21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (2024)

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21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (1)

Are you ready to make money in your 20s? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Before I jump into this topic, I want to say I am not a personal financial advisor. I am an avid learner and love learning about money and wealth, especially how to become rich as a young adult and achieve retirement savings goals. I am not talking about getting rich quick or emergency fund schemes. I am talking about accumulating wealth early so you can achieve your financial goals too!

I have read many books andblog articles and spoken with specialists about my finances to figure out what to do with them in my journey to financial freedom. Today I want to share 21 of my favorite tips I’ve picked up while learning how to become rich in your 20s.

1. Understand What True Wealth Means


Before you can make money in your 20s and be wealthy, it is essential to comprehend the actual definition of wealth and how much money is wealthy. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, says:

The definition of wealth is the number of days you can survive without physically working (or anyone in your household physically working) and still maintain your standard of living.

Do the math to see how little money you spend in a month than how much you have saved in your bank account. Don’t forget to include investing money you may have in stocks or an individual retirement account. If you currently earn any money passively without having to work, add this too!That is how much wealth you have.

2. Make Your Finances a Regular Priority

Once you understand what wealth is, next, you have to make your finances a priority. Make a point to think about your finances daily. Set up a time to evaluate your spending every week, and take time every month to review your budget.

Making your finances a priority means setting time aside to monitor and analyze your spending regularly. As with any goal, making money in your 20s must be on your priority list.

21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (2)

3. Make Sure You Are Saving for the Long-Term


Saving money should be a part of everyone’s financial plan. One should be set up for each of your long-term goals. You should save and invest monthly, not just in one high-yield savings account.

These goals could be buying a house or a future investment. It’s good to save for the more considerable unexpected expenses you plan on having. Or to have money for the future.

Building your wealth for the long term plays a significant role in prosperity and, in my opinion, the best way to become rich. In addition, saving in high-interest-rate accounts allows you to use compound interest over time.


Ellevest: If you are looking for a tool to invest, check out Ellevest. Ellevest is a digital investment advisor whose algorithms factor in gender differences in pay, career breaks, and lifespan.

Another factor that set's them apart is that they are a goal based investing platform. So you set your goals, and the system tells you how much you should invest to meet it on time.

The best part is that they offer a free goal-based investment plan with no obligations to invest with them.

Learn More

21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (4)

4. Make sure you are saving for the short term

You should also save for more short-term goals and emergencies, including replacing something in your home, buying a car, or making a smaller investment. It is good to save 10-20% of your monthly income.

Trim will help you save money instantly. It will analyze your spending and find ways to save money, and you don’t even have to lift a finger. All you need to do is sign up for a free, safe account.

Trim - Save Money Automagically

What would you do with an extra $600 a year? Well, that is the average amount Trim saves their customers per year.

Trim negotiates cable, internet, phone, and medical bills cancel old subscriptions, and more.

I would know because they save me money on my internet bill each and every month! Probably the best piece of all of this is that they only get paid if they save you money! They take a small percentage of whatever they save you.

What are you waiting for? Sign up below!

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21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (6)

5. Spend Your Money on Things You Actually Value

What do you value most when it comes to spending?

Do you enjoy a night out on the town or name-brand food? Want to travel or buy a boat? Do you have the latest gadget, or would you ensure you get your nails and feet done instead?

Ask yourself these things, write them out, and stick to them. If you wish to take a trip to Belize next year, think about how to save more to get there. Buy generic food at the grocery store, skip going out to eat a few times a week, bring your lunch to work, etc. Once you decide on what you value, make a point to cut out the things you do not care for as much.

21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (7)

6. Spend Less Than You Earn

Set your budget so you only spend a portion of what you make. That way, you can save 10-20% of my income. A good thing about doing this is that once you get used to living below your means, when you make more money, like getting a new high-paying job,you can continue the trend of spending below your standards and save more money quickly.

This is probably one of the most important things regarding how to grow your wealth.How much you make does not matter if you live below your means.

7. Start a Side Hustle


I have talked about the benefits of side hustles before, but I want to say that no one gets rich from just saving. Saving is essential, but you must know how to make enough money, too–a necessary step in building your wealth as a young person. When you start your own business, you can create something and make it bigger or keep it as small as you’d like.

