33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (2024)

He got up and sat on the edge of the bedstead with his back to the window. “It’s better not to sleep at all,” he decided. There was a cold damp draught from the window, however; without getting up he drew the blanket over him and wrapped himself in it. He was not thinking of anything and did not want to think. But one image rose after another, incoherent scraps of thought without beginning or end passed through his mind. He sank into drowsiness. Perhaps the cold, or the dampness, or the dark, or the wind that howled under the window and tossed the trees roused a sort of persistent craving for the fantastic. He kept dwelling on images of flowers, he fancied a charming flower garden, a bright, warm, almost hot day, a holiday—Trinity day. A fine, sumptuous country cottage in the English taste overgrown with fragrant flowers, with flower beds going round the house; the porch, wreathed in climbers, was surrounded with beds of roses. A light, cool staircase, carpeted with rich rugs, was decorated with rare plants in china pots. He noticed particularly in the windows nosegays of tender, white, heavily fragrant narcissus bending over their bright, green, thick long stalks. He was reluctant to move away from them, but he went up the stairs and came into a large, high drawing-room and again everywhere—at the windows, the doors on to the balcony, and on the balcony itself—were flowers. The floors were strewn with freshly-cut fragrant hay, the windows were open, a fresh, cool, light air came into the room. The birds were chirruping under the window, and in the middle of the room, on a table covered with a white satin shroud, stood a coffin. The coffin was covered with white silk and edged with a thick white frill; wreaths of flowers surrounded it on all sides. Among the flowers lay a girl in a white muslin dress, with her arms crossed and pressed on her bosom, as though carved out of marble. But her loose fair hair was wet; there was a wreath of roses on her head. The stern and already rigid profile of her face looked as though chiselled of marble too, and the smile on her pale lips was full of an immense unchildish misery and sorrowful appeal. Svidrigaïlov knew that girl; there was no holy image, no burning candle beside the coffin; no sound of prayers: the girl had drowned herself. She was only fourteen, but her heart was broken. And she had destroyed herself, crushed by an insult that had appalled and amazed that childish soul, had smirched that angel purity with unmerited disgrace and torn from her a last scream of despair, unheeded and brutally disregarded, on a dark night in the cold and wet while the wind howled

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33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (1)

In a world where J.K. Rowling’s manuscript of “Harry Potter” was rejected 12times and Kathryn Stockett’s manuscript of “The Help” was rejected 60times, it can be easy to become despondent about publishing your fiction, even more so for teenage writers aching to voice their thoughts to the world.

However, there’s an abundance of writing competitions year round for teens and writing contests for high school students — you just need to know where to look.

Here, I compiled a list of 33 writing contests for teens. Genres include: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, screenplays, and plays.

Some of these contestsmay sound like the competition is too stiff, especially if the organization receives thousands of submissions every year. But speaking from personal experience, you never know unless you try. Rejections will pile up for young authors, but so will acceptances accompanied by whoops and fist pumps.

Pay attention:

If you’d like guidance on your novel writing, check out 12 Steps to Writing a Bestseller.

Additionally,the experiences offered by certain teencontests such as working with professionals, revisitingyour work, and perhaps even seeing it come to life either in a publication or on stage is indescribably rewarding and gratifying.

So, young writers, submit on!

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (2)

1.Ocean Awareness Student Contest

The theme is “Making Meaning out of Ocean Pollution,” and it challenges you to research, explore, interpret, and say something meaningful about the connections between human activities and the health of our oceans. Prizes range from $100-$1,500.

Grades: Middle school – High school

Deadline: June

2.Rattle Young Poets Anthology

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (3)

This is an anthology to look back on the past and view your younger work with pride. The author of the poem must have beenage 15 or youngerwhen the poem was written, and 18 or younger when submitted.

Ages: 18 or younger

Number of submissions: “Thousands” are submitted, 50 are chosen.

Deadline: June

3. Hypernova Lit

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (4)

Any and all types of writing are welcome. Long short stories, short short stories, prose poetry, traditional poetry, blackout poetry, creative accountsof your life and experiences, essays about yourself, essays about what you love, plays, scripts, letters, lists, rants, lyrics, journal writing.

Ages: All

Deadline: Open Year-round

4. Princeton University Poetry Contest for High School Students

The Princeton University Poetry Contest recognizes outstanding work by student writersin the 11th grade.Prizes: First Prize – $500, Second Prize – $250, Third Prize – $100.

Grades: 11


5. The Bennington Young Writers Awards

Students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades enter in one of the following categories: poetry (a group of three poems), fiction (a short story or one-act play), or nonfiction (a personal or academic essay).First-place winners in each category are awarded a prize of $500; second-place winners receive $250.

