25+ tips to help save money on heating costs (2024)

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One of my favourite ways to save money is around my home. When you know how to save money on heating costs you can have a BIG impact on one of your higher household bills.

I’m sharing 25 tips with you today designed to help you to stay warm, keep well and save a little money on your heating costs in the process! Oh, and a little on your energy costs overall of course!

25+ tips to help save money on heating costs (1)

How to save money on heating costs

Turn the thermostat down 1-2C

If you’re in the habit of having your thermostat on a fixed temperature then consider trying to reduce this by 1C or even 2C. You may not notice the difference in your home, but could make a considerable saving in the process.

The WWF claims that turning down by just 1C can save as much as 10% on your energy bill.

Avoid using radiators to dry clothes

It can be tempting to pop your clothes on the radiator to dry but this usually means that your heating system is having to work a little harder to reach the desired temperature.

Considering placing your clothes on a heated airer, and switch it on either overnight, to keep the room it’s in a little warmer, or at the same time as your heating is on.

The best part of a heated airer is that you can use it both heated and unheated. You can even carry it outside if you get a burst of fine weather and don’t have a washing line. Or don’t want to peg everything to your washing lineoutside.

Allow radiators room to breathe

Site your furniture, like your sofa, a little way away from your radiator if at all possible. This will allow the radiators to work more efficiently and your room to warm up quicker too.

If you live in a tiny house, like I do, this may not always be an option – but try your best!

Change energy suppliers

Check at least once a year the rate that you are paying to your energy supplier. Often suppliers want to tie you in to a one year or fixed term tariff, and then costs may rise after this.

By shopping around you can switch to a new deal and you can even make use of cashback deals on websites like *TopCashBack or *Quidco.

Since the big energy crisis of the 2020s began there have been less fixed tariffs, and always check your exit fees if you’re going to tie yourself into fixed prices.

Read your meters regularly

Read your meter regularly, at least once per quarter, but ideally once a month if you can. Providing an accurate figure of your usage to your energy company will allow them to predict your direct debit amounts better. It will also ensure that you’re paying for the energy that you’ve used at the current price.

This means you are less likely to receive a surprise payment demand from your supplier, and also if your tariff changes in line with supply & demand, as it seems to do with some of the suppliers now, you could make a further saving.

If you’re unsure how to read your own meter then speak to your supplier, who will be only too happy to help! Alternatively reach out to me on my Instagram and I’ll try and help!

Check your radiators and heating before Winter!

In early September, perhaps on a day when it isn’t roasting, it is a great idea to turn your heating on and fire up the radiators.

This will allow you to contact any tradesperson if you’ve got an issue BEFORE they are entering their busiest time of year. Also, this is a great time to arrange a boiler service.

Have a smart meter fitted

If you’re someone who enjoys a nice visual aid or an in your face reminder even then a smart meter may just be perfect for you.

Smart meters will allow you to see a current cost of the energy that you are using, as well as an overall daily rate for your household.

If you’re someone who regularly forgets to turn off appliances, unplug chargers or switch off the heating then this could be just the reminder you need – right there for you to see it flashing!

Energy companies will typically fit smart meters for free, but may want you to sign up for a fixed term tariff, so ensure you read any small print before signing up as this may not be the best deal for you!

Know how your heating and thermostat works

Your heating system is likely to have a timer. You can set this to turn off 30-45 minutes before you usually head to bed, or even to turn on just before you get home so you come home to a lovely warm and cosy feel.

You can also turn down the heating, AND the hot water temperature. We were able to turn our hot water down around 5C and this meant we were no longer scalding ourselves the second we turned the hot water on from our combi boiler and it has been a great way to save money on heating costs.

Draw the curtains

Make the most of your curtains or blinds. Closing blinds and curtains at night can have a BIG difference on the time it takes to heat a room, or even your entire home.

Walk around your home when you return home from work, or before you settle down for the evening, and ‘close up the house’ for the night. It only takes a couple of minutes and can make a big difference to the overall temperature in your home. You can even buy smart devices that help do this for you if you’re looking to be more time efficient.

Cover your letter box

This is often an overlooked area of your home but this is especially important if you have a house with an internal hallway that covers almost the entire length of the downstairs portion.

Consider fitting an *internal letter box draught excluder, if you don’t already have one.

Check loft insulation

Conduction and convection means that a lot of heat can be lost through your loft. Have a little nosy and check that everything looks above board with your loft insulation.

The Energy Saving Trust state that a quarter of heat is lost through the roof of an uninsulated home.

Use a hot water bottle

When you’re settling down for the evening, and fancy a nice cup of tea, why not fill up your *hot water bottle too? Have you seen the *extra long hot water bottles? So cool!

If you’re the only person at home, or really need to save money, then a hot water bottle will keep you comfortable while you relax in front of the TV, or even when you’re settling into bed for the night.

When you’ve finished cooking use the heat from the oven

It may seem obvious now you read it but open up your oven once you’ve finished using it. Assuming you don’t have little ones or pets crawling around in the kitchen of course!

