30+ Things Frugal People Don't Do (2024)

Frugality is a lifestyle. Spending less so you can live more appeals to a lot of people. Practicing frugality often gets referred to as being cheap but there are distinct differences between the two.

Being frugal involves optimizing what you have by being creative. You want to establish a lifestyle that doesn’t revolve around spending and obtaining more things to be happy. Frugal people value experiences over things butdon’t sacrifice the health or welfare of themselves or their family just to save a few dollars.

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Here are 30+ things frugal people usually don’t do.

1. Fail to Implement a Budget

Budgeting accurately helps keep your finances in order. This allows you to control where your money is going. Frugal people remain frugal and spend less because they implement a budget in some shape or form to remain on track.

2. Spend Money Every Single Day

There are some days when you don’t have to spend a dime. Having a ‘no spend day’ or a ‘no spend weekend’ is a financial challenge that requires creativity and a clear focus. But the more you do it, theeasier it will become.

3. Choose Wants over Needs

Frugality helps put your needs before your wants by prioritizing what is most important to you. It’s also important to be content with what you have. Greed and frugality do not mix well.

4. Have Enormous Cable Bills

Cabledoesn’t make sense from a financial standpoint. If you don’t even have time to watch television nor the money to fork over for a rising bill each month, try going without cable and using a cheaper alternative to watch shows and movies. Consider Netflix ($8/month), Hulu ($8/month) or Amazon Prime (with free two-day shipping on items for $99/year).

5. Waste Food

Wasting food is something everyone should try to avoid. Food is a privilege in some countries. It’s important to be mindful of what you eat and the food you buy so you can avoid waste. Throwing away food is almost identical to throwing money in the garbage. Frugal people eat all of what they buy.

6. Make Impulse Purchases Based on Emotion

Frugal people try to keep their emotions in check. They realize that retailers tend to create a sense of urgency with their products and appeal to consumers’ emotions in order to increase sales. Asking yourself if you truly need the item can bring yourshopping impulses to a halt.

7. Buy Brand Name Items and Clothes to Make an Impression

The idea of buying expensive name brand and designer clothes really serves no purpose in the life of a frugal person. Clothes that look nice, fit well, and are on sale (bonus) will suffice. Why spend money over and over again if you can buy timeless?

8. Shop as a Form of Entertainment

Shopping as a habit is expensive and is usually done to fill a void. Frugal people try not to associate spending money with fun and entertainment. Frugal consumers findmore enjoyable ways to lighten their mood and have fun.

9. Drive Cars They Can’t Afford

Driving a car that you can barely afford to make payments on is not a wise decision and will often leave you drowning in debt. Frugal people practically despise debt and some even drive older, more economical cars to avoid going into debt over a depreciatingasset.

10. Ignore Vehicle Maintenance

Failing to maintain your vehicle and schedule timely repairs can result in having to pay thousands of dollars to fix big things later on. The frugal way to keep your car running well for longer is not to avoid maintenance and repairs, but rather budget for these expenses ahead of time. This way, you can take care of them quickly without causing financial strain.

11. Go the Most Convenient Route

Convenient practices like ordering dinner to avoid cooking it, paying for valet parking, or driving when you can walk or bike will eventually start to add up and deplete your funds. This is why frugal people try to avoid ‘convenient’ money traps.

12. Avoid a Great Deal

Frugal people don’t sit around all day staring at their bank accounts and thinking of ways to avoid spending any money.They know how to spend. They just wait for a great deal and snatch it up as fast as possible!

13. Use Credit Cards To Inflate Their Lifestyle

Using credit cards to spend more than you can afford will lead to greater money problems. You can use credit cards frugally by optimizing them for points, spending on items you would normally purchase, and paying off the balance in full each month.

14. Ignore Giveaways and Freebies

Whether you consider yourself a frugal person or not, we all should appreciate an occasional freebie or giveaway. It only takes a few moments to enter a giveaway or respond to an advertised freebie offer. It’s typically a really good return on your invested time.

15. Run the AC or Heat When It’s Unnecessary

Frugal people are all about conserving energy and keeping utility costs low. They know that paying attention to the thermostat is worthwhile. There are several things you can do to avoid running the heat too soon and running your air conditioning too much.

16. Spend a lot on Gym Memberships

A gym membership can be a great source of motivation to help you get fit. However, a lot of people don’t fully utilize their gym membership given the amount of money they spend on it each month. On the low end, a gym membership generally costs around $58 or $696 per year. According to recent studies, about 67% of people with gym memberships don’t even use them. If you don’t go to the gym at least two or three times per week all year round you could be wasting quite a bit of money.

