24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (2024)

Even when I could say the country name ‘Bosnia & Herzegovina’ out correctly, my friends at home would still inevitably ask me where the hell is that?

On the forefront of the Yugoslavian Civil War, Bosnia & Herzegovina had a bad rep in the 90’s as one of the most treacherous areas in the entire world. While I was too young to remember, people like my parents saw the horrors broadcasted back in the day and many still hold the same war-torn impression for the country. To make matters worse for my poor parents who still aren’t sure how they raised such a wanderlust daughter, my initial visit to Bosnia was during my first trip abroad and subsequently, my first time traveling solo*.

*Would highly recommend solo travel

Mostar Snapshot

CURRENCY: Convertible Marka
FOOD TO TRY: Ćevapit

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (1)

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (2)

Although I went without many expectations and only 24 hours in Mostar during my first visit to Bosnia & Herzegovina (I later spent over a week in the incredible city of Sarajevo and a few nights in a tinyyy seaside town called Neum), the small town absolutely blew me away. With largely popular Balkan countries like its neighbor Croatia, Mostar represented more than just another tourist hotspot usually touted as a great day trip from a larger city nearby like Split, Dubrovnik or Sarajevo.

A stay over night in Mostar offers a much more intimate look of a town of so much beauty but wrought with such sorrowing past.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (3)

It’s a town whose hospitable residents readily invite you to explore its beauty. However through this beauty, they also beckon you to remember the vicious cycle of a war they endured not too long ago.

Mostar is a community of highly visible cultural crossroads. Three predominate ethnicities exist within Bosnia & Herzegovina that lived harmoniously during Yugoslavia’s unification, something virtually unseen elsewhere in Europe. These groups consisted of Muslim Bosniaks, Catholic Croats and Orthodox Serbs.
Walking through the streets of Mostar even today you can see these cultural differences. At the threshold of the Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque a giant cross peaks down into the city from the surrounding mountains.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (4)

When Yugoslavia collapsed in the early 90’s from a vicious ethnically rooted civil war, Bosnia became the forefront to a horrific conflict. In cities like Split and Dubrovnik, the war can be easily forgotten. Mostar is a different story. Although most of Old Town has since been reconstructed, including the famous Stari Most bridge, just a few streets out the remnants of war are highly visible.

Remenants of the destruction of war->

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (5)

Where to Stay in Mostar

There’s no better example of the overextending hospitality I found in Mostar than through my stay at Hostel Nina. Not only did they schedule someone to pick me up from the bus station as I was arriving after dark, it turns out it wasn’t even an employee of Hostel Nina but instead a fellow hostel owner helping out to ensure I got to the hostel safely.
While it’s not directly within the confines of Old Town, Hostel Nina is a mere 8 minute, one right hand and one left hand turn from the iconic Old Bridge. If I, the Queen of ‘Where Am I?’ still remember the directions months later you know it’s in an optimal location.

Best of all, Nina’s mother made us a FREE delicious light Bosnian breakfast every morning. Although cloudy, the mornings were beautiful and breakfast was served in the garden shaded by pomegranate trees. Even though I resemble the reincarnation of Lucifer every morning, I made sure to wake up in time for breakfast – it was that good. Not to mention the cleanliness of Hostel Nina could rival that found in a surgical ward.

Top Things to Do in Mostar


Having the unique privilege of being a city caught in the crosshairs of various cultural identities, Mostar’s Old Town features everything you’d expect in a Balkan Old Town but with an Ottoman flair as a result of its Bosniak Islamic heritage. Split in half by the Neretva River, one side of Old Town houses its Bosniak roots while the other caters to the Catholic Croats.

Most of the streets lined with trinkets and baubles aimed to attract tourists lay on the Bosniak side of the river. Being a sucker for Middle Eastern decor, I dazzled at all the lanterns hanging from kiosks and copper goods hammered by hand for sale. If only my backpack wasn’t already bursting at the seams I would have bought one of everything. Which can be easily done when everything, even the things geared toward tourists, are ridiculously cheap.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (6)

Because of it’s close proximity to Dubrovnik, Old Town receives hordes of tourists each day fresh off day tour buses. Around 6pm, when the sun begins to dip behind the rocky mountains, the real Mostar gives light.

Once the tourists head off, it shows a softer, more enchanting side to the city. You’ll definitely thank yourself later for staying at least a full 24 hours in Mostar.

