290+ Monday Motivation Quotes & Captions to Start You Week - DIVEIN (2024)

Monday mornings may seem like an uphill battle, but fear not, for we have assembled a collection of empowering Monday motivation quotes to infuse your week with the vigor and positivity needed to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Embracing the dawn of a new week, Mondays stand as a powerful gateway to the possibilities that lie ahead. Like a fresh canvas awaiting the strokes of inspiration, we are presented with a chance to reignite our drive and determination. But let’s admit it – we all need that extra spark to fuel our ambition on this day of the week.

What is Motivation Monday?

Motivational Monday is a recognition of the so called “Monday Blues”, when people have a challenging time feeling positive and motivated on Mondays. Many of us experience the phenomenon after a weekend of relaxation and fun when going back to work can feel completely overwhelming. That’s why motivational Monday was created.

The phenomenon first appeared on Twitter in 2009 with the hashtag #MondayMotivation. It went unnoticed for a few years and it wasn’t until 2011 that social media users began using #mondaymotivation in their posts. Mostly by users that frequently shared inspirational quotes or fitness posts.

Eventually in 2015, Huffington Post published an article recognizing the hashtag as trending. That same year, many companies used the hashtag for marketing campaigns.

290+ Monday Motivation Quotes & Captions to Start You Week - DIVEIN (1)

What is the purpose of Motivation Monday?

The purpose of Motivation Monday is to encourage you to think more positively and reach your goals. For many people the day has a negative connotation and the phenomenon Motivational Mondayprovide us a fresh opportunity to start all over again, and make things happen.

It’s a movement that helps people take Mondays by a storm and start the week full of energy and motivation.

Monday Motivation Quotes

  1. “Magical Monday is an amalgamation of passion, perseverance and performance.” – Subhashree Jena, Singer & Youtube star.
  2. “It’s Monday… time to motivate and make dreams and goals happen. Let’s go!” – Heather Stillufsen, Motivational Author.
  3. “Monday is the start of a brand-new week, and the troubles that happened the week before are in the past. As the saying goes, focus on today, for yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.” – Daisy Sutherland, Writer & Founder & CEO of Wholistic Fit Living
  4. “Monday, the start of a new week, with brand-new opportunities to enjoy all that life has to offer.” – Audrey Carlan, Author.
  5. “Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.” – Michael Ealy, Actor.
  6. “Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” – David Dweck, Real Estate Professional & author.
  7. “This should be the spirit every Monday. Know that something good will always happen.” – Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Colombian novelist and short story writer.
  8. “Okay, it’s Monday but who said Mondays have to suck? Be a rebel and have a great day anyway.” – Kimberly Jiménez, Dominican-Puerto Rican model.
  9. “There are many opportunities in every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.” – Isabella Koldras, Author.
  10. “Monday is for people with a mission. Those who favor vacations, not weekends.” – Cristina Imre, Entrepreneur & author.
  11. “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.” – Ken Poirot, Entrepreneur & author.
  12. “Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.” – Ken Poirot, Entrepreneur & author.
  13. “When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it’s Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.” – Edmond Mbiaka, Self Help author.
  14. “What starts on Monday should carry through to Friday; that is, enthusiasm.” – Byron Pulsifer, Author.