Grades: 10-12

Deadline: Fall

6. Canvas Literary Journal

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (5)

Teen literary magazine published quarterly.

Seeking writers ages 13-18 to submit fiction, novel excerpts, poetry, plays, nonfiction, new media, and cross-genre.

Ages: 13-18


7. The New Voices One-Act Competition for Young Playwrights

Submit your best one-act play (one per playwright!) to the New Voices competition and you can potentially win cash, software from fabulous sponsors Final Draft and Great Dialogue, and even publication!

Ages: 19 or younger

Submission period:Fall

8. Princeton University 10 Minute Play Contest

Eligibility for this annual playwritingcontest is limited to students in the eleventh grade.Prizes: First Prize – $500, Second Prize – $250, Third Prize – $100.Thejury consists ofmembers of thePrinceton University Program in Theaterfaculty.

Grades: 11

Deadline: Fall

9. Jet Fuel Review

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (6)

Through Lewis University, Jet Fuel Review is run entirely by students under the supervision of faculty advisers Dr. Simone Muench and Dr. Jackie White.

Jet Fuel Reviewis looking for quality in writing, whether it be in poetry, prose, non-fiction, or artwork.

Submission periods: August to October; January to March

10. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (7)

Since 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards have recognized the vision, ingenuity, and talent of our nation’s youth. Through the Awards, students receive opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships.

Students across America submitted nearly 320,000 original works during our 2016 program year across 29 different categories of art and writing.

Grades: 7-12

Submissions period: September toDecember

11. One Teen Story

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (8)

One Teen Storyis an award-winning literary magazine for readers and writers of young adult literature. Subscribers receive one curated and edited work of short fiction each month in the mail or on their digital devices.

Ages: 13-19

Submission period: September toMay

12. The Claremont Review

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (9)

The editors of the Claremont Review publish the best poetry, short stories, short plays, visual art, and photographyby young adults.We publish work in many stylesthat range from traditional to modern.

We prefer pieces that explore real characters and reveal authenticemotion.

Ages: 13-19

Submission period: September to April

13. Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest

Sponsored by Hollins University, the Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest is in its fifty-second year. The contest awards prizes for the best poems submitted by young womenwho are sophom*ores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Prizes up to $5,000 are awarded to winners.Winners are chosen by students and faculty members inthe creative writing program at Hollins.

Grades: 11-12

Deadline: October

If you’re dreaming of writing a novel, you should definitely read my post on how to start and finish a novel.

I take you through the whole process of finding an idea, planning the book, creating the characters, and writing a wonderful book.

It’s essential reading for every writer.

14.VSA Playwright Discovery Competition

Each year, young writers with and without disabilities, in U.S. grades 6-12 (or equivalents) or ages 11-18 for non-U.S. students, are asked to explore the disability experience through the art of script writing for stage or screen.

Writers may craft scripts from their own experiences and observations, create fictional characters and settings, or choose to write metaphorically or abstractly about the disability experience.Winners in these divisions will receive $500 for arts programs at their schools.

Grades: 6-12 OR Ages: 11-18

Deadline: October

15. YoungArts

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (10)

The National YoungArts Foundation identifies and nurtures the most accomplished young artists in the visual, literary, design and performing arts and assists them at critical junctures in their educational and professional development.

Additionally, YoungArts Winners are eligible for nomination as a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts, one of the nation’s highest honors for high school students who exemplify academic and artistic excellence.

Ages: 15-18 OR Grades: 10-12

Deadline: October

16. The Critical Junior Poet’s Award Contest

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (11)

The Critical Pass Reviewis now accepting submissions online for its Critical Junior Poet’s Award Contest, an editor’s choice award for exceptional promise in the art of poetry. Applicants between the ages of 13 and 18 can enter for free. The winner will receive a $100 cash prize, a $20 iTunes card, a CD of master poets reading their poetry, publication of his/her winning work inThe Critical Pass Review‘s Summer 2016 issue, and more.

Ages: 13-18

Submissions period:November toMarch

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (12)

17. The Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (13)

The Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers recognizes outstanding young poets and is open to high school sophom*ores and juniors throughout the world. The contest winner receives a full scholarship to the Kenyon Review Young Writers workshop.

Grades: 10-11

Deadline: November

18. Santa Fe University of Arts & Design High School Creative Writing Competition

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (14)

The Glazner Creative Writing Contest is an opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to compete for a chance at publication in Santa Fe University of Art and Design’s online journal, Jackalope Magazine. To enter, students must submit up to 10 pages of work in any genre to our contest email address (contest@santafeuniversity.edu).

