3-year versus 5-year mortgage: How to choose your term - MoneySense (2024)



By Ciara Rickard on June 14, 2024
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

By Ciara Rickard on June 14, 2024
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Interest rates are still high but set to come down, which is a key factor in picking a mortgage right now. Here’s what to think about when choosing between a 3-year and a 5-year term.


3-year versus 5-year mortgage: How to choose your term - MoneySense (1)

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Choosing between a three-year and five-year mortgage can feel like a big decision. While there are pros and cons to both, recent economic turbulence means the stakes are a little higher—and interest rates alothigher. But things are settling down now. Inflation has finally cooled and the Bank of Canada (BoC) made its first rate cut in four years on June 5. That means we can all breathe a sigh of relief.



But don’t get too relaxed—even though they’re going in the right direction, lending rates are still considered high. So if you’re renewing your mortgage or buying a property, make sure you’ve considered all the relevant factors before signing on. Here we go over the differences between a three-year mortgage and a five-yeartermto help you get a clearer sense of what might be your best option.

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What’s the difference between a 3-year and a 5-year mortgage?

A five-year fixed-rate mortgage has long been the standard in Canada. If you can score a good interest rate—which was entirely doable up until early 2022—you’ll get to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a guaranteed low rate for a whole five years. Three-year fixed mortgage rates are typically slightly lower—that’s because the five-year term locks you in for a longer period. Mortgage lenders usually want to take advantage of rising interest rates when they happen, so they make the shorter term a little more attractive. Historically, three-year fixed-rate mortgages haven’t been as popular since they’re just a bit more of a gamble when rates are low—a longer period of stable payments is appealing to most home owners.

There’s been a bit of a shift recently, though. Interest-rate hikes over the past two years have prompted a spike in the number of home owners opting forthree-year terms. With the current eye-watering interest rates and recent market volatility, a shorter-term commitment has made more sense, as the opportunity to score a better deal will arrive sooner. And no one wants to be locked in to higher payments any longer than they have to be. Lenders, however,dowant customers locked in to higher rates for as long as possible, so a five-year fixed term currently has a slightly lower rate.

What is a 3-year mortgage?

With a three-year fixed mortgage, the interest rate you agree to at the outset stays the same for those 36 months. This means that variations in the prime lending rate will have no impact on your payments; they will remain the same for that whole period. That predictability is a huge plus when it comes to managing a household budget.

Historically, three-year fixed-mortgage rates have been a little lower than five-year fixed rates, so opting for the shorter term can add up to a decent saving. Another upside is that if rates drop, the opportunity to take advantage of those lower rates will come sooner than if you’d opted for a five-year term. Shorter mortgage terms typically also have lower penalties if for some reason you need to break your mortgage early.

One of the drawbacks of the shorter-term fixed mortgage is that if interest rates creep up—or, as has happened recently, positively skyrocket—by the end of those three years, you’re going to be stuck with a higher rate when you renew. Speaking of which, another downside is renewing more frequently. At best, it’s a tedious, time-consuming task; at worst, it’s tedious, time-consumingandcostly.

A three-year variable-rate mortgage means your payments are subject to changes in the prime lending rate. So if that rate goes down, so will your payments (that’s good news); conversely, if they go up, so will your payments (not-so-good news).



Whether or not a variable-rate mortgage is a good option for you depends largely on market fluctuations. Rates for this type of mortgage are typically lower than those of fixed-rate mortgages, which is a win as long as the prime rate doesn’t go up too much. And historically, they’ve tended to average out to lower payments over time. But the past few years have reminded Canadians that huge increases are possible, and home owners who signed on for a variable-rate mortgage pre-2022 have been waving goodbye to an extra several hundreds or thousands dollars every month for the past year and a half. For some, though, these increases are unmanageable and can lead to a potentially dire financial situation.