Monday Motivation Captions

  1. “Monday is not the end; it’s a new chapter.”
  2. “Your Monday mindset sets the course for your entire journey.”
  3. “Mondays are opportunities dressed in work clothes.”
  4. “Mondays are a reminder that you have a purpose to fulfill this week.”
  5. “Don’t dread Mondays; they are the catalysts for your achievements.”
  6. “Mondays are for rekindling your passion and rediscovering your drive.”
  7. “Mondays are for new ideas and fresh perspectives; welcome them eagerly.”
  8. “Mondays are reminders of your resilience; you’ve got this!”
  1. “Welcome Monday with a warrior’s spirit; success is your battleground.”
  2. “Success loves those who tackle Monday’s challenges head-on.”
  3. “The power of Monday lies in your hands; make it count.”
  4. “Mondays are for dusting off your dreams and polishing them into reality.”
  5. “Mondays are like a treasure hunt; you’ll find success along the way.”
  6. “Mondays are a reminder that you have the power to shape your destiny.”
  7. “On Mondays, take the leap of faith; greatness awaits on the other side.”
  8. “The week bows to your efforts on Monday; claim your victory.”
  9. “Mondays are for rewiring your mindset; positivity opens doors.”
  10. “Your Monday choices shape the mosaic of your week; choose wisely.”
  11. “On Mondays, dare to dream bigger than ever; the universe is listening.”
  12. “Embrace Monday with unwavering belief in your potential; it’s limitless.”
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  1. “On Mondays, believe in the power of your dreams; they can move mountains.”
  2. “On Mondays, forge the sword of determination; it will cut through challenges.”
  3. “Mondays are for building bridges of opportunity; cross fearlessly to success.”
  4. “The energy of Monday can fuel your entire week – embrace it with enthusiasm!”
  5. “Mondays are proof that every ending leads to a new beginning; make it count.”
  6. “Monday is not the enemy; it’s your ally, pushing you to reach new creative heights.”
  7. “Mondays are the mirrors of your potential; reflect greatness in every action.”
  8. “Mondays are for scripting a tale of resilience; let your actions speak volumes.”

Monday Morning Quotes

  1. “Monday Morning Blues? Why not change the color of your Monday to yellow and brighten up the coming week?” – Kanika Saxena, Author and life coach.
  2. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier, and healthier life. – Germany Kent, LA Reporter.
  3. “Coming to you this Monday morning to remind you how awesome you are, and that you my darling… matter. After all, there’s only one of you in the whole world. Don’t waste one second trying to be like anyone else.” – Sara Blakely, American Business Woman & CEO.
  4. “On Mondays, opportunities knock on the door disguised as challenges.”
  5. “Mondays are fresh starts wrapped in the embrace of new possibilities.”
  6. “Wake up and seize the day – it’s Monday, and the world awaits your brilliance.”
  7. “Let’s turn ‘Manic Monday’ into ‘Magic Monday’ with our creativity and determination.”
  8. “Monday is the day to rise and shine, to let our unique light brighten the world.”
  9. “The start of the week is the perfect time to set the stage for a masterpiece.”
  10. “Mondays are the launchpad for your week’s adventures; prepare for liftoff!”
  11. “Embrace Mondays with open arms; they are your weekly gifts of potential.”
  12. “When Monday comes, creativity awakens, and possibilities are endless.”
  13. “Mondays are the heartbeat of inspiration, pumping life into our dreams.”
  14. “Monday mornings are like the first brushstrokes on the canvas of a beautiful week.”
  15. “Kickstart your imagination on Mondays and let it soar all week long.”
  16. “Mondays are like diamonds – they shine brightly and give you the strength to sparkle through the week.”
  17. “Dance with Monday like a partner in your creative symphony; together, you’ll make magic.”
  18. “Start your week with a positive mindset, and Monday will become your ally, not your adversary.”
  19. “Mondays are the starting blocks for your week’s creative marathon; run it with passion.”
  20. “Let Monday’s sunrise awaken your dormant creativity and paint the world with your ideas.”
  21. “Let your Monday blues turn into shades of inspiration and innovation.”
  1. “Mondays are the chapters in your success story; make each one unforgettable.”
  2. “Monday mornings are like a theater stage; let your creativity take center stage and amaze the audience.”
  3. “Greet Monday like a long-lost friend, and it will reveal its secrets for a fantastic week.”
  4. “Mondays are the launch party for your innovative ideas; invite creativity and excitement.”
  5. “Your creativity is the magic wand that turns Monday’s challenges into victories.”
  6. “Mondays are like blank pages; let your creativity write an extraordinary story.”
  7. “Be a Monday motivation maestro, conducting the symphony of your dreams all week long.”
  8. “Monday mornings are your weekly rendezvous with greatness; embrace them eagerly.”
  9. “Mondays are the sunrises of the week – let them brighten your path to success.”
  10. “Each Monday is a fresh chapter in your life’s novel; fill it with wonder and inspiration.”
  11. “On Mondays, let your imagination soar like a bird, and your dreams will take flight.”
  12. “Mondays are the catalysts that initiate your journey towards creative accomplishments.”
  13. “When Monday comes knocking, open the door to boundless opportunities and creativity.”
  14. “Start your week by stoking the flames of creativity and setting your passions ablaze.”
  15. “Monday is the compass pointing you in the direction of creative greatness; follow it boldly.”
  16. “Mondays are the springboards launching you into a pool of innovative ideas.”
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  1. “Mondays are the mirrors reflecting your inner artist – let your creativity shine through.”
  2. “Your creative spirit is the Monday morning coffee that gives you the energy to conquer the week.”
  3. “Embrace Monday like a puzzle waiting to be solved; your creativity is the missing piece.”
  4. “Let Monday’s melody resonate in your heart, and the symphony of your week will be sweet.”
  5. “Mondays are the fertile grounds where creative seeds blossom into incredible achievements.”
  6. “Awaken your Monday muse, and she’ll be your guiding star throughout the week.”
  7. “Mondays are the gateways to creative wonderlands; open them fearlessly.”
  8. “Mondays are the canvases for your masterpiece; paint your week with colors of success.”
  9. “Welcome Monday with open arms, and it will unveil its hidden treasures of creativity.”