Grades: 11-12

Deadline: November toDecember

19. Young Authors Writing Competition (Columbia College Chicago)

The Young Authors Writing Competition is a national competition for high school writers of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. It began as a local contest in 1995, and since then has expanded into a national competition that has received tens of thousands of submissions from students across the country. 1st Place:$300,2nd Place:$150, and3rd Place:$50.

Grades: 9-12

Submission period: November toJanuary

20. Odyssey Con

The OddContest is an annual competition for speculative (science fiction, fantasy, or horror) stories or prose poems no longer than 500 words.Prizes:$50 to first place; Odyssey Con membership and free books to top 3.

Ages: 18 or younger

Deadline: January

21. Young Playwrights INC.

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (15)

Selected writers will be invited to New York, expenses paid, for our Young Playwrights Conference to work with some of this country’s most exciting professional theater artists, and to hear their plays read in our Off-Broadway Readings Series.

Ages:18 or younger

Deadline: January

22. University of Iowa – Hemingway Festival High School Writing Contest

Accepting Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry, and Essays.

Winners and Finalists will be recognized at the 7th Annual University of Idaho Hemingway Festival, and cash prizes will be awarded in each category. Winners will also be considered for publication in an online University of Idaho publication. There will be one winner and one Finalist in each category with one Overall Grand Prize Winner.Cash prizes up to $500.

Grades: 11-12

Deadline: January

23. Interlochen Review

Interlochen Arts Academy is a high school boarding school and summer camp. It online literary journal accepts submissions from high school students in five categories: Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, Screen/Stageplay and Hybrid form. Up to 6 pieces total.

Grades: 9-12

Submissions Period: February to March

24. Aerie International Journal

Aerie International was born of a desire to offer outstanding young writers and artists an opportunity to share, edit, and publish their work internationally. What makes this journal unique is that it is designed, edited and published entirely by high school students. Students whose work is selected received $100 in addition to a copy of the magazine.

Grades: 9-12


25. Chapman Art and Writing Holocaust Contest

Focusing on themes central both to the Holocaust and to ethical decision making in our world today, the contest gives students from public, private and parochial schools the opportunity to share their creative works in response to survivors’ oral testimonies.

Participating schools may submit a total of three entries from three individual students in the following categories: art, film, prose, and/or poetry.

Grades: 9-12


33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (16)

26. Writopia Lab Worldwide Plays Festival

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (17)

The festival includes plays written in workshops at Writopia’s labs across the country and plays submitted to our competition from playwrights around the world from playwrights in 1st through 12th grade (ages 6 to 18). Plays are professionally produced in New York.

Grades: 1-12 OR Ages: 6-18

Deadline: February

27. The Blank Theater’s Young Playwrights’ Festival

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (18)

Since 1993, 12 plays are chosen by a panel oftheatre professionals from submissions across America. Winning playwrightsare provided careful mentoring and direction from industry professionals tohelp prepare their work for public performance and hone their skills, talent andconfidence.Nowhere else in the nation can young playwrights receive the prize of seeingtheir vision come to life on stage in a professional production featuringknown actors from film, television and theatre. The plays are crafted by seasonedprofessional directors and each is given several public performances in a month-longFestival.

Ages: 9-19


28. Austin International Poetry Festival (AIPF)

Each year the Austin International Poetry Festival (AIPF) recognizes youth poets by publishing their work together in a truly diverse anthology. We welcome international poets from kindergarten through high school grade level or age to submit up to three poems.

Grades: K-12

Deadline: March

29. Winter Tangerine

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (19)

Winter Tangerine is a literary journal dedicated to the electric. To the salt. The sugar. We want bitter honey, expired sweets. We want catalysts. Accepting submissions of poetry, prose, drama, visual art, and short film.

Ages: All

Submission period: April to October

30. The Adroit Prizes for Poetry and Prose

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (20)

The Adroit Journal, published at the University of Pennsylvania is open to all writers. The Adroit Prizes for Poetry and Prose are awarded annually to two students of secondary or undergraduate status whose written work “inspires the masses to believe beyond feeling the work.” In other words, we strive to receive the absolute best work from emerging young writers in high school and college, and the best of the best will receive these two lovely awards.

Grades: 9+

Submission Period: To be announced

31. Hanging LooseMagazine

33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (21)

Hanging Loose Magazine is a professional magazine that welcomes high school submissions. Payment plus 2 copies. Send 3 to 6 poems, or 1 to 3 short stories, or an equivalent combination of poetry and prose to High School Editor, Hanging Loose, 231 Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Identify yourself as a high school age writer.

Grades: 9-12

Deadline: Open Year-round

Other Resources:

Poetry Space

An online publishing opportunity for young writers.

The New Pages Young Author’s Guide

A resource for young authors to find places to submit their work!

