37 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Grocery Budget in 2023 (2024)

Does your monthly grocery bill need a makeover? For most families, your food expenses are a pretty significant part of your monthly budget. While grocery shopping is a necessity, that doesn’t mean it has to break the bank.

Here are 37 tips to save money on your next grocery shopping trip!

37 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Grocery Budget in 2023 (1)

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Table of Contents

How to Shop for Groceries on a Budget

When you are looking for places in your budget where you can cut back, grocery shopping is a great place to start. It’s not fixed, there’s a good amount of flexibility, and it’s an area where you have absolute control. Whether you have big saving goals or are just trying to give yourself a little more breathing room in your budget, here are 31 tips to save money on your grocery budget every month!

What to do Before You Leave Home to Help Cut Your Grocery Budget

Know how much you have to spend. One of my very favorite bloggers, Jordan Paige of Fun Cheap or Freerecommends$100 per person, per month. I live in a high-cost living area and it’s just not possible for me to make this work for my family of 5. I think it’s a fantastic place to start, though. Based on where we live, I shoot for closer to $750/month, which works well for my family.

Know what you already have on hand. Search your pantry and freezer and check to see what you already have. Plan meals based on what you have on hand. I have a bit of an organization compulsion and like to keep track of what I keep in my freezer and pantry. So I have a spreadsheet that I keep on my fridge. I don’t keep track of every single item, but I do keep stock of what I keep in my freezer and when I put it in there. There’s nothing more disappointing than realizing something been in there for so long that its gone bad. #moneywasted

Know what you will make before your next grocery trip. The biggest mistake you can make is heading to the grocery store without a set plan in mind. Well, that and going when you are hungry. Either way, you will find it much harder to stay on budget.I try to plan my meals based on seasonal or on sale and then use as many common ingredients as possible to cut down on what I have to buy.Need tomatoes for spaghetti sauce? Maybe you can run a few through the food processor to make your own salsa. Or maybe you love bruschetta? You can make or start making 3 different meals with your one bag of tomatoes!

Know the cheapest grocery stores in your area. Are you an Aldi fan? Costco? Either way, most stores have sale ads. If you are tech-savvy, you should check out the app Flipp. It allows you to search the ads of stores near you– so handy! (In case you were wondering I’m not an affiliate for Flipp and this isn’t a sponsored post!) The other tip I have in regards to where to shop– make your own price book!

  • If you are a couponer or you want to be, please check store websites, newspapers etc, for store coupons. Also, find out what their policy is regarding competitor coupons. Some stores will still honor them!

Limit the number of times you head to the grocery store. The more often you go to the grocery store, the harder it could be to stay on budget. If you have a hard time with impulse purchasing, maybe it’s time to consider going monthly or bi-weekly to do your grocery shopping. Another way to get around impulse purchases is to utilizeInstacart or even online ordering! Yes, Instacartdoes chargefor delivery. However, paying $6 for delivery maybe be worth it if it keeps your grocery budget on track. Plus, also consider you aren’t having to spend the time or gas making the trip. Something to think about!

Check out the local farmers market. If you love fresh produce, you may want to check to see if you area has a local farmers’ market. The fresh vegetables and fruit and typically of great quality, and you may be able to skip the higher prices of typical grocery stores.


  • 30 Meals Under $5
  • How to Stock Your Fridge on a Budget
  • 13 Cheapest Grocery Stores to save Big On Food
  • How to Create a Cheap Healthy Grocery List
37 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Grocery Budget in 2023 (2)

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Ways to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Signing up for a loyalty program. Depending on the loyalty program, you can earn cash back or reward points towards discounts. It’s worth checking the next time you are waiting in the checkout line.

Grocery apps. Many big-box stores have apps. Some stores, like Walmart, will offer special pricing through their app that you won’t see online. Before checkout, it can be a good idea to scan or look through and compare purchases to see if you find extra savings.

Compare local grocery store prices vs bigger grocery chains. Knowing what and where the best price is will show you what food prices you should be looking for, especially on items you buy frequently.

Stick to your grocery shopping list. OK, this seems obvious, but seriously, marketers are smart. It’s amazing how we can get lured into purchasing a bunch of things we don’t need! The only time I let myself deviate from my list is if I find a staple I use regularly on crazy sale. Example, I found myself in Walgreens picking up a prescription. They were clearing out rows and had baby diapers on clearance for 50% off– yes please! However, tortillas on sale for .57 cents cheaper than normal and you aren’t making quesadillas or soft tacos– NOPE! Step away, my friend, step away!