It is even better to turn it into multiple income streams that can automatically make you some money every month without working every time. (Hello, passive income, anyone?) And having a side hustle that brings in money passively for you is a great way to increase your overall earning potential. I have a list of 17 side hustles you could start to replace your full-time income!

8. Pay Your Bills on Time

Paying your bills on time is crucial to keep your credit score in check. So get into the habit of paying your bills on time, avoid the headache of debt collectors, and save tons in late fees. Following this is mandatory, not optional.

9. Invest in Real Estate

Everyone has a way of making income, but real Estate is for everyone. Even Oprah invests in real Estate in her spare time. Real estate investing has many benefits, including the potential for passive income and being able to pay other people to do lots of hard stuff for you.

If you do not know anything about real estate investing, I suggest you readRich Woman: A Book on Investing for Women, Take Charge Of Your Money, Take Charge Of Your Lifeby Kim Kiyosaki. She is married to Robert Kiyosaki and speaks from a woman’s perspective on why this is so important, especially for women. This could be one of the best investments to make in your 20s.

Please read about my journey of investing in real Estate for the first time!

10. Start a retirement account

21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (8)

If your job offers a 401k or another retirement account, you should take advantage of it ASAP. If your company matches your investment in a 401k, joining is imperative. It’s free money; why not participate?

You should still research how it works and monitor it once you invest if your company does not offer a Roth IRA account. If neither of these options sounds appealing, it may be worth investing in the stock market using a user-friendly app like Stash. Stash makes it easy to pick, buy and sell.

11. Set abudget

My favorite book on budgeting isThe Debt-Free Spending Planby Joanneh Nagler. She sets up an easy step-by-step process of balancing your budget to get out of debt. But it’s valuable information for even someone with little to no debt.

12. Pay More on Your Debt Than the Minimum

You cannot make money in your 20s if you have a mountain of student debt, credit card debt, or any obligation. If you have debt, pay more than the minimum to get ahead. I currently spend more on my long-term debts, such as my mortgage, personal loans, car payment, credit cards, student loan debt, etc.

By paying one more extra year on my mortgage alone, I am cutting seven years off the time it takes to pay off. Pay more than the minimum, and your debt, like student loans, will shrink quickly.

13. Pay Down Your Credit Card Debt

If you are paying down debts, no matter the amount, even small amounts, the one to pay off first is credit card debt. It costs you a lot in interest fees to have revolving credit card balances, so make a point to pay those first.

Start with the cards with the highest interest rates by paying more than the minimum. Don’t forget to pay the minimum on the others, though! Then, once you pay off the highest interest rate, make your way to the next.

Read about how to avoid credit card debt here!

14. Choose a Career Where You Can Get Rich

There are many career choices, and if you plan on making money in your 20s by working for someone else, it is best to choose wisely. However, there are specific jobs where people can be rich while working for someone else. A few of those include a CEO, Marketing Manager, IT Manager, and Pharmacist, to name a few. Check out this article on careers that can make you wealthy (especially if you are a woman) for the more good idea!

15. Get Insured


If you do not have a life insurance policy, you should get some as of yesterday. The benefits of getting health insurance while you are young and healthy are that premiums are relatively small.

You could get disability insurance and insurance if you were to pass. Make sure to get enough to cover your funeral costs and pay off your debts in this case. Some insurance policies work like money market accounts; you also take money out of them if needed.

16. Track Your Spending

Joannaeh Nagler loves writing about “your little magic notebook” in The Debt-Free Spending Plan, and she talks about how you should document every single purchase you make in your notebook. Not only is meticulously tracking your spending vital because you can see where your money is going, but it also makes you think before purchasing because you must take your notebook out. You shouldn’t buy it if you find it too frivolous to record.

This is one of the most valuable tips to make money in your 20s. There are some great apps out there that do this for your automatically, like Mint.Check them out! Track your spending; hopefully, it will open your eyes and change bad habits.