  • Payments don’t change with interest-rate fluctuations
  • If interest rates fall during your 3-year term, you can take advantage of them sooner
  • If you need to break your mortgage early, the penalties are a little lower with a shorter-term contract


  • Currently has a higher rate than 5-year fixed-rate mortgage
  • More frequent renewals compared to 5-year term
  • You’re exposed to market fluctuations more often, so there’s a greater risk of getting stuck with a higher rate


  • If interest rates drop, so do your payments
  • Historically, variable-rate mortgages have averaged out to more savings over time
  • The shorter term means you can reassess and adjust your mortgage terms sooner if need be


  • If interest rates increase, so do your payments
  • Currently has a higher rate than 5-year variable-rate mortgage
  • More-frequent renewals compared to 5-year term

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What is a 5-year mortgage?

A five-year fixed mortgage allows you to lock into a specified interest rate for a full five years. Just like with a three-year term, you don’t have to worry about changing markets affecting your payments for the duration of the contract. This is very appealing to home owners with less tolerance for risk—it’s a nice, long period of predictability. It also means much longer stretches between dealing with the headache of renegotiating.

Being locked in for longer, however, puts you in a less flexible situation. If interest rates drop, you won’t be able to take advantage of those lower rates—unless you decide to break your mortgage early, a decision that comes with hefty penalty. Or if your financial situation changes or you want to sell your property sooner than anticipated, that five-year commitment is a bit of a roadblock.

With a five-year variable mortgage, your payments will change according to the whims of the market. Usually, variable mortgage rates are lower, but since currently they will likely give home owners greater savings over their mortgage term, they’re higher than fixed-rate mortgages.


  • Currently has a lower rate than a 3-year fixed-rate mortgage
  • Payments don’t change with interest-rate fluctuations
  • Less-frequent renewals compared to 3-year term
  • If interest rates increase, you’re safe from that for longer


  • If interest rates drop, you may be locked in and unable to take advantage of them
  • There’s less flexibility, which could be difficult in the face of life and/or financial changes
  • If you need to break your mortgage early, the penalties are a little higher with a longer-term contract


  • If interest rates drop, so do your payments
  • Historically, variable-rate mortgages have averaged out to lower rates over time
  • Currently has a lower rate than 3-year variable-rate mortgage
  • Less-frequent renewals compared to 3-year term


  • If interest rates increase, so do your payments
  • There’s less flexibility with the longer commitment

Where are interest rates headed?

The soaring interest rates of the past couple of years have been a significant stressor on millions of home owners and would-be home owners across Canada. While early 2024 has seen inflation cool, the prime rate, which is currently at 6.95%, has come down only slightly from its recent high of 7.2%. Economists expect June’s BoC interest rate cut will be followed by gradual decreasesover the next few years. Most predictions suggest we’ll reach a full 1% drop by the end of the year with rates stabilizing at 5.2% by the end of 2027.Check out the latest rates.

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Deciding on a mortgage term

So, what does this mean when it comes to choosing a mortgage? If the predictions are accurate, a variable-rate mortgage is a great way to take advantage of the downward trend and save some money. Just be sure there’s enough room in your budget to cover higher payments should there be any rate hikes. Five-year variable mortgages are currently being offered at lower rates than three-year variable loans, which could make them the winning choice.

However, ifanylevel of risk is the kind of thing that keeps you up at night, a three-year fixed-rate mortgage could be a better option—there’s no unpredictability when it comes to that monthly payment, and interest rates will most likely have decreased quite a bit by the time you have to renew. A five-year fixed may not be the best choice right now, as you’ll get locked into higher payments at a time when interest rates are going down.

Rate decreases aside, the decision largely comes down to your future plans—are you holding on to your property for the long term or do you want to keep your options open?—and your appetite for risk. Find your comfort zone and a plan that works for you.

Read more about mortgages in Canada:

  • Rates are going down—is now a good time to buy a home?
  • Making sense of the Bank of Canada interest rate cut on June 5, 2024
  • How much income do I need to qualify for a mortgage in Canada?
  • Mortgage broker vs. bank—which will save you more money?


  1. What do you think about All in one Mortgage?


  2. Great Directions – Nevertheless –

    My Opinion – Under the circ*mstances 5 years Fixed Term would certainly be beneficial for an investment real Estate. The Landlord will legally be able to claim Interest tax credit.
    Secondly, all mortgagees renewing after September 4, 2024 should examine the advantage
    of 3 years variable option depending on their deposable cash flow. 3 years variable option will allow them to either pay off the total balance any time without penalty or lock up the balance into favorable fixed option.
    Please Comment.



