22 Signs from the Universe That Someone Is Missing You (2024)

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Learn how the Universe will speak to you and guide you back to someone

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1They show up in your dreams.

2A psychic tells you that this person misses you.

3You find a white feather.

4You see angel numbers.

5You break out in goosebumps.

6Your eye twitches.

7You suddenly get a text from them.

8You feel a phantom touch.

9You feel like something is missing.

10You’re restless.

11You keep accidentally using their name.

12You randomly smile.

13Their friends and family remember you.

14You keep running into each other.

15You make them blush.

16You get a message in a fortune cookie.

17You reminisce about moments you shared together.

18They know things you never told them.

19You feel an intense need to be around them.

20You go through a lot of mood swings.

21You keep seeing them pop up on social media.

22You have hiccups.

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Written byKari Samuels|Edited byMadeleine Flamiano

Last Updated: July 12, 2024Fact Checked

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Are you pretty sure you’re on someone’s mind? Has there been a serendipitous series of events that make you picture a special reunion? If there’s been a lot of coincidences, they might actually be a unique way that the Universe is speaking to you on behalf of someone else. We’ve compiled a bunch of superstitions that aren’t scientifically proven but are a ton of fun to consider. Review this list to see how a higher power might be nudging you to give someone a second chance.

This article is based on an interview with our international intuitive counselor and happiness coach, Kari Samuels. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • If you and another person share a psychic bond or a soul connection, the Universe will make you dream of each other.
  • The Universe will invite you to pay attention to synchronicities so you reflect on someone special. For example, you might see angel numbers, like 222 or 333.
  • The Universe might be very playful and have unusual ways of getting you to stop and think about someone who misses you. It might even give you a fit of hiccups.


They show up in your dreams.

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  1. Even if you’re apart, you see them after you drift off to sleep. Can’t get your mind off them, no matter how hard you try? Do you do your due diligence to avoid obsessing over someone, like an ex, but you still regularly dream of them? If that’s the case, then this person might be thinking of you all day and sending psychic signals your way.

    • If a person consciously wants to contact you, they’ll send that intention out into the Universe, and the Universe will relay a message through one of your dreams. For example, if a person wants forgiveness, you might dream about hugging them and accepting an apology.
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  1. They use their gift to confirm what you’ve suspected. If the idea that a person can’t go without you keeps needling you, you might choose to consult an oracle who can read minds or interpret signs from the universe. If this individual’s pining for you is clear enough, then a psychic may be able to easily determine that you have an admirer.


You find a white feather.

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  1. A white feather may be a special sign from a spiritual guide. For example, your guardian angel—perhaps Archangel Uriel, the patron of love and romance—might arrange for you to stumble upon a white feather. This beautiful and pure token might be an indication that someone has desperately fallen for you and wants you back.

    • Butterflies are also signs of an angelic presence that wants to shepherd you toward a special person.
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You see angel numbers.

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  1. These are cues from Heaven that you two are meant for each other. If you notice angel numbers, like 222 or 444, during multiple times of the day, then your spirit guides are gently reminding you to pay attention to a soul connection. Your angels may be conspiring to give you an extra nudge to break a period of silence and talk to someone again.[1]


You break out in goosebumps.

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  1. You feel shivers when you think about this person. Even if it’s a warm summer day, it’s as though a draft has hit you, and your skin breaks out in goosebumps. It may feel like a haunting sensation, and you might even get a little perturbed. Take a deep breath and relax—someone who loves you might just be trying to send you a psychic signal.

    • Goosebumps usually happen when you have a strong telepathic connection with someone. If you’re both thinking of each other at the exact same time, then goosebumps are a sign that each of you have a “sixth sense” and can intuit one another’s feelings.
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Your eye twitches.

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  1. When your eye twitches, it might mean someone has their mind on you. If you’ve been eating well and aren’t deficient in vitamins or overusing caffeine, then your eye might twitch because you make someone’s heart flutter. Since they’re not with you right now, they send out a wish, and the Universe may translate it by making your eye twitch. It could be a way to open your eyes to someone’s love for you.


You suddenly get a text from them.

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  1. They finally contact you because they need you. This is one of the more obvious signs that someone has been longing for you. Even if they send a fairly innocent message, like saying hello or asking about how your day has been, it’s secretly a big declaration. Their text is likely proof that they’re enamored with you and crave a response.

    • If they work up the courage to reach out after a long time, it’s a clue that they have intensely strong feelings for you.
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You feel a phantom touch.

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  1. The sensation of a soft caress is a sign that someone wants to hold you. Even though you’re alone, you might feel as though a person is stroking your hair, arm, or back. This “phantom touch” may feel alarmingly real and make your heart melt. If so, then you’re probably receiving a telepathic message full of love and longing. It’s a psychic way to “stay in touch” with you.[2]


You feel like something is missing.

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  1. You get struck with an intense sense of loss. There are varying degrees to this sign from the Universe—you may mournfully feel as though you’ve lost a part of you, like a piece of your heart, or you might think you’ve misplaced a small but important object, like your keys. Either way, it’s a clue that someone feels like you’re the missing element in their life. The Universe will intensify your emotions so you can empathize with how strongly someone craves your presence in their life.