Whether you want a gym membership or not is your preference. But it would be wise to avoid a costly one and stick to free and natural workouts that you can do out in nature or in your home. There are plenty of mobile apps and YouTube videos to utilize. Used and affordablegym equipment is usually plentiful any time of year.

17. BelieveEntertainment Is Expensive

A big part of being frugal is theability to override the myth that you need to spend lots of money on entertainment. There are tons of free and low cost ways to entertain yourself and your family.Look around your neighborhood, research events and take advantage of deals.

18. Pass up a Thrift Store or Garage Sale

Garage sales and thrift shops are thrilling for the frugal shopper. Garage sale and consignment shop items that are in good condition beat department store prices everytime.

19. Try to Overcompensate by Giving out Elaborate Gifts

This ties into the idea of trying to impress others with name brands. Sometimes it’s best to make gifts and provide the recipient with something they need instead of trying to impress them with a popular brand.

20. Purchase Work Lunches Each Day

When you work for an employer (especially in an office) lunch time can be a much anticipated release or break from the work day. If you go out and buy lunch each day though, you could easily wastemore than $1,000 per year. Frugal people choose not to purchase work lunches each day. They bring a lunch from home to save that $1,000 for a vacation, home repair, or a memorable experience with loved ones.

21. Buy Snacks at the Movie Theatre, or Meals at Carnivals and Fairs

It’s not about being cheap. Who really wants to spend $5 on a soft drink, $4 on a box of candy and $7 on a bowl of popcorn that might be fresh? If you don’t want to avoid going broke just by snacking, it’s best to eat a large meal before you go out and drink water if you need a beverage. This allows you to focus more on the experience rather than the overpriced, subpar food.

22. Take Luxurious Vacations Without Reward Points

Many frugal people still go on vacations. Dropping $5,000-$10,000 on a vacation each year though is often not in the question. Instead of charging vacation expenses to your credit card and returning home with debt, you can churn credit cards and use the reward points and cashback to fund your travels.

23. Ignore Their Health Needs

Maintaining an adequate amount of medical coverage is very important, no matter the cost. Eating healthy foods and going to regular check-upscan help prevent costly medical problemsin the future.

24. Spend Copious Amounts of Money on Summer Music Festivals

Frugal people might wonder why someone would pay hundreds of dollars to meet up with friends, camp outside and listen to music for a weekend. That’s because there are tons of free music festivals happening all over. Although frugal people may use credit card reward points to help pay for tickets to an occasional concert.

25. Buy Brand New Electronics Each Year

Keeping up with the newest versions of electronics is exhausting, not to mention financially draining. Frugal people try to keep up with their electronics for a few years at least instead of buying something new the moment it comes out.

26. Throw Away Broken or Old Electronics

When electronics break, instead of tossing them out and creating more waste, frugal people may try to fix up and sell older electronics for cheap or sell their parts if the item is broken. A broken iPhone is still worth a lot of money.

27. Put Off Investing

Putting off investing can put you in a rough financial situation when you get older. Some people who are nearing retirement age can’t even leave work because they failed to invest and save early.Frugal people love setting money aside for their future.

28. Buy Coffee Every Morning

Drinking coffee every day is normal. But buying it each day from a café or coffee shop is a bit much for frugal people. They usually make coffee at home and buy an occasional drink at Starbucks every now and then. This saves big money.

29. Pass up a Side Hustle

People who live frugally are always looking for more ways to earn money easily on the side. This is why it’s hard for a frugal person to pass up an opportunity to use their skills to earn extra money on the weekend, help a friend or start a side business.

30. Go on a Road Trip without Bringing Food

Road trips are very fun and they’re the perfect frugal getaway for a family or group of friends. To make the trip even more frugal and save money to use for attractions and other activities, bringing food along is a must. It’s also easier than stopping the car for a snack.

31. Compromise the Safety and Welfare of Others

Frugal people don’t opt to save money at all costs; especially when it comes to the expense of other people’s health or safety. They are not like the people you see on shows like Extreme Cheapskates. Since frugal people place needs and necessities above wants, it allows them to live a life that doesn’t compromise the safety and welfare of others.

32. Care What People Think about Them

Frugal people are judged a lot and sometimes negatively referred to as ‘cheapskates’ or ‘penny pinchers’. After you’ve been frugal for a while and you see the positive affects your choices have had on your lifestyle and your bank account, it won’t matter what other peoplethink. Frugal people always have the last laugh. While others think they are cheap or poor for bringing lunch to work each day or living a different, simpler life, they are busy saving, investing, and living a fulfilling life.

Do you consider yourself frugal? Can you think of anything else that frugal people might not do?

