30 Best Back Fat Exercises For a Shapely Physique – Fitness Volt (2024)

While we are all for body positivity, we could agree on one thing—back fat poking out through your t-shirt isn’t aesthetically pleasing. Plus, many people consider the fat stored on your sides as part of the back fat.Tip:Calling it love handles doesn’t make them loveable.

Spot reduction is the most common back fat-related misconception amongst people dealing with the issue. Folks usually try everything from fat-burning gels to heating pads, and herbal teas before throwing up their hands and finally deciding to do something proven and effective.

There is one quick fix for back fat, one you could do right now to fix the blobs of meat sticking out through your t-shirt. So, are you ready for it? Sit tight because it might be the most honest, truthful, blunt, and effective back fat remedy you’ll ever read on the internet.Wear loose-fitting shirts or body shapers.

Okay, we might have gone a little too far with this joke, but it should be sufficient to convince you that there is no shortcut or a secret to shedding back fat without putting in the effort.

Back fat, aka love handles, aka spare tire, aka muffin top, is referred to the fat stored between the top of your butt and the bottom of your rib cage on the back side of your body.

While back fat is evident in men and women alike, the ladies are more prone to this issue as estrogen can lay the ground for excess back fat, making the bra bulge a common and dreaded phenomenon.

Table of Contents Hide

  • Factors Affecting Back Fat
    • 1. Genetics
    • 2. Lifestyle
    • 3. Diet
  • How To Lose Back Fat
    • 1. Fix Your Diet
    • 2. Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods
    • 3. Reduce Salt Intake
    • 4. Cut Out Sugar
    • 5. Say Goodbye to Saturated Fats
    • 6. Cardio is Key
    • 7. Stress-Less
    • 8. Sleep
    • 9. Supplements Can Help
  • 30 Back Fat Exercises
    • 1. Side Plank
    • 2. Burpees
    • 3. Jumping Jack
    • 4. Side Jackknife
    • 5. Cobra Pose
    • 6. Cat-Cow Stretch
    • 7. YTW
    • 8. Bent-Over W
    • 9. Reverse Hip Raise
    • 10. Bridge
    • 11. Battle Ropes
    • 12. Resistance Band Pull-Apart
    • 13. Resistance Band Seated Row
    • 14. Dumbbell Row
    • 15. Back Extension
    • 16. Superman
    • 17. Prone Thoracic Extension
    • 18. Speedbag
    • 19. Side Leg Lift
    • 20. Wood Chopper
    • 21. Russian Twist
    • 22. Fire Hydrant
    • 23. Inverted Row
    • 24. GHD
    • 25. Kettlebell Swing
    • 26. Pullover
    • 27. Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly
    • 28. Dumbbell Shrug
    • 29. Deadlift
    • 30. Rowing
  • Back Fat Workout
  • Wrapping Up
  • References

Factors Affecting Back Fat

Here are the factors that contribute to a back fat buildup:

1. Genetics

It’s no secret that genetics play a huge role in your physique aesthetics. With all things constant, some folks might be more prone to back fat than their peers due to their genetics.

2. Lifestyle

Your activity level, health, and fitness-related choices help shape your physique. People with desk jobs or those who remain sedentary are at greater risk of body fat buildup than folks who are on their feet for a large part of the day.

Although obesity can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, many people are genetically predisposed to be at a higher risk of contracting the disease.

30 Best Back Fat Exercises For a Shapely Physique – Fitness Volt (1)

3. Diet

Although a part of your lifestyle, diet deserves a stand-alone mention. People who remain in a significant calorie surplus for an extended period gain body weight. Plus, folks that cherish junk food and rely on it for most of their daily caloric needs are most susceptible to developing back fat.

In most cases, back fat is caused by excess body fat and is prevalent in men and women alike. The most effective way to combat the situation is to follow acalorie deficit dietand add back fat exercises to your daily regimen.