Happy Monday Quotes & Captions

  1. “Monday is a fresh start, a chance to set the tone for the rest of the week. Embrace it with a smile!”
  2. “Happy Monday! Start the week with enthusiasm and the world will respond in kind.”
  3. “Rise and shine, it’s Monday time! Embrace the day with a heart full of gratitude.”
  4. “Let your Monday be filled with the kind of happiness that sets the tone for the entire week.”
  5. “Mondays are a reminder that each day is a gift to unwrap with joy and gratitude.”
  6. “Happy Monday! May your day be as bright as the morning sun.”
  7. “A happy Monday sets the stage for a week filled with success and accomplishments.”
  8. “On Mondays, choose to be the reason someone smiles today.”
  9. “Monday is not just a day; it’s an opportunity to create a week full of happiness.”
  10. “A happy Monday is a product of a positive mindset and a grateful heart.”
  11. “Start your Monday with a smile, and watch how it lights up the world around you.”
  1. “Happy Monday! Let the beauty of the day inspire you to create beautiful moments all week long.”
  2. “Mondays are the beginning of a new adventure, embrace it with joy and excitement.”
  3. “Each Monday is a chance to rewrite the story of your week. Make it a happy one!”
  4. “Happy Monday! Embrace the possibilities and make this week unforgettable.”
  5. “Happy Monday! Focus on your goals and dreams, and let nothing hold you back.”
  6. “Mondays are the gateway to a week of endless opportunities. Seize them with joy!”
  7. “A happy Monday is the key to unlocking a week full of blessings and miracles.”
  8. “Start your week with a smile, and Monday will become your favorite day.”
  9. “Happy Monday! Your attitude shapes your day and your week, so make it a positive one.”
  10. “Mondays are like fresh chapters in a book; make sure your story is one of happiness.”
  11. “On Mondays, choose to be a light in someone’s life and spread happiness around.”
  12. “A happy Monday is the foundation of a productive and successful week.”
  13. “Let your happiness shine on Monday, and it will radiate throughout the entire week.”
  14. “Happy Monday! Use this day to set intentions that align with your dreams.”
  15. “Mondays are opportunities wrapped in new beginnings; open them with a happy heart.”
  16. “Start your Monday with a grateful heart, and everything else will fall into place.”
  17. “Happy Monday! Focus on the positive, and watch the negativity fade away.”
  18. “Mondays are the perfect chance to turn your dreams into reality. Embrace it with joy!”
  19. “A happy Monday is a sign of a life filled with purpose and passion.”
  20. “Let each Monday be a reminder of the beautiful journey you’re on.”
  21. “Happy Monday! It’s a new week to spread kindness and love to those around you.”
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  1. “Mondays are the canvas on which you can paint your dreams; make it a masterpiece.”
  2. “Start your Monday with a grateful heart, and watch how it transforms your week.”
  3. “Mondays are gifts wrapped in new opportunities. Unwrap them with excitement!”
  4. “Happy Monday! Fill your day with positivity and let it overflow to the rest of the week.”
  5. “Embrace Monday with open arms, and it will reward you with joy and success.”
  6. “Mondays are the perfect chance to create a ripple effect of happiness and positivity.”
  7. “Start your week with a smile, and Monday will become your favorite day.”
  8. Mondays are the building blocks of a productive and fulfilling week.”
  9. “Let your happiness be contagious on Monday and inspire others to find joy too.”
  10. “Mondays are a chance to begin again with renewed hope and enthusiasm.”