Bosniak hand-hammered cooper jewelry in the streets of Old Town. ->

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (7)


As the most sought after landmark in Mostar, Stari Most (literally translates to Old Bridge)links the two cultures on each side of the river. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the bridge was built in the 16th century and is a pristine example of Ottoman influence in the city.

After standing solidly for 427 years, the bridge was destroyed during the civil war. It’s said that the Croat army intentionally pelted the bridge with shells during the war due to its strategic positioning in the city.

Once it was reopened in 2004, tradition continued for local boys to become men on their 16th birthday by plummeting from its 24 meter peak. Personally, I’d rather have a party or eat cake on my 16th birthday but hey, who am I to say what makes you man.
Click here to watch the Red Bull Cliff Diving Competition from Stari Most

This is for you little daredevils out there: Do NOT attempt this jump on your own. With multiple deaths and too many injuries to count, the jump cannot be made unless you elect to take classes with the resident diving club. Once completed, they’ll guide you to the peak so you can fling yourself off and hope you live to tell the tale.

P.S.: Even with the addition of small raised concrete like “steps,” Stari Most is slippery af. And yes for those who know me, I did completely bust ass. Twice. In my defense it was raining each time.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (8)


While exploring Old Town and Stari Most it began to pour (hence the busting ass). Luckily I quickly took cover in the bridge tower and accidentally came across the War Photo Exhibition – a gallery of photos taken during the Yugoslavian conflict.

As a history buff, this was well worth the few euro entrance fee. Although it’s a quick browse, the photos taken by Wade Goddard during the civil war were wrenching.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (9)

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (10)

Seeing snapshots of injured civilians and women trying to cross Stari Most before its destruction under the cover of makeshift awnings to shield them from the sniper fire sent a chill down my spine. The photos of children with dirt streaked faces who would have been my age at the time hit the hardest.


After the rain subsided I headed toTimalrma, a traditional family-owned cafe for 30 years in the heart of Old Town. Growing hangrier by the minute, I opted to skip the wait for a cute outdoor table and took a seat at a long wooden bench inside.

And oh man was this food incredible. With the suggestion from my waiter (also the brother of the chef) I ordered theĆevapi, minced veal and beef in meat balls with traditional bread and onions along with a Bosnian beer to wash it down. All this for a whopping 7 euro! I was in budget backpacker heaven.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (11)

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (12)

I loved Timarma so much that I went back for dinner that night with a hostel friend and ordered theĆevabdžinica Irma,a cheese and veggie salad for a meager 4 euro. And yes, it was just as scrumptious as lunch. As a true testament to the nature of the Bosnian people, the chef recognized me from lunch, thanked me for bringing in another customer and gave us free beer. She knew the way to my heart that’s for sure.


After lunch I walked south toVučijaković Mosque dating back to 1564. Although I ended up arriving during closed hours, you can enter the mosque for a small fee and climb the very narrow minaret for a hell of a view.

Before the war, a little park was erected next to the mosque. Due to lack of space for the rising body count and the other cemeteries in the area compromised due to their close proximity to sniper fire, the park was turned into a burial ground during the war.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (13)

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (14)

This wasn’t the first cemetery I visited in Europe. But it by far had the most resounding effect. The other burial grounds I had come across during my trip were peppered with historical tombstones spanning centuries and others who had lived long, memorable lives. The tombstones in Mostar were almost all exclusively dated to 1993, 1994, and 1995. The average age of death was around 20-35 years old.


In a place like Mostar you can’t help but reflect on the effects war has on a community. Chilling along the river for awhile became a welcoming break. There’s a little river bank near Stari Most perfect for a swim in the summer or a place to dip your toes, although sections of the river were heavily polluted with trash while I was there.

My favorite though was stumbling across the much smallerLučki Bridge, south of Stari Most, that offered more secluded views of the city.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (15)


After a long day of checking off things to do in Mostar, I headed back into Old Town to grab a brew atBlack Dog Pub. Although it should have only taken us maybe 15 minutes to get there from Hostel Nina, our Google maps betrayed us and had us walking in circles for 40 minutes before finally hearing music coming down below.

Pro Tip:Ask for directions to the pub from a local. Here we a fine example of technology failing in the twisting turns of a city built when the moon was the only satellite.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (16)


As soon as you step foot in Mostar there’s no denying its role in the Yugoslavian conflict. In countries like Croatia catering to a recent boom of tourism, the scars of war have long been erased. Stitched up in closed books of yesterday.

Unlike its northern counterpart, Mostar has made no attempts to completely hide it’s past from visitors. As one of the most intense battlegrounds of the war, the people of Bosnia refuse to let their tragedies sink into a forgotten history.

