30 Healthy Late Night Snacks - Sleep Authority (2024)

1. Pistachios

Loaded with protein and melatonin (the sleep-promoting agent), pistachios are one of the healthy late night snacks. Very popular among vegans and vegetarians!0.5–5 mgof melatonin is all you need to sleep well. 28 grams of shelled pistachio offers around6.5 mg of melatoninand just 160 calories.

2. Oatmeal

Rich in fiber, complexcarbohydrates, andmelatonin, oatmeal always tops the list of healthy late night snacks. Eating oatmeal before bed helps releaseserotonin– a hormone that stabilizes your mood and promotes sleep. You will only intake about 124 calories by having 175 grams of oatmeal cooked with water. Adding fruit and nuts or raisins will make it more filling and delicious, but increase the calories too.

3. Avocado Toast

Packed with magnesium, potassium, fiber,antioxidants, vitamin C, and more – Avocado toast is a good choice to boost your mood and reduce sleep anxiety before going to bed. One of the healthy late night snacks among the millennials!

4. Eggs

Eggs are always on the list of healthy late night snacks. They are easy to cook plus loaded with nutrients, tryptophan, and hunger-satisfying proteins. It is also a natural source of melatonin. Having eggs before bed helps you sleep well, according to the AmericanSleep Association. The snack is also known for maintaining blood-sugar balance. Only 72 calories are present in one large egg. An amazing bedtime snack isn’t it?

5. Popcorn

Stovetop popcorn is yummy, light, and filling when garnished with honey, salt, pepper, and cinnamon. With more carbohydrates and fewer calories, popcorn is best to unwind at night. Avoid pre-packaged popcorn containing excess sodium and toxic chemicals likeperfluorinated compounds (PFCs). Popcorn is one of the must-have healthy late night snacks, especially for those who often have snacks cravings.

6. Rice Cakes

One of the healthy night snacks that are airy, crunchy, and light. This is the best choice when you are not very hungry but in the mood to snack. Please know thatbrown rice is healthier. For a satisfying crunch, you can add cheese or nut butter, or a piece of fruit.

7. Protein smoothie

One of the protein-rich healthy late night snacks that are tasty and easy to prepare. Protein smoothies support muscle repair and are highly beneficial for people whoexercise regularly.Blend 240 ml of low-fat milk with 110 grams of frozen pineapples and your smoothie is ready.

While pineapple boostsmelatonin, low-fat milk is rich in amino acid –tryptophan, that our body needs for making melatonin and serotonin. So, a protein smoothie before bed encourages good sleep. You can have all that in just 160 calories!

8. Edamame

What can be quicker, simple, and healthy savory snacks? Edamame, of course. Do you know this is also one of the no-cook late night snacks? Edamame is unripe, green soybeans, which are an excellent source of protein, andtryptophan.Soy isoflavones in soy increase theduration of sleep. You can buy fresh or frozen or dry-roasted edamame. A half-cup of shelled edamame tossed with salt and pepper contains only150 calories.

9. Goji Berries

Full of antioxidants including carotenoids and a small amount of melatonin, goji berries are one of the simple and healthy late night snacks. According tostudies, this nutrient-rich snack improves sleep quality. All that for only about one-fourth cup of tasty goji berries containing150 calories. You can add it to cereal or trail mix.

10. Trail Mix

Trail mix is a combination of dry fruits, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao), and nuts (almonds, cashews). It offers B vitamins,healthy fats, and minerals. Trail mix is one of the healthy late night snacks. Quick and tasty as well! One-fourth cup of trail mix packs around 173 calories.

11. Whole-Grain Wrap

A whole-grain tortilla topped with dried cranberries or hummus and fresh veggies or chicken breast is one of the healthy bedtime snacks. Both chicken and cranberries help inmaking melatoninandhummusis a good source of protein. The whole-grain wrap is packed with vitamins and minerals and can strengthen your immune system.

12. Banana With Almond Butter

While almond butter contains plenty of healthy fats,magnesium, and vitamin E, bananas are an excellent source of serotonin (a hormone that makes us happy). One small banana dipped in one tablespoon of almond butter will increase enoughblood melatonin levelsto give you a good night’s sleep. An excellent option for midnight snacking! Isn’t it?

13. Tart Cherries

Tart cherries are another easy and healthy late night snack that helps you sleep better, according to some small studies. Whether you intake one-third cup of dried tart cherries or 8 ounces of 100% tart cherry juice, it contains around140 caloriesand a small amount of melatonin. Have it 1-2 hours before bed to increase yoursleep time and sleep efficiency,especially if you are suffering from insomnia.

14. Strawberries and Brie

Fresh strawberries are not just visually appealing but low in calories,high in vitamin C, and contain asignificant amount of melatonin. One cup of strawberries and one ounce of brie is within the recommended 200-calorie limit. Altogether, it is a healthy food option for snacking at night! However, it is not safe to consume brie or any other soft cheeseduring pregnancy.