This can help to keep your kitchen warmer and you may as well utilise this leftover heat – as you’ve paid for it!

I also love to use my own slow cooker recipes for low cost cooking and air fryer recipes to make dinner in a shorter time, but still make something delicious!

Now I’ve shared with you how to save money on heating costs I want to share some more tips that will help you save energy in your home, and therefore save yourself some money in the process!

Ditch the kitchen gadgets

This tip isn’t heating specific, and is more just energy related instead, but a saving is a saving after all!

If you’re a fan of baking muffins, making rolls or pizza dough then consider if you can mix the dough by hand. You’ll get a little bit of a workout, which will help to raise your body temperature, and you’ll save energy not using kitchen gadgets too!

Don’t get me wrong – I love finding uses for food processors to make life easier but sometimes it is almost as fast just to cut your fruit or vegetables yourself!

Switch temperature on your washing machine

Consider using a 20C or 30C cycle on your washing machine. This is ideal for lightly worn clothes that need a refresh.

There is a time and a place for a 60C cycle of course, and I’m not suggesting you need to switch for every wash but just making a switch where you can is a great improvement.

Utilise the different settings on your washing machine

If your washing machine has a cycle for mixed fabrics then you can cut down on the number of wash cycles you need to do.

Also look for a speed cycle, such as a 15 or 30 minute cycle. These are ideal for giving clothes a freshen up, and if you use a second spin you can save a little on drying time too!

I use colour catchers, in a net bag so they don’t end up in the washing machine filter, to allow me to easily combine different colours of clothing.

Replace light bulbs with energy-efficient ones

Make the change to *energy-efficient lightbulbs for your home. There is an initial outlay of course, and you could just wait until your existing lights have reached the end of their life if you don’t want a large cost upfront or to be wasteful.

Use lids on saucepans

When cooking in the kitchen ensure you use a lid on your saucepans. This will mean less heat escapes and cooking time can be reduced slightly too.

Also, you’ll keep your hob cleaner which is a bonus isn’t it!

Only boil the water you need in your kettle

If you’re just making one cup of tea then boil just over one cup of water, or even consider using a *Hot Cup like I have done in the past.

When you’re boiling a larger amount of water then measure it out in accordance to your requirements. Not only will you save on heating the water but you’ll reduce your water usage slightly too, which is great for the environment.

Keep your freezer ice free and full up

Having a well stocked freezer can mean there is less air circulating around that needs to be cooled. Also, keep your freezer free of ice too, so it can work more efficiently.

Make sure any fans in your fridge or freezer can circulate properly, without interruption or blockage,, and that they aren’t getting accidentally clogged up with groceries.

Use a heated airer

I absolutely LOVE mine!

It’s a great way to get clothes dried, without using radiators or a tumble drier.

I don’t always turn on the airer, as it can be used alone, without turning on the heated part, and sometimes I carry it out onto the patio to dry a little more in any sun that we’re lucky to get in the colder months.

I tend to use my heated airer in my office, and turn it on right next to my desk so that I feel some of the benefits too while I’m working. I have a cover over the top of mine too which really helps to dry things quicker. You could use a bedsheet for similar results I’m sure.

Towel dry your hair

As long as you’re not due to go outside in cold weather you can leave your hair to dry naturally. Give it a little towel dry first to help speed it up.

This is especially great for hair that is regularly heat treated. You can use frizz treating products, or a leave in condition or even a curl cream, then leave your hair to dry naturally.

Dryer balls if you use a tumble drier

If you feel you can’t live without your tumble drier then take a look at *dryer balls, as they are designed to help you cut down on the drying time for your clothes.

Wrap up warm + protect those toes

It goes without saying but I will say it anyway… don’t walk around in shorts and a thin t-shirt and then moan that you’re freezing cold!

Layer your clothes, wrap up warm and keep your toes warm too! I find that if I’m wearing nice comfortable thick socks, and slippers, when I work from my home office that I feel nice and warm.

Use a heated blanket

If you are wanting to be cosy and warm in your bed, but don’t need to be heating your whole home, then consider using a *heated blanket. You can turn it on just before you get into bed, and then turn it off before you go to sleep, for a lovely comfortable warm snuggle down in your bed!

Get moving!

Do a little exercise! Get some speed cleaning done. Move your body more to warm up and you won’t feel the cold so much.

There you have it – 25+ tips to help you save on your heating costs, and energy costs too! I hope you’ve found them useful and if you’ve got anything to add please do reach out to me over on my Instagram.

If you enjoyed this post I’d love it if you could pin it on Pinterest!

25+ tips to help save money on heating costs (14)
25+ tips to help save money on heating costs (2024)


What is the best way to save money on heating? ›

Ways to save money on your heating
  1. Keep the heat in. Keep your doors closed and buy some draught excluders to make sure the heat stays in. ...
  2. Think about your windows. ...
  3. Get smart with your radiators. ...
  4. Upgrade your thermostat. ...
  5. Insulate your hot water tank. ...
  6. Put down carpets. ...
  7. Roof and loft insulation. ...
  8. Thick curtains.