Walking around Mostar with its collapsed buildings overgrown by nature, actual homes peppered by bullet holes, it becomes a sobering moment to see firsthand the physical manifestations of war. Yet at the same time, through the ardor of the people, the city has become a humble testament to the resiliency of human nature.

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (17)

  • Morning:Set out early to explore the streets of Old Town before the tourist buses
  • Afternoon:Walk across Stari Most and explore the War Photo Exhibition. Afterwards, head south through Old Town to visit theVučijakovićMosque.
  • Evening:Chill along the riverbanks of the Neretva. Wait until the sun begins to set to explore Old Town again after the tourist buses leave.
  • Night:Hit up Black Dog Pub for a brew and on some nights, live music.

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24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (18)

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24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (20)

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24 Hours in Mostar Travel Itinerary

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (21)

24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (22)

  1. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (23)

    Only By Landon July 9, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    I’m visiting Mostar this winter and I’ll remember to get a drink at Black Dog Pub! A walk around the old town sounds like a must too, the history of the recent war sounds very interesting. I’ll definitely check out Hostel Nina as well.


    • 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (24)

      The Wayward Walruson July 10, 2017 at 3:06 pm

      That’s awesome, you’ll have a great time in the area! I also highly suggest checking out a tour with a local who takes you to the Sniper Tower. Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to do this but everyone I know who did said it was absolutely worthwhile and really makes you reflect on the history of the area


  2. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (25)

    Marta Cunha Griloon July 9, 2017 at 7:01 pm

    Stari Most in slippery af indeed ahah I was there 2 years ago and I almost felt. Mostar is beautiful? Did you go to Blagaj? It’s really close and it’s worthwhile just for a quick look.


    • 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (26)

      The Wayward Walruson July 10, 2017 at 3:04 pm

      Hahaha so glad someone else can relate to my attempts of walking across the bridge! Sadly I didn’t get a chance to go to Blagaj but when I’m back in the area (hopefully soon!) I’ll definitely have to check it out


  3. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (27)

    nehaon July 10, 2017 at 9:59 am

    I have not heard of these places before. But after going through your post without any doubt I can say that these are amazing place. Mostar seems a great place for a relaxing and involving holiday. All pictures are great


  4. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (28)

    SindhuMurthyon July 10, 2017 at 1:05 pm

    I wonder if you can cover so much history and explore so many places in one day. Mosrat has a mystic charm with its beautiful bridges and centuries old buildings which have stood testimony to the bygone era. I can easily spend a couple of days photographing the beautiful structures in the town.


  5. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (29)

    Blaine Chrianon July 10, 2017 at 9:14 pm

    Such a wonderful post. I felt like you are touring me around Mostar. It’s really interesting to know the history of a certain place and sometimes great stories are found in war torn areas. Hope to visit this place soon. 🙂


  6. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (30)

    Tanya Kortelingon July 10, 2017 at 10:45 pm

    I have never considered visiting Bosnia, but after reading this I’m feeling inspired and will definitely try to make it some time soon.


  7. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (31)

    Indranion July 11, 2017 at 8:36 am

    Mostar is new to me. So sad to see the scars remain.
    The old world charm still seems to be there. Definitely worth a visit. May be I can combine with Croatia there.


  8. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (32)

    swatisinha09on July 11, 2017 at 12:34 pm

    Such a lovely post with great pictures. I would rather be a girl in Mostar and just admire Stari Most for its beauty ! I will love the walk into the old city and I can appreciate that the people don’t want to forget ’93. I wish to go there someday


  9. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (33)

    AllGudThingson July 11, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    Honestly, I have never heard about Mostar before your post and now i am curious to explore it myself. Walking along the old streets is real fun and that market place too looks quite interesting. Your pictures are great.


  10. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (34)

    Karieon July 11, 2017 at 2:24 pm

    I’ve actually not heard of Mostar before, but seems like a really beautiful place . I could imagine why your parents would hesitate at first ,cause of the history of the place. Loved the pictures especially of the streets, it reminded me of my trip to Israel few years back.