Follow me on Social Media:

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  1. Hi there…… Are these competition opportunities open to people outside of the USA? We are in South Africa and would love to submit 🙂
    Thanks very much


    1. I think many are, though you’ll have to check with each one.


    2. Hey, I’m also from SA!
      Would you like to chat on Whatsapp?


    3. Does anyone know any writing contests/opportunties for adults?


      1. Look for Writers Market 2021 (or whichever year applies) at B&N, Amazon or other book outlet. There’s tons.

  2. Some say that deadlines are from September to May. Is this May 2017, or 2016?


    1. May 2017, because the post was written only a few months ago. Cheers!


      1. are these still happening in 2020?

      2. They are all virtual, so I don’t see why not.

      3. Why do many only have poetry, nonfiction, or short stories? I write novels and sequels to books I have read and I would like to see if there is a competition for this type of writer.

  3. There isn’t much for some one who’s 20. Are there any, I’m from India.


    1. People who are in their 20s can apply to all the adult contests (meaning the majority of writing contests out there!)


  4. Thank you so much for this list! I’ve been looking for a list like this for a while. Thanks!


  5. Great list–thanks!


  6. Hi,

    Could you please add our contest to this list as well? The name of our contest is Lifesaver Essays – Essay Writing Contest and the details can be found on our official webpage – https://lifesaveressays.com/essay-contest



  7. Hey,
    I am an 11 year old living in New Zealand, I mostly do creative writing.
    Are any of these contests for me?


    1. Yes, most of them allow for international submissions.


    2. Hello Alex yes some of these essay contests can be for you it depends. I am a student myself in high school and live in San Diego California. The ocean essay could be for you since you are 11 years old. Hope this helped.


      1. Hi Dani. I also live in San Diego. How cool is that?

  8. Where do I turn in the essay


  9. Where do we turn in the story ?


    1. If you want to submit to each contest, I would suggest visiting their website and following the guidelines.


  10. Hi,
    I am odudu uduak from Nigeria and l am 11.
    I love writing and l want to know contest will permits international submission.
    Thank you


    1. Yes, most do!


  11. Many of these contests request “previously unpublished work” only. From your personal experience, what exactly does this mean? For example, would winning a regional-only award from Scholastic Art-and-Writing render the piece “published,” although (I believe) Scholastic works are not available for public reading/viewing until the national level? Or would you be allowed to still submit the award-winning work to a contest requesting “previously unpublished” content?
    Thanks in advance! 🙂


    1. If the award didn’t come with publication, then it’s not published. It’s only published if it’s online or available to the public. Hope that helps! Submit away!


  12. Do you have any contest that has a deadline after march?


    1. Contests usually take breaks over the summer (holding to a school schedule), but check the deadlines above to make sure.


  13. I was wondering if these contests are for the year 2017? The deadlines only mention the months, not very helpful.


    1. It was written in 2016. Listing only the months keeps it perennially fresh, because the contests are often in the same months for each year.


  14. DO you have any for 7th graders? I am writing a short fiction story that I would love to enter. Most of the middle school ones are for playwrights and poetry. Thank you very much.


    1. No, these are the only ones I have, sorry.


  15. hi – we are running a short story writing contest for young writers. We thought you may be able to help the young writers by spreading the word!

    here is the link!



  16. I’m an editor at Teen Ink Magazine. We are a national magazine that has been publishing teens for over 25 years. In fact, we publish about 150 teens in each monthly issue. We also run writing contests throughout the year.

    For more information, please go to: http://www.TeenInk.com


  17. I am intetrested in short poem writing. Sometimes writing on social issues. Could you help me understand a little more how to go about getting my work known.


    1. Make it the best you can make it, get friends to read it and give you feedback, and then submit to these contests.


  18. Thanks so much for the list! It was super helpful!


  19. My friends say that I’m a good writer, but I’m not sure would you recommend any beginner competitions.


    1. Hi, these are all beginner competitions. I would recommend finding others that are local to you rather than national — those will have less intense competition. Or find a school-based one or state-based one.


  20. Thanks so much for the list. I also appreciate you being so kind as to help out all the kindergartners and all the other kids who would like a chance to win a competition.


  21. My name is Shawn Dingle and I am the Co-Founder of a newly created non- profit organization called Brendan’s Smile Foundation. I would like to be considered and reviewed as a reputable writing contest.
    The subject is Bullying. The students, 6th through College/Vocational age 24 or younger, can freely express this topic in any manner of their choosing poetry, lyrics, haiku, etc) but it must be 500 words or less.. The winning writers will receive up to $500 for themselves and $500 for their learning institutions in each category.