Shop the perimeter first!Most grocery stores are set up with the meat, dairy, and produce along the perimeter. You know what’s not on the perimeter of the store? Snack-size cookies. Individual packs of crackers. These items, when you consider the price per serving, are really adding up and are often less healthy options ( #nojudgements sometimes you need the Milano cookies!).

Watch the “sale” items! Stores are clever!! I can’t tell you how many times, I slide the store “sale” tag over, only to discover, it’s not been discounted at all!

Only buy what you are going to need.I’m not talking about BOGO (buy one, get one) that’s pretty straightforward! It’s the buy 2, get one free that really getcha! Do you really need 3 bagged salads? Are you going to be able to eat that much before it goes bad? It’s not a good deal if you end up throwing it away!!

Step away from the toiletries, cosmetics, cleaning and paper products! More often than not, you will be able to find these much cheaper, other places– not the supermarket! Obviously, this depends on where you are shopping, but if you are at a typical supermarket– skip it! Great deals on toilet paper and paper towels can often be found at wholesale clubs or discount stores like Walmart.

We don’t need brand names!Did you know in many cases, brand name products and store brands are made right alongside each other?? I’ve not found many cases where the Brand name product warranted the higher price tag. If I’m honest, I quite prefer store brand (Target–it’s my weakness!!) over those other guys!

High and low.Did you know that the most expensive items are typically shelved at eye level? The cheaper options are usually on the top and bottom shelf. Next time you are at the store, check it out!

Prepackaged foods– skip them. They are super expensive when compared to what you could do yourself. I love thesecondiment cups with lids! You can make so many fantastic to-go snacks. No more single serving peanut butter cups! Do you need salad dressing? Here you go! Yogurt cup? Yep. It’s SO EASY! Invest in good Tupperware– so much more cost effective!

Bottled water is a no-no. Not only is it not the greenest option available. The cost alone is ridiculous. Get yourself a good water bottle. Fill it at the tap. You’re welcome!

Bagged produce vs individual pieces. If you are buying tons of fresh fruits, it’s typically cheaper than buying a bunch of loose fruit. Now, obviously, if you only need 2 apples, even if the price per serving is cheaper– if you aren’t going to eat it, you aren’t saving anything.

Skip the grated cheese. Yes, it takes more time, but with a little elbow grease (or a quick trip to the food processor) you can save yourself some money!

Look for cheaper cuts of meat. Chicken thighs, a whole chicken, ground turkey, and drumsticks are some examples of cheaper meat options to work into your meal rotations.

Laundry detergent. OK, if you aren’t interested in making your own detergent, powdered is almost always cheaper than buying the liquid. There are tons of make-your-own detergent recipes online. I do this for our family now, and I’d never go back. Again, it’s gonna take a little time and elbow grease, but the average cost savings is huge.

Buy seasonal. Buying in-season produce is a great way to vary your diet and save money!

Check the unit price of items. Just because something costs less doesn’t make it cheaper. Looking at the price per unit will give you a clear picture of what are actually the best deals and the best prices.

Buying in bulk. Again, check the price per unit, but usually, you can get a better deal by buying more. I usually buy meat and paper products in bulk!

Don’t forget your coupons! You can find coupons lots of places, online, on store websites, competitor coupons, etc. That’s free money!

Skip the items at the checkout counter. You are paying a premium for convenience.

Check unit prices. I’ve mentioned this above, but it’s worth mentioning again. There’s usually a price/unit on the price tag on the shelf. Use that to compare items to find your best deal.

If you have a Keurig, skip the pods. You can buy reusable pods and fill it with your own coffee. $12/18 pods– come on, now!

Buying frozen.You can often find frozen meat (hamburger patties, seafood, etc.) cheaper than buying fresh. Same for out-of-season fruits! Frozen fruit makes great smoothies!

Keep it quick. Give yourself a time limit to be in and out of the store. The longer youlinger, the more things you find that you ‘need’! You have your list (right?!), cross the items off as you go and badda bing, badda boom. You are in, and you are out.

Pay attention at checkout.Items can sometimes register at a different price than what’s listed. Check up on it!


  • 30 Meals Under $5
  • How to Stock Your Fridge on a Budget
  • 13 Cheapest Grocery Stores to save Big On Food
  • How to Create a Cheap Healthy Grocery List
37 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Grocery Budget in 2023 (3)

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Saving Money on your Grocery Budget When You Get Home

Take care of your produce.When you get home, if you fill the sink with water, add about a cup of vinegar and let the produce soak for about 10 minutes, not only does it clean everything, but it can also help make it last longer, particularly berries!