17. Find Ways to Cut your Costs at Home

I love cutting costs at home. I find myself unplugging unused appliances from walls, taking shorter showers, and using less electricity during the day. Buy generic groceries, switch to off-brand cleaning products, and even start making your chicken stock at home.

You can do so many things at home that can save you money that I will not delve even into further. So stay mindful of this one. Think: How can I save more money at home? We have a great article here on 20 ways to cut home expenses you should read.

21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (9)

18. Learn to Haggle

I suck at negotiating, despite all the books I’ve read about it. But I learned one haggling tidbit fromThe Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me for Women. The author talks about knowing the magic question, “Is that the best you can do?” when someone gives you a final price for something. I tried this out when I ordered a rental car and was amazed it worked.

The guy I spoke with gave me a price and told me about all the discounts he made on the rental for me. After his explanation, I politely asked, “Is that the best price you can do?” He told me to hold and came back five minutes later to say he cut an additional $60 off my bill, and the price he gave me was now the best he could do. Those words were magic, and I highly encourage everyone to use them!

19. Ask for Decreases on Your Bills Regularly

This is a trick that my husband loves that I do every few months or so. I have been doing this for years and have had much success. I called one of our bill providers, such as our internet provider, and asked if there were ways to lower my bill.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so make a point call and directly ask for decreases on your bills. The worst they can do is say no. If this sounds like a big hassle, contact Trim to help you.

Trim will track your monthly expenses and find ways to save money on your bills. And you don’t have to make one phone call!

Trim will only charge you a percentage of what they can return for you. This is because they work hard at what they do, and your wallet will see the benefit. You can learn more about Trim here!

Trim - Save Money Automagically

What would you do with an extra $600 a year? Well, that is the average amount Trim saves their customers per year.

Trim negotiates cable, internet, phone, and medical bills cancel old subscriptions, and more.

I would know because they save me money on my internet bill each and every month! Probably the best piece of all of this is that they only get paid if they save you money! They take a small percentage of whatever they save you.

What are you waiting for? Sign up below!

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21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (11)

20. Cut Out the Unnecessary Expenses

If you are still buying expensive coffee a few times a week, eating out for lunch with your buddies every day, or impulse shopping, stop what you are doing now and put that extra cash in your savings. Otherwise, you’ll probably never make money in your 20s.

Successful people spend money on things they like. And you can too! Refer to lesson number five if you need more guidance on this one.

Want more tips on expenses to cut? Check out our article on cutting back on costs here

21. Learn More About Ways to Save and Earn


Last but certainly not least, if you want to have a lot of money, use these tips to start building wealth in your 20s. There are even upwards of 100 ways to become a millionaire! But it would be best to stay open to learning more about your finances. There is so much information that we have no excuse to be irresponsible with our finances.

The good news is that now is a great time to plan for your future. The more you learn, the more you can increase your net worth! So keep learning, stay nimble, and make money in your 20s (and if you figure out how to become a millionaire by 25, let me know!) Good luck!


Books You Need to Buy

Financial Resources

  • Trim

Articles to Read

21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (16)
21 Ways to be Wealthy in Your 20s (2024)


What is the best way to get rich in your 20s? ›

How to Build Wealth in Your 20s
  1. Save Early and Often. Saving early can help you leverage compounding interest, which is a core principle of building wealth. ...
  2. Live on a Budget. Budgeting can help you manage your finances effectively. ...
  3. Diversify Your Investments. ...
  4. Save an Emergency Fund. ...
  5. Work With an Advisor.
Jul 10, 2024

How to become a millionaire by 21? ›

Graham Stephan Reveals How To Get Rich In Your 20s
  1. Be Careful Who You Listen To. According to Stephan, much bad financial advice comes from people without success. ...
  2. Build Your Credit. ...
  3. Get Job Experience. ...
  4. Pick a Scalable Business. ...
  5. Earn Multiple Income Sources. ...
  6. Avoid Lifestyle Inflation. ...
  7. Invest Immediately.
Nov 24, 2023

How to become a millionaire at 20 years old? ›

7 Things To Do In Your 20s To Become A Millionaire
  1. Focus on your income. ...
  2. Develop multiple streams of income. ...
  3. Save money, but not in savings. ...
  4. Aim for wealthy instead of rich. ...
  5. YOU are your best investment. ...
  6. Set big goals and smaller milestones. ...
  7. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

How wealthy should you be at your age? ›

Average net worth by age
Less than 35 years$148,300$96,310
35 to 44 years$356,700$224,800
45 to 54 years$568,800$378,600
55 to 64 years$717,500$510,400
3 more rows
4 days ago

How to get rich realistically? ›

How To Get Rich
  1. Start saving early.
  2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
  3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
  4. Increase the money that you earn.
  5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
  6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.

