25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (2024)

The dragon of the most iconic creatures in all of fantasy, and half of ' namesake. As a result, it's no surprise that dragons remain some of D&D's deadliest creatures. Every dragon is an epic, powerful creature with immense physical strength, elemental breath, and often magical prowess to boot.

D&D Fifth Edition has more varieties of dragons than any other type of monster. As a result, DMs have no shortage of choices to throw at the players. Dragons make suitable threats for nearly any point of a D&D 5e campaign. However, some stand out above the rest as the deadliest dragons D&D 5e has to offer.

Updated on August 14th, 2024 by Mayra Garcia: Dragons are essential for D&D, and battles against them usually make for some of the most epic moments in any campaign. Of course, since they're so central, the game has dozens of different dragons, some more vicious than others. This list has been updated with even more of the strongest dragons in D&D 5e.

25 Ancient Moonstone Dragons Run From Conflict


Typically neutral

Favored Terrain:



Undead creatures like zombies, vampires, or liches can be intimidating foes in D&D 5e — here are some tips to help players take them down.

Moonstone dragons are a magical species, capable of — particularly of illusion and enchantment as well as healing and necromancy. They also have a powerful radiant breath so that they can create a beam of energy as long as 12 feet long.

Although Moonstone dragons are quite strong, they don't rank high on this list because they choose not to be as dangerous as they can be. Instead, these neutral Gem Dragons are wise creatures with an innate curiosity that rather stay away from conflict. Regardless, anyone who gets in their way should mind their own business or deal with the consequences.

24 Ancient Brass Dragons Breath Sleep Gas

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (2)


Chaotic Good

Favored Terrain:


With darkvision, long triangular wings that are attached up to their tails, and a distinctive smell of metal, brass dragons rarely stand out from other metallic dragon races because they are way too humble. It's a strange trait of this kind of D&D creature, as it's a species usually known for its arrogance and hubris.

Overall, brass dragons in Dungeons & Dragons prefer to talk instead of fighting. They are known for being social creatures, contrary to other Dungeons & Dragons creatures. However, they will fight if they must and they possess two kinds of breath weapons to do so: fire breath and sleep gas breath.

23 Ancient White Dragons Are Expert Hunters

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (3)


Chaotic Evil

Favored Terrain:


Most D&D dragons aspire to reach the level of ancient dragons, growing larger and more powerful with every year that passes. Ancient white dragons are the most powerful of the primal and predatory white dragons. They're relentless hunters who devastate D&D 5e parties with their physical might and cold breath.

White dragons are typically the least dangerous dragon color in D&D 5e due to their low Intelligence and obsessive aggressive tendencies. Nonetheless, an ancient white dragon stands above most other monsters the players might fight. A party should never consider taking one on without a suitable plan.

22 Shadow Dragons Use Their Breath Weapon To Kill Instantly

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (4)


Chaotic Evil

Favored Terrain:


Shadow dragons have unusual rules in D&D 5e. Their statblock in the Monster Manual is only an example applied to a young red dragon. Any kind of dragon can be given the shadow dragon template. Given this largely applies bonuses, it can make any of D&D 5e's strongest dragon types even more fearsome.

Shadow dragons deal necrotic damage rather than elemental and have resistance to nearly every damage type when not in bright light. However, their biggest threat is their breath weapon. A shadow dragon's breath instantly kills any creature it reduces to 0 hit points and turns them into a shadow. This is a threat to any D&D character that can also turn a crowd of NPCs into a horde of terrifying foes.

21 Ancient Copper Dragons Are Magic-Resistant

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (5)


Chaotic Good

Favored Terrain:



The Underdark is the ultimate Dungeons & Dragons, and it's the perfect place for Dungeon Masters to deploy their most powerful monsters.

Metallic dragons tend towards good alignments rather than the chromatic dragons' evil or the gem dragons' neutrality. However, greater benevolence than their kin doesn't make D&D's metallic dragons less dangerous. An adventuring party may end up on the wrong side of an ancient copper dragon for various reasons. If they do, they're in for a brutal boss fight.