  22. Hi, is this only for 2017? Is there any for 2018 too.


    1. Almost all of the contests are repeating year after year, so 2018 should have these same contests.


  23. When is the deadline to the Inkitt Novel Contest


  24. Is there a portion to where i can write an inspirational essay for the ocean awarness


  25. Hey Taylor! Remy from Inkitt here–the deadline for the January contest is the 31st. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@inkitt.com. Thanks!


  26. There is another relatively new kid and young adult journal — fingers comma toes (fingerscommatoes.wordpress.com) run by teens. If you are reading this it may be worth taking a look! 🙂


  27. It says there’s 33. I see 32.


    1. I’m frequently adding and deleting some as ones die out and emerge, so the numbers will change on a rotating basis as the contests change.


  28. Writers might want to check out the Literary Taxidermy Short Story Competition. It’s open to young adults and awards original works of short fiction under 3000 words. The catch: the contest provides your opening and closing lines chosen from a classic work of literature. You provide the rest. Three winning stories will be selected, for a total prize of $1500. In addition, winners and runners-up will be published by Regulus Press in a forthcoming 2018 Anthology of Literary Taxidermy. Entries close on 4 June 2018. Visit https://literarytaxidermy.com.


  29. Where do we send our submissions for the making meaning writing contest.


  30. Where should we post our writings?


    1. This is not a place to post your writings. Bookfox provides resources for writers.


  31. Hi! I’ one of the editors at Hypernova Lit. Thanks so much for the mention here. It’s really increased our traffic. I’m commenting to clarify a couple of things. First, we’re not a contest. We offer publication but there are no winners, losers, or prizes. Secondly, you’ve got us listed as all ages, but I’m afraid we only accept work from writers between 13 and 18. Thanks!


  32. Hello. I am a 11 year old playwright, hoping to get my work into a contest. it is nowhere near close to finished, but I would still like it if you could show me contest that would fit my criteria. (Don’t worry, my plays and stories are nowhere near as boring as what I just wrote.) I love to write comedies that involve magic. (Go big or go home!) Thank!

    -Amy Widow (Not my real name, its my character in my play’s name.)


  33. Good post. I will be facing some of these issues as well..


  34. One more issues I forgot to put is that it has more than one act. Opps…


  35. Hello I am a kid who lives in Florida. I had a questions. Is this a trustworthy site is it a official? My parents were asking before I submit my story…


    1. You don’t submit your story to this website. You would follow the links and submit to one of their sites.


      1. Ok thanks I was also wondering if these contest are genuine.

  36. Thank you for listing the NewPages Young Writers Guide! I update that page regularly with specific criteria and guidelines we use before we will list a resource (I understand Emily’s concern about “genuine” contests). It is also an ad-free web page – no one pays to be listed there. I maintain the guide because I am a teacher who wants to encourage young readers and writers as well as provide a resource for other teachers. The URL has changed since you wrote your article: https://www.newpages.com/writers-resources/young-authors-guide


  37. I personally feel that there should be more contests for younger children, as not all great writers are 13 and up!


  38. Am so greatful to be apart of this prestige competition


  39. Hi, I was wondering if any of the contests could get my manuscript published with a company?


  40. This is a great list of resources for students! Could you please add our writing contest to your list?
 “Mini-Essay Writing Contest” isa writing contest to encourage students to do more writing in their social media life. They can write about life experience, relationship, interests, school life, travels, or anything. This is a recurrent writing contest which runs quarterly.
 Prizes: $1,000, and three runner-ups can win $200 each. https://www.biopage.com/contest/biopage-mini-essay-writing-contest/show


  41. Are any of these contests for 2019?


    1. I think that most of these contests come around annually, so, yes, they’d be around in 2019.


  42. Whats the year for all of these? I would really like to know because its 2019 soooo….


  43. I know for a fact that I’m not going to win anything, but I’ll try so that my work has a chance to be worth something.


    1. everyone’s work is worth something, never doubt your talents and your skills and the hard work you have passionately put into what you love. go for it!


    2. Its 2020 are these contests still open cause i am seeing people type 2016 or 2017


  44. I would like to enter the 6th contest (the beginnton young writers contest).how do I enter?


    1. Hey there! To enter that contest you will click on the blue title. It will take you to another site which is the official site for that competition. When you get to the page you will scroll down some and there’s a form in which you can fill out. That site does vary in form from different devices. If you can’t find the form while just scrolling down, you may have to do a little site surfing of your own. Have fun writing your story. I am sure it will be worth the win. GOOD LUCK!!


  45. Are these also fairly recent? Would the deadlines be the same for 2019? I am an aspiring author, and looked into a few of these contests in hopes of being able to submit the book I’ve been writing.