  11. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (35)

    Kenneth suraton July 12, 2017 at 9:35 pm

    Wow Bosnia is so dreamy! One of the few european countries that I havent been to. Putting this in my list definitely


  12. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (36)

    Leeon July 12, 2017 at 9:42 pm

    This is what I lov about traveling learning the culture religion and everything about the country


  13. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (37)

    Neha Vermaon July 12, 2017 at 10:53 pm

    This is like a comprehensive guide. I didn’t know of Mostar actually. Never have thought of including it in my itinerary in case I was visiting this part of the world. But after going through your post, I am so tempted to add it to my list, I sure will do


  14. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (38)

    Tracyon July 14, 2017 at 8:28 am

    It is cool to be able to visit all those places in a day. The city looks old but looks interesting to explore as well. Food, history, nature are covered.


  15. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (39)

    Jacki Lon December 15, 2017 at 10:21 am

    I think I would have the same hesitation as your parents about visiting Mostar, but its really lovely! Thanks for opening my eyes to this.


  16. 24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (40)

    Chocovivon December 1, 2019 at 4:07 am

    This is very interesting place…I never thought about this place to travel to….


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24 Hours in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Wayward Walrus (2024)


Is Mostar worth a day trip? ›

It's totally doable to see all the major attractions of Mostar in just one day. That's precisely why it's such a popular day trip destination from places like Dubrovnik, Split, and Sarajevo.

How long do I need in Mostar? ›

Once the tourists head off, it shows a softer, more enchanting side to the city. You'll definitely thank yourself later for staying at least a full 24 hours in Mostar.

How many people died in Mostar? ›

Around 2,000 people died, while more than 90,000 left the city. Mostar was hit by some 100,000 artillery shells, and many buildings including the historic Old Bridge over the Neretva were destroyed.

Can you drink the water in Mostar Bosnia? ›

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, tap water is generally safe to drink in most areas. The water supply is treated with chlorine and other disinfectants, and the water quality is monitored regularly to ensure it meets national and international standards.

Do they speak English in Mostar? ›

The official language spoken in Mostar is Bosnian, a South Slavic language which is spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many people speak English especially in the service industry at hotels and restaurants, and many locals speak Italian.

Can you drink alcohol in Mostar? ›

Rakija is king when it comes to alcohol, although beer and wine flow just as merrily. Many restaurants on the eastern side of town don't serve alcohol, although this tendency is changing with the constant increase in tourist numbers.

How safe is Mostar? ›

In recent years, there have been no major safety incidents in Mostar that would warrant concern for tourists. While it's always important to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings, you can feel secure while exploring the city's charming streets and iconic landmarks.

What currency is used in Mostar? ›

People in Mostar live a lot from booming tourism and especially from tourists from their first neighbour, Croatia. Therefore, convenience meets pragmatism. All over town, basically everywhere, people will accept all three currencies – marks, euros and kunas.

What does Mostar mean in English? ›

most (bridge, referring to the city's Old Bridge) + -ar. Literally "person who does something related to a bridge"; bridgekeeper.

Do Bosnians drink alcohol? ›

This statistic displays the prevalence of alcoholism in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2016, by gender and type. In that year, almost ten percent of males in Bosnia had alcohol use disorders, compared to 2.2 percent of females.

What is traditional Bosnian food? ›

Some local specialties are ćevapi, burek (börek), 'zelanica' spinach pie spanakopita, 'sirnica' cheese pie, 'paprike' stuffed peppers, sarma, 'pilav' tagliatelle, grah [butter bean soup], cured meats and cheeses (charcuterie) gulaš (goulash), ajvar and a whole range of sweets inspired by the Middle East like baklava.

How many Muslims are in Mostar? ›

Ethnic groups
Ethnic group19102013
2 more rows

Can you do a day trip to Mostar? ›

Mostar is definitely a popular day trip option. It's worth it to try and get out of the crowds a bit. It's also a place you really have to watch out for pickpockets. There are also a lot of tourist traps for restaurants.

Is Mostar or Sarajevo better? ›

If you're interested in history and culture, Sarajevo might be the better choice, as it has a more diverse range of attractions and a richer cultural history. However, if you're looking for a more relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, Mostar might be the better choice, as it has a smaller, more charming Old Town area.

Is it worth going to Mostar from Dubrovnik? ›

If you're heading to Dubrovnik, then a visit to Mostar is an absolute must! Just a short drive away from the famous walled city, Mostar (located in Bosnia & Herzegovina) offers medieval history, scenic surroundings, and quaint cobbled alleys.

What is special about Mostar? ›

Mostar has been long known for its old Turkish houses and the Old Bridge – Stari most, an extraordinary technological achievement of bridge construction. The historic part of Mostar is a result of interaction between the natural phenomena and human creativity throughout a long historical period.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.