Positive Monday Quotes & Captions

  1. “Monday is not the day to be back at the grindstone, but to be back at your passion.”
  2. “Rise and shine, it’s Monday time to make the week divine!”
  3. “Mondays are the runway to take off and soar towards your dreams.”
  4. “Mondays are like the sunrise, a reminder to shine bright and rise.”
  5. Mondays are the stepping stones to the stars; let them guide you towards your goals.”
  6. “Monday is not a day to dread, but a day to spread positivity instead.”
  7. “Mondays are the secret ingredient to success; use them wisely and prosper.”
  8. “Mondays are the universe’s way of giving you a fresh start every seven days.”
  9. “Tackle Mondays with a fearless heart, and watch how the week transforms into art.”
  10. “Make your Mondays so awesome that the rest of the week gets jealous.”
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  1. “Mondays are the stage, and you are the star – shine bright and leave a mark.”
  2. Let your Monday motivation inspire a week of greatness.”
  3. “Mondays are the sparks that ignite the fire of your passions.”
  4. “May your Monday be filled with the magic of dreams turning into reality.”
  5. “Mondays are your secret superpower; harness them to conquer the week.”
  6. “Mondays are like sunflowers, always facing the sun – stay positive and shine bright.”
  7. “Mondays are the paint palettes; let your actions fill them with vibrant hues of achievement.”
  8. “Mondays are blessings disguised as new beginnings.”
  9. “Let Monday’s light guide your path towards a week of achievements.”
  10. “Mondays are the warm-up to a symphony of accomplishments.”
  11. “Start your Monday with a cup of optimism, and the week will be flavored with success.”
  12. “Mondays are the milestones that pave the way for a journey of triumphs.”
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  1. “Mondays are the foundation on which your dreams are built; lay them strong.”
  2. “Start your Monday with a clear vision, and the week will align with your mission.”
  3. “Mondays are the prologue to a captivating week; make it a page-turner.”
  4. “Mondays are the chapters of a best-selling book, make sure they’re riveting.”
  5. “Mondays are the starting point of a marathon; pace yourself and finish strong.”
  6. “Mondays are the treasures hidden in the depths of the week; unearth them with a smile.”

Monday Inspirational Quotes for Monday Blues

  1. “Every Monday is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.” – Catherine Pulsifer
  2. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  3. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi
  4. “Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.” – Zoey Sayward
  5. “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  6. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine
  7. “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney
  8. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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  1. “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama
  2. “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn
  3. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
  4. “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” – Roy T. Bennett
  5. “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth
  6. “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” – Leo Buscaglia
  7. “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort
  8. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer
  9. “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas Paine
  10. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell
  11. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier
  12. “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” – Napoleon Hill
  1. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke
  2. “Without labor, nothing prospers.” – Sophocles
  3. “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” – Thomas Edison
  4. “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.” – Zig Ziglar
  5. “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  6. “Greatness is sifted through the grind, therefore don’t despise the hard work now for surely it will be worth it in the end.” – Sanjo Jendayi

Funny Monday Quotes

Sometimes you need to embrace the humor in your Monday blues. Enjoy your strong coffee with these Funny Monday Motivation Quotes.