    • The Universe doesn’t just make you miss old lovers—it’ll also intervene to reconnect with old friends who you share history with.
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You’re restless.

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  1. You feel that you’ve got to go searching until you find someone. If you’re very anxious and can’t stay in one place, then someone might be inspiring you to get closer to them. Once you take some steps to reconnect with the person you’ve fallen out of touch with, then your nervousness is likely to subside. The Universe will reward you with a sense of peace for going through the journey of rekindling things.


You keep accidentally using their name.

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  1. Their name is on the tip of your tongue because you’re on their mind. If this person is smitten with you, then you’ll feel tempted to keep using their name. If your heart is open to them, even if you haven’t spoken, then the two of you might have a special connection. You both find it all too easy to mention each other. The Universe may nudge you to say their name more often as its sneaky way of encouraging you to get back in touch with them. [3]

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You randomly smile.

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  1. Their positive and loving energy makes you melt. Even if you’re not consciously aware of it, you might inspire “high vibration” emotions in someone else, like love, hope, or faith. Since you’re such an uplifting presence for someone else, you’ll feel their state of mind from afar. Their warmth and happiness will perk you up and make you smile. The Universe will fill your heart with positivity so you’re more likely to remember the good times you shared with someone.


Their friends and family remember you.

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  1. Since this person thinks about you so much, their inner circle likes you. You don’t have to go out of your way to influence them or even strike up a conversation with them. Instead, the important people in this person’s life will naturally embrace you. Since you’ve left such a positive impression on this individual, you’ll come across as a unique and remarkable presence to everyone else.

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You keep running into each other.

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  1. Your synchronistic encounters are proof you’re meant for one another. Remember—if there’s a will, there’s a way. When someone has their heart set on finding you again, the Universe will find a way to help out. It’ll create a series of “event paths” that’ll lead you both back into each other’s life. Once you meet up again, you’ll probably feel an incredible spark and reignite things again.


You make them blush.

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  1. They’re flustered when they’re around you because they adore you. If they finally get the chance to see you again, they’ll savor the moment. On top of that, their cheeks will burn because you fire them up. They’ll probably start envisioning starting or revisiting a love connection, so now’s a good time to explore romance (if that’s what you’re in the mood for).

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You get a message in a fortune cookie.

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  1. This person is searching for every possible way to reach you. Words have a lot of power, and maybe the person who’s missing you is too shy to get in touch. Instead, they’ll surrender and leave everything up to the Universe. This higher power might have a wonderful sense of humor and leave you with a message like, “You are being fondly thought of,” when you crack open a fortune cookie.


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  1. They’re walking down memory lane, so you do, too. Whenever they get tempted to think fondly about the past, then you’ll also be inspired to do the same. For example, they might play a song that you both listened to on your first date. Suddenly, you’re hit with a desire to turn it on, too. Even from afar, the both of you will share a special moment together (even if you don’t know it). The Universe orchestrates this series of events so you can realize that it’s destiny for you to reconnect with this person.

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They know things you never told them.

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  1. They have a tight bond with you, so they intuit what you’re up to. It’s likely that their heart is open to you, so they can sense whenever there’s a new development in your life. For example, if you get a promotion, they might feel a rush of joy. When they speak to you again, they might make a statement like, “I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished at work!,” even if you haven’t said a word about it.


You feel an intense need to be around them.

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  1. You’re hit with an impossible-to-ignore passion and miss their presence. It’s almost as though you’re going through withdrawal now that you’re not seeing each other anymore. Every iota of your being seems to be pressing you to make amends and get back in touch with this person. You feel as though you won’t be “complete” until you reunite. This sensation is often the Universe's way of trying to manifesting love or a tight bond.

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You go through a lot of mood swings.

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  1. You’re up and down all day. If you’re you’re spiritually synched with someone with someone, then you’ll start to experience all of their emotions. So, even if you’ve had a wonderful day, they might be going through a crisis. If that’s the case, then you’ll internalize what they’re going through, which can result in the sense that you’re not in full control of your feelings anymore.


You keep seeing them pop up on social media.

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  1. They use their online presence as a way to get your attention. Even if you’ve blocked or unfollowed them, you might still see them on other people’s pages. For example, they might be tagged in pictures of parties or outings. If you can’t evade them in the digital world, then the Universe may be encouraging you to strike up a conversation.

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You have hiccups.

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  1. The Universe communicates someone’s stuck on you with hiccups. If you haven’t been eating or drinking too quickly and you suddenly have a fit of hiccups, it’s probably a cosmic sign. Sneezes or inexplicable stomach aches are other ways a higher force might tell you someone's thinking about you. Keep in mind that it’s all in good fun—the Universe just wants you to stop for a moment and reflect on someone special.[4]

    • Hiccups are one of the more comical ways that the Universe gets its message across—sometimes it just likes to play around! The Universe is especially likely to use this method if it wants to reconnect you with someone who has a great sense of humor.

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      About This Article

      22 Signs from the Universe That Someone Is Missing You (61)

      Written by:

      Kari Samuels

      Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach

      This article was written by Kari Samuels and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano. Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts. This article has been viewed 108,544 times.

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      Co-authors: 4

      Updated: July 12, 2024


      Categories: Paranormal Beliefs

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      Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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      Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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      Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.