15. Pumpkin Seeds

Are you looking for healthy late night snacks that are also crunchy and savory? Pumpkin seeds seasoned with alittle bit of sea salt and cinnamon,are the best choice! A great source ofmagnesiumandtryptophan, pumpkin seeds easilyput you to sleep. Results are better if you eat pumpkin seeds with carbs. Do you know a 1-ounce serving of these seeds contains just has 146 calories?

16. Cereal

Low-fat milk and low-sugar cereal will satisfy your hunger. Oat milk will give you a good vitamin boost and minimize saturated fats. Whole-grain cereals are rich in fiber. You can top hot cereal with fruits and nuts. Being a natural source ofmelatonin, cereal is one of the good bedtime snacks to fall asleep faster.

17. Kiwis

Power-packed with vitamin C, kiwis are also on the list of healthy snacks before bed. You can eat two kiwis and just consume 93 calories. It’s a natural source of serotonin. So eating late at night can relax you andinduce sleep faster. Do you want tocurb carb cravings, then kiwi is your go-to snack.

18. Crackers and Cheese

Crackers and cheese combo makes tryptophan easily available tothe brainand helps in making more serotonin and melatonin. What more? This outstanding, low-calorie snack maintains yourblood sugar levelstoo. This is one of the healthy late night snacks that offer a balance of proteins and carbs.

19. Yogurt

A fantastic source of calcium, yogurt is one of the best midnight snack ideas.Calciumis good for bones as well as inducesbetter sleep.Greek yogurt contains a high amount of casein protein, that curbshunger the next morning. A plain, nonfat yogurt of 6 ounces has only 94 calories.

20. Dark Chocolate

Low sugar and a high amount ofantioxidantsput dark chocolate on the list of healthy late night snacks. Dark chocolate made of 70% cacao or more is best to curb your midnight craving, according to Dr. Brooke Scheller, DCN, CNS, and director of nutrition.

21. Nuts

A handful of nuts that packs about 200 calories, is what to eat at night to stop hunger pangs. If you feel too lazy to cook and clean dishes at midnight, nuts are very handy.Almonds and walnutsare rich in sleep-regulating hormones, healthy fats, and proteins. Eating organic nuts help fight inflammation, reduce cravings, aid in weight loss, support blood-sugar level and maintain a healthy heart. Hence, nuts are not cooked and make for good late night snacks.

22. Turkey Sandwich

Turkey with whole-grain bread makes it one of the best late night snacks. It offers complex carbs and is loaded with tryptophan, which increases melatonin, essential for a good night’s sleep.

23. Zucchini Chips

Crispy and tasty zucchini chips are light in calories, sugar, and fat. It is rich in multiple antioxidants,potassium, vitamin A and folate.A healthy alternative to potato chips that makes you feel bloated when you eat them late at night.

24. Roasted Chickpeas

Full of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and protein,chickpeasis one of the simple, quicker, and healthy late night snacks. You can bake and season them as you wish. Do you know it is also one of the best late night snacks for weight loss?

25.Tomatoes & Cream Cheese on Toast

This is another healthy option when you don’t know what to eat at night when hungry. Whole-grain toast with calcium-enriched cream and melatonin-rich tomatoes is filling enough to have good sleep at night. This tasty and easy-to-digest snack also fills you with complex carbohydrates.

26. Fish

Salmon and Tuna packed withvitamin D and omega-3boostserotonin– the sleep-promoting brain chemical. Serotonin is also critical for day-to-day brain functions. This is why fish is always on the chart of healthy late night snacks. It is important for a healthy heart and brain. Eating fish at least twice per week is a part of a healthy diet, according toAmerican Heart Association.

27. Tofu

Whether you are non-vegetarian or vegan, tofu is hard to ignore! Studies show that this soy-based protein canrelieve sleep disorders. High in calcium and iron and loads of other minerals, tofu is known to protect against heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and many otherage and lifestyle-related diseases.

28. No-bake Granola Bars

For sweet cravings at midnight, granola bars are a wonderful choice. It is one of the healthy late night snacks for weight control. It lowers cholesterol but spikes your energy levels. Why not try a granola bar with fried apricot, yogurt, and honey?

29. Apple Chips

Made of apple and cinnamon, apple chips are one of the healthy late night snacks. Consume apple daily because it has cancer-fighting properties and boosts brainpower. Dense in fiber,phytochemicals, and antioxidants, apples are far better than potato chips. Crunchy, tasty, and healthy! Also, best forpregnant women.

30. Grapes

Grapes are anatural source of melatoninand are non cook healthy late night snacks. High in vitamin C, K, and antioxidants; it hasimpressive health benefits. Black grapes are considered to bethe healthiestfor skin, hair, and heart.

30 Healthy Late Night Snacks - Sleep Authority (2024)
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