How can I save on heating costs? ›

Set your thermostat at 70 degrees or lower.

Your heating costs rise 4-6% for every degree you set your thermostat above 70 in the winter, according to Atmos Energy. So keep your heating as low as possible and stock up instead on a pair of slippers and a thick sweater to keep you warm before boosting the heat.

How to lower heating bill in winter? ›

Lower the Thermostat

According to the Department of Energy, turning down the thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees for up to 8 hours can help you save up to 10% on your annual energy bill. 6 Also, turn the heating down to the lowest bearable level at night, while you're out at work, or when you're on vacation.

How do you keep heating costs low? ›

Turn the Thermostat Down

Adjusting your thermostat can lead to a dramatic drop in your heating bills. Lowering the thermostat by up to 10 degrees can help you save up to 10% annually on heating. Some of the best times to turn down your thermostat are bedtime and before you leave for work in the morning.

Is it cheaper to leave heating on low all day? ›

According to the experts at the Energy Savings Trust, the idea that you can save money by keeping your central heating permanently on low is a myth. This is mainly because of problems with home insulation. If your house is old or draughty, for example, heat will be leaking out through windows and doors.

How to cut a heating bill in half? ›

11 Hacks To Help You Save On Heating This Winter
  1. Turn Down Your Water Heater. ...
  2. Replace Your Furnace Filters. ...
  3. Maintain Your Doors And Windows. ...
  4. Turn Down Your Thermostat. ...
  5. Close Unused Vents. ...
  6. Turn On Your Ceiling Fan. ...
  7. Check Your Attic Insulation. ...
  8. Turn Your Bathroom Fan Off.

What can I put on my heat to save money? ›

According to the US Department of Energy, it's best to keep your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit for most of the day during the winter season. For maximum efficiency, you should also designate eight hours per day during which you turn the temperature down by between 7 and 10 degrees.

Does turning off heat at night save money? ›

The average savings for homeowners who do this is 1% to 3% per degree that they lower the thermostat. For a homeowner who lowers the temperature 8 degrees for 8 hours per day, that savings translates to at least $180 per year.

What makes your heat bill high? ›

If you notice uneven home heating or higher heating costs, check the home insulation. Poor insulation in the attic or walls causes problems retaining precious (and expensive) heat in your home. If you notice that the heater is running all day, but your home isn't getting warmer, you're dealing with poor insulation.

How can I reduce my central heating bill? ›

Here are some quick and easy actions you can take to reduce your energy usage and therefore your bills:
  1. Adjust your combi boiler flow temperature to 60°C or below. ...
  2. Heat the right places at the right times. ...
  3. Be mindful of hot water use. ...
  4. Don't boil more water than you need. ...
  5. Unplug your 'Vampire Devices'
Oct 23, 2023

What is the cheapest temperature to keep your house in winter? ›

You can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to around 68°F to 70°F while you're awake and setting it lower while you're asleep or away from home.

What is another way to reduce heating costs? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save 10 percent on your winter heating bills by adjusting your thermostat 10 to 15 degrees cooler while you're at work. Save even more by turning the thermostat down while you're sleeping. Even a few degrees can make a difference on your monthly bill.

How can I save money on heating costs? ›

Heating the entire house can be costly. Instead, shut the door to areas you aren't using and only heat the rooms you're using to save energy and cost. When using your heater this winter, close curtains and blinds to keep the warm air in and reduce heat loss through your windows when there isn't any winter sunshine.

Why is my house so expensive to heat? ›

Reasons for high heating costs

'Primarily, the rise in heating expenses can be attributed to the growing costs of energy sources like natural gas and oil, which are subject to market fluctuations and geopolitical influences,' says Justin Bohannon, owner of Affordable Solutions HVAC & Electrical.

What is the best heat setting to save money? ›

According to the US Department of Energy, it's best to keep your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit for most of the day during the winter season. For maximum efficiency, you should also designate eight hours per day during which you turn the temperature down by between 7 and 10 degrees.

Is it cheaper to keep the heat on all day? ›

In fact, leaving your heat on all day can actually cost you much more than turning it off every now and then. Heat tends to diffuse, so the high heat in your home will diffuse to areas of low heat outside the home during the winter. So even when you have your furnace on, your home is always losing a little bit of heat.

What is the best heating schedule to save money? ›

You should set the central heating programme to come on around half an hour before you get up, and go off around half an hour before you go to bed. And if the house is empty during the day, or you can manage without heating during the day, make sure you've set the programmer to go off for this period too.

Is it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature? ›

Keeping your home at a constant temperature generally means that your HVAC system will run constantly to meet it. This means that your furnace or air conditioner may run when you're asleep, at work, or out of the house. This wastes more energy than the minimal amount that you might save by having it constantly run.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.