourdough glossary is perfect!
  • Want to know the best time to use your sourdough starter?
21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Easy Solutions [Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting] (2024)


Why is my sourdough starter not working? ›

Most commonly, the issue here has to do with temperature (which is very important). If your sourdough starter is kept at a low temp, even 70°F (21°C), it will slow fermentation activity and appear to be sluggish, taking longer to rise and progress through the typical signs of fermentation. The solution: keep it warm.

How can you tell if your sourdough starter is bad? ›

If your sourdough starter exhibits any of these signs: - Smells like acetone or vinegar - Has a runny consistency - Is full of tiny bubbles or foaming - Doubles in size and then falls back down - Develops a clear, gray, or black liquid on top - Gets a white, powdery substance on the surface It's time to feed it!

Why is my starter not bubbling? ›

After feeding, bubbling action should be visible within 4 to 12 hours. If a sourdough starter is not bubbly, it may require more frequent feedings.

What if my sourdough starter fails the float test? ›

Many sourdough recipes rely on the float test to determine whether a starter is ready to bake. If your starter doesn't pass this test, you may need to wait a few hours (or several days) before you can try again.

Why is my starter not doubling in size? ›

The starter can't rise if the consistency is liquid enough for the bubbles to bubble right up and out into the air. It has to be thick enough to hold the bubbles inside so that as they get bigger they make the overall volume of the starter increase.

How do you revive a struggling sourdough starter? ›

Feeding the starter part whole wheat or rye flour will help restore the balance. About 5% whole wheat and 95% white for a few feedings seems to take care of this in a few feedings. If you are measuring by volume, put a tablespoon of whole wheat or rye flour in each measuring cup, then fill them with white flour.

What color is a bad sourdough starter? ›

Things that Will Kill A Sourdough Starter

Starvation - if you don't feed your starter for a long period of time it will develop harmful bacteria and mold. This will smell terrible and look orange, pink or fuzzy and green.

How do you wake up a sourdough starter? ›

To revive, take your jar out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter for an hour or two to warm up. The mixture may or may not be bubbly like mine below, but either way, stir it so everything is reincorporated.

Can you overfeed a sourdough starter? ›

It's important to note that overfeeding can also have negative effects on a sourdough starter if done excessively or too frequently. If the starter is overfed, it can become too acidic or develop an unpleasant odor which is the result of excess food rotting in the jar.

How do I know if my starter is dying? ›

Signs of a Bad Starter
  1. Whirring, grinding, or clicking sounds when trying to start your car.
  2. A loud single click while trying to start the vehicle with no engine crank.
  3. The instrument cluster, headlights, and radio work normally, but nothing happens when you turn the key.
Apr 19, 2023

How do you help a sluggish starter? ›

If you're like me and have neglected your starter for a little too long — perhaps you've been out of town or simply forgot it in the back of the fridge — you can use a little whole grain flour (such as pumpernickel or whole wheat flour) to feed your starter and give it a boost.

Can I use starter that has fallen? ›

You can keep a “peaked” starter in the refrigerator for about 12 hours (sometimes more), and still use it directly in your mix. You do not need to let it come up to room temperature. If your starter is well past peak (a few hours) and visibly falling, you can give it a “refresh” feeding to reactivate it.

Why is my sourdough starter not rising and falling? ›

Problem: Temperature

If your starter is too cold, it will rise very slowly, or not at all. Because the cold slows fermentation, this is why I place mine in the fridge when I want to wait a few days before feeding it. Ideally, your starter will be over 70 degrees when you feed it.

Why does my sourdough starter rise and then fall? ›

The starter fills with air, was not used in time, runs out of energy, and deflates. Deflation destroys the airy structure of the sourdough starter. By feeding it again, your sourdough starter regains its energy and builds its structure again. This is necessary for rising your bread dough.

What is the float test for starter? ›

Place about a teaspoon of the starter into a cup of warm water. Be gentle and don't stir the starter beforehand. Disrupting the bubbly activity could cause it to sink. You'll find that either your sourdough starter floats or it settles to the bottom.

Why is my sourdough starter not responding to feeding? ›

Sometimes the microbes in your starter simply need time to metabolize all the feedings. This is usually the case in cold environments (AC under 70F, winter kitchens). If your starter is barely bubbling or not bubbling at all 12-24 hours after the last feeding, simply stir it again and let the jar sit for a day or two.

How do I make my sourdough starter more active? ›

Starter is most active at 75-85F. Find a warm location in your kitchen/house, use warm water during feeding, consider using a heating pad or proofing box, and monitor the temperature with a thermometer. If your schedule allows, let refrigerated starter warm up to room temp before feeding. Feed with different flour.

How do you activate a sluggish sourdough starter? ›

If you're like me and have neglected your starter for a little too long — perhaps you've been out of town or simply forgot it in the back of the fridge — you can use a little whole grain flour (such as pumpernickel or whole wheat flour) to feed your starter and give it a boost.

How do you jumpstart a sourdough starter? ›

To boost your sourdough starter with rye flour, substitute half your normal flour with rye flour at each feeding for a few days and you should see a noticeable difference in your starter's activity level.


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