How To Lose Back Fat

Back fat can be stubborn, and getting rid of it requires a lot of effort, hard work, and patience. Many people do multiple things at once in hopes of losing their back fat. While some of those things might be effective, the rest might be overkill that stalls your progress.

This is how to get rid of back fat:

1. Fix Your Diet

Fixing your diet is easier said than done. As mentioned, you need to create a calorie deficit if you want to shed weight. There are no two ways about it. In a calorie deficit, you’re expending more calories than you consume in a day. You could create this deficit by reducing your daily calorie intake or spiking your activity level.

However, the number of calories you need to burn will depend on your current body weight, lifestyle, and goal weight. Not sure how many calories you need in a day to sustain yourself? Don’t fret; we have got you covered.Check out our convenient TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculatorto get an exact and personalized daily caloric need reading.

Pro Tip: According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you cansafely shed anywhere between 1-2 pounds every weekby staying in a calorie deficit. To meet the objective, you could cut 500-1,000 calories from your daily caloric intake.

2. Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

Once you have found your daily calorie goal, it is important to hit the number by consuming nutrient-dense whole food in an appropriate macronutrient ratio. Gulping down a burger with co*ke might help you hit your calorie target, but you’ll probably not meet your macro goals. Plus, the long-term health effects of eating junk food make them a no-go.

Some nutrient-dense that should be a part of your diet include:

  • Vegetables:leafy greens, starchy vegetables
  • Fruits:apples and berries
  • Protein:poultry, fish, and lean cuts of meat
  • Beans and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains:brown rice, quinoa, and whole grain bread and pasta
  • Healthful fats:oily fish, avocados, and olives

30 Best Back Fat Exercises For a Shapely Physique – Fitness Volt (2)

3. Reduce Salt Intake

If you are a serious bodybuilder, you probably know that a high salt intake can cause bloating and water retention. You should lower your daily salt intake to shed excess back fat. The US Dietary Guidelines recommend limiting sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams per day.

4. Cut Out Sugar

PerThe Dietary Guidelines for Americans, an individual’s daily caloric intake from added sugars should not exceed 10 percent of their total goal. If your goal is to get rid of back fat, you should cut aerated, sugary soft drinks from your lifestyle.

5. Say Goodbye to Saturated Fats

Saturated fat is an unhealthy type of fat.Experts recommendedkeeping saturated fat intake to a minimum and replacing it with nutrient-dense food options to help decrease heart disease risk and promote overall health. Popular sources of saturated fats include butter, palm and coconut oils, cheese, and red meat.

Like in the case of sugar, you should not get more than 10 percent of your daily calories through saturated fats if you want to maintain optimal health.

6. Cardio is Key

Although not compulsory, adding cardio to your daily routine, which includes maintaining a daily caloric deficit, can help speed up your back fat shedding process.

For optimal benefit, you should add two cardio sessions to your daily routine. The first should be a 10-minute HIIT (high-intensity interval training) cardio session to be done after your workouts (given below) and a 30-minute LISS (low-intensity steady state) session to be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Related:HIIT vs. LISS Cardio: Which One Is Best for Fitness and Fat Loss?

7. Stress-Less

We’d be the first to accept that a stress-free lifestyle is a myth unless you have attained enlightenment, in which case, please drop the secret to a stress-free life in the comments.

Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone released by a bucket-load every time you stress about something. Elevated cortisol levels can cause cravings for sweet, fatty, and salty foods. To make matters worse, the stress hormone signals the body to shift metabolism to store fat.

30 Best Back Fat Exercises For a Shapely Physique – Fitness Volt (3)

8. Sleep

Many people make the mistake of pushing too hard while on a fat-burning program. While it is true that physically active people burn more calories than sedentary folks, which in turn leads to fat loss, going overboard with physical activity can be counterintuitive.

A lack of sleep is one of the most common reasons behind fat and weight gain. Research has found that non-obese adults were at a 40-percent higher risk of obesity if they slept less than five hours a night. [1]

9. Supplements Can Help

Supplements are a blessing in disguise. They are convenient, cost-effective (mostly), and effective. Supplements like fat burners andwhey protein powderscan help you in your fat loss journey. While fat burners achieve their objective by spiking your metabolic rate, protein help keep you feeling full for longer.