Ancient copper dragons in D&D 5e have all the traits that make ancient dragons a lethal threat, including all-around high stats, a devastating breath weapon, and Legendary Resistances to ignore spells. However, they also wield a unique slowing breath that can reduce a character's ability to move and make multiple attacks, making them one of the more dangerous dragons in D&D 5e.



Favored Terrain:


Many of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons' new monsters go well beyond the Monster Manual's offerings. Some even approach divine levels of power, with greatwyrms being a newer type of D&D 5e dragon that Fizban's introduces. A greatwyrm is a new type of ancient dragon that merges its form with echoes of itself from other worlds, becoming a legendary threat.

Metallic dragons do this as often as other kinds, and the resulting metallic greatwyrm D&D monsters are some of the game's most dangerous. They're a keen threat to any party despite their good alignment. They aren't just stronger than other D&D 5e dragons in their stats. As Mythic Monsters, they can return to maximum hit points from a would-be deathblow and gain new Legendary Actions to slay the party.

19 The Ancient Radiant Dragon Breaths Energy Beams

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (7)


Typically neutral

Favored Terrain:

Any space

Also known as star dragons or celestial dragons, Dungeons & Dragons' radiant dragons are spaceborne creatures that can reach ridiculous sizes when they become ancient. The oldest members of this race reach a length of approximately 1400 feet. This makes them one of the largest dragons in 5e.

Radiant dragons are incredibly powerful with a breath weapon made of energy pulses that can take multiple targets at a time. Radiant dragons are an incredibly vindictive race and once they are wronged, they will not rest until they conjure the cruelest revenge possible. This trait combined with their might is terrible news for their enemies.

18 Ancient Green Dragons Are Calculating Creatures

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (8)


Lawful Evil

Favored Terrain:



Draconic Bloodline is one of D&D Fifth Edition's most popular Sorcerer subclasses. Here's how to build the best character possible with it.

All ancient dragons are threats thanks to their impressive stat blocks, but some prove more dangerous than others. Ancient green dragons are Powerful, poison-spewing foes that can hold their own in combat. However, they're one of the rare D&D 5e dragon colors that are as dangerous outside of a fight as in one.

Green dragons are cunning and manipulative by nature. They live to trick, betray, and collect other living creatures. Moreso than other dragons, they enjoy baiting the player characters with false deals and lies before springing a trap. Ancient green dragons are some of D&D 5e's most dangerous monsters, but there is so much more to them than that.

17 Ancient Dragon Turtles Are Almost Unstoppable

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (10)


Typically neutral

Favored Terrain:


dragons. The base dragon turtle in the Monster Manual is a significant threat in its own right. However, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons ups the ante with the Ancient Dragon Turtle. This is one of the most dangerous aquatic monsters in the entire game, capable of devastating an entire fleet.

Ancient dragon turtles are a threat in any environment and almost unstoppable in the ocean. They're a Mythic Monster on top of their impressive physical stats, forcing players to beat them twice over. In addition, their Boiling Aura and Armor of Storms legendary and mythic actions make them a bigger threat to melee characters than nearly any dragon type in D&D 5e.

16 The Ancient Black Dragon Can Be sad*stic


Chaotic Evil

Favored Terrain:


One thing that sets dragons apart from most other D&D 5e creatures is that they're intelligent. Player characters can negotiate with most evil chromatic dragons, and many have goals beyond simply killing things and amassing loot. Black dragons are dangerous because of what they crave. More than any other dragon color in D&D 5e, they revel in destruction and the suffering of other creatures.

Ancient black dragons possess a more threatening presence than many other D&D 5e dragons and have the combat prowess to back that up. Their immense strength, physical prowess, and delight in playing with their food make them one of D&D 5e's most dangerous dragon types, even if other colors have higher stats.