  1. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.” – Thomas F. Wilson, American actor & comedian.
  2. “Candy is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.” – Rebecca Gober, Author.
  3. “Monday morning you sure look fine.” – Lindsey Buckingham, American musician and record producer.
  4. “Even the best weeks start with Monday.” – Peter Alexis Shukoff (stage name Nice Peter), American Musician.
  5. “I hate Mondays so much, I wish they made a pill for it called ‘Mon-Be-Gone!'”
  6. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it… and then ask if it’s Friday yet.”
  7. “On Mondays, I like to set my alarm to ‘Defcon 1’ just to wake up with a bang.”
  8. “Monday is the villain in the story of my life, and I’m the superhero trying to defeat it.”
  9. “The only thing getting me through Monday is the thought that it will be Friday in 4.5 days.”
  10. “Monday is the day where I question all my life choices – usually between sips of coffee.”
  11. “I tried to start a petition to skip Mondays altogether, but it turns out I’m the only one who signed it.”
  12. “Monday: the day we reluctantly make contact with reality after a weekend in paradise.”
  13. “I’m not saying Monday is the worst day, but it’s definitely in the top 1.”
  14. “If life gives you Mondays, throw them back and demand Friday.”
  15. “Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday.”
  16. “Monday mornings should be a crime – arrest whoever invented them!”
  17. “Mondays are like mini heart attacks – they remind you that you’re still alive.”
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  1. “My brain doesn’t work well on Mondays. It’s like trying to run Windows 10 on a potato.”
  2. “Mondays are like bad hair days, but for the entire day.”
  3. “On Mondays, I’m convinced that my spirit animal is a sloth.”
  4. “Monday is the day when I appreciate my bed the most – and feel betrayed by my alarm clock.”
  5. “The early bird can have Monday. I’m hitting snooze.”
  6. “If Monday were a food, it would be a cold, half-eaten slice of pizza left out on the counter.”
  7. “I’m not sure what’s heavier on Mondays: my body or my mood.”
  8. “My favorite exercise on Mondays is a heavy sigh.”
  9. “I’m not saying Mondays are boring, but they make vanilla ice cream seem wild and exciting.”
  10. “Monday should be optional – just like turning off email notifications on the weekend.”
  11. “Monday is proof that no matter what I do, the weekend will escape me like sand through fingers.”
  12. “I wish Monday was a person so I could sue them for emotional distress.”
  13. “I’m not lazy; I’m on Monday mode.”
  14. “If Monday had a theme song, it would be an endless loop of ‘Noooooo!'”
  15. “I don’t mind Mondays. I’m just not ready for them every week.”
  16. “I don’t need an alarm clock on Mondays. My internal dread serves as an effective wake-up call.”
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  1. “My mood on Monday is a delicate mix of ‘I can conquer the world’ and ‘Please don’t talk to me.'”
  2. “I may be here physically, but mentally, I’m still curled up in bed, hoping Monday doesn’t notice me.”
  3. “Monday: the one day when even my coffee needs coffee.”
  4. “Monday feels like the sequel to a horror movie called ‘The Weekend’s End.'”
  5. “If I had a dollar for every time I said, ‘Is it Friday yet?’ on a Monday, I’d retire by Tuesday.”
  6. “The best way to handle Monday is to picture it as a giant chicken you need to wrestle.”
  7. “Monday is like the annoying relative who overstays their welcome every week.”
  8. “I didn’t choose the Monday life; the Monday life chose me.”
  9. “If I were a superhero, my arch-nemesis would be Monday Man, the bringer of gloom.”

Monday Work Motivation

  1. “Mondays are the runway for your career’s takeoff.
  2. “Monday: a fresh chapter in your career story waiting to be written.”
  3. “Your career journey begins anew each Monday. Make every step count.”
  4. “Kickstart your career engines every Monday and cruise towards greatness.”
  5. “Mondays are like opening night. Show the world your career’s greatest performance.”
  6. “A career without Mondays is like a rainbow without colors. Embrace the variety.”
  7. “Mondays are the heartbeat of your career. Let it pump with passion.”
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  1. “Mondays are the fertile soil where your career seeds blossom into achievement.”
  2. “Just as the sun rises every Monday, let your career ascend to new heights.”
  3. “Your career’s Monday muse awaits, ready to inspire your brilliance.”
  4. “Start Mondays with a career mantra: ‘I can, I will, I must succeed.'”
  5. “Let every Monday be a reminder that your career journey is worth embracing.”
  6. “Fuel your career drive every Monday, turning aspirations into achievements.”
  7. “Let Mondays energize your career like a bolt of lightning charging the sky.”
  8. “Embrace Mondays as a time to refine your career’s masterpiece.”
  9. “Mondays are the drumbeat of progress, marching your career forward.”
  10. “Kick Monday off with a bang and watch your career fireworks light up the sky.”
  11. “Mondays are the alchemists of success, turning hard work into career gold.”
  12. “Seize Mondays with tenacity, and watch your career flourish.”
  13. “Mondays are the mirrors reflecting your career’s potential. Show them the best.”
  14. “Mondays are the catalysts for your career’s evolution. Embrace change.”
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  1. “Mondays are the weavers of destiny, knitting your career’s tapestry of achievement.”
  2. “Embrace Mondays like a craftsman, molding your career into a work of art.”
  3. “Mondays are the kaleidoscope of possibilities for your career’s journey.”
  4. “Embrace Mondays as the dawn of your career’s new era.”
  5. “Mondays are the lighthouses guiding your career through stormy seas to calmer waters.”
  6. “On Mondays, let your career’s phoenix rise from the ashes of past challenges.”
  7. “Each Monday is a sculptor’s block, chiseling your career into greatness.”
  8. “Embrace Mondays like a captain, steering your career’s ship towards prosperity.”