Meal prep.Nothing is worse than wasting food that you spent good hard earned money on. Prepping fruits, veggies, cheese, etc will not only save you time when it’s time to cook, but it can also cut down on food waste. How easy would it be to grab a handful of pre-cut carrots and cucumbers when you are hungry and in a hurry? Or an apple that’s already been cleaned? Easy right. Let’s be honest, humans have a penchant to be lazy where we can. Do yourself a favor and front load that work.

Organize your fridge, pantry, and freezer.Having everything organized makes it easier for you to find and use things. Not to mention, to ensure that you useupthe perishables items!

Grocery cash back apps. Apps like Ibotta* and Checkout51. You can upload your receipt and earn cash back on certain items that you purchased! You should check what items are earning cash back prior to going to the store to see if anything you need would qualify.

Keep a running list on your fridge.When things start to run low, add it to your list so you can price check and watch for sales, but also so you won’t run out and have to make a separate trip for 1 item that you thought you had…

37 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Grocery Budget in 2023 (4)

In Conclusion

Are you ready to rock your grocery budget?

Keep in mind this is more art than science. Yes, I know a budget is a matter of numbers, which are concrete; however, if sticking to budgeting was that simple, it wouldn’t be such a struggle. It’s all those emotions- ha!#amiright. So, try some of these out, try all of them out. Figure out what works for you and rockthat.Meal planning and a grocery list are probably the two biggest elements to savings. The rest of the tips are more of grocery budget hacks.

If you are like me, in need of inspiration and instruction when it comes to meal planning. There are TONS of fantastic blogs dedicated to easy, delicious meals. I also recently found, My Fridge Food. You can input the ingredients you have on hand and it will give you recipes using those ingredients. It is a total game changer.

Super Simple Tips to Save Money on Your Grocery Budget

37 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Grocery Budget in 2023 (2024)


How much should a 2 person budget for groceries in 2023? ›

The average grocery costs for a two-person household across the Thrifty to Liberal plans range from $476.92 to $868.66: Male and female living together: $514.09 to $819.26. Two adult females: $476.92 to $769.86. Two adult males: $551.26 to $868.66.

What is the average grocery bill for 2 people a week? ›

According to the most recent data released from the Household Pulse Survey, American households spend an average of $270 on groceries a week. Broken down by household size: One person - $156.02. Two people - $220.82.

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

The 6-to-1 grocery method entails buying six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads and one treat. Continue to shop carefully while at the store to get the best deals. Flexibility with your purchases will be a key to making this method a success.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

What is the average grocery bill per month? ›

For a single person, the average grocery bill can range, depending on age and gender, between $238.46 to $434.33. For a household with two people, the average grocery bill is $5,635 per year, or $469.58 per month. For a household of three people, the average grocery bill is $6,862 a year, or 571.83 per month.

What is the average grocery bill for 1 2023? ›

The average cost of groceries in America in 2023 is $415.53 a month per person1. However, this number can vary greatly depending on factors like age and personal eating habits.

What is a realistic monthly grocery budget? ›

The average U.S. household spends $7,316 on food every year, according to a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) consumer expenditure survey. That amount — about $609.67 a month, or $152.42 each week — represents nearly 12% of consumers' income. A note on inflation: The BLS report used data from 2021.

Is $50 a week enough for groceries for one person? ›

Planning out your meals so you use all of the ingredients, both raw and cooked, plus pantry staples and frozen goods means you can make a week's worth of dinners for around $50 in groceries.

Will groceries go down in 2023? ›

In 2023, food prices increased by 5.8 percent. Food price growth slowed in 2023 as economy-wide inflationary pressures, supply chain issues, and wholesale food prices eased from 2022. Food-at-home prices increased by 5.0 percent, and food-away-from-home prices increased by 7.1 percent.

What is the average monthly grocery bill for 1 2023? ›

The data in this map is based on 2023 numbers. The average cost of groceries in America in 2023 is $415.53 a month per person1.

How to afford food with inflation? ›

Inflation rates are coming down but food costs haven't decreased. Keep your costs down by limiting purchases of the most inflated items like fats, oils, cereals and bakery products. You can also save by choosing a cheap grocery store, planting a veggie garden, reducing food waste and using popular coupon apps.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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