15 Ancient Steel Dragons Resist Plenty Of Damage


Typically neutral

Favored Terrain:

Urban Areas

Also known as Waterdeep dragons in D&D, steel dragons live among humans, but they do so in the dark, so they can observe them without being caught. They don't see humans as prey. Instead, they are curious about them and prefer to interact with humans, elves, and dwarves instead of other dragons, since they see them as tyrants.

Steel dragons don't like to fight but they will do it and they are equipped to do so. These creatures are resistant to poison, acid, and magic, but they use these to fight back. Steel dragons breathe acid and poisonous gas, which makes them formidable adversaries in Dungeons & Dragons. Additionally, they can cast spells from the trickery domain.

14 Elder Brain Dragons Are Psionic Beasts

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (12)


Typically Lawful Evil

Favored Terrain:



Dungeons & Dragons gives players a ton of flexibility when creating their characters, but some builds and combos are far more effective than others.

Illithid elder brains are some of D&D 5e's most potent psionic threats, and dragons are some of the most powerful physical enemies. The elder brain dragon combines both strengths into a terrifying whole. Elder brain dragons have all the might of a dragon with horrific and unique powers on top.

An elder brain dragon's most dangerous ability in D&D is its Tadpole Brine Breath. This deals vicious damage in a line and infects even creatures that pass the saving throw with mind-flayer tadpoles. These deal damage every turn and transform a creature into a mind flayer if they die. This is on top of the ability to break another creature's Concentration and four legendary resistances, making it one of D&D 5e's most powerful dragons.

13 Ancient Bronze Dragons Are Arrogant But Fair

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (14)


Lawful Good

Favored Terrain:


Although D&D metallic dragons tend toward noble behavior, they have the same tendencies towards vice, arrogance, and violent delights as any other dragons. Bronze dragons, in particular, have an interest in war. They live to fight against injustice and tyranny and enthusiastically lend their immense power to good causes.

By the time they reach ancient status, bronze dragons are masters of war. Ancient bronze dragons are one of the physically strongest types of D&D dragons. They also wield unique propulsion breath alongside lightning. Flinging creatures back 60 feet disrupts a party's battle plan on any battlefield and can cause a TPK if they're high in the air or near a significant hazard.

12 The Gem Greatwyrm Possesses Telekinetic Abilities

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (15)



Favored Terrain:


Gem dragons are the neutral equivalents of chromatic and metallic dragons. and quickly gives them the same power level as their chromatic and metallic cousins. Gem dragons have a greatwyrm of their own, which ranks with the other types as one of the strongest dragons in D&D 5e.

As well as being a campaign-ending Mythic Monster, the greatwyrm takes the natural abilities of D&D gem dragons and amplifies them dramatically. Their psionics are unmatched by any creature in D&D. For example, they can use telekinesis to hold aloft and restrain an entire party simultaneously.

11 Aspect Of Tiamat Is A Mythic Monster

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (16)


Chaotic Evil

Favored Terrain:


Fizban's Treasury of Dragons brings a lesser representation of D&D's chromatic dragon goddess into the game as a fightable enemy. The aspect of Tiamat is not the god herself. It's a fragment of Tiamat's physical form that rampages across the world in search of treasure and foes.

The aspect of Tiamat is likely to devastate any D&D party it comes across. Considering how physically hardy they are with their vast hit points and high defenses, they're not ideal encounters for low-level DnD parties. The beast's breath weapon can nearly kill most characters in one hit. It's also a Mythic Monster, meaning parties must brave a grueling two-stage boss fight.

10 Ancient Blue Dragons Hold Hostages


Lawful Evil

Favored Terrain:



People tend to gravitate towards humans, elves, and the like, leaving D&D's many monster races unfairly overlooked despite how cool they can be.