Funny Monday Work Motivation

  1. “Dear Monday, can you please take a vacation? Sincerely, everyone.”
  2. “If Monday had a personality, it would be a grumpy cat.”
  3. “On Mondays, I feel like I’m starring in a horror movie called ‘The Office.'”
  4. “My favorite exercise on Monday is a ‘snooze’ button press.”
  5. “I don’t mind working on Mondays; it’s the ‘waking up’ part I dislike.”
  6. “Dear Monday, you’re like a bad penny – just keep showing up!”
  7. “Monday motivation: a mythical creature like a unicorn, cute but hard to find.”
  8. “If Monday were a person, I’d unfriend it on all social media.”
  9. “Mondays are like a bad haircut – you just want them to grow out quickly.”
  10. “Monday: the day when reality hits you like a ton of emails.”
  1. “On Mondays, I’m convinced that someone swapped my coffee with decaf.”
  2. “Monday is the day when I’m not sure if I’m surviving or just pretending to survive.”
  3. “Mondays are like a bad PowerPoint presentation – boring and never-ending.”
  4. “Monday should be a national holiday – celebrated by staying in bed all day.”
  5. “I don’t need an alarm clock on Monday; my anxiety wakes me up.”
  6. “Mondays are like a bad dream – except you’re wide awake.”
  7. “Mondays are like math problems, and I’m still searching for the ‘X’ that solves them.”
  8. “The only good thing about Monday is that it’s a polite reminder that the weekend is over.”
  9. “Dear Monday, please stop pretending to be a Friday. We both know you’re not.”
  10. “Mondays are like a horror movie marathon. The suspense builds, and you’re left terrified.”
  11. “On Mondays, my patience is like a well-shaken soda bottle – ready to explode.”
  12. “Mondays are so tough, they make coffee feel weak.”
  1. “Monday is nature’s way of telling you to stay in bed and hide from responsibility.”
  2. “On Mondays, I run on so much coffee, I could power a small city.”
  3. “Mondays are like a bad magic trick – the weekend disappears before your eyes.”
  4. “Monday is the day when I become a detective, searching for the motivation I lost over the weekend.”
  5. “Mondays are like déjà vu – it feels like you’ve been here before, and you have.”
  6. “Dear Monday, you’re like a bad ex – always coming back when I least expect it.”
  7. “Mondays are like trying to fold a fitted sheet – a never-ending struggle.”
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Monday Blessings Quotes