Check Out:Best Fat Burners For Men (Review 2022 Rankings)

30 Back Fat Exercises

Before we get into the nitty gritty of back fat exercises, let’s address the elephant in the room. The back fat exercises mentioned in this article do not work in isolation. You have to pair them with a calorie deficit diet to experience results.

We have listed a few pro tips with every exercise to help you get the best bang for your buck. We’ll also link them to their dedicated guides for in-depth analysis.

1. Side Plank

Side plank is one of the most effective exercises for people with a side fat buildup. It will help in optimal oblique recruitment and stimulation.

Pro Tips:

  • Your body should be in a straight line from your ankles to your head. Call off the set as soon as you feel your hips dipping.
  • Focus on contracting your obliques throughout the exercise.
  • As you get better at this exercise, alternate between holding a static plank and performing side plank dips.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Abs and lower back
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Optimal Time:30-60 seconds per side

Check out the calories burnt doing side planks here!

2. Burpees

Burpees are one of the best (read: brutal) full-body HIIT cardio exercises to burn body fat. Plus, it can help build strength and endurance if added to your training regimen.

Pro Tips:

  • As you get proficient at this lift, you could add resistance by wearing a weighted vest or holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  • On the other hand, you can skip the push-up and jump if you are a beginner.
  • Stick to a consistent rep tempo to get the best bang for your buck in this exercise.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, chest, and shoulders
  • Type:Cardio and strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Optimal Time:60-90 seconds

Check out the complete burpees guide here!

3. Jumping Jack

Many people rely on the dumbbell side lateral raise to combat back fat. While it can help accentuate your V-taper, which can improve your aesthetics, the volume and intensity of the exercise aren’t optimal for shedding back fat. On the other hand, jumping jacks incorporate the lateral raise movement and has the intensity to help melt excess body fat.

Pro Tips:

  • The higher and faster you jump, the more power, strength, and explosiveness you’ll develop.
  • Use a weighted vest to make this exercise harder.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, chest, and shoulders
  • Type:Cardio
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Optimal Time:60-90 seconds

Check out the calories burnt doing jumping jacks here!

4. Side Jackknife

The side jackknife is a great exercise to isolate your sides. It is easy to learn and master and can be done by beginners and advanced trainers.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your lower hand on your working side for better mind-muscle connection.
  • Lift your legs and torso as high as possible for maximum muscle contraction.
  • Breathe out and squeeze your obliques at the top.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, transverse abdominis, and hip flexors
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Optimal Time:60-90 seconds

Check out the complete side jackknife guide here!

5. Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana, also known as cobra pose, is a great exercise to stretch your back. It will help stimulate every back muscle and aid in establishing a mind-muscle connection with the otherwise hard-to-engage posterior muscles.

Pro Tips:

  • Make sure you pull back your shoulder blades and contract your back at the top.
  • Do not force yourself into a full spinal flexion if you’ve never tried this exercise before.
  • Perform the low cobra pose to improve flexibility and mobility.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Obliques, rectus abdominis
  • , erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, transverse abdominis
  • , and hip flexors
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

6. Cat-Cow Stretch

The cat-cow stretch is one of the best poses for combating back pain. Plus, it can help improve your posture. It is a must for people who spend most of their days in front of a computer screen or hunched over their phones.

Pro Tips:

  • Your hips will remain over your knees and palms under your shoulders throughout the movement.
  • Pause at the top and bottom of every rep.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Neck, shoulders, erector spinae, hips, back, abdomen, and chest
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete cat stretch guide here!

7. YTW

YTWs are a great exercise to work your back from different angles.