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3-year versus 5-year mortgage: How to choose your term - MoneySense (2024)


3-year versus 5-year mortgage: How to choose your term - MoneySense? ›

Historically, three-year fixed-mortgage rates have been a little lower than five-year fixed rates, so opting for the shorter term can add up to a decent saving. Another upside is that if rates drop, the opportunity to take advantage of those lower rates will come sooner than if you'd opted for a five-year term.

Is it better to have a 3 or 5-year fixed mortgage? ›

'Fixed rates are expected to continue to decrease so you don't want to be tied into a higher rate for longer than you need to be. 'It may also be worth considering a three-year fix if you want stability for slightly longer than two years, but to avoid being tied in for five.

How do I choose the right mortgage term? ›

The term length you choose for your mortgage depends on your goals and risk tolerance. Generally, with a longer term: Your interest rate will be higher, but your risk will be lower because you will be less exposed to market fluctuation. You will have to renew your mortgage and change rates less often.

What is the best mortgage term to take right now? ›

Today, shorter is better, and flexibility is the name of the game. Two-year fixed-rate mortgages are the new ideal option for borrowers looking to take full advantage of incoming lower rates. That's because markets now believe the Bank of Canada will hit the bottom of its rate-cutting cycle in 2025.

Should I get a 3 year mortgage? ›

3-Year Mortgage Term

If interest rates go down in the near future, getting a 3-year fixed-rate mortgage could be a smart move. It allows you to renew your mortgage at a lower rate when it matures without waiting an extra 2 years like you would with a 5-year rate.

What is the best length of a mortgage? ›

If, rather than going for a 25-year term, you choose a 30-year mortgage then your monthly payments will be reduced, giving you more cash to spend on things that are important to you. If you've struggled to get enough capital together for a deposit, a longer mortgage term makes owning a house more affordable today.

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While a 30-year mortgage can make your monthly payments more affordable, a 15-year mortgage generally costs less in the long run.

Will interest rates go down in 2024? ›

No, not unless there's an event such as another global pandemic or economic crisis forcing the Fed to lower rates to 0.00% – 0.25% again. In January 2024, the National Association of REALTOR (NAR)'s Chief Economist Dr. Lawrence Yun famously stated that he doesn't expect rates to fall below 3% again in his lifetime.

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Whether you should fix your mortgage for 2 or 5 years depends on you and your individual circ*mstances. Fixing your mortgage for 2 years can give you certainty and stability in the short-term, and can also be the right choice if you only plan on staying in your home for a few years.

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A 30-Year Mortgage Term

The 30-year mortgage is the most popular mortgage offered in the U.S. because it spreads payments out over 30 years, making it more affordable, but you pay more in interest over time.

What is the current interest rate on a 3 year fixed mortgage? ›

Explore all of our mortgage rates
TermPosted RateSpecial Offer
1 year7.24%6.69%2
2 years6.99%5.99%2
3 years6.99%5.24%2
4 years6.74%5.09%2
3 more rows

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At the end of each term, you need to renew your mortgage for another term. This is an opportunity to consider whether you would like to make any changes to your mortgage.

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If the state of the market indicates that rates will continue to increase, it may be wise to choose a 5-year term to ride out the possibility that rates will become higher. This will eliminate the need to negotiate your rate in a few years when interest rates could be much higher than the one you lock into now.

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Generally, 15-year terms offer the lowest rates, but if you choose a longer term you still have the option of paying your mortgage off early without penalty. That is why a 30-year mortgage term is a great option for many people.

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5 year fixes allow you to take advantage of rates for a longer period, and avoid the hassle and cost of remortgaging every 2 years. You could also benefit from any house price appreciation, which can increase your equity and improve your loan-to-value ratio, making you eligible for lower rates when you remortgage.

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A 15-year mortgage means you spend less time making payments. Better yet, you'll devote less of your hard-earned money to mortgage interest over time. While a 15-year mortgage might make the most sense on paper, deciding between the two term lengths will depend on your circ*mstances.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.