  1. “May this Monday bring you renewed energy, fresh opportunities, and abundant blessings.”
  2. “On this Monday morning, may you find the courage to chase your dreams and the strength to overcome any obstacles.”
  3. “May the week ahead be filled with joy, love, and countless blessings for you.”
  4. “Let this Monday be a reminder that each day is a gift, and may you embrace it with gratitude and hope.”
  5. “Wishing you a blessed Monday, where positivity and success follow you every step of the way.”
  6. “May this Monday be the beginning of a productive and prosperous week, filled with happiness and harmony.”
  7. “As the new week unfolds, may you be surrounded by blessings and protected from any harm.”
  8. “This Monday, may you be a beacon of light, spreading love and kindness wherever you go.”
  9. “May your Monday be as bright as the sun, and may it bring warmth and blessings to your heart.”
  10. “Wishing you a magical Monday, where dreams come true and blessings rain down upon you.”
  1. “As you step into this Monday, may you be surrounded by love, laughter, and blessings aplenty.”
  2. “May this Monday morning bring you clarity, purpose, and the strength to conquer any challenges.”
  3. “May your Monday be sprinkled with love, joy, and an abundance of blessings from above.”
  4. “On this blessed Monday, may you find inspiration and motivation to make the most out of the week ahead.”
  5. “May your Monday be blessed with peace, contentment, and the motivation to chase your dreams.”
  6. “On this Monday, may you receive blessings beyond measure, and may your heart overflow with gratitude.”
  7. “Wishing you a Monday filled with optimism, faith, and the assurance of blessings yet to come.”
  8. “May the blessings of this Monday be a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration in your life.”
  9. “This Monday, may you be reminded of your worth and the countless blessings you bring to the world.”
  10. “Wishing you a Monday filled with gratitude, for it is through gratitude that we attract even more blessings.”
  11. “On this Monday morning, may you be surrounded by positivity and protected from negativity.”
  12. “May your Monday be blessed with moments of serenity and the strength to conquer any challenges.”
  1. “Let this Monday be a day of reflection and thanksgiving for the blessings that have graced your life.”
  2. “May the blessings of this Monday carry you through the week and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.”
  3. “Let this Monday be a reminder that your attitude and outlook can attract more blessings into your life.”
  4. “Let this Monday be a day of forgiveness, healing, and the opening of doors to new blessings.”
  5. “On this Monday, may you be guided towards the right path, where blessings await you at every turn.”
  6. “May your Monday be a day of manifestation, where your dreams align with blessings from the universe.”
  7. “Wishing you a Monday filled with breakthroughs, miracles, and the realization of countless blessings.”
  8. “Embrace Mondays like a reset button for success.”
  9. “Don’t let Monday blues hold you back; chase your dreams with passion.”

Monday Motivation Hashtags

Share your Monday positivity or humor with the rest of the world and you might just make someone’s day better.Here are a few Monday Motivation hashtags to go with your pics.

  • #mondaymotivation
  • #mondaymorning
  • #motivationmonday
  • #mondayfunday
  • #mondaymood
  • #happymonday
  • #mondayblues
  • #mondayvibes
  • #monday
  • #motivation
  • #fitness
  • #love
  • #motivationalquotes
  • #instagood
  • #inspiration
  • #fitnessmotivation
  • #goals
  • #positivevibes
  • #newweek
  • #workout
  • #success
  • #photooftheday
  • #quoteoftheday
  • #healthylifestyle
  • #lifestyle
  • #mondayquotes
  • #instadaily

How can I get motivated on Monday?

If you are one of those people that has a tough relationship with Mondays, try to figure out why. Unfortunately, for most people it’s waking up to a job they don’t like.

Whatever the reason, stop focusing on the thing that makes Mondays awful and find something to be excited about on Mondays. Here are a few ideas:

  • Plan your Monday on a Sunday. Write down at least one thing to be excited about.
  • Start with a FUN morning work out. Get those dopamines flowing.
  • Journal in the morning. Take a few minutes with a planner or a gratitude journal.
  • Read Monday Motivation quotes.
  • Start your morning with a walk.
  • Blast your favorite music to trigger the release of dopamine.
  • Listen to a lively podcast.
  • Start with a morning coffee at your favorite Café.
  • Have an awesome breakfast. You can even plan it the night before.
  • Read a chapter of your book.
  • Go for a run.
  • Drink your coffee or tea outside.
  • Take a Monday Morning selfie and post on Social Media.

Having something to look forward to on Mondays is a great way to start your week. Let’s face it, no one ever had an awful Christmas Morning just because it landed on a Monday. So, it might just be the Mindset and not the Monday.

Allow these Monday motivation quotes echo throughout your week, a constant ping from the universe that everyday is an open door for achievement, and transformation. Remember, the secret to steering your destiny lies within you. And now that you’re armed with inspiration, you can pave your path towards success.

These Monday motivation quotes ignite a fire to push you through Monday and beyond. Tackle the challenges head-on, embrace the opportunities, and awake the magic that lies within you. Use your newfound determination to propel you on a course of relentless pursuit towards your dreams.

Go forth and conquer the world, for Mondays will never be the same again!

Looking for more Weekday Quotes?

  • 130+ Inspirational Wednesday Quotes
  • 320+ Happy Saturday Quotes
  • 330 Happy Friday Quotes
  • 300 Tuesday Motivation Quotes
  • 260+ Positive Quotes for Sundays
  • 340+ Thursday Motivational Quotes
290+ Monday Motivation Quotes & Captions to Start You Week - DIVEIN (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.