All chromatic dragons tend towards villainy in D&D. Blue dragons are unique in that their instincts urge them towards lawful, hierarchical societies with themselves at the top. They're not murderous devastators. Instead, ancient blue dragons are far more likely to keep those beneath them alive and in servitude, tormenting them at will.

The blue dragon's power in D&D doesn't just come from its considerable might, but also from its influence and servants. Ancient blue dragons make lairs that are particularly hard to assault and can grind the party down with summoned dust devils. They don't need to be D&D 5e's strongest dragon type in a straight fight if the party members are exhausted by the time they get there.

9 Ancient Crystal Dragons Breath Crystal Shards

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (18)


Chaotic Neutral

Favored Terrain:


With one breath, D&D's crystal dragons can create a storm of glowing shards that will reach up to 60 feet, forming a cone that will affect anyone in their way. In addition to the crystal shards, enemies should consider the light emitted by them, which can easily blind them. Ironically, these dragons are the most amicable race ever, so they're very unlikely to use their mighty breath.

Crystal dragons will avoid battles in Dungeons & Dragons — and will likely use charms to avoid any enemies, instead choosing to have a good talk to fix any conflict. Their greatest enemies are the white dragons, but only because these hunters see them as prey, so they have to defend themselves.

8 Ancient Silver Dragons Are Merciful But Mighty

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (19)


Lawful Good

Favored Terrain:



Dungeons & Dragons has featured a ton of exciting and unique settings for players to explore throughout its long history.

Silver dragons are some of the most innately benevolent of their kind in D&D 5e and among the most likely to ally with adventuring parties. They tend towards decency and enjoy adopting a human form to socialize with others. An ancient silver dragon in its true form is nonetheless one of D&D's strongest monsters.

An ancient silver dragon is the second most powerful metallic dragon in D&D 5e's Monster Manual. Its most devastating weapon is the paralyzing breath that can stop an entire party in their tracks. Paralyzed party members are easy pickings for an ancient silver dragon's physical attacks, creating a lethal one-two punch.

7 Dracoliches Have Undead Powers

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (21)


Lawful Evil/Chaotic Evil

Favored Terrain:


Dracoliches are another template that can be applied to any D&D 5e dragon type. On top of , a dracolich can have the physical might of any dragon in the game. The dracolich template gives immunity to poison damage and a wide host of status effects. Alongside Magic Resistance, this makes it very difficult to stop a dracolich by any means short of killing it.

Killing a D&D 5e dracolich is easier said than done. A dead dracolich's soul transfers to a gem that can then possess any dragon's corpse and turn it into a dracolich. Unless the party members are thorough, they might have to fight a dracolich over and over again throughout a campaign.

6 Ancient Red Dragons Are The Most Powerful Chromatic Dragons

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (22)


Chaotic Evil

Favored Terrain:

Hill, Mountains

Few monsters are more iconic in D&D and fantasy than the red dragon. Red dragons are D&D 5e's most powerful chromatic beasts and immense physical powerhouses. While they often lack tricks or unique abilities, they carry the day with sheer physical might and devastating fire breath.

Ancient red dragons believe themselves to be the strongest D&D dragons and do plenty to back that claim up. They're one of the most dangerous foes an adventuring party will face. Their straightforwardness and physical nature don't make them dimwitted or predictable enemies either. They're among D&D 5e's most intelligent monsters as well.

25 Strongest Types Of Dragons in Dungeons & Dragons (2024)


What is the strongest type of dragon in D&D? ›

Officially using the statblock, it's the gold or the red dragon. Yes, in 5e the red dragon is equally powerful to the gold dragon. Legendary resistance and no better stats negate any advantage that the gold dragon used to have in older editions.