  46. AFSA National High School Essay Contest: https://www.usip.org/public-education/students/AFSAEssayContest

    USIP partners with the American Foreign Service Association ((AFSA) on the annual National High School Essay Contest. The contest engages high school students in learning and writing about issues of peace and conflict, encouraging appreciation for diplomacy’s role in building partnerships that can advance peacebuilding and protect national security. Now in its 22nd year, the contest encourages students to think about how and why the United States engages globally to build peace, and about the role that the Foreign Service plays in advancing U.S. national security and economic prosperity.

    Deadline: April 6, 2020, Fee: None, Prize: The winner of the contest receives a $2,500 cash prize, an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. to meet U.S. Department of State and USIP leadership, and a full-tuition paid voyage with Semester at Sea upon the student’s enrollment at an accredited university. The runner-up receives a $1,250 cash prize and a full scholarship to participate in the International Diplomacy Program of the National Student Leadership Conference.


  47. Are there any for 12-year-olds? My daughter is in 7th grade, but is 12.


  48. Hi, what is the year for the deadline of these. 2019? 2018? Thank you!


  49. Hello! I’m a High School Sophom*ore, and I was wondering if there were any contests I could compete in wanting a short story! I live in Oregon. Could you help me out?


  50. On which website can we submit poem etc for competition ? Pls inform


  51. Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well:) I just wanted to let you guys know about a writing contest sponsored by a student-run medical blog called The Daily Dosage! The Daily Dosage is hosting a writing contest for high school and college students worldwide! Submissions can be of any genre, but must pertain to our prompt: With respect to the 785 million people who lack access to clean water in 785 words or less, describe what it means to be a responsible global citizen in the field of science! All submissions will be read at least twice by our award-winning judges (all of whom have plenty of experience in the field of writing and have written for some of the world’s top publications, including the New York Times!), and the winning author will receive publication in The Daily Dosage blog, a $100.00 cash prize, and an interview to be featured on The Borgen Project’s State of the Union address and Facebook page. With over 6.9 million annual website visitors and 30,000+ Facebook followers, an interview with The Borgen Project is great exposure for any writer! For contest guidelines, judge bios, and the submission form, please visit: https://thedailydosage20.wixsite.com/mysite/writing-contest. Contact me at pdujmic02@gmail.com with any questions:)


  52. Another contest I’d love to add to this list is The Milking Cat’s summer Teen Comedy Contest. The contest is open to teens around the world to submit original comedic works and the deadline is September 7th, 2020. The prizes total up to $475 + more from 4 Ivy League Humor Magazines and the satirical site, The Hard Times.


  53. Just for you….
    Deadline: October 31st, 2020
    Oprelle’s Poetry Contest is for all of you out there who carry a scrappy notebook full of poems. Your soul is on that paper, and your words matter. Enter our poetry contest today. It is great chance for new writers to win money or to get published! Any style/topic. We are only choosing poems that give us goosebumps. This book will matter to others!
    Enter your 3-40 line poem at OPRELLE.com


  54. Hello there!
    I would like to submit the short story my son wrote for his classroom assignment when he was in 8th grade. Is there a place we could submit to?


  55. Can you please update this list for 2020-2021? Many of these opportunities are no longer available. Thank you!


    1. Oh my gosh please yes


  56. Thanks for this list, it’s will be of much help to me to find the best contests I can apply for, hoping they are open to anyone.


  57. Is it for free


  58. Please update 2020-21


  59. The team at the literary magazine Ice Lolly Review is excited to announce the first ever Campaign Contest! Ice Lolly Review is a youth literary magazine created by the youth and for the youth with the goal of encouraging young writers. The magazine was founded in the summer of 2020 and has since seen submissions from 17 different countries and 16 different states.

    We would like to invite students to participate in this year’s contest. The theme of the Campaign Contest is issues and topics important to today’s youth. Some topics students may consider writing about are feminism, climate change, ethnicity, mental health, culture etc. We are accepting applications now through February 28, 2021. All student writers ages 12 through 18 are eligible. Writers may submit as many pieces as they like.

    Here is how students can submit their writing to the 2020-2021 Campaign Contest.Visit our websiteand click on the “contest” pageScroll down to the “submit” button. Click on the link and fill out all the questions via google forms.Upload your submission via google formsNote:Entrants may submit as many pieces as they like in each category (nonfiction, fiction, and poetry) Format the work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Only one submission per google form. To submit multiple pieces use multiple google forms.

    Each category will have one winner who will receive a $50 and another $50 to be donated to the charity of their choice. There will also be five finalists in each category. Finalists and winners will be notified by email. All finalists and winners will be published in our magazine.