What is the best job to get rich? ›

10 high-paying jobs
  1. Pilot. ...
  2. Actuary. ...
  3. Computer network architect. ...
  4. Air traffic controller. ...
  5. Petroleum engineer. ...
  6. Lawyer. ...
  7. Physicist. ...
  8. Computer and information systems manager.
Apr 18, 2024

How to be a millionaire ASAP? ›

8 Tips to Becoming a Millionaire
  1. Stay away from debt.
  2. Invest early and consistently.
  3. Make savings a priority.
  4. Increase your income to reach your goal faster.
  5. Cut unnecessary expenses.
  6. Keep your millionaire goal front and center.
  7. Work with an investing professional.
  8. Put your plan on repeat.
Jun 11, 2024

How to rich fast? ›

  1. Invest. The goal of investing is to buy assets that may provide financial growth over time. ...
  2. Take advantage of compound interest. ...
  3. Create a plan and follow it. ...
  4. Start a business. ...
  5. Cut spending. ...
  6. Try taxing yourself. ...
  7. Consider additional education. ...
  8. Take calculated risks.
Mar 1, 2024

How to build wealth from nothing? ›

Build Wealth from NOTHING in 12 Steps!
  1. 1) Set Clear Financial Goals. ...
  2. 2) Save and Live Below My Means. ...
  3. 3) Create a Budget. ...
  4. 4) Automate My Finances. ...
  5. 5) Increase My Income. ...
  6. 6) Pay Off High-Interest Debt. ...
  7. 7) Build an Emergency Fund. ...
  8. 8) Save for Retirement.
Jan 16, 2024

Can you be rich at 25? ›

Let's be real: becoming a millionaire from scratch by the age of 25 (or ever) doesn't exactly come easy. It takes incredible dedication, relentless work ethic, a keen vision and, more often than not, a healthy side serving of luck. And it takes discipline — not only in your work life but in your life-life.

How to be a millionaire in 5 years? ›

Here are seven proven steps to get you wealthy in five years:
  1. Build your financial literacy skills. ...
  2. Take control of your finances. ...
  3. Get in the wealthy mindset. ...
  4. Create a budget and live within your means. ...
  5. Step 5: Save to invest. ...
  6. Create multiple income sources. ...
  7. Surround yourself with other wealthy people.
Mar 21, 2024

What should a 20 year old invest in? ›

Stocks. For your long-term goals, stocks are considered one of the best investment options. You can buy stocks through ETFs or mutual funds, but you can also pick individual companies to invest in. You'll want to thoroughly research any stock before investing and be sure to diversify your holdings.

Why is Gen Z rich? ›

The Economist notes that Gen Z is experiencing the highest “young person premium” in terms of hourly pay growth since data collection began in 1998. Recently, the U.S. pay growth for those 16 to 24 grew 13% in one year, compared to just 6% for older employees aged 25 to 54.

What is the 1% wealth? ›

The top 1% is a byword for wealth — and it's only gotten harder to become among the nation's top earners. Nationally, it now requires annual income of at least $787,712 to be among the top 1%, a 20% increase from last year, according to SmartAsset's analysis of IRS data.

What is considered a rich salary? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year.

How can I be financially smart in my 20s? ›

6 money moves to make in your 20s
  1. Create a budget and stick to it.
  2. Build a good credit score.
  3. Set up an emergency fund.
  4. Start saving for retirement.
  5. Pay off debt.
  6. Develop good money habits.

Do 90% of millionaires make over 100k a year? ›

Ninety-three percent of millionaires said they got their wealth because they worked hard, not because they had big salaries. Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career, and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.