3 Easy Ways to Prevent Teeth Staining (2024)

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1Cleaning Your Teeth Properly

2Minimizing Food and Beverage Stains

3Creating Healthy Habits

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Co-authored byTu Anh Vu, DMD

Last Updated: May 25, 2021References

Your favorite food and drinks might be staining your teeth. To prevent stains from setting in, start with healthy cleaning habits, such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash every day. To minimize stains even more, you can try drinking and eating fewer staining foods or beverages and pick up habits like drinking through a straw and eating crunchy fruits and vegetables that scrub your teeth.

Method 1

Method 1 of 3:

Cleaning Your Teeth Properly

  1. 1

    Brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day. To really prevent staining, brush after every meal. However, be careful not to brush too aggressively. Scrubbing your teeth hard can rub away the enamel over time and cause more stains.[1]

    • Use an electric toothbrush to get your teeth even cleaner.
  2. 2

    Floss once a day. The spaces between your teeth are too narrow for a brush's bristles to reach. In order to prevent plaque from growing in between your teeth, floss at least once a day.[2]

    • It's best to floss right before bed so that any food particles left in your mouth from the day don't sit in your mouth overnight.
  3. 3

    Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash once a day. Don't use mouthwash right after brushing your teeth, as it can wash away the whitening ingredients in your toothpaste. Try rinsing your mouth after lunch if you brush your teeth twice a day, or mid-afternoon if you brush after lunch. The antibacterial elements of mouthwash kill plaque and help keep your teeth whiter. Some mouthwashes also have whitening ingredients that can help minimize stains.[3]

    • Don't eat or drink for 30 minutes after using a mouthwash that contains fluoride so that you don't wash it away.
  4. 4

    Use a baking soda paste to whiten your teeth once a week. Make a paste that is 2 parts baking soda, 1 part hydrogen peroxide. If the paste is too gritty, add a little bit more hydrogen peroxide. It should have a toothpaste-like consistency. Brush the mixture onto your teeth and let it sit for around 1–2 minutes, then rinse it out with water.[4]

    • Use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This is standard, but double-check the bottle to be safe.
    • Don't use this mixture more than once a week.
  5. 5

    Visit your dentist for a cleaning every 6 months. Going to the dentist for a routine cleaning once a year is considered the minimum. Increasing your visits to twice a year can help catch issues like tooth decay and gum disease earlier. A professional cleaning will also help keep your smile bright and white.[5]

    • You can also ask your dentist about whitening treatments, which might mean you have to go in more often, but your teeth will be whiter.


Method 2

Method 2 of 3:

Minimizing Food and Beverage Stains

  1. 1

    Use a straw to drink staining liquids like coffee, tea, and juice. The less these beverages come into contact with your teeth, the fewer stains you will have. Using a straw can help your drink minimize contact with your teeth, which prevents staining.[6]

    • Other beverages that stain teeth include red wine and berry, pomegranate, and grape juices.
    • Although this works best with iced coffee and tea, you can also give it a try with hot beverages.
  2. 2

    Drink coffee and tea with a splash of milk. The casein in milk could latch onto the tannins in coffee and tea and prevent them from attaching to your teeth. Only animal milk works for this. Dairy alternatives like soy or almond milk won't do the trick.[7]

    • Avoid sugary additives like syrups and creams as well as sugary sodas. These can cause the growth of plaque on your teeth, which causes more stains.
  3. 3

    Wash staining food and drinks down with water. Drinking some water immediately after eating or drinking something that could stain your teeth can wash away the remnants and prevent them from sitting on your teeth. This can also help keep you hydrated when you are drinking beverages like coffee and tea.[8]

    • Staining foods include curries, beets, tomato sauce, berries, soy sauce, and candy.
  4. 4

    Drink staining liquids quickly. If you like to draw out your coffee drinking over the course of the whole morning, that prolongs the amount of time your teeth are in contact with staining liquids. Instead, try to drink your coffee, tea, or juice quickly.[9]

    • If you like lots of caffeine throughout the day, try drinking a smaller amount more often. For example, have a quick, small cup of coffee in the morning then refresh with another quick cup in the early afternoon.
  5. 5

    Try eating green vegetables before eating teeth-staining foods. Leafy greens like kale or spinach and dark green vegetables like broccoli give your teeth a protective coating. When you eat something that could stain your teeth, like beets, berries, or balsamic vinegar, green vegetables can help prevent them from setting into your teeth.[10]

    • It's still a good idea to rinse staining foods down with water and brush your teeth after eating.
  6. 6

    Add hard cheeses to your diet. Eat hard cheeses after you eat something that can stain your teeth. This helps neutralize staining acids and strengthen your enamel.[11]

    • Lactic acid and calcium in hard cheeses both help strengthen your teeth.


Method 3

Method 3 of 3:

Creating Healthy Habits

  1. 1

    Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots. The texture of crunchy fruits and vegetables can help naturally scrub your teeth clean. Some good choices include cauliflower, celery, apples, and carrots.[12]

    • Strawberries also contain malic acid, which can naturally whiten teeth.
  2. 2

    Chew sugar-free gum. The xylitol in sugar-free gum stimulates the production of saliva. This keeps your mouth feeling fresher, prevents stains from setting in, and whitens your teeth. Sugar-free gum can also neutralize acid in your mouth and strengthen enamel.[13]

    • Try chewing gum for 20 minutes after eating to prevent cavities and whiten your teeth.
    • Pineapple also has high amounts of Vitamin C which can help boost gum health.
  3. 3

    Limit how many sugary snacks and beverages you consume. Processed, sugary sweets like candy can stain your teeth with dyes. The sugar or corn syrup in sweets and sodas can also damage your teeth.[14]

    • The acid in soda can also damage your teeth.
  4. 4

    Stop or limit smoking. Tobacco smoke can severely stain your teeth. It can also put you at increased risk for oral diseases.[15]

    • If you were a smoker and you already quit, consider a professional cleaning treatment to get rid of lingering stains.


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      More References (6)

      About this article

      3 Easy Ways to Prevent Teeth Staining (30)

      Co-authored by:

      Tu Anh Vu, DMD

      Board Certified Dentist

      This article was co-authored by Tu Anh Vu, DMD. Dr. Tu Anh Vu is a Board Certified Dentist and Owner of Tu's Dental, her private practice, in Brooklyn, New York. With over six years of clinical experience, Dr. Vu helps adults and kids of all ages get over their anxiety with dental phobia. Dr. Vu has conducted research related to finding the cure for Kaposi Sarcoma cancer and has presented her research at the Hinman Meeting in Memphis. She received her undergraduate degree from Bryn Mawr College and a DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. This article has been viewed 2,197 times.

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      Co-authors: 5

      Updated: May 25, 2021


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