    Email us at icelollyreview@gmail.com or visit our website icelollyreview.com for more info


  60. I want to participate in this


  61. iWRITE | Students Factory iWRITE is the International Handwriting Competition in two Languages, English & Arabic. Competition is classified into two categories; School and General Category. It is freely open to all from anywhere in the World to submit their entries online in our website. Participants are requested to write the same quote published by us every year in our website. iWRITE is the first step Students Factory takes towards gamification approach, other activities are coming soon.


  62. iWRITE is the International Handwriting Competition in two Languages, English & Arabic. Competition is classified into two categories; School and General Category. It is freely open to all from anywhere in the World to submit their entries online in our website. Participants are requested to write the same quote published by us every year in our website. iWRITE is the first step Students Factory takes towards gamification approach, other activities are coming soon.


  63. Hi, I am 13 years old. I have been working on this book that I am getting really serious about writing. Do you think there is any way someone would accept me for publishing?


    1. No traditional publisher will accept it, but you can always self publish or publish through Wattpad.


    2. Try getting on touch with agents, and apply for competitions.
      If you Google agents/competitions and your genre you should get a short list.
      It’s difficult to be traditionally published at 13, and self-publishing can be expensive to be successful (editing will undoubtedly be required).
      Do not be discouraged if you are unsuccessful in securing interest – particularly at your age, as your writing style will not yet be fully developed. Just keep writing, and keep all your writing. Never stop.


  64. Hello, I am a thirteen-year-old fantasy writer looking to enter my first competition when it comes to an actual story. I have had multiple poems published, but this would be my first short story. I’m a bit nervous to try… Any suggestions on one to enter?


  65. Hi everyone! My name is Oliver and I work for the Cambridge Centre for International Research (CCIR).We host an annual high school essay competition named Re:think, which is judged by a panel of leading academics from the University of Cambridge. The topic of this year’s competition is “The Stories, the Science, and the Significance of COVID-19”—and you have the option to submit essays in three categories, including creative non-fiction, popular science, and social science and the humanities.

    The purpose of Re:think is to invite students from different backgrounds to come together to investigate, reflect on, and discuss the most significant issues we as a society confront today. The winners of the competition will be awarded a cash prize of 150 GBP along with scholarships that range from 700GBP-1000GBP to one of the CCIR Academy programmes. In addition, competition finalists will be invited to an online conference, where they will get the opportunity to discuss their work with leading academics from Cambridge in an intimate setting.

    Please visit our site at http://www.cambridge-research.org/essay-competition for more information!


  66. I believe in my self I am brave and strong I know that I’ll will win this competiton


  67. Hello. I am 15 and have been looking for some competitions for a while. Is there any competitions that accept fiction writing with 26,000 words? With no entry fee in 2021? I’m kind of in a hurry too. Thank you.


  68. Thank you for the fantastic list! We wanted to let you know about one more contest open this year:

    Tadpole Press 100 Word Writing Contest
    Limit: 100 words per entry. Submit as many entries as you’d like.
    Writers: All ages. All genders. All nationalities. All writers welcome.
    Genre: Any genre.
    Theme: Abundance.
    Prizes: 1st place: $1,000.
    2nd place: $450 writing coaching package.
    3rd place: $250 developmental or diversity editing package.
    Entry Fee: $10.
    Deadline: November 30, 2021.
    More Info: http://www.tadpolepress.com/events

    It’s a great option for writers who have always wanted to write but never had the time. Hope it’s helpful for your readers!



  69. I am the catalyst for a raw talent. My student is 12, soon to be 13, and writes horror like our beloved, and haunting icon H. P. Lovecraft. As his English teacher, every heartstrings that I own wants to direct this young man to a mentor that can work with his potential, and I want other lenses on his drafts. We live in a small impoverished town in Oregon, and his writing cannot only be his catharsis but his freedom! Please, is there any guidance or wisdom rhat you can gift us?
    Our best,
    Mrs. Rogers and Andrew


  70. there are no contests for teens who want to wright fiction


  71. The Immerse Education Essay Competition is also open to teens aged 13-18 from around the world. It’s completely free to enter and a great way to grow your writing skills and showcase your subject knowledge. Our current round is open until the 4th of January, find more information here: https://www.immerse.education/essay-competition/


  72. IndigoTeen Magazine is a literary periodical created for teenagers and by teenagers.
    It features the most successful text and imagery submissions from children and young people from 13 to 19 years old: short stories, essays, and novellas, memes, and comics, fan fiction and poetry, graphic design and artwork. It’s a collection of literary pieces that reflects the world of modern teenagers.
    Are you a teen who loves English? Do you want to test your illustrator’s skills or other visual art talents? Let your mind shine bright and be enjoyed! We are eager to hear from you and let your creation be part of our magazine: https://indigohub.net.au/indigoteen


33 Writing Contests for Teens (Publication & Cash) - Bookfox (2024)


Is it worth it to submit to writing contests? ›

The short answer is this: whether writing competitions are worth it to you depends on the competition, your writing goals, and how well you handle rejection. A writing contest can be a fun way to flex your muscles, get feedback on your work, and potentially win something.