30+ Things Frugal People Don't Do (2024)


30+ Things Frugal People Don't Do? ›

Frugality is the practice of being wise with money and avoiding wastefulness. It's a virtue that many people admire. It fosters responsible financial habits and can lead to a more sustainable life. But there's a darker side to frugality that can be detrimental to our quality of life. This is known as “toxic frugality.”

What do frugal people not do? ›

9 Things Frugal People Avoid Doing
  • Frugal people don't pay full price. ...
  • Frugal people don't have a lot of subscriptions. ...
  • Frugal people don't maintain a ton of memberships. ...
  • Frugal people don't eat out all the time. ...
  • Frugal people don't keep balances on their credit cards. ...
  • Frugal people don't buy everything brand new.
Jun 27, 2024

What is toxic frugality? ›

Frugality is the practice of being wise with money and avoiding wastefulness. It's a virtue that many people admire. It fosters responsible financial habits and can lead to a more sustainable life. But there's a darker side to frugality that can be detrimental to our quality of life. This is known as “toxic frugality.”

What are the disadvantages of frugal living? ›

While the benefits are undeniable, frugal living can also have some drawbacks: Reduced Demand and Lower Profits: If everyone practices extreme frugality, it can lead to decreased consumer spending, impacting businesses' profits.

What is extremely frugal with money? ›

Living a frugal lifestyle means approaching your spending a little differently. And one of the most impactful shifts is to focus on the quality of your possessions rather than the quantity. Purchasing higher-quality clothing, furniture, appliances and so forth often means they will last longer.

How to be extremely cheap? ›

What are some tips for being frugal?
  1. Create a budget and stick to it. Being frugal begins with this tip. ...
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Buy what you need from the first store you see, but don't just go to the first one you see. ...
  3. Buy used instead of new. ...
  4. Make your own stuff. ...
  5. Repurpose and recycle. ...
  6. Be patient.
Aug 22, 2023

Why are millionaires frugal? ›

They live frugally to safeguard their wealth, like Warren Buffett, who continues to live in the modest family home that he purchased in 1958 for $31,500, even with his billionaire status. Their financial wisdom is the key to their prosperity, and their frugal habits can guide others toward financial security.

How can you tell if someone is frugal? ›

10 Signs You've Mastered the Art of Frugal Living
  1. You Budget Consistently. ...
  2. You Prioritize Needs Over Wants. ...
  3. You Actively Save Money. ...
  4. You Have Little Consumer Debt. ...
  5. You Opt for Sustainable Options. ...
  6. You Make Intentional Spending Choices. ...
  7. You Prioritize Functionality. ...
  8. You Do It Yourself.
Jan 5, 2024

What is a frugal eater? ›

careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount: a frugal lifestyle. a frugal meal of bread and soup. Synonyms. economical.

What is a frugal personality? ›

Frugal people prioritize spending money on things that add value to their life, and they avoid using money for what they don't consider important. Those who are frugal recognize the value of their time, health and happiness over material possessions.

When someone is too frugal? ›

Being frugal is a great way to save money — but what happens if you become overly frugal? Frugality can be a great thing, but it can also become addictive (and not in a good way). For example, being frugal at the expense of others can push loved ones away.

Is there anything wrong with being frugal? ›

Often, placing a value on frugality can help you to save more money, build wealth for the future, and even become more creative as you look for frugal hacks and solutions to life's challenges. However, when taken to the extreme, it can hurt your finances, as well as your relationships.

Is being frugal hereditary? ›

But based on a swath of studies on the brain and behavior, scientists now believe that each of us has unique genetics and brain wiring that make us predisposed to be thrifty or extravagant—long before we even have money to spend. Does that mean it's game over, you're hardwired one way or the other? Not at all.

Who is the frugal billionaire? ›

Warren Buffett: how the frugal billionaire spends his fortune, from McDonald's breakfasts to the occasional splurge. Berkshire Hathaway CEO and chairman Warren Buffett's net worth is an estimated $138 billion. He's the world's 9th-richest person, per Bloomberg, above Sergey Brin and the Walton siblings.

What do you call a person who doesn't spend money easily? ›

A cheapskate can also be called a miser or a tightwad. Definitions of cheapskate. noun. a miserly person. synonyms: tightwad.

When being frugal becomes an obsession? ›

Fear of spending money or excessive frugality is sometimes known as Chrometophobia, a Specific Phobia related to money. Fears about spending money may also be involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

What is the opposite of frugal lifestyle? ›

Antonyms: profligate, prodigal, spendthrift, extravagant, wasteful. entailing little expense; requiring few resources; meager; scanty: a frugal meal. Synonyms: skimpy, sparing, slim, scant.

What does a frugal person do? ›

Frugal people prioritize spending money on things that add value to their life, and they avoid using money for what they don't consider important. Those who are frugal recognize the value of their time, health and happiness over material possessions.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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