What is the most powerful species in D&D? ›

  • 8 Balor. ...
  • 7 Pit Fiend. ...
  • 6 Astral Dreadnought. ...
  • 5 Lich. ...
  • 4 Empyrean. Their Mood Affects The Environment Around Them. ...
  • 3 Kraken. Can Conjure Storms To Devastate Parties. ...
  • 2 Ancient Red Dragon. Powerful Legendary Attacks And Breath Weapons. ...
  • 1 Tarrasque. An Insurmountable Challenge With High Defense, Health, And Damage.
Mar 30, 2024

What color is the most powerful dragon? ›

Red dragons are the largest and most powerful of the classic chromatic dragons. They are large with a wide wingspan. They have two swept back horns on their heads.

What is the rarest dragon type in D&D? ›

Platinum dragons were the rarest of metallic dragons; in fact, most believed that there was only one platinum dragon. They represented the archetype of good-aligned metallic dragons.

What dragon type is super effective? ›

Ice, fairy, and dragon type moves are all super effective against dragon types. Ice is generally your best attacking option since many Dragon Pokemon have a secondary typing weak to ice as well (flying and ground), so ice moves do 4 times the regular damage.

What is the most overpowered character in DND? ›

2) In terms of succeeding on an adventure, quest, or mission, the most overpowered class in D&D 5e is a tie between the Druid and the Bard. For the same reason — versatility. They may not command the same raw power as a Wizard can, but almost no matter what happens, either one will have something useful to do about it.

What is the weakest dragon type in D&D? ›

Their breath weapon was a cone of poisonous green gas. White dragons, also called ice dragons or glacial wyrms, were the smallest and weakest of the classic chromatic dragons.

Who is the most powerful entity in Dungeons and Dragons? ›

Who is the strongest character in dungeons and dragons? Lord AO is considered to be the strongest deity in D&D. He has only taken a physical form once, but as an Overgod his existence is barely known to the people of Faerun.

What color is the dragon god? ›

Description. The Azure Dragon or Blue-Green Dragon (靑龍 Qīnglóng), or Green Dragon (蒼龍 Cānglóng), is the Dragon God of the east, and of the essence of spring.

What are the 17 dragons in the House of the Dragon? ›

As of House of the Dragon season 2, there are 15 dragons in House of the Dragon: Syrax, Caraxes, Vhagar, Seasmoke, Vermax, Arrax, Moondancer, Dreamfyre, Silverwing, Tessarion, Sheepstealer, and Vermithor. Tyraxes and two wild dragons have also been mentioned, while Meleys and Sunfyre have been killed.

What is the most evil dragon color? ›

Black Dragons Are The Cruelest And Most Depraved

They are also incredibly jealous and paranoid of other dragons, attacking weaker rivals, and fleeing from stronger ones. Black dragons make their homes in swamps, and they are sometimes worshiped by evil Lizardfolk or kobolds.

Who is the god of dragons? ›

Bahamut is a child of the dragon god Io. He is also referred to as the God of Dragons or the Lord of the North Wind. In many campaign settings, the draconic pantheon of gods consists of the leader Io, and his children Aasterinian, Bahamut, Chronepsis, Faluzure, Sardior, and Tiamat.

What is the most powerful dragon type in D&D? ›

Few monsters are more iconic in D&D and fantasy than the red dragon. Red dragons are D&D 5e's most powerful chromatic beasts and immense physical powerhouses. While they often lack tricks or unique abilities, they carry the day with sheer physical might and devastating fire breath.

What is the strongest form in dragon? ›

Super Saiyan Blue is still the strongest Super Saiyan form in Dragon Ball Super before Goku and Vegeta head down different paths that expose them to new skills and transformations.

Who is the strongest character in Dungeons and Dragons? ›

Who is the strongest character in dungeons and dragons? Lord AO is considered to be the strongest deity in D&D. He has only taken a physical form once, but as an Overgod his existence is barely known to the people of Faerun.

Who is the most powerful mythical dragon? ›

The Dragon King is the most powerful of all, and can take a variety of forms. He's thought to reign over the seas. In Norse mythology, Fafnir was a huge dragon with armoured scales that couldn't be penetrated by ordinary weapons. He had sharp, curved claws and wings, and could breathe fire.

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