What is the $100000 writing competition? ›

The Nine Dots Prize is a prize for creative thinking that tackles contemporary societal issues. Entrants are asked to respond to a question in 3,000 words, with the winner receiving $100,000 to write a short book expanding on their ideas.

What is the most prestigious essay writing competition? ›

The John Locke Institute's Global Essay Prize is acknowledged as the world's most prestigious essay competition.

Are writing contests good for college? ›

Winning or just placing in these contests is an impressive achievement. Admissions officers tend to appreciate students who go above and beyond to challenge themselves, and these contests are a good way of showing that.

How do you know if a writing contest is legit? ›

When in doubt, check with your local poetry society.
  1. An unusually large number and size of cash awards (e.g., $58,000/year)
  2. The contest claims the right to publish your work as soon as you enter it, even if you don't win a prize.
  3. Contest sponsor tries hard to sell you products that incorporate your work, like anthologies.

Do writing contests help you get published? ›

Writing contests are a great way to get your work published—whether you're looking to publish a single poem, a short story, or a collection of your work. Submitting your work to contests takes work and patience, but once you've been published it can open doors to further publishing opportunities.

Can writing make you a millionaire? ›

Can writing a book make you a millionaire? Only a very small percentage of novelists become wealthy from just their books. Most have other jobs, such as teaching and freelancing, which supplement their income.

What writing pays the most? ›

9 High-Paying Writing Jobs for Word People: Editors, Writers, and...
  1. Editor. Average salary: $57,164. ...
  2. Content marketing manager. Average salary: $71,590. ...
  3. Communications manager. Average salary: $69,856. ...
  4. Technical writer. Average salary: $63,929. ...
  5. Medical writer. Average salary: $78,571. ...
  6. PR manager. ...
  7. Copywriter. ...
  8. Research analyst.

What is the hardest type of essay to write? ›

A persuasive essay (also referred to as an argumentative essay) makes use of logical reasoning to influence the reader to adopt the writer's point of view. This essay type works harder compared to other essay types because the writer needs to convince the reader to espouse his position.

How do you get first in an essay competition? ›

Before you start writing, make sure you read the essay guidelines so that you're following all of the rules. Come up with a topic that fits the contest's theme and craft a detailed, descriptive, and interesting essay. By making your essay original and error-free, you'll be much more likely to win the contest.

How do you stand out in an essay competition? ›

Here are seven steps that will help you write an essay that stands out from the rest.
  1. Understand the scholarship essay contest rules. ...
  2. Brainstorm topics that would be interesting to write about. ...
  3. Start drafting your essay early. ...
  4. Revise, revise, revise. ...
  5. Get feedback from others. ...
  6. Polish your essay until it's perfect.

What is the $1000 for 1000 words writing contest? ›

As the title suggests, all you have to do is write a 1000 word essay; it can be on any topic, but the essay has to be precisely 1000 words, no more OR LESS. For example, if your essay has 997 words, it would require exactly 3 more words to be eligible.

What is the most common genre for college writing? ›

Common Genres of College Writing
  • Literary analysis/criticism.
  • Historical narrative.
  • Scholarly literature review.

Where did the best writers go to college? ›

List produced by the Facts
  • Steve Case: Williams College (Williamstown, MA)
  • Stuart Woods: University of Georgia (Athens, GA) ...
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates: Howard University (Washington, DC)
  • Theodore Geisel (Dr. ...
  • Thomas Pynchon: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Tom Clancy: Loyola University Maryland (Baltimore, MD)

What do judges look for in writing competitions? ›

Final thoughts

Submitting to fiction contests is an exciting way to get your name out there and get your writing noticed. Judges are looking for the best new voices in fiction. Let one of them be yours with: A polished and proofed final draft free of basic grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors.

Is it hard to win an essay competition? ›

Winning an essay competition requires a combination of good writing skills, thorough research, and a strong understanding of the topic.

How much should I get paid to write an essay? ›

Essay Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$85,000$41
75th Percentile$70,000$34
25th Percentile$37,500$18

What is the best way to win an essay contest? ›

Here are some tips for preparing your essay for one of these competitions:
  1. Craft a Strong Opening. ...
  2. Use Active Voice. ...
  3. Tell a Good Personal Story. ...
  4. Show But Also Tell. ...
  5. Edit and Proofread Your Essay. ...
  6. Stay True to Your Essay's Voice. ...
  7. Re-Read the Essay Submission Guidelines. ...
  8. Submit Early to an Essay Competition.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.