Pro Tips:

  • You could make this exercise harder by performing this on an incline bench.
  • Pause and contract your back with every formation.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Shoulders, erector spinae, back, abdomen, and chest
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

8. Bent-Over W

The bent-over W is a static hold that results in increased muscle fiber activation leading to improved strength and endurance. Plus, static holds are more effective than dynamic stretches at fatiguing muscles as the target muscles are under constant tension throughout the motion.

Pro Tips:

  • Once you have found an optimal contraction point, focus on squeezing the life out of your back fat.
  • You could also use a resistance band in this exercise for better muscle stimulation.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Shoulders, erector spinae, back, abdomen, and chest
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

9. Reverse Hip Raise

The reverse hip raise is a great exercise to work the lower back fat, aka the love handles. It can also help work around back pain without putting too much pressure on your spine.

Pro Tips:

  • Pause and contract your back at the top for optimal muscle stimulation.
  • Keep your feet hip-width apart and raise your heels towards the ceiling as high as possible.
  • Return to the starting position using a slow and controlled motion.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Erector spinae, back, and abdomen
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

10. Bridge

The bridge is one of the most basic but effective back fat exercises and can strengthen and tone the muscles that run along the spine.

Pro Tips:

  • Contact your back and glutes at the top for maximum posterior chain engagement.
  • Your knees, glutes, and shoulders should be in a straight line at the top.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Erector spinae, back, and abdomen
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

11. Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are one of the most underrated cardio exercises. A high-intensity battle ropes session will supercharge your fat loss progress.

Pro Tips:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and get into a quarter squat.
  • Your shoulders should be slightly ahead of your hips.
  • Maintain a neutral head and neck position and keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.
  • If the conventional ‘wave’ pattern of the battle ropes feels too easy, you can switch between battle rope slams, outward circles, and rope hooks.

In This Exercise:

  • Target Muscle Group:Abdominals, shoulders, arms, upper and lower back
  • Secondary Muscles:Lower body
  • Type:Cardio
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Battle ropes
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Optimal Time:60-90 seconds

Check out the complete battle ropes guide here!

12. Resistance Band Pull-Apart

Besides being a potent shoulder rotator cuff warm-up exercise, the resistance band pull-apart can help work your back.

Pro Tips:

  • If you’re having trouble engaging your back in this exercise, use a lighter resistance band and increase your range of motion.
  • Keep your neck, head, and spine neutral throughout the exercise.
  • Pause and contract your lats at the top.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Erector spinae, back, traps, and shoulders
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete resistance band pull-apart guide here!

13. Resistance Band Seated Row

The resistance band seated row is a great exercise that can be done anywhere.

Pro Tips:

  • Make sure your elbows are behind your torso at the contraction point.
  • Use a neutral grip for maximum back fat stimulation.
  • Keep your legs extended throughout the exercise.
  • You could increase the tension on the band by wrapping it around your hands if the band feels too light.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Erector spinae, back, traps, and shoulders
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

14. Dumbbell Row

The dumbbell row is a great exercise to work the lats, which can help build muscle and strength.

Pro Tips:

  • Perform the unilateral version of this exercise to work on one side at a time.
  • Follow a full range of motion for maximum stimulation.
  • Push the dumbbell forward at the bottom to get better lat recruitment.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Upper back, abs, biceps, lats, and shoulders
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Dumbbells
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete bent-over dumbbell row guide here!

15. Back Extension

The back extension is an incredibly effective exercise for upper back recruitment.

Pro Tips:

  • Follow a slow and controlled rep tempo to make the most of this exercise.
  • Pause for a couple of seconds at the contraction point.
  • Make sure you’re not jerking your back at the top.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Erector spinae, back
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete back extension guide here!

16. Superman

The superman is one of those exercises that looks super easy but will leave you begging for mercy by the end.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your core contracted throughout the motion.
  • Raise your legs and arms simultaneously and as high as possible.
  • You could also keep your hands on your lower back while performing this exercise for better mind-muscle connection.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Lower back, glutes, abs
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete superman guide here!

17. Prone Thoracic Extension

A basic spinal exercise for better posture can also be a potent tool in your back fat-busting program.

Pro Tips:

  • Keeping your hands on the back of your head makes this exercise harder.
  • On the other hand, placing your hands on the floor will make it easier.
  • Pause and contract your upper back at the top.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Back, and abs
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Optimal Time:60-90 seconds

18. Speedbag

The speedbag is a popular boxing training tool that can help tone your arms and upper body. You could perform this exercise without a speedbag—shadowbox—to work on your back fat.

Pro Tips:

  • Instead of punching hard, focus on increasing your speed and intensity.
  • Keep your shoulders at level throughout the exercise.
  • Alternatively, you could throw hard punches for greater upper back stimulation.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Back, arms, shoulders, and abs
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

19. Side Leg Lift

The side leg lift is an easier version of the side jackknife. In this exercise, you’ll only raise one leg at a time without lifting your torso off the floor.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your legs extended and your neck and head neutral throughout the exercise.
  • Raise your leg as high as possible and pause at the contraction point.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, transverse abdominis, and hip flexors
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps (per side)

20. Wood Chopper

You could perform this exercise using a dumbbell, cable, barbell, kettlebell, weight plate, medicine ball, or even bodyweight.

Pro Tips:

  • Exhale sharply and squeeze your obliques at the contraction point.
  • You could perform this exercise from side to side, top to bottom, or bottom to top for variation.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Obliques and abs
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps (per side)

Check out the complete wood chop guide here!

21. Russian Twist

The Russian twist is one of the most popular oblique exercises. It is a must-do movement if you want to shed your side fat.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your feet in the air for greater tension on your sides.
  • Pause for a second at the contraction point.
  • Use heavier weights for more tension on your sides.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Obliques and abs
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps (per side)

Check out the complete Russian twist guide here!

22. Fire Hydrant

The fire hydrant is a great exercise to work the glutes and lower back.

Pro Tips:

  • Your hands should be under your shoulders and knees under your hips at the starting position.
  • Raise your leg as high as possible and pause at the contraction point for 1-2 seconds.
  • Use a resistance band to make this exercise harder.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Glutes and hip flexors
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete fire hydrant guide here!

23. Inverted Row

The inverted row is a barbell row in reverse. It is a great upper back exercise to engage the erector spinae, lats, rhomboids, and rear delts.

Pro Tips:

  • Grab the bar with a wider-than-shoulder-width grip.
  • Your heels should be the only touchpoint with the floor throughout this exercise.
  • Your chest should touch the bar at the top.
  • Return to the starting position using a slow and controlled motion.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Upper back, biceps, and lats
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Bodyweight
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete inverted row guide here!

24. GHD

The GHD is a great exercise if you have excess lower back fat buildup.

Pro Tips:

  • Do not come all the way up at the top as it will take tension away from your lower back.
  • You could also perform this exercise on a flat bench by asking your spotter to sit on your lower legs if you don’t have access to a GHD machine at your gym.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Glutes, hamstrings, and lower back
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Machine
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

25. Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is one of the most underutilized back fat shedding exercises.

Pro Tips:

  • Raise the kettlebell to shoulder level by pushing through your hips explosively.
  • Don’t lift the weights using your shoulders.
  • Keep your heels grounded throughout the motion.
  • Maintain a neutral spine, neck, and head position.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Hamstrings, abs, adductors, calves, forearms, glutes, lats, lower back, quads, traps, and upper back
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Kettlebell
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete kettlebell swing guide here!

26. Pullover

A V-taper can help improve your physique aesthetics. The pullover is an effective exercise to achieve the feat.

Pro Tips:

  • Maintain a slight bend in your elbows throughout the movement.
  • Since we are trying to target back fat with this exercise, we’ll be doing the back variation of the pullover.
  • Lower the dumbbell as far as possible, but don’t let it extend beyond your head.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Chest, lats, shoulders, and triceps
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Dumbbell
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete dumbbell pullover guide here!

27. Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

The bra bulge is a giveaway sign of back fat. Exercises like the seated dumbbell rear delt fly can help stimulate your upper back.

Pro Tips:

  • Pull your arms toward the wall behind you to better target back fat.
  • Keep a slight bend in your elbows and pause at the top.
  • Make sure you’re not hunching excessively while performing this exercise.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Shoulders, traps, and triceps
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Dumbbell
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

28. Dumbbell Shrug

While performing the dumbbell shrug, pull back your shoulder blades to focus on your back.

Pro Tips:

  • You could also perform the seated dumbbell shrug while bending forward a little to focus on your back fat.
  • Keep your reps slow and deliberate for optimal back stimulation.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Traps, shoulders, and upper back
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Isolation
  • Equipment:Dumbbell
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete dumbbell shrug guide here!

29. Deadlift

The deadlift is the big daddy of back exercises. It works almost every muscle in the posterior chain, helping stimulate muscle growth and ignite fat loss due to its high calorie-burning properties.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your neck, head, and spine neutral throughout the exercise.
  • Pull back your shoulder blades at the top.
  • Keep the bar as close to your body as possible during the lift.
  • Focus on squeezing your lats to keep the bar close to your body and allow it to travel linearly.

In This Exercise:

  • Muscles Worked:Hamstrings, traps, shoulders, upper back, abs, adductors, calves, forearms, glutes, lats, lower back, middle back, and quads
  • Type:Strength
  • Mechanics:Compound
  • Equipment:Barbell
  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Rep Range:10-20 reps

Check out the complete deadlift guide here!

30. Rowing

Rowing exercises, both horizontal and vertical, can help stimulate your back. You cannot go wrong with adding resistance rowing lifts to your back fat shredding training program.

Rowing Back Fat Exercises:

  1. Barbell row
  2. Seal row
  3. Kettlebell row
  4. Cable row
  5. Incline bench dumbbell row
  6. Chin-up
  7. Pull-up
  8. Lat pull-down

Back Fat Workout

Here is a sample back fat-busting workout:

  1. Jumping Jack:3 sets x 1-minute (each)—warm-up
  2. Side Plank:3 sets x 1-minute (each side)
  3. Superman:3 sets x 20 reps
  4. Reverse Hip Raise:3 sets x 15-20 reps
  5. Cable Row:3 sets x 15-20 reps
  6. Deadlift:3 sets x 8-10 reps


What exercises get rid of back fat?

All 30 exercises can help get rid of back fat. However, these exercises won’t work in isolation. You’ll have to combine them with a calorie deficit.

Can I get rid of back fat without doing cardio?

Yes, you can shed body fat without doing cardio. A calorie deficit is the name of the game when it comes to losing body fat. Remember, cardio can fast-track your weight loss progress.

Do I have to perform back fat exercises to eliminate excess fat?

Like cardio, back fat exercises aren’t necessary for losing body fat. They can, nonetheless, help tone and shape your muscles.

Wrapping Up

Besides the factors mentioned above, poor posture can make you look lumpy. A deliberate effort to walk and sit with your chest lifted, shoulders pulled back, and your stomach tucked in can make your back fat less unsightly.

Combine a calorie deficit diet with the 30 back fat exercises mentioned in this article and a cardio program to shed stubborn body fat and keep it at bay. Best of luck!


Fitness Volt is committed to providing our readers with science-based information. We use only credible and peer-reviewed sources to support the information we share in our articles.

  1. Qian Xiao, Hannah Arem, Steven C. Moore, Albert R. Hollenbeck, Charles E. Matthews, A Large Prospective Investigation of Sleep Duration, Weight Change, and Obesity in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study Cohort,American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 178, Issue 11, 1 December 2013, Pages 1600–1610, https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwt180

This article was written by Vidur Saini, who is dedicated to providing accurate and trustworthy information to our readers. Vidur is always happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about this article, please leave a comment below, and Vidur will get back to you as soon as possible.

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30 Best Back Fat Exercises For a Shapely Physique